Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 27, 1954, Page 2, Image 2

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    Page 2
Edited by MIKK FOItBKS
SUBM?1ITY-Mr. William I-u-day
I'ru'crwert major surpcry at
0 Silvc-tnn hosptnl last Friday.
He- co-Won. which was quite
serious, 's now reported improved.
Joe U'-VTlc'is snout the past
wesk as a p.t'ont at Santlam Me
mor al hop lal.
' Mr. rnd Mrs. John Mackic of
Crescent City left via plane Mon
day morning for New York where
they will vlpit Mr. Mackic's broth
er. Thsy will spend 10 days in
the easlrn metropolis.
Two of the Mackies' children
arc Fta',-;n! wit'i their aunt and
une'e, fie Ccne Rt'ssclls.
Mr. f:id Mrs. Nick Ileuberger
are tl'e parents of a new son, Rich
ard Alo. sinus. Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Lulay ore the maternal grandpar
ents. .
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kremcr
and two sons of Salem; Mr. and
Mrs. John Kremer and son, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Wolf and family,
and Mr. and Mrs. Gust Hendricks
and son Allen spent Saturday eve
ning at the N. W. Kremcr home,
hnnnrine Mr. Kremer on this
hirlhdav anniversary.
A dinner Monday evening at the
Rich Schumacher home honored
Mr. Schumacher's b 1 r l n a a y.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Gescher and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Schumacher and Carol Ann.
Mrs. James Hipp, Miss Dolores
Drcugeman, Lawrence Ripp and
Herman Hendricks drove to Cot
tonwood, Idaho, last Thursday.
Miss BreuKeman, who was a
bridesmaid at the Sandbcrg-Ripp
nuptials, had spent two wocks vis
iting relatives beforo returning to
her home in Idaho.
Saturday night guests at the
N. W. Kremer home were Mr.
and Mrs. George Rossman of En
umclaw, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Laffey of Buckley, Wash.
The group were Sunday dinner
guests of the Nick Wolfs at Aums
ville. Final preparations are being
made for the Mardi Gras Carnival
and Dance to be held at Sublimity
parish hall Tuesday, March 2.
A carnival will be held in the
hall basement from 7 to 0 p.m.
with dancing in parish gym from
9 to 12 p.m. with music furnished
by Stubby Mills. There will be
free paper hats and noise makers.
The affair is sponsored by the
St. Boniface Student Body. Every
one is invited.
Mrs. Joseph Wolf was re-elected
president of the Altar Society at
a meeting held at the home of
Mrs. Fred Hotlinger Sunday eve
ning. Other oflicerB are Mrs. Ted
Peters, vice-president; Mrs. Farn
cis Heubergcr, secretary; Mrs.
William Duchatcau, re-elected
Next meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Lee Highbcrgcr.
Mn. Mabel Jenkins, who passed
away at a Salem hospital Monday,
February 22, will be remembered
as the former Mabel Frank,
daughter of the Albert Franks,
who lived two miles north of Sub
limity. Spending Sunday at St. Mary
of the Valley, Bcaverton. were
Mrs. Anna Van Handel and daugh
ters, Mrs. Roy Hnrtmann and Mrs.
Alfred Hnrtmann. While there
thev visited Sister M. Magdalene,
a sister of Mrs. Anna Van Handel !
who is 84 years of age. The aged
woman has boon in very poor i
health for some time.
Mrs. Leo HiRhbergcr was host
ess to the Woman's Club at her
home on Thursday. Mrs. Rose
Rusteror received first prize for
500 while Mrs. Joe .lacohy drew
the special priie. Guests were
Mrs. Omar Roberts, Mrs. Clar
ence Zuber and Mrs. Joe Jncohy.
Mrs. Rose Ruistcrcr will be the
next hostess (or the group.
The St. Roniface grade school
162 't N Commercial
Vou Walking up
.iver rami More
Best hlnrv Conk
VE SING. Prop.
