SMI For Mrs. MqKay A social event for next Saturday, March 6, will be the informal tea for which Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., is to entertain at her West Lcfellc street home to honor Mrs. Douglas McKay, who arrives the first of the week from Washington, D. C. for a 10-day visit at her home here. Guests will include members of all four Salem chapters of Beta Sigma Phi sorority of which Mrs. McKay is an honorary mem ber. Mrs. Phillips is city sponsor for Beta Sigma Phi. The tea will be between 3 and 5 o'clock. Among out-of-town guests will be the ad visers, sponsors and presidents of Port land chapters of the sorority. In line with Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. McKay will be Mrs. Joseph Kitzke, president of the Salem city council of Beta Sigma Phi. Pouring will be Mrs. Howard N. Hun sakcr, Miss Martha Licrly, Mrs. Eldon Lindhorst and Mrs. Ellis White, all mem bers of the sorority. Other members of tho group assisting at the tea will be Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, Mrs. A. J. Becker, Mrs. Percy It. Kelly, Mrs. David Bennett Jlill, Mrs. Roy E. Holbrok, Mrs. Tom Deal, Mrs. George Beanc, Mrs. James H. Turn bull, Mrs. Richard Trent, Mrs. Wilbur Pearson, Mrs. Don Stiffler, Mrs. Bcrwyn Maxwell. By MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER ' event for Sunday afternoon will be the open house to honor Mr. and '-Mrs. Charles A. Glaze on the occasion of their golden wedding. The reception will be at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wil lard Glaze, 231 Mission street, friends being invited through the press to call between 2 and 5 o'clock. Pouring will be Mrs. Harley Buckner, Mrs. Harley Chritner, Eslacada, and Mrs. Willis Poole, Portland, nieces of the couple. Mrs. Elton Riley of Portland, also a niece, will serve the cake. Others assisting will be Mrs. Herman Bergner, Miss Betty Jean Bergner, Mrs. 0, L. Donaldson, Jr., Mrs. Kendall Weir of Eugene, Mrs Henry Weir of Eugene, Mrs. Glenn Ettcr, Grand Rondo, a niece, and Miss Margie Riley, a grand niece. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burlingham arc to llA hnclo at o Ainnr, vine,., . rr..n...l .... ...... J nuau at a 1111.111,1 juiij uil lULatldf I'VI,- b men iiuinc. ini-y uic JJlumiulK a scries of the dinners, another one to be giv en on March 9. On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., will entertain at an informal tea in compliment to her mother, Mrs. Dan Welsh, who is observing her birthday that day. Among Sunday affairs will be the informal tea for which Miss Echo Yeatcr and Mrs. John M. Williamson are to entertain at the home of the former in compliment to Mrs. Mary Thomas, who, with her daughter,' Susan, returned this week from a vacation in Hawaii. Guests are invited to call between 4 and 6 o'clock. Pouring will be Mrs. L. 1,. Ferguson and Miss Eleanor Stephens. Others assisting at tho tea will be Mrs. William Langstnn, Mrs. Raymond C. Warner, Mrs. Arthur Spraguo and Mrs. David Duniway. Susan Thomas is to be at tho door. Hosts to their dinner and bridge club on Wednesday evening will be Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bonostcclc.. Mrs. Emery Hobbs is to entertain for her bridge club, Wednesday evening, a late supper to follow the card games. Theatre Arts group will meet for dessert at 1:45 o'clock on Ttiesdav at the home of Mrs. Edwin W. Butler, 2215 Jcldcn street. Mrs. James T. Brand will give a report on "Japanese Theater." Several from Salem will be in Portland the fore part of the week attending sessions of the stale meeting for the Oregon Dental society. On Tuesday, a luncheon and spring hat fashion show arc to be given at the Amnio upper club for the women attending the convention. Among those from Salem plan ning to attend the fashion event are Mrs. A. D. Woodmansoe, Mrs. S. D. Wiles and Mrs. John H. Wood. Chief Justice and Mrs. Earl C. Latniirctto will be among those in Portland this eve ning for the Mardi Gras party at the Uni versity club. Hostess to her bridge club for luncheon and the afternoon Wednesday will he Mrs. Ellis VonEschcn. The board of Hush School Mothers club is to meet next Wednesday morning for coffee at the home of Mrs. Ralph W. John son. Hostess to her bridge club on Thursday for luncheon and the afternoon will he Mrs. C. J. Hamilton. Hostess to her bridge club on Wednesday for luncheon and the afternoon will lie Mrs. John It. Cauchell. For Golf Group Mrs. Glenn Wilbur, captain of Salem Women's Golf