700 Rentals 705 Apartments for Rent OMS a cent Mje. 2 blocks from Canltol j """' rnrai entrance and heat. Desirable. 293 S. Winter. 1 . R n I) M furn 1 mm I . .. . $35. 2 -barm, unlurn. Available war, om. eau. atu Mill HI. 1-BDRM., uniurn. house, attached garage, alec. heat. l',a mile East 4 Corners. S5 month. No peta. Ph ri-iwj.t. ica at gap state. $411 STATE. Furnished seml-apart ment. Private bath, hotplate, utll itles. FURN. APTS., one 2 rm one 3 rm Pvt. entrance & bath, clean, close mi iiiii ucncvur. i ROOM FURN. Nice, clean, warm . Woman preferred. J35. 841 N. fO'llO Or .l-.HKHI, rilSr.. small fnrn 4,.l.C 77T welcome. Kitchenette. (30. 765 manon. CENTRALLY located. 1 hr. ant. range, refrif., laundry facilities lorn, nem mo. At IsaacK Co., ncsiiuis. jrtt -.Mll, H.PAK 9.RM h l Prlv. bath, utilities furn. 35. 1115 im. mm. fa. i-itui 707 Houses For Rent S.-BDRM. partly furn. house. Close 10 scnooj. .i-aosj. IN KEIZER, nice clean apt., garage BRAND new 2-bedroom home and garage, ready for occupancy March Din rnone X'lvto. I-BEDRM. modern house. Leslie Dist. Adults only. Ph. 2-5784. I-RM. hse., barn, chicken house, un iurn 33. Skyline Rd., Ht. 4, Box i.io. FOR RENT. 1-bedroom house, lur- msnca. sou. rn, it-iMi. ATTRACTIVE 2-bdrm. home. Firepl., oil ncai, koqo location. n. J-tJHa. 4 ROOMS, bath, utility, elec. wtr. heater, oil clr., wired for range, garage, garden space. $37.50 per mo. iwiuivappnan Ave. PARTLY furnished 5 room house. Heing., electric stove St garage. 4 ROOMS, bath, utility, elec. wtr. heater, oil clr., wired for range, garage, garden space. $37.50 per mo. iviv jiappnan Ave. a ROOM house for rent. 1635 N. Cot tage St. Phone 4-4008. CLEAN 1 BR. furn. house. Garage, adults, no pets. Wish permanent renters. Ph. 4-5155 1-RM. UNFURN. except gas kitchen range, water heater, fir. furnace. At 725'j N. Church. Call 2-0724. 2-BEDROOM house for rent, also 1 bedroom house, Ph. 2-4815, 3-8471. 1370 N. 4th. i FURN. 1 BDRM. house. Ph. 3-6735. EXTRA nice furn. duplex. Huge llv. rm. Creek, cloBe in, car port. $75. 510 S. Winter. Ph. 3-5128 eve. UNFURN,, ground floor, duplex. Ga rage. 656 Ferry. Ph. 3-3437. 1 RM. UNFURN. cottage. Elec. heat, elec, range. 744 N. Capitol. 2-8682. 1 BEDRM. partly furn. Bus across street, 1 block grade school, 4 blocks Parrish High, 6 blocks Shop ping Center It State bldgs. Ph. 2-8448. 1 BEDRM. duplex with store room. No children. North Disk (45 per month. Ph. 4-1761. 4-BEDROOM house, clean, oil circu lator, elec. range. Close In. (53. Call 4-6613. NEW 1-bdrm. house, unfurn., except refrlg. it stove. 2445 Market. Ph. Z-11TCK. UNFURN. 3-bedrm. home. Close In, South. Basement. $55 a month. JOE NOONCHESTEK REAL ESTATE 1595 N. Cottage. 4-3661 day or eve. CLEAN house. Oil stove. Hot water heater. Wired for range ft dryer. Ph. 4-1352. Will be at house In p.m. 590 N. 12th. IN DALLAS, 8 yrs. old. 2-bdrm. Nice. (55. Dallas 3931. &FFICES, living quaiters, two fam ily homes, very close-In. 3-4359 eve. FURN. OR unfurn., reasonable to right party. Ph. 4-3061 eve. 1 ROOM furnished cabin. Gentle man. Phone 3-7018. ALMOST new 2-bedrm. house, elec. range, auto, heat, hardwood floors, insulated, saa Mapie Ave. t-ROOM unfurn. modern house, $45. ln. 4-14tO t RM. UNFURN. house except for gas range and water heater. Baby arcepted, no pets. $35 mo. 455 S. mm. It ACRE 2 bedrms.. south. Bus service, Ian, rn. a-4am, UNFURN. 5 ROOM duplex. (2 bed rmsl. Half block to Capitol Shop ping Center. Ph. 4-3405 or 4-1863. FURN.. SMALL, modern, clean, coiy, court, adults. $33. 818 N. Com'l. SUBURBAN modern house. 8743 Port land Rd. $45. Ph. 4-4076. IMMEDIATE possession, 4 rm. cot tage. Near bus, stores, neat. $40. 4-5H85. 2 BEDRM. home for lease. Ph. 3J101 or 2-6758. 1 ROOM cabin furn. 122.50 mo. All utilities paid. Near bus and store. rn. 4-snj CABIN. 3-room, partly furnished. $25 month. Ph. 2-1248. 1 BFDRM. house unfurn. except range, heater, refrlg. $33 . 2265 Claude St. Inquire 94.1 S, 12th. 4BDRM., unlurn. home, 2605 N. 4th. $30 mo. Ph. 4-5393. 709 Wanted to Rent LOT suitable for 3-hedronm borte. City utilities available. Ph. 2-7838. 