Page 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oretjnn Grand Island GRAND ISLAND Tuesday afternoon guests at the Mrs. Jacob Tompkins, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Fowler, Grand Is land homes, were Mrs. Allen Nichols and Miss Esther Nichols and nephew Myron Nichols of Pleasantdale, and Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler ot Unionvale. Mrs. Frank Finnicum ofOrand Island was a gue.stj nf her broth-tr-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Caldwell at Lafayette Wednesday. CAROL CURTIS Silverton SILVERTO: The Monday business meeting of the Parents' Council for Ret -did Children and Adu'is, direct by the chair man, Mrs. Jo ".aiii, was held in the Eugene Fit V educational mom. where the general plan? for completing the organization were effected. Mrs. R. F. Cook, secretary, as sisted Mrs. Mai4. At the Monday evening, 8 o'clock, ..larch 8 meeting in the Eugene Field building, a special speaker is to '.te available. Tht topic for the talk will be on some phase of the handicapped program. Mrs. Ernest R. Ekman is re ported by men.bcrs her family as being special treatment me Cortland Sanitarium for an altack of arthritis. Mrs. Ekman has been active in numerous church and civic activities. STEVE ROPER WW h0 it tt M HH f-AND LEAVE QUO 1 F WE WAVE AMPLE TIME BY 11 MurnvhUf ft T 7 Ji T T , -, -- t hotel sorts Full op no, oub unhappv victims r j-smL-M. lL-i-' LETS HEAD THIS V ( CLOTHES?--AND HAVE GASPED TWEIK LAST f , SL 0 9:ooteb bight FoaVa. golqie? Jf. bseath of exhaust fumes . tygJrK us V'"'Q V wrf ' POCiO , WE mVTAtEftT FDR THE OBIttTOjf! IN FAf.T. HEADLQCK. mm the in BABY CHICK. ih T SfinflMFl) WMWEI.L": K7JieJ?oosierAirjal:stf A PEAL. MAN HSU 86 BACK Well,nO....Hec(bt illusions.. I put mm on -nJimsu ... HE LAiti AN eaar Blamed it on Atmospheric Lwwiijujvs ""ETIT HE " JLCDKED ! oonMTCFit NfflT rn nrvtir1 .I w' BUT I NVERKNW WHENAND HIM WUVbK, IHt UKUW1J UNA HIGH Wflffi "v roooKVLL MMSiE, my hoy, he went a pot- r Two Hours to Crochet! Cro cheted in velvety chenille in white, navy, scarlet or summer pastels, this is a soft "pixie" hat wnlcn may oe worn in any num ber of ways; grand ioi a vacation packable! Send 30c for the CHENILLE PIXIE HAHT (Pattern No. 115) all Instructions, YOUR NAME, AD DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Journal, 652 Mission Street, 9an Francisco 5, Calif. Ready now! The brand new, exciting 38-page CAROL CUR TIS NEEDLEWORK GUIDE, in color, containing over 150 de signs for knitting, crocheting, embroidery, hairpin lace, four "Mow to Do It" designs, summer fashions; something for every age, every climate. In addition there are TWO FREE patterns for flattering spring and sum mer glamour! The NEEDLE WORK GUIDE cos.s only 25c. Order it as you do your needle work patterns! il I Tw Va rT mCATIT nrV I RARV I I n AflKCj WW Oinw H-uey I lil rALi.iimtfUUklk I fci ' 11 , aWrC r3J You T " show- """'"-roTHI ORPHAN ANNIE ' ' ' ly- 1 J rZZZIZZZZZZgMnlw.., y HM-M-TWS V' WHPT? OUST jf CLOSET'S 6MPnflsTTjEaWE sbY-Jw SIT'S BEEN TWO HOURS,T WELL, I T t, ELLfl- V LEFT, ANO US V II IF THEY'D NEVER I THIS MILLION tm r 7TV EDWrWO-OOON-MOBOtjy V HATE TO- I ( NOBODY WITH THIS n 5 EWEN BEEN HERE 1 OOU-ftRS-IT'S F f j ' "N ? fi , , ft ft IT RELLV TRUE?