THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orejon Page IB 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive Saturday, February 27, 1954 rHE MOST PRICELESS thing In America today li privacy for family liv ing. Situated on a large corner lot on Falrmount Hill li this beautiful 4 bdrm. home. Oil heat, dble. garage, wall to wall carpeting. 3 fireplaces, I . r.oom and m,ny otn" lin features CALL H. K. LAYMON TOR APPOINTMENT. LOVELY SUBURBAN HOME In beautiful Rlvercreit Acres. J lge. bdrms. and I knotty pine den. Uv. rm. with fireplace din. rm., kitchen tc nook, tiled bath. lge. utility rm. with forced air furnace and a bath with tlled shower stall. Beautifully landscaped, fruit and garden. CALL J. E. IPECIAL DELUXE 2 BDRM. HOME-Beautlful location, trees, splendid terraced lot. wall to wall carpeting, central hallway, nice utility, dble. garage, large covered patio CALL ROY S. FERRIS. LOTS ANY DIRECTION-Klngwood, Falrmount Hill. Candalarla. Keirer, IeNHORST BROS00'00 '0 3'00' GCOd T!rm v"ilable- CALL GRA- GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY ST. Ph. 2-2471 J. E. Law 3-5113 NELSON & NELSON (ORIGINAL FIRM IN A NEW LOCATION) JUST LISTED, $4350 (mail home on S acre of land east is Just 3 yrs. old and can be made into a nice sized home by adding the rooms you will need. 3 blks to school, bus. Refrig. and good G. F. rang Included in price. Willamette Silt soil. Low down paymt. to right partv. Let Mrs. Wootten show you , this. NEW THREE-BEDROOM HOME NORTH rhls three-bdrm home is a good buy. Has nice sized rooms, oil forced air ht , attractive firepl. Close to school and bus. Good sized lot de sirable for garden, flowers, children. U,500. Call Al Watts. v SUBURBAN RANCH STYLE $16,000 rhis roomy 3-bdrm. hm. with lis large liv-din rm. combined, offers you a variety of family living with Its many conveniences. A completely tiled bathroom on either wing, Inside utility rm, snack har In kitchen, cov ered patio In rear with most attractive outdoor flrepl., 2-car garage, storage. Walnut crop pays taxes for you. Price $16,000. Call for Chct Nelson. i . , NELSON AND NELSON, REALTORS "COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE" 1590 S. Commercial St. Ph. 2-3669 Ivenings; Al Watts 3-7265, Lydia F. Wootten 3-8066, Dick Schmidt 2-7567, Ed Lucas 3-9388, Chet Nelson 2-1350 I BDRM. 2 BATHS. $690.00 DN Beautiful fireplace, forced air heat, full dining room, nice sized breakfast nook., lots of natural birch cabinets in kitchen. Large insidt utility with plenty of room for dryer, washer and deep freeze. If ; ju are a veteran let us help you. Call Chet Rawlins, Sim. NEW 2 BDRM. 2i ACRES NEAR KEIZER Radiant heat, natural birch kitchen, immediate possession. Only (10,500.00. For appointment call Chct Rawlins, Sim. I BDRM. CORNER LOT SOUTH. $5,500 00 Lots of room all on one floor, excellent shrubs, flowers, some trees, 2 garages, full dining room all plastered. Make offer on down payment. Call Jim Rawlins, Sim. MEW 3 BDRM. CENTRAL HALLWAY 1650 SQ. FT. -Large dbl. garage, big utility, birch kitchen, full dining room, big living room, with sharp fireplace, lots of closets and storage, first class construction in brand new section. As low as 5',i down and easy. monthly payment. Call Jim Rawlins, Sim. IUBURBAN DUPLEX Each has 2 bdrms., living room, kitchen, large ga rage with utility, storage over gam fie, built In JU50, neat as a pin. Shown by appointment only; call Dale Rayburn, Sim. I ACRES WITH A 4 YR. OLD 2 BDRM. HOME Good location, Well drain ed, garage, work shop, chicken house, dandy well. A good buy at only $9,000.00. For appointment to see call Dale Rayburn, Sim. RAWLINS REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) , 2060 N. Capitol Street Olfice Phones 2-46K4 or 4-1761 Evenings: Chet Rawlins 3-6236; Jim Rawlins 2-8578: Dale Rayburn 2-2045 SOMETHING DIFFERENT!!!! 