Saturday, February 27, 19S4 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Page 13 1 (LJ CHEMAWA A golden crown is placed upon the head of Patsy Ochiho by her classmate, Princess Gladys Hellen, at ceremonies held in the Chemawa Indian School gym Friday night celebrating 74th anniversary of the school. Retirement Ceremonies For General Swing Held Retirement ceremonies were held at the Presidio of San Fran cisco Saturday morning for Lt. Gen. Joseph M. Swing, command er of Sixth Army since August, 1951. The general, who has visited In Salem during the time he has commanded Sixth Army, will be succeded by Lt Gen. Willard G. Wyman, who takes command Monday. The Swings will not leave the west coast with the gen eral's retirement but will make their home in San Francisco. Swing, a native of New Jersey, was graduated frem the U. S. Military Academy and was a classmate of President Eis enhower. He came to the Sixth Army assignment from the as signment of commandant of the Army War College, where he had been since April 1, 1950. Gen. Swing saw service in Mex ico with the Punitive Expedition of 1916 and after a brief tour at the new Officers' Training Camp at Fort Myer, Va., sailed for France. There he organized the Brigade Headquarters Battery, First Field artillery brigade, First Infantry division and suh scquqcntly was appointed aide-decamp to Gen. Peyton C. March, World War I Chief of Staff. A field artilleryman, Swing during the period between the two World Wars graduated from the Field Artillery school, the Command and General Staff RETIRES 7T" .'fv VsjT TjrV J . M Lt. Gen. Joseph M. Swing, commanding general of Sixth Army since August 1, 1951, who retired from the Army at ceremonies held at the Pre sidio of San Francisco Satur day morning. (U. S. Army photo.) DENNIS THE MENACE II Jl "w' 1 'WEIL. I'M DOW THE BEST QUEEN RECEIVES CROWN AT CHEMAWA n. .... ii.; school and the American War College. He graduated from the Command and General Staff school with honors. For a time he served as an instructor at the Field Artillery school and then had a tour of duty in the office of the Chief of Field Artillery. From 1938 to 1940 Gen. Swing was chief of staff of the Second Infantry division, then served successively as commander of the 82nd field artillery regiment and commanding general of the First Cavalry division artillery. In 1941 Swing organized the di vision artillery of the 82nd in fantry division, which was later designated airborne and in Feb ruary, 1943, as a major general he activated and commanded the 11th airborne division. The retiring commander of the Sixth Army is known for having pioneered in planning and con ducting the. first airlift of an en tire division by planes and glid? ers, and for later demonstrating that a division could also be sup plied indefinitely by planes. In May, 1944, Swing and the 11th airborne moved to New Guinea and in November, 1944, to the Philippines where the di vision participated in the libera tion of Leyte and Luzon. On the latter the division helped cap ture Manila and Nicholos field and Fort McKinley, then to lib erate those imprisoned in the Los Banos Interment Camp. With the final surrender of the Japanese Gen. Swing led the first airborne units to Atsugi airfield outside of Tokyo on August 30, 1945. Thereafter he assumed re sponsibilty for the Hand of Hak kaido and northern Honshu Is land and on February 2, 1948 as sumed command of the I Corps with headquqarters in Kyoto, Japan. Swing returned to the States April 1, 1948, and his as signment prior to that at the Army War College was a com r"anding general of the Artillery center and commandant of the Artillery School. Among Gen. Swing's decora tions are the Distinguished Serv ice Cross, Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star with two Oak