Tuesday, March 2, 1954 ist Kound Pairings Decided The complicated process of j"ius emm icams for the Dis trict 2B basketball tournament Has ended and eight teams will square off Wednesday in the op. emng round at Willamette uni versity. f,IH,Vol.ued wiU be four tca irom the Marion County B vfSJf-Y. one Jeach from po'k. Yamhill and Clackamas-Mult' nomah, who in turn played sec ond place Yamhill county for the eight position. First round pairing 2:00 Gervais (Marion 3rd) vs. Perrydale (Polk 1st).' 3:30 Mill City (Marion 1st) Vt. Colton (P-Y-M-C 2nd). 7:30Yamhill (Yamhill 1st) vs. Corbett (CM 1st). 9:00 Jefferson (Marion 2nd) vs. Scio (Marion 4th). Two playoff games were nec essary last night to complete the brackets. Jefferson whipped j .u-'j ' lo aeclae second and third in Marion county, and Scio edged St. Paul, 52-46, for fourth place. The single elimination tourney will continue Thurusday and Saturday, Friday being skipped because of a Willamette-Lewis and Clark college game on the iiuflineue Iioor. 0nf ,leam wi" be eligible for tne state tourney in Salem March 41 (&(S)(8)Wp x fri - ... 42. i In Stole Meet cach ,iank ,uran's s.a,em n'sh scho1 nivaui.in, u BllUUgi ntU CI11CI MIC SldlC tourney Friday at Corvallis in quest of honors. They quali ified by placing first or second in district competition here last week. Front row, left to right: LcRoy Williams, Roger Morse, Dean Vanck, David Vanek, Calvin Lang. Middle row: Jerry Booze, Dick Pearson, John Cumings, Frank Wiliams and Jack Stryffcler. Back row: Coach Juran, Layne Caswell, Jim Berger, Jerry Walling, Dave Cundiff and Wright Noel. Not in picture: Herb Juran. UP Poll Ploces Wildcats First, Hoosiers Next By EARL' WRIGHT Y?RK (UP)- Coach Adolph Rupp's Kentucky Wildcats who led for six straight weeks ear lier in the campaign, regained first place today in the United Press college basketball ratings as series of upsets caused major shuffle among the 10 top teams. kjntucky 23-0 edged Indiana U8-3) by just two points, 296 to 294, in voting by the 35 leading coaches who make up the United Press board. Twenty three of the coaches voted the Wildcats tops. Only 10 made Indiana their first choice, but the Big Ten team re ceived far heavier support for suc ceeding places. Vote was based on games played through Saturday night. TEAM 1. Kentucky (23) (23-0) 2. Indiana (10) (18-3) 3. Duquesne (22-2) 4. Western Kentucky (28-1) 5. Oklahoma A&M (21-4) 6. Notre Dame (1) (19-2) 7. Kansas (15-4) 8. Holy Cross (22-2) 9. Louisiana State 19-2) 10. LaSalle (21-4) Second 10 teams: 11. Iowa. 51: 12, Duke, 43; 13, Colorado A and M (1), 36; 14, Illinois, 35; 15, Wich ita, 27; 16. Seattle, 25; 17, North Carolina State, 22; 18 (tie), Day ton and Minnesota, 14 each; 20 (tic), Oregon State, Southern Cal ifornia and UCLA. 13 each. Others: George Washington, 12: Colorado, 8; Niagara, 6; Rice and Connecticut, 5 each: Louisville and California, 3 each: Maryland, Fordham and Cincinnati, 2 each; Toledo, Wyoming and Idaho State; 1 each. Charles Replaces Valdes In Ring's Heavy Ratings NEW YORK UR Ezzard Char-? les has replaced Cuba's Nin oVal des as the No. 1 heavyweight con tender, Willie Pep has dropped to the bottom of the featherweight rankings, and Eddie Chavez has taken over the No. 1 position among the lightweights. These were among the major changes made in the March Ring Magazine ratings, released Tues day by editor Nat Fleischer.