-) 1 HOW WHUT'i W 1 1 WAIT ' N IT'LL " I'll 0V MIMUTE LATER Hlj CTfl VOURBABV'SA rVA5'M.' UMftEJtfOWDIFUL ' AND iEE.' )K BREAK ' g., , 4' trJt-i' PAPPV i GROWING I F . fTH ME" fAf2S jr VOUR5TORY T HEAKT.'fYH ii!lilr'Urf' fM Trnnim Mr iiiPAi,ON(; CAssinv r fl RUAXtDl Short Coal Story! Wonderful topper tu give you a thousand won der! ill wearings! Top wardrobe in surance because you can wear it with skirts and blouses, as well as dresses! Plaids, plain in wuol a natural! No. 2779 is cut in sizes 12, 14, IB, 18, 20, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44. Size 18: 3''4 yds. 54-in. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number Size. Address PATTERN BU BREAU, The Capital Journal, 652 Mission St., San Francisco 5, Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders immediately. For special hand ling of order via first class mail include an extra 5c per pattern. Just off the press! The brand new 1054 SPRING . SUMMER FASHION BOOK is amg from cover to cover with exciting new- season styles and Ideas for easy sewing and smart going from breakfast until bedtime! IN tothe-laslminiilc fashion fore casts for every age, every size, every occasion! Yours for only an additional 25c. DURING THE TIMS YOU rtPNTe; n iu rn um BEEN IN FWRiE OTV, MOSS - RUSTLERS HAVE BESM RAIOIM& THE NGHSORlNJS RASCWEES. VKi 7W LATEST VICTIM. LAST NIGHT WE DISCOVERED HS HRO I HAD BEEN STOLEN. He MJST HIVE SET WJl ON HIS OWN TO FOLLOW TW6 IKKXs. AND CAUGHT Ur WITH THE RUSTLESS. YOU AfiU TO MLL Hlft T CKUTfcCT YOUR. SAE . THAT ! NOTTRUE Monday, March 1, 1954 ppin PROGRAMS " . KOIS .70. KOW.6J0. HEX 11 M HOUR "00:00 TUESDAY P. M. no'.IS 00:30 00:45 KSl.M Chron. ot Air t.w Muslc koc:o News I; KAI! Kews & Spider Spider K(i News l'V" KKX Paul Harvey rooii ".. Vs.rBet.erhoPrs., Music N-,v0's ISiesia wew K, ' "Jung m'J."e" Sam Hayes ITeToddS Riioiii Music K"ni. I E.ANBi,'liTopHS. IAr.O;od.rcy AiwB Woman .m 2 ft.'S "'""P."".,. CiVtS lianas n" ;: ":w"- w west i jiwj- - I A, HnftlrPV nanus i iMaelc Melody iSaicty First iWizard "t 0(1ds IPavs to Marry IMurlin Blork A.t (":ndtrev KOIN ArtGodfrev Art ''oa're 'i,rciv.o Jones Kt;w Just Plain BlU Irt. Ff!- jarreu l'-mnA KEX Fash-Block IMartjn -- rklrkwood - .. it.iio Test U KlrKw?.. iti.,AioViu 3KSL.ii nuiines nra -. piano rauei u j, KOCO Att'noonNews ITuneTlme P'dc,r, KGAB News & Spider Spider lA-litim: Lewis ITunefully SmN Wizard Odds Make Up M nd lAJ ", lute Beau l ul KCW Wel Travelers J'theClr, IFor The Glrll il Kime":".': KKX rorJhGjrisFoMhe Girls .- 11;u,.. - .