Page 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Saturday, February 27, 1954 450 Merchandise 70 Tor Sale, Miscellaneous 3 COMPLETE ROOMS OF FURNITURE! $195 1 DAVENO 1 CLUB CHAIR 2 STEP-END TARI.ES I COCKTAIL, TABLE t TABLE LAMPS 1 OVERSTUFFED CHAIR 1 VANITY I BENCH 1 BED 1 CHEST 1 COIL SPRINT, 1 INNERSPMNG MATTRESS 1 PC. DINING SUITE EASY TERMS HOGG BROS. USED STORE 137 SO. COMMERCIAL SALE OR TRADE Inner spr. matt, and box sprlnBs tat treadle sew. macn. 876 j'leamoni bi. USED VACUUM CLEANERS Nearly new G.E. tank, $29.93, Late model Electrolux, exe. cond., $.'10.95. . Hoover unriBht $9.95. Liberal trade-In allowance. $5. down, $5 mon. Sears Roebuck ft Co., 50 N. Capitol. Pn. 3-uini. t FT. WESTINGHOUSE retrig. Ph. 4-6073. C. E. PROFESSIONAL size sun lamp, $20. Hlehchnlr, $5. Child: training chair, $2. ChlMs coat, lccRlns, & hat, lire 3. $5. All In good condi tion. Ph. 2-2085. BATTERIES (6.03. Ex. group 1 12-mo. guarantee, Lytle'i Tire, 2305 N. Com'l. PAINT. $2.29 gal. Glen Wondry. EXCELLENT BARN yard fertilizer. Phone 4-3907 or 4-2470. ADDING machines, cash registers, $25 it up. Clary Multiplier Corp, 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-5375. CHAR1S foundation girdles, bra. Ph. 3-5918 or 3-5072. Mary E. Bales. HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent. H. L. Still Furn. Co.Ph. 3-9185. Orga nic Fertilizer Sack or bulk Odorless Orders delivered Phone 3 8127 PAINT $2.29 GAL., Glen Woodry. Recaps OOOlli, $4 93. Lytie's Tire, 2305 N. Com'l. . rERTILIZER rotted cow manure, compost, rotted mulch, chicken manure for lawn dressing. By sack or cu. yr. Phillips Bros.. Rt. 3, Box 493. 4-3081, 2 ml. E. 4-Cmncrs, on State. USED Rcfrigcraturs, $19.93, $29.93 and lip. Al Lane, 2350 Stale. Ph. 3-5443. $00x10 RECAP or Grp. 1 battery, $6.93 ex. Dizzy Dean's, 1898 S, 12th. USED WALNUT finish chest draw ers, $9.95. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 S. Commercial. PLATFORM rocker, $7.95. Hogg Bros. Used Store. 137 S. Commercial. SPECIAL SALE Closing out stock on ornamental stones, including lava Ac flagstone. Rustle cedar fencing, cetlar posts, poles. Supply limited. Phillips Bros. Ft. , Box 493. 4-3081. 2 ml. E 4-Cor-hera on State St. G. E. WASHING machine, good cond. Pll;3-5037. FSTROLLERS. As good as new. Rt. 2, Box 296-B, Salem. ORANGE, lettuce, cauliflower crates. About 400. Ph. 4-31112. COIL BED springs, $7.30. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 S. Com'l. AGATE cutting. Vreco 12" saw, $50. Polish. er, $13. Ph. 4-2997. BOTO TILLER, like new, $100. 793 S. 12th. Ph. 2-9421. HADDORFF vcrtlrhord piano. like new, $500. Call 4-5801 ufter5 p.m. 4 PC7WALNUT finish bedroom suite, $49 30. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 S. Commercial. I USED sewing machines. Your choice. $15. Wills.luMCKlorr. USED ELECTRIC motor. 2 IIP. 3 phase. Good condition. 860 . 4-3158. FILL DIRT WALLING SAND At GRAVEL CO. Phone .1-0249 TURKEY AND CHICKEN GRIT NOW AVAILABLE River Bend Sand & Gravel. Ph. a-ieoa WOOD SAW on 2 wherl trailer. Heavy duty M.indrel with or with out engine. 4-21C6. LATR model' Comole2i';rTVetr?n6 or trade for car of equal value. Ph. 2-57M. TRFADI.B sewing niartine cases for $100 up. IM S, Llhrrty. f-KT. cedar pU 2S crnts each, you haul. US rrntu each delivered. In quire 3-41QH Sltvcrlon MAN'S !) carat dlamuud ring In bkrpt. et1Ph!3-';iti2. WANTED, mert (Mcrrv fllfrr Ppar"- den li actor. 2445 Market. Ph. S-li.Mt SKT of 30 Volumes of the Americana encyclopedia. Set of 10 bm.kv 20 Volumm. Set of 10 honk of popu lar irnce. All M edition, 2i0 for all. Ht. 1, liux 2.11, liulriH-ntlfiKe, Ph. BI..I2. 6-YR.-OID crib, cornplfle Ai ehatr. Ph. 3-.i!C3, bAI.DWIN Acrn'onu spinet piano Tilond mtitncl Pr.trtir.illv new ti-U-inal pi iv i J'U.'i. will .sell for $4!'V 31SH) Portland ltd. Ph. 3-.iir.i2. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous USED whrrth.irmw. vaid lishls, ladder 10". ph. 4-4I.1.S. USED upright piann pntnediateU for Sundav k hool dept. Rea onatile nrice. Ph. 2-27 W. WK PAY c;sh for fuiniturr. tiot A ! misc. Hi. .'I'T-o.-sfi. WANT good office desk, rri!on,iMe. or 4-lhW sWdIogs" Wanted Slud Ign or Miilliplcs nf B". Plus Trim. Dia k'' tn If.". niHKl.ANI) I.CMIIKK 10. Ph. Turnrr F.vci 2503 Turner nr 2-;;6 Salfin 474 Miscellaneous 8AI.R or lisclff elec M.rtahU- s-w-Inx niArhmc lor IikiIs oi sl"rk. 4-257S KA1.K or liadr. quill ,ir,s m.-iy t'l orsl. for eirk-.--. chit-kfiiu, or'u-liut llHVf you 4-2."p7. COW I KHTILIZKlCn a" ouJ pri yit. Ph. J-rn21. " nRNfALLATIIKPAIR r-IIR SKRV1C F. IN NWS I CASKS DH HARRY OKNTIST Adnlnh niH., State A Com'l. Sis SALKM I'll 3-3311 430 Merchandise 476 Fuel ANDERSON'S green slab. 2 rd. $14. Ph. 2-7751 or 4-4253or 2-4574. CAPITAL FUEL Pickup Your Presto-lops SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Briquets and wood at 198 S. Coml St Phone 3-7721. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust wood, green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ph. 3-6444. OREGON FUEL CO. Slab, sawdust, oak S&H GREEN STAMPS Ph. 3-5533 3087 Broadway West Salem Fuel Co. Tube or Push Out Sawdust Ash, Maple and Oak Wood Green, dry slab, Planer Ends 1525 Edgcwater Phone 2-4031 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to loan WHEN YOU NEED MONEY See Us All types of personal loans. Terms to suit. No Investigation charges. All dealings Strictly Confidential Home Owned, Home Operated Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road (Next Door to Bank) ' Free Parking Lot. Call 2-7032 M SOU S 291 PH'VATK money to loan. Ph. 2-0794. REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO ROBCRT W. GORMStN. fits (687 Court 4-2283 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. . 182 South Church Parking a-Plenty Ph. 2-2457 Lie. Mo. M-50. S-154 CONSOLIDATION OF BILLS enn ease financial strain and save time and money. Our 27 years of service to this community Is our biggest asset. , TRY US Phone first tor a one-trip loan. Loans to $300.00 on signature, fur niture and equipment and to $5(1000 on autos, trucks and trail ers. Park Free at Marion Car Park. 136 S. Comincrclnl St. Lie. S-138, M-338 512 Loans Wanted YOUR DOLLARS DESERVE HIGHER WAGES Get our flee llsl of First Real Es tate lians for sale at big discounts, Or"gon properlics, O. W. CURHAN. NATIONAL LOAM BROKER 4336 4lh Ave., Sacramento, Calif, 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted MAN OR WOMAN with reliable car tn collect on regular monthly ae rounts three or four hours per day, $1j0.00 per month. Write Rivhir ae. phone number, address, eU, to Box 2.rifl, Stalcman-Jounial. COUPLE, FARM expej icnce, chon generous proposition. Box 251 Statesman-Journal. E04 Help Wanted, Male MEN WANTED! L.hcp national nrK.ini7.tion h.i-t otenlni.'s tor throe Kt.ud men who are willing to wnik 40 hours per wrrk mcvtinc the puhhe. There will he no nut of town travel. Onlv men who lrsne a hotter th.m avt-r.iR' Iimiik ami an excellent rhanec for rapid adv;inrcmr rit nerd apply. You K t out of hte what you put Into It. There is a lot to he untti-n out of work if you put h lot Into it You will he civen complete tr.iinltiR by men wrll-ex-pcruiu'rl In the hunnrss. and nil neivsary matcriN fuinishrd ex cept our ear. This ts not tvxiks. hrushe. varuum elr:i tiers, nr in fnnnrr Fur Appointment rill 4-tr..'.i March PI nd 2nd fnun D ;) A M to 4 .10 P.M. WE NFKT) a field " collector".'.' trace", anrl conlail. dehmiuent dehiors Aeem-y expertence helpful, MuM have It tuli School eiiucation and ear. S? itr ate A husincs exp, Pox 2'fl cu S1, WOOD crr.lK. Ill A ohthcrrv tree to tr mi fur wood, on haie basis, ph. 4-:mo. 606 Help Wanted. Female WOMEN fur Call LMfi I Vi TYPIST for i, ol . Tclej.'ui tei. Apt al office a in nc cu i it.iiu i d epei ienee N, aliihly rp. iirn-vjiiiy Ph. 3-4181 Full time ' rai. :.;-,; I'mter. Ph. 2-5S5; sm ut i S I WANTKl) ear fnr 1 b. 10 .utrrfs fiv-ctl 'it shirt. Ann'v n. S,ih m-n .ll prrirnred hous '.'! I rfri mcc. ! n ill. I:; wANrrn. - I n r m I in $1n i..nt! kroner. 'Itlprd Write 2M Si; J. "ii WANT 1 ADY tnharr"'!u"n p i rt i.ties Cn find hoij'Chnld il with r:v. invalid. IM-one 2.1014 for h work ' 610 Snlos Persons Wanted Could This Be You "or T vr I Jiimpr, 1 mM,.:!) p r u i k utitl n v Millrml iHUMiri inif din in; one ol pt i iml.,' I ,in w i s f mm 1 job to : m il '.0 In $7.S e and i lnhln-n tne morn u-r "no work l.rtp V ,mt rd .is tni ed on li'nlti, e.n nt-d tt fvprrienii'. ;in ti-.l.iy I'm rtiM nt tit .1 I MM i hoidme ;t nrU A pa-. I t t or ini.mci mte fin. -ci' out self oi t'.i nig of llittg t,inm,:le lr met eh, i M li Villi e tit pvlt in i wr .1. t uf a nit. i( mi would k in am! ar'-wn1 S '.mii. tr, Siilor Hu'i-I. Sun like o n'k ii See Vr C.ttr, riiiv aMrrno-in 1 and R p n. dining the hours of I ft- I III III 600 Em)l oy ni en t 610 Salea Persona Wqnted EXP. SALESMAN wanted to sell new Ac used cars. Salary at com. mission. Other considerations. In. quire Gene Teague Chev., Stayton. 612 Work Wanted. Male PLOW. DISK, level, roto-hoe. Serv Ice Center Ph. 4-3373. HOME Building and Remodeling. Ph. .-Jill). INCOME Tax blanks prepared rea. sonably. Ph. 3-6641. ROAD GRADING . Hancock. Eves. Ph. 2-0010. FEDERAL Ac State tax returns pre. pared. Pick-up service. Reasonable, Ph. 4-5008 after 1 p.m. TAX RETURNS prepared In your home at reasonable rates. Phone 4-2033. HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard cieancq up ana irasn named. z-b4, CEMENT work, all kinds. Ernest Drake. Phone 4-5129. 1165 S. 14th. WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing, etc. it. v. stoops, rn. z-33?d. 614 Work Wanted, Female HOUSEWORK and child care. Live in. Not less than $50.00 per month. References exchanged. Box 256, .Statesman-Journal. 