34 Acres alt Irrigated, seeded to permanent pasture, dandy barn, loafing shed, silo and milk house, remodeled 4 bedroom home lots of hiway frontage ALSO 11 Acre park with swim ming, boating, picnic and play grounds, only recreation park close to Salrm, shows good re turns Can he bought separate or as one unit. Terms See Hen ry Torvcnd. LEE OHMART 1 k fit T- TAr"Tl I Dandy 2 bedroom home, garage fruit storage, fi nrnira wen. lawn, shrubs and large garden call now easy terms Full price $7950 Call Louis Lorcnz. REDWOOD AND WHITE YES, you'll love this 3 bedroom home with a front porch with redwood beams there's a redwood stained country fenee around the large lot, and It's a dream house inside!! For $1.1.950 you'll agree it's your dream home come true Ask for Ted Morrison. WE HAVE IT!!!! A six unit court, close to shopping center, this court Is in top grade condition and will show very good return Call Ralph Maddy for ap pointment anytime. . OHMART & CALABA, Realtors 477 Court St. Phnne 24115-24116 Eve. salesmen Henry Tnrvcnii 3.KW2-R.ilph Maddy 2.1488 Louis Lorcnz 35MIO Ted Morrison 25046 . f.BDRM. HOME. Double plumbing, oil furnace. Nicely landscaped. This home Is In perloct repair and very clean. Close to schools In En flcwood district. J-BDRM. HOME. Nice yard. Good neighborhood. Located at 1170 N. 24th St. g-BDRM. HOME. South Salem near new high school. Priced 110,950. 1-BDRM. HOME. Located at 2025 Johns St. Oil heat. 4 rs. old The best of terms or will consider late model car as dn. payt. I'i ACRES. E. of 4 Corners. 4-B R home, nice barn. Fenced. Fruit trees, 'i blk. to bus line. Will con sider Salem home In trade. M ACRES. No Jilriit. Best of soil. Year around creek. Close to Salrm. Excellent for subdivision. S19.000. 1748 Center St. ph. 4JW1 Evc.3-3951 NOTICE! The Business Department of the STATESMAN . JOURNAL NEWS PAPERS WfLL be closed Sundays. Clatflfled Ads for Monrtiv pipers must be InyJJFM s"urd)' TRUE COLONIAL This beautiful home Is truly one of Salem's finest Large carpeted liv ing rm. and dining rm.. 3 bree bdrms., and one m the basement. Also, pnrtv rm., open stalrwav. triple plumbing. hd'. floors, oil heat. (SOL'THi. J. L Himmel, Realtor U N. Capitol St. J-MN "List with us we II srll If Evenings & Sundays call Salesmen Bey S. Ferris 2-8010 H. K. Laymon 2-5103 Ik ' RUDY CALABA mm situs ISlttSSI IttSllJI atinsiuts sismsiM v IUtll.1.1 tltmiltl cyl i 2tY inmimts rm 5LLI msmussu' Miiiitmmssmm istmmt is imsuisi limit! ii stunt USUI is mum SULLIVAN $400 Down to a quailiied G.I. Two bdrms., larRe lot Just off Lan caster Dr. Owner moved to Bend & must sell. 17,850. Call Bristol, eves. 3-8814. with plenty of shady trees. Stucco exterior - one larRC rsrt. mhkc nut rental. 11500 dwn. Mr. Rice, eves 3-4BH9. $8200 Full basement, firrplare. nil heat .one ttH. Makes wonderful homo for anyone working in the state buildings. Davis, eves. 2-2791. $18P0 Kast, one of today's finest buvs, if you desire suburban living. This ;i-lH home is spours. jr Int. Will sell C.I. with only 5' down. McFarlane, eves. 4-2346. $10,800 Nob Hill, 515 .ludsnn. onlv blk. from .virKinicy sen. i. tin cv den. Party rm in bacmcnt. Home in supurb condition. Hill Sullivan, eves. 2-4790. 13 5T0 Three BRs Dim lse. play room on quiet it., north. Approx. 1300 tn ii . ouisinp iireDiace. wa- rag' There l fine value here. Davis, tves. 2-2791. FOREST LANE MOTEL Almost 8 acres on Portland rid. ten units Separate living quarters. Acreage all In strawberries. $55,000. Mr. Rice. eves. 3-4869. 