-T r. : ii..l,.iniwav '-UilAias5 ..uiru'.nt 4HS1.M HIHUII Bint IMus c U want !"' " KOCO Music U Want iMuslc UWanl imu ISpider KGAB News & SP'der t;., Music -Art Klrkliam Art K.rkham KOIN Kit knam News ?Pa'Wl"5 ,".;'VsVi-e Show I .Music Box KtiW Art Baker 1" " """" sonlrrol Of 'Ginger ttoRen. KKX Afternoon Edit ISuu1rreJCarmj - - KOCO Showtime S1,0,wl!mt-,.,ri KG AK News & Need.lUisk & Need KOIN Ed R. Murrow (News KCW Bill Stern INewa KEX Dick PowellI.PeyJ-ee 6KS1.M Gabriel Healer wo KOCO Bosary (Music KGAE News & Needle'Sign Otf KOIN Johnny Dollar Johnny Dollar KCW Kflax Music Relax Muslt ..... G..ii,:.n In. n -Slprn vr.A riume r.-.iiiu.n r... .... r.uv IHammer Guy Knrlless sear 'i , KOCO Dlft. Tourney ! Dist Tourney IM. low Mrs No:lh KOIN People Funny IPeople Funny Mr M "rm g J S,00ier KGW M'Gee & Molly! Alex Dreicr Is x Sh D. r X Vande, cook KEX Income Tax Music S nns jvoijjne.? r.--::-:r" K-..M Show aSrnTh7nTlm jWhjS'"Jr"n"eev! ff"?., r" S? KOCO Dist. Tourney IDisl. Tourney I pis j"" mlly Skeleton KOIN Louella Parsonsl Galer .Drake IJ-owell T sinatra KGW 1 Man's Familv World News Dinah S lore ,i'' M , KEX Good Lisfnini! Good Usfninc !HI5darayjajl Mut'l Newsreel ISweet & Swing ii.i ry . inis. Tournev IDist. Tourney 'Dist. IMrney I iBallance Show Johnny on Spotlganc. , Orch. Second Look ISonesRem. iS & Need. (Disk & Needl. isrsrupicr;rr.0. IMunlley BCarred "Viin.i Pinkley I Sam Ilnvei News Midcourt (Friend Irma The Marri. I Snorts Ed jKricnd Irma M'irn.lEP li,,e iariMK lVlMifionlHappyJ 7 8 9 UKI U PJnnn larrlu KOCO Dist. Tourney KOIN Beulah KGW Dragnet nrj.t iijwu meet i""" ... . . kslji Fulton Lewis IPlattcr Parade INews ,r"r KOCO Dist. Tourney Niht News I Noctm;ne ft " rt Inn Or. KOIN 5 Star Final Cook's G. Book IJcun Navy IRii-rie t'raie KGW Rich. News Sports Final Bame Crl l'"',8 KEX News DancaTlme Dance Time Dance l una KSl.M IIibIi Advcn're IMigh Advcn're I Melodies KOCO Nocturne Nocturne INoi-liirnr- KOIN Record Show iRecordShow IRecord Show KGW News Nichtcap l.less Mason I City Council KEX Dance Time Dance Time Dance Tune Melodies I Nocturne IRfCord Slmw rltv Council Dance Time KOAC 550 k.c. 10:00 a.m. The News and Weather; 10:15 Especially for Women: 11:00 Oregon School o( the Air Pled Piper . . Rodent Con- ro : II :1S Concert Hall: 12:00 The News and the Weather: 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride 'em Cowboy; :15 Oregon school of the Air news Watch: 1:30 Guest Star: 1:45 Reading for Fun: 2:00 Especially for Women- can uresron use a new constitution? 2:30 Memory Book of Music; 2:45 The Oregon School of the Air What's That Word: 3:00 The Oregon Re porter: 3:15 Munie of the Mas ters- 4:00 Spotlight on Asia: 4:15 On the upbeat; 4:45 Poetic Patterns; 5-O0 Children's Theater: 8:30 Trill Week in Washington: 5:4S OSC Air ROTC; 6:00 The News and Weather; 615 Folklore of Indiana; 6:30 Tom Roberts Organist; 6:45 The Torch Bearers; 7:00 Oregon Milk News of the Air: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: 8:00 Music of Czechoslovakia; 8:30 Electricity & You: 8:45 The News & the Weather: 9:00 Music that En dures: 5:45 Evening Meditations Canterbury Group; 10:00 Sign Off. HOUR WEDNESDAY 6 A. M. TO 11:45 A.M. 00:30 00.