V Pajre 2 r In Edited by MIKE I'OltBKS Dallas n A I t AC . Dnrt tinorl. will hf ' in evidence when the All - Amcr - )c-.n Red Heads, nationally known trskclball team, meet the ftri-onn Colleee Wolves, at the new Pallas hiqh school gymna sium, Thursday, March 4 at 8 p.m. Led by "Ked" Mason, a S ft. 7 comniedinn, who hails from Siloam Sorlnis. Ark., "Butch" Moore, trick pivot artist, Esther Taylor, a ' B foolcr from Okla homa and Shirley Howard and Patt.vc Burton, hnth of Missouri make tin t':e iill-Rirl team that plays men's rules. There will be a trick shot ex hibition by the Red Heads be tween halves. A nifht of sports and fun has been set for M.irch 9, at the new high school gymnasium, spon sored by the Parent-Teacher as sociation, with the proceeds to go towards purchase of a loud speaking system for the junior high school, Don Yeagcr, coach, announces. On the agenda will he a vol leyball game between junior high girls and their mothers and the boys will meet the dads in a basketball game. A church choral group will sing and it is planned to have the sixth grade tumblers perform. "Morrison School Night" Is the theme for the Dallas Ele mentary Schools . Parent-Teachers a'ssociation meeting to be held Monday, March 1, at 7:30 p.m., at the Morrison Elcmen tary school. - Children of the third, fourth and fifth grades will present the program. As this is also family night, the children will be en tertained in the cafeteria room and served refreshments by the room mothers while the associa tion is holding a short business meeting. Mark Hatfield, dean of stu dents at Willamette university and representative in the state legislature from Marion county, will be the principal speaker when the dedicatory services for the new Dallas high school is held in the gymnasium, Monday night, March 8. S. E. Whitworth, superintendent, has announced. The speaker is a former Dallas resident and received part of his ligh school education here. J, Paul Bollman chairman of the school board, will preside at the meeting and other members of the board will be introduced. Also to be introduced will bo Architects Freeman, Hayslip, Tuft and Hewlett and represen tatives of the Industrial Build ing company of Eugene, con tractors on the project. Bleacher seats to accommo date 10R0 persons will be in place for the program, Whit worth said. After the program, the public will be shown through the building al its open house. Dalorc Temple 53, Pythian Sisters, met in the KP hall Thursday evening. Mrs. C. W. Smith, most excellent chief, pre sided at the business, session. During the meeting invitations were read and accepted to at tend the Salem lodge on March 3, and the Independence lodge on March 4, when state grand chief Mrs. Carrie Braxnn nf Mil ton Freewaler would pay her of ficial visit to the two chapters. Following the brief business ; meeting Dee Gee Green, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Green, gave a song and dance number, j Placed before the altar was a i large basket of culoilul spring flowers. The refreshment table was ! centered with a miniature diirrv I tree decorated with rid gum drops flanked with small I hatchet carrying out the George Washington holiday theme. Serving on the refreshment foinmitlre were Mrs J. Krach rr, Celesta Chase. Mrs. E. 1). Dunn. Mrs. Delbrrt Klicvcr and Mrs. Paul Bollman. Decorations were in charge nf Mrs. Tony Neufeldt and Mrs. Henry Kliev er, Mrs. Art May and Mrs. M. M. Grooms presented the pro gram. Pallas Miss Helen Butler, for mer librarian and teacher in the , Pallas high school, has been chosen as one of (our librarians from the Pacific Northwest Li brary association, ho will meet at Seattle this summer lu work out the reorganization of chil dren's libraries and sclmul li braries. Miss