Tuesday, March 2, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Page 17 Tele-Views H (g gj Rodio-Tclevision TUESDAY ON KPTV: Welcome Travelers, 4:30-Tomrny Bartlett grceU Chicago visitors. Delayed Trout Opening-Why, 6:15-Rudy Lachcnmeier . moder ates discussion. Strange Adventures, 6:30 "Sealed Orders." Liberace, 7 Longhaired and loved, Liberace ploys and sings: Almost like Being in Love," "Rustle of Spring," "April and You " "Takes Two to Tango," "Ritual Fire Dance, and "Boogie Woogie Variations.' Dinah Shore Show, 7:30 Delectable Dinah, singing the latest and best. Fireside Theater, 9 "The Desert Answer," tells of conflict be tween man dedicated to aiding Arizona Indians, and a wife who longs to return East. A small Indian lad provides the "desert answer." Circle Theatre, 9:30 "Fugitive," with Dolly Haas and Anthony Perkins, tells of man hiding in orphanage, from the law. Nile Owl Theater. 11:01 "Tomboy," starring Jack Mnran, Marcia Mae Jones, Grant Withers. Madrl Gras Rex and Comus Ralls, 12 Traditional New Orleans carnival that brings to close glittering Madri Gras. . . . TUESDAY ON KOIN T: 3:15 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Swing Your Partner," starring Vera Vague and Ranson Sherman. 7 p.m., Range Rider "Renegade Ranch." 7:30 p.m., Hollywood Music Hall In the guest spot is well-known Hawaiian guitarist Sam Cokey, bringing songs of Pacific Islands, "Sweet Leiland" and "Tahiti, My Island." Victor Young will lead his Singing Strings in the thcnis from his own score of the motion picture "The Quiet Man." Lucille Norman has chosen "Manhattan" for her opening number. 9 p.m., Captured "Michigan Telegraph Swindle," starring Ches ter Morris. 10:00 p.m., Danger "Shorty," a dramatic story of an ex-convict Who proves his courage. 9:30 p.m.. Suspense A country doctor's wife, ill at home, tries frantically to contact a television station when she spots a man she knows to be dangerously demented at a televised testimonial din ner, in "Death on the Screen," on "Suspense." 11 p.m.. Showtime on Six "Square Dance Jubilee," starring Don Barry, Mary Beth Hughes, Spade Cooley and His Band. . WEDNESDAY ON KPTV: . Ding Dong School, 10 Monday through Friday nursery school of television, conducted by Dr. Frances Horwich. What's Cooking, 10:30 Gracefully, graciously, Barbara Angell teaches food preparation. Baked peaches with soar cream or ice cream is dessert, after fish and chips, for Wednesday. Hawkins Falls, 11 Monday through Friday drama of life in typi cal American town. Friends of the Family, 11:30 Daring Mike Davenport, the boy un abashed by show window television, in another interesting appear ance. Matinee Theater, 1 "Unforgotten Crime." On Your Account, 2:30 Win Elliot emceeing an audience parti cipation show. Howdy Doody, 5 Puppet star and Clarabell. Stars Bob Smith. Marvin Miller, Storyteller, 6:30 Miller dramatizes the discovery of aspirin: the result of a chemist's mathematical error. Coke Time, 7:30 Dinah Shore and Eddie Cantor, guests of Eddie Fisher. Dinah to sing "Dearie" with Fisher, who will also sing "It's a Long Way from Broadway," and his latest recording, "A Girl, A Girl." I Married Joan.8 The big family question, "Who dented the fender?" gets unique settlement, when Joan and Brad decide to divide use of the car, and Joan cheats, a bit, on the bargain. Result, big dent . . . Kraft Theater, 9 "Cuckoo Clock" tells wistfully of old German refugee trying to fit into a new way of life. Cast includes Hans Schumm, Gaby Rogers . . . Story of his daughter and her love which her father could not accept. This Is Your Life, 10 Dramatization of the years that went before, in someone s life. Ralph towards, emcee. Calvacade of America, 10:30 "Absent Host." Eleventh Hour Headlines, 11 Brief late news. Nile Owl Theater, 11:01 "Born to be Wild," starring Ralph Byrd, Ward Bond and Dorris Weston. WEDNESDAY ON KOIN-TV: 3:30 p.m.. Armchair Theater "Orphans of the Street", starring June Storey and Ralph Morgan. 