Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 01, 1954, Page 9, Image 9

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    Monday, March 1, 1954
Page 9
Colorful, Friendly Acapulco
Described by Salem Traveler
Mexico The mornng after we an
chored in Acapulco Bay, I got up
early and hurried through break
fast. We gave, three long blasts
on our fog horn, and a small
dinghy speeded out from shore to
carry our crew to the mainland.
The sun was bright, and Acapulco
rose in its vivid contrasts of rich
and poor before our eyes.
High on one slope, surrounded
by blue swimming pools and
smooth white rock patios, lush bou-gainvilla-covercd
lounge the tourists from America
and the chic, cultured and beauti
ful Mcxicnn women on vacation
or married to the aristocrary of
the land. '
Ten feet below, in thatch-covered
huts, are the pobres, pounding tor
tillas or carrying hot, dirty loads
of sticks or liny crying babies,
often both. The city of snd con
trasts. I left the others and walk
ed throush the Market. I was the
only American there that morn
ing was a good prospect. The ven
ders besoiged me with "Senorita,
one peso para csto!" . . "Beauti
ful baskets here!" "Senorita!"
Buy this . . . buy that.
It is a typical old Mexican vil
lage market with men selling re
bozos; old women and their stands
o( pins and ribbons, coconut, col
ored beads, earrings; and the con
stant trail of little children with
their boxes of chicklets. Anything
and everything. The air was tight
and hot and I walked all over Aca
pulco. Had lunch at the Club de
Pcsca, facing the diamond waters
of thet Bay.
In Mexico it is the custom to
enjoy luncheon around 2:30 or 3.
The siiops close at 1 and open
their heavy doors somewhere be
tween 3:30 and 4 or 5, depending
upon the responsibility of the own
er. If you're there and he's not
. . . then you can just come back
"manana" if you like. Appoint
ments mean very little here. Made
one with a photographer for 4 in
the afternoon. Waited a couple of
hours: then, he showed up around
H that nighf. No explanation.
This is Mexico.
It was slowly turning to dusk
when I returned to the boat. Went
for a swim at the stern. The
water was cool and refreshing.
Night comes, and Acapulco
heat to enchantment. Soft, balmy
breezes and stars . . every star
that God ever made is in this sky,
it seems. The boat sways at an
chor, with a gentle rolling every
row and then. And the water is
black and shiny.
All around the Bay, in a curving
span of tiny lights are the homes
and hotels perched on the craggy
rocks of the Bay, and the lights
from the avenue circling on three
sides. The music drifts across
from the shore, and little cries of
dogs . . . the voices across the
water . . . from all kinds of peo
ple that we will never know. The
night is filled with every noise,
every smell and every shadow
poured into the Bay. spotted with
land stars and sky stars and
blended in the shimmering, vel
vety blackness.
I took the bus the next morning
to the Cathedral, a massive Byzan
' tine structure of grey stone and
blue tile, bulbous domes and gold
encrusted statuary inside and out.
It was hot, and there must have
been 45 or 50 of us squeezed into
the old bUie bus, galloping through
the streets. I had forgotten the
word for "Out!" I henr,d someone
yell "Baca! Baca!" So I gasped
the same thing. We stopped with
a mighty lurch. I pushed my way
past the armloads of baskets and
children and coconuts the women
were carrying to market and
leaped over the boxes of fruits
and vegetables piled by the door.
All nf this for 20 ccntavos, which
is about 3 cents in exchange cur
rency. A luxury ride in Mexico is in
one of the many "librcs," or cabs,
that come at once to an American
in the streets. To slop one, all
a person must do is raise an eye
brow. They don't expect an
American to walk here or ride the
. hus. And for speed, a imre can
not be beat. Traffic rules mean
does more
for coughs
of colds because...
It works tjtttmlcillj stimulate
Nature's oirn rough-easing action.
It not onl rtlit it loosens sticky
Ma nt thni "hreaks-UD" couch-
ine spells. That's why so many doe
to have prescribed PERTUSSIN
little. A cruising speed of 50 or
60 miles an hour is customary
along the roads of Acapulco. A
pedestrian learns he comes sec
ond. If his liming is good, he
lives a long life. And it is reas
suring to see the many old people
in Mexico.
A fabulous party was given that
afternoon high above the Bay. by
the harbor commissioner, Enrique
Shondube. Mandolins, singing cab
alleros, swimming in the kidney
shaped pool lined with gardenias
and pink camelias. The boatmen
had fought their salt spray and
winds and were now being enter
tained royally by all of Acapulco.
This party was one of many. The
next day I went to lunch with the
Admiral, who unveiled the ornate
silver cup to be presented that
night to the winning skipper and
crew of the Acapulco Boat Race.
It was a picture of silver grandeur
and presented by the Secretary of
the United States Navy to the
Fairweather, a 62-foot, 10-inch
yawl owned by Fred J. Allen of
Los Angeles.