25-YEAR VETERAN LOANS WITH 5-i DOWN and 23-YF.AR FHA LOANS WITH 10-- DOWN. CON STRUCTION MONEY AVAILABLE. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN, REALTOR 3.1KJ Portland Fd. Phone 4-65.13 mssm WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES 23 YEAR FEDERAL GI LOANS' WITH 5', DOWN AVAILABLE NOW ALSO FHA 25 YEAR MTCS. 5-R00M ECONOMY Home tht would make an excel lent rental property. 2 bedrooms plus extra utility room. On paved St. Near bus and store. Lawn and shrubs. Garage. Full price only W, 950. (Call lor MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) NEAR HOOVER SCHOOL 4-bedroom plastered home. Fire place. Oil heat. Att. garage. Work - shop. Large, beautifully landscaped yard. Near bus. Easy walking dis tance to State and General Hospi tal. Good value, $8,950. FHA terms. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) A PLEASURE TO SHOW It's only 3 yrs. old. City conven iences but yet It's surburban. Has fireplace. Forced air oil heat. Spac ious rooms. Insulated. Pvt. si. Nice shrubs and lawn. Hi Acre lot. The very best of soil. Excellent well. Full price only $11,900. Terms. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) . HOME BEAUTIFUL It s really nice. Has every conven ience you could wish for. 34 by 21 living room in an excellent TV lo catipn. 2 fireplaces. 2 tiled bath rooms. Very modern design. Won derful den. Beautiful yard and shrubs. Dishwasher. Disposal. 155 by 130 lot. Full price $19,000. (Call for MR. GRIMMETT, ph. 2.7679 "SEE .THIS CUTIE And we mean Just that. Very well arranged. Well located for every thing. 3 blks. to Leslie school. Fire place. Insulated. Weather-stripped. Patio. Out of state owner very anx ious to sell. A bargain for $7,850. Terms. (Call for MR. GRIMMETT, eve. ph. 2-7679 Sim.) EXCLUSIVE BUT NOT EXPENSIVE Brand, shiny new. 3 bedrooms on ono floor. Birch kitchen. Fireplace. Lots of bulltlns. Forced air oil fur nace. Insulated. Tile bath. Well re stricted district. 100 by 105 lot. The best of soil for garden. Full price $14,750. (Call for MR. GRIMMETT, eve. ph. 2-7679 Sim.) TRADE For Income property. One of the choice properties in the entire val lev .12 A. o land with 11 cabins. Furnished. Plus n exceptionally popular restaurant with cocktail lounge. All equipment is exireme- lv rnnrtArn. T-oeAtert 01 One Of the most traveled scenic highways. Full price for everything giu.uuu. uwner will lease bldg. and sell fixtures if desired. Call for N. G. "DAN" 1SAAK. eve. ph. 4-3333)Slm.) TRADE FOR VALLEY PROPERTY What have you? A combination op eration. Ideal for family. 4 Rentals plus grocery store and restaurant All on cement foundation. 100 by 100 lot. Full price only $10,500. (Call for N. G. "DAN" ISAAK, eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) 17 ACRES 1 A. be'averdam In peppermint. Balance win. mi av,i. 16-ln. plow. Disc. Good well. Very good modern 2-bedroorru house. 24 by 32 barn, chicken house. Garage. School. Bus. Near town. May con sider trade for Income property. Full price $13,500. Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3.4735 Sim.) CLOSE IN Suburban home. It's very modern and In the best of repair. Garage. Fruit house. Pvd. rd. 1 A. straw berries. 300-ft. Irrigation pipe and electric pump. Tractor and attach ments. Full price only $9,450. Lib eral terms. (Call for MR. LEAV ENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 Sim.) $4800 FULL PRICE For this suburban Wh acre. Good soil. Modern good clean home. Att. garage. Chicken house. New rab bit house. Pvd. road. Elec. range. Family fruit and nuts. Only 5 miles from town. Grapes. Strawberries. Terms arranccd. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve ph. 3-4733 Sim.) ACRE BLDG. LOT That has a well already drilled. Good land. Only 1 mile from Sa lem. This is reallv worlh the ask ing price of $1,800. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 Sim.) 560 ACRES With no waste land. One of the finest homes you have ever seen. One you'd expect to find in a choice residential area in large city. Built in 1843. Full basement. Forced air oil furnace. Plus an ex tra guest house that's modern. 125 Acres could be Irrigated. One barn 58 by 100. Chicken house. Hog house. Machine shed. 30 by 110. 2 creeks. 5 snrlngs. This Is a deal for $76,000. Liberal terms. Stock and equipment oan he purchased. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. J-4735 Kim I FHA AND CONVF.NTIONAL MTCS. FEDERAL fjl MTUS,, 2ft x na. LICENSED ALSO IN WASH. AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO. REALTOR Office Phones 4-3311 or 3-7820 3035 Portland Road 3-4735. 4.3533. 4-5020. 2-7079. 3-3452 If No Answer. Call 4-2248 NOTICE MR. G.I. V down will get your home with a payment ichtdula of ii yean. If you can pay t5O0 to $1000 down, we can help you. Feel free to aak any question and ynu will be under no obligation whatso ever. BRAND NEW 2-BEDR00M Really cute home with beautiful hardwood floors A dream kitchen. Inclosed utilltv. Lot of ctoraRe paie. Inside city limits with paved ptrect, city water and sewer. Bui by door. Only M 41 per month with low dnwn payment. LIFETIME JOB gors with this home & business. Here it a wonderful opportunity fr Indrpendenre .Hatchery ard pout tt business plu an exreliont .V bedroom home with basement on 13 acres of good land. Incubator for .10 000 eggs plus everything needed for one of the most com plete setups In the northwest. Owner readv to retire and wilt sell for about SB000 down or will trade for home in Salem area. 201 South High Phone 3-0203 Phone evenings V Sundays: 4-1671, 3-.1858, 4-5319, 3-32G4, 3-4876. To Place Ad Call2-2441 COLBATH'S REAL ESTATE ATTRACTIONS SURPRISE BUY FOR $475 DOWN Older modern horn with 3 bdrms, bath, utility rm. (does need cleaning up) also late built rent house with bath, kitchen, living rm. Garage and carport TOTAL PRICE $4975 Includes all. REDUCED PRICE $2000 VERY ATTRACTIVE BUY Price was $10,500. Price NOW ONLY $8500. Late stately built 2-bedroom home on corner lot. VERY CLEAN AND IN TOP SHAPE. 1 car garage, unfinished upstairs. THIS BUY WILL BE SOLD SOON so hurry up and see this before it Is too late. PRICE CUT SPECIAL TALK ABOUT A BARGAIN Stop east not too far from state Hospital, une acre wun Deauiuui z bedroom home, oil heat, hdwd firs, fireplace, lovely kitchen with dinette, single garage with stairway up to large storage rm, the lot is fenced and located on paved street. PRICE WAS $9950. PRICE NOW $8750. Go G.I. OR FHA TERMS. ONLY ONE AT THIS PRICE YOU CAN LOO KHIGH AND LOW on BEAUTIFUL CAN UAL, AMI A HE.lU,nja inis Lunu nnu LUH three-bedroom ranch style home with rustic beam den, large living rm, dining rm, kitchen with dinette and automatic dishwasher, oil piped heat to every room, open roman brick fireplace. Double garage and patio. THIS FINE HOME VALUE GOES FOR ONLY $15,950, EXCEL LENT TERMS FOR THE CRITICAL BUYER ; This lovely home is ideal for family who likes South Salem within one block of the New Salem High. Lg. living rm, nice sized din rm, lovely brkfst nook, 1 bdrms on 1st floor. The upstairs Is finished In knotty pine. Full basmt with lovely party rm, fireplace. Built In deep freeze. Double garage. THIS HOME APPRAISED AT $22,500. BUT WE ARE SELLING IT FOR ONLY $17,500, OWNERS ARE MOVING SO DON'T DELAY THIS ONE. See "KIG" JUGGINS . TAKE A LOOK AT THIS DREAM This brand new home is just right for th partw who want bedrooms, hardwood firs, oil furnace; beautiful bath with vanity, natural finish kitchen, dining rm. living rm. very large attached garage. Located close to State Hospital. ONLY $8500. TERMS $1500 down. BE THE FIRST TO WEAR THE NEWNESS OFF THIS FINE BUY. , A CHARMING NEW Well built, beautifully decorated 3 bedrm home Subr, north. Oil heat piped to all rmi, separate utll rm, hdwd firs, colored bath fixtures, fireplace In Uv rm, large gar attached by breezeway. Priced at 114,500 owner will consider trade on 2 bedrm home. See Mm. Ogleabee. 