THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orejron Tuesday, March 2, 1954 Sweet Home SWEET HOME Footings ire being poured In the basement lor the new city hall this week acc ording to City manager pro tern, Roy Eames, The excavation, of the former site of the quonset hut which housed the fire trucks was completed last week. Mr. and Mrs.John Postma and son Kenneth were in Portland during the week on business. Two hundred ninety-five children attended the Immuniza tion clinic held at the Long St. school this week. Assisting the county health ouicers and Dr. Guepe were Mrs. Don Gardner, Mrs. Orville Moyer, and Mrs. Ralph Ogle. Next date of the clinic will be March 23 at 1:30 p.m. Lyle Moss, local insurance and real estate agent attended a bus iness conference in Eugene on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson have returned home after an ex tended visit in Long Beach, Calif., at the home of their son. An operetta has been planned by the Civic Choral group and will be under the direction of Guy Oliver until the health of Mr. Davis permits his return to direct the group. All members of the choral group are reminded that every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the music room of the high school, the group will meet. All interested persons are also in yited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reed of Lebanon were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reed in Sweet Home and also at the home of Mr. and Mrs Peter Byrne of Foster. ! Evangelistic services are be ing held In the Assembly of God church and will continue through March 4. The evangelist is David Godwin of Dallas, Texas. Serv ices begin at 7:45 p.m. with spec ial music and singing slated for each evening. Rev. John Hash, pastor of the Trinity Baptist church in Leban on, is the evangelist who will con duct revival services through March 7, at the Sweet Home First Baptist church, according to Rev. Lee Finley, pastor. Services start at 7:30 p.m. and Rev. Finley will be in charge of the special song services each! evening. STEVE ROVER Sublimity William Kelsey, accompanied Lawrence Ripp and Herman Hen dricks on their return trip Tues day from Cottonwood, Idaho. Mrs. James Ripp will return at a later date. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wilkinson are living in the house recently vacated by the Berry family. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Minden accompanied by Mr. and Mrs Cyril Zubcr left during the week for a trip to Ogden, Utah. Mrs. Anna Van Handel re turned to Salem Friday, where she is caring for Mrs. F. X. Al- brich. CAROL CURTIS III mm iW8EssS , Summer Place Mats Crocheted tatting lace, fine as cobweb in appearance but strong and long lasting is done in white around center of blush-pink or soft blue to make a de-luxe place mat set. Send 30c for the LACY CRO CHETED TATTING DESIGNS (Pattern No. 188) complete in structions, YOUR NAME, AD DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Journal, 6S2 Mission street, San Francisco fi, Calif. Ready now! The brand new. exciting 3fl-pago CAROL CUR TIS NEEDLEWORK GUIDE, in color, containing over 15(1 de signs for knitting, crocheting, embroidery, hairpin lace, four "How to Do It" designs, summer fashions; something for every age, every climate. In addition there are TWO FREE patterns for flattering spring and sum mer glamour! The NEEDLE' WORK GUIDE cou only 25c Order it as you do your needle work patterns! Spring-Summer Ensemble! Val uable twosome! Under matching bolero, dress is a V-neck, very short un-mounted aleeve basic with skirt in six gentle gores. Bolero jacket has cut-in-one with front with set-in short or three quarter sleeve choice. No. 2074 is cut in half-sizes 2Vt, HVi, 18, 18M., 20, 22V4, 24. .Size 16: Three-quarter sleeved bolero-jacket and dress take 4 yds. 3B-in. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number Size. Address PATTERN BU BREAU, The Capital Journal, " 652 Mission St., San Francisco 5, 1 r-.lir vain. Patterns ready to fill orders Immediately. For special hand ling of order via first class mail Include an extra 5c per pattern Just off the press! The brand new 11)54 SPRING SUMMER FASHION BOOK is ojog from cover to cover with exciting new- season styles and Ideas fur easy sewing and smart going from breakfast until bedlime! IN tn-thclast-minutc fashion fore casts for every age, every size, every occasion! Yours for only an additional 25c. r ftiti ! ! f im4 ip a r T ACROSS J. Chart 4. Prow ' 8 City in Texas 31 Feminine name 13. Tapering solid 14. Metal 35. Wash lightly 17. Ivory 119. Drinking mug 50. Small table 51, Thing S3. Myself 84. Pronoun 26. Habylnnian war god S9. Diplomat S3. Flat circular plate 35. Southern constellation 38. Condiment 37. Those who hire 40. Misery 41. Like 42. Bone 43. Article 45. Shirk 48. Angry 52. Sour liquid 54. Poison 55. Fuss 56. Omit In pronouncing 58. Silkworm 59. At present 60. Spanish gentleman 61. Watery DOWN 1. Planet TONE 551 5. 114-1112 LAWUVnELMAIN pits sfi E-SNEllav i Lftf ATP Solution of Yeiterday'a Puiilt 2. Entrance 3. Sheet of glass 4. Views 5. A far as fi Purposes 7. Convene 8. See 9. Dry ' I j U f If 1-s 9 to i it 13 ! v e"''7Z"'f"'s -T- ' ' " Li 'ii.:i.'it ''u' . . it zr fa T7! if jo ji si tpTiV -V:T W r -rhr-, wtT un.l ,im I.....,m,l,, b, If 0 Si dfUitflliu. MM ' ':, JT TT T?"""!"73" " V 7T V Ill I I'll' I I I I I UM ' 10. Study 11. Unity 16. Title ofa knight 18. Designation 22. Remain 24. Circle of light 25. Grafted: heraldry 26. Mental image 27. Edges 28. Serpent 30. F.xi.-t :n. sour 32. Animal's stomach 34. Spice 38. American Indians 39. Shake with cold 44. Hefore 45. Kufticicnt: poet. 46. Valley 47. Ireland 49. Afresh 50. Pulled apart 51. Give forth 52. Front 53. Artificial lsngnsj; 5". Ferform ,11 - II ! -f, . ...,w..,e II ?L. ..l. I i i-nr MV OLD PHYSICS PEOP I E3f I FISUREO OUT THE I 6- -- 17. s"j 2 V IP THIS JACK HANDLE WAS WERE 'HERE WE'D FLUNK II flF5W S ANSWER TO OUR A !SSI "V-ZZs--i? ; AS STBONO A3 A CBOWBAR. , , r. mT7 i ') ( PROBLEM WHEN t J Jj-?. I LJO fKYmTM 8 Wv'7 V first saw rrWBTiO rri WW ITW.T K.NOBOFF-BUT-. T M M f I "5 Tj" MM -"! FffTiB itilHif- W 71 WSi H U&iX Er' IkA I hr?f RV T-. i ! si i i sw jauis-; . i aMMvwm . i --- ' ltJUO . 1.? ""KwEUTippecANoe I YloojC Me. rt. wipeepowJ 4 .i(f CT) f I r"!"""""" ITsOSETHErU-UTUsV OH, ITS Y if MR. FIHNOQSAIDM5U A- HE VJ ? I fVES, 8IRE6, EDWARD-T URe-80Me 1 I OUST WALK OUT OF THE II ALL RIGHX 1 1 M', PVL-T" I WetffJOWWEVEGOT I MIUP-MR.KHLS I H HOTEL WITH A SUITCASE? I FOLKS- I TJ.'S? "f?' TZTtX M THSHNLLWINCASH- IS BOUND TO R kSJ- l-I-' wmjus f Lll, AIKR HrVK.?-! GREATECT-HAWHAW N fUR WPf74KF35)6rawiN I BECAUSE VOURE KCTHAr4jlpoA'V'r.' . TOLD MV S STUFF I'VE EVER HEARD.?" HORMS-AND- tA.W.'