Modern DANCE
Evrrr Saturday Night
9:30 to 12:30 Adm. $1.00
For Good Eating
Olson and Johnson
Formerly Alvln's Cafe
Ma Graham Home Cooking
Come to
4520 S. Pacific Highway
Phont 2-9439
basketball team won a trophy at
Mt. Angel Sunday afternoon. The
team has a very good record hav
ing lost hut one game the entire
season, under the directon ot their
coach, Joe Steinkamp.
Mrs. Joe Jacoby and Mrs.
Frank Wolf were hapcroncs for the
group Sunday,
SCIO Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Stoller of Albany visited rela
tives here Monday evening.
Rodger Cain and Clement are
in Portland attending a hard,
ware convention.
Two Scio men received the
honor of hnving the two highest
herd averages in the Linn Coun
ty D. H. 1. A. for the past year.
Jim Ruby's Holstcin's received
the top average, and Glen Thurs
ton s Jersey's were second high
est. The P. T. A. met for its regu
lar meeting Monday night.
Mrs. Jack Goar presided over
the business meeting.
Mr. Leniatta, shop and science
teacher, showed an educational
film on art and woodworking.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Huber have
sold their dairy farm to Mr. and
Mrs. R. Pankratz of California.
Raymond Bell left last week
for 'military service.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. H.
Eastman entertained with a fare
well dinner in his honor.
Norman LeBard left Monday
night for Ft. Lewis after spend
ing several days wilh his family
The Mary Martha Missionary
Circle held Its business and de
votional meeting Tuesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holland of
Newport were recent Scio visi
tors. Geraldine Crenshaw was se
lected winner of the state 4-H
news writing contest.
Geraldine also won the Linn
county contest.
Her prize is a scholarship to
411 summer school at Oregon
Slate College.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sprague
left Monday for their home in
El Paso, Texas after visiting
with relatives and friends here.
Sunday-they were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil
Rhoades in Newport.
A large crowd attended the
Father and Son banquet at the
Baptist church Monday night.
Speakers included Rev. Neeley
of Albany and Rev. Losie of Sa
lem. ,
Bethel Park
BETHEL PARK The last meet
ing of the Women's Missionary
Council was held at the home of
the president, Mrs. Rube Nelson,
Wednesday afternoon. Garments
and gifts were completed. A de
volional service was held.
Attending were Mrs. Edward
Edmond, Miss Stella Jordan, Mrs.
Mary Ilium, Mrs. Mary Durham,
Miss Mary Goffrler, Mrs. Frcy,
Sr., Mrs. C. H. Finlcy and daugh
ter Fay, Mrs. Clarence Smith and
Miss Norma Smith and Mrs. 'Laura
Go! frier.
Rev. Robert Pirtle spent Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday eve
nings of last week in Portland as
sisling in the teachers training
program of the Portland Assem
blies of God churches. Rev. Pirlle
Is stale Sunday school represent a
tive. Mrs. Alice McGee of Sweet
Home visited at the Casselman
home lost Wednesday.
Rev. Paul Derr of Brownsville
and Rev. John Fruiten of Rlack
Dum-iiir from 9:30 to 12:30 Doors Open at 9:00 Ladies
FKi:K until 9:30 Admission, $1.00 per person, Inc. Tax
Every Saturday Mtel
1 a Mi. So. of Salem at 12th St. Junction
1:2.-1 - 4:U
Prices This Show: Adults,
LACOMB Mr. and Mr. F. J.
Hickcy plan to move Saturday,
They will make their home in
Lebanon. Their farm has been
leased to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Erown of Mount Hope community.
Farm Implements on the Hickey
farm were sold at auction on Sun
day, Feb. 21.
The Grange sold cake and cof
fee at the sale.
Spending the week end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Justin
Baldwin, was Miss Melodce Bald
win of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowland
were dinner guests Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul John
son of Scio. The dinner was plan
ned to honor Grant Irish on the
occasion of his 83rd birthday.
Mrs. Johnson is his daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hodges and
son of Albany, spent Sunday after
noon at the homes of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Heath, and Mr. and
Mrs. K. Edwards.
Jerene Strange, a student teach
er at Monmouth, is gaining prac
tical experience this week at the
Lacomb school.
A birthday dinner was given
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Weigel. Those
having birthdays were Velma
Kenneth and Garry Weigel, and
Bobby Cuthbert.