-00 00:15 00:45 Ease Hint tension Chew Wriglcy'i Spearmint Cum. Pleasant chewing reduces itrain. Helps you (eel ielxeJ. F.njoy it anytime, anywhere. ood to chew... and good lor you wntiiY i ; I ACROSS l.Turf 4. Wmc- sh.ipcd R. BanK 12. Native tnrtal 1 J. Venture H. Sound 15. Man ot all work 17. Roar ot surf 18 Partner IS. Oi ifiinalcd 21. Three- banded armadillo 23. Brazilian roin 24. More certain Jh. Trrformers on ice 30. Cvprinoid food fish 31. F.xploMon 33. Teamster's command 34. Hoped 36. Run away to niai i y 38. Unit of energy 3f. Horse 'j gait 41). Urgency 44. Weary 4". C ompasi point 48. Ti-eucle SO, Sea eagle M. Wicked .12. Spigot 53. Old English court 54. Denomina tion 55. Crafty DOWN 1. Divan B&ETsnASPnArL C A D E Tf wtoUw 5 E, A L T N tilt AttmEjR S pcthi .vi RP"op,eis aIrrA E DHf A sT'flE S E. EJS AlvyJHrl T ATtN SITJEIE RQSA V A" GE'b' ajr mv e snoiRiA t e m i Rff i c 'eIIr IJV e f HINIS U AlTTS U E.ID1EIN IP tolution of Saturday's Punl. 2. Spoken 3. Stales 4. Bustle 5. At a sub sequent time 6 Genus of herbs 7. Comments 8 Niirrow body of water ' I lJ K';'-P e V 1:1 " T: . J. j h- m 73 jo 77 J? -7J- jv jT " , TT IT ea ti T" "5?" t"4f Ti " ?" To Ti "!7 7j s011 vi 9. ritiniler 10. 1'oker bet of niet it 18. Soi l 30. More oi Hi'ilv 22 Bowers 24. Yellow orher 25. I'lii plish. lirown pigment 26 Sorrow ful 27. Self centered persons 28 Corded fabric 2!l. Notice 32. Seed vessels 35. Last sit lines of a sonnet 37. Rtiilcbtn sites 3n. Denoting final purpose 40 Pare 41. Unusual 42. Serf 43. Wander 45. True 4fi. Discover 43 Highest note in scale II sdFV-I-! OF CHANCE TO DEMV U K' II r tVj, r.4 it At via, AinriM S rjOtaHaniaaiiHaaM'Vi . 'J-.-lv IBSiMPS Jn:l I "" IKOSGOOD BUGLE if LAST tImE VA DAUGHTERS. ( 0 - N V JnCKC, A-y . ,'-' V DlON'THAVEAl TO RA,SE ANDOMuyONE ) 0 . I MOIU.AN. Ml) ' i r s.i . v ,, I I f V?v J,l I.V W VI 1 TUHI -LIT TUCCC li", IT T wt 4T ..aa . i.-s 1 r . . es .-....., . -.''. 1 GOOO MORsTC J uRt S BEt RETAILS WUP THE BOSS tVOULP A SnCMfH FOR DETAIL.' V-E V.AS'TS ) ipiiMW mmm. mm m H ntlNAUi'DlTK "" lallLa I LwaJlt,.,,,,-',,.,,, , M , I y -;-'-jkV.Vi. ,r,- . ".- I T" I I r- 1 i r , . life- w "A'- ! ' Ul I 3 ' 1 I mk tviiitrii V kH.-t,.Mt. K I Bf ri iVrrJi t t WKT ; u' :t im, t .ostm io vr-av,t . s l A ' uvM?Sfrnr l.M.r,vrXf.rM Rt-ACrt wtiv.a,.., I V.een-...6tt WtXlRneV40.'raFW0NVlV3l f IYNvft's tC0Mf AN ACCO.WANM.NCT V -M.MMNmWMNu MRDV.! ., . V ,Y i IXWNVET TIN 4aA ANl.JiM.IMMP! , .f ftSWl WTM CAft! N4XIN- V . ' jjPl News Karly Worm Bi k. Nook R.F.D. Oregon Yawniversity Farm Hour WvnMnrway News News KOIN Klock J. L. Wills Wshbrn.. News ITitJiekeewr lE.nrly Worm Ilrk. Nook 7OIN Klork ! Yawniversity I Farm Hour Break Gang JKarly Worm Hrk. Nook I Mcleod Newi Yawniversity IMus. Clock Newi I Karly Worm Brk. Nook IKOIN Klork ! Yawniversity I Farm Hour (Break Gang Early Worm IBrk. Nnok K;o5s News !Nev Mijs. Clork March Tim I Karly Wnrm Hrk. Nonk iKOIN Klock 'Yawniversity iFrm Hnur OK New? i W IKnrly Worm iRrk. Nonk I Babbitt Show iKnox Manning !Bot) Hazen KHLM Cecil Hrown Family AlUr Bible Inst Hiblc Inst. KOCO Early Worm Early Worm Early Worm I World Newi KGAE News & Nook Brk. Nook Brk. Nonk 'Brk. Nook