9 9 9 9 9 ' L3ffea I ; " KM.. . I.. . i i -.',. ,.r ..,,J: Jt-,... MRS. WILLIAM H. Women's Army and Navy League Style Event Tuesday Afternoon First of the larger style show events for the spring will be that sponsored by Salem Women's Army and Navy league next Tues day, March 2, in the Gold room at the Mar lon hotel. The luncheon Is at 12:30 o'clock. For the style event, Johnson's will present the fash ions. Models for the fashions will be Mrs. C. A. Schacfer, Mrs. Donald Fisher, Mrs. Joseph Svcjkosky, Mrs. Charles A. Barclay, Mrs. Phil Brownell, Mrs. Robert M. Brown- Pre-school child study group of the Amer ican Association of University Women is meeting on Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Glen Wyatt, 1174 Ruge street. There will be a question and answer ses sion with Dr. Martha Hocking in charge. Constructive discipline and setting be havior standards will be discussed by Dr. Hocking as an introduction to the program. Mrs. Leon Tallman and Mrs. Ernest Lun deen are co-hostesses for the meeting. Yomarco group of the First Methodist church will meet for a 1:15 o'clock dessert on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ruth Fu gate, 1530 North 24th. Mrs. Herbert J. Ost lind, Mrs. John Foley and Mrs. Byron B. Hcrriclf will assist the hostess. The ninth birthday of Pioneer post. No. 14!). American Legion, will be celebrated on Fridav with a dinner in the Green room of the Marlon hotel. The dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m. and Paul W. Bramlct, superintend ent of Chemawa Indian school, will be the guest speaker. All ex-service-women are invited.- The 30th annual session of the grand guardian council and the first annual ses sion of the grand bethel of the grand guard Ian council, Job's Daughters, will convene In Salem, April 15. 16 and 17 Representa tives from the 49 guardian councils and bethels in the state are expected to be present. Guests from Idaho. British Colum bia, Alberta. Washington and California arc also expected. Morse Stewart has ben appointed chair man of arraneomcnls. Other committee chairmen arc Mrs. Klrion Cone, housing: Phil Voder, transportation: decorations. Mrs. Paul Riffcy: information desk at Marion hotel, Mrs. Charles Boyer, Mrs. Bessie Ed wards, Mrs. Lowell Shinn and Mrs. Gwen Wain; paraphernalia. Mrs. Dclbert Price of Monmouth and dance, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Shinn. Grand session will open on lhat Thursday evening with a banquet and dance at Crys tal Gardens. Mayor A. W. Loucks will give the official welcome. On Friday morning, grand council will convene in the armory with Mrs. Ernest 'Yeo, Gladstone, grand guardian, and Orval Berry, Prineville, associate grand guardian, presiding. Grand bethel will open on Saturday morn ing in the Scottish Rite temple with Miss Kay Bowman, grand honored queen in charge. Drill learn competition will be Saturday afternoon in the Salem high school gymna sium and the installation of new grand coun cil officers will be on Saturday night at the Scottish Rite temple. 9 9 9 SCVCTdl TT : " i 4 iS)'l (Julen-Mlller ttudlo plctuti) HAMMOND ell, Mrs. H. C Saalfcld Mrs. William C Dyer, Jr., Mrs. Maurice H. Saffron. Mrs. Burl Cox, Mrs. Willis Ross. Mrs. Thomas Roberts, Mrs. Richard Chambers, Mrs. Harry S. Dormnn, Mrs George H. Swift, Mrs. Wil liam H Hammond, Mrs. Sigfrid B. Unander. Commentator is to be Mrs. Bruce F. Pickett Mrs. William C. Dyer, Jr and Mrs. Max Denton are co-chairmen for the show. The affair is for all league members and guesls, and several from out-of-town are expected to attend. The board for Salem branch, American Association of University Women, is meet ing on Monday night at the home of Mrs. George Moorhead, 589 Locust. Mrs. Charles Layport is co-hostess for the meeting. 