- Valdes lost his top-ranking be cause of his very close decision over unranked Archie McBride in a Havana bout. The big Cuban dropped to second behind the for mer heavyweight champion wno gets another crack at the heavy weight crown June 17 when ne meets Rocky Marciano. Pep. twice-holder of the feather weight crown, fell all the way from the No. l ranking to tentn as a result of being stopped in two rounds by 20-year-old Lulu Perez. The young Brooklyn boxer-punch er advanced from tilth to imra among the 126-pounders. Wallace (Bud) Smith, the Cin cinnati clouter who was the No. lightweight challenger, fell to third following his knockout loss to welterweight Joe Miceli. Cha- n( Con Tnca tnnlr mror first L1J VC, VI tJCUl UUOG wun vvi.1. lUiit 90 and Cuba's Orlando Zulueta moved up from third to second. Johnny Bratton also got the axe. j The Chicago welterweight, drub-' bed by Johnny Saxton, plummeted 65 PU ys. Pacific Tonight in NAIA PORTLAND OH - The Univer sity of Portland will attempt to de fend a title it has held for the last five years when it meets Pacific University Tuesday night in the opening round of the district 2 NAIA basketball tournament. But Pacific U, co-champion of the Northwest Conference, hopes it 'can break the Portland victory string, and win for itself the Ore gon district berth in the national tournament at Kansas City later this month. Eastern Oregon and Southern Oregon, the other entries in the v district tournament, also will play Tuesday night. Last City Loop Week to Start Three City league basketball games tonight will start the final week of competition. The leader, Marion Motors, must win three games this week to retain its lead over the YMCA, which is a half-game behind and with two to go. The schedule: , Naval Reserve vs. YMCA, 7:00; Aumsvillc Firemen vs. St. Paul Mustangs, 8:00; Wolgamott Serv ice vs. Marion Motors, 9:00. Scio Earns 4th Beating St. Paul By 52-46 Tally JEFFERSON-Scio had the edge all the way in a playoff here Mon day night, defeating St. Paul, 52-46, to decide' fourth spot in the Marion County B league. They had been tied with records of 11-7. Scio earned a berth in the Dis trict 2B tourney to open in Salem Wednesday, and will meet Jeffer son at 9 p.m. in 'he first round. Jeff won a playoff for second place last night from Gervais. Scio led 17-11, 29-21 and 44-30 at the rest periods. Gordon O'Reilly and Bob Slover led the victors with 15 apiece, while Sam Smith posted 19 for St. Paul. s. rati () t si o. Smith P.., I Dalne Rambeau B V Stewart Klrlch t C IB Slorer S. Smith It O IB OR.1UI Mertn 4 a S Badger Reserves: St. Paul Phil Wolf, Robert Prith, Charles VanDamne. Scio Ron Gibson 5, Jacobson 7. St. Paul 11 11 30 Scio 11 29 44 51 Official: DeLoretto and Vandervoort. from third to tenth among the 147- pounders. Nate Brooks, the newly crowned North American bantamweight champion, vaulted into a No. 4 ranking as the result of his title victory over Billy Peacock. Seattle's Harry (Kid) Matthews, who knocked out Jack Nelson of Salt Lake City in the first round of a Spokane match last month, was ranked No. 9 among the heavyweights. Everybody's Drug To Play Tonight HERMISTON UR Everybody's Drug of Eugene and the Jewish Community Center of Portland will meet here Tuesday night for the Oregon AAU basketball champion ship. The two favored teams advanced to the finals with victories Mon day Eugene over Hermiston 94 41, and the Portland team over Condon 75-54. SCORES in the ALLEYS DENNIS THE MENACE By Ketcham 75U WERE RIGHT, AfclM! HER BEDS AKtfT AWDSj Capitol Alleys (Commercial No. 1) Jaysons Clothiers (4) H. Haueen 539. R Sommers 552, J. Lebold 422, C. Bnyre 615. B. Ryan 567; Wlcklunds Sporting Ooods (0) L. Harra 382, L. Stanley 435, O. Hendrlo 414, B. Law less 451. B. Hnvne 555. Hniehts of Columbus (4) L. Kout- ney 528, T. BieRler 562. C. Pranee (. M. Ariz 411). B. Biegler 483: Nicholsons Insurance Co. (0) B. Eb ersole 457, F Bolton 511, J. Ramsey 522. M. Cady 528, W. Gardner 486. Lana Avenue Service (3) Y. Bar ber 413. K. Nelson 482, T. Biegler 555, R. Gunn 592, K. Hayes 555: Starr Foods (1) J. Sheldon 465. H. Nich olls 473, L. Lance 462, B. Duffus 437, B. Lar.ghoff 544. Coldles of Sllverton (3) G. Hcrr 516, F Frank 467, C. Howell 558. J. Herr 487, G. Bcntson 454: Woodry's Furniture (1) H.