Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 02, 1954, Page 15, Image 15

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    Tuesday, March 2, 1951
J1 Tradewind, America's first seaplane- transport
ET C byJet.!ng.ln.e?, turnin8 Propellors, alights on San
Diego bay after its initial flight. Arrow points to the No. 2
engine which was feathered because of the malfunction of a
small governor in the powerplant system. Consolidated Vul
Wirephoto) " buildinS 'he plane for the Navy. (AP
Marine Corps Reserve
Observes Special Week
Salem Monday began the ob
servance of Marine Corps Re
serve week, with the date of
March 1-8 set as the time for
the observance here in a proc
lamation issued by Mayor Al
Lrouexs last week,
During this period the Salem
Marine Corps Reserve unit, Third
joamm Gun battery, will make
an all-out effort to enlist men in
the outfit.
Final event of Marine Corps
jteserve ween is to be the "Open
Funeral Held
dell, 58, sales manager of San
tiam Lumber company and well
known in the lumber industry,
died at his home here Friday
night after a heart attack.
A native of Portland, Ramsdell
had lived in Lebanon eight years.
He was a veteran of World War
I, a member of Lebanon Elks
lodge and the University club of
Surviving are his widow; a
daughter, Mrs. Janet Lee Hoob
ler, Pullman, Wash.; a son,
Vittz-James Ramsdell, Portland,
and two sisters, Mrs. Helen Ram
sey; Portland, and Dorothy
Ramsdell of California.
Private services were held
Monday morning at St. Stephen's
Episcopal church with the Rev.
David Gordon of St. Martin's
Episcopal church, Lebanon, of
ficiating. Interment was in the
Kiverview cemetery, Portland.
Transit Plan for
Pupils Proposed
A working agreement between
the Salem school district and
City Transit Lines in connection
with the transportation of pupils
has been suggested by a resident
whose identity was not divulged
at Tuesday night's session of the
school board.
Director Harry Scott reported
the matter to the board, saying
the individual thought there was
a possibility that something
could be worked out to the ad
vantage of both systems.
"The traction company buses
often run empty while the dis
trict is considering the purchase
of additional school buses," the
resident pointed out. A confer
ence will be asked to consider
the matter.
Another taxpayer, noting the
district's need for additional
buses suggested that the young
sters should depend more on
their legs and not so much upon
free transportation.
Old? Get Pep, Vim
Feci Full of Vigor; Years Younger
Mm UIAIlrll of 40. 50. 60. Don't ba
tn,numLnI(J weli Wom-out.u
in. rxtinilttd. Take rw. hicher-potracr
Oltrci Tonic Tibleli. Oftra nrrdod ate r aO
br body old, run-down jit ro"u"I lacknnj
Iron; increase! vim, viuor, vitality. Thouiandi
I1 full of pep, yean younttr. Qui' wins old.
-Cet-acquainltd" me 50f. At all druspiti.
For Relief of Itch
Druggists' Prescription
, When your skin Is irritated
with pimples, red blotches and
other skin blemishes from exter
nal causes, you're crazy with itch
ing torture, try Sanitone Oint
ment. Itching stops promptly.
Smarting disappears immediately,
fianitone Ointment is also won
derful for itching feet, cracks be
tween toes and Ahtlcte's foot
For Sale
State at Liberty Phone 3-3118
a& afc
Top Medlr al Men report that '""
ieriral 0 !" can"' tiw "
Uud. convenient, eait-to-uie BACOTOU
two weeka.
Court & High 8 rh- 8792
llama! J
- t!
House' 'Monday night, March 8,
at the Naval and Marine Corps
Reserve training enter. The af
fair will start at 7:30 p.m. and
all men interested in the Reserve
program and ex-Marines and
their families and friends are in
vited to attend. Refreshments
are to be serve- the guests. ,
One of the projects of the unit
during the week will be the or
ganizing of a n?w gun crew with
openings for 16 men. These men
will work and train together and
go to summer camp together as
a complete gt crew.
Marine Reserves will make it
their personal project to inform
prospective eniistees of the ad
vantages of the reserve program
during the week and will ex
plain the training program to the
eligible young men. To be eli
gible the men must be between
the ages of 17 and 31 years of
The Marine Reserve training is
designed to ready men for the
task of serving their country in
the best interest of defense.
Their tour of duty with the re
serves can be for three, four or
six years. Fach meeting they at
tend is a pay meeting with the
pay based on the man's rank
and length of military service.
Most of the positions now open
in the battery are for men with
thi rank of corporal or below.