1 WANT to iron in your home. Exp. LADY wants hour Phone 3-4767. or day work. EXP. cook St bartender will do re lief work. Call 4-5392. WASHING and Ironing done In my home. Ph. 3-3095. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, reason able. Mrs. Poe, 605 N. 16th. 3-3643, HOUSEWORK or cooking company meals. Phone 3-58tj0. 615 Situations Wanted HOUSEKEEPER, motherless home preferred. Ph. 4-3243. HOME Construction remodeling. Free estimates. Ph. 4-0340 alter 5. PAINTING Inside or out 25 years exp. In Salem. Ph. 3-7552. MITCHELL'S Laundry. 30 years Sa- Icm. heparate small macnines. 3-892112 to 2:30 p.m. HAVE YOUR painting done early. Satisfaction assured. Ph. 4-2492 eve HIGH SCHOOL girl wishes light house work baby sitting. 4-8013. MIDDLE AGED baby sitter, days. Ph. 4-5897. PAINTING with pride in workman ship. Martin Wolfer. Ph. 4-2879. TREES SPRAYED Pruned and shaped. Also tapping, trimming, and removing. Free esti mates, 2-7464, 4-3897. CARPENTER WORK. New or re modeling. Foundation to roof. Ph. 4-2521. WANTED: SMALL gill to care for. 4 to 5 yrs. old. For companion to only child in farm home. $15 month. l'h.2-IJ155. PENSIONED man needs work, small Jobs, painting, repairing around homes, small wage. Best reference. 4-1110. DRESSMAKING Also fur work. and alterations. Phone3-7004. CUSTOM tractor ., work, plowing discing, garden work. 3-9063. IRONING SOc an hour. Bring hang ers. 10112nd St.West Sulcni. TREE work. Topping, trimming, re moving. Insured. John Payne. 2-03R5 HOUSE plans drawn. Customized and accurate work. Ph. 2-6642. PAINTING. Papcrhanglng. Free es timates. D'-.i Luccro. Ph. 3-5522. PAINTING, PAPERHANGING. Con tract, small Jobs welcome. Phone 2-7692. GENERAL cleaning by tiie hour. Ph. 2-B25II. Tax Preparation by former Internal Revenue agent. 2-8812 CUSTOM plowing and discing. For guson tractor, 2 bottom plow. Ph. 2-6120 or 2-4785. WIEMAL'S Day Nurserv, licensed and slate Inspected. 2-5015. CEMENT work, all kinds. FHdschau &Son. 2-m.l'a. 4-532H aft. 5 p.m. TAX RETURNS prepared. Ph. 4-0228. uaii any or eve. CARPENTER New, remodel or re pair, lime or contract. Ph. 2-5025. M IC K EN 1 1 AM SnAY NtJ rVerY Stale licensed and inspected. Ph. 2-7HWJ. PAINTING Will uladly estimate any sl7e loh Ph. 2-4.;(l7, 3-B243 LA NSC A PING. com. lawn, carden service. Ser-lce Center. 4-3573. PAPER HANGING & Paintintf. Jerry Johnson. l'hm? 2-0794 liELIABl.E baby sitterTWlll RO dayf or nuihts. Phone 2-04. LIGHT crawler dorrr. dirt leveling Rr.idine. Phone 3-7042. CAHPKNTER WORK Any kind Rea son.ihle. 4210 Macleay Rd. Phone 4:y.ii 620 Day and Contract Land Clearing 15 vis. Exp Call for estimate on hour work or hv contract for the com plete job. L. C. Mitchell. Phone 3-5337. 700 Iirntals STOHF 142 S. office mth. i'n. .pur. 3-5222. new hide.. NOTICE! The Humiic-vS Dip STATMMAN - .!( PAPEIIS W li t. U I'l.MlK'd Ail- ui niu-t he 111 by ,i 1 LARGE w,ur:.iujr lease l cir.i'iit .hn Pi.: Hum u town Slid Furniture O .ii t n ent of the U'KNAL NEWS lit M'll Sunlah. Muiul.iV papers M. N.itiiid.n. cr tfi rVuild- ' Ir.qmie I' 11 L 3-!ii83. 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board .ci.KAN n'lis. Au'iv hMt -I'll N llii. If t'llMM. W ,H Ml fill il. La.iie.. I'n Hot .V c Id T ROOM kit.H ii.'.r-in. I'tilu 27 t'-'i. m At'TUTl p i'h 'i tvi'i, !'m:lrwi div'iut . hvn firnrvi 2 RM Is n: : d lire! (idl j c :ird SI ! red i;;i.'. DOWNTOWN, m nr. room. H.dh nilmtn-nc Irui. .mn! t'..SR Crnlrr. WAR M, hslt, l .idv. P8.i N. Ci keeping room, j a S1FF.MNG For 1 or ROOM. I i 2 7:4 Fen irn frihtl.. j f AKCF beautiful u , bachelor apt. ivt9 N 1 70S Apartmenls For Rent FURN. APTS . one 2 l't. entianre .V in 1 1 46 IW'llevuc il UOOM Fl'HN Ntcr Woniiin nu lern-d l.iheity I'n. 2-;44ri one 3 rm cm. clot inn N. $..Y Hll v 'i-.iilH' LOSE, writ.. small. Inn. ie. Ktlehriit duplex Child le. $.10. Viii CENTRALLY li i .it.i:r. telt i furn Rent M' Rr.iltois Ph. i .lied. 1 br. apts laundrv f.inht n n o. Al Uam-k Co., CI KAN 2-PM." fm n. Priv bjith. utititirs N. rth. Ph, 3.7HII, b-.en furn. nt t'i . ' 700 Rentals 705 Apartmenls for Bent 3 CLEAN .furn. rms., priv. bath & entrance. Laundry. 492 S. Iltjh. NICE 3-HOOM lurrT apt Private bath. S8 N. Church 2-4745. J-BDKM. APT., garage, hdwd. floor.., and elec. heat. N. Salem. 4.1636. NICK, CLEAN, 1-rm. furnished, housekeeping. In front. 597 N. Lib erty, 3 RM. furnished basement apt. $50. inquire ataiotieiievue. FURN,, 2 rrns., bath. Also basement apt. Reasonable. 330 S. 14th. 3 ROOM furn. apt. Prl. ties. 248 Marion. Ph. 4- bath, unit, 1645. 3 ROOM furn. apt. Prl. bath. Adults. Shopplng Center. 1220 Center. PENT HOUSE. 3 rms., furn., newly decorated, close to scnooi, dus a: business dist., garage available. 1055 Edgewatcr. West Salem. 2 BEDI1M. ant., close In, priv. utility Ac bath, unfurnished. Very reason able to right party. 555 Pi. cnurcn. CLEAN I'URN. 3 room apt. Close in, adults. Tel. 3-6375. 