- Olineer 515. V. Perry 456. D. Wnodrv 503, C. Fore man 57(. R. Adolnh 506. Marlon Creamery (3) M. Allen 557. L. Pavenoort 511. M. Pekar 505, F. Kenyon 580, H. King 52": Itnwlln sons Laundry (11 D. Rineland 471, W. Spriegs 479. W. English 438, H GusMfson 498. R. Melfert 558. Nicks Inn (3) B. Wilborg 611. O. Mull 445. L. Dierks 542. H. Hartman 461. W. Miller 533: Orval's Userd Cars tl s. Kitchen 521. M. McClarv 469, D. Poulin 531, H. Wilkerson 536, W. Cllne Jr., 559 High team game and series Jay. sons Clothiers. 1056 and 2Qrr. hich individual game and aeries Che.t Boyce of Jayson'i Clothiers. 244 and 615: other 60o Bruce 'Wilbersi ol COMMERCIAL NO. t AI Lane Rrfrlreratlon (1)R. Tjuta 46: D. Luke 561: Bob Luka 404: Bill Luke 454: V. Luke SOJ. Th. Jawtl Box 1 1 i.-owan m; Hopnnirr 442; kelson iui. 4joKn ooa; Hares 03. Woodbarn ) Wadsworth 47: Dea en 511: Austin 413: nicks 533; Perd an. trrmmai sre ! Mcllner 455! ousa an; straw 435: Boyce 676; Ounn 568. Brooks Fireman (S) Nolan 4S: Sim. mons 3BB; Kvans 6.14; Ltnlda 466; Or- IflDr SCO. aiariln Hroi. N,nn Kirn l V. Hausen 637: Lawless 493: Ommn 516: H. Hauaen 509; Ryan 482. Jones and Fair Refrlcerallnn t Gardner 543: Willet 480: Kyle 457: Bis ler 502: Nuber 530. Mary's Tavern l) Lone 376: Kasper 409: Wvmore 4i7: Milletta 396: Holcom 45.1. The Rondt 13) PeDDle 432: UrOM 455; Athwell 420: Brrsstrom 420: Knox 403. Goldles Market l Reeves S30: Stettler 448: Ooodle 461: Furakawa 447: rnipns isj. Capital Drur Co. (.1) Broods 411; Borhm 389: Rohde 513: Barae 408; Bry ant .429. Hollywood Finance (II Reese 427; Harra 475; Meflert 516: Pekar 479: Hayne 461. Hlsh team game and series. Al Laue Refrigeration. 071 and 3651; hlsh ind. same, Ray Ounn of Terminal Ice, 325: high lnd. series. Dean Luke of Al Laue Refrigeration, 691. University Alleys Ladies' Minor League Western Paper (3) Kirby 403, Hall 2B. Cogswell 360, Pearson 377. Krebs 1 Morley 412, Higshl 338, Mown 383, Smith .131. Payless Drucs (3) D. Valde 331, Hills 337. N. ValdM 345. W. Valdeg 463. Meadows Rest. (1) Eckstrom 361, Furrer 352. Arnold 350, Arthur 406. Johnson's f!) Ling 364, Sheldon 389. Nicholls 328. Lance 400. Nehl (3) V. Gannon 369. J. Gannon 354, J. Fallen .166. Hlldreth 434 Moore Bus. Forms (4) Mulcahy 456, Slrader 407. Kandle 413, Mallonle 338. Salem Builders Supply (0) Cur tis 429, Staab 312. Fredrick 440, Coon 406. High team game A- series Moore Business Forms. 574 and 1641: high Individual game Carolvn Hildrelh, of Nehl. 201: high Individual series Wanda Valdci of Payless Drugs, 463. CLASSIC Lr.Ot'l! Rarh'g Sporting Goods' s Valdes 516: Farley 500; Veljupek 427: Ross 532: Hartwell 633. Cupboard Cafe (II Braucht 509: White 50i: Bunnell 461 Henderson 506; Olodt 557. Frank s Prodore () Thompson 489: Hauaen 560; Junta 449: Wattler 446: Jaekson 524. Smaller Oil Co. (41 Mai son 513: Hlllerlch 621i LeTourneui 5951 Young (21: Prudenle S78. West Salem Marhlnerr Co. (I) Bone 571: Price 511: Oberman 551: MarFar land 594: Straw 559. Valley OH Co. () Oersbach 622; Jark DeRow 630; Jim De. Bow 474: Wllkalls 520: Comslork 499. Salem Hardware c'l D. Morrla 49t Curtis 468; L Morris 865: Pare IJ; West 541. Trallways Csfe ft) UpMon 620: Kltsmlller 112; McNall 485; Rlehr 650; Luts 506. High team game and series. West Sa lem Machinery Co, 867 and 2719: hlsh lnd. game and series. Pinky Hartwell (Barbs Sporting Ooodsl 338 and 631. Willamette Valley Bank (11 Barnett 370; Bey Hughes 321: Bernice Hughes 249: Maase 363; Conyers 316; Bye 103. Woodroffes San Shop (8) Wagner 343; Klrnarlson 420; Archer 313: Klenskl 1(6: Rellier 340. Randlr Oil (1) Randle 320: Beusll IByei 273; Short 278: Wood 401: Oau- thler 374. Master Bread (8) Hansen 280; Frazler 294: Young 306; Theilade 403: Magulra 367. High ind. game and aeries, Edith Richardson. 181 and 420; hlsh team same, Woodrotfe'a Ban Shop. 659: high team series, Master Bread, 1104. Duck Pins Jefferson Wins 2nd in Marion B From Gervais CASCADE Two positoins in the District 2B basketball tournament were decided here Monday night when Jefferson defeated Gervais, 61-51, in ap layoff of the Marion Coutny b league for second place. The two wera tied with records of 14-4. Now Gervais will open against Perrydale at 2 p.m. Wed nesday. Scio won a pl&yoff for fourth -in the Marion County B league last night from St. Paul, 52-46. The playoff here on the neutral floor found John Wright plunking in so points for Jelferson to lead the Lions from a 33-33 halftime tie to a 52-40 margin at the end of three quarters. Gervais led at the first stop, 15-12. High for Gervais were Keilmg with 22 and thompson with 18. Jeffeson (61) (51) Gervlis Mnrlatt, 10 F.4. N. Kepplngcr Hawkins. 5 F 22. Reilinc Wright, 30 C 2, Schlechter Meyers. 4 G IB. TliomDson Loimsn, I ..ii 4, i.spe Reserves scoring: Jefferson Tiefke S: Gervais R. Kcppinger 1. Officials: Brown and Hendrie. Eugene, Gresham Post Victories In District Play By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Two tournaments opened Mon- Jay night to decide district titles and entries in the state high school j basketball championships. Eugene, ranked third in the As sociated Press prep poll, easily de feated Oakridge 68-54, and Willam ette of Eugene beat Creswell 85-56 in opening round of the district 6 double elimination tournament. Gresham sixlh-ranked in the state Central Catholic,, and Co-1 lumbia Prep posted victories in the district ft tournament. Gresham beat Estacada 58-40; . Loiumma f rep acicated con cordia, also of Portland, 55-30; and Central Catholic of Portland beat Sandy 58-48. North Marion and Sacred Heart of Salem advanced to another round in the district 11 tourna ment. North Marion eliminated Woodburn 62-48 and Cascade left the tournament after a 62-48 loss to Sacred Heart. JOE PAL00KA By Ham Fisher '"" " - all5lT', -r" "" H NEXT PAY. Lf NOW.. .do MORE I HA HA. If IT HADN'T A Wr YOU SEO IT, -TA , WHAT I'M GONNA I PRETTY OICTY.' nWYiZ A.N'.I', BEEN FER BARWS ,UVIN' T BUTTERBALL.' VEft. 7ZSU& A miPPAROO' ' TVRRAJ a, WS THEM CA-RAZY Y "EA VH ' YOU AN' VEft. THAT NO-GOOO IAN0 A A GENIUS.' AN' l00Ji.Uf. a enp TpSS-' JtakE VA TXinCOLN SILn LPELS... ?TTE WNNEP, MINE ...WE MIGHTA BEEN ) YER GITTIN'T'BE mTT P! lill A 4 R0A0 N BU TT WHUFF.' WINGY S. UP NORTH INSTEAPA 1 LIKE A HUMAN IT'S GREEN'S SPORTING SHOP FOR ... EVENRUDE 1201 So. Commercial arma GhuEGbGE) Larmer Transfer And Storage 889 N. Liberty Ph. 3-3131 CHECK-UP EVENT! UEUUSS P03UUSS Brake '-; Tire I Inspection If Inspection J) mmi poshes Battery Inspection Car Radio Inspection mmi mmi mBEi Picfc-up and Delivery Akays FREE! Seal Cover FREE! FREE! Installation With Each Set Purchased FREE! Brand - New Pathfinder Tires $ 600xl6-PLUS TAX AND EXCHANGE GREEN STAMPS EASY TERMS SERVICE STATIONS INC. O Center at Commercial O Marion at Liberty O Court al Capitol O Center at Liberty