Leaf Clusters, Legion of Merit. Bronze Star with one Oak Leaf Cluster, Air Medal with one Oak Leaf Cluster, French Legion of Honor and the Order of Chief Commander, Philippine Legion of Honor. PAIR OK DESPERADOF.S OAKLAND. Calif. HT - Two 15-year-old boys were stopped by j police early yesterday as they t were driving an automobile be-1 longing to one of the boy's father. I They told police they were headed ! for Mexico with $17.66. a bar of! soap, a candle, and alarm clock, i a lifih of whisky and a small load-1 ed pistol "for holdups when we run out of money." -By Ketcham I CAN.' I I vr"r- c Indian Students Give Pageant CHEMAWA Clad in price less Indian costumes students of the Chemewa Indian School Fri day night presented their annual pageant in observance of the school's 74th anniversary. Patsy Ochiho was crowned queen of the pageant by her classmate, Princess Gladys Hel len during the opening cere mony. The pageant, entitled "Canoe Prophecies" was written bv Miss Alhprta Phallic oirlc adviser at the school, who also was narraior. E. B. Hudson was general chairman. Paul W. Bramlet, sup erintendent of the school, gave the address of welcome. The program was interspersed with Indian songs and tribal dances performed in authentic costumes. Unusually realistic scenic ef fects were produced on the stage with lights and props depicting Mt. Hood in the background, forests, a river, waterfall and fishing pier. East Salem EAST SALEM -- Ownership of the Swegle Market and Gas Station on Birehwond Dr., east of the schoolhouse has changed this week. New owners are Chris Midthun, Bert McQuirrie and Mrs. Lee Johnson. The new owners came to Sa lem from Albany. McQuirrie has been in the grocery business. The James Pickersgills, who came north from Arkansas sev eral years ago, are moving to Salem. The new owners will live in the living quarters at the rear of the store. The February meeting of Edi na Lane home extension unit was held in the home of Mrs. John French. The days project was, "Keeping Up with Tex tiles," and was discussed by Miss Pauline Schaplnwosky, county extension agent. Dates were set for the furni ture repair workshop, which will be March 2-3-10 and 251 h at the home of Mrs. George Hanauska, 1065 Maine Ave. Co-hostcsscs for the lunch hour were Mrs. Thomas Lay and Mrs. H. A. Bis kie. Special guests for the day were Mrs. John Sicklin, Mrs. James Gorton and Mrs. Don Turner. Members present were Mrs. Arlie Bean, Mrs. Biskie, Mrs. French, Mrs. Vernon Gil more, Mrs. M. Stephenson, Mrs. J. P. Stirniman, Mrs. Leo Dum ler, Mrs. Frank Caspcll and Mrs. Ray Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, who lived for several years in Keiser community, have moved into a new home which they had buil on Byram Ave. Members of the Merry Ming lcrs club met Thursday after noon for a dessert luncheon and social afternoon in the home of Mrs. Ernest Butler on Silvcrton ltd. Attending were Mrs. Lester Carter, Mrs. Covil Case, Mrs. Clyde Colwell, Mrs. Robert Fromm, Mrs. E. A. Jackson, Mrs. Leonard Malm, Mrs. R. Gordon Scott, Mrs. Carl Snyder, Mrs. Joe Slimak, Mrs. J. I. Wagers, Mrs. Allen McCain, Mrs. Henry Sprick and the hostess. W. B. WhitlinBton of 3275 Lancaster Dr., is in a Salem hos pital recovering from a rcccnl heart attack. Funeral Monday for Mrs. Goldie Sink Funeral services will be held at the W. T. Rigtlnn chapel Mon day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock for Mrs. Goldie Sink, lifelong resi dent of Salem who died Thurs day at the home of her son, Wil lis C. Sink, 250 Browning Ave nue. Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson will ofliciatc at the services and in terment will be in Belcrcst Me morial Park. Mrs. Sink, who had been ill for many years and an invalid for some time had been bedfast the past year. She was born July 3, 1893. For many years she attend ed the First Baptist Church. Surviving arc her mother, Mrs. Robert A. Witzel of Salem; the son, Willis C. Sink of Salem; and Ihrep sisters, Mrs. F. H. Slruble of Salem, Mrs. E. Larson nf Scat tip, and Miss Edith Witzel of Hood River; and nnc grandchild. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Monday, Mrch 1 Company B, 162nd infantry reg iment, and headquqarters detach ment, Oregon National Guard, at Salem armory. 9414th Air Reserve unit at USAR armory. ' Organized Marine Corps Re. serve unit at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. Oregon Mobilization designa tion detachment No. 1 at USAR armory. Airborne Course , FORT BENNING, Ga. Pvt. E 2 Donald E. Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Green, route 1, Gerv&is. Orpffnn. in takintf th Airborne course here. Green, who entered me Army jn Jujy, 1853, is regularly stationed at Fort C&mDuell. Kv. Prior in entprlncr the service he was employed at verns jriicniieia service station. Green was graduated in 1953 from the Gcrvaia high school. In hifh lio mac a fhrjsA vidv letterman in football, basketball ana Daseoaii ana also was on the all-star football team. WITH 40th DIVISION FOURTIETH DIVISION, Korea Pfc. Fred Helmig, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Beauchamp of Gervais, is serving with this divi sion, which recently was awarded the Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation in Korea. Helmig, a machine gunner with company H of the 224th regiment, joined this division in July, 1953. A graduate of the Gervais Union High School in 1951, he entered the Army in De cember, 1952, and took his basic training at Camp Roberts, Calif. IN EXERCISE FORT BENNNING. Ga. - Pvt. Ted F. Reinwald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Reinwald of 5050 Homer road, Salem, Ore., is among those men making prep aration here to participate in Ex ercise Flash Burn at Fort Bragg, N.C., in April and May. Reinwald is normally stationed here as a truck driver in the 666th Transpor tation company of the 112th trans portation battalion. The battalion will help provide motor transport for the troops and supplies dur ing the training maneuver. FLASH BURN CAMP POLK, La.-Pvt. Allen R. Dahl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Antone Dahl of Route 2, Silverton, Ore., who is stationed here as a machin ist in the 122nd ordnance com pany, will be among those men taking part In Exercise Flash Burn at Fort Bragg, N.C., in April and May. Dahl a graduate of the Silverton high school in 1950 entered the Army in March, 1953, and completed his basic training at Camp Roberts, CMif. Kessler has Role for Armed Forces Day Announcement was made this week of the appointment of Maj. Gen. Alfred A. Kessler, Jr., com mander of the 4th Air Force, as the cooperative-commander for the Air Force in the Third Area for the observance of Armed Forces Day, May 15. Kessler, commander of 41h Air Force, Hamilton Air Force Base, Calif., since September, 1952. last year came to Salem as the speaker for Armed Forces Day. Rear Adm. Bertram J. Rod gers, commandant of the 12th Naval District, San Francisco, was earlier named as the mili tary men to serve as coordinator for the observance in the Third area. The Third area includes the eight western states. Oliver Taylor in Swing Color Guard A Salem man, Oliver S. Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Taylor of 1970 John Street, was among the 50 men chosen as color guards for the retirement cere monies Saturday at the Presidio of San Francisco for Lt. Gen. Joseph -M. Swing. Taylor was graduated from Sa lem high school in June, 1953, and when he was in high school was active in musical events there, taking part in operettas and being a member of the a cap pella choir. He entered the Army September Iff, 1953, and took his basic at Fort Ord, Calif. Taylor presently is taking the leadership course at East Garrison, Fort Ord. A- im i k-Milh 1 Mm, am,, itjv (eLio Men Bullet Wounds Man in Leg Albany A Roseburg man, Rob ert Gardner, reported a state po lice officer, was accidentally shot in the leg late Thursday and is now being treated at the Albany General hospital. Gardner, the po lice reported, was struck by pistol bullet after it passed through a plowshare. , Investigation revealed that Gar dner and an unidentified compa nion were arguing the revolver's merit and the bullet was fired to determine whether or not it would penetrate the steel. It did, and Gardner, standing behind the plow,' was hit in the leg. He told police he did not believe himself to be seriously injured at the time, but while traveling to Portland on a bus late Thursday he noted an intense pain in his leg. He left the bus at Albany and asked for a doctor's examination. Pipe Organ Given to Willamette U. The large Wurlltier pipe organ and Us accessories now located In the McDonald Theatre build ing. Eugene, has been given to Willamette University through recent action taken by the stock holders and directors of the Mc-Donald-Schaefer Company of Eugene. Arrangements have been made by the university to have the or-, gan kept In Its present location until Willamette's new auditorium-fine arts building Is con structed. Plans call lor the or gan to be Installed in the audi torium until the proposed Wil lamette student union building Is ready. Then It will be perma nently placed In the union where lt will be more readily available for student use. In the past the Instrument has not only been utilized in theatre performances but has also been featured In regular radio broad casts originating In the theater. Willamette contemplates such practices upon Its installation on the campus. The university board of trus tees this week gave the go ahead plans for three buildings, includ ing the auditorium fine arts structure, pending the raising of an additional $11,000 necessary to meet the $325,000 goal. At that time two contingent gifts, totalling $50,000 will be available on a dollar-for-dollar matching basis. JAYCEES OUT FOR BLOOD ALBANY The Red Cross blood program will get a 300- pint transfusion March 10 u Al bany Jaycees are successful in the "Blood Brother" plan for re cruiting donors. DEATHS Goldte 1'hoena Sink Late resident of 250 W. Browning Ave. in thu city Feb. 26 al the age of 60 yrari. Daughter of Mrt. Rob ert A. Wittel, Salem. Mother of Wll lii C. Sink. Salem; liter, Mn. r. H. St ruble. Salem, Mn. . Larson, Se attle. Miss Edith Wttzel, Hood River, Ore.; also, survived by 1 grandchild Services will be held Monday, March at 1:30 p.m. in the W. T. Rlgdon Chapel. Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson will officiate. Interment at Belcrest Me morial Park. Harry Edwin Fraier At McMtnnville. Oregon, Feb. 25, at the age of 57 years. Survived by wife, Ida J. Fraer: brothers, Chester n. rraser, RoDeri Angus Fraser. Allen L. Fraser. Walter S. Franer: sister, fiusile H. Parker Services will be held Monday, March I, at 2.00 p.m. in the O Malley'i Me norial Chapel in McMinnville, Ore fnn. Interment at City View Ceme tery, Salem Sarah Florence Good At the re?ldence Turner. Oreson. Feb. 24. Survived by husband, George Ur. t iam Mi Ui U tuan. MJ DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS L' pita in. 241 North Liberty orrica open Saturday only. II a.m. to 1 p.m., C to 7 p rn. Consultation, blond preitiir and nrlna tMt u frr of charct. Practiced ilnrr IJ11. Write for attractive dft No b II fit Inn. Want Ads Helced :.. .: Washington sen 5 His Land in Ohio Having decided1 to din pose of hit 20,000 acres of land on the Ohio and (ireat Kanawha rivera, George Uaahington placed Rant Ad in the first Iflsue of the Maryland and Baltimore Journal, which began publication Augt 201773. i "Fvvbnrl" I'uri anl Adl j'': H to ft. mi,, rfntN lOTtipw Htflt 4 M AfifM4 rvnti tf? iffift Hfvwl ' ! 