1 Bethel No. 35, Job's Daughters, plans to meet in regular session on Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Scottish Rite temple. Welcome Wagon club No. 1 sponsored its no-host dinner and card party at Mayflow er hall recently. Honors at cards went to Mrs. Maurice Buxton, at bridge; Robert Williams, pinochle; Daniel Fulton, canasta; Mrs. Robert Winkcnwerdcr, bingo. The next luncheon event for the group will be March 17 at the Marion hotel. Res ervations should be telephoned to Mrs. E. II. Gormsen. " Members of St. Paul's guild, St. Paul's Episcopal church, plan their no-host lunch eon for Wednesday at 12:30 o'clock in the Guild room. Mrs. E. A. Taylor, Mrs. William Neimeycr and Mrs. Jennie Warren are hostesses. A program is planned at the Monday night meeting of the McKinley Mothers club with the fathers being invited. Miss Margaret McDcvitt, art coordinator in the public schools, is to be speaker to give an illustrated talk on children and art and the importance of painting and crafts in the school program. Mrs. Carl H. Bryan and Mrs. Wesley Riltenhouso are co-chairmen of the refresh ment committee and will be assisted by Mrs. Ralph Boone, Mrs. William W Strong, Mrs. Richard Cutler,. Mrs. E. A. Linden, Mrs. James Minty, Mrs. Coburn Grabcn horst and Mrs. Ervin L. Peterson. Meeting on Tuesday will he the Hi-Y Mothers club, at 12 o'clock Bt the YMCA. Each is to take her sandwiches, the coffee and dessert to bo furnished. Dr. Brooks Moore, pastor of the First Methodist church is to be speaker on the topic, "Our Nation's Stronghold." Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Mason, 1468 North 4th street, are observing their 60th wedding anniversary, next Wednesday, March 3. No reception is planned because of the health of Mrs. Mason. The couple were married In Winfield, Kans., March 3, 1894. They lived in Kan sas and Colorado before coming to Salem in 1910, making their home here since. There are two living children, Mrs. J. B. Sullivan and Earl L. Mason, both of Salem. They also reared i grandson, Virgil K. Mason, also of Salem. There are eight grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren. 9 11 ( ! ML Style Show Events , Mark .- -ml & MRS. H. T ALEM CLUB, Daughters of Nile, plana its monthly luncheon and meeting for V V Monday at noon at the Masonic temple. There will be no sewing in the morning. Mrs. Lorert Spaulding is luncheon chair man and will be assisted by Mesdames Leona Dimbat, co-chairman; David A. Wright, Harris Lietz, Walter Dry, Arthur Cole, Charles Hatfield, B. B. Flack, Cecil Lantz, Abner K. Kline, Floyd K. Bowers, L. D. Lambeth, Joseph W. Hutchison, W. A. Zweke, Phillip H. Michael, T. J. Scrog gins, V. D. McMullen, Benjamin Martin, Claude H. Murphy, Jason Frizzell, James C. Bird, Wayne Anderson. Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will observe a friendship night with Ever green chapter, Woodburn; Gcrvais chapter, Gcrvais; Venus chapter, Donald and Ra mona chapter. Silverton on Tuesday night at the Masonic temple. Officers will he elected at the Monday night meeting of Hanna Rosa court. Order of the Amaranth, at the Masonic temple. Oregon Grape camp. Royal Neighbors of America, plans a business session on Wed nesday night at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. , Leslie Methodist Church Woman's Society of Christian Service will meet in the fire place room Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 for dessert. Hostesses are Mrs. V. E. Burson, Mrs. Virgil Moorhead. Mr A A Blakcley, Mrs Carl Bell and Mrs. R. A. Montgomery. Following the business meeting Mrs Ed win Thorne will give the devotions. Mrs. Lewis McRae will present the program "Our Spanish Speaking Neighbors," assisted by Mrs. Foster Webster, Mrs. Douglas Part ridge, and Mrs. John Stullcr. The monthly business meeting of American Gold Star Mothers is planned for Thursday night at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Bethel No. 48, Job's Daughters, will meet in regular session Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the Scottish Rite temple. Bethel No. 40, Job's Daughters and Che meketa chapter, Order of DcMolay for Boys, will he guests at the Wednesday night meet ing of Ainswnrth chapter. Order of Eastern Star, at the Scottish Rite temple. Mrs. J. A. Sholseth is the refreshment chairman. DAR Program Mrs. Regina Ewalt, dean of women at Willamette university, will be the guest speaker on Saturday, March 6, at the month ly meeting of Chemeketa chapter, Daugh ters of the American Revolution, at the Woman'a club house at 2 o'clock. During the business session the nominat ing committee will be elected and state convention plans discussed. The state con vention will be March 14 to 17 in Salem. Mrs. John H. Carkln, Mrs. A. L. Wallace, Mrs. J. O. Farr, Mrs. J. C. Sell, Mrs. Z. C. Kimball, Mrs. Charles Crcighton, Miss Lois Mulcahy, Mrs. E. E. Bergman, Mrs. Franc Pound Gilbert Bailey, Mrs. Herman Dar ley, Mrs. George W. Croisan, Mrs. Frank Cramer, Mrs. R. D. Paris. Mrs. Lenard Kephart Mrs. C. C. Geer are the month's committee. IN i ',' - ' ' 1 I ' b ' ' ' ' r 4 i X"'K ?- . I .-; ,K f 1 ' , A I4- - , j If it 1 mm (jMlin-MIMer itudto pleturt) C. SAALFELD Tillicum Dance Tillicum club's March dance is due next Saturday evening, March 6, at the Marion hotel. The social hour will be at 8:30 o'clock, the dinner at 9:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Driscoll, Mr. and Mrs. Asel Fish and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Ford are on the committee for the evening. Initiation services for new members will take place at the meeting of Capital unit, American Legion auxiliary, Monday night, at Salem Woman's club house. The past presidents group will take charge of the ceremony. The poppy poster chairman, Mrs. Lucas G. Vogt, chairman, and members of her committee will serve the refreshments fol lowing the meeting. Mrs. Russel Beutler is chairman of the noon luncheon of Mothers club, bethel No. 43, Job's Daughters, on Thursday it the Masonic temple. Mrs. Lee Thomas, Mrs. Harold Elbert and Mrs. R. E. Culbcrtson will also be on the committee. Salem Firemen's auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. Ellsworth Smith, 220 Stark street on Wednesday night. Weavers guild is meeting on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Walter Kirk, 2935 South 12th, Mrs. John H. Hann and Mrs. Ed Byrkit to present the program. Charter night will 'be observed by Trin ity chapter, Order of Eastern Star, on Fri day night A no-host dinner at 6 oclock will honor all charter members. The other Star chapters in Salem will be present, Adah chapter will also be honored. Red Cross Drive Opens Monday; Many Women Assist in Solicitation Several hundred women start out Monday to do their part in the annual American Red Cross Fund Campaign, calling at the homes throughout the