-MDUR WIFE BOUND TO WIN THE V HIS "2. ."Ir J. BOii VOUR ) V VOURfiAB-V, A-Ha?HO.''- STARVING.'.'- I MUST . ' ft 10,000 FIRST PRIZE Vtv SHOW VnP , orr-Hctr A--, murd&rer.'.' j-! coNeRATUUiTtxiu.? ) on "what's my that ? ' SAD i7r?S ?? U WHINE".";' GIVES 1 I MORE 1 UOPALONG CASSIDT - I ANYONS IN VO'JE POSITION WOULD III . T6V TO RI& U AM ALIBI WHILE GETTING "SSs LISTEN. SHERIFF, WE'VE BEEN IN THE BOKOES RIB OP STOLEN HOSSS LET'S HEAP I lD r COUNTCV FOR TH6 PAST THSEE AA0NTHS AND FOR TM6 LOCK" UP. f MT asiL. CAN KW fcN&UGH WlTNESpy 1 MUTT & JEFF 1 1 Fnp imcta, hfpcc I fSAP Do VriLI REALty V-, ? MOT UNLESS MUTT HOWCOWPI' ' "f"0 DOUABS60 AND BELIEVE YOU CAN BU1 I NO. V , KNoW -rug SSfe BOVMACARphu MB A NEW CAR FOR o vou're always (ipjg knni li oa?MkY,7o ) NoTr c01-0.0 THESMARTONE, J GS.I ' - f (W fj LITTJLESAPy-"' I 'Syf y ," lj N I JrV n i:ik -s?i k 1 1 'ill a fii v"i u i ii hi h pr i imwvs-i ny.visi i 1 1 i in miiH- i 1 r;.v.-.r.--r-1 1 1 1 m i ' hmim HEX MORGAN. M.U. IT- ( WELCOME I WE'RE ll A Bli3 FAVMLY ESS f YOU HVE AN EXCELLENT fCR EXAAPLE, WHAT WAS THE V-3 I V f TO OUR 1 IHERE, JIW...AND I UKf I I EDUCATIONAL PACneEOUNtjl I N AWE OF THAT ENeiNEEK'NS I I THIS IS JIM W COViFANV, JIM.' J TO MOW MV MEN WELL.1 ) I Jl,v.' I VSAS WONDKINS, CCPASV OU SAID 0U I NEW MAN, MR. 1 TO KNOW US WELL' w-'YES, c A UULE ACE SPECirl- AWE5CA? , S JENNINGS.' Trt'.'LVV L SIR.' I CALLY C OuR rVC: IN THE J ,.JcZ'r. DONALD DUCK Yj II (T C Til LET WE TAS.EV P.LLOW FO N Noj lTi BSTTEf COave) I I (Th 5 ISA?. JOVES...") I U'oH.EsiTV tav r-?r f w.-hout viTV1- A7A& i i MARY WORTH MMM"r I MAWHA?-.-WhAT.WRO,Nu, '""Vl k' ' j f MARSHA! Ill,' 71 fRKX5IE?-..ltXDIHECAR..IU )e 8" X J V 0 ) l' I TO F roLraii? 1. 71 y xi i RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM 1390, KOCO 1490. KCAK 143. KOIN 170. KGW 20, KEX 1190 KM: Mriacj-clei KOIN 101.1: HEX W.3 WEDNESDAY P. M. HOUR 00:30 00:45 KSLM KOCO KOAE . KOIN ' KGW 1 KEX 00:00 00:15 Tl j mw. .li BO'f Siesta Melodlel P. Harvev 'Noon Edition Sam Hayti 'Tft ooo . . r; ri. "l it unm Music Aeom Better Shoppor Mune o. u..w - , Meod MasicBwiouj K'i.'..s--R---rf7, vm. IR. Hendczvou. New. n. ."'"" !-s:v:1h,; irfh'rr.ndfrev 2 3 KSLM KOCO KFX K.vWe't IKav Well IKay Well IKay Weil w.,. KurTlme . INew. liana. io "" MaSlcMeiodr Majle Meiod, M.l. Melody M..c M.iony Arth'r Godfrey lArt Godfrey I Art Godlrev ICurtM.JSey Jurt Plain Bin I Frt. pf . Fairel) ILoren.o Jone. Pay. to M.rry TelloTe.t Jack KlrKwooa jacn r.m Tune Time Piano Pattern. Navy Snow Solder Spider Spider Make Up Mind Robt. Q. Lewi. ITune I Uy your, Tr.v.ler.P .Dr. P.ul Life Beautiful For the Girl. For the Girl. I Tor the Glr.. KSLM KOCO GAB KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KGAI KOIN KGW KEX Hughei Reel Mew. New. Wizard Odd. Traveler. For the Girls 4 KSLM KOCO KGAI KOIN KGW KEX Muli" u-w-ZS, E7w fffiiOT... KSLM KOCO KGAK KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KGAK KOIN KGW KEX c... snuler Klrkham News Sparkl. Music Klrkham Art Baker lAt Ur Service (Service Show Aftmn Fditlnn ISaulrrel CaK .Squirrel Cage "B-Bar-B Sonss B-Bar-B Sonss Bill Hickok Show Time Show Time Second Look iQnllAF Klrkham I Music Box Ginger Hoger. WA R Miirrnut iNewi Hour Knnrtic Editor INews Hour Uncle Boh lUncle Bob nab. lleatter . Perry Ccmo Rosary IMusic News Off Crime Photoj. ICri.