8-10 a.m. HSerLY couple wants 1 bedrm. furn. rotlaee or ant. sbout Mar. aih Box 240 Statesman-Journal. DOWNTOWN office by Realtor. Write BOX 133. DiaiesmBii-wuMin-i. 710 Wonted to Rent, Hou.ee FAMILY of S want 2 ( r 3 bedrrh house. Bush school. Bush School. Abou030month.Ph2-7026. RADIO man and family desire clean 2 or 3 bedim, home. Up to IBS. Ph 4-3159. WANTED" TO lease ur lease with op tion to buv. strictly modern 3 HR home by responsible adulta. Ph. 2-2560. . WANTED 2 bedroom house. Unfurn. Hy rpfponsioie coup.. . Ph. 3-3421. PERMANENT resident will give ex cellent care for home In lr"r or rem Three adults. References. Call 2-3M3, evening" 2-osso. 800 Rrnl Kslalr BRAND NEW! AMiHrtlve J-bedroom home near new mgh-.cr.ool. Fireplir. Parent Hardwood floors. Insulated. Forced ir oil heat. $13,900. 120 Acres 56,450 Some timber Lots of springs. 4S ?rei cultivated. Building, in poor condition, but property worlh ask ing price. Trade 'or home. FURNISHED - G.5op Iwo-bertrc.in home, near all schools. rape. Owner making over 1200 a month raring W11' RAMSEY. REALTOR 800 Real Estate (An agency devoted entirely to home-selling operated by Theo. G. Nelson. Realtor-Appraiser SRA and five neighborhood salesmen.) t. . N FRONT ST. INDUSTRIAL ZONE 2 "ow-. Thl" Property being in Zone Ml has future possibilities 1 bflrtn, plus nursery, inside utility, garage with room above, on rear of lot 50 x 125. Only $.250: $500 dn. will handle. See this todayl Edna Morgan, slw., 4-4441, Res, 4-6038. r . ' , TRADE FOR LARGER Suburban south. bdrm. home. llv. rm.. dinette, kit., bath, amall work snop Close to school & bus. Garden space Consider trading part 4?2436y Cr W Price M'400' Gr,c8 Tomlin, slw, 4-4441; Res. . TRADE FOR CITY HOME 7-yr.-nld. S bdrm. home in Salem suburbs, south. Needs paint and some finishing touches to make it an excellent home. Large rooms. Lot 160 x 160. Nice fruit trees. Low taxes. Price $9,000 Terms or trade for mailer city property. Grace Tomlln. slw., 4-4441; Res. -2438. NICE 3 BDRM. $9,400 18 x 21 living rm tiled bath. comb. DR. & kit., hdw. firs, firs., lawn, trees, pvd. st . city sewer A: water. City bus. 7 blks. to school. Corner lot. Small dn. payment, Roy Barker, aim, 4-4441, Res. 2-5959. WANT BASEMENT OR UPSTAIRS Owner of nice 4-year-old 1-floor home near Wash, school want! to trade for home with basemt. or upstairs. Home has verv attractive fenced yard with outdoor fplace. fruit trees, dble. att. garage, extra good well, on paved road. $10,300. Barker, slm., 4-4441, Res. 2-5959. YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SALESMAN rive HOMESELLER salesmen are keeping constant check on about 100 homes each for sals In their respective neighborhoods and consolidat ing their information at HOMESELLERS headquarters. Up-to-the-minute information about home sales In your neighborhood will help you whether you want to buy a home or sell one. Call 4-4441 for the name and phone number of the HOMESELLER salesman or aaleswoman for your neighborhood! THE HOMESELLERS THEO G. NELSON, MGR. . IN THE HUB OF SALEM EASY PARKING 702 N. HIGH, SALEM PH. 4-4441 Salesmen Barker, Res. Ph. 2-3939. Gorton, Res. Ph. 2-4092. Morgan, Res. Ph. 4-6038. Rogers, Res. Ph. 2-8550. Tomlln, Res. Ph. 4-2436 806 Houses For Sale Are You in the Market for a New Home, If So, CONTACT US. BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Lovely 3-bedrm. Large birch kitchen, fireplace wun DooKcase at manogany paneling, nraumui uum wim sliding glass shower door, large S-car garage (storage above). Immediate possession. THIS HOUSE HAS PERSONALITY I bdrms., birch kitchen It din. rm. pine den (could be anotner Dearoomi, aiuicnca garage, targe jwt, m mediate poss. , , . To see these homes, go out Center St., 1 block Z. of Lancaster, turn right, 750 It 760 Brenner St. For any kind of building information Mr. Keith PHONE 3 BEDROOM Older type house located close in on worth zuin street apicK ana span Inside and out. Large living room, dining room, kitchen, bath and utility downstairs and 3 hed rorni up. Large lot (60'xlSO'). Walk ing dlstanre from State OHIce buildings. Excellent bus service. See this for only (6,000.00. Ranch Type 3 bedrooms, all on one floor, large living room with fireplace, oining room, kitchen with large nook, bath, central hallway, ovcrsbe ca rage with overhead storage. Forced air oil furnace, lawn, shrubs, lots of back yard privacy. Priced at $14,000.00 with $3,000.00 down, bal ance on FHA terms. Abrams, Bourland & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUII.niNC! Real Estate Insurance Mortg. Loans Office: 3-9217 Eves: 2-4709 or 3-7386 3 BDRM. house, plastered St Insu lated, t o m e lurnuure. o.,iini. Terms, 1730 S. Capitol. Inquire 3.5171. PRICED FOR quick sale. Furn. sum mer home on silctz Kiver. mi. from Kervllle. All elect.. 