city to receive con tributions for the drive. The overall goal for the Red Cross cam paign in Marion county this year is $49,000, of which a godly sum is in the quota for the women's division. Mrs. Earl D. Bourland and Mrs. Ted Mnrrison are co-chairmen for the women's , division, around 700 women to assist in the solicitation. Complete list of division chiefs and cap tains has been announced by the co chairmen as follows: Division 1, Mrs. Robert Carey, chief; captains: Mrs. Wilson Wilt, Mrs. Orvillo Kannier Mrs. Richard Allen, Mrs. Marvin Brown Mrs. Maurice Walker, Mrs. Mar guerite Kirk. Division 1A, Mrs. James Marshall, chief; captains: Mrs. Alford Chivers, Mrs. Dale Boyd, Mrs. Lee Nelson. Mrs. Jack Frisbic, chief, division 2; cap tains: Mrs. J. F. Causey, Mrs. Jordan Johnson, Mrs, Edward Roth, Mrs. Oscar Speeht, Mrs. Joseph Paulson, Mrs. Dale Mallicoat, Mrs. Gus Lermon, Mrs. Ed Shunke, Jr., Mrs. David H. Cameron, Mrs. Paul Nciswandcr, Mrs. May Calvin, Mrs. Charles Mus.er, Mrs Glenn Larkins. Mrs. A. r. Wallace, Mrs. (lobe: r''. Mrs. R. 11. Poll, Mrs. J. JL Hatch, Mrs. A. J. Flint, Next Few n ;;1 m. ' ' MRS. JOSEPH "ONTHLY meeting for Salem Gar den club is planned for Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Sa lem Woman's club house. Growing of African violets will be dis cussed by Mrs. C. S. McCollam and the insect problem by John Davis of Oregon State College. Mrs. E. E. Batterman heads the lea com mittee and assisting will be Mrs. J. L. Fos ter, Mrs. Carl Damaske, Mrs. Lee Wood, Mrs. W. J. Beard, Mrs. Clarence Feller, Mrs. Carl R. Miller, Mrs. Norman Konncy, Mrs. Robert E. Shinn, Mrl Lloyd Fleener, Mrs. A. R. Tarter, Mrs. Kate Elgin, Mrs. R. L. Goss, Mrs. George Beane. Members are asked to bring flowers for spring arrangements. At 10 a.m. the corsage making class for members only will meet at the club house. ' St. Agnes guild, St. Paul's Episcopal church, Is meeting on Tuesday at 8:30 o'clock In the parish hall, members attend ing ' the parish's annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper there. Following the supper the guild will meet for its regular business session in the Guild room. Albert T. Ziegler, exchange teacher from New Zealand, will be guest speaker. Miss Mildred Christcnson, Mrs. R. H. Bas ' sett, Mrs. Clyde S. Everett and Mrs. Edith Mae Martin are the committee for the eve ning. Mrs. Bessie Sutton, Corvallis, department president of the United Spanish War Vet erans auxiliary, will be present at the March 4 meeting of Hal Hibbard auxiliary. A 12:30 p.m. dinner is being planned in her honor at the Woman's club house. Mrs. Tda Brownell and Mrs. Rose M. Dill were affiliated with Oregon Grape camp, Royal Neighbors of America, at the past week's meeting. Mrs. Adeline White and Mrs. Harriet Bales were guests. Mrs. Gordon Graber, Mrs. John Mullcr, Mrs. R. Lee Wood, Mrs. Charles Woock, Mrs. Adam S. Deibert, Mrs. Thomas Doty, Mrs. John Strelhammer, Mrs. J. C. Randall, Mrs. John Kolh, Mrs. Norman Kenny, Mrs. Theodore Rainwater, Mrs. J. G. Korn, Mrs. John Klecn. Mrs. J. D. Berk. Division 3, Mrs. Paul Shafcr, chief; cap tains: Mrs. Grrald Fisher, Mrs. Arthur Bates, Mrs. Edgar Morris, Mrs. Frank North, Mrs. Floyd D. Miles, Mrs. Jack Stoutenberg. Division 4, Mrs. Lynn Woods, chief; cap tains: Mrs. Carroll Samuel, Mrs. Richard Busch, Mrs. D. H. Williams, Mrs. Andrew Foster,' Mrs. J. Earl Cook, Mrs. Kenneth Decatur, Mrs. Sam Haley, Mrs, Lloyd Ramcy, Mrs. Everett Wilcox, Mrs. Harold Lohrman. Division S, Mrs. Max Denton, chief; cap tains: Mrs. Ted Tibhutt, Mrs. Ed