5:30 p.m., Kit Carson Kit Carson switches identification papers with a dead killer in order to ferret out the gunman's associates in "The Adventures of iKt Carson." Bill Williams is starred in the title role, and Don Diamond plays his side-kick, El Toro. 6:45 p.m.. This Is Your Music Helen Parrish and Dick Stewart visit a lighthouse this week, and are greeted by Katie Lee, Bill Clauson and Rhye Williams. Katie and Bill sing amusing sea chanties as well as ballads that tell of the lonely life of a light house keeper. "Eddystone Light" and the story of the phantom ship "Gundramar" are two of the fantasties set to music. 7 p.m., Blue Ribbon Fight George Johnson, of Trenton, the New Jersey State middleweight champion, faces Moses Ward, of Detroit, at the Detroit Olympia. Both Johnson and Ward are free-swinging club-fighter types. Johnson who has scored 20 kayos in 29 starts, makes his first national television start. 10 p.m., Wrestling from Hollywood In the Semi-Main Event of "Wrestling from Hollywood," Wild Red Berry grapples with Cleve land's own Billy Varga. Leo Garibaldi and that strong Nobleman Lord Carlcton meet in the ring for the Main Event Dick Lane Will be mikesidc to call the holds of this exciting event. 11 p.m.. Showtime on Six "Charlie Chan at the Wax Museum", starring Marguerite Chapman and Marc Lawrence. On Television KPTV (27). KOIN-TV (6) UHF VHF TUESDAY to M a.m. KPTV Dim Done School 10:30 a.m. KPTV-Wliat'a Cook ml I KOIN .flpotllte Hevue 10:41 em. KPTV Vthil, Cook in t Kom-HrUhter Dar 11:00 a.m. Ki'rv-n.wtin, r.iii KOIN Koln Kitchen 11:11 1.1. KPTV-Tnree flltpi It Heaven KOIN Koln Kitchen 11:J0 era. KPTV-Pi,nd ol remllv KOIN Spottlle Hevue 11:41 em. KPTV-Hrlend of Pmllr KOIN-Edllor'a Deik. 11:00 a.m. KPTV-Brlde and Oroont KOIN-Hl, Piyoll 13:10 a.m. KPTV TBA KOIN-UU PijoK 11:10 p.m. KPTV-Dlont I.ue.i (how KOIN Bob Crubr 1:00 p.m. Kl-TV-Mallrjee KOIN-Lova ol Lira 1:11 p.m. KPTV-Matlnte KOIN arirrh lor Tomorrow 1:10 p.m. KPTV-M.tlnet KOIN Ouidlnc Llihl 1:41 p.m. KPTV Matlnet KOIN-Vallant Lady 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matlnea KOIN-I'll Buy That 1:10 p.m. KPIV-On Your Accounl KOIN-Slrlka H Rich 1:00 p.m. KPTV Kale Smith KOIN Carry Moore 1:1 p.m. KPTV-Kate Smith KOIN-Arra Chair Ttireter 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Travelera KOIN Armchair Theater 4:10 p.m. KPTV The Toymaser KOIN Mr. Moon :4S p.m. KPTV The Toymaker KOIN Cartoon Time t:00 p.m. KPTV Howdy Doody KOIN Saddle Pak 0:10 p.m. KPTV Bar 37 Corral KOIN Wllderneil Hawk 1:00 p.m. KPTV TBA KOlN-.Mr. Weatherman '6:15 p.m. KPTV Trout Opcnlm KOIN Captain HarU 1:10 p.m. KPJ 1 ...tramt Acvrnlurt KOIN Douu Edvarda 6:45 p.m. KPTV World on View KOIN Jo stallord Show 1:00 p.m. KPTV-Libcrnct KOIN-Kame RUier 1:30 p.m. KPTV Diana Shore KOIN Hollywood Music Hall 1:45 p.m. KPTV New, Caravan KOIN Hollywood Muelt Rail 1:00 p.m. KPTV Milton Brrle KOIN Where'a Raymond 1:30 p.m. KPTV Milton Berla KOIN Red Slcellon 00 p.m. KPTV Fireside Theater KOIN captured 0:30 p.m. KPTV Circle Theater KOIN Suspenie 10:00 p.m. KPTV-Jud:e For fourstll KOIN Danger 10:30 p.m. KPTV BIX Picture KCIN-Mkke Room lor Daddy 11:00 p.m. KPTV New KOIN Showtime on 811 11:01 p.m. KPTV Nlte Owl Theater WEDNESDAY ' 10:00 a.m. KPTV Dmi Donr. School 10:30 a.m. KPTV Whal'a Cooking! 