3 FURN. rooms ft hath. Utilities paid except gas. TV antenna avail able. $37.50. 1207 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-6254. 3-RM. furn., pvt. bath, walking dis tance. 450 S. Capitol. 3-5359. 2-ROOM furn., heated apt. For lady. 704 N. Cottage. UNFURN. duplex. Fireplace, stove and refrlg. Call 3-7059 eve., Sat., Sun. MODERN 3-rm. furn. apt., close Tn. 549 N. Cottage St. FURNISHED 3 rooms, $30. Private bath 1968 North Com'l. PRIVATE 3 room court apts. Clean, turn., S43. Adults. 3560 Portland ltd. FURNISHED apartments. Close-In. Ph. 2-8740. 325 S. Winter. Ambassador FurnJshed apts. 550 N. Summer FURNISHED modern 2 room apt. Within 5 blocks of down town. $63 per month. Ph. 2-1887. 444 N. Cot tage. 3-ROOM furn. apt. utilities paid. Hca- son.mie. i'n. i-ooai. VERY NICE 1-hdrm., furn. and un- iurn. inquire ls.w s. 13th St. 3-ROOM furnished apt., full bath, heat and water furn. $35. .Phone 2-8568. FURN. apts. Nor'h Salem Motel, 2673 peruana Hd. pn, 2-66H8. 3-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with garage, $55. Close in on No. Com'l. Ph. 2-8648 or 3-6644.. BDRM. pot. Completely furn, close In. 444 N. Cottage. 1-BDRM., tinfurn. house, attached garage, elec. heat. ll,a mile East 4 Corners. $55 month. No pets. Ph. 3-5652. Keys at 4575 Slate. ATTRACTIVE I-bdlm. furn. apt. with fireplace. 2 blocks to Capitol Shopping Center Ac Stale bldgs. Electric washer & dryer. All util ities paid. 408 N.Winler. ""s'rm.' apt., partly "furn. 2 lilt's, walking distance to State bldgs., $50 mo. Pii. 3-5580, eve. 4-4263. 3 JU1UMS and bath, unfurnished ex cept range. 2 blocks from Capital and downtown. Private entrance and hath desirable. 295 S, Winter. ;i-65.i3. MODERN, for Kill. nicely furn. apt. Suitable 4o5 N. Winter. AVAILABLE 15th Onc-bndrooin apt. with full basement, laundry trays. New elect, range. Refrigerator and heat furnished. Ph. 3-6!) 1 a. Haw- thome Court Apis. LARGE 2-bdrm. apt., unfurn., $55. 33B0 N. Lancaster. NICELY furn. bodrm. A kitchenette, also refng. 600 N. Cottage. NICJYJuTOjjiptlTlO N. Capitol. NEW 2-bcdroom modern, all elec. court apt. Adults. Ph. 3-7212. 3-ROOM apt. with hath. Un'furri. ex cept range, refrig., laundrv xacil- Hies. Adults.ll!fH Cheinekela. CLEAN, quiet, small apt., cluse In. Lady preferred, u'45 Kerry. CLEAN I BR. furn. house. Garage, adults, no pets. Wish permanent renters. Ph. 4-5155 NICE 3-rm. duplex. So., quiet, near stores, churches, bus. 2-ii8(i. NICE 3-rm. furn. apt. Close in. Pri vate hath. Reasonable. JOE NOONCHESTKK REAL ESTATE 1j!mN. Cottage. 4-3tiM day or eve. FURN. Ie. 3-rm. apt. Hi hath. Util ities furn. Also, small apt. 590 Un inn.Ph. 2-H94. 3 HM, modern furn. apt. Entire 2nd fir. of 2nd apt. Comer hse. Ifllh A Chcmekrta. Water nV laundry fa cilities fin n. 1 or 2 adults. $ao. Enq. next hse. 2H0 N. llith. 2-I17H7. CLEAN 3 room unfurn. apt. With elec range. $35, 3RM.furn.apt. $39 50, 710 S Kith. CLEAN 4 roorn apt. Private hath. en- Trance. Nicely furn. Reasonable. Ph. 4-357B. ATTRACTIVE, close m. clean, furn. apt. Pvt entrance, elect, stove, re fill:., hot water and wash facilities fiun. 2!,i Union. 4-1 Mia. LARGE NICELY furn. room, light hniiM'kcepmg. C!t5 S. 18th. Ph. 3 -Hoi (I. 3 I.CJE fust floor rm 67.i S. 12tli. apt. with bath. 3 RM furn, adults, near Slate ilos pita. garage. Ph. 2-fiOll. 3 ROOM furn. apt. All utilities paitT Off street parktne. Adults. Ph. S-HOOB. 1515 N. Capitol. 2-RM. furn 6 round fir. Utilitv porch. j Elec. range, refng . pi it-ate en trance and shower. Gatage. After 3, 4-1H77. 1775 N. Front. ATTRACTIVE unfurn. 4-rnv apLwith innge At refng .1140 S. 13th. 1 P-EDHOOM antStove" I water, automatic ste. eluded. Modern. J-'ll refrigerator! ' hi-at. per nmnih Commcr 4 p nt Mav oe s -en .it 215:1 cal or Ph. 4-14-2 afti CAl'lTOL "PLAZA l-bdrnv. furn, vinlun,. llf'.S Che n.fket.-i :i-;tt;:o t;i': WKl.I. fui Mil:fd 2 iin-m apt. I n" '"'- Adult, no juts. 2 1 ii 4 I .n.ipit vwe i-ii. .i4 iii. j 2 ROOM FURN. "apt . kith".'-! i lg.'v Adults P70 Union. . t-'Olt liFNT onr bed rum f' plex. $10 4-17M. Agon du- 707 Houses For Rent FURN. OH itnfiu . Pn. I , rr.iMiti.ihlr t-:.OM .v.. tuiit p. I Hno.M V lurnhl r I i lone 3-7. niR bin Gentle M.MnsT new 2-bednn hnu- r. rlrc. floors.'re. aulo., hrdweof ni'-ui.iird ,.ia M.iplr Ave j - ooM unfurn. nio.lcrn hmisr, $15. l'h. 2-124S. CI.KAN, turn. 4 rm? & nr sir before 12 m. ! p m. lH0 Mriple Ave ;i H HM UNFURN ""lime" g is r.itmr .-mil w.tti t ! j ii. rrph .1, no pet. $ i5 i lsi: hath. Call or aftrr 7 -7;t.M). rvrept (or e.ilr: . H.ibv n o. 4.-5 s. Molhwood. 2-i!'llt 1 11 FAN 1 !m Move, .Inn ittipi, nr. '0 I I'l-t-dim I'NFl'RN rfi ,.. H.i . ROHM If I'.IHk 1 '.Il Pi 't- 1 2 ed .ipilnl Sli.'p- j or 4-lH.iJ , l lU lHUHUI li' N S-tM ti'(r,g , jt.ii.ttic. ! ;i-' MUX . SV M,l 818 FCRN. ;i-in h.Mic fd. ( and lt.i P.u w.iter. TR-i N. srm'Kftw ,t land Rd $r. 