Attending were Mr. and Mrs.
Loy Weigel and sons, Mrs. Mae
Weigel and Mrs. Grace Cuthbert,
all of Independence; Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Cuthbert, Coos Bay; Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Mode, and sons,
Willamina: Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Jordan, Albany, and Mrs, Ger
trude Wirt.
The Lacomb Grange held a spe
cial meeting Monday night. Mem
bers of Scio Grange conterrea
the third and fourth degrees on
new candidates.
A car driven by Mrs. Harvey
Bowers, stalled and overturned on
a logging road, Monday. Mrs.
Bowers escaped with bruises and
was allowed home after a checkup-
The First Baptist churcn hem
a business meeting for teachers
Tuesday evening at the church.
Reports show an average atten
dance of 88 at Sunday School for
the past six weeks, 20 above the
average for the same period last
Attending the meeting were,
Othello Heath, Juanita Bartruff,
Grace Eklund. Elsie Keen, Letha
McRevnolds. Lela Edwards, Ern
estine Edwards, Vida McCloud and
Helen McCloud. Rev. Emery
Nester occupied the chair.
AURORA In Christ Lutheran
church, Aurora, Sunday at the 11
a.m. services, five who took an
oral examination Monday eve
ning, will be confirmed. They
are Vernon Gooding, Betty Jo
Keil, Ronald Jeskey. Larry Peter
and Raymond Lambert.
Members of the congregation
and their families joined the pas
tor, Rev. L. C. Lclkauf, in con
ducting the oral examination for
the confirmation class candidates.
Sixty-two attended Bible study
Wednesday c v e n i n g at the
Mrs. William Gooding, Mrs.
Erven Miller, Mrs. Harriet F.hlcn,
Mrs. P. D. Ottaway, Miss Emma
J. Snyder, Miss Hilda Beiscr, Mrs.
Ezra Hurst and Mrs. Harry
Schultz, all members of Una Tem
ple No. 26. Pythian Sisters of
Aurora, attended the reception
given in honor of the grand chief
i of Oregon at Silverton, Feb. 18.
j Calendared for Saturday eve
: ning, Feb. 27, is the card party
I sponsored by the Aurora Worn
I an's cluh in the Knights of Py
1 thias hall. Pinochle, Canasta and
Rutte were overnight guests at
li. L. Casselmans Monday eve
ning. Rev. and Mrs. Leo Holt of Port
land were Sunday guests also.
Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Casselman
motored to Sweet Home Monday.
$1.23 Children, 50c
500 will be played, with refresh
ments later.
Mrs. Robert Armstrong, chair
man of the ways and means com
mittee, it in charge of arrange
ments. W. T. Schoonover of Aurora
suffered a badly sprained and
wrenched left forearm Monday
ailernoon in an accident involv
ing a pulley at his farm home.
He is under care of a Canby phy
Mrs. Ralph Zimmerman of the
Marks Prairie district, suffered a
bruised left arm injury recently,
when, she was thrown to the
ground by sheep at her home
Mrs. Frank Thicl, clerk at the
Aurora post office, has returned
to her home from the Osteopath'
ic hospital in Portland, following
surgery. Assisting at the office
during her absence was Ben Net
Mrs. Harriet Fleischhaucr, Au
rora postmaster, had as her week
end guest, her daughter, Mrs.
Janet Hoover, of Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mijler and
sons, Craig Allard and Mark Al
lard of Beaverton, will be Sun
day dinner guests of Dale' uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. As
kin. Pedee
PEDEE eek-end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Perry were
his father, Mr. and Mrs. - Count
Perry, and his brother, Ben Per
y and Steven of Vancouver,
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pank
ratz and granddaughter, Audrey
Crupper of Portland, were Wed
nesday night guest of her broth
er, O. N. Burbank and family.
Mickey HEnna, small daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hanna, had
a sliver removed from under a
finger nail, at Salem General
hospital Friday afternoon.
A baby daughter was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ronco,. Feb.
18 at the Salem Memorial hos
pital. She has been named Mar
garet Jane and weighed 7 lbs.,
7 ozs. She has a small brother.