2 bdrm., finished In pine. Plenty river fron tage. Own pvt. dock. Ph. Detroit, Ore. 3!. EAST One of the best 2 bedroom homes for the money. Nice large corner lot. Close to school. Garage. Small down payment. Vacant. Price $0950. Fairmount District 210 East Superior. Attractive well built home. 2 bedrooms. LR with fireplace. Nice dining room. Lars kitchen. Breakfast nook. Cement basement with extra finisher! room, oil furnace. Corner lot, TreesOpen Sunday DENTON & DENTON REALTOR 344 Stata St. Ph- S-'683 Eve. call 2-wi or a-mia BY OWNER, 8-year-old 2-br. home. li A. Paved roan, iruu ucrs, u.niv en coup. Over BOO sq. ft. In house. Nice yard JTBMermsPli. l?J??5A jTbEDROOM home $11,000. Near St. Vincent church. Full basement, fireplace, l's plumbing. Garace. sawdust neat. 2 fish punrts. may take 2-bedroom home as part pay ment up to $0000. Write Box 2a2 Slatesmsn-Journal. ri vVp wiSHESTO SELL his beautiful ranch type home. 2 BR. A den, L K . u it.. m- pin, tile bath, large covered pa tio forced air oil furnace, shruh heiv Including automatic dish washer. l.ol 05 X 140. Only 1 hlk. In hti and grnc. store. A good buy at $lfi.nno. Terms. REX SAN FORD FINANCE CO. .137 N, Itlgh Si ph. 4-3521 F.ve. J.-MM.JJ-J'JL NICE" 2-P.nnM7home. in'irte utility. Will take car or pickup toward downpytrjMit. 4-45M. BVOWSER-3 blocks to St. Vlp.ent Church. 1 nenroom nnmr. iun, room. Urge kitchen wun noon. Inld utility, attached garage, on large lot. Must be seen to appreci ate. ZZ5 nazei em toi:p rmriMAL Oils beautiful home Is truly ont ot Salem, finest Urge carpeted llv ln rm. and dining tm 3 large bdrms. and one In the basement. Al.p. party rm.. open stairwav. triple plumbing, hdw. flxrs. oil beat. (SOfTHi. j. L. Himmel, Realtor VIJ V Csnitol St. List with ui well ' It 800 Real Estate 8 806 Houses For Sale din. rm., llv. rm., DISTINCTIVE comb., large llv. rm 11 x it knotty Jackson 4-6634 OUIET .LIVING At this attractive 2 BR. cottage style home, is acre of land. Close to school. NEW 3 B. R. Beautiful home, large LR. with fire place, dream kit., bath, shower, pa tio. F.A. oil heat, dbl. gar., hdwd. floor. Terms. Gleason Realty 1143 So. Commercial Ph. 2-0923 Eve. 4-4818 3-8807. 2-008S WILL TRADE my $2,000 equity In a $8,000, 2-bdrm. home for good house trailer or small house. Ph. morn ings 4-5479. WEST SALEM 3-bedroom house, at tached garage, fenced hack yard, garden space. Will take car on equity. $fi850. Phone 4-32IO VIEW LOTS Drive by the corner of Fair Oaks nnd Cascade Drive in West Salrm and see tho beautiful view lots 70x15ft. Your choice lor 11600. Both for $3000.00. FAMILY HOME New 4 bdrm. home on 1 floor or 3 bdrms. and den. Insulatrd and weatherstripped. Close to Washing ton School. Oil forced air heat. Att. ttar., large din. rm., kit. wit eat ing ypace. $11,750. YOU MUST SEE THIS ONE This suburban horn located North. 3 bdrms.. 13x22 llv. rm., fireplace. Large kit. nnd din. comb. Large patio, tlte roof. Att. car. Large lot. INCOME 2 houses on I lot, room for more. . 1 house i almost new and is fur nished. Good rrntal district, cood Investment at $fiRno 00. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS The only exclusive ear wash busi ness in Salem, downtown location with several commercial account. $67ii0.n0. BUSINESS Sweet Shop next to downtown the ater showing a nice profit. Ideal pot for an elderlv couple. $4000.00. RENTALS 1 bdrm. furn. $45 00. 