Page 20 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Monday, March 1, 1954 Ike May Have Something To Say About McCarthy By LYLE C, WILSON WASHINGTON (UP) If Presi dent Eisenhower follows his usual schedule, he has until day after tomorrow to decide whether the Zwicker incident requires him to break openly with Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis). Brig. Gen. Ralph W. Zwicker was the Army officer whom Mc Carthy so roughly handled in a one man committee hearing that Army Secretary Robert Stevens demand ed a showdown with the senator. What Stevens got was an under standing , with McCarthy which looked very much like an army surrender. . May Speak Wednesday . What the President intends to do about the humiliation of his Army secretary and of one of his gen eral officers should develop Wed nesday at bis usual weekly news conference. There was none last week. While House Press Sccre- tary James C. Hagerty indicated that the President would ' have something to say about McCarthy the next time he met he press. The administration has been up set and angry. White House inti mates were saying through last week that the President probably would speak out on tne McCarthy Stevens-Zwicker row. Scores of re porters are anxious for a chance next Wednesday to ask the ap propriate questions. Many Sided Issue This is a tough campaign year. Some political realists hold that it is no year to compel Republi cans, especially Rcpublian candi dates, to choose between Mr. Ei senhower and McCarthy. Most Re publicans here apparently feci that the Communism-in-government is sue ballyhooed by McCarthy is among the best to use against the Democrats next November. Mr. Eisenhower became person ally involved in the dispute last week when he authorized an nouncement that he backed "100 per cent" the Stevens version of the understanding with McCar thy. The senator promptly rcpudi atcd tliat. The President is further involved as the leader of a party and as the chief of an administra tion which McCarthy consistently attacks on varying fronts. Moreover, Mr. Eisenhower is an old soldier to whom others in the armed services naturally look for protection against what they re gard as outrageous treatment. Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort y AS TEETH, a piMutiint alkaline (non-actd) powder, holdi false teeth mom firmly. To eat and talk in mora comfort. Just sprinkle a little TKBTH on your plates. No gummr, Kooer. pasty taste or feeling. Checks "plate odor" (demur breath). Get FASTEETH at an drag coaster. Curtain Choice Of Conference The Western Regional Confer ence of Elementary School Principals elected James Cur- tin, president of henry Hill grade school, Independence, president of their group Saturday. Curtin replaces Thomas Means, West Salem principal who served as head of the organization dur ing the pa. year. Others named to office were, Prescription-like medicine stops Sour Heartburn-Gas Pull out fir of acid itomachditlriut Now ft'i niedleia to luffer burning palni of acid InrflgMtioD, lu, heartburn think! to. "priaerlptlon-trpe" formula of F. H, Plunder, Fh.Q. Medically-proved Pfiinder'a Tablet aootha away pain with arid-Den tralfzinf film. Yoo aat moat anything yon like without fear of diatreaa. AraatinrlJ VUlrk relief pudronleevf or money back 1 Git Plunder a Tablita today. 100.000,00 add. Walter Commons, principal of Eastside school, Coos Bay, vice president and William S. Wag ner, Monmouth principal, secre tary. The group of approximately 150 persons linencd to talks by Rex Putnam, state superintend ent of public instruction; Clyde H. Beard of The Dalles and Mrs. W. L. VanLoan, assistant pro fessor of home economics, Ore gon State college. Mount Angel Jersey Wins Honors Award A registered Jersey cow, Ra dar's Sybil Actress, owned by Rex Ross, Mount Angel, Ore., has earned the Silver Medal award of The American Jersey Cattle Club. She recently com pleted a production record of 7,571 lbs. milk and 463 lbs. but tcrfat in 260 days at the age of 2 years. All tests on the official produc tion record were made under the supervision of Oregon State Col lege and were verified by The American Jersey Cattle Club, which has its national headquar ters in Columbus, Ohio. SWATCH! Mar. 5 fori Or. K. 1. Um NO Or. G. Loan, no DRS. CHAN . . , LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs, Sl North Liberty Offlca open Saturday only, 10 a.m. to l p.m., S to 7 p.m. Coniulutlon, blood Dresaure and nrlne tests are free of charge. Practiced since 1917. writ lor attractive rirt. tin ''bllratJon. COLUMBIA LOW-COST ALUMINUM GARAGE DOORS S this economy garape door wiih all the advantages o( non-sag, non warp, bridgeframe tunsiruiiion... plus ftilbtr-ToKtb spring action for raising or lowering easily, safely. Enbossed Sticca fioita. Nutters ti Slate Cur ar art it Millet 15 stietitr Itll Wiiirf lemma. WILLAMETTE ALUMINUM CO. 3035 Portland Rd. . Ph. 2 8058 WW. I L2 Other ' Available at Comparative Prices '.'V ,1 -i , .-- ;L ll i j , ' , il H Salem's Newest and Finest Used Furniture Store H IP ; Woodiry's "Thrifty" Used FanraittiiDire Hff .rr1 i ' i"i L-----TSs- Located at... lj -j : 'Ir----n rrrT3 515 S. Commercial T H ','? J ) ... I 9 pPi ImM a i - i, ii'M'.Jj U iAM 1 a-, a Woodry's 7 4 hV. , Main Store ! ' 4 f? j'f i-i Phon 4-3319 ' t t- ' li S .......... I !t ' i - ; t Jne rver-increasinn tlemancl for ood used furniture has compelled us to abandon our old used department, where cus- I 1 . I 4f.' I ne street from our main store on Souih rommprrtal St.. Woodry's Thrifty" boasts one of Willamette Valley' larg- I ' ' f-.f A. I Featuring Used Furniture and Appliances at Sensible Prices! Davenport Sets-Davenos Juvenile Furniture Bedroom Furniture Dining, Dinette Sets Lamps-Occasional Tables Washing Machines, Refrigerators 1 Ranges, Oil and Wood Heaters Mattresses & Springs Unfinished Furniture Linoleum and Rugs Chairs and Rockers Bunk Beds Chrome Furniture Here's a New and Different Kind of Store The ever-increasing demand for good used furniture has compelled us to abandon our old used department, where cus tomers' selections were hampered by a crowded numhle-jumhle condition, caused by too little space. Now we're proud to announce the opening of Woodry's "Thrifty" Vsed Furniture a newly decorated store, over 1000 square feet of space, featuring quality used furniture and appliances for the home! Conveniently located "just across the street" from our main store on South Commercial St., Woodry's "Thrifty" boasts one of Willamette Valley's larg est and best selections of used home furnishings. Here customers will see everything from used garden tools to used living room suites literally hundreds of Items all smartly displayed In a modern setting and, best of all, every piece Ihrlftly priced! You owe It to yourself to visit this new and different used furniture store, as we are. Come in soon and often! We know you'll be as excited about it EASY WOODRY TERMS LOW DOWN PAYMENTS BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES Highest CASH Prices Paid for Used Furniture and Appliances 515 S0U(IH commercial st rr (Across from Main Store)