65 ACRES GRASS SEED FARM ALL CHEWING FESCUE, on paved road, no bldgs, but wonderful building location, with view, most all woven wire fence, tractor, combine and fertilizer apreador. ALL FOR $10,500. TERMS 118 ACRES ANDY'S SPECIAL FARM BARGAIN Located on highway with good two bedroom modern home, attached garage. (Near Dallas.) You should see this. TOTAL PRICE $10,500. TERMS. , EVENING PHONES OF SALESMEN MRS. OGLESBEE homes . MR. KIGGINS homes T. T ANDERSON 2-5373 4-5494 4-2714 AUCTION SALE Homes-March 2, 1954 Buildings TO CLEAR RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR PORTLAND-SALEM EXPRESSWAY BUILDINGS TO SOLD: THE FORMER HAROLD W NELSON RESIDENCE AT 3765 CHEMAWA ROAD SALE DATE FOR THIS RESIDENCE IS 10:00 A. M. TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1954, ON THE PREMISES. The former R. A. Petzel residence and outbuildings located approximately 1 mile east of Hopmera on the County Road which crosses the Express way right ol way. rha former Ivan Shubin residence and I mile east of Waconda on the County Road which crosses the Ex pressway right of way. The former James E. .Wilson residence of Gervals and i mile east of south of the Rose Mulh property The former Eva FUcklngor residence Wilson residence referred to above at the end of the private road which passes the Wilson property. The former Norman L. Yergen hop tween Donald and Aurora approximately 2 miles east of Donald. SALE DATE FOR THESE LAST 5 SETS OF BUILDINGS IS 1:00 P. M. TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1954, AT THE PETZEL PROP ERTY AND IMMEDIATELY THEREAFTER AT THE OTHERS IN THE ORDER LISTED. BUILDINGS must be removed from notice of acceptance of bid. ANY FINANCING MUST BE ARRANGED BY YOU WITH THE FINANCING COMPANY OF YOUR CHOICE. IF YOU ARE CON TEMPLATING MOVING A BUILDING, CONSULT WITH YOUR MOVER PRIOR TO SALE DATE CAN BE HAD FOR THE ROUTE CONTEMPLATED. TERMS OP SALE ARE: Cash at the time of sale. The above buildings are to be sold to the highest bidder at public auction, but subject to the ap proval of the Oregon State Highway Commission with the right re served to reject any or all bids. All of the bid price must accompany the successful bid. FOR INFORMATION: CONTACT C. W. PARKER, PHONE 4-2171, EXT. 717,, STATE HIGHWAY BUILDING, SALEM. Auctioneer: Claude M. Kilgore, Salem, Oregon Oregon State Highway Commission, State Highway Building, Salem, Oregon (An gency devoted entirely to home Realtor-Appraiser SRA and GOOD All members of the HOMESELLERS Salea Staff are attending the Appraisal Seminar now being conducted in fialem under the aus pices ol the Salrm Chapter of Residential Appraisers. Wiih spe cialized training in appraisal terhnique, in addition to the detailed Information they constantly keep up-to-date on 100 homes for sale In their respective neighborhoods: thry enn be very helpful to all who want to cither buy homes or srll hnmrjt. Call 4-4441 for the name and phone number of the HOMKSEIXER salesman for your neighborhood. It will be worth your while to Ret nrqualnted. ALL HOMESELLER talesmen will be on the Job again Monday. THE HOMESELLERS MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS THEO. G. NELSON, MGR. IN Til HUB OF SALEM EASY PAHKINR 702 