2 bdrm. 150 00. Roy Todd, Realtor 2319 State St. Office Ph 2-8591 Kvenlngs Call: Simpson 3-823; Vandevort 2-0208; Much 3-7915; Elllnger 4-5328 BY OWNKH. New 3-bdrm. house on 720 Tllompsoiv2-55ll6f(irlnlir. $Tso DOWN. 2 - bedroom, modem house1J'h.4-2475. NF.W 2 bedrm. home. clo.c to school and bus. Ph. 2-30B5. PRICED TO SELL Owner moved nut of state. Nice 4 BR. home on quiet street. Forced air furnace. H W floors, fireplace, utility room, garage, large lot, $10. SWO.OO. Make u. an offer. REX SANFORD FINANCE CO. 337 N High Ph 4-3521 Eve. 3-32M. 4-4IH8 LOOK At this real 3 bedroom home on overslted lot. North. Owner 2-80.19, MODERN 4-bfdrm Dm. Ph. 4-81S2. house. Leslie $800 DN. to right party on 3 bdrm. horn N , fireplace, sep. dining rm., met lot, bal. monthly. JOE NOONCHESTER Real Estate 189$ N. Cottage 4-31M day or eve. 2 BDRM. CITY Nice 2-bdrm. home. H. W. floor, fenced in b.ick yard, lots of shruh berv, exrell. cond. throughout. Prt. tlfi'm. Will sell on term. Call J. Carpenter. Salesman ART MADSKN, ItFALTY 1? 9lt rh. 2-Mlt 800 Real Estate Country Living Not a arm, but plenty of room for that garden, a real Jar Re lot all nicely fenced In back. Home has 3 nice- bedrm., alt on one floor, fire pic, oil heat, separate dining rm.. natural wood Interior, a 2-car ga., all of thif for only (12,900. Furnished $3,750. Late model furnishings, In clude Frig! da ire, range and refrig erator, five-piece BR. set. radio, etc. Home is located south near bus atop, and has Vista Heights water. One large bedrm., living rm., kitch en & bath, garage & fruit trees, Top Location In the Englewood' Dist. Three-year-old 2 BR, home. Just about the nic est place we have listed in a long time in the moderate priced brack et; you better let us show you this one before you buy. Priced at IJU50. View Lot 100x110 corner lot with nice shade trees, located South, Included in the sale price is over $1,700 in St. paving, full price $3,200. Terms $100 down. Close to Everything Tour Corners Dist. on LaB ranch Ave. ' Six-year-old 2-bedrm. home with hand rubbed natural wood Interior finish. 18x22 living rm. with fire plc. and $600 worth of wall to wall carpeting over finished oak floors: you'll get your mpney's worth here, priced at $9,050. Ed Luk'inbeal, Realtor 433 N. High Ph. 2-66S0 CLOSE TO CiVPITOL 7 bedroom home with 2 baths. Oil heat, 2 car garage. Located on 100x100' corner lot in apartment zone. This is a natural for room ers or apartments. As it is only a block from Capitol buildings & University. $18,500 with some terms. 7 UNIT APARTMENTS AU furn., close in. Income about $3,500 annually. Low overhead. Owner will take 2 bedroom home to $0,000 In part trade. Full price only $22,500. Call Dick Severln, MADSEN REALTY CO. 1326 State St. Ph. 3-5580, Eve. 4-2633 80 1 Business Opportunities SUB-LEASE nice, modern restau rant with 21 stools & 6 tables, in small prosperous community. No competition. Ideal for couple to manage. Rent runs on percentage basis. See at Sublimity. Oregon. Sacrifice DISSOLVING PARTNERSHIP Cocktail lounge. Grade A restaurant. Equipment all new, moaern. res taurant seats 40. Walk-in Ice box and all equipped. 2 bedrm. home, approx. 4 acres land. Call Lyons 724 or Woodburn 7487 eves. )3 down will handle. INCOME $1000.00 PER MONTH . 28 apt, besides a lovely horns for owner. 3 biiu irom rosi uiiice ana State Bldgs. $13,000.00 will handle. REX SANFORD FINANCE CO. 337 North High Ph 4-3521; eve. 3-3292. 4-416B RESTAURANT. S cabins. 8-room house, gas pump. V. B. valllcK, Jefferson. TAVERN and lunch, 2-bedroom. liv ing quarters attached. Hlway 09, 4 miles South of Salem. Ph. 2-2122. 802 Business Properly BEAUTY shoo for lease, with option to buy. Long established. Will sac rifice 8025 N. E. Sandy Blvd. Ph. Portland MurdocK mm. Business Building 2 apt on 2nd floor, 3 business on main floor. Showing good income. close in to State buildings. Accept small farm or home In trade. Best of terms on balance. Price $20,500. Call J. Carpenter, salesman. ART MADSEN, REALTY 1526 State. Ph. 3-5580, 2-8812 804 Suburban BY OWNER 2 bedroom, Insulated home. 1 acre, double garage, barn. Fruitland Dist Ph. 3-13X1. B06 Houses For Sale CLOSE IN. 9 room home. Basement, furnace A- fireplace. Wired for electric range. Located at 545 Hood St. Possession at once. Price re duced from $10,000 00 to $B,500 00 Open and can he seen at any time. W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'l. Phone 3-4728 or 2-8503 OWNER Mod. 5-room 2-bcdrm.. full bsmt., garage. large corner lot. North, walking distance, 'special low short term price $8,000. $3,500 dwn. No agents. Box 261, Statesman-Journal. BY OWNER 5-room. Din. rm., large kitchen. 