Pas 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Saturday, February 27, 1954 regomi Docks Upset Beavers In Double verttiime Title Tilt Tonight EUGENE (UP)-The University of Oregon stalled Oregon State College hopes for a Northern Di vision basketball championship last night by defeating the Beavers 63 BO in the second overtime period before Bono (creaming fans. A victory for Oregon State would have sewed up the crown. Another victory for Oregon at Corvallis to night would put the two schools in a first place tie and force a playoff. Neck anil Neck The traditional foes fought neck and neck through the first three quarters with neither gaining a dominant lead. In the final period, with the score tied 46-46, and with five minutes. 30 seconds left to nlnv th.A epp saw hpcan The LnntlnH crni-n hnramn Aft All AnH then OSC guard Tex Whiteman hit i with a hook shot to put his team ahead by two points. With 27 sec onds Iclt, Ed Halberg of Oregon was fouled by OSC center Wade Halbrook and moved the tally to 50-49. Another foul by Oregon gave OSC a chance at the free throw line tiiat was good to make the score 51-49.. Ties Score The thrill play of the evening was Ken VYcgner's long, jumping, one-hand shot that tied the score at 51-51 with three seconds left to play. The first overtime period ended with the score still tied, at 56-56. In ' the second period, Oregon moved ahead and maintained its trad for the final upset victory. Ten Ties Through the game, the lead had changed eight times and the score was tied ten times. Oregon State dominated the backboards and big Halbrook again topped the scoring with 26 points. Halberg was high for Oregon with 17 points. Oregon State made 20 out of 60 field goals good while Oregon was successful 23 out of 65 attempts. Oregon itili Oregon GFPT GFPT Dean.f 5 4 1Wner,i I 1 Mi wnman.f 4 I 3 9 Halberg 7 3 3 17 Habrok.c 9 A 3 26Anson,c 3 O S 4 Fundid.g 1 4 4 Holnd.i 4 I 3 16 1 1 1 SPage.f 3 2 3 8 Romoff.( 0 0 0 ORoas.f 1113 Halsnn.f 0 0 0 OGIavi.l 0 0 0 0 VlalicA.f 0 0 0 OBi'U.c 0 0 10 Paulu.,f 0 0 0 0 i Jarhoe.l 0 0 10 Toole. g 0 0 10 Total. 20 20 IB SO Total 23 17 21 3 OrcBon St 11 13 IS 10 J 4 ll Oregon 7 17 14 13 S 783 Free throw missed: Oregon Slate Dean, Halbrook 6, Fundlngiland 3, Halllgan 2. Oregon Halberg 2. An derson 4, Holland 4. Technical foul Halberg. Officials: Llghtner and Lelth, UCLA Defeated By USC Trojans In Tight SD Race SAN FIMNCISCO (UP) Ten sion rippled through 'the Pacific Coast Conference today as UCLA and USC sweated out their cham pionship playoff in the southern division, and Oregon champed at the bit to tic Oregon State in the north. UCLA and USC meet for their last conference basketball game tonight to decide the southern division leader. Oregon will battle Oregon Slate in an attempt to tic the number one spot and force a playoff. Any one of these four teams could win their respective divi sion titles, especially aflcr last night's surprising games. The Troians tied tin the south when they trampled UCLA 70 to 68 in one of the fastest moving games of the season. Cal Downs Stanford In other conference games, California came through for re lirlne coach Nibs Price, to give the 65-year-old veteran a BR to 70 win over Stanford. UCLA broke fast last night, at tempting to lock up the cham pionship. But the liruins fiuled in the second period to give USC a 37 to 35 edge at the half. The nruins came back strong, but USC forced a series of fouls and made eight free throws to inch the game. Doth teams now have a 7 to 4 win loss record. Colton Downs Warriors. 