-ne Photo Relax. Music I Relax. Music Home Edition IBlll Stern Bill Hickok TI M Ktnrv Needle Disk A Ncedle'Disk tt Needle ISpts. Roundup lion new. Jess Mason IPeter.on Chet Hnnlley IBob Gaired IV. Plnkley Sam Have. New. iMidcourt 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Schools A: You'Schools & You I College Quiz Collefie Qui. ISporU Edition IHappy Time Sauad Room Squad Koom neaim rrwic mu.v Dist Tournev !Dui. Tourney IDist. Tourney IDist. Tourney iet Precinct 21t Precinct Svmphonette Svmpnonette Fibber McGe. l AlexDreler Walk , Mile Walk a Mile Lone Ranter Lone Ranger !StNortiirneJ. Jamlcrcook "Show Tune. IShow Tunes I Harmon. Ire. Whlstlin Tune. Di'l Tourney D:st. Tourney IDist. Tourney IDist. Tourney jr b j , T B L lliwel Thomas IFamlly Skelton I Man's Fir-ill. New. of World G.ldersleeva IC.Idersleeve Gd L -rer'r.g- Gd. Listening iHyod Stairwayl Favorite Music 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Olen Hard. IMutual Nwswk isweet sc swing jiarry wisn.r Dls: Tourney iDist. Tourney IDist. Tourney Dist. Tourney Beu'iih Julius La RosalThis I Believe Dance Orch. Orc-cnoM.m IGrouchoMarx IBandwagon Ulandwagon MvrterrTntr. II Mystery Tntr. HObsesslon lObscsslon K8LM Fulton Lewi. IPIatter Parade KOCO Dist. Tourney ' Night New. KOIN I tar Vmai I Guestbook , KGW Rchfld Rep'rt'r Kports Final KEX k n.Tl rntion IDanceTime INews IPIatter Parac. I Nocturne Nocturne IJaycee Reportl Jaycee Reports IRockv Fortune Rocky F-'tunel I Dance Time I Dance T.x. KSLM Deadline IDeadhne 1 Melodies I Melodies KOCO Nocturne Nocturne Nocturne Nocturne KOIN Record Show I Record Show Record Show IRecorc i,.1ow KGW News Jess Mason (City Council If.ty Council KEX Dance Time IDanceTime IDanceTime IDanceTime KOAC 10:00 a.m. The New. and Weather; 10:15 Especially for Women School of Home Economics Staff: 11:00 Oregon School of the Air; 11:15 Concert Hall; 12.00 News and Weather; 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: .':0O UN Story: 1:15 Proudly We Hall; 1:45 Bob Robert. Sings; 2:00 F-specially for Women Common Sense and Nonsense About Disci pline; 2:30 Memory Book of Music; 2:45 Oregon School of the Air Aladdin Hubs Hi? Lamp; 3:00 Ore gon Reporter: 3:15 Music of Mas ters; 4:00 The American Language; 4:15 On the Upbeat: 4 45 News Com mentary; 5:00 Cr.i'.dren's Theater; 5:30 Chicago Rouriut-'.e; 6:00 New. and Weather: f li Here's to Vet erans; 6:30 Current Event Conver sations; 1:00 Frors Portland State; 7:15 Evenlne Farm Hrur: 8:00 Radio Shorthand Contest: 30 Patrloscript: 8:15 The News & Weather; 9:00 Mu sic That Endures: f 5 Evening Med itations Caea.-Ssry Group, 10:00 Sign Off. HOUR THURSDAY 6 A. M.T011 :4S A.M. 00:30 00:00 00:15 00:45 6 KSLM Morn, Newi ITlmekeeper KOCO Early Worm IKarly Worm KGAK News & Nook. jBrk. Nook KOIN B.FJ. Oregon KOIN Ktoclc KGW Yawni versify IVawniversity KIX Ore. Farm Hr. (Ore. Farm Hr. News Early Wrrrs Brk. N:.: KOLN i-iJt lOre. Fi.Ti ir. iJarch Time IFarly Worm E-k. Nook KOIN ftlocj YiwniverMiy iC:e. Farm Hr. 7 K8L.M Hemlnrway I Break. Gang Breac Zwt .Neus KOCO News Early Worm Karlv "S ira. . Wcrra KGAK News & NookjBrk. Nook (Brk. 2:i..V:ct KOIN KOIN Klock Macleod News (Coss :rvi i:zcr. KGW J. Lee Wills IVawniversity INews "z:x Mjt 'm KEX First Edition Musical Clock MuicaJ Cacx Sc Eojsti KILM Cecil Brown Fajnlly Altar KOCO Early Worm (Early Worm KGAK News Ac Nook Brk. Nook KOIN ConsumrNews tValle News KGW Moon Mullins Moon Mullini Moon KEX BrcaK. Club bleak. Club IB resit. Cuj I Haven Hal KjTa ef tt I Early T irn "scj3 "! I B r k. ':'. ?' ;c & en I Morn Virt:ns ?sesiiry d.