2 yrs. old. Close to shop ping center, school, bus (Ketzer). 965 Dearborn. Ph. 4-4007. INVESTORS Special. Too good to be true. Make us offer on equity oi this lovely 2-bdrm. home, full base ment, TV antenna, Ige. lot, must sell Immediately, can't last long on these terms. Phone 3-3H03 after 3 p.m. $350 Down And $45 per mo. buys this 2 br. house, garage, located 720 S. lath Owner 4-2714. G. I. SPECIAL $10,500 4 bdrm 2 baths, kept tn perfect re pair. Near Baker and new Hi school. IHM Fir. 2-8027. FOR SALE. $7,000 or house for rent. $50 a month. Lot 146 x loo. Ph. 4-8152. NICE VIEW $9500. 17 A.. 2 BR, Liv. rm . Din. rm., Kit. nrt bath, tructnr, dic. plow, drf. mower. 4 rnwi, 3 brood tows. doun. bal. $2.1.00 per mo. TRADE Hav pood lam horn on AS A.. Amity sfiil. North, to trad on gnod hornr In Rood dhtrict tn Salem. What liavc you to offer? TRADE For Horn. in Salem, 5 BR House on 7fi A. Willamette. Silt lo.-im. 40 X 100 ft. fet-d shed. fe?d a hove, 40 x 50 ft. barn. Irrigation yatem. res ervoir. fihine. Wt A. crop, pasture 22 A , S A. timber. $.50,000. 3 fine ranrhr-s na A fhehalU, ?R A riirhah? iV Newbers, 37ft AmIH. Carlton. Olvmpir, etc. T'v are rhoire. Mint fee to appreciate, other farm of various typed rV i?r. Come in or call. Auk for Dfn Wall. 8 A. BERRY FARM Neat 2 BR. Llv. rm., Il'ixl7. Ice kit., bath. atta. nre. Irritation pump and p-P. tractor machin ery, family orchard, chick, house A- machin dhed. Income in 'W $f,700. MISSION BOTTOM lfiO A . 90 A. In cult . M A. pasture. Rood mod. 4 BR clfan home, lots bldps. A fine plnre. $t",fKK). You ihould see this. BURT PICHA Rraltnf S79 N. llloh St. r.vrs: Mr Wall. Him. i-Hl. Olf.S 1.404? 800 Real Estate WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES 25 YEAR FEDERAL GI LOANS WITH 3ri DOWN AVAILABLE NOW ALSO FHA 2S YEAR MTGS. 5-R00M ECONOMY Home that would make an excel lent rental property. 2 bedrooms plus extra utility room. On paved st. Near bus and store. Lawn and shrubs. Garage. Full price only SS. 850. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) NEAR HOOVER SCHOOL 4-bedroom plastered home. Fire place. Oil heat. Att. garage. Work shop. Large, beautifully landscaped yard. Near bu. Easy walking dis tance to State and General Hospi tal. Good value, $8,850. FHA terms. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) A PLEASURE TO SHOW It's only 3 yrs. old. City conven iences but yet It's surburban. Has . fireplace. Forced air oil heat. Spac ious rooms. Insulated. Pvt. st Nice shrubs and lawn, l'i Acre lot. The very best of soil. Excellent well. Full price only $11,000. Terms. (Call ior MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) HOME BEAUTIFUL It's really nice. Has every conven ience you could wish for. 34 by 21 , living room in an excellent TV lo cation. 2 fireplaces. 2 tiled bath rooms. Very modern design. Won derful den. Beautiful yard and ahrubs. Dishwasher. Disposal. 155 by 130 lot. Full price $18,000. (Call for MR. GRIMMETT, ph. 2.7678 ,S1SEE THIS CUTIE And we mean just that. Very well arranged.' Well located for every thing. 3 blks. to Leslie school. Fire place. Insulated. Weather-stripped. Patio. Out of state owner very anx ious to sell. A bargain for $71850. Terms. (Call for MR. GRIMMETT, eve. ph. 2-7679 Sim.) EXCLUSIVE BUT NOT EXPENSIVE Brand, shinv new. 3 bedrooms on one floor. Birch kitchen. Fireplace. Lota of bulltlns. Forced air oil fur nace. Insulated. Tile bath. Well re stricted district. 100 by 105 lot. The best of soil for garden. Full price $14,750. (Call for MR. GRIMMETT, eve. ph. 2-7679 Sim.) TRADE For income property. One of the choice properties in the entire val Ipv. 32 A. of land with 11 cabins. Furnished. Plus an exceptionally fopular restaurant with cocktail ounge. All equipment Is extreme Iv modem. Located on one of the most traveled scenic highways. Full price for everything 70,000. Owner will lease bldg. and sell fixtures If desired. Call for N. G. DAN 1SAAK. eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) TRADE FOR VALLEY PROPERTY What have you? A combination op eration. Ideal for family. 