Butler will repre sent Oregon. Kepresentatnes from British Columbia, W a-tiiiig-ton and Idaho will complete the hoard. She is the daughter of Mis C. O. Butler nf Dallas and is jr.de school librarian at Rend, The organization nf sn adult vening class In Iratherrraft is Now Showing Open 6:45 Adults 60e Children 2llc "KSCAPK I KtIM I-OUT HKAVO" Technicolor William Ilolden. Klranor I'arker Technicolor Co-lllt BE It II FADS FROM SK ATTI.K" With 4 Top Reeordlnr SUr announced by John Barnes, high school crafts and woodworking teacher. I The ciass npen to alt interest- , (, pcrsonSi win continue through j Mmh an(i Aprj with eight 2'., hour sessions. The class will ; meet in the workshop of the new high school. The first session which will be a short organizational meeting, oeimune wiuweu a iiun:m-r will he held Tuesday, March 2, j of colored slides of the beautiful at 7-30 p in. Those interested j flower gardens near Ketehican. should call the high school She explained the handicaps un omnt to give names and ad-' dcr which garden club members dresses, Barnes states. Liberty LIBERTY The Blue and Gold banquet for cub pack 18 was held Wednedav evening at the Liberty School with 14R attending Spec ial guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Wright and son, Jim. Tieing for first place for the table decorations were den 8 and den . In second place was den 7 and in third place den 10. The award presentation lot lowed the dinner. Cub master Walter Schendel presented tne awards to the parents of the boys Wolf badges were presented to Gary Fries, Jim Adams, IlicK Bunsc and Alton Albin, wolf gold arrows, Richard Alcxanderia, Jus tin Mct'arroll, Dick Edge and Dick Bunsc, and wolf silver ar rows, to Danny Hughe and Jus tin McCarroll. Bear badges went to Ronnie Nicholson and Gene Bartlctt, bear gold arrows, to George Bent and Gene Bartlctt, and bear sil ver arrows, to George Morrison and George Bent (2), Lion Awards were presented to John Hoolcy, Dick Kncpper and Jim Wirth, lion gold arrows, to Dick Knepper, Hon ilvcr arrow, Dick Knepper and Michcal Hold' en (2). Den mothers receiving den mother pins were Mrs. Mervin Seagcr, Mrs. Donald Schur, Mrs, Ed. Ilolden and Mrs. Ed. Hughes, assistant den mother pins to Mrs. Gerald McCarroll and Mrs. Gard ner Bennett. Donald Schur was appointed denner fur Den 9, and Ansel Millie assistant denner. A troop leaders' warrant was pre sented to Darrell Rybloom, a boy scout from troop 19, for his as sistance to Mrs. Donald Schur, as part of his boy scout training. Dr. Lewis Clark was in charge of the program and the group was entertained with movies. It was announced that the March paek meeting is scheduled for the 24 and their carnival 26. LIBERTY The Ladies Coun cil' of the Liberty Christian Church of Christ met on Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wayne Sipe on Boone Road. Co hostesses were Mrs. Luther Bill ings, and Mrs. Charlotte Clark. Mrs. Charles Moore was in charge of the devotions, Mrs. Kenneth Cowman the scriptures and Mrs. Joe Sittswirth the pro gram. Visitors were Mrs. Joe Vanek, Mrs. James Sylvester, Mrs. James j Crump and Mis. Ralph Dent. Others present were Mrs. Paul jScharn, Mrs. Alice Largent, Mrs. Milton Stevens, Mrs. Fred Hob lertson, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Knepper. A group from the church al tended the annual Christian Mis sionary convention in Portland Friday. They were Mrs. Charlotte Clark, Mrs. Wayne Sipe, Mrs. Kenneth Cowman, Mrs. Charles Moore and Rev. and Mrs. Wayne Byranl. Mrs. Elbert Jones, honored her mother-in-law, Mrs. Lilly Jones at a birthday party Thursday afternoon al the home of Mrs. Jones on Jones Road. Mis. I .