54-41 ST. PAUL - Colton downed ! Amity's Warriors M-41 here i,,. . hioht in nlv.iifl f,, f in Class B district play The winning Colton loam led 28 18 at halltime and the two teams plaved on fairlv even f.rr.i. In the final half. Martin was hioh fnr the winner, with 2(1 Willie Merle Stephens hart 14 tor the Warrirfrs, ii'.. ,-k.- Colton (34) Merlin I till F Newton i Si f latl.nn 114) F Illli ill fl Dlllrv il C Rrsrrvrs scnrlnr (4i) Amur ui Filers iV'roee'ii'.' i ! f.iiiTiisiin i5i rnmpinn 1i IrnMjiri er S A'nily-I.eii:n 1, T, " - -- Mev. ' ens I H.tII: ri.ltnn Ami' lft I Offirtals. Durham and Hlrh. JOE PALOOKA I COMI own wirvfV FATH...HS TM' 19 rYPwesN... slams to ) TM- RACKET fi Li... Y-lfiX ev.s WTLt 05'lvv ; 1 STILL j-Vj HOWARD couieof event ! t Idaho Downs UW In ND Encounter At Moscow, 74-66 MOSCOW, Ida. (UP) The Uni versity of Idaho completely dom inatcd the floor last night to defeat the University of Washington 74-66 in a Northern Division basketball game. With only one home game left In the season, the fast - breaking Vandals have lost only one home contest, that against Oregon State. Harlen Melon was high point man for Idaho with 25. Dean Par sons was high for Washington with 16. Wanhlngton (66) (74) Idaho GFPT GFPT Vogtln.f 3 1 4 11 Melton.f 8 7 2 25 Coshuw.f 3 3 3 15 riynn.i i 2 l 4 16 Mursn.c 4 3 3 11 3 C'nrin. ( 8 4 4 20 4 Falaih. f 2 4 2 S 9 Bnnher.r 10 0 2 3 Llllirdg.c 12 4 4 0 Sather, c 0 0 2 0 0 Knllon.c 0 0 0 0 4 Totten.g 0 0 0 0 2 0 Parxm.c 2 12 3 Peklm.g 1 1 2 P.itnue.K 2 0 1 Tripp 14 14 Olson f 10 0 Hulle I 0 0 0 Kk, 0 0 0 Morris c 1 2 0 Johnsn.K 1 0 5 Bryan, gout) Totals 22 22 22 60 'Totals 26 22 2074 Washington IS 13 H 2:168 lunlio 1G 22 17 10-14 Free throws missed: Washington CoHhow 2. I'anona 0. Idaho Flynn, Garrison 9, Falaih 1. Mlllhrldge , Officials: Fouti and Glover. Surprise Sale The New York Yan kees sold Vic Raschl (above), to the St. Louis Cardinals In a surprise "waiver" deal. (UP Telephoto) Seattle Pacific Defeats OCE ; SEATTLK, UP Seattle Pacific' i uncorked a blistering second-half ! drive last night to tnkr a fil-52 basketball victory over Oregon College of Kriucatinn. I OCK was out in (runt 3021 at hulltime hut the hakims came u-,r wl,n ? " c 'mrt garter ml added 18 in the final: lr.ime to win going away. ' Jim Uiwc-. OCE forward, paced ' '"" 'Tf,r wl,n 17 points while ! ' li'n0 loppctl the Falcons 15 polntst. , ' " 11 ' , ""."J Dp'' . rM,r. 5 1P 7, I...L.., , " '5 'Lp! '.P. i Grove.f 73117 R .i.erii ( 3 0 ) m rranire I I I II inn. r 3 2 is , turns.? oosn tiuir, i i 3 j j ! ' m Knsi.f a o n it iiorion.f fi o i i ' :D,V"'' 0513 ""'"" ; J ; i isilvrt it It 1 I 2 ; ! . . . . Toi.i1 in 1 li K Ti.t.L ? 1 1 u ci f ,rr , i'm, ms m mn ill r. .1. II- 7 "IF ......... 11 10 T, 5,3 allle l 2 h m ' ! l - Ulaa aV, .. . , : .1 I M.. 0VAD. VA OTA T I I M(V...0TS'TM V' UM ...THAT i WE Olt "S Ii lOT'A CUtCf4 AV'EOVS ID'B. I." 106 A SYiAR'N A AIAN. ht i MOIVlSi ' fH INStiM, yJ ' v 7C6KE.'. i TW souontv ) y ' J r ' f AS' i'.SL'S" RECORD p 9 Record Holders and eager muscles as is they condition for the opening: meet, the Willamette Relays April 3. Above arc holders of school records who will be back this year. Left to right: Coach Ted Ogdahl; Bill Van Horn, 100 In 10.01; Jim Hitchman, shot put 43 feet 10; Dean Bension, high hurdles, 1S.0; Layton Gllson, discus, 137 feet 4; and Stan Neperud, javelin, 206 feet 4. Gervais and Gain Tie for Marlon County B League clay ended Friday night with Gervais and Jefferson both winning to end in a second place tie. The Lions downed Detroit 73-48 while Gervais beat Sublimity 64-53. In the other two games Gates scored a 67-54 win over St. Paul and Scio defeated Oregon School for the Deaf 77-48. Gervais and Jefferson each have 14-4 marks for 'the season while St. Paul and Scio are behind with 11-7 rec ords. Scio Rips OSD By 77-48 