KOIN Contumr Nws IVailr Newi I Morn, Varity Rosemary HOW Moon Mu11insMoon Mullins Moon MullinsiMoon MiiJtins REX Break. Club iBreak. Club Hreait. Club iHreak. Club KSl.M Dr. Sword News I Music Barcain Countr KfiCO Ray' Records lUay's Records IRay s Records .Ray's Recordi KC.AB OreRon Trail ISpirier Spider Smdrr KolN Wendy Warren Aunt Jennie Helen Trent Gal Sundav R;Y? Moon Mullins Moon Mullins Moon Mullm Moon Muliin KEX 9 am P;dilion IStara of Today 'Mod. Romances' hum K- Abner K Cilenn ITarriv Korr Ray's Records KGAB News KOIN Road of Life Tello Test Trcas. Cbesl Ray's Records (Ray's Records tt.iberace (Snider Ma Perkins Dr. Malone I KfiW Moon Mullins Moon Mullins Strike it Rich KKX C. Huntlrv ITony Martin lrrue.Storv Kl.M Wonder. Citv (Wonder Citv ! Otieen for Dav KOTO Ray's Records Ray Records RaVj Records KGAE Dinner Wmnv Spicier Spider K(IN 2d Mrs. Burton Perry Mason 'N'nrali Drake SC T W Hnh Hnnn I Sernnd rhancr Phrase Pavt (Gr. Sta. :evs iRav's Records Smdrr :Guidini; Lleht "Strike Rich True Stnrv Onren for Dsv Rav's Records Snidrr BrtFhtrr Ri iMulI. St Sncly 'Gr, Cm. Sta. KOAC 10:00 a.m. The News and Weather: 10:15 Especially for Women- 1 School of Home Economics Staff: 1100 Orecnn School of the Air; 11:15 Concert Hall: 12.00 News and weather: 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: .00 UN Story: 1:15 Proudly We Hail: 1:45 Bob Roberts Sines: 2no Especially for Women Common Sense and Nonsense About Disci pline; 2.30 Memory Book of MuMc; 2 15 Oregon School of the Atr Aladdin Rubs Hi Lamp: 3 .00 Ore- n Reporter; 3:15 Music of Mas ters; 4 00 The American LanRtiatre; 4 . On tlie I'pbrat, 4:15 News Com mentary; 5.00 Children's Theater: 5-:t0 Chicaco Roundtablr: fi;0(i Nfws and Weather: 6:15 Here's to Vet erans; 6 .K) Current Event Conver sations. 7 00 From Portland State 7:15 Evening Farm Hour 8:00 Radio" Rnnrthand Contpst: B-M PatrioFcnpI; R 45 The NVw Weather; 9 Of) M.t sir That End i-re: 9:45 Evening Med Matins Canterbury Grnuo; 10 no Si en orf. Brotherhood Week Speaker Is Listed SILVERTON A' the Tuesday evening Trinity Brotherhood meeting with El ier Thompson as program chairman, the Rev. Ed Kenagy of Needy, Ore., spoke on the theme: " "From Jerico to Jerusalcr.". The "Peace in the Valley" male quartet sang seveial selections. The singers are Homer Rice, Earl Kenagy. Richard Mcngcrhausen and Bud Yoder. Serving refreshments alter the program were Silas Torvend and James Phillips. York, Famed War Hero IN Serious Condition NASHVILLE. Tcnn. .jH-Alvin C York, tamed World War I horn ni serious condition todav at a hospital here where he is h'eing ! treated for a cerebral hemorrhage isufiered Wednesday. j wnxitKiTjirrAi". ' DEPOSITS I 01 NO I T0KY0 f - Important deposits ot germanium, a new electrical : wonder melal. have been reporlcd .'" japan norther island of llok- .Monday, (.ormamum i, used lo ROOM & ROAKD Ahtrn V,tAkC.'Nt Fo,HFy i IN AV? HA?'.0V' f ST -J 'irC'l r lr-. V.- Ill imam yi fA-cry "I I w 'AU.-.T Wit Cll 0 V;;) I 'I1 I l,h-v::r:r Ae NewtlMfwr. it t . .... , LT1 P :