N. HIGH, SALEM PH 4-4441 LRTUlOHi A Salesmen Parker, ties. ph. 2-JSS9. Gorton. Res. ph. 2-40-12 Morgan. lies, ph. 4-0.1. Rostra. Res, ph. g-85.HI. Tomlin. Hps, ph. 4-2IM. 806 Houses For Sale OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY 2 TO 5 P.M. Kelzer Dist. new, 2 br. and den. In side utility room, rough-in for automatic washer and dryer. Dou ble garage with ovirhea-l storaRe over 12110 sq. ft. on large lot In area of nice homrs. Locit'd 2 blks S , 1 Wk West of Keirer school at Of1 F.lvlra SI FADE & KEEN HOME BUILDERS Let lis Build Your Home PH. 2-7MI) OR 2-1(34 don't look further. Slightly suburban but you will never find better buy outbuildings located approximately located approximately 1 mile west St Louis and approximately 600 feet at Rt. 1, Box 223, Gervals. and outbuildings located south of the house located on the gravel road be present location within 30 days of AND ASCERTAIN IF A PERMIT - selltnit operated hy Theo. G. Nelson, five neighborhood aalesmen.) NEWS 808 Lot For Sale EXTRA Ite. building lot. Dv owner. Call 3-.VI70. EXCELLENT hulMlng lots, north. 100 feet fiontage. Near school St bus. 17.10 00. Bowes & Wood, Realtors Ph. 4-3353 Eve. 2-005224 N. His LARGE SIZE city lots. Terms or trade. Owner. 4-4.l2i. BY OWNER Choice lot on oak St. between Liberty and High. Phone 3-3931 or 3-r,H53 810 Farms, Acreage For Sale 88 ACRES A good farm In Willamette Valley can he bought right, also 15 A. wltn 140fl ft. frontage 4 miles N. of Brook. C. W. Barlell. 652 Used Cart For Sals 852 Used Can For Salt WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD USED CAR OR PICKUP TRY LEONARD'S FIRST 1 (NO BETTER BUYS ANYWHERE ANYTIME) 1951 KAISER SEDAN, CLEAN $79S 1946 DODGE SEDAN. IT'S GOOD! $395 . . 1948 FOHD SEDAN. MANY EXTRAS , $395 ,. 1947 STUDEBAKER SEDAN $395 1949 NASH SEDAN. SHARP, CLEAN $495 1946 BU1CK SEDAN $465 1947 FORD SEDAN $395 1947 CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN $395 1947 CHEVROLET 2 D00R SEDAN . $295 1949 FORD COUPE $495 1946 NASH. A REAL BUYI $295 1946 FORD 5-PASSENGER COUPE. CLEAN $395 1948 4-DOOR PLYMOUTH SEDAN. NICE - $395 1947 KAISER SEDAN. A BARGAIN!.... $295 1942 FORD SEDAN. REAL TRANSPORTATION $165 1942 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. A BUY! $195 1947 PLYMOUTH COUPE. SEE THIS! $395 .1948 MERCURY. IT'S A STEAL $395 ; THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF OUR CARS AND WE LOVE TO TRADE FOR ANYTHING! OPEN SUNDAY LEONARD'S USED GARS 275 LANCASTER DRIVE (LEONARD CAPPS. PROP.) REAL VALUES 1951 CHEV. COUPE t Passenger model with . Radio tr Heaer. $995 1951 MERCURY SEDAN Equipped with radio, heater, . ffdrlve. $1195 1949 DESOTO COUPE Club coupe with heater. , ..$895 1950 FORD WAGON . Station Wagon with Radio i Heater. $895 1951 OLDS 88 TUDOR Hydramatlc. radio Heater. $1295 1949 CHEV. TUDOR Rari.A Ii Heater. $695 1949 BUICK SEDAN Super with Dynulow, $895 1948 PONTIAC SDN. An 8', .Radio, 14ilr. Hvriri. . $595 1947 CHEV. TUDOR Radio, Heater, Good buy at $395 1946 OLDS 98 Beainei win. n.vui ma tic. Radio A Heater $295 ORVALS' (The Lot With the Turntable) Center & Church Ph. 3-4702 1953 CADILLAC DEVILLC Coupe completely equip. ped wltn all accessories inciuuins power steering. Firestone puncture proof tires. OO0 ml. Terms. Call 3-8043 1850 (i-ton pickup in excellent cond. or IBM nuoson nornui wtwi umj 19.000 miles, lots of- extras. Phone 2-S959. 1942 DeSOTO convertible. After 1:30 call 2-7210. . JO BUICK 1 dr. Super Riviera. Sell or trade. Ph. 2-7472. 105.1 roUR DOOR Mercury sedan. 12105. Radio, heater, Merc-O-matlc dr. 1 owner, 7,800 miles. Csll 4-1783 dayi, 4-M14 eve, 1953 MERCURY 4-door. RiH, excel lent conojuon, siMte, iau osicm 2-5030. 39 CHRYSLER, 4-dr. sedan, over drive and healer. 