(ill Weston was the assisting hostess. Honoring Mis. Jones were Mrs. M.ny llnibeU, Mrs. Mike Schmidt. Mrs. Hoy Smith. Mrs. Al tieorxe, Mrs. Kay Ritle. Mrs. S. It. D.ividsno, .Mis. Fred Browning, Mis. Ivan Morris, Carol, Johnny and Mariltn, Mrs. Arthur Perry, Mrs. Klbert Junes. Carol, Bert, Mary and Jimmy, Mrs. l.nu West on and Peggy, Mrs. Kathcrine ;Srvhmidt and Hev. Harold Ham : ilton. Unionvale I'NIONVAI.K Recent guests i oi .urs. iionrri lerrv were her ! daughter, Miss Thelma Tcrrv of Portland, Mr. and Mis. "' i Howard I 'Icrr and son, John, anil d.un-h ler. I.enuia. of Dallas Willuiu llallMllall ol PoiUjiuI came Monthly and Miss Thelma Terry accompanied loin to Port land. Hoy Terry, of Portland. iuu of Mi Robert Terry, is leaving tins weokeend for San Francism, Calif , on insurance liusines to be gone three week". j Aslr(imrr, h(,,,rl), ha h(, j l(,r(1j, yxm , ,h,,prr roiuhlv j hrirk. H miles long and live miles w-id and thick. m.i:vin a-44r mv pi.ayim; Robert Taylor Deborah Kerr IN "QUO VADIS" -ALSO-Wilt Ditney't Traveling Adventure "Prowlers ef the Evergladei" Atif City mi . i, v-iii - , .. . I stead Mrs. Arnold Syverson, Mrs. members and guests attended ' ' the meeting of the Garden Club Melbourne Rambo and daughter, at the home of Mrs. J. F. Potter Mrs. John Muir, Mrs. Al Yankus Thursday evening. There was no ami smi) son, Mrs. Vern Thorn business meeting. Mrs.Iiert Mor- Kr,.d Buf Mr, ,.,,,, s.i(fl. ns, the president, giving a tew words of welcome and reading an appropriate poem. After the flag salute, those present sang "In the Garden." led by Mrs. D. B. Hill, with Mrs. W. W. Allen accompanying at the piano. Mr. and Mrs. William Sclfridgc of Detroit, but formerly of Ketchi- j can, Alaska, were introduced and work in that part nf the country to raise flowers and vegetables in the shallow soil most of which hod to he brought in. Other col ored pictures showed the buat in which they traveled back and forth from Seattle, Wash., to Ketehican. Alaska. A colored moving-picture also showed var ious viewsnf the gardens and sur rounding territory. Following the showing of the pictures, refreshments were ser ved by the hostesses: Mrs. Walter Olmslead, Mrs. Burton Boroughs, Mrs. Arthur LeCour. and Mrs. Lo well Hectwond. Beautiful con sales were made for the guest ; Washington grade school at Wood ol honor, Mrs. Selfridge, the presi-. burn attended the Junior Sym dent, Mrs. Morris and for Mrs. phony concert in Portland Satur Potter by Mrs. C. M. Cline. 1 day. Mrs. Harry VanArsdale and The Garden Club has installed ; Mrs. John Hooper accompanied two large waste receptacles on j the group. local streets recently to aid in the ! Mr. and Mrs. Ncal Nelson and beautificalion of the city. One j daughter of Burlingame, Calif was placed at the corner of Kim- ornia arrived In Woodburn Pri nters drugstore, and another on dav to visit his parents Mr. and the Marion County side of the river near the Mill City Bank. The winner of the local speech contest at the recent meeting of the Toastmistress Club was Mrs. Howard Means, who will compete in the Area contest against. the two Salem clubs and the Staytnn club in March. Taking part in the local contest, besides Mrs. Means, were Mrs. ArthurLcCours, and Mrs. A. E. Ncsbitt. . Acting as judges for the event were Mrs. Roger Nelson, Mrs. Ed Yarnell of Salem, and Noble Streeter, with the tie-breaking judge being Miss Marilyn Ceder- berg, new teacher in the local high school. Chairman of 'the contest com mittee was Mrs. Kenneth Crosier, with timers being Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson and Mrs. Lowell Fleet wood. Invocation was given by Mrs. Lee Ross, with Mrs. Vernon Todd as Toastmistress. A special guest of the evening was Mrs. Noble Streeter. The Lions Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Robert Veness Wed-' nesdny evening, with Mrs. George Veteto assistant hostess. During the business meeting, it was deci ded to ask Mrs. Hale, one of the Slate oflicers, to attend the next meeting to advise the group on joining the State organization. Mrs. Jay Mason will be hostess in March. Appointed to serve on the pot luck dinner committee for Mon day night, when the families at tend, were Mrs. A. E. Ncsbitt, Mrs. George Veteto, Mrs. Jay Mason, and Mrs. Don Moftatt. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hender son of Redmond, formerly of Mill City were in town on business j Thursday. They were enroule to ! l'reSent were Mrs. George Chap Salem to attend th funeral Fri- ,, Mrs. j. (j. Lauderback. Mrs. clay of Mabel Jenkins (Mrs. Hat-j i()V Machand. Mrs. H. II. Paget, old J.I, who also were former ,rs, Archie Bowen. Mrs. Virgil residents of Mill City, Mr. Jenk-1 Burson. Mrs. A. C. Spranger. ins being a brother of Geo. D. Mrs. Hibborn, Mrs. James Jenkins. Mrs. Jenkins was sis-1 Hibborn. Mrs. A. A. Spelbrink, ler of Ellen Reynolds and Emma Mrs Mi)erl Mantie, Mrs. Come Brown, formerly of Stayton, and jus niltl,son, Mrs. Dave Ramsever well-known in this locality. '; ,jr , ,Mrs A, ,i Ma,Pri Mrs. Olga The Women's Council of the Ask, Miss Hilda Ask and the Christain Church met at the home i of Mrs. Elmer Shaw, the presi-1 dent, lost week. During the short! business meeting, plans were made for a food sale and spagh etti and meatball dinner to be served in the church basement al noun un March 17. Plans were also made lor serving the "Nine l and nine'' urgjuUatioii. lluir District Meeting to br held here In Apul. Attending the afternoon meet ing were Mrs. Hugh Jul), Mrs. Ue Myers. Mrs. 1). Jennings, Mrs, E. K. Fish. Mrs. Emma Teeters, Mrs. Glen Sliellon, Mrs. Ed Cooke, Mrs. I art Chiincc. Mrs. Clarence 1 Howe, Mrs. t na While, and the hostess. Mrs. Elmer Shaiv. I A lame group ol friends sur. prison .Mrs. George Velcin with pot lurk lunrheon nt her home Wednesday in honor of her birth day and as a "house-warming." the Velctos having but recently moved into their new house. The ! Lliesi (II nnniir u k t,,-.vn,iin.l .viih inv.iv ... i Waller Ulmslead Following the urn-u i link liiiuheon, Mrs. Vet- Clock Benelif Spaghetti Dinner Soropllinlst Club Tuesday, March 2, 5:3118.00 IMtRICAN LEGION Hall Adults 1.5S " Children Vie i day Lunch I At North's J In the Capitol Shopping t enter Baked Ham loaf With Pineapple Sauce Whiped Potatoes & (,ravr llutlerrd Corn, Roll, Hiitlrr 65c Fatl Service Delicious Food Try Salem't I Best Plee t.tl eto opened her many gifts. Attending the affair were Mrs. : Roger Nelson, Mrs. Walter Olm- Mrs. Russell King, Mrs. John Swan, Mrs. Cecil Lake, Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood, Mrs. Phylllp j j0in st., has been named to at Hess, Mrs. Mattie Root, Mrs. j tend the 5th Armored Division Waller Brisbin, Mrs. W. H. Davis, Leaders Course at Camp Chaffee, Mrs Don Moffatt, Mrs. HuKh Walkup, and Mrs. P. F. Willough b. Others sending gifts were Miss Sharon Grey, Mrs. Dell Smith and George Veteto. Woodburn WOODBURN-Mrs. R. L, Guiss lelt Monday for Albany where she will join Mrs. Cecil Cathey lor an extended trip to California and Arizona. Ray Glalt is in St. Vincent's hospital in Portland and if. E. Ilicks is in the Salem Memorial hospital both for surgery. Franklin D. Mellmer. seaman, USN, is serving aboard the des troyer L'SS Hopewell on her third tour of duty with UN naval forces. He is the son of" Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Mellmer of Woodburn. A bus load of students from the Mrs. Saren Nelson. They will re turn home Monday accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Nelson who will spend some' time with them in Burlingame. . Miss Joanne Williamson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. I. 