A tropical rain came ud sud-
denly the night of the Presenta
tion dinner. It was midnight, and
we were back at the boat. The
quick shower was warm and rat-a-tatted
on the deck like the sound
of the Cuban drumbeats across
the bay. Our skipper came out
and began to swab the deck by
"No better time," he said. "It's
good way to save water!"
We are still on the boat, al
though anchored. And our water
supply was dwindling. Two days
later, we circled the Bay and an
chored by the dock to take on
water. We had arranged with the
Harbor Control to be there at 8.
They came with the water around
11:30. (That wasn't bad.) We
took on 150 bottles of five gallons
each. A small assembly line of
native boys walked the narrow
plank from the dock to the deck
of the boat, for five hours, carry
the large bottles on their heads.
The 6th of February was the
edding day of our skipper, whose
bride flew from Glendale, Calif.,
to be married in Acapulco. All
the crew helped to arrange the
weddng, and I went to the Mar
ket Place for flowers. It seems
that "corsages" are an. unknown
commodity in the market. I was
directed to three places where
they sold wedding gowns; got
closer to the article when an old
man pointed out a tiny green col
ored tent where artificial flowers
were being sold.
As the hours grew on, and the
wedding was arranged not for
P.M. ("Punctuality of Mexico ' . . .
meaning "anytime") ... but day
light standard time, American
standard, I had to act quickly and
bartered for large flame-colored
and white gladiolas. I found a lit
tle dusty table where the scnora
had laid out rows of large safety
pins and another place where the
girls had colored ribbons.
Half an hour later, I pinned on
the bride the most primitive (but
the only) corsage in Acapulco.
And the huge safety pins held our
flame-colored corsages in place
all during the gay festival of a
wedding in the judge's office,
where the crecmony was inerprct
ted to the couple, where all the
court cases in Acapulco, the sleep
ing dngs, the little staring chil
dren at the doorway, offered their
arictics of congratulations.
The boats are ringing their sails
for a small race to Zihuatencjo, 20
hours north of Acapulco. And the
lights nf Acapulco will be a mem
ory, but a brillian many-faceted
experience in one of the most
beautiful harbors in the world.
Thousands With Insomnia
Sound All Night-Awoke Fresh
Ifwi of nf w ! Dormin Slffpint
rpulf hnvp found vnu can
Hmed unund ilffp. Dormin has
tv rn rlinimlly trtH for ffty and
l suarsnteo! non-hnnit formins.
Thf vi-orld of mfdicinr rirosrwn
to hv tolerate a lf fplcsi msM that
maltM vou 'irtd and worn out thf
nut day. Now for only 6'.c per
tapsule you can find the rest you
want. Dormin cojU hut S1.35 for 36
captulo ao safe no prescription
Is needed and Dormin mutt help
you or your money back I Accept
po substitute.
Thert Ji No Substitute For
Birthday Can't Come on
Thanksgiving Every Year
Astronomer, Extension Division Orezon Hither Education Srstera
Miss Adyse Lane of Salem,
whose letter from Acapulco
Bay in this edition of the Cap
ital Journal expresses her ap
preciation of the Mexican
scene as she has seen it.
BPA Rates May
Goto $22.50 kw
WASHINGTON!! - Undersec
rctary of Interior Tialph Tudor has
predicted a $5 per kilowatt-year
increase in power rates of the
Bonneville Power Administration.
Tudor told a House interior ap
propriations subcommittee the de
partment is reviewing rate sched
ules, as .required once every five
years, and has about decided on
an increase from the present
$17.50 per kilowatt-year to $22.50.
"Frankly, I do not believe it
(Bonneville) is going to show a
greater rate increase than was
predicted in the past administra
tion," Tudor testified. "I think
that $22.50 will take care of the
situation there."
Tudor's testimony was made
public Sunday.
Recently I was taking dinner
with young, friends who had had
only a few weeks earlier a new
arrival in their family. Little
Bobby had come to them on
Thanksgiving day, November 26,
1QS3. The parents were sure
that his birthday would not come
on Thanksgiving day every year.
Calculating ahead, we were able
to determine that he will cele
brate his birthday and Thanks
jiving together when he is six
and 11 years old, but not in the
years between.
.1 According to the world calen
dar, which many are trying to
have adopted in all civilized
countries, a certain day of any
month would every year fall on
the same day of the week. But
this system is not in effect.
If we eliminate leap years, our
present year has 365 days. With
364 days to a year, we would
have an even 52 weeks annually.
But the 365 days divided by
seven leaves a remainder of one
day. This means that since Jen
uary.l, 1953 (an ordinary year),
came" on Thursday, December 30,
1953, the end of 52 weeks, was
Wednesday. Then December 31,
1953, was Thursday and New
Year's day, 1954, fell on Friday.
If all our years were ordinary
years of 365 days then on any I
date of one year, the day of the j
week would be advanced just one
day over the year before. Thus,
January 1, 1953, is Thursday:
1954, Friday; 1955, Saturday, etc.