10:45 a.m. KPTV Whal'a Cookln KOIN Brighter Day Building Outlook Indicates Slight Gain I.OS ANGELES 11 - The As sociated General Contractors of America, now in convention here, has announced the results of a na tionwide construction survey. Its conclusions: Highway construction will in- crease markedly. Heavy engineer ing projects will decline. Building construction will gain moderately. I The forecast Monday, covering ! the next six months, also included regional reports: ) Far West Highway jobs will Increase but heavy construction will be hard hit. Hi TONIGHT KSLM 6:15 P. M. Service Co. Highly Trained Technicians Best Klertronic Test Equipment Rondrd It Insured Co. TV Service Co. 1410 S. 12th Ph.4-5512 TV TROUBLES? . Technicians on Duty Till 9:30 p.m. Daily TELEVISION SERVICE 1410 S. 12th Ph. 45512 11:00 am. KPTV Hewklnj Palli KOIN Koln Kitchen 11:15 a m. KPTV Three Stepa le Hearen KOIN Koln Kitchen 11:10 a.m. KPTV-Kriend ol Family KOIN-Spotllta Revue 11:41 a to. KPTV Friend ol family KOIN Edltor'a Deek 11:00 a m. KPTV Krlde and oroom koin -mi Parol! 11:11 pm. kptv-tba KOIN-bii Parol! 11:10 P.m. KPTV THA KOIN Bob Croaby 1.00 p.m. KPTV Matinee Theater KOIN Lore o! tile 1:11 p m. KPTV Metlnee KOIN Srarch Tomorrow 1:10 p.m. KPTV-Matlnee KOIN Ouldlna- Lllht :4 p.m. KPTV-Matlnra KOIN-Vallant Lady I S.00-p.a. KPTV Matlnet 130 pm. KOIN Double or Motnlnf 1 30 p.m. KPTV On Your Accounl 6:41 p a. KOIlt Strike II Rich 1:00 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith' 1:00 p.m. KOIN oarry Moore 1:10 p.m. KPTV Kan SmlUl : 1 1:10 pa. KOIN Arm Chair Theater 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Travelera T:4S p.m. KOIN Arm Chair Theater 4.10 p.m. KPTV The Toymaker 8:00 p.m. KOIN Mr. Moon 4:41 . KPTV The Toymaker I 10 p.m. KOIN Cartoon Time 6:00 p.m. KPTV Howdy Doody 0:00 p.m. KOIN-Saddle Pele 1:10 p.m. KPTV Bar IT Corral 1 10 p.m. KOIN Kit Canon 1.00 p a. KPTV Name'a name 10.00 p.m. KOIN Mr. Weatherman 6:16 p.m. KPTV Names the Sami 10:30 p m. KOIN Photo Quia KPTV Storyteller rOlN-Ooui Cdwardi KPTV World Review roiN Thla la Your Until KPTV Buhop Sheen . KOIN Flint, KPTV coat Tlmt KOIN Fllhtt KPTV Newi Caravan KOIN Star Time KPTV-I Married Joan KOIN-Arlhur Oodlrey KPTV My Little Marrlt KOIN Arthur Oodlrey KPTV-Kralt Theater KOIN strike It Rich KPTV Kraft Theater KOIN I've Cot a Secret KPTV Thli It Your Lilt KOIN Wreetllnt KPTV Ctvtlcado America, KOIN Wreetllnt 11:00 P.m. KPTV llth Hour Newt jcoin showtime on sn 11:61 p.m. KPTV Nile Owl Theater ADENAUER URGES PATIENCE BONN. Germany W West German Chancellor Konrad Ade nauer called on the United States Tuesday for "patience and for bearance" if plans for European unity are further delayed. Ade nauer told a group of visiting American editors he is "thorough ly convinced" thnt the West Eu ropean nations will agree to unite militarily and politically in 1954. mm YOUR O TELEVISION Coll Hit iwmbtr below for IKempl.tcanpMiicol ttrvicl PHONI 3 9191. Sear Roebuck & Co. INSIST THAT YOUR MEDICAL and HOSPITAL COVERAGE PLAN MEETS THESE TESTS Oregon Physicians' Service invites your critical comparison of its SERVICE Plan with other kinds of health insurance. The questions on the billboard are the kind you should ask before you buy health protec tion. 130,000 Oregonians have already done this and they are now members of OPS. .Why don't you join them? Send coupon for more information. I mm m 1 . Is it Noh Profit ire your dues spent for sen-ices? 2. Is it Approved by responsible agencies; your State Medical Society; American Med ical Association; Blue Shield? 3. Does it provide Professional Services or merely make Cash Allowances to help de fray medical costs? - 4. Do you have to fill in Claims forms or does it pay doctors snd hospitals direct? 