This year the unit is to take
its summer traininc at Coronado.
Calif., with the dates July 25-
August 7. The ..-a. ing will deal
mostly with amphibious' landings,
rifle qualifications and general
Marine Corps indoctrination. Two
nights of the two-week period
will be spent aboard combat
landing vessels of the U. S. Navy.
Simulated combat landings will
be made on Aliso Canyon Beach
in Southern California, and the
men will receive training in as
cending and descending landing
One of the highlights of the
training period will be the large
parade at which time the Re
serves will be inspected by highj
ranking officers of the Marine
The summer training will not
be all work. The men will have
liberty in Southevn California
and the 16 man gun crew will
receive tickets to live television
shows in Hollywood the week-end
of July 31. They may also visit
the beaches or visit in Mexico,
which is only a few miles south.
During the two weeks that
the men are taking their sum
mer training they receive full
pay and allowance and they are
also covered by a $10,000 life in
surance policy. Accompanying
them to summer training will
be trained hospital corpsmen and
Lebanon Salvation
Army Man Named
LEBANON Ronald L. Gil
son was named president of the
Lebanon Salvation Army execu
tive committee Friday at the
Chuck Wagon cafe.
His staff will also Include Vern
Nelson, treasurer; J. E. Estcp,
secretary. Earl Saxton and Po
lice Chief Ben Schcele agreed
to take care of the welfare work.
Schcele was designated to handle
transient welfare.
Budget for the Lebanon area
for the coming year was set at
$3,150. Major E. Parsons of Port
land reported that the annual
campaign for funds would be
conducted about mid-April.
W. P. Scarth Goes
To His Own Home
was taken to his Kent street
home from the Silverton Hospital
the latter part of the past week
to complete convalescence from
a back injury sustained at his
place of business more than a
week ago, when a large door
fell on him.
A sudden gust of wind dis
lodged the door of the supply
room of the Feed and Seed Store,
pinning Scarth to the floor.
A body cast is necessary.
Young Orators
Meet Tonight
Held at the Isaak Walton club
house on South Cottage street
Tuesday night will be the District
No. 2 section of the 17th annual
oratorical contest sponsored by the
American Legion.
The contest for high school stu
dents in the district including
Marion, Polk, Yamhill and part of
Clackamas county, gets underway
at 7:30 o'clock and is open to the
Topic for the contest is some
phase of the Constitution of the
United States with two talks to
be given by each conestant. One
is to be prepared and the other
extemporaneous with the contes
tant given six minutes for prepa
ration. The winner of the Tuesday night
contest will participate in an area
contest, From the area contest
the winners go to the state con
test, reginoal contest ' and then
the National contest. The winner
of the National contest receives a
$4,000 scholarship.
Chairman of the committee ar
ranging the district No. 2 contest
here is Dick PicKell.
Two Arrested in
Knifing at Albany
ALBANY Eli Winston, 39,
Klamath Falls, was taken into
custody Sunday as a material
witness in an assault with a dan
gerous weapon case when he
was released from the Albany
General hospital where he had
been undergoing treatment for a
severe knife wound.
Winston was lodged in the
Linn county jail for lack of
$1000 bond. It was he whom
Willie Allen, Southern Pacific
section hand, is accused of hav
ing knifed last Friday at the
Southern Pacific yards during a
game of dice.
Allen is also in the county jail
for lack of $1000 bond.
BROOKS Mrs. Wayne Grove
entertained 20 youngsters at her
home after school, compliment
ing her daughter Phyllis on her
seventh birthday. Ice cream and
cup canes were served.
A good crowd and lots of ac
tivity was noted around the
Brooks gun club, Sunday morn
ing. Thirty members make up
the club which meets every
fourth Sunday at 10 a.m. Orville
Wymore, president and Rudy
Harris secretary-treasurer. Jess
Varbel. field captain.
The blue and gold banquet was
held in the school gymnasium,
Leo Hawley was master of cere
mony. Douglas Parks was the
guest speaker, and Darrell Brown
made the presentations.
Den 2, led by Mrs. Marshall
Christofcrson, and Den 3 led
by Mrs. Lena Beilke. Receiving
awards in den 2 were Robert
Carter, yjar pin and Lion badge,
Harold Christofcrson, year pin
and lion badge, Robert Watson
Bobcat pin. Den 3 Bruce Beilke
year pin and Bear Badge, Bobby
Plrtle Wolf badge, Harold John
son Bear badge and year pin.
