Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 01, 1954, Page 8, Image 8

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    Taee 8
THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon . .
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Kvriss and two cnuaren, ai
Kvriss, and Mrs. Fred Kyriss, all
or Sweet Home, visited, and had
dinner at the Rev. R. L. Casscl
man home Monday.
Rev. and Mrs. James hosslcr
(formerly assistant pastor at
Evangelistic Temple in Salem),
are itinerating in the Oregon dis
trict before leaving as missionar
ies to Africa. Tney are imi-mmb
their equipment at the mission
ary drum room here, and would
like to have their things ready
soon as" they are supposed to
, Jcave in March by boat to the
land of their calling.
Billy Keyes and children of
Portland visited Tuesday evening
at the Rube Nelson borne.
Miss Ethel Berglund visited in
Sandy Sunday, and later on Mon
day attended the funeral in Grcs
Jiam of Rev. Earl Radford of
Rev. and Mrs. Carl Swink of
Ankony were guests at her moth
er, Mrs. Mary Ilium on Monday
and Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Sullivan have
as houseguests ior an indefinite
timd bis little nephew and niece
who are of pre school age.
Tuesday evening Rev. Atwood
Foster and Rev. Robert Firtlo,
both district officers, left by
train for Sacramento to attend
the Northern California and Ne
vada District Council this week.
They expect to be home again
Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon
have purchased a grocery store
at Front and Pine Streets In Sa
lem, and arc in the process of
moving. They will live in the
apartment at the rear of their
Mrs. Nellie Slanley has spent
the last three weeks in Wood
burn nursing an aunt. She will
leave this week for a short visit
in Astoria, and will then proceed
to Canada. Relatives from Monta
na will accompany her on this
Harold Johnson, Clarence Jen
sen, and Bobby Pirtle have been
practicing for their part in the
Boy Scout program at Court of
Awards Banquet at Huzvlgrecn
on Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. dandier Juhnson
have moved into their new home
which has been remodeled, redec
orated, and refurnished.
The Assemblies of God all over
the nation are honoring the Wonv
en's Missionary Council depart
ment of their churches this
month. The Bethel Park Croup
chose Tuesday as the day, and in
vited the North Howell and Keiz
or church groups as their guests.
This meeting was held in the
basement of the Administration
The local president. Mrs. Ruhe
Nelson, acted as chairman of the
entertainment committee.
The program was composed of
members of each church repre
sented. Rev. Kdniond ot llnmks
read the scriptures, ltev. lltlj;rs
of Salem led in the dcuitiun. A
duet was sung by ltev. ami Mrs.
M. E. Am of North Howell. Mrs.
Edward Edmonds nave a reoprt
of finances and work done. Mrs.
John Hodges reported tor the
Krizcr group as well as Mrs. H.
1.. Casselman. Mrs. Nora Smith
Is president of the North Howell
group, and their report was made
by their secretary. A solo was
f-nng by Mrs. John Jlndges of S.v
lem, accompanied by Mrs. Ed
monds on the accordion. A poem
was read by Mrs. Mary Ilium of
Bethel Tark. Mrs. Edmonds also
lave a solo number.
Mrs. F. J. Walton of Portland,
the State President of the Wom
en's Missionary Council, was the
guest speaker for the evening.
Statistics Indicate that 64 out
of every 100 boy babies burn in
154 in the I'niled Slates will
live to be US years old.
Four teen agcrs from as many parts of the country visit
President Eisenhower to give him this plaque extolling his
career as "devoted to the preservation of the principles of
democracy." They received congratulations from the president,
too, fore being national winners in the Voice of Democracy con
test. They wrote and recorded scripts on the subject, "I
Speak for Democracy." Left to right, Joel Cyprus, 17,
Wichita Falls, Tex.; Philip McCoy, 16, Kansas City, Kan.; the
President: Elizabeth Evans, 16, Akron, 0.; and Joseph Gerdes,
17, Harrisburg, Pa. (AP Wircphoto)
SHERIDAN - Mrs. George
Thiede of Brainard, Minn., is vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. Lylc
Flora and family.
Airs. Isabella Armitage is
chairman of the annual Amer
icanism essay contest, sponsored
by the American Legion Auxil
iary, the contest win close in
the schools April 1..
The contest is divided into two
divisions. The senior division,
from the 10th to 12 grades, will
have as its topic, "What It
Means to Me to Be an American."
The Junior division, 7th
through 9th grades, will write on
"Why the USA Is Called the
Cradle of Democracy." The es
says are to be no longer than 500
The Sheridan unit will offer as
prizes, senior division, first $5,
second $3, third S2. Junior divis
ion, first $5, second $3, third $2.
Prizes for the state winners of
the contest are first $40, second
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Bron-
son are the parents of a son, born
Feb. 20 in McMinnville. Grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Virgil fornia.
Uronson.and Guy Talom.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wyss are
the parents of a son, horn Feb.
21 in Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Sig Wyss
are grandparents.