Count The Scio Loggers ended their Marlon County B league play by slapping the Oregon Deaf School Panthers, 77-48 here last night. The win gave Scio a 11-7 league record and the Panthers finished with a 3-15 slate. The Loggers played a fast breaking and fast passing game, while the Deaf Schoolers were having hard luck on their shots with several rolling around the rim and then dropping out. Coach Whipple's Loggers led 19-8 after one quarter, 35-22 at halftimc, and 46-33 at the start of the final stanza. In the last quarter Scio scored a whooping 31 points to really put the game on ice. Jim Diiln led the Logger scoring, counting for 19, followed by Badger with 16, Gordon O'Hcil ly with 15. and Boh Shiver's 13. Teeman Heath led for the Panther scoring with 18. follow-; ed by teammate David Maynard's 1 11 counters. I Manley led Scio to a 57-28 J.V. ! i victory. Applebee was high for) Ithe losing Deaf Schoolers with, 1 15. Srln (17) Mil Deaf School Slover 113) F .. . ill McCann R.idger I IS I . . F. .. (2) Thompson ORplllr USI ... C .... till M.ivn.ird Stewart IS) ... . G (Si Lewln Dam 1 181 G I1R1 Heath Reserves scoring: Scio J.irnriMin 5. Wlealrer 1: Deaf School-Whittle 4. Officials: 7JI(i and Over. Scio in ss 4g 77 OB I 22 31 41 Sevens Defeats e"H!imity m'nt In Leaaue Close SUBLIMITY The Gervais Cougars bent the Sublimity Saints. B4-55, in the last four minutes of an excitin- Marion County B league contest here last night. score had been tied at SM hen the ( ougitrs were SO-SO when the Cougars were tlc to gain a slight advantage i .... . I and then plaved it rlose to win. - iorvais finished with a league ; slate of 14 4, while St. Boniface has a 4 14 record , 1 ,Kirh (,rrtio Hoyf s ( micar In ana fir d In cutn an 1ft IS I esrt i tier the quarter and I they still led at the half, 30-28. A thf rnd nf thf third qunrcr i ' H0i.DEr Yi5 Mr El Willamette university trackmen greeted the sunshine yesterday with open arms Jefferson Second MARION COUNTY B LEAGUE (FINAL) W L Pet. W L Pet. Mill CUT 16 2 .SS9 3atej I 10 .444 Oervals 14 .178 Chemva 1 11 .389 Jefferson 14 4 .118 Subllmlr 4 14 .332 St. Paul 11 7 .811 OSD 3 15 .181 8clo 11 1 .611 Detroit 3 18 .ill Prldar result,: Oervals 64, Sublimity SS: Scio 11, Oregon School for the Deaf 4S; dates 61, St. Paul 64: Jefferson 13, Detroit 48. the score was tied at 4242 and the game continued to be nip and tuck until he final four min- ucs. Only six fouls were called against Gervais, while 27 were tooted against the Saints. This was a deciding factor because the Cougars made 28 out 'of their 32 tries at the foul line and Sublimity made seven out of their eight attempts. Ronnie Bentz of Sublimity took high point honors for the game with 21 counters. Team mates Dave Parrish and Jim Lewis dropped in 14 and 13, re spectively, to aid the losing effort. Don Iteiling with 19 points and Gib Thompson with 18 were high for the Cougars. Gervais won the J. V. game, 66-44, as Schmidt scored 23 for the winners. Docrfler was high for the Junior Saints with 13. Gervais (64) (5S) Sublimity Kepplnger (12) F (211 Bent Helling (191 F (14l Parrish Schlccter t.1 C . 121 Frank Thompson (IS) G 101 KlnU Cspe 1121 l ui urisicrer Iti-servcs scoring: Sub. Sullivan 3, l,cui 13. Olllcials: Scrivens and Anderson. Gervala - l 30 42 64 Sublimity - 15 3a 42 43 Gates Defeats St. Pauf 67-54 GATES Herb Romoy tossed in 30 points to lead the Gales Pir ates to a 67-54 Marion County B League win over St. Paul. The Pirates led 15-10, 13-19, and 49 34 at the quarter stops. Romey has 354 points for the season. George Smith had 22 points for the losers as both teams closed out their league season. St. I'aul (34) G. Smith 1221 S Smith 112) Klrsch til