4 Rentals nlua grocery store and restaurant. All on cement foundation. 100 hy 100 lot. Full rjrice only jio.stio. (Call for N. G. "DAN" 1SAAK, eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) 17 ACRES 1 A. beavcrdam In oeppermlnt, Balance Will, silt coll. AC tractor, 16-in. nlow. Disc. Good well. Very good modern 2-bedroom house. 24 by 32 barn. Chicken house. Garage. School. Bus. Near town. May con sider trade for Income property. Full price $13,500. can ior ivik. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3.4735 Sim.) CLOSE IN Suburban home. It's very modern and in the best of repair. Garage. Fruit house. Pvd. rd. 1 A. straw berries. 300-ft. irrigation pipe and electric pump. Tractor and attach ments. Full price only $9,450. Lib eral terms. (Call for MR. LEAV ENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 Sim.) S4800 FULL PRICE For this suburban 'ith acre. Good soil. Modern Rood clean home. Att. Karaite. Chicken nousc. New ran btt )iouc. Pvd. road. F.lec. ranee. Family fruit and nuts. Only S miles from town, firapes. Strawhcrrirs. Terms arranscd. (Call for MR. I.K.AVENS. eve. ph. 3-47.11 Sim.) ACRE BLDG. LOT That has a well alrrady drilled. Good land. Onlv 1 mile from Sa lem. This is reallv worth the ask ing price of f 1.000. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 Sim.) 560 ACRES With no waste land. One of the finest homes you hav. ever seen. One you'd expect to find In . choice residential area In a large city. Built In 1943. Full basement. Forced air oil furnace. Plus an ex tra guest house that's modern. 123 Acres could be Irrigated. On. barn SB by 100. Chicken house. Hog house. Machine shed. 30 by 110. 2 creeks. 6 springs. This is a deal for $70,000. Liberal terms. Stock and equipment can be purchased. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 Sim.) FHA AND CONVF.NTIONAL MTGS. FEDKPAL GI MTGS. 25 YRS. LICENSED ALSO IN WASH. AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO. REALTOR Of fire Phones 4-3311 or J.7H20 30.15 Portland Road 3-47.15. 4-153.1. 4-5020. 2-7679. 3-5432 If No Answer. Call 4-224B $1000 DOWN And tin loan costs will buv this lovely 2-beuroom only 2 yenm old. l.rji livtnR room and Croat h!R kitchen nnd nook. I.oU of alorajte t.pat-r. Attached Karaite. Beautiful l.iwn. Ilrnllv a buy at hjo with e.isy immtjily payment!. ENGLEWOOD BEAUTY Without a douht one of the nlrrt home In the KnRlrwood district. 3-lovrly bedroom. Wonderful fire place In Jar so hvtnfi mnm with enenivp c.irpettnc. Full base ment with paitv rnmn pin n hh hv room. Beautiful vard with env errd palin nnd firepl.ice. F II A. commitment fnr SI. 1.30O. $r,5 PER MONTH uvn your new .Vberfrnnni honf and pflvj" tve and insurance. Onlv 7"S will make down payment and Kav the coMr Beautiful ranch tvpe nme on larjre lot. We hve sev eral location to chooit from for these G.I. terms. 201 South High Phone 3-B203 Phone Evenings fit Sunday 4-1671, 3-3 H Sfl, 4-531&, 3-3264. 3-4870 ToPIaceAd Call2-2441 800 Real Estate MOTEL Highway W Seven units plus room for four additional unit.. Completely furntshed. Owner's quarters. Close-in to town and restau rants. Will consider trade for lncom. or residential property. CALL .H. K. LAVMON CANDALARIA 2 bdrms., daylight basmt. with party room, 1 full baths. $ fireplaces, llv, rm, din. rm. with built-in china closet, birch kitchen with dishwasher, nook, mahogany trim thruout, dble. linen cabinet, Ige. walk in closets, dble. garage. Lge. covered porch and covered patio. Quality thruout. CALL J. E. LAW DELUXE FAIRMOUNT HILL-Flneat Salem Llstlng-3 bdrnut plui on. on lower level sunken llv. rm., hemlock paneled llv. rm. and hallways, wall to wall carpeting thruout, 3 bathrooms, splendid party room, myr tlewood burl paneled din. rm., deluxe kitchen, auto-oll heat, dble. ga rage, trees, splendid view of State Capitol and city. For further detalla CALL ROY S. FERRIS MANBRIN GARDENS Immediate Possession 3 bdrms., full basmt., spac ious llv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm., very convenient kitchen with brkf. area. Lie. beautiful yard, Terms. CALL GRABENHORST BROS. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St., Ph. 2-2471 Evenings Roy S. Ferris Law 3-5113 8S0 Automotive 852 Used Can For Sal NO DOWN 2- 51 PACKARD F0RD0R Radio, heater, auto shift. J. T. 52 NASH RAMBLER STA. WAGON 1295 Radio, healer, overdrive 51 HUDSON CONV. CPE 1195 Radio, heater, overdrive 50 FORD F0RD0R SDN Radio, heater, clean 50 HUDSON COM. 8 F0RD0R 995 Sdn., radio, heater 50 HUDSON 6 F0RD0R Radio, heater, overdrive 49 OLDSMOBILE 88 SDN. 995 Radio, heater, hyd. 50 HUDSON 6 CONV. Haaio, neater 50 HUDSON 8 SUPER Radio, heater 49 HUDSON SUPER 6 Club cpe., radio, heater 49 HUDSON COM. 8 Fordor tdn., radio, heater 48 HUDSON COM. 8 Fordor sdn., radio, heater, overdrive 48 HUDSON COM. 6 FORDOR 695 Sdn., radio, heater 48 STUDEBAKER COM 695 Club cpe , radio, heater, overdrive 48 STUDEBAKER CONV. CPE 695 Radio, heater, overdrive 48 MERCURY CONV. Radio, heater 48 HUDSON CLUB CPE 595 Radio, heater . 47 CHEV. AERO SDN Radio, heater 47 PLYMOUTH FORDOR SDN 495 Radio, heater 47 STUDEBAKER FORDOR SDN. ... 495 Radio, heater 47 HUDSON TUDOR SDN 395 Radio, healer WE HAVE SIX MORE '4 AND '47 MODELS HUDSON FROM 1D5 AND UP TO 11113 JUNKERS? YOU BET! MAKE AN OFFER. REAL TERMS. $35.00 TO $143.00 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM CLIP THIS AD AND SAVE TRICES GOOD FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH NOTICE! The Business Department of Iha STATESMAN . JOURNAL NEWS PAPERS WILL ba closed Sunday Clafflfled Ads Ior Monday papers must ba In by t P. M. Saturday. 800 Krai Estate 40 AC. NEAR SHERWOOD 2 bedrm. m'odern home, barn, 2 chlr ken houses, Karaite, trees. Trade for house In Salem. M.S00. 1(1 AC. WITH GOOD HOME Close in M.SOO. Trade Ior older house In Sslem. . 2 HEDRM. IIM. $I.!I1S-ISW UN. NICK CLEAN 1 HK.DRM . DEN Willi fireplace only S7.4SO. Will con sider trndo fnr trailer home. BEAUTY SALON. CLOSE IN CALL OSCAR SEDERSTROM. SLM. John .1. Darin, Keaitor 41.1 N. HM.h.4Eya-Ml(l iACRKS, all cult acres raneber rles, arae, henhse., 7-rm. mod. home. Iruit. large walnut tree. Bus line, near town ft school. Mt. An gel. Sllverlon pavement flood cllv farm snd location. Tractor and equipment. 17.2.10; 12.500 dn. 10!f ACnr.R, most cult., fl-rm. mod. home, barn, henhse.. gnriifte, fam. fruit, drilled well, pavement, near Mt. Angel or Sllverton I7..W1: M.noo dn. Stocked and tractor equipped. In. 500. Also larger and smaller farm and home bargains. A I. HAUTH. REAL KSTATK North Main St. Phone Green 44 Mt. Angel. 808 Lois For Sale LAItOE lot near .1 chno!. 2310 Nob Hlll.Inq. 2335 S. lllgh. EXTRA Ice building lot. Bv owner, t all 3-5970. EXCELLENT hiiildlng lots, north. 100 feet, frontage. Near school ft bus. 1750 00. IIiiwps ft Wood, Ilpnllom Ph. 4-33.V1 Eve 2-0005 2:4 N. High BYOWNF.R. Choice lot on oak SI between l.lheriy and High. Phone 3-3'J3l or :-53. 810 Forma. Acreage For Sale SALE OR trade 10 acres 3 bdrm. mod. house on Skvllne Rd. I need larger house or land to build on. A. W. Campbell. H'.4.Bojc708. SUBURBAN" FARM with Irrigation riKhts. Beautiful view sites with surrlivlion puvlhillttcs. $175 an acre. Box 2&I Statesman-Journal. 812 Exchanges Real Entate ' OCF.AN t.AKF. near Dorrhe.ler Ile home. ex. lota, shop, barn. 4-&5B7 800 Real Estate it Sunday, call Salesmen 2-S010 H. K. Laymon J-51M 850 Automotive 852 U.e-d Cart For Sals PAYMENT AT SHROCK'S USED CARS "Where Chemeketa Goes to Church" PHONE 3-7022 SDN 1595 995 SDN 995 CPE 995 TUDOR . . . . 995 795 795 ...695 CPE. . .V. . , .'. . .'..7. 595 495 854 Trucks, Trailers For Sals 104S DODGE, Hi ton van. Exchange motor. $S3. Also 1940 Chevrolet. 2 ton van. Good motor. t385. Both can be converted to flat bed. Phone 2-0SO7 or 4-4349. 1950 CHEV. truck. Monmouth 5R6. i ton. Phone 856 Wanted, Cars Trucks We Need Automobiles Chev's, Fords. Bulcks. Also pickups ft I'i ton truck"; BIRD AUTO fc EQUIPMENT CO. 71 Wallace Rd. West Salem 862 House Trailers WELL Insulated, clean 27-ft. house trailer. 42 ZImmer. Chesp. 