association (or the coining year, is entertaining nt an informal roftre next Friday morning for membership of the association. Guests are invited to call between 0:30 and 12:30 o'clock. At the door during the different hours will be Mrs. Robert E. Joseph, Mrs. Ken neth Potts and Mrs. Harold M. Olinger. Pouring will be Mrs Fred Bcrnnrdi. Mrs. R. I. Macl.nughlin, and Mrs. Kate Bell Assisting in the dining room will be Mrs. Vernon Perry, Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mrs. Russell Kanz, Mrs. Revnolds Allen, Mrs. Robert J. Herrall, Mrs. Hex Adolph. Members of the board with Mrs. Wilbur this year are Mrs Werner Brown, Mrs. Fred Anunscn, Mrs. Donald McCargar Mrs. John Lewis, Mrs. T. W. Lowry, Mrs. Charles Musscr The women Rollers begin their new year on March 17, Wednesday of each week be ing women's day at the Golf club. 'i MRS. C. A. Hostess to The Study club on Tuesday for luncheon and the afternoon will be Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling. Members of another study group meeting also next week will be guests at the affair. Luncheon will be served, a program fol lowing. Alpha Xi Delta alumnae arc to meet next Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Eleanor Stephens with Mrs. John M. Wil liamson as co-hostess. For the program. Miss Esther Carlson is to show her pictures of Sweden. . Mrs. John Muir Is to tie hostess to the meeting of Chapter CQ of P. E. O. Sister hood for dessert at her home, 585 North Winter. apartments, at 1:15 p.m. Tues day. New officers arc to be elected at the business session. FROM hp i ii ' jilp U .... . JLX,A Peg in Washington Dear Marian: "The greatest statue that has come out of World War H" was the way Secretary Doug las MeKny characterized the I wo .lima statue that was featured in a ground break ing ceremony Friday afternoon on a knoll across the Potomac from Washington. Exactly nine years to the day from the date on which the Marines went ashore at Iwo .lima, the ceremony included talks by General Lemuel C. Shepherd, Jr., command ant of the .Marine Corps, and General Mcr rit A. l.dson. of "Edson's Haiders." as well as brief remarks by Secretary McKay. The De partment of the Interior approved the loca tion of the memorial on the Nevius tract in Arlington and the statue when completed will bo one of the largest cast hrnmc monuments m existence. Felix de Weldon, Vienna-born sculptor, designed the statue from the famous photograph taken by Joseph Rosenthal in 1013. Dedication of the memorial is planned for Nnveinehr 101 li. the Marine Corps birthday anniversary. At the top ol the 7a foot high statue from the flag pole will be flown a real flag and Congres sional approval will he .sought to permit it to reman up alter sundown with flood lights illuminating the statue. At present only the flag on the Capitol and the emblem that flies on Fort Mcllenry where Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star Spangled Banner" arc permitted to be left up after sundown The sculptor, who served in the Navy during the war. devoted five years to the comple tion of the lust model of the Marine mem orial, another famous shrine will be added to the Washington area to be viewed by countless millions in the years to come. In addition to participating in the marine ceremony. Secretary McKa joined in an other event having la do with the National Capitol Parks when he attended a luncheon of the Washington Monument Society today at the Metropolitan Club, marking tho Washington birthday anniversary. Ho mark ed the holiday further by getting an addi I-- v.v.i V jf XI (JfAten-MUler itudlo picture) SCHAEFER Zeta Tau Alpha alumnae arc meeting next Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Janet Felchcr. 1 The March dinner meeting for Gamma Phi Beta alumnae will be on Tuesday eve ning at 6:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Hugh Taylor. Co-hostesses are Mrs. Waller A. Barsch, Mrs. C. C. Higgins and Mrs. Ralph Boone. 