nambeau (2) (67) (iatei 1121 llaun I6 Divine (3n Romey (41 Larson .Merten 1121 (41 Veil Reserves scorlnl St. Psul Wolf 2. Van Damme 3 Gates Bamhart 11. Officials: Albruh and Evans. St. Paul (.10 13 34 54 Gates IS 31 49 47 Jefferson Five Down Detroit DETROIT John Wright poured in 4S points to lod the i . . . I Jefferson Lions to a 73-48 Mar-; ion County B League win over Detroit here last night. Jefferson ends their league season with 14 wins and 4 losses to end In a see- , nnd place tic. Ueii-ht is lh senritiff .him. pinn of the league with 3Sfl points ' to edge Herb Homey of Gates ' who had 3.M. By Ham Fhher . SCORES In the Alleys Capitol Alleys Capitol Minorca Locus THE HUB (3) Amen 394. DeGcer j.-u, eieia sh, noian 445, Blind 291, MARION CREAMERY (1) Blind 318, Goode 380, Blind 270, Payne 329. Unrein 319. GIESY & GREER (4) Pavlov 296, Shadof 319, Hewitt 317, Gardner 392, Meffert 420. LADD'S MKT, (0) u-iiiiujii uuo, ixmg jw, waiuer 373. Money 334, Kirby 398. . WILCOX CAFE (4)-WilcoxV 439, Caa 358, Jenkins 388. Blind ana Shadd 380. W. C. DYER (0) Scott "avis 369, A. Davis 339, Arnhold 373. DICKSON'S MKT. (4)Mehan 418, McMorrls 328 Hlrons 287, Mather 283, Chaney 36S. CASCADE MEATS iSi d"m" -10'. Vot 330, Amunda 384, Monner 380, Blind 324. SNIDER ELECTRIC (31 Hoover ?on' ?7riaka,S'' K'riP'k 34"Bo'I PArKFn? nTS. 304-,Bl-UE LAKE PACKKRS 111 Slnnett 299. Boman SrllS. ' Ceyer 351, S,0,ten 5 WRONG KITuntDo H.rnlli' ?,0,u'rtier'y 311 Hlldreth 46.l" Trrv ,i, , .m ED- ORE. AGCY. (01 Kyle 3.-13, Ross 326, Mc Neese 287. Each 279, Lang 331 . mil Srr".m "rlM- Gi'y Greer, i.urvvbi'x:'9i,4H"h ,nt"v'duai MFRCANTILK NO. 1 LEAGim tV?,'!' HI C'- W-Orabenhorst 431 1 lSI ill' P""" "S: "n" 484, B. MM S2. Joneiway Oroeerr (l Osrd ner 626.' Coot in- t-.. U'.T" V" Loaan 886." ""' "un Ferrnion Enimriu. . . . , 437: Adam, 45 D.,l, 466 Bl.nt ,T T. Davis 518. Rot. Ho.... S. Ka, 376. " The Hub f4l Mnri. tut. w 477: Nclar. 478: Dm 807: WattUr 818 Ramate's ReTsrsses (0) Lannlian 414: Wm"t"7 8""'" ,3; ""nolda 630: TeamMers (4 ) R. Thi,, jdk. n.v... 492; AnderiOn 447: Dlrklmnn tt. n.., ill' ?"""' "srdware I01-8chachtslc 440: Chrlslrnien 453: Phillies 438: Har teloo 434: Masser 837. Shrrork'i f'lethlsrs (3) Webb 417: lurnouil 45J; Webster 438: Irons 613: IiIim l.l. n ?s'"' wn.J",:,.v'l. ci"" "" 45.. Willi 511; Ward 432. wsll. Jit: Ward 4)2. Hi,h team ,.me. shrjoc.-. clothier.. 1140. ine record for the enn,' hi.h team series. Shrjork'. Clothier.. i,ij: him Ind. isms. Jack Oloer of Bhrrork's vimnien. ni.n inrt. series. Vern Bt.l of Teamsters No. 324. an. Southern Oregon Tips Techf 81-72 ASHLAND 11 Southern Ore- gon scored 33 points in the final; Brigham Young topped Wyom quarter to defeat Oregon Tech 81-! ing. 51-42 and third ranked Ken 72 in a non-conference basketball tucky, now the only undefeated game here Friday night. team iti the nation following Du- The score was tied at 34-ali at quesne's downfall, will be hunting the half and Oregon Tech held a : its 23rd straight victory tonight 5A-48 advantage at the end of the ' against Auburn. Second ranked third quarter. i Indiana can clinch at least a tie Leon Keefe was high scorer for j for the Big Ten championship SOCE with 24 points but Jerry ; against Ohio State. Wyatt of Oregon Tech was high' Notre Dame, the No. 7 team, for the game with 27. i meets Loyola of Chicago, ieghth Army, Navy, Irish, Pitt May Form New Grid Conference By HI GH Fl'LLERTI.V JR. NEW YORK - A group of Important independent colleges, ' ,,.,. mov nan1 Inoa hup In nem 4a timv ' football league or conference, na tional in scone, to give big-time nn i,.k-,ii i i,:ii:n it,, sports program. The Associated Press learned Wednesday. .. , , j Prospective members