Mrs. Helen 'J harp was hosless
or the Pinochle club members.
Mrs. Alvin Brock won high,
Kathcnne Lady second and Mrs.
Helen Fast low. Mrs. Thelma
Mulford and Mrs. Fast won the
pinochle prize.
Harold V. Allen, son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. E. Allen of Sheridan,
in Paris, France, for a two
weeks stay. He is superintendent
of the maintenance division of
TWA at Kansas City, Mo.
Fred Kettler of Sydney, Neb., j
and Clara Moderow of Monrovia,
Calif., visited with their aunt. '
Mrs. Nina Hidgway this week. '
Mrs. Gertrude Hawk of Boise, I
Idaho, spent last week with her i
sister, Mrs. Nellie Crowe.
The WSCS of the Methodist
church will meet Wednesday,
March 3 at the church. Mrs. I.c
land Sacked will conduct the
service and Mrs. Lawrence Ellis
will present the program.
The birthdiys ot Mrs. T.aurin
MrKinley and Rod Mi-Kcnzic
were honored at a dinner given
by Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schuman.
Others present were Mr. MrKin
ley, Mrs. McKenie, Mr. and Mrs.
Gene Mi-Kinley, Sgl. and Mrs. E.
A. McKctuie ot Fort Lewis,
Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Larry
ltitlaml of McMinnville.
Mr. anil Mrs. Klilon Todd of
Tulelakr, Calif , formerly of
Sheridan, are the parents of
their fifth son. They also have a
daughter. Grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Cyde Todd of Sheridan
and Mr. and Mrs. George Scanlon
of Seattle
Frank W. Smith will head the
mrw nendan Red Cross cam
paign, which will hecin on March
3. He will be assisted by Leon
French and Wendell Heaih. The
quota for Yamhill county has
been set for $15,000.
Ball, who had been a member
for many years.
' A report on the convention
showed 15 members attended,
Mrs. J. C. Morrison was elected
vice chairman of the 1955 con
vention at (,'anby.
Pre.ssnt for the evening were
Mrs. Mac West, Mrs. Minnie Mel
vin and one visitor, Mrs. Ida
Newton, all of Salem.
Hobbys on display combined
with a silver tea sponsored by
the Ladies Aid of the Hubbard
community church, Wednesday,
was well attended. Included in
the display were collections of
cream and sugar sets, 'mama's
corner', ceramics, shoes, pixies,
dolls, salt and peppers, agates,
pitchers, pencils, painting, as
well as antiques, some first cov
ers (stamps) of Hubbard, sam
plers and Mexican items. A brief
talk on the various displays led
by Mrs. R. C. Mains followed a
brief program of unison sing
ing, a reading by Mrs. N. A.
Mann, an accordion solo by Mrs.
James Hall and a piano solo by
Mrs. Don Miller.
Mrs. Wayne Bridge and Mrs.
Lenore Schoor poured coffee and
tea. Guests were present from
Beavercreek, Aurora, C a n b y,
Woodburn, Hubbard and Cali-
SUBLIMITY Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Ncal and family left
Friday morning for Monterey,
Calif., where Neat will start
spring training with the Oakland
DONALD Mrs. Anna J.
Kuensting, who for a great many
years was associated with the
Butteville Insurance 'Company,
with offices in Woodburn, has
sold her insurance interests and
is now connected with the Avon
Products Company. For a time
she lived in Salem, but she has
now returned to her farm, op
erated by her son. . I
It has been reported that the
March of Dimes, under the direc
tion of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sam
ple in Donald collected $109.16,
The enrollment in the Donald
Grade School is growing by leaps
and bounds. There arc now 25
pupils in the upper grades, 10 ot
whom are 8th graders, and there
are 32 in the primary room. Ten
children have come into the
school in the past week. They
arc, Richard Hunt and Jessie
r-'orthrup, 1st grade; Shirley and
Deenie Baune and Jane North
rup, 2nd grade; Johnny North
rup, Richard, Marjorie and Rela
Baune, 4th grade; and Jimmie
Norlhrup, 6th grade.
The Donald Extension Unit
sponsored a shower at the home
of Mrs. Francis Ryan honoring
the new son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lcighton Whilsett, whom they
have named Alan Gary Whitsett.
Between 20 and 25 guests were
present to honor the little fel
low. The gift table was decorated
with a blue and yellow umbrella,
and many gifts were received.
Mrs. E. E.' Miller had a dem
onstration party at her home
Monday evening, attending were,
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Miller, Mr.
and Airs. Orval Bartram, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Gianella, Mr. and Airs.
Russell Burkholder, Air. and
Mrs. Chester Phillipson and Airs.
Robert Maitland.
Ralph Yergen and his sister
Blanche drove to southern Cali
fornia where they arc enjoying
a visit.
A silver tea, sponsored by the
WSCS of Donald, was held at
the home of Mrs. Russell Burk
holder, Wednesday afternoon. A
short program was enjoyed. Mrs.