1 Mrs. Robert Cannon Is to be hostess to her bridge club on Thursday evening. , Alpha Chi Omega Mothers nub is to meet next Tuesday evening at 7:45 o'clock at the sorority chapter house, 610 North l.'ith street. Mrs. Charles II. Leonard and Mrs. D. C. Nelson will be hostesses for the meet ing -BY ALENE (PEG) PHILLIPS- tional week end ride on Eugene Pcavinc in Knck Creek Park. One of the programs of the post week especially ei joyed by Secretary and Mrs. McKay was an evening of songs by Eddie Fisher and other television stars at the Stat ler Hotel ballroom. In addition to the usual telecast of Hie Fisher program, an after show followed the buffet dinner and the young singer was generous in his numbers to the delight of the audience. Governor Paul I.. Patterson of Oregon was a guest of the Vie Mackenzie for the show.. Thomas P. Campbell. Oregon State Com mander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, was host to the Secretary at the annual din ner given by the organization in honor of Congressional members and other officials last Thursday evening. This has been a beautiful day tempera tures in the upper fifties, clear and lovely. The annual Washington birthday sales in t tic downtown area brought nut the usual flocks of people some standing in line from early dawn to be first in the stores for the "come on" items among the bargains, such as typewriters and sewing machines (or 0!) cents, $33 suits for $3, a $71.50 wrist watch for a penny, TV sets for $3, $12 03 shoes for five cents just a few "teasers" in each store to bring out the crowds. The stores keep open for only three to four hours and I'm sure the clerks could stand no more than that. I just caught up with the morn ing papers and discovered the items listed believe it or not. this thing has been go ing on for 3D years back here. It was a good day not to go shopping, in my opinion, but a wonderful day to catch up with the home work after the continuous festivities of the past week. Several of the legations and chancery offices of other coun tries arc in "my" block on Massachusetts and in honor of our fust president their flags are flying in the breeze this afternoon pro viding an international note as I close this letter to you. 1'rg Fashions Spotlighted ljllfl f- J 'f ill': The Models... For the Salem Women's Army and Navy league style event Tuesday, Mrs. C. A. Schacfcr. at left, will wear this cotton broadcloth summer formal which features a wrinkle proof lining. Hats will highlight the show, too. Mrs. Willis Ross, center above, is trying to choose between two becoming black straws. The hats are being made espe cially for each costume to be worn at the show. Mrs. Charles A. Barclay, center right below, models one of the smart golf at tires, a white linen skirt and a brown shantung golf shirt. A spring-like navy blue and white print with interesting collar detail in white, is worn by .Mrs. William H. Ham mond, left picture, on right page, as a pretty dress for tea time. Mrs. II. C. Saalfcld, center picture, right page, models one of the new spring suits in imported fabric and'worn with navy blue hat faced with white. Eye catching Is the printed felt eoat and hat worn hy Mrs. Joseph Svejkosky, walking briskly down the street, at far right on right page. Chapter G of P.E.O. Sisterhood will meet for dessert at 1:15 p.m. next Thursday at the home of Mrs. Brooks Moore with Mrs. George G. Roscberry as co-hostess. Delta Delta Delta alumnae arc to meet on Monday evening for dessert at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Mark Astrup, 1500 South Liberty. Co-hostesses arc Mrs. Oscar Paulson. Jr., Mrs. William Gash and Mrs. Carlisle Roberts. Mrs. Philip M. Brandt, Jr., is to be guest speaker to discuss gardening. Chi Omega alumnae have planned a spe cial program for their meeting Tuesday eve ning, at the home of Mrs. Fidel Vroom, 4045 Silvcrton Road. Dessert will be at 7:30 o'clock, co-hostesses being Mrs. Dean Thomas and Mrs. John Martin. Dean Mark Hatfield of Willamette uni versity is to be guest speaker. Fallowing the program, there will be a short business ses sion. Members of the Chi Omega Mothers club are to be guests for the meeting. Leaving Monday on a week's trip to Sun Vallev arc Mr. and Mrs. James R. Phillip and Mr. and Mrs. William R. Shinn. Mrs. Carl Collins is to entertain for two club groups next week. On Tuesday she will entertain for her bridge club at luncheon. On Friday, Mrs. Collins will entertain for her knitting group. Mrs. James Walton is a new member of the club. Governor and Mrs. Paul L. Patterson are to he in central Oregon during the mid week, visits planned at Redmond, Prine ville, Madras and Bend, the governor to give a number of talks. Mrs. Orville Kannier, Jr., was hostess on Fndav night to honor Mrs. Virgil Weber at a shower. The refreshment table was set in the spring motif with pin!;, green and yellow the color scheme. Honoring Mrs. Weber were Mesdamcs Mel Lien. Walter While. Frank Weber, mother-in-law of the honored guest: George Bauer, Eddie LrUlanc. Genrce