A program was given by the
scouts and explorer scouts of
troop 57. John Fitts gave a res
ume of his trip to California to
Die 1953 scout jamboree. Approxi
mately one hundred familes were
present at the banquet.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McDan-
lel and daughters Nancy and
Mina were dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R.
A fire at the Willard Ramp
residence Sunday a.m. consisted
of a chimney fire, and little dam
age was done.
The executive board of the
Brooks fire department will meet
Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the fire
house. George Nolan is chair
man. The regular meeting of the
Brooks school hoard will be held
March 9 at the school. Mrs.
Charles Mioseve is the new clerk
for district No. 31. She is a resi
dent of Brooks.
Ui. t t uinu Ur u cnan. f.u
Upstairs, 241 North Liberty
Ofrica opan Saturday only, IS a.m.
to 1 pjn., S tc) 1 p.m. ConiulutJon,
blood preianra and nrlne tetta ui
fret of charga. Practiced alnee
1517, write for attractive lift No
(nil ration.
y V" '
v. W
Ha Bartel, Dallas, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Bartel, of
Dallas, who will be one of these
taking part in the Talent Con
test sponsored by the Salem De
tachment, Marine Corps Lea
gue. A singer, Miss Bartel is
entered in the senior division
of the contest. She has been
taking voice training for eight
SCRANTON, Pa. (IP) Thieves
lifeted a manhole cover leading
from the street into the cellar of
Frank A. Gleason's store. They
stole about a ton of coal.
Talent Meet
Friday Night
Event of Friday night at the
Salem senior high school auditor
ium is the fourth annual Talent
Contest sponsored by the Salem
Detachment of the Marine Corps
League. It is scheduled to get
underway at 8 o clock.
The contest is divided into two
divisions this year with the junior
division for young people from 10
to 14 years of age and the senior
division for those in the age
group from 14 to 18 years.
To date 23 contestants have been
accepted to appear on the program
after being auditioned previously.
Points on which the contestants
are to be judged are talent, audi
ence reaction and stage deport
ment and costuming.
HARTFORD, Conn. (P) Po
lice Court Judge Nicholas F.
Rago Sentenced two vagrants to
60 days in jail with this remark:
"You don't have to sleep out in
the cold. It's nice and warm up
at the jail. They have TV and
Custom-Made Drapes
560 S. 21st St. Ph. 4-1856
i iff . "'"'A 1
1 1 AT ' . 1 1
y -r N - "-n- i anmii
Mrs. Gordon Hcdderly Smith,
author of several books on
jungle lore and primitive life
among the Indo-China tribes,
who is in Salem in connection
with the premiere showing of
"New Horizons", a color sound
film of her work in Indo-China.
The picture will be shown at
the Christian and Missionary
Alliance church at 7:30 Tues
day night
455 Court Street
Four Corners
endar for the coming days:
Firemen's auxiliary March 2,
at 8 p.m. Mrs. L. A. Morris and
Mrs. Frank Borden co-hostesses
in the Morris home. 1
Rod and Gun club March 2 at
8 p.m., Community hall. ,
Woman's club, March 4, at 8
o'clock, Community hall, guest
Well Child conference at Com
munity hall, March 10 from
Circle H Dance club, March
5-19, at 8:30 . p.m., Community
hall. .
Business Men's association,
March 12, 8 p.m., Community
Firemen, March: 15, 8 p.m.,
Community Hall. : .
Home Extension unit,
its, an day, 10:30 a.m.,
munity hall, lunch at noon.
Mother's club, March 17,
ST v.-, -e-aa.
r-r- t- -mm
make First National the leading bank in Oregon.
Firtt in customers, first in deposits, first in resources .
and most of all,, first in conrenience. Wherever jrou go in
Oregon, there's a First National branch nearby
.When you think of bank service, think First National,
where service is always fwrt!
Open 1 0 to 5, Monday, through tatyrdoy
tm KOttU MfOm fttVtAC COtfOtATIOM
6:30 p.m. Family night, covered
dish dinner or children and
parents of Four Corner school,
in the multi-purpose room.
Handcuffs seldom are carried
by Scotland Yard men. 1 '
Witfc.. Oifl
mm.-; w
"Reds'' Appliance
Repair : i-;
We Repair Any and All
Appliances Specialise in
G. E. Admiral Speed
Queen & Amana- Freezers
1122 S. 12th .
Ph. 2-6451 or 2-5737
Sound, Color Film of
Science and the Bible
Wednesday. 1 :
7:30 P. M.
First Baptist Church
Marlon and Liberty ' ' '
3See the built-in lasso of the
Chameleon - and the Bird that
flies backwards -
No Admission Charge
I If '