Ray Maxficld was able to attend
the tea. She had a long siege
of illness which finally culminat
ed in an operation, but is report
ed to be feeling fine now.
Airs. June Christopherson is
visiting in the home of her mother-in-law
in Donald, Mrs. E. W.
Air. and Mrs. Vernon Christo
pherson have moved to lone.
Ore. They will be very near the
place his parents used to live
many years ago.
i " " " '
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Monday, March 1. 1034
MONITOR The 46th annual Re.
hekah convention was held at
Monitor recently with the open.
in of the Rebekah degree con
liucted bv the Monitor lodge.
Convention officers were seated
bv Home Ilebckah lodge of Wood
burn. The address of welcome was
given bv Bessie Estes of Francis
lodge, 242, and the response was
by Ivy lodge 101 of Scotts .Mills.
Harmony lodge No. 75 of Gervais
.. ih trihoie to Dast chairmen.
- Th nuesiion box was conducted
1 by Lola Osborne, president of the
Rebekah Assembly.
The evening session was open
ed with the Rebekah degree by
Francis lodge No. 242. Kirk Re
bekah lodge sealed the new offi
cers. Lake Superior, longest of the
Great Lakes, is 350 miles long.
This 750-miles-an-hour rocket sled will soon be rulen by Air
Force volunteers to devise and test equipment to protect air
men bailing out of planes at supersonic speeds. A dummy,
above is being used in first tests at the Holloman Air Devel
opment Center at Alamogordo, New Atcxieo. The sled powered
by 12 powerful rockets, travels on rails. The passenger is
strapped in a chair rotating him head , over heels 180 times a
minute, exposing him to air blasts experienced in a super
sonic bail out. Northrop Aircraft, the manufacturer, descbires
the sled as the world's fastest land passenger vehicle. (AP Wire-photo.
baseball club on March 2.
Suffering from a severe head
ache Airs. F'rancis Heuberger
was taken by ambulance to the
Santiam Alcmorial hospital Wed
nesday morning. She was releas
ed to her home Friday after
Last reports of Airs. E. C.
Smith, a patient at Santiam Alc
morial hospital, stales her con
dition as unchanged.
UNIONVALL Eleven mem
bers of the tlnionvale Home Ex
tension unit attended the regular
February monthly all-day meet
ing held at the home of Mr. and
Airs. Louis Alagee, Wednesday.
"Mending Tips" was subject o
the demonstration with Airs.
Steven Nevil and. Mrs. Fred C.
Stockhoff project leaders. A sack
lunch was served at noon.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mr. and Airs.
Lester Scoggan, Grand Island.
Mr. and Airs. William Michael
who have resii'ed a' the former
home of the late Mr. and Airs.
Andrew Hewitt fcr several years
have moved to the Thcadore
Mossncr farm in the Bcllcvue dis
trict Mrs. Joe R. Tanek and her
mother, Mrs. Ivan L. Crawley,
former residents of this district j
but now of the Broadmcad dis-!
trict were Sunday guests of her ,
son and daughter-in-law, Atr.
and Airs. Richard Panek, and :
daughter at Bremerton, Wash. ;
Airs. Mildred Paetel accompa- j
nied b. friends, Air. and Mrs. j
Ed Roffensborger of Portland i
were recent dinner guests of Mr.
and Airs. Charles Andrews in the
Fain-icw district. Mrs. Paetel
with her family formerly resided :
in this district at the farm now -the
home of Mr. and Mrs. X. J. ,
Daucnhauer. Miss Margaret I
Paetel has completed teaching
her term ot school at Guernsey,
The. modern brick veneer home
o Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Demaray
in course of construction for some
time is completed. His father-in-law,
E. M. Coats, has assisted with
with the carpenter work.
Mr. and Mrs. Hale Hendrickson
and family moved to their recently
purchased home formerly owned
by the late Victor Launer.
North Howell
Ditchen entered the Silverton
hospital recently where she sub
mitted to major surgery.
James Aloulet, who is home
from the Naval duty in Southern
California for a brief leave, ac
companied Air. and Airs. Lewis
Mayte to the coast, where they
visited relatives.
Air. and Airs. H. C. Espe drove
to Sublimity Friday for the bas
ketball game of Sublimity and
What ilo" a rooilrrn woman nrril,
anil what must ihe know, to wm
ml lioM love?
Marrh Coronet reveals thai even
llie married woman must ronlinne
to weave a seiluclive pfH tlm
wanls lo keep llie love she lias won.
What arc those qualities in I
woman which most thrill a normal
man? What can any woman do
to increase her sei appeal?
Every woman who desires the
most from love and every man
who demands it will want to read
Ten Si;ciu;rs or Sr:x Aiteal in
March Coronct m m saie
HDHHARI) Thalia Rebekah
Lodge set March 13 as the date
for a cake sale, at their recent
meeting. The members also voted
to give $1 to the lli.irt fund.
'Hie members complied with a
ropiest lor a cere at the
funeral services lit Mrs. Kstella
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