-fx. Club KSl.M News Commentary (News Sirj. Counter KOCO Kay's Records Kay's Records (Ray's Rra Ha ri Records KGAC Oregon Trail Spider I Spider ;.r KOIN Wendy Warren (Aunt Jennv (Helen Trest GCS-ziUy KGW Moon Mullins (Moon Mullins (Moon V. -j M-.r. Mullins KEX News Stars of Today I Mod. Rc-at. Lr. & Abner 1KSLM News Tello Test , KOCO Pay's Records Hav's Records KGAE News & SpideriSpidcr OKOlN Road of Life Ma Perkins KGW Moon Mullin I Moon Mullin KEX Chet Huntley (Tony Martin IKtand rd Sczti Suati'rd School iKay's heccru ?jj"s Record Spider 1 5;.Jr iDr.Mslcae .didir.i. Llfht IStnke R;ca -Strike Rich JTrue Story :Tn:e Story KSLM Wonder. City I Wonder. City I Queen for Day Q-jecn for Dsy KOCO Kay's Records Ray's Records ! Ray 'i Record Rav i Records KGAE Dinner Winner Spider (Spider 5t:i?r KOIN 2nd Mrs. BurtonlPerry Mason iNorah Dr:e E:.fhter Day KGW Hob Hope ISecond Chance' Phrae Pt Mu.l. At Shelley KEX Whlsperin Stt. IGlrl Marries Gr. Cen. S'a. r, - cn Sia KOAC 550 kc. 10:00 News & Weather: 10:15 Especially for Women: 11:00 Oregon School of the Air Stories of the OrcR'n Trails; 11:15 Concert Hall; 12:00 News and Weather: 12:15 Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowbov; 1:15 Oregon School of the Air Let's Sin America: 1:45 Radio Bookshelf; 1 00 Especially for Women The Out door Livingroom and Picture Win dow; 2:30 Memory Book of Mime; 2 45 Oregon School of the Afr The Machine Age Begins; 3:ivfl Oregon Reporter; 3.15 Mj:c r,f the Mas ters; 4:00 University Hr: 5 00 Chil. dren's Theater; S V) Trey Fought Alone: 6:00 T-e .Ni and the Weather: ft 15 OSC Upartment of Music; 6 30 Hf-aC.irM n CrifmiMrv; 6 45 Russian A:ta St , fi Yoi'i Never Know: 1 15 Ever.:-.r Tati Hour; 8 00 BBC Tne.fer-7r V.otld My Parish: fc 00 Mj:c That Kr.nM's; 945 F.ning M-diUior. Cantrl bury Group; 10 00 Sign Off. Ballston Farmers Form Soil Group BAM.ST0X-A group of farmers met Monday and seven of them organized a soil conservation unit which will be known as the "Balls ton Swale Group." liobert Scharr was elected chair man of the group. March 8 this group will meet with the County Soil Conservation supervisor in McMinnville to dis cuss uieir drainage problems and to request technical assistance. T. H. Ijitham. engineer, and Ed Laird, conservationist of the Yam hill County Soil Conservation Dis trict, attended the meeting. The farmers' objective for the present is to plan and construct a common drainage ditch to drain their own farms. Pastor of St. Luke's Goes to Hillsboro WOODBCRN-Ktv. V L Mof. fenbeier, pastor of S: Uke'i parish at Woo&ura for !mol H years, has bern :rjif?rrj !o St. -Matthews parish i H..'isDwo and preached hu fa't-m:; Hrmnn Sunday. Feb. 2 Kei. Mollen. bieir came to Irom Pnrllr.nrt .W. ...j . 1 T.rat 0 'the Catholic cti'::.- '.( M,r ucr at iniisooro'fc 2 I A farewell ycr v father Mnffenbicir wu( f...- tjn(av jmsht at St. ri;: a,d , ; was presented ;, j t m iV j members of pj:.i-,. 11,,' tu'r. Icessnr has not bc--r, ni.-.d . Michael KlextM. .-.,t m4 is in charge of ;h ; i-;h. ROOM & BOARD 1 fW-WMATVp'Y A POD OF L'?4M!J?-TS HOT FVT(i,;uim CAWtL PANT; bolder. COwPLAinlDOtT'-E ' li'r: " i l o