She is the nly granddaughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burbank, also
of her other grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Ronco of New
berg. Mrs. Ritchie Kerber vas host
ess Tuesday to the Women's Mis
sionary Society. Mrs. Laura Dy
er conduct. d the business meet
ing, and a letter was read from
a member, Mrs. R. J. Smith. The
Smiths arc rpending the winter
near Palm Springs, Calif.
Miss Nola Womcr gave the
lesson from the study hook and
a review of missionary news. Af
ter a no-host dinner Mrs. Howard
Perry led the devotions and had
charge of the discussion. Mrs.
Fran kShythe will lead the World
Day of Traycr, March 3.
Among tl ose attending the
Farmer Union meeting at Bridge
port Saturday evening were Mr.
and Mrs. F. C. Kcrbec, Mr. and
Mrs. Swingell, Mr. and Mrs. Ru
fus Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey
Cummins and family, Mrs. Ro
land Coir.oray and Amy.
Mrs. William Chestnut and
Cindy of Portland spent Wednes
day and Thursday with her sis
ter, Mrs. ''us Burbank. Both
have been ill with the fluu but
are recovering.
Mrs. Howard Perry is staying
at the Paul Ronco home, caring
fo. the new baby, Bradley, small
son of the Roncos is staying with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. L. Burbank.
The Pedee Gum Jailors met
Feb. 18. Charles Catcs, presi
dent, had charge of the meeting.
Dwight Cummins led songs and
A 4-H flag is to bo made and
the following members were ap
pointed to make It: Charles
Cates, Dwight Cummins, Dennis
McBcth, John Lawler, Bobby
Plevo and Phillip Gintcmann. The
size will be fourteen inches by
seventeen inches.
A Valentine party was en
joyed Frida afternoon. Colene
Condon, Phi'llp Gentcmann, Don
ald Hubert rnd Bobby Puvo serv-
mm i niiinM til T 11 EiiMfl
V tapautowtJ lev of ftt towcm fcmy
yfia. Chritha) tapft, Mffl tpft;
Vv Vi VV
Walt Disney's
New True-life Adventure
In Technicolor-
who won the FFA speech contest
at Perrydale school, entered the
district contest at Newberg Wed
nesday evening and placed sec
ond. PTA meeting at Perrydale
school has been postponed and
will be held on Monday, March 8.
The talent show is planned to be
held at this time and Mrs. Reich
ert will show 4-H pictures.
Smithfield's Friendly Neighbor
club is sponsoring a bingo party
in March, the exact, date to be
published later. Any one having
white elephants they 'would like
to donate to the club for this bingo
party may send or bring them to
Perrydale school and mark them
for the club. Mrs. Hlckerson, who
teaches at Perrydale, will take
charge of them. The money hoped
to be raised is to go to the boys
in the hospitals at Medford and
Roseburg. ...
Perrydale basketball A team
won over Valsetr Wednesday eve
ning at the OCE gymnasium in the
first game of the Polk county B
basketball tournament.
Mrs. Hardy Smith and Mrs.
Hans Boeder met with their 4-H
sewing club at Perrydale school
Tuesday afternoon. All members
were' present and many activities
were planned.
Flat tires are a bother as Sharon
Ralph, Sharon Rosenbalm, Diana
Tiffeny, Shirley Dodson and Ma
rilyn Cooper will tell you. Espe
cially five miles from Perrydale
school just minutes before bus
leaving time for the Perrydale,
Valsetz game Wednesday evening.
Marilyn Cooper and Shirley Dod
son are cheer leaders which made
it necessary they be at the game.
They changed the tire and with
the bus waiting a little they made
it in time. Tho girls had been in
Salem taking the aptitude test
given to the senior class.,
Monday night, March 1, there
will be. the budget meeting at
Perrydale school.
try Flower Club had its annual
family party at the Legion hall
in Dayton, Monday evening, Feb.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
John Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Benedist, Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Boulden, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Boynton, Mr. and Mrs John Hef
fley, Mrs. John Hardy and her
two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Herry
Gray, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc
Fariane, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mur
phy, Mr. and Mrs. C. Harold
Parker, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pen
land, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Reich
stein, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ver
non, Mr. and Mrs. James Watts,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wood, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Alexander, Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Rockhill and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Flock.
