Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 02, 1954, Page 11, Image 11

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    Tuesday, March 2, 1954
Page 11
Farmers Union Oil Increase
MT. ANfiEr. ..tier..,
increase jn volume during 1953
was experienced by the Marion
Countyy Farmers Union Oil Com
pany reported Peter F. Gores,
secretary-manager, at the all-day
annual members" meeting of the
cooperative organization Satur
day, February 28, in the St
Mary's school auditorium.
A summarized report ' of each
year's business since 1934 when
the organization was started was
given by Wm. G. Stacey, certified
public accountant of Salem. Dur
ing his time there has been -a
savings for members of $1,091,
329, or 14 percent. Cash refund
ed to members amounted to
$545,451,and with the $40,508
dividend refund allowed for
1953, brings the total to $585,
859 of the amount of cash refund
to members to date.
The 1953 volume of business
was $898,016.65, compared to the
$28,217.95 figure in 1934 the or
ganizations first year in business.
During those 20 years, $7,795,
859 worth of business have gone
tarough the cooperative.
The report showed the cost of
merchandise sold through th. co
operative last year was $765,526
with a gross margin of $132,490.
, The net association margin for
Lamp Shades
EC Club Project
. ROBERTS The Home Exten
sion Unit met in the grange hall
Thursday at 10 a.m. for making
Fabric Lampshades' with Mrs.
Herman Doney and Mrs. L. F.
Zielke as project leaders.
Those making lamp shades
were Mrs. Jerome O. Apple, Mrs.
Earl Blankenship, Mrs. James
W. Martsfield, Mrs. L. P. Zielke
and Mrs. Jim Daniels. Others
present were Mrs. Frank Boeh
ringer, Mrs. Oscar Phillips, Mrs.
Russell Davenport, Mrs. Glenn
Bidgood, Mrs. George Bressler,
Mrs. Chet Austin, Mrs. G. S. Hig
Rins, Mrs. A. D. Graham and
Mrs. Merle Phillips.
' In the afternoon Mrs. A. D.
Graham, chairman, called the
meeting to order for the business
session. A collection was taken
up for the ACWW fund.
Mrs. Jim Daniels made a re
port on the Program Planning
meeting and it was reported that
Mrs. C. N. Rugglcs, County Com
mittee women, would be present
at the March or April meeting.
March 28 at 1 p.m. the Home
Extension Unit will meet at the
home of Mrs. Jess Forste with
a county agent present to demon
atrate "New Trends in Light
ing." Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DeVilbis
and sons, Mrs. Jess Forster and
Mrs. G. S. Higgins from the Rob
erts Sunday School attended the
annual Workers Conference at
Dallas, Saturday.
Next Sunday after Sunday
School a group plans to go to
Panther Creek to meet with a
group of Sunday Schools from
joining precincts.
Basket dinner will be served
at 12:30 p.m. (Bring own table
service as well). At 2 p.m. J. J.
Rav. General Missionary will
speak and show slide pictures
taken in his work.
The G. T. club will entertain
their husbands and families at
the grange hall Thursday night
Mar. 4.
A pot-luck supper will be
served at 6:30 p.m., each one to
bring their own table service.
Mrs. Lee U. Eyerly and Mrs.
Karl Heyden are on tne enter
tainment committee.
Steven Eyerly fell and broke
his left arm above the elbow
Friday while at scnooi.
Commission Planned
For Strawberries
Preliminary work Is under way
for an Oregon strawberry com
mission, report i R. E. Schcdeen,
Grcsham berr- grower, at a
strawberry growers' meeting in
Salem last Thursday.
Pumnsp of the commission Is
to promote the general welfare
of the strawberry industry.
Schcdeen ouilined the proce
dure to be fohowed in establish
ing the commission. A major goal
Is further rcscarcl on strawber
ries at Oregon State college.
Other goals include market pro
motion and development, includ
ing new uses for strawberries.
Schcdeen stressed that a straw
bcrrv commission, if approved y
the ' growers, cannot establish
marketing agreements.
If V t 1 1 1 'nil YVnn
If you arc flittering the agonizing
pains of ARTHRITIS, rhruma
tifm, sciatica or neurits, you
owe it t" voiirsclt lo pet a bottle
of ARTIIONL'L tabletstoday.
ARTIIONI'L tabids contain six
medically proven ingredients sci
entificallv balanced to give vou
SFE, FAST, long-lasting relief.
Why keep on suffering when
ART1IONUL uers report such relief . . . "life o'lh
living .Fain"... "restful niplis
Get ARTIIOML tablets today.