'ma. Im lit. k. II. Ik. 4j H. Good, Salem; son, Ray X. Church. WIrhlu, Xuiw daughter, Mrs. Eva Herron. St. cloud. Service! wlU b held Monday, March 1 at S;00 pjn. In tht Turner Christian Church. Rev, Guy L. Armstrong will ofllclate. In terment at Twin Oaka Cemetery. Turner, Oreson, under the direction 3 the Virgil T. Golden Co. (Sward Mlllon Runyan At the rendenct, 1880 Hoffman Rd., Feb. 26 at the age of 0ft yeara. Sur vived by brother, W, A. Runyan, Oak Grove. Oregon: son, Lansing Run yan. Oak drove. Oregon Services will be held Tueiday. March 1. at 10:00 a.m. in the Howell-Edwards Chapel. Rev. A, G. Jamison wilt of. delate. Interment at Rivervlew Cam eterv tn Portland. LEGALS EXECUTRIX' FINAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CLAIRE D. HAMILTON aa execu trix of tht eitate of RALPH S. HAMILTON, deceased, ha (lied her final account at auch, and by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon the 29th day of March, 1994, at 8:15 o'clock In the forenoon of aald day hat been fixed at the time, and th courtroom of aald court haa been fixed at the place for the hearing of objucttona to tald final account and the settlement of laid estate. Dated and first pubUthed; Tab. 13. IW4. CLAIRE D. HAMILTON, Executrix of the Estate of Ralph S. Hamilton, Deceased. RHOTEN. RHOTEN Ic SPEERSTRA 310 Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Executrix. ' r.l3,20.I7,M.S,IS ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late To Classify. G. I. SPECIAL $10,500 4 bdrm 2 baths, kept In perfect re pair. Near eauer ana new hi rhool. 1994 Fir. 3-8627. "ALDER PANELING Light color Oregon Hardwood Home stead Grade lor misito Effect, see samples in beautiful new finish, discount to dealers and contract ors. Coast Range Timber Product! Co. 665 Bassett St., West Salem. 1940 DODGE coupe. ffS. 2220 Sheton St. Anytime after 5. LARGE lot near 3 schools. 2340 E. Nob Hill. Inq. 2335 S. High. SUB-LEAS B nice, modern restau rant with 31 stools Ac s tables, in mail prosperous community. No competition. Ideal tor couple to manage. Rent runs on percentage basis. Se at Sublimity, Oregon. CLOSE TO CAPITOL 7 bedroom home with 3 baths. Oil heat, 3 car garage. Located on 100x100' corner lot in apartment cone. This is a najural for room ers or apartments. As lt 1s only m block from Capitol buildings Sc University. $16,500 with some terms. 7 UNIT APARTMENTS All furn., close in. Income about 93,500 annual) v. Low overhead. Owner will take 2 bedroom home to $0,000 In part trade. Full price only $22,500. Call Dick Severln, MADSEN REALTY CO. 1328 Stale St. Ph. 3-5880, Eve. 4-3033 ELDERLY couple -wants 1 bedrm. furn. cottage or apt. about March 6. Box 240 Statesman-Journal. ELDERLY couple wants 1 bedrm. furn. cottage or apt. About Mar. 0th. Box 240 Statesman-Journal. ELDERLY couple wanta I bedrm, furn. cottaeo or apt. about Mar, 8th. Box 240 Statesman-Journal. t ROOM house for rent. 1039 N. Cot tage St. Phone 4-4008. MODERN nicely furn. 2 bedrm. apt in lurner. rn. CHILD -care, my home, anytime. I'none 500 PEOPLE to hear R. G. Schaffer apeak on Can a swearing man go to Heaven." Sunday night 7:30 in Johnson Memorial Church, North Summer at Hood St. DAVENPORT and matching chair like new, aewing rocker; club chair; apt. size elec. range. Fragll oil heater. 748 Mill St. ONE 9x12 Wilton rug, like new. $100. rn. 4-3087. BELTONE Hearing Aid. Excellent conaiuon, sen nau price, pnone 3455 Dallas. GREEN house 8x10, Complete above o rounaauon. pn. 3.B271. bat. sun. WANTED Used glrl'e 20" Bicycle In good conaillon:Phone2-3849. 