'Hct n ho1 Ph. 4-4" 700 Rentals 707 Houses for Rent 3-RM. UNFURN. except gas kitchen lange. water heater, fir. furnace. M 725" N. Church. Call 2-0724. FIRST SEE 795 S. 21st. You will like ltPh.3-3684 or 2-6873. PARTLY furnished. 6 rooms, utility. Electrle heating, cooking, large gar den space. ml. south. Brooks. Glenn Hilton. Phone South Beach, Ore 1806. 2-BEDROOM house for rent, also 1 bedroom house. Ph. 2-4815, 3-8471. 1370 N. 4th. CLEAN 3 ROOM, bath, furn. or un- lurn. Reasonable. 3845 Portland Rd. FURN. 1 BDR M. house. Ph. 3-6735" EXTRA nice furn. duplex. Huge llv" rm. Creek, close in. car port. $75. mu a. winter. I'n. J-aizo eve. UNFURN.. ground floor, duplex. Ga- rage. Poo ferry, rn. 3-3437. 1 BEDRM. partly furn. Bus across sircei, l niocx grade school, , blocks Parrlsh High, 8 blocks Shop ping Center St Stale bldgs. Ph. rf-iwio. . I BEDRM. duplex with store room. o cnuaren. North LhsL $45 per 1 RM. UNFURN. cottage. Elec. heat, eiec. range, y-h w. Capitol. 2-8082, ulilam uir URN. I bdrm. court. quits, no pets, m, 4-59"5. NEW, MODERN, 1 bedroom court, Stove and refrlg Iurn. $50. CalJ MODERN, unfurn,, l'i-bedrm. home, jueai lor small child. Nice neigh borhood. $50. Ph. 4-4862. OUR home, furnished. Living, dining iM. ucuiwui, fiiiLiien, unin & large k-.u&vi un iirsi uoor. z bedrooms, closets, half bath . and sturiv nn second floor. Double garage. Base ment with shower. Nice yard. Call DOWNSTAIRS unfurn. 2-bdrm.. Kitchen, bath, $40. Upstairs fur- niiuiea i-rjeann., Kitchen, hath. $27. WhoJe house for $65.00. 1029 Sagi- 4-BEDROOM house, clean, oil circu- jinor. eicc. range, close in. $55. Call NEW 1-bflrm. house, unfurn., except jciiik. ex siuve. .no marxci. Fh, 2-ma. FOR RENT, small house furnished, oarden spare. 1263 E. Rural. NEAR State Hospital. 1-bdrm. furn, oupiex. oar., laundry. Ph. 4-4685. 2-BR. house, iurn., $70. Ph. 2-4552, 2560 Myrtle. UNFURN. 3-bedrrn, home. Close in, South. Basement. SSS a mnnth JOE NOONCHF-STER REAL ESTATE iaua r. uonage. 4-3(itii day or eve, CLEAN house. Oil stove. Hot water neuter, wirca ior range & dryer. Ph. 4-1352. Will be at house in p.m. 5aoN. I2th J-ROOM furn duplex. Available marcn mn. Adults. 1H20 Chemeketa, IN DALLAS, 6 yrs. old. 2-bdrm. Nice, v. j. Dallas MM. ui-Mii-sb, livinf? quarters, two fam- Jiynon,es. very close-in. 3-4359 eve. IMMEDIATE possession, 4 rriii cot- iaee. wear uus, stores, neat. $40 J-3HB0. 1 BEDRM. furn. house for rent. Ph. 3-31U1 or 2-H758. 2 BEDRM. home for lease. Ph. 3.3101 or 2-0758. FOR RENT 4 yr. old 2 BR, $57. Located 316.1 Lancaster. Eve. 2-B8IH. 4.16811. home. 3-5838. NRW UNFURN. one bedroom duplex, South, elec. heat, attached garage. li0L2-.15llfl or 2-H479. LGE. 3 bedr. home with basement Ac oil furnace, garage. Located at 1245 Waller St. See Colbath Land Co. Hits. Dial 44494. 1 ROOM cabin furn. $22.50 mo. All utilities paid. Near bus and store. Ph. 4-48H3. SMALL 3 rm. house or middle aged man or woman. No drunks. $35 mo. furn. Also trailer space $10 mo. and no pets. William iiot. 1740 Oxford. Ph. 2-8885. 2 BEDROOM, modern house. Newly decorated, Keizcr JJIstPh. 3-8498. 1 BDRM.. individual unit in Citv Center Court. Fireplace, garage. 715 N. Cottage. Ph. 3-0702 after 1 D.m. VERY NICE 3 rm. duplex furn. apt. Hollywood dist. Ph. 3.8036. NEWUNFUM Oil hcat, garage. Adults. 1140 N. 13. 4 RM. house with utilities. Located 1G70 S. Summer. Adults H. P. Grant. 457 Court St. Ph. 30744. 1 BEDRM. furn.. attic room, garage" garden. 550. Near Swcgle mhool. Ph. 4-4jt00. CABIN, 3-room, parllv fundshVil $25 monthPh. 2-1218. 2 BEDRM. hoiuse unfurn. except range, heater, refrlg. $35, 2205 ClaudeSt. Inquire IMA S. 12th. 4 BDRM., unfurn. home, 2H03 N.4thT $50 mo. Ph. 4-5303. 709 Wanted to Ren! DOWNTOWN offirc by Realtor. Write Box 255, Statesman-Journal. 710 Wanted to Rent, Houses PKRMANFNT resident will give ex-ei-llont r;ire for home to Irase or rent. Three adults. References. Call 2-:if'.6,1. evenings 2-OflfiO. 2 OR 3 HF.DRM. hnuc by responsible trnnants. Ph. 3.7210. LGE. 2 HR or 3 BRhouse, unfurl Knclrwood disLprcfcrrt d. 4-1500. BUS IN BS S MAN wit h hest Tef eren -crj. will pay any rea. amount fnr desirable 2-4 nR unfurn. house in good neighborhood. Ph. 3-9677. 800 Rnil Krtale 801 Business Opportunities FOR SAI.F. AH elect. Ir all steel clr- opvni tine sviw mill on R H, vmtnrrn Oreton. 40 M c;ip. 8 hrs. 1'liiity of lof- available un open m;iiket, also timber, both pi Kate ami K""t. St-li .ill nr p.ut cash or trim!- tn n"-p4)nihle prople. Uox 2j!i. Sl.iti'.tinao-.Kiui n,il. WANT couple to buy ' in t erect in l.irpr new nntrj on coat. J1S.CO0 U, Wu.oihi v. ill handle or will t.ike t( il estate txth iinie on motel. Call 4-.Y Sacrifice MSKOLVIMt rARTNKHSHIP Coc k'. ill louncr. Grade A, FiuipiiH-ni U new. modern. Hrs t.iui.oii M'itts 4o. W.ilk-in Ice box and mII cipitpprd 2 hrdnn. home, noprox 4 vir land Call I.vons 7ji or Woilhura 7fl7 eves. ') down will handle. IXCOMl-f 51000.00 PER MONTH M apts. beMrtes a lovely home for owner. 