You will bepla.l ynu cImI . . .)ou.
ton,, .ill praise AUTIIOM L...
u.K.i fnrminff . . . SArL.
nuii-ncii'i o
Court High Sis. Th. 3-8192
1953 amounted to $57,315.29,
plus the $9,644.21 patronage re
fund received, brought the total
net margin for 1953 to $66,
959.50. The 1947 year certificates
from association earnings (yel
low certificates) have been
called in for payment.
Robert Harper, Gervais Rt. 1,
and Elmer Thompson, who lives
in the Monitor district on Wood
burn Rt. 2, were chosen to suc
ceed themselves as directors. At
the meeting of the board of di
rectors which was held follow
l! Jla. ' i'
Now, you eon enjoy smoking day-in-and-day-out( with
out risking the nervousness and irritability that come when
"hot" cigarettes irritate your throat and fail to give smoking
With KOOLS, King-Size or Regular, that clean, K00L taste
always comes through. Day by day you feel better ... if you
moke only KOOLS I
For Year Satisfies Members
ing the membership meeting,
Robert Harper, Gervais Rt. 1,
was re-elected president and
Warren Gray, Marion Rt. 1, was
re-elected vice-president. Ray
mond Warner, Silverton Rt. 2,
and Peter P. Kirk, Newberg, are
holdover board members. Peter
F. Cores was retained as secretary-manager.
President Warren Gray of
Marion presided, and other
speakers included Hess Williams,
of the General Petroleum corpo
ration, Portland: and Eric Coxan,
manager TBA division of Pacific
n un
Break That Habit With KOOLS! We Guarantee
You'll Feel The Difference Within 24 Hours!
Supply Cooperative, Portland.
Charles Baker, manager of Pa
cific Supply Cooperative, Port
land, gave an- address on the
Hells Canyon Issue.
Free lunch was served to 450
in the diningroom of St. Mary's
school On account of the large
crowd, the group was divided,
and during the lunch hour Peter
P. Kirk of St. Paul showed pic
tures of the 1953 St FirtU Rodeo.
A total of 1884 members be
long to the cooperative from
Marion, Clackamas, Yamhill and
Linn counties.
So don't be chained by the "hot" cigarette habit. Break that
habit with King-Size or Regular KOOLS!
We guarantee you'll feel the difference within 24 hours! Your
mouth and throat will feel soothed, more relaxed than with
"hot" cigarettes. If not, send your name and address and the
remainder of your pack of KOOLS to Brown & Williamson
Tobacco Corp., Louisville 1, Ky. Your money will be refunded.
St. Mark's Holds
Lent Observance
. The St. Mark's Lutheran con
gregation will observe special
Ash Wednesday services and the
beginning of Lent at a 7:30 o'
clock Holy Communion service
Wednesda yevening, according to
announcement made by the pas
tor, the Rev. John L. Cauble.
This is a traditional communion
service in the Lutheran chuqreh.
The Lord's Supper will be ad
ministered in candlelight, fol
lowing a brief meditation on the
subject of "Sin".
Friends of the congregation
and other interested persons are
extended a cordial welcome to
this service of worship and re
rection of Grace. Wednesday ev
ening devotional services will
continue throughout the Lenten
season. Pastor Cauble will de
liver a series of meditations on
the subject "Plagueing Problems
and the Lenten Lord", These
services will likewise be held at
7:30. The public is invited.
LIBERTY The Cub Scout
troop 18, committee meeting will
be held Wednesday, March 3, at
the home of Dr. Lewis Clark on
Boxwood Lane.
Each den has been asked to
send a Cub Scout to the commit
tee meeting so final plans can be
made for the carnival which is
scheduled for March 26, at the
Liberty hall. Den mothers and
committeemen are especially in
vited. ,.
and JIUie
Income Tax Returns
Leon A. Fiscus
1509 N. 4th Ph. 3-5285
S?i -4 r Smokers!
t Break the"Ho" C'9aretfe )
6?5 Habit...Switch to
tAs Vour Steady Smokely
Wake Up
To More Comfort
Without Nagging Backache
Nagging baekacbr, loss of pep and energy
headaches and diuf nes mar be due to slow,
down of kidney function. Doctor My gotm
kidney function it very Important to goo
health. When aome everyday condition, such
as a treat and at rain, cauaet tali important
function to alow down, many folks Buffer nag
glng backache feel miserable. Minor blad .
der irritations due to cold or wrong diet may
cause getting up nights or frequent pauigca
Don't neglect your kldneyi if these eondfc 1
lions bother you. Try Doan's Pills a mild dk
uretlc. It's amaiing how many times Doan'ft
ffive hannv relief from these discomforts
help the 1ft miles of kidney tubes and fllten
flush out waste. Ask for new, large, economi
aite and say money. Gat Doan's FUla V