Bauer, Jr., Herbert MrDonouch, llenrv Meyer, Wallace Parks. Wally Gibson, Jolin Taylor, Leo Grabcr, Boh Holdrn, Lester Cover, Mrs. Weber's mother. Mrs. Orville Kannier; Mrs. C. E. Jones: tiie Misses Jeanette Weber, Helen liciman, Ella Patterson and Joy Rem ington. Salem General Hospital auxiliary is meet ing Tuesday morning rur its regular March session at 10 o'clock at the YWCA. Activ ities tor the spring will be discussed. All members of the auxiliary are invited to attend. Phi Mu alumnae of Salem are meeting Tuesday evening. March 2, at the home of Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr , 1780 Fairmount avenue. The 102nd anniversary of founding of the sorority will he observed, the group having been founded March 4, 1852, at Wcsleyan college, Macon, Ga. MRS. WILLIS ROSS , 'lft 't 1j MRS. CHARLES Visitors here for the week-end arc Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klostorman, Seattle, guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hutchison. The Klostermans will leave next week for Los Angeles, then go to New York City. They will sail later in March for Naples, Italy, and will tour Eur ope during the summer. In the fall. Mr. Klosterman will be in the university in Copenhagen, Denmark. On Sunday, the Hutchisons are to enter tain at a family dinner following christen ing services for their grandson. Mark Holmes, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Kenneth Holmes, at the First Presbyterian church. Attending the dinner will be Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Holmes and Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klosterman. Mr. Holmes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Glenn Holmes of Albany, and Larry Enninga. i" if - t5 II : - f S j I' 7 1 II k 'V i jr iii x I f . v ' ' if 1 v'A,i,t If'- rV;1 5(1 ""Vhi I , DAR Planning State Event Here Plans for the state meeting of the Daugh ters of American Revolution in Salem arc announced. The meeting is set for March 14, 15 and 16. Business sessions will be in the Carrier room of the First Metho dist church as will the memorial service n Sunday afternoon. The luncheons, dinners and banquets will be at the Marion hotel. The second district of the state compris ing Bell Passi chapter, Hubbard, Cham pcog chapter, Ncwberg;, Chemcketa chap ter, Salem: Linn chapter. Albany;. Oregon Lewis k Clark chapter, Eugene: Santiam chapter, Lebanon: Umpqua chapter, Rose burg: Wincma chapter. Corvallis and Yam hill chapter. McMinnvillc are the host chap ters. Committees appointed include: Creden tials, Mrs. J. W. Nash, Mrs. Ethel Handy, Portland: Mrs. E. T. Brown, Mrs. J. W. Shipley: hostess, Mrs. George W. Hender son. Chemcketa chapter regent; luncheon banquet, Mrs. Herbert J. Ostlind, Mrs. Eric (Jwten-Miller itudlo ploturt) w.: 4 rttTpWit 1 I ,V , , 4 lf- rJulcn-Mlttfr ntudlo picture) A. BARCLAY Cascade chapter, National Secretaries association plans to meet at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Darling, 740 South 12th street, on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Tcrese Hanks will assist. Annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper sponsored by the parish of St. Paul's Episcopal church will be next Tuesdav at the new church. Liberty at Myers. The pancakes will bo served between 3:30 and 7 o'clock. Robert G. Bradv, Sr., heads the committee in charge, Kenneth Mullcr and William Johnston assisting. Regular luncheon meeting for Salem Soroptimist club will be Wednesday noon at the Golden Pheasant, this to be the businesi session for the club. Horlin, Mrs. David H. Lonnry, Mrs. L. 0. Arcns, Mrs. Thillip Bnuffleur, Mrs. Homer Goulet, .Mrs. James C. Moore. Wincma chapter recent, 'Corvallis and Mrs. Lester Horton, Linn chapter regent, Alhanv: Mrs. Jessie P. Stewart, Eugene: tea, .Mrs. Charles A. Spraguo, chairman; information, Mrs. L. C. McLeod and Mrs. Luke M. Johnston: music. Mrs. Jason Lee, Mrs. E. T. Geer and Mrs. Edwart T. Taggart; bugler, Jim Fiskc; professional. Mrs. W. E. Hansen, Mrs. George Hyslop, Corvallis; platform, Miss Ruth Rulifson, chairman: pages, Mrs. Carey F. Martin and Miss Ola LaMoine Clark, co chairman: Miss Ida Jo Henderson, Miss Pat Harlan, Portland. Miss Joanne Taggart, Miss Donna Phelps and Miss Sharon Burwright program, Mrs. Allan E. McLean Mrs. David Wright Mrs. John Black, Mrs. Millard Tckar: tellers. Mrs. CharlcJ Creighton. Mrs. Ralph Van Horn: time keener. Miss Georgia Shane; publicity, Mrs. M. ilende, Portland, and Miss Edna Mingus.