1983 10 HORSE power Johnston out board motor. Used 8 times. S245. Phone 2-0403. FRIGIDAIRE electric range, like new. ,14j. Phone 2-0403. LOST Black and white female, Springer Spaniel. Collar and tag. "Ladyhelh." Vicinity 902 MrOII chrlst. Reward. Phone Tillie Tay lor. 23703. 300 Personal NOTICE! Th BiiineB De partrrrnt nf the STATESMAN - JOURNAL NEWS I PAPKKS WILL be rlon.-d Sunday I Classified Adi for Monday paprra 312 Lost and Found LOST, S.ible male Collie. S years old. Vicinity Dli-kson's Maikrl (Pilngle Ul.t.l Itewaid. Ph. 4-11D7. LOST-Sable male cullle. Ph. 3-370.V LOST In downtown Salem last wk. (.old chain ami small nirtlalllmi with seed pearl, r'.iiiiily kreptake, PI.F.ASK rail 4-."li87 or 2-i7l2 Liberal reward. LOST WaslHna mach. ltd Tel col Irct Stayton fl-F-7, Tred Cafteel, Sublimity, oreenn. i'OUNI) FRIKNDI.V hlar7dn,rrnle. part Pekingese, collar, no tan. Call 4-.15BS. 316 Personal WAYNE DOWNK.Y Is no longer an aicnt or rrpresrnlailve of the Pa nne Vapor Chemical Co. t, The Vapor Chemical Co. of Portland. CIIII.DI.KSS COUI'lTlsTiave home for one or two children age 3 to a yeara. Ttef. exchanged. Box 227 Jttatesman-Jnurnal, Play Popular Piano Call Salem Music Co. 2-H70I, orSarchel's In Albany, 392. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous (roup No. 1. 20WI N. Com'l.3-45.'l7,4-334t; SAFK, permanent lemoval of tin if.iitly facial halra. Erich of N.Y. 100 Acrinilturo 402 Livestock For SaU GUl'.HNSKY row. large, flve-year-old tliorn, frc-h in lew days, heavy pi.Klurer.I'h.-BSM. 3 FF.F.UEH pigs. Il houe on left. North of Cemetery, on Turner Cemetery Rd. COWS. Shetland pony. adrile horses. Terms. 4.TI2 Liberty nn. 4-" trxfrtttNT'timl rows. 2M takes both. IMS Burchwnod Dr. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sole LOCKER BEEF Eastern Oregon, U or wnoie, zac, ironi quarw zuc. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co.. 1325 S. 35th. Phone 3-4858. 403 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK buyer. 1 buy cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, goats, boars, veal. Emery Aldermin. Phone 2- 7860 or 2-0066. CATTLE BUYERS. E. I. and K. Sne then. 4297 State. 3-1345 or 3-4380. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E, C, mcunnausn. iizr a. m. rn. s-uht. LIVESTOCK buyer, A. F. Sommer. 1265 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-2617. 404 Poultry and BabbiU CHICKEN broiler plant. 35 chickens per week cap. Phone 4-114 8 THIS AD and $3 gets you 100 large type wmte uegnorn cockerel chicks. Mon. after, or Tues. morn. Twin Oak Poultry Farm. St. Paul, Ore. CHICKS for layers. Leghorn Austra White or New Hampshire. Palmer's Rt. 1, Brooks. Ph. 2-8343. BABY CHICKS. Order now for choice of breeds. NH pullets 19c, par red roosters, 6c. Valley Farm Store. 408 Pets PARAKEETS Continuous new Hati-hes. All col ors. Banded, full flighted and GUARANTEED birds. CAGKS FEEDS SUPPLIES WHOLESALE tl RETAIL SIAMESE kittens for tale, Reason able, i'none z-bibb. J MALE Chihuahua pupa 33 each. Lee Layion new, monmoum uui off. Dalla, Ph. 3687. LICENSED young male farm dog. part spaniel, ueo. e Towie. rti. 1. Box 231, Aumivllle. "MAH1DAL PHUM" f Chocolate Folnl SIAMESE Stud Service Will Call for and Deliver For Appointment Call 2-2390 WANTED: WIREHAIR female pup py from tlx to ten week, old. White with black markings. Mutt be pure breed. Address Mrs. Le roy U Mason, 3803 N.B. Hattalo Street, Portland. BABY Parakeets 17.50, 4310 Claxter Rd. Ph. 2-2224. TOY Fox terrier, male, 10 mon., 2l,i lb. Registered. 75. Very exception al buy, rn. z-iito. COCKER. Golden red. A. K. C. stud. Phone z-me. REGISTERED mala boxer at stud. Call 4-SH33. PARAKEETS. Cages, suppUea. Bird Paradise, 3180 Livingston 2-1843. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM, I58 Me. Coy. 1 block at of N. Capitol. U', bloAa north of Madison. Ph. 2-8887. uAttAuirir.Ta Bablea raised In out home. 1M, all color,. Mra. row ,r, 73a Ceucvue. rn. BOXER female. Moore', tropical ftsh equipment. Parakeets, pets. Mao- leay na. whj. lwwu rem CANARIES, choice orange and apri cot ttrain. 3-4383, 1340 ChemekeU. 410 Seeds and PlanU 5-YR.-OLD blue berry plants. 390 W. Chemawa RdPh- 4-3072. ' AZALEAS FROM80c. CAMELLIAS FROM f2O0. OTHER SHRUBS. TOOII WARINGS NURSERY 1025 OAK HILL AVE. P'l;i44 LGE. CURRANT bushes, trade for shrubs. Ph. 3-40DB. 4-oiou TUBEROUS begonia bulbs, 82.30 dot. tc up. uloxinia duips, jc esi-n. nuj direct from grower. We were 1st prize winners at 1953 State Talr. Claggelf, greenhouses. 4',, ml. N. of Salem on Wallace Rd. (Salem Dnvton Hy.l, Rt. 1, Box 403. Ph. 2-3502. 12 Fruit and Farm Produce EASTERN Oregon Sheep Manure by sack or yaro. rn. -.,.tij, SoTTED manure by yard or sack. rn. 3-wnz. Rotted manure, weed Iree. 1-0774 450 Merchandise 451 MachlnarY and Tooli DAVID-BHADLEY garden tractor, S pc.aJtacirnejyL2210Njjrn;l. 1 H P. 4-cycle Montgomery Ward gle.tractor like new with disc at tachment, f 123 See at 13! Frank lin St., west salcm FARMERS SPECIAL. 20 horse Avery tractor on rubber. Good condition. Jrlcel295. Sec at 22HS N. Liberty. DAVID BRADLEY garden tractor with seeder allrh. Ph. 4-2573. In quire at 3335 Harold Ave. Salem. 452 Wanted, MachlnTy, Tools WANTED. 10 r 22 Caterpillar trac tor. Call 2-2870 alter 7 p.m. 455 Hsehold Good For Sol MODEL 30 Elrctrolux, like new, M9.5tl.124 Oilier. Apt. 7. STOVECombinaliuti electrtc-wood, In excellent operating condition. Ph. 3-38.14. APT. SIZE range. Frlgiilalre. washer: wringer tvpe. 2 kitchen tables with a. chairs, 2-piece llv. lin set. 2 rugs 12x13. !ixl2. 2 single beds and In ncr springs, 1 double bed and dresser. t;ardcn tools and lawn mower. Bargain 2.13 E. Salem llriehts. l'h. :i-miM. NEARLY NF.WI2 r.'fl. double door Admiral Dual Temp. Jlef. Large reruns" comnarlnirnl. Cnt ,."19 lal vear. Will vll for 1.119. Tel. 3-JMt.V 125 W. Lincoln. 456 Wanted. Hsohold Goods Used Furniture Valley Furniture Co. 2-7472 WE PAY top cash price for good used furniture, appliances, etc. Im mediate service. Used Merchandise Marl. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. CASH TODAY Good uied furniture or will aril on consipr.meni rn 3-60H8 Sudtells Auction 457 Radio and TV 4" EMERSON TV. MsjI and aerial. Set for both channel. Priced to sll. Ph. 4-S5M or 3497 N. River ltd., rail after 0.00 p.m, lluiuU 4 111 Mas uemieMMI I VAUIY 450 Merchandise 458 Building MaUrial ' BUILDING? New fir door Jamba -13.30 Oak flooring low price. New bath tuba complete .136.50 Used bath tuba complete 425 00 Used cast wathbastna ai sn Udwd. plywd., ideal for paneling or cabinets Cheap Loose Insulation per bag ti no Fiberglass roll blanket (Haul. Cheao 14-2 elec, wiring 12-J elec. wiring 6c "aits w.7j t, M.8J keg Asbestos tiding per aq. , a a nti Painted shakes with under, . New doors, al slits f" Used windows 38" x 43" an 100 used doora with frames New toileta with seats J24.M Double kitchen sinks, complete 141. to 43 gal. elec. water heater, 187.50 Laundry trays, pipe, basins Barga!n 300 gal. steel septlo tank, 462.50 4" cast Iron toil pipe , in 4" solid orangeburg pip, - Roll roofina. lares buddIv .J45 t;.53 .Cheap Cheno 3 tab comp. roofing IL, Cedar shingles, 4 gradea . new uaiv. iron roof, riywuuu, new carjoaa ""g"". New ptctura window, Hnn New weather ttrlpped window, 114.20 New plaster board 4x...$I 4( Steel garage doors, complete-$44.00 Over-head garagt hardwari3.M Kitchen, bath rm. enameled checked wall cover 10c aq. ft, C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-3031 I ml. N. of Kelzer Pine, Pine, Pine! (RUNNING OUT OUR EARS!) New Load 1x12 ahetvlng, variety of paneung. earn, low price. Knotty Pine plywood (that', right!), have aome In atock. Sdgs 59.50. KD roof aheathing or boxing 69.50. Lotaa doort, rfgs., palnta. wallboardl, and clg. tiles. 