Lewis, Mrs. Brace Knapp, Mrs. Richard Denton, Mrs. Val D. Sloper, Mrs. S. A. Boise, Mrs. Clifford Hill, Mrs. A. O. Baker, Mrs. M. G. Brenaman, Mrs. A. J. Biegler. Division 8, Mrs. Ted Jenny, chief, Mrs. Thomas Gabriel, assistant chief; captains: Mrs. James G. Hurd, Mrs. Stuart Downs, Mrs. Roy Harland, Mrs. Richard Klovcr, Mrs. Ward Rowland, Mrs. Earl Adams. Division 7, Mrs. Ben Radcliff, chief; captains: Mrs. Charles McDcvitt, Mrs. L. R. Fricicn. V' ... Weeks Here i'r.i ,5 V- .J : "-4t ', , Wn- (Jutin-uniir rtulls ptctnrt) SVEJKOSKY Benefit Tuesday A benefit for next week will be the one of Salem Soroptimist club on Tuesday eve ning, March 2. A spaghetti dinner is to be served be tween 6:30 and 8 o'clock at the American Legion club, all proceeds to go to the fund to pay for the installation of the old court house clock in the City hall, project of Soroptimist Mrs. Donald Reinke, chairman for the din ner, and Mrs. Terese Hanks are preparing the special sauce from an old Italian recipe in the family of Mrs. Reinke for the spag hetti, and rounding out the menu will be cabbage salad, garlic bread, peppermint ice cream and cookies. Mrs. Abner K.' Kline is chairman of the ticket sales. Altrusa club members are to meet Mon day evening at the home of Dr. Martha Springer at 6 o'clock. Each attending is to take a sack lunch. The evening will be spent in marking rummage for the tale planned for March t, next Saturday, over Grecnbaum's. Among benefit affairs of late March will be the one for which members of Salem Woman's club will entertain on Friday, March 26. The affair will be a bridge benefit, at the club house at 2 o'clock. The guilds of the Women's association of the First Presbyterian church plan to meet on Wednesday Adah guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Carl J. Wcndt, 651 Manbrin drive, for a 1:1$ dessert. Mrs. Carl Chambers Is leader. Crown guild is set to meet with Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, 750 North Summer, Mrs. Harold Dunsmoor. Mrs. Francis T. Wade will assist and Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen is the leader. Deborah guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Luke Johnston. 2348 South Church street Mrs. George Brown will assist the hostess and lead the program. Leah guild plans to meet at the home ot Mrs. J. W. Bolin, 535 Rose street for a 1 p.m. dessert luncheon. Mrs Mabel Bowman, Mrs. Ethel Giles, Mrs. Miriam Briggs and Mrs. Tess Lewis will he the assisting host esses. Mrs. Jessie Pugh will be the leader. Lydla guild Is set to meet with Mrs. J. J. Dunn, 940 North 19th. Mrs. Bert Hulst is leader and Mrs. Lliiie Jenks, Mrs. David Davidson and Mrs. Lee Wethcrby will as sist the hostess. Martha guild will meet in the Condit room of the church for a 12:30 dessert. Mrs. Marion Lamb is to be hostess and leader. Mrs. Ethan A. Collier, 559 North 24th street, will be hostess to Ruth guild. Mrs. L. G Edgar and Mrs. Ray Duitman will assist Mrs. Ethan A. Collier will lead the group Sarah guild plans to meet in the church parlor. Mrs. W. D. Gilchrist, Mrs. W F Poole, Mrs K C Rhoads and Mrs Mark Baker are to be hostess Mrs. Robert How ells is the leader. Westminster guild Is to meet in the church social rooms. Dessert Will be served at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Styme B. Leslie, Mrs. Richard Springer, Mrs. Charles Gray, Mrs. C, E. Hicks, Mrs. Lamar Jones and Mrs. Gordon Krueger are hostesses. Mrs. Eugene Mannock is the leader. A nursery for small children will be provided. I. .1... 1 1 -J ; & r