But there are those vexing
leap years when "unattached"
men have to go into hiding for
fear of being roped into "the
holy bonds." These have two
extra days over 52 weeks, (thus
prolonging the agony of the
timid males.) June 15, 1955, will
fall on Wednesday; in 1956, a
leap year, on Friday, or a jump
of two days.
It is not difficult to calculate
backwards or forwards for many
years for the day of the week
for any date between March 1
and December 31, But since the
extra day comes at the end of
February, we must remember to
treat January and February of
leap years as ordinary years in
our calculations and these months
the next year as being in leap
years. (In calculating hack
wards, remember that 1900, al
though divisible by four, was not
a leap year).
For those who want to try their
skill, let us suggest that they
show from a 1954 calendar and
the rules given above that June
1, 1953, came on Monday; April
15, 1951, on Sunday; February
3, 1948, on Tuesday; and March
10,1943, on Wednesday,
The writer hat a small mag
net gadget (with full instruc
tions) for calculating in about
20 seconds the day of the week
for any year from 100 B.C. to
A.D. 2300. A self-addressed post
al for reply sent to him at Eu
gene, Ore., will bring the name
of the Chicago manufacturer,
BRUSSELS, Belgium I So
cialist leaders from all Western
Europe except West Germany have
endorsed the proposed European
srmy as the means to insure
Europe's security." A delegation
of the German Socialist Party ab
stained Sunday when the repre
sentatives of 11 other nations at
the European conference of the
Socialist International adopted a '
resolution in favor of the EDC.
. SUNNYSIDE Mr. and Mrs.
John Neuenschwand e r were
hosts Tuesday evening at their
home to the Friendly Hour Club
for their annual "Family Night."
After a no-host dinner the
group was entertained with a
white elephant sale. .
Present were Mrs. Chittendon,
Mr. and Mrs. Carlson, Mr. and
Mrs. Johnson and son, all honor
guests; Mr. snd Mrs. Fred Mor
tor, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Stills
worth, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heck
art, Larry Heckart; Mrs. Irving
Banse, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Dutoit and children; Mr. and
Mrs. Elton Coon, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.
Lolls, Mrs. Langford, Air. and
Mrs. Paul Swope, Mr. and Mrs.
Earnest Neuenschwander, Mr.
and Mrs. Keeley and son, and the
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. John Neuen
schwander and sons.
JAKARTA, Indonesia un The
government held a number of per
sons for questioning Monday fol
lowing a mammoth religious-polit
ical riot in which an army captain -
was killed, many persons injured,
and two army, barracks burned
down. The violence broke out as
250,000 Moslems gathered to pro
test "insults" to the Islamic re
ligion in recent political speeches.
New Spinet Pianos
Full Keyboard First Line
' The Music Center
In the Capitol Shopping Center
Experienced Drapery Saleswoman wanted.
Salary & Comr ssion.
340 Court St.
Traverse Rods Installation
A Complete Drapery Service
Venetian Blinds and Shades
"Everything for Your Window"
Free Estimates
3870 Center Phone 3-7328
9 Woodburn Scouts
At Honors Ceremony
WOODBURN Nine members
of the Woodburn Boy Scout
troop received advancements at
the Silver Falls court of honor
at Hazel Green recently. Richard
Payne and John Pickering were
advanced to second class scouts,
Ted Coman, Art Cheney, Larry
Hurst, Bob MacMillan, Keith and
Philip Niblcr and Harold Smith
earned first class rank.
Donald Dougherty of the Au
rora troop was advanced to first
class scout and received a merit
badge in first aid. Four mem
bers of the Monitor troop earned
merit badges, Floyd Linn in car
pentry, first aid and cooking;
Tommy Tweed, citizenship in
community; Harold E. and Clark
L. Hanson, citizenship in com
munity and forestry.
Delivers this new
1954 "Royal" Porta-
ble or any other
make on our exclusive
CALL 3-8095
Immediate Delivery
Kay Typewriter Co.
223 N- High
What a buy . . . 1954 Sylvania TV or a price you'd
expect to pay for ordinary sets
Low Down Payments
The Winsor 17" Table
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Regular 1.29 yd. WJLpfcll
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Everglaze finished to resist wrinkles, soiling
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Fresh, colorful, washfast cotton seersucker needs no
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On Purchases Totaling $20 or More Use Sears Easy Payment Plan
Because it's 3 ways richer.,,
Regular coffee drinkers
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Nv.tnt a coffee
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That's hy so many
prefer Golden W est Coffee
f ?
HPS' 1P ri
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Only the Iron's hot when your table is air cooled by a perforated
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lock firmly. About 32-in. high. 15x54-in. top.
'fW r V . 'J
Spring Clothespin
Sturdy 3V4 Inch Hardwood
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Laundry Carts
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Sarong dvoaw-eloted lal wild Mn
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Outdoor Dryers
Strong, Rust-resistant Steel
150-feet .. 18.95
tWy Un It long aoeajab far a M
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Richer Aroma Richer Color
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Store Hours: Monday and Friday,
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550 N. Capitol Ph. 3-9191
(ar t" 'M. t 0't "J