0. William son of Broadacres, has been pledged to Sigma Kappa sorority at the University of Oregon where she i,s a student. A family get-to-gether was held recently at the Glen Polly home honoring Virgil Polly of Wray, Colo, a brother, who is visiting here and is also a brother of Mrs. Carl Slover of Woodburn. Among the out of town guests at the fam ily dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sundberg and Kathy of Sa lem, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Polly, Timothy and Michapl of Yachats, Kobert Polly, Randy and Ronnie of Redmond, Mr. and Mrs. Del mer Slover and Terry of Hub bard. Macleay MACLEAY Mrs. Donald Ma der chairman of the Pratum-Mac-leay Home Extension unit, was hostess lo the group, at her home recently. The demonstration subject was "New trends , in Lighting." Miss Ermina Fisher. Home ex tension agent, was the demon strator. The group decided to have a Hawaiian dinner at the Grange hall in April. The March meeting will be held at the Grange hall. The study subject will be mak ing fabric lamp shades with Mrs. Robert Hansen and Mrs A Snelbrink as leader. demonstrator and hostess. In Silverton Wed. Mar. 3rd Swiss Yodelers Swiss Family Fraunfelder Yodelers of Stage, Screen, -Radio and Television Hear Them in Concert ''ECHOES FROM SWITZERLAND" 8 P.M. PALACE THEATRE Adm. 1.2S Tax Inch Sponsored by Silverton t.lons Club NOW PLAYING 'n glenn Miller .J&2 MOW nmcn UWCFM0 lOUIS WKStlCMi tltt U IIS POuVH Ml Dootmuitrt -Plus Short Suhject 'Til FY WF.KK CHAMPS" Plus .News e Cartoon Prices This Fncagement Only AdulU JI.OO Monmouth MONMOUTH Wayne Jordan, principal of Central hiim school, was in Milwaukee, Wise., last week to attend the National Sec ondary School Principal's annual convention and was a member of a discussion panel. Pvt. Frank Rosenstock, son of Mrs Blanche Rosenstock. 744 E. I ,i,u fi... unol, nn siiulv nf lead- ership and inspections. The last three weeks he will be assigned to a training unit to serve as a non-commissioned officer. Harold Elkins and Walter Lier man have been named by the school board of District 13C to serve on the school budget com mittee for a three year term. They replace Harold Withrow and 0. A. Macy. Fred Hill has ! been named to fill the unexpired I time of Charles Calbreath, who is moving away. Frank Hedges i and John Dickinson are the oth- er members of the committee. Rev. and Mrs. Virgil Speece have announced the engagement of their only daughter, Shirley Ann, to James E. Goode, son of Mrs. Sclma Goode of Portland. Both are attending Cascade Col lege and will graduate in June. Goode is studying for the minis try. An early summer wedding is being planned. Mrs. Susie Grazen of Monmouth is the grandmother of Miss Spcnce. Plans were made at the Thurs day evening meeting of the Agate Kcbekah lodge to honor all who have been members for 30 or more years at the March 4 meeting with Mrs. Minnie An drews and Mrs. G. I. Russell as the welcoming committee. Mrs. Melba Seward reported ,on at tending the Dallas Rebekah homecoming recently. Mrs. Charles Bowman announced a so cial meeting and card party for March 12. Mrs. Ellen Daltpn was given a jewel emblem for the last years work as noble grand and Mrs. Anna Herren was given a birthday cake and card shower. Mrs. Dora Banghem, Mrs. A. J. Unruh, Mrs. Alta Rogers, Mrs. Earl Jaynes and Naomi Kelly served refreshments. Hev. Harry V, Atkins, pastor of the Christian church at Du fur, is-the evangelist conducting meetings at the Monmouth Chris tian church from Feb. 28 at 7:45 each evening except Saturday un til March 14. Mrs. Rae Alley will provide the music with her Swiss bells, triple golden chimes and "Celestelian." Mrs. Alley will conduct children's services every evening after school on