include ,Arm-y- N'1VV N,n,re I)l,me and 1 l,,sb,,r-h' Plu' four "I""'- I" J" ".... .. ...iiv. iii- ferences. The exact lineup has not been settled. This protect, under discussion for some time, was brought to i light during the NCAA convention i at i.incinn:iu lust nionin. t mat i time some of the colleges men j tioned indicated that they had lost interest because of delays in the negotiations. Wednesday an influential college ! athletic leader, who asked that his i name be withheld, said this con ference plan definitely is "not dead." "You can say the conference probably will go through if Army j and Navy can bt brought into it," I this source said. "There is a very strong sentiment among the Indo i pendcrt. toward .irganiiing t o jshow that Ihere are some colleges I of unquestioned standing that be-, Willamette Shellacked By College of Idaho By UNITED PRESS College of Idaho knocked Willam ette out of the Northwest Confer ence basketball race last night with a smashing 85-57 victory over the Bearcats at Caldwell, Ida., while Whitman was edging a de termined bunch of Wildcats from Linfield, 74-72, at Walla Walla. League-leading Pacific and second-place Lewis & Clark were idle last night. The Willamette loss eliminated the Bearcats from any chance to tie up the conference. It was Wil lamette's seventh loss against six wins. Pacific, which has completed its season, had a cinch for at least a tie with a 9-6 record. Lewis & Clark and Whitman each have 8-6 records. At Caldwell the Coyotes put on a blistering attack which had the Bearcats befuddled from the start. Only time Willamette held the lead was in the opening seconds when Bill Colvard scored the first field goal of the game. College or Idaho got some fine scoring from R. C. Owens with 23 points; Ray Mullin with 21; Bill Kundrat with 20 and Dick Garrow 18. Pete Reed was the only Bear cat who didn't have a dismal night from the floor. He hit seven field goals and two free throws for a total of 16. The Coyotes broke Willamette's defense with a fast break and dominated both backboards. The Duquesne Dukes Humbled By Cincinnati Quint NEW YORK (UP)-Duquesne's dazed Dukes, knocked from the unbeaten ranks by an aroused Cincinnati team, anticipate more trouble tonight when they continue their invasion of the Ohio bad lands against Dayton University. Top ranked in the United Press ratings and already hailed as the team to beat in the national in vitation tournament, the high fly ing Dukes suffered their first de feat in 23 games last night night when they were handed a 66-52 spanking by Cincinnati It was a wild start to college basketball's final week-end of the regular season, which also fea, tured anothef record breaking per formance by Furman's Frank Sel- vy and Kansas' 60-55 upset vic tory over the Oklahoma Aggies. Sets New Marks Selvy. playing his final regular season game with Furman, dunk ed in 50 points in leading his mates to a 105-91 victory over Da vidson. The Corbin, Ky., senior also accounted for his 22nd na tional scoring record as he con verted eight free throws to boost his season total to 335, three more than the old mark set by Johnny O'Brien of Seattle. Fourth ranked Oklahoma A&M, beaten by Wichita earlier this week, looked almost as bad in bowing to Kansas. The Aggies deadlocked the score at 41 all shortly after the start of the sec 1 nn.l half hut nii-boH lin nnlv thrOA points in the rest of the third ir . . . . . Pcr'oa as hansas Penca lead. i Conirrrnrf Games Lon"r Barnes In conference action, Texas , downed Arkansas, 67-57, and Rice whipped Texas Christian, 72-65, to remain tied for first in the southwest race; Cornell remained on top in the Ivy League with a 69-53 triumph over