1125 Dearborn, ' Kclrcr rlist. $50. , 1948 WILLYS Jcepjtcr, new tlrca, R.H., overdrive. 251)5. Ph. 2-1791). FOR SALE: Good clean 1MB Chev. Cm. cpe.. HAH. rnone a-inni. 1949 BUICK 2 dr. New car condition throughout. "U;"?;; '41 OLDS. W5. Will tske older car in tratic. iu neriy at. ii7 CHF.V. Stvlellne deluxe 4-dr. se dan. New tires, neater, r-xceiieni mechanical condition. Call 2-4688. CHEAP Equity In 1951 Nash Ramb ler convertible. New top .motor completely overhauled. Ph. 4-5818. 1500 lira. Estate, BIO Farms, Acreage For Sale i 40 ACRES, 3 bedroom, modern, big barn, chicken houses. 90F., 4 ml. N. of Brooks. 121,000. C. W. Bar tell. Rtl. Box 81. Brooks. 133 A. FARM! NORTH of SAI.EMI VALLEY FLOOR I 12.0xiOI C. W. STULLER, Rllr. 705 F.leewaler. Th. 2-53557 or 4-5782. Salem, Or. 812 Exchanqas Raal Estate HERE'S YOUR cbanre to trade your trailer house for 12000 equity In 2 BR home with lge. lot and sood to. cation. Home value 84500. Ph. 2-8209. PLAN that new home nowl Lg. city lots. Terma or trade. By owner, 4-4328. 818 Wanted, Real Estate" WANTED: Some type of retail busi ness, with living quarters adjacent that produces a net of $300 00 pe, month or over. Write box 257. Statesman-Journal CASH BUYERS tor suburban proper ty of all tvpes. AIo city property to trade for acreages. Relmann Ileal Estate, 201 S. High, Phone 1.9203. PHONE 4-4642 '49 MERC. Spt cpe. sharp, aqulpped. 141a N. 17th. Ph. 3-8371. IMS CHEV. 4-door, $170. Ph. days, d-im. WANT light pick-up. Trade '37 Ford coupe, two. Aiier o p.m a. High. Ph. 3-B7M. 1031 CHEV. deluxe dr. arin. V.yr cond. 4 clean, ftms. Will take old- er car as part payment. Ph. 4-59M, 1848 PONTIAC, scdnnctte, new paint, and seal covers. &xc, motor ana tires. 6 tube radio, hydramatlc flus all G. M. accessories. Call .3680. '47 DODGE 4-DIi., private owner. R&H, good tires, top motor. 70S N. Winter, Ph. 2-4579. B54 Trucks, Trailers For Sale 1631 T. International Panel truck. Exc. cond. S840, or take trade In up to iiw. Fay out contract, rn 3-9421. 799 8. 12th. 862 Home Trailers WELL Insulated, clean 27-ft, house trailer. 42 Zimmer. Cheap. 780 T ai inoepenaence. SAVE Save the big loss In depreciation without aacrlflclng overall condition on these Excellent Late Model Homes: 1953 VAGABOND. 35 ft. 2 bdrm. 1952 KIT REGAL. 35 ft. 1 bdrm. 1952 KIT REGAL. 39 ft. 2 bdrm. 1053 CUSTOMCRAFT. 25 ft , bath. 1044 UNIVERSAL, ii ft. JAYHAWK 21140 Portland Boad WANTED small trailer house. Cheap Ph. 4-S833. 25 FT. housetraller 1949. Metal ex terior. 1000 Shady Lane. EASTERN-bulIt ROLLOHOME 27' to 45. See before you buy. Lana Lane Trailer Plaza. 1040 Lana Ave. For the best In Trailer homes, now or used. With terms available. See JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2640 Portland Road Business Directory APPLIANCE SERVICE 24-HOUR SERVICE, all makes. Red'a Appliance nepairs. -oju, eju), BEDDING CAPITOL Bedding Mattress reno vators. New maltresses. j-suhh. BUl.l.llO.INO nriHriozlnff. cleanns roads, bonds D-4, D-l, carryall. V. Huskey, Ph 2-3148. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS FOR prompt, free delivery of WAT- KINb proaucis, picase can aisirio utor, 1135 So. Commercial St., Sa lem. Ph. 3-5395. Dealer applications Invited. Stanley Home Products. Lee Mlndt, 1880 Madison. Ph. 3-4056. Lawnmower 8hapenlng ii Repair. HAND mowers. 2. Free pick-up & delivery. Ph. z-4818, mm at u. 24-HR. PUMP service on all makes water systems. Brownie Valdei. 1-3786 RKKRIOKRATOR SKRVICB All make's and models. Al Laue Re- frlgeratlon. pn. 3-vm. SEPTIC TANKS MIKE'S Septic Service. Tanks clean ed. D'rootcr cleans sewers, dralna. Phone 3-0408 "sewer, septic tanks, drains clean ed. Roto. Rooter Swer Service. Phone 3-5327. iiam.1'. .nnlle fankc cleaned, line service Guaranteed work. Phone 3-740. 