Jimmy Richardson was a guest
for the dinner, then showed mov
ies that he had taken while in
the service.
Five Pleasantdale housewives
have recently completed two
courses in copper tooling at "The
Shed" in Salem, and have made
some very beautiful things for
their homes.
The women are Mrs. Vernon
Thompson, Mrs. Lloyd Zcntner,
Jr. Mrs. I.eon Rhnchard. Mrs.
Everett Jocckel and Mrs. Jack I
Flock. The same group is now
starting a course in "plaster
painting" in which they will learn I
to paint figurines, wall plaques i
and dishes.
Homer Knott of Vale was a
patient in the veterans' hospital
at Portland for two months, then
convalesced at the home of his
daughter and husband, Mr. and
Clock 8onofit
Spaghetti Dinner
Soroptlmist Club
Tuesdav, March 2, 5:30-8:00
Adults 1.25 Children 75c
Ends Today
Randolph Scott
- In
"Thunder Over
the Plains"
- Also -Captaip,
tit .! tuwko. ffca imum dtwtt
K hat lift
for ftf dfcOVCKl rv
ten at Nn'i kojv
M-O.M'i SMCTACll U C)a t TfCMNtCOlOl
Robi-rt Taylor Deborah Kerr
Mrs. Jack Flock. He returned
home Saturday and took with
him his grandson, Gary Flock,
for a visit.
AMITY The Three Links
Club held its February meeting
Wednesday evening at the home
of Mrs. A. R'. Glandon. Mrs. El
mer Wood was co-hostess, and
Mrs. Morrison presided.
Announcement was made that
work would begin this week pre
paring the walls and ceiling of
the IOOF hall for retinting which
Is the project of the. club this
The last of a series of card par
ties will be held March 18 with
a large wool blanket the grand
Mrs. Cora Newman will be the
March hostess.
Miss Helen Fonger was in
charge of entertainment
The Fireman's Auxiliary con
ducted a cake pie and candy sale
Tuesday in the IOOF Building.
The group is planning a talent
show for April 2. 1
The show will be divided into
two groups: Junior division, ages
12 and under, Senior division, 13
and over.
Mrs. William Richter s recup
erating from major surgery at
General Hospital recently,
Mrs. Hattie White entered Mc
Minnville Hospital Monday.
Mrs, Hattie Withee who has
spent some time in California
and at Newport is at home on
Getchell street.
The Masonic Hall is undergo
ing remodeling this week. Mem
bers are donating their work.
WOODBURN Social evenings
will be resumed at St. Luke's hall
on "Shrove Tuesday," March 2,
beginning at 8 o'clock, sponsored
by Father Rubis council, Knights
of Columbus. Proceeds go to the
fund to supply papers which are
distributed each Sunday in the
church vestibule.
Committees in charge include
Frank Nathman, Tom Gorman,
Jr., Cornelius Donnelly, Joe Vi
tovec, Robert Barrett, Leonard
Petshow and Jake Hubert for the
main event. Refreshments will be
served by Mrs. Jeff Anderson,
Mrs. Clyde Bauman, Mrs. J. Bu
dreau, Mrs. Edgar Crosby, Jr.,
Mrs. Harold Eichsteadl. Mrs. H.
F. Fleck and Mrs. Edwin Halter.
The Woodburn Junior Chamber
of Commerce will hold the regu
lar business meeting Tuesday,
March 2, at the Woodburn library
club rooms at 8 p.m.
Guest speaker will be Cept. Ray
Howard of the regon state police
who will talk on police work, in
cluding the riots at the state peni
tentiary last year. The public is
invited to attend for the speaking
which will start about 8:30 p.m.
Gilbert Ramage will preside.
The annual pancake supper will
be served on "Shrove Tuesday"
March 2 from 5:30 to 6:30 at the
Woodburn Methodist church. Mrs.
James Livesay and Mrs. P. L.
LaBarr will be in charge. The pub
lic is invited.
Adm. 60c Tax Inc.
Dick Johnson's Orch.
259 Court St.
LAST DAY Lucille Ball and Desl Arnai In "THE LONG LONG TRAILER"
oj America's .