7B0 F St . Independence 25 FT7lioilt7aii"er 1949. Metal ex terior, loft) Shady Lane. EASTKItN-bullt ROLI.OHOMF, 27' to 45', See before you buy. Lana Lane Trailer Plaza, 1!)40 Lana Ave. For the best in Trailer homes, new or tised With tenns available. Sea JAYIIAWK TRAILER SALES 2640 Portland Road Statesman-Journal Newspapers !W NORTH CHURCH STREET STATESMAN 2-2441 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Mm 2 Until 'Weekday! "Sundays oer line, I time .35 .29 ner line. 3 times W .R0 oer line. S timet 11.30 11.20 oer line. 1 month .15 00 (Incl. Sun t Classified ads will he run In both papers to give advertisers the ad vantages of the tremendous pulllnf power of 35.600 combined circula tions. When an ad la ordered three er tlx times and a Sunday Issut Is In cluded (for example: Frtday. Satur day, Sunday! tht lower Sunday ratet apply because onlF tht Statesman ouhlishes Sundays Classified ads will start In the morning Oregon Statesman, conclude In the evening Capital Journal. But arts will ba accepted for Sunday Statesman only Thl deadline for classified Ida It 1:00 cm the day before rubllca tlon. Emergency adt and small lint ads rtctlved tfttr l:oo p.m. may 850 Automotive 852 Uiod Can. For Sal NEW '53 OLDSMOBILE ROCKETS TERRIFIC DISCOUNTS AS LOW AS ' $2800 SUPER '88' SEDANS EQUIPMENT SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMIS SION, RADIO, HEATER, PAD-' DED DASH, TWO-TONE PAINT, UNDER-SEAL, FEND ER PANELS. . DELIVERED IN SALEM ALSO A FEW OLDSMOBILES EQUIPPED WITH IMPROVED TWIN TURBINE DYNAFLOW LODER BROS. CO. OLDSMOBILE 465 CENTER PHONES 2-7973, 4-2261 1953 FOUR DOOR Mercury sedan. aziua, Kaaio, neater, Aierc-u-mauc dr. 1 owner, 7,800 miles. Call 4-17S3 days, 4-6GU eve. 19S3 MERCURY 4-door. R&H, excel lent condition, 2,149. Call Salem 2-9030. 1MB CHEV. Styleline deluxa 4-dr. se dan. New tires, heater. Excellent mechanical condition. Call 2-4686. CHEAP Equity In 1991 Nash, Ramb ler converuoie. new top .motor completely overhauled. Ph. 4-5616. '49 CHEV. 4-dr. sedan. 700. 4310 Lib erty Rd. 3-7466, 1990 CUSTOM DeSoto Sdn. By own er. R&H. clean. 639 Waldo. 8-9398. f50 FOR EQUITY, '49 Bulck aedan. R&H, dyn. Ph.. 1-0382, McMlnn vllle. FOR SALE or trade tor older car. Rl wtllvs. 4-dnor aedan. Fully equipped. 4,600 actual miles. Phone 3-9327. 1167 Ruge. Dupe. St. Anytime liter B. WANT llRht pick-up. Trade VI Ford coupe, Alter o pjn ia a. High. Ph. 3-8754. 1991 CHEV. deluxe 4 dr. edn. Exc. cond. t clean. 1995. Will take old er car as part payment. Ph. 4-5954. 1942 CHEV. 3-4041. 4-door, (170. Ph. days. i ifiio nn LIUINO ur i a Riiron LAM DO.' I; March may come in today like the proverbial Lion or Lamb. YOU can come into CANDA LARIA anytime like either one but we know you'll always go out feeling satisfied. CHECK THESE BIG BARGAINS! 'CO U'lll.Ml C1VUri 4-DOOR SEDAN. RADIO, HEAT ER, LIGHT GREEN FINISH. NICEI '51 OLDS 3 .$1395 SUPER 4-DOOR SEDAN. RA DIO. HEATER. JUST TRY TO BEAT THIS PRICEI 50 BEL-AIR $1195 THIS BEAUTIFUL CHEVROLET MODEL HAS POWEROUDE, OPERATED ONLY 22.000 MILES. HAS 2-TON73 BLUE FINISH, AND IS A ONE-OWNER CAR. 52 FORD $1295 A FORDOR BEAUTY FINISH IN MEDIUM GREEN WITH HEATER. VERY CLEAN I '50 FORD ..$845 FOUR-DOOR SEDAN, HEATER, SEAT COVERS. BRILLIANT LIGHT GREEN FINISH, REAL SHARP. '49 FORD $695 ANOTHER 4-DOOR SEDAN. RADIO, HEATER. DARK BLUE PAINT. SEE THIS ONE ONCE AND YOU'LL BUY! SEE THESE AND OTHER GREAT BUYS CANDALARIA MOTORS 2045 S. Commercial Ph. 4-1621 To Place Ad Call2-2441 JOURNAL 2-240" be placed In the Ton Late To Classify" column for tht following morning. Ads for Monday paperi must be In hy t P. M. Saturday. Tht Statesman-Journal Newspaper! reserves tht right to reject ques tionable advertising. It further re serves the right to place all edver- -Using under the proper classifica tion. Tht Statesman-Journal Newtpaptre assumes no financial responsibility for erron which may appear In ad vertisement! published In tta columns and In cases where this paper Is at laun win repnni mas part or an advertisement In which the typo graphical mistake occurs. A "Rllnd" Ad an ed containing t Statesman-Journal Newspapers box number for tn address it for the protection of tht advertlstrt end must therefore be answered by let ter. Tht Statesman-Journal News papers are not et liberty to divulge Information as to the identity of em advertiser using "Blind" sd.