2.-0774 TUKE WORK PRUNING & spraying. Insured op erator. I., w. i-.uuis. Statesman-Journal Newspapers 2Wl NORTH CHURCH STREET STATESMAN 2-2441 JOURNAL 2-240 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Mm 2 lineal 'Weekdaya "Sundays oer line. 1 time -35 25 oer line. 3 times 00 ' SO oer line 6 limes .$l .10 11.20 oer line. I month ..13 00 (Incl. Sun t Classified ads will be run In both papers to give advertlsera the ad vantages of the tremendous pulling power of 33.600 combined circula tions. When an ad Is ordered three or llx times and a Sunday Isaue Is In cluded I for example: Friday. Satur day, Sundayl the lower Sunday rates apply because only the Statesman ouhllshes Sundays Classified ads will start In the morning Oregon Statesman, conclude In the evening Capital Journal.-But ads will be accepted for Sunday Statesman only The deadline for classified ads t 1:00 p.m. the day before publica tion. Emergency ids and email tint 852 Used Care For Sale NEW '53 OLDSMOBILE ROCKETS ; TERRIFIC ; DISCOUNTS ' AS LOW AS $2800 , SUPER '88' SEDANS EQUIPMENT SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMIS SION, RADIO, HEATER, PAD DED DASH, TWO-TONK PAINT, UNDER-SEAL, FEND ER PANELS. DELIVERED IN SALEM ALSO A FEW OLDSMOBILES EQUIPPED WITH IMPROVED TWIN TURBINE DYNAFLOW LODER BROS. CO. OLDSMOBILE - 465 CENTER PHONES 2-7973, 4-2261 '53 BUICK SEDAN Custom interior green nylon and cordaveen: two tone green . fiaint; one owner, anld and serv ced by us; only 8067 mUes...229 SI BUICK SUPER SEDAN Radio, heater, dynallow, excel lent tires, seat covers since -new, we aold new and serv iced, only 41,433 miles .tlSM DOLLAR SAVERS 50 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN.. 40 PONTIAC SEDAN 49 MEtlCUIlY CLUB CPE. 47 BUICK SUPER SEDAN- 50 STUDEBAKER COUFE.. 46 BUICK SUPER SEDAN- 48 FORD SEDAN 47 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 41 BUICK ROADMASTER 41 BUICK SEDAN 41 OLDS 66 CLUB COUPE 36 STUDEBAKER SEDAN .2995 ..70S ..7SS .595 -.795 -.49S 399 -39S -195 8 -195 .60 VOU GET A BETTER USED CAR FROM A BUICK DEALER OTTO J.' WILSON COMPANY OREGON'S NUMBER ONEi DEALER Commercial at Center Phone 2-3823 49 CHEV. 4-dr. sedan. 1700. 4310 Lib erty HQ. 101 nnnr.E MPATinWRROOK A beautiful Tu-tone blue and cream finished sedan wun raaio. neatvr. .Gyromatla transmission, whltewall tires. $1895 CHARLES MUSSER Ph. 4-4902 High and Marlon 1952 FORD custom line club coup. naoio mu iimwi. ' U65. Ph. 2-7025. '49 BUICK Super conv. R6cH, W-W sldewalls. Sharpl Best offer take Must go. rn. i-u". wi.c w F-o" 51 CORNET, 5 pa.. Dodge. Clean ln terlor, good paait, newly overhaul. ed, good cond., tires. R. At H. urj. Independence. SI CHEV. Bei-Alr hard top. R&K. two-tone grey. Best offer. Ph. 2-8Q64. 1950 CUSTOM DeSoto Sdn. By own er R&H, clean. 535 Waldo. 3-5391. 52 MERC, hardtop cont. Auto, trans., ww tires, Will sell on trade lor older car. Call 1-0751. 150 FOR EQUITY, '49 Bulck sedan. R4H, dyn. Ph. J-0382. McMlnn vllle. ads received efter 1 06 p.m. may bo placed In the "Too Late To Classify" column for the. following' morning. Ads for Monday papers must b in by 5 P. M. Saturday. The Statesman-Journal Newspapers reserves the right to reject ques tionable advertising. It further re servea the right to place all adver tising under the proper classifica tion. The Statesman-Journal Newspapen assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may appear In ad vertisements published In Its columns snd In cases where this paper li at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typo graphical mistake occurs. 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