1 blks from Post Of lire and St.ite Itldgs $15.0110 no will handle. HEX SANKOitI) FINANCE CO. North Htch Ph 4-"l.i21; re. 3-;u2, 4-4tKg PONY RIDES, all equipment 4 r. Ii sc. Paradi"? Uidnd. 4-2463 HKH.. SNOOKKR. card Two own rrs. 20 years Owner retirlne C.nod 1 man business. OikkI building, ie.isim.iblr irnt. In small town close to Salem Lunch counter op portunity jU-Si-n. See Hov D. Kl l ott. :;.3 N Broad St.. Monmoutti, Oiei:oii. John R lnRrell. Bn-kiT. RETAIL bakery AV fountain hu rh don:oMi. S.ilem. For sale, traile or le.iM-. mv terms, ph. 3tWita af- KKSTAl RANT. 5 cabin. 8-rootn . houe, pump. V, B. Valhck, ' Jctln son, j TAVERN ;nd lunch, 2-hedrwmI i I ing qun-ter ntvirheri. Hiwav fM, I 4 miles Souih of Stlrm. Th. 2-2132. 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sale HOMES DESIGNED WITH YOU IN MIND! We now have financing for you to buy or build the home you have wanted for so long. FOR VETERANS 95, 25-year G. I. loans to build or buy. If you wish to buy a completed home, we have many to show you on these terms. If you wish to build, we have contractors ready to start on the plan of your choice. FOR OTHERS 25 year FHA loans available on existing homes tip to S years of age that were constructed under FHA inspections. Best of FHA terms for new construction. As an example a $7,000 home can be built or purchased with oily $350.00 down and 25 years on the balance. Also 20-year conventional loans available. WE NEED LOTS! Please call us if you have lots or any size tract for sale, es pecially South. C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS MORTGAGE LOANS CONSTRUCTION FINANCING 456 North Church Phone 4-2293 Eves: Mr. Kent 2-27B0 COUNTRY ESTATES DESIGNED and built for the buyer whose tastes and income justify a better than average home. From a tax standpoint It may be well to consider suburban property before buying. NO. 1 ESTATE Is a de luxe late built home which is superior to many of the luxury type homes that nave been sold in recent months, and priced at a figure that would compare favorably. Yet this place is located within fifteen minutes drive from the heart of Salem, on about fifteen acres of good land, mostly wooded. There is also an all-year fast-flowing stream on the place. The home has a fine view, is seel uc" id but not isolated. Let's look at this one before you buy. Thr, owners have recently purchased a large farm. Shown by appointment only. NO. 2 ESTATE This home was designed and built for the large family who entertain a lot. Built for people who like big, light, airy rooms that leave them without that squeezed-tn feel ing a place in he country where the air is fresh and pure, where going to town is not an inconvenience .This 35 acres is classed as a farm, with its rich, dark, candy soil. Still it is more of just a fine suburban family home. You won't he sorry if you lake time out to see this place before you buy. Distant owner is anxious to sell. ED. LUKENBEAL, REALTORS 433 N. HIGH ST. OPEN HOUSE 1 to S o'clock Kcizer District AU'J2 Claxter Road Nice West view This 5 yr old home, 3 bdrms, large liv. rm with fireplace, roomy bath room, large kit, and din. combined. Concrete patio, tiled roof, lot 52 x 150. You must see this one. The price is $10,000. LeRoy Simpson. Sim. Ph. 3-8239 Roy Todd Real Estate 2319 State St OPEN HOUSE 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Fairmount District 2020 .John Slrcrt We hclieve this to he the best buy in town for the following reasons 3 bedrooms 2 Lge. liv. rm. and picture win dows Dinetle fl x 12 Nicely arranged kitchen 5 Full dry bsmt. Sawdust furnace. B Interior and exterior neat as a pin 7 Just a few blks. from grade school. jr. nign scnooi and High School, hi.hi L-iiy dus at corner. PRICE ONLY $10,950 WITH LOW DOWN PAYMENT Don Vandervort, Sim. Ph. 2-62G8 Roy Todd Real Estate 2.110 State St BY OWNER 5-room. Dm. rm.. laroe kitchen, 2 yrs. old. Close to shop ping center, school, bus (Kclzcr). 965 Dearborn. Ph. 4.4007. OLD HOUSE to move or wreck. Ph. NORTH SALEM BARGAIN Older 3-bedroom home wilh 2 three- nn. cottauea in rear close to school, store and bus. $5500. $1000. GOOD INCOME AND HOME 8 rentals besides your own 2-bcdrm apt. S un rages, 3 lots, all apts. furn. and rented. Income $.100 a month, north Salem close to school and bus May take small hmne or some lots In on a trade. Price $20,000. CLOSE IN ON CHEMEKETA ST. 2-bedrm home with bsmt, and fire place, Kstate settlement, $0000 and a reasonable offer considered. ART MADS FN, REALTY 1520 Si1e. Ph. a-SSBU. 2-B811 SEE LEGAL Notice Se'cUon lor :ale of house wllh low down pavment. EVERYTHING you want In a nice lar-e 2 bedroom home. Asking $8.i00. Make cash offer. 4-4107. BY OWNER. New 3-bdrm. house on 720Thompson. 