Dancinz Years! jH v
. M
Kyriss and two children, Anna
Kyriss, and Mrs. Fred Kyriss, all
of Sweet Home, visited, and had
dinner at the Rev. R. L. Cassel
man home Monday.
Rev. and Mrs. James Kessler
(formerly assistant pastor at
Evangelistic Temple in Salem),
are itinerating in the Oregon dis
trict before leaving as missionar
ies to Africa. They are packing
their equipment at the mission
ary drum room here, and would
like to have their things ready
soon as they are, supposed to
leave in March by boat to the
land of their calling.
Billy Keyes and children of
Portland visited Tuesday evening
at the Rube Nelson home.
Miss Ethel Berglund visited in
Sandy Sunday, and later on Mon
day attended the funeral in Gres
ham of Rev. Earl Radford of
Rev. and Mrs. Carl Swink of
Ankeny were guests at her moth
er, Mrs. Mary Ilium on Monday
and Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Sullivan have
as houseguests for an indefinite
time his little nephew and niece
who are of pre-school age.
Tuesday evening Rev. Atwood
Foster and Rev. Robert Pirtle,
both district officers, left by
train for Sacramento to attend
the Northern California and Ne
vada District Council this week.
They expect to be home again
Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon
have purchased a grocery store
at Front and Pine Streets in Sa
lem, and -re in he nrocess of
moving. They will live In the
apartment at the rear of their
Mrs. Nellie Stanley has spent
the last three weeks in Wood
burn nursing an aunt. She will
leave this week for a short visit
in Astoria, and will then proceed
to Canada. Relatives from Monta
na will accompany her on this
trip. '
Harold Johnson, Clarence Jen
sen, and Bobby Pirtle have been
practicing for their part in the
Boy Scout program at Court of
Awards Banquet at Hazelgreen
on Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Johnson
have moved into their new home
which has been remodeled, redec
orated, and refurnished.
The Assemblies of God all over
the nation are honoring the Wom
en's Missionary Council depart
ment of their churches this
month. The Bethel Park Group
chose Tuesday as the day, and in
vited the North Howell and Kciz
er church groups as their guests.
, This meeting was held in the
Crystal Gardens
Salem, Oregon
Old Time & Modern
t JlTI'i i i i ii n n ' i
Saturday, February 27, 1954
basement of the Administration
The local president, Mrs. Rube
Nelson, acted as chairman of the
entertainment committee.
The program was composed of
members of each church repre
sented. Rev. Edmond of Brooks
reati the scriptures. Rev. Hodges
of Salem led in the devotions. A
duet was sung by Rev. and Mrs. .
M. E. Arn of North Howell. Mrs.
Edward Edmonds gave a reoort
of finances and work done. Mrs,
John Hodges reported for the
Keizer group as well as Mrs. R.
L. Casselman. Mrs. Nora Smith
is president of the North Howell
group, and their report was made
by their secretary, A solo was
sung by Mrs. John Hodges of Sa
lem, accompanied by Mrs. Ed
monds on the accordion. A poem
was read by Mrs. Mary Ilium of
Bethel Park. Mrs. Edmonds also
gave a solo number.
Mrs. F. J. Walton of Portland,
the State President of the Wom
en's Missionary Council, was the
guest speaker for the evening.
Grand Island
afternoon guests at the Mrs. .
Jacob Tompkins, Sr., and Mr. and
Mrs. Dale L, .Fowhr, Grand Is
land homes, were Mrs. Allen
Nichols and Miss Esther Nichols
and nephew Myron Nichols of
Pleasantdale, and Mrs. Clarence
L. Fowler of Unionvale. "
Mrs. Frank Fmnicum of Grand
Island was a guesta of her broth-
jr-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Caldwell at Lafayette
Platinum sells for about $1,300
a pound.
Cherry's Plantation
Complete f(
Dinners ?I.W
Open 4:30 10:00
Sun., 12 to 9 Closed Monday
- 2 Technicolor Hits
Starts Tomorrow - Cont. 1:45
j won
- plus
Short Subject
Prices this engagement only
Adults.... 1.00
' 1