Brown and Colorado A&M clinched the Sky- line title by beating Utah. 70-66. lieve football is important.' The other four schools men V""'" -v-Tr. : the possibilities of a new confer- I"' '-1t""'w encc were Penn State, Pcnnsyl- vania, UI.KC ana iwm laronna. ;Sln,,L ,hfn ,P",n hn' 'h'crihed '"'I' "T ,vy ""'I mmm- 'which will require playing seven f,m.v,ii . .. .i,i,; that group, starling in 19.V1. Duke and North Carolina arc mombcrs of the Atlantic Coast conference 0lher, ir(i a, pMt pros. p-t, tor membership included mih a ti,,. Kih whjch have cnffrcnce tj. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all klnda. lrnsaet. Abdom Inal Supports. Elastic Hosiery Expert fitters-private flttini rooms. "ASK YOl'R DOCTOR Capital Drug Store 405. Mate street Corner 01 Liberty MH Oreer) Stamr- winners jumped into a 19-9 first quarter lead, expanded it to 40-20 at halftime and had pulled away 63-32 at end of the third period. Last place Linfield threw a king' size scare into the Missionaries at Walla 'Valla with a sizzling last three minutes attack which nearly overcame a 73-65 Whitman lead, With Ad Rutschman. Al Tarpen- ning, Milt Krueger, Dave Sanford and Gene Small all teaming up tor some fine shooting and floor work, the Wildcats poured in seven points in the final three minutes while Whitman managed to get only one free throw. But the effort wasn't qutie enough and Whitman kept its chance to tie up the league uue. Whiman led at the half 36-31. High scorer was Whitman's Don Robinson with 28 points, saniora got 24 for Linfield. Willamette (31) (S3) CoU. Idaho l It pf tp Is It pf tp Colvrd.f 2 0 2 4 Sancht.f 0 0 4 0 Hoy.f 2 2 2 S Kundrt.l 9 2 320 Goodg.c 3 3 4 9 Owens.c 8 S 321 MClstn.f 3 0 16 Mulins.g 8 S 321 Gray.g 0 13 1 CarroU.t S 4 1 30 Bishop,! 3 3 3 9 Hopper.' 0 0 2 0 Gustfsn 10 12 Head.f 1113 C'ausbi.c 2 0 14 Zury 0 0 0 0 Ziglmn.g 0 0 10 Makinl 0 0 0 0 Mlclm.s 12 14 Hahn.f 0 0 0 0 Shield,! 0 O 1 0 Spies!,! 0 0 0 0 Reed.f 9 S 1 12 McDgl.e O 0 0 0 Strhhl.g 0 0 0 0 Kerfoot 0 0 0 0 Totals 22 13 23 37 Totals 34 17 18 83 Free throws missed: Willamette 13, College of Idaho 22. Willamette II 20 32 37 Idaho - IB 40 63 83 ranked Louisiana State takes on Mississippi State, and 10th ranked LaSalle collides with dangerous St. Louis. Other major games include Ar my vs Navy, Villanova vs Ford ham, Michigan vs Illinois, Michi gan State vs Iowa, Minnesota vs Northwestern and UCLA vs South ern California. Sports in Brief By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BASEBALL PHILADELPHIA - Robin Rob erts, star right hander of the Phil adelphia Phillies, signed for a sum reported in excess of $40,000. ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - Phil Rizzuto, shortstop of the world champion Yankees, agreed to terms for an estimated $40,000. BASKETBALL CINCINNATI - Duauesne. now ranked No. 1 In The Associated Press poll, was dropped from the unbeaten ranks by losing, 66-52, to Cincinnati. NEW YORK - Frank Selvy, Furman; Donn Schlundt, Indiana; Tom Gola, LaSalle: Cliff Hacan. Kentucky and Bob Pettit, Louisi ana Mate, were named to the 1954 Associated Press colleeiate All. America icam. GOLF MEXICO CITY - ArBentina's Roberto Dc Vinccnzio came j 'lrou8h with a tournament record I f ive.uni-W.nar ct tn tie. ti..... Palmer Charlotte N C .11 idimcr, t,nariOUe, NX., at 139 in me second round of the Mexican 1 ' EAST LANSING, Mich. Mich igan State's Warren Dructilcr, former NCAA mile champion and Olympic team runner in 1952, has picked up the follow ing awards during his career 27 watches, 10 trophies, 275 med als, over 20 articles of clothing and nine pieces of luggage. The largest known asteroid, Ceres is 480 miles in diameter. HND OUT HOW THE