2-5:86 for infor. ALL of the latest new things In this new reasonably priced :t-bedrm. home. Call us. 2-5768 or 2-5777. BY BUILDER 2 br. Ac 1 br., double parages. These are exceptionally nice homes in nrw addition at 3700 block, Port land Rd. Would accept house or acreage as down payment. Ph. 2-7520 or 4-3M!l $1."0 DOWN. 2 - bedroom, modern house. Ph. 4247.). STATE EMPLOYEES Here Is a three-bedroom home, full hasemrnt, oil heat. Near state buildings and schools. Moderately priced. J. B. YOUNG, REALTOR 433 N .High St. Ph. 2-680 NF.W 2 bedrm. home, close to school andbus. Ph. 2-3085. FHA APPROVED honie. 20 down. built to your sperification For and prices, y, 4-1 933 or j-wt. THIS WEEK ONLY. M.WXl cash. New 2 br. hm . att. gar.iee. Insulited, weather striped, suburban. F-ist, near bus. Ph 4-.").i2.i after 5 p.m. or all day Sat. & Sun. 802 Business Property BFAt'TV shop for lease, with option In puv. I xng esuhhihed. Will sar Tttire $n;- N E. Sindv Blvd. Ph. Portlmd Murrim-k P2!V. Business Building 2 apts nn 2nd floor. 3 business on min floor. Showing good Income, close in to State buildings. Acrrpt small (arm or home tn trade. Rst of terms on biUnre. Price $26,500. Call J. Carnen'er. Salesman. ART MADSKN, REALTY IS.'O State. . Ph. 3-5580. 2-8H12 804 Suburban RY OWNER 2 bedroom. Insulated home. 1 acre, double garage, barn. F'ultland Dist. Ph. 3-13.13. Call 2-2441 for Pulling Power 800 Real Estate 806 Houses Tor Sale KENT'S 5 DOWN PAYMENTS No. 1 One of the neatest two-bed room homes you have ever seen, living room, aining room comb , nice kitchen. In a very good district, complete landscaped yard with fruit trees and garden space. Price $10,250.00. Call Mr. Anderson. No. 2 Another G. I. special with 2 bedrooms, kitchen, dining and living room. Large lot in good neighborhood. The price is only $8',50.00 with a low down payment if you qualify. Call Mr. Andersen No. 3 This Is on n paved street with completely landscaped yard, extra large garage. Liv , ing room, dining room, kitch en, 2 bedrooms. All rooms are huge and the home Is neat as a pin. Price $9,500. Call Mr. Anderson. C. V. Kent & Co. REALTORS (56 Nnrlh Church Phone 4-2253 Eves: Mr. Anderson 2-1744 2.inn EQUITY In 3 br. house for $1800. Balance of mortgage S3200. 360 S. 21st. LOOK At this real 3 bedroom home on oversized lot. North. Owner 2-B059. ENGLEWOOD 2 Bed. room home. living room, kit chen nook, basement. 55,750.00. $500.00 down. $55.00 a month. SOUTH SALEM 3 Bed. room. Comb, living and dining room, kitchen nook, utility room, good location. $5,750.00. $500.00 down. 555.00 a month. Call 4 -2000 Don McCoard with McKILLOP Real Estate 4fCl Center, Salem, Oregon BY OWNEH, 5-year-old 2-br. home, i A. Paved road, fruit trees, chick en coup. Over 900 sq. ft. hi house. Nice yard. $7050. Terms. Ph. 3-B554. 3-BEDROOM home f 11,000. Near St. Vincent church. Full basement, fireplace, l'a plumbing. Garage, sawdust heat. 2 fish ponds, may take 2-hedroom home as part pav ment up to 50000. Write Box 252 rn Statesman-Journal. 2 BDRM. house, postered & insu lated, some furniture. fG.:too. Terms, 1730 S. Capitol. Inquire 3.5171. PRICED FOR quick sale. Furn. sum mer nome on miciz itivcr. 4'a mi. from Kervllle. All elect.. 2 bdrm., finished in pine. Plenty river fron tage. Own pvt. dock. Ph. Detroit, Ore. 3iin. NICE 2-BDRM. home, inside utility.. Will take car or pickup toward down payment. 4-45i7. UNFINISHED Over 1000 sq. ft. fir. space. 3 bedrms. Wired & plumbed. Lot 7.1x2:14 ft. Drill well, small down mvmcnt. C. W. REEVES. REALTOR 1800 Mlfsion; 3-4500.Evc. S-SMB $7a0 DOWN. $75 mo. F.nciewood 3 bdrm, full bsmt., fireplace. Ph. 27013. THIS YOU WILL LIKE! New three bedroom home South in good district, beiutiful hirth kitch en, large dining area, living room with large window, good M?ed bed rooms. naraEc. All for only $n.!;iO no with 1.ih:o,oo down or G ! terms. SELECT YOUR COLORS New home, Just being finished. It has a large living room, dining Ing roiim. birch kitchen. 3 tpaeious bedrooms, large garage. Excellent lot in secluded district Snuih. $9. 4S0.00 with term tn suit. G. I.. F. H A. or cnnvmtional. In Mc Kmlev rhool district NEW 4 BEDROOM Here t a lot of house for the brce famllv. Tt priced at only $!0.Sn0O0. It has a tarce kitchen and dming area comb . living room, full bath. Hardwood floors. nlaMerrd garage. Owner will take $1,300 0(1 down or can he financed G. I with only i"r down. Cill Mr. Keene. C. V. Kent & Co. REALTORS 4M North Church Phone ,.229J Eves and Sunday: Parsons 2-1508 Keene 2 BDRM. CITY Nice 2-bdim. home. H. W. floors, fenced tn b:ick yatd. lots of shrub, berv, evcell. cond. throughout Prl. H7 600 Will sell on terms. Call J C.T-entf r. Salesman ART MADSKN. REALTY WLH State Ph 3-."5;M. 2-MI2 R EDITED OWNF.R leaving state! Fttvily home. east, on Jj Acre. Snade. fruit, nut tiers, corner lot rln-e bus. Citv limits. Ph. 2-2110 for aopoinirm nt. TRADE 5-her"room houe, full basr- rrent. ft replace, double plumbing. Ouner Ph. 3-W.Vi. 800 Real Estate DRIVE BUY BEDROOMS. Lge garage, plastered upstairs. Handy location. St. Vin cenu and Highland Schl. Out to town owner anxious to sell. See 2013 Hazel Ave. Make us an offer ior cash or terms. $150 DOWN i BEDROOMS. Dandy neat clean home. Hwd. fir., att. storage. Home only 3 years old. See at 2-180 Helm St. Only $7,350 with 1750 down. Balance easy rnonthly payment, which Includes taxes. Int. and Ins. SUMMERS REALTOR 1725 State St. Phone 2-4603 $600 DOWN BEST Deal in Salem for a low down payment. 2 bedrooms. Living rom. Good kitchen. Big garage and lot. New. (9.950. FHA built. 4 Bedrooms $7,950 IN St. Vincents district. Living room. Dining room. Large kitch. Basement. Double garage. Make of fer on down payment. Rent with Option THREE bedrooms. Living room. Dining room. Bath. Attic for stor age or bedrooms. Mother-in-law cabin. Price $6,550. Rent $55 a month. RAMSEY, REALTOR 2084 North Commercial. Office 4-6211 Eve. 3-7072 or 2-7646 or 4-1696 806 Houses For Sale BY OWNER. 2 bdrm., built 1050. Neat ss proverbial pin. Insulated. G. I. or F. H. A. $7,000. Terms. 3835 Mon- TcAve FOR SALE In Falls City. Oreg. 2 bedroom Mod. house. 10 lots, barn, berries. Easy terms, l'-t blks. grade school, stores. L. M. Henthorne. LET'S TRADE Do you have a 3 or more B.R. home? We have 8 2-B.R. houses; trade lor 3-B.R. homes. 1 ACRE PLUS Beautltul 2-B.R. ranch style home, located close in. Large L.R.. fire place. D.R.. kit., biknl., bath with shower. Ads don't do Justice to this one. See it. NEED MORE ROOM? See our 4-B.R. home, 2 baths, L.R., D.R., kit., plus beautiful yard. Close in. MAKE AN OFFER on this well built 2-B.R. home. Close to bus jind store. Ideal for older couple. Gleason Realty 1143 So. Commercial Ph. 2-0923. Eve. 3-8807, 4-4018, 2-0085 OWNER WISHES TO SELL his beautiful ranch type home. 2 BR. & den, L.R.. D R., Kit., utility, fire place, tile bath, large covered pa tio, foreed air oil furnace, shrub bery Including automatic, dish washer. Lot 95 x 140. Only 1 hlk. to bus and Rroe. store. A good buy at. $16,000. Terms. REX SANFORD FINANCE CO. 337 N. High St. Ph. 4-3521 Eve. 3-3202. 4-4168 INVESTORS Special. Too good to be true. Make us offer on equity of this lovely 2-bdrm. home, full base ment, TV antenna. Irc. lot. must sell immediately, can't last long on these terms. Phone 3-J803 after 3 p.m. $500 DOWN. 2-bdrm. home. Will trade for lot, I bdrm. home or car. Open House Sunday 28th. 2 to 5 p.m, 258 Draper Drive. Ph. 4.5207. SELL - SWAP These folks have a very cut 2 br, house on Fairhaven Avenue which they are outgrowing. Will sell for $fii;oo.00 or will trade for 3 or 4 house with basement or double garage uji to $11,000.00. If your house is too larne for you and you want a smaller one, call us for more details. EAST ENGLEWOOTi New i br. house with t.. R., D. R Kitchen with large nook, double plumbing. P, baths, large utility room, double garage with extra slorage space, auto, oil furnace, fireplace, large lot. Will be com pleted in about 10 days but we can show you now. Localcri on North 2:;rd Street. Just North off "D" Street. Price Is $15,500.00. ABRAMS, BOURLAND ' & SKINNER 4M masonic nmt.ntiMfi Real Ftate Insurance Mortgage Lons neat jiatc, insurance, MortCace t.n,iiK Office: 3-02I7 Eves: 2-4700 or 3-7388 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT 3 rm. modern house. large lot, bus line, near store. $3,r.on. C. W, REEVES. REALTOR lfifiO Mission 3-4.VKI. Eve. 3-053S NEW 2 BEDRM. house, dining rm., parage, one oik. from school and store. $6150. with $4950. F. H. A. Loan. Loan can be raised. Sunny side district. Rt. 4. Brx .11.5 B. VIEW LOTS Drive by the corner of Fair Oaks and Carcade Drive in West Salem and see the beautiful view lots 7nxir0. Your choice for $1G00. Both for $.1000.00 t FAMILY HOME New 4 bdrm. home nn 1 floor or 3 bdrms. and den. Insulated and weathersttipped. Close to Washing ton School. Oil forced air heat. Att. gai.. larce din. rm., kit. with eat ing pnee. $11 7'0. YOU MUST SEE THIS ONE This suburban home located North. 3 bdrms.. 13x22 hv. rm . fireplace. Larce kit. and din. comb. Larre Ptio tile roof. Att. gar. Large lot. $lo.6nn. INCOME 2 houses on 1 lot, room for more. 1 house is almost rCw and is fur ntsiird. Good rriti district, good investment at spnn on OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS The only exclusive car 3h hu. ne? in Salem, drmnlown loeslinn ""'business Sweet Shop next to downtown the ater showinc a nice profit. Ideal spot for an rldrrly coup'e. 11(100.00. RENTALS 1 bdrm. furn. J4S on. 2 bdrm. $50.00. Roy Todd, Realtor S.119 S'ate St Office Ph .eninc. Call Simpson 3.a2.1Q Vandevort ;.2lJt: Ituch 3-7915; Ellincer 4-.i.i: I'HICKn TO SELL Owner moved out of .t.-iie. Nice 4 UK. home on ooirt flreet. Forced air furnace. H W floors flrepl.ire utilllv r,m. c.iraee. hue lot. 110 ?!onoo Mike o, n ofte RKX SAXKORIi Kl. VANCE CO XI- N H'Mi Ph E,e. 3..1M2, .W f fm