school days with a Bible story and sing ing. Dr. Anne Millan of the OCE physical education department, has arranged the prfcgram for the Monmouth Elementary PTA meeting Monday, March 1, at 7:30. There will be square danc-1 ing by the eighth grade, basket-, ball game by the seventh grade, and tumbling by the fifth and sixth grade. After this part of the program those present will reconvene in the school cafeteria i STARTS WEDNESDAY! jff pSplMdor! Grander! Spertadel f TOO St! IT WITHOUT SHCUl OASSIS Robert TAYLOR Ara GARDNER 3 phoni a-toto Ijngnanaiqj 1 PttONI 1M tO ' POSITIVELY ENDS TOMORROW! Mutt Make Way For "KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE" Starting Wedneidayl DON'T MISS IT! r. TECHNICOLOR ,, , Price This Show Adults for a discussion led by Dr. Mil- Ian. Mrs. Henry Alsip entertained the Monmouth Thimble club last week and Mrs. Sarah Burch be came a member. The club will I hold a cooked food sale at the j Vogue, March 6. At the March ' 24 meeting with Mrs. Grace Thornbrue seven picture books will be completed for Docrnbcch er hospital, The Republican W o m e n's Study group will meet Tuesday, March 2 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. with Mrs. Ray Rauch and Mrs. Lester Colgan as co-hostess. Webfoot WEBFOOT Ten members of the Webfoot Social Club attend ed the regular meeting held at the home of Mrs. Dell Morga riedge Thursday afternoon. A white elephant sale was held with Mrs. Morgaricdge auction eer which netted $6.25. Two child's quilts were pre sented to Mrs. John Hackworth of Wheatland and Mrs. Allen May. A surprise honoring Mrs. Ros co Roberts was a group singing "Happy Birthday to You." Birth day cards were given and her secret sister in the club pre sented her with a camellia plant. Attending were: Mrs. Ames Hold redge, 83, a charter member when the club was organized in 1908. Mrs. Roscoe Roberts also is a charter member. Present were Mesdamcs Ralph Curfman, Thomas Lyman, Archie Shafer, Albert May, Allen May, Clayton Richards, John Hackworth, A. M. Vernon. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Albert May. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Reetz en tertained the Dayton - Webfoot Farmers Union Thursday eve ning. Officers elected were, presi dent, James W. Richardson; Roy Will, vice president; Mrs. Joe Owens, sccretary-t reasurer; Charles Andrews, Ed J. Reetz and F. L. Withce, executive board. The next meeting will be at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Owens in the Neck district near Dayton. A Home Economics Club with members from subordinate grange No. 718 met at the Web foot grange hall Tuesday after noon to organize and elect of fleers. Elected were Mrs. Henry Freshour, president; Mrs. Clif ford Gibbon, vice president: Mrs. George Doud, secretary-treasur er. Attending were: Mrs. Henry Freshour. Mrs. Clifford Gibbon, Mrs. Tom Huffman, Mrs. George Doud, Mrs. Thomas Lyman. Mrs. Ray McManimic. Mrs. Archie Shafer, and Mrs. Richard Lofton. FREE Accnrdian furnished for 6 weeks while you learn The Music Center In the Capitol Shopping Cenler f-r r Mel FERRER CRAWFORD BAKER -PLUS-Merry Wives of Windsor AND Color Cartoon ' FEATURE! 1:25-4:15 7:05-9:35 Sl.2.1 Children tee $aving ai the Soot of Vi Mile Norih the Bridge of the Underpass West Salem Salem Open Every Day ... 8 a. m. lo 10 p. in. PRICES 'GOOD MONDAY 800 lib. bag (o)) LIMIT SWIFT'S Reg. 49c LIMIT HOLIDAY 0LE0 4 LIMIT Del Monte Apricots 214 tins CELLO BAG CARROTS "0 PINK OR WHITE GRAPEFRUIT LIMIT RADISHES and GREEN DESCHUTES NO. 2 POTATOES LIMIT SLICED BACON Boiling Beef Chuck Roast Rib Steak Ml. ANGEL CHEESE Monday. March 1, M54 Centers - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY : w ONIONS 3bun 10c 50-LB. SACK 19 lb. 32 35 lb. lb. 3c 2c ib. 4) i 1 ; '