STATI FAM VilJl RfTIREMENT INCOME PUN HELPS YOU ACCUMUUTt MORE MONEY FASTER The State Farm Retirement Income Plan is a systematic, safe, certain method of reaching a definite financial obiec! live through regular savings. With this pln you provide a retirement income of $100, $200 or more a month for the rest of your life and, at the same time, guarantee security for your family in case of your death. There is a State Farm Retirement Income Plan to suit f very budget. We will be happy to explain the plan best suited to your needs without obligation. Kaow j Corvallis High Spartans Beaten In District Play By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Races for district titles advanced another lap in Friday night's Ore gon high school basketball action, with the state tournament opening March 16 at Eugene the final gpal. The only major upset was New port's 47-36 victory over Corvallis, the No. 2 team in the Associated Press poll. Baker advanced to a playoff for the district 1 championship by downing La Grande 58-55. Baker now meets Ontario in a best two-of-three playoff for the district title. District 5 In district 5, Roseburg downed Glendale 65-46 and Myrtle Creek beat Sutherlin 30-21. Myrtle Creek now plays Drain Saturday night for the sub-district title. North Bend took a semi-final sub-district 5 win over Bandon, 75-60, in the western division and meets Marsh field in a title game Saturday night. Oakridge bested Junction City 66 44, and now meets Cottage Grove in a Saturday night playoff for the final district 6 tournament berth. Eugene, Willamete of Eugene and Creswell already are in the tour ney, which begins Monday at Mc Arthur Court in Eugene. Willam ette beat Cottage Grove 79-66 Fri day night. Dallas Wins Dallas downed Salem Academy 78-57 and Central of Monmouth Independence nosed out Sheridan 54-53 in the district 8 tournament at McMinnvillc. Dallas now meets Central next Friday in the semi finals of the single elimination tourney. Beaverton still is the favorite in the district 9 tournament, after downing Tigard 51-36 Friday night, Hillsboro bounced back from an earlier defeat to eliminate Sher wood 58-35, and Forest Grove stayed in the race with a 68-45 de cision over Banks. In district 10 tournament action, Astoria beat Warrenton 57-44 and Seaside downed Tillamook 54-51. Favored Salem opened the dis trict 11 tournament with a 51-36 victory over Sacred Heart of Sa lem. Stayton beat Cascade in the other game. Saturday night Silver ton plays Woodburn and Mt. Angel meets North Marion. Milwaukie, rated No. 1 in the AP poll, closed its regular season with a 61-50 nondistrict win over. Central Catholic of Portland. Mil waukie has lost only one game this season. Three-Way Tie The race for second place in the Portland league was thrown inlo a three-way tie among Benson, Cleveland and Lincoln. Grant dumped Benson 49-47. Cleveland beat Washington 78-75 and Lincoln stopped Jefferson 67-47. Roosevelt, which already has won the city title and a state tourney berth, defeated Franklin 58-53. Portland's other tournaments spot goes to the runner-up team. Prairie City still is unbeaten in the sub-district 7-B tournament, after downing Mt. Vernon 60-57 Spray bested Dayville 65-56 and Long Creek edged Monument 46 36. The tourney continues Satur day night. In the Douglas County sub-district 4-B tournament, Yoncalla beat Canyonville 41-33 and Elkton downed Riddle 42-38. The metric system of measure ments meter, gram, litre was first set up by France more than a century and a half ago. $$ SAVE $$ CARLOAD PRICES PEAT MOSS Will be here near Mar. 1 RIEBEL FEED & SUPPLY 1625 N. Front Ph. 44628 Sfaf farm Awt "Sam" Samuel 2610 Crestview Dr. Phone 2-8406