4x8 hardboard 1.78 sheet Some odd aizea In plywood need an offer! Ext, or Int. 4x8 or cut. Free cutting save, you moneyl Easy Blld Patterns from large fur niture to baby's toys. You'll be pleased .at ease, doing It "your self." Your remodeling problems, our pleasure! Nothing down, 36 mos. to pay. OPEN ALL DAY SAT. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD . . 3545 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-443J ALL NEW lumber, ship lap, $.10.00 per m inn up, 4x. ana larger fzs.w per M and up. Some lumber $19.00 per M delivered. Phone 2-2042. KEITH BROWN Close-Outs & Specials PRICED TO SELL ... Door, Doori Doors!!! Reg. Sale - a iuuna a-ixo-sxi, 3 panel f 4.7J 19 DOORS 2-4x8-8x11, a panel so Doors 2-oxo-8xia a panel 1 DOOR 2-6x8-8x1", 0 lite aaali - 10 DOORS 2-8x6-8x11, me tain DOORS 3-0x8-8xli lite tath - - 10 DOORS 3-0x8-8x1 a panel colonial M 1-0 to 2-8x6-8x1?, 10 lite French i Doors 2-exe-axiH IS lite French 1 LOT 2-4 td 3-0x8-8 Re ject, Flush fir doors HARDWARE Welser HANDLE SETS $12 58 6.00 8.00 10.08 ea. 4.80 ea. 1.48 ea. HE., IV PI 1 J n AAJl.. J .... B.B, LATCH SET as low aa BUTTS 3".!," and 4" .50 pr. Some elze, double hung windows on nana reaay ro go priced right. Keith Brown Lumber Yd, Phone 3-9111 Front 4 Court St,, "We Give S&H Green Stsmpt" BUILDING All new Oracle "A" Be,t Quality 4" Cast Soil Pine. USA .75 ft. 14-2 Loomex Wire Full roll .03 ft, 12-2 Loomex Wire rulJ roll .08 ft. Wall Bxs wclamp .20 Switch or Outlet Ivory . jo Celling Exaust Fan " 19.05 2 Comp. Sink comp w ring 43.95 Steel Bath Tub comp. .Bi.95 10 yr. 42 sal wtr heater .67.50 Bev Trap Toilet "A" 29.95 '.a" C.alv Pipe .12 ft. X Oalv Gutter .14 ft, BOLLINGER'S. .143 N. Com'L Ph. 2-1851 460 Musical Instruments MUST sell, old Strsdlvarlus vlofln, about 200 yra. old. In food ahape. 2915 Silverton Rd. GULBRANSON upright piano. $275. Ph. 3-93S2. 1923 Fir. 462 Sports Equipment SALE or trade, new 12' glass covered boat. Ph. 3-8904. SELLING my fishing equipment Bestquallty. 265 S. 20th. ATTENTION "Fishermen. 12-ft. Fiber glass boats. 1250110. 14-ft. Fiber glass boat. $398. FOB factory. Boat klta available in all sizes. Sporting goods dept., Sears-Roebuck & Co. CASH paid for used guns, modern and antique. Caacade Merc. 1230 Broadway. MARTIN "00" 714 HP. outboard motor. Excel, condition. 180. Ph. 2-3013. PLYWOOD boats. Plain wood. 4'j HP motor. 390 W. Chemawa Rd. Ph. 4-3072. 466 Trade, Miscellaneous TRADE portable disc recorder, mike, loud speaker for western saddle, sell recorder, Gibson Spanish gui tar. 4-4961 before 3 p m. TRADE 120 bass accordion tor pi ano (prefer player. 4-4952. 468 For Rent, Miscellaneous U-FIX-IT-GARAGE Repair you own car. Phone 4-3261. 20115 N. Com'l. McCULLOCH chain saws and post hole augers by day. Towne Equip ment Co. Ph. 4-1841 KIR RluNT or lease. Ige. warehouse space cement floors, brick hide, down town Inquire H. L Stiff rr, n-msr, 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous T. V. 17" or 21" conjole Nearly new. Sell either. Price right. 2810 Laurel Ave. 2 YR. OLD kenmore apt. sir, stove. SfiO. Call 4-623.4. Top Soil River slit, fill dirt, prompt delivery. Phone 2-1740. SUO CIIK'K sire "Yearround" lec!rlc brooder. Perfect. Ph. 4-3182. PAINT, 12 29 g.Vl. Glen Woodry. COLEMAN oil' heater, 2 oil drum, it pipe Included. Ph. 4-5493. FERTIl.T7.ER 13 small trailer load. I8U5 Buirhawod Dr. USED FURNITURE FOR LESS Valley Furn. Co., 219 N. ComX PAINT, 12 29 gal. Glen Woodry. CLEARANCE SALE USED SEWING MACHINES TREADLES from 4.M. Elec. Porta hies from ,29 50. Elec. Cahlneltea from 179.50 All machines In good sewing cond. Guaranteed. Singer Sewing Center 130 N. Cnmerclet 1