5. Does it have Age Limits or require Physical Exams? 6. Does it allow free Choice of Doctorf 7. Does it protect you outside Oregon? I. Does it have a reputation for Pair Dealing in Claims settlement? 9. Is it supervised by the Oregon State Insur ance Depaxtment? . Ore up Lift and Dliabillty Payment Insurant can b combined with an OPS Mtd tca and Hospital itrvlc plan... a "Packaa" that can't b batl oRECoxpsmcms'mmE '&iynu BLUE SHIELD o&tu OPS Clalme ttnd Saltt Offlcte In Portland -Soitm-Aatorlw - M.dford - Pendltton Rtaeburf irODSOIEl MO sPPIOYED IT THE OIESOK STATE HEDICM. SOCIETY - 6 OtrOON FHYHCIAJ4I' MIVICI 44 6lS.W. tleveelh, 6e 1071. reitleef 7, OnM I dene teed an lalomallea aboil reel MEDICAL W HOSPITAL MIVICI PLANS O OIOUP PLAN (There tie It letel 6 oawlaree .ken I 4 D NON.OIOUP llndi.id.or) Nee-. Company.. WIPSE elecflrncitfy is my biggest bwyiam Says Mrs. George M. Smith, Route 1, Box 190, Boring, Oregon "We enjoy complete electrical living on our farm for LESS THAN 20c A DAY" e Wliclher in the city or on the farm, PGE customers enjoy the same dependable, low-cost service. As Mrs. Smith say: "Homemaking wasn't always the pleasant task it is today. It doesn't seem too long ago that we were constantly chopping and hauling wood to heat the water and cook the meals, and work saving appliances such as refrigerators, auto matic washing machines, and food mixers were just a dream. Since going All-Electric we enjoy all of the luxury of city-living for less than 20 cents a day. It's simply wonderful." Does Your Present TV Service Meer with Your Approvol? NOT-DIAL 2-1913 WITH CO.MIM.KTK ('ONHI)I'N('K WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OF TELEVISION We don't hove radio men ... we hove trained tele vision technicians . . IKrLJia IF WITH 7 OR MORE YEARS EXPERIENCE VALLEY TV CENTER 2.103 I'alritrounds Road SALES Motorola Hoffman Dumnnt Parkard-Krll SERVICE All Make and SlrM rhone M9IJ INSTALLATION All Tvpet lire IMImalrs rt ri fJOkJ. T i',v ' i vS ' .M fflStiifi ITS Vlir iff toaMing sand- Wvi.1 J , ' ' ((V Tf?Zr9t7l ichcsorironingc!othes P(iK KW-V'&t '('e' AI1T.!.il?Vl electricily helps Mrs. Smiih VAi J i l t''r !. TilijJl wh he " lilte I h m V, ) W'ifr'Wr5 "r pcnny ,n hour The Smiths have these tim and work-saving electric appliances working for them Frcvh fruits, vcitelables and milk from the Smiths' farm lay fresh and taMy in Iheir modern electric refrigerator for just penny's worth of electricity a day. Cooking and baking is a favorite pastime with Mrj. Smith. Her clean, ufc. de pendable electric range oper ates for an average of only 3 cents I day. l ike the rest of you, the Smiths use more and more electricity every year as they add new appliances yet their cost per kilowatt hour has gone down and down. Back in 1924 when the Smiths first became a PGE customer the average use of electricity was 40 kilowatt hours mostly for lights and bills averaged $2 per month (which was 5c per kilowatt hour). Now the Smiths use an average of 453 kilo watt hours per month -electricity which helps them cook, sew, wash, iron, mix, and do a these 453 preserve food, heat water, host of other things. For kilowatt hours they pay S5.92 per month (w hich is just slightly over 1 J 4' c per kilowatt hour). Think of it just a cent-and-a quarter per kilowatt hour for a full time servant that never eats or never sleeps ... is always ready at a flip of a switch to do your bidding. Yes, check and see and vou' II agree -PGE ELECTRICITY is your biggest bargain . . . Keep it working for you! T mnrroj I Lit. c 3 w y ife Oregon's pioneer ecfric utility PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY m