Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 26, 1954, Page 16, Image 16

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    Page 16
Regional Meet
Bridge Played
Members of local duplicate
bridge groups were resuming
weekly tournaments after about
5 of them had participated in the
regional meet of the American
Contract Bridge league at Fort
land ending last Monday.
Dozens of trophies and other
.honors were brought back to Sa
lem from the 16 championship
and single session events in which
they competed with hundreds of
duplicate experts from 12 western
Those who played in the five-
day Portland gathering included
the following:
Mrs. Leonard Ahscnmaeher,
Mrs. Walter A. Barsch, Mrs. C. B,
Bentson, Mrs. Arthur W. Binegar,
Mrs. John Bone, Mrs. Edward E,
Boring. Mrs. Paul F. Burris, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter M. Cline, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph S. Dannen of Browns
ville. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Frasicr,
Mrs. C. C. Gabriel, Mrs. Ward
Graham, Mrs. L. Dewey Howell,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huff, Mr,
and Mrs. Ellis H. Jones, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Jones, Ray Kemp, Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Kimsey, Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. Leary, Mr. and Mrs,
Arthur L. Lewis, Mrs. Lorene A,
Lieske, Mrs. Kathryn Lutz, Mrs.
Robert McKesson. Mr. and Mrs.
Lin Miles, Mr. and Mrs. Max
Moore of Scio, Mrs. Harold Muhs,
Mrs. F. T. Munger, Mrs. W. R,
Newmyer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
L. Newsom, Mrs. Bert Osburn,
Mrs. Rupert L. Park, Mr. and Mrs.
John Pugh of Shedd, Mrs. Milton
D. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Ramp, Mrs. Walter Remmey of
Prownsville, Mrs. Wesley Ritchie,
Mrs. Edward Roth, Mrs. Albert c.
Smith, Mrs. Leona E. Taylor, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy H. Tokerud, Mrs.
Harrv Wiedmer. William H. Wood,
Mrs. Mona R. Yoder, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer 0. Berg, Mrs. Leonard
P. Gottfried, Mrs. Stanley Neuens,
Mrs. Frank Mohlman, Mr. and
Mrs.' Gilbert Groff, Mrs. George
Rein, Mrs. R. D. Pinkerton of
Gladstone and Wolf Van Otter
stedt.. Winners in this week's Salem
tournaments were Mrs. C. C. Ga
briel and Mrs. W. E. Kimsey, and
Mrs. Ward Graham and Walter M.
Cline in the Elks club play, while
Mrs. Gus Wallis and Mrs. L. W.
Frasier were high at the mid
week tournament at the Woman's
club. Others placing were Mrs.
Paul F. Burris, Mrs. Elsie Day,
Mrs. Frank Mohlman, Mrs. Wes
ley Ritchie, Mrs. Arthur W. Bine
gar. Mrs. E. E. Boring, Mrs. Har
rv Wiedmer, Mrs. Donald Duncan,
Mrs. W. M. Cline, Donald Huff,
Dale Sullivan, W. E. Kimsey, Ray
Kemp and Mrs. L. J. Ahsenmach
er. Master point tournaments arc
scheduled for both this Friday,
February 26, and next Friday,
while the annual ACBli election
party will bt held Friday, Marcb
Clues Found in
Albany Robbery
ALBANY Albany city police
were seeking Thursday to de
velop facts out of a scries of
clues which may have bearing
on Monday night's armed rob
bery of Pa. Less Drug store, in
which a hooded gunman escaped
with $1115 of the firm's funds.
Police Chief Maddy said he
was not at liberty to divulge the
recent sources of information or
nature of clues, but indicated
they might prove vital in in
vestigation of the case.
James Engle, pharmacist, was
locked in a cabinet by the hood
ed bandit, who made good his
escape after he had rifled the
store safe. The gunman confront
ed Engle with a sawed off shot
gun which he carried as he came
up from the basement where he
had been hiding.
ANNAPOLIS, Md. Ut-A French
journalist, one of three visitng the
Maryland SUttchouse last night
scanned a House roll-call sheet
and asked, "What's this 'yea'?"
Told it meant "yes." he inquir
ed: "What's this 'nay'?" That is
the same as "no, he was inform
ed. "Don't you people speak Eng
lish?" he asked.
C No relief,
XtafC No pay
Open Dally 7:30 A. M.-ft P. M.
Sundays, J A. M. 4 P. M.
135 N. Commercial
Phone i-5197
Phone ?jaM'
1955. Commercial
Atom Battery Developed
By GE at Hanford Project
SAN JOSE. Calif. ( Develop
ment of the atomic battery on
large scale could make power
plants with their cumbersome ma
chinery obsolete, a General Elec
tric Co. engineer from the Han
ford, Wash., atomic works assert
ed Thursday.
Such an advance would make
many steam turbines, boilers and
huge generators, now represent
ing billions of dollars in invest
ment, as antiquated as the can
dle, Dr. A. B. Grcmnger told t
group of industrialists and educa
Dr. Greninger, who is head of
Ml. Angel Veto
In Cancer Study
MT. ANGEL-The Mount Angel
American Legion and Auxiliary
members gave a pot-luck supper
at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday evening
in the Legion Memorial hall din
ing room, after which Mrs. James
Turnbull of Salem showed several
cancer films, which were arranged
for by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gores,
local chairmen.
Following the supper program,
regular business sessions were
conducted in the meeting rooms.
Mrs. R. T. Bisenius, president,
presided at the Auxiliary meeting,
when plans were outlined for the
annual Legion birthday party to
be held on Tuesday, March 23.
Mrs. Fred Lucht has been named
program chairman and Mrs. Ray
Ruscher and Miss Mary Lou Faul-
haber will be the lunch chairmen.
Mrs. Gene Hoffer, district child
welfare chairman, gave a report,
and Mrs. Fred Lucht reported on
the Marion county council held in
Mill City. A cash donation was
made to the Wooden Church Cru
sade. Commander Gene Hoffer gave a
report on the Marion county coun
cil at the Post meeting. Elmer
Esch ond Charles Erwert were in
troduced as new members of the
post The War Vets won the mem
bership contest from the War I
and Korean group, in the local
Post race to see who would be the
first to sign up half the needed
men to fill the quota before
March 1.
The winning team consisted of
Clarence Ebner, captain, Gene
Hoffer, Ira Herriford, Leo Trae
ger, Hay Ruscher and Ernest
Crowder, won from Captain Mau
rice Hammer, Fred Lucht, Clem
Schneider, Joseph Faulhaber and
Cliff Norton.
gg Producers to
Meet Here March 5
The Oregon Egg Producers
have scheduled a meeting for
Salem area members at Farm
ers Union hall, 345 North Com
mercial street Friday evening,
March 5, at 8 o'clock.
D. L. St. John, Gervais poul-
tryman and member of the asso
ciation board of directors, will
preside at the meeting. Asso
ciation activities will be review
ed by H. R. Rohe, general man
ager, and other management per
sonnel. A scries of colored slides
on association activities will be
shown. Light refreshments will
be served.
The gathering will be one of
a scries of local meetings to pro
vide members of the Oregon
Egg 'Producers with first hand
information on the activities of
the organization. The meeting
is open to 11 poultry and other
livestock producers, whether or
not they are members of the as
sociation. Funds for Access
Forest Roads in Sight
WASHINGTON Ifl - Rep. Ells-
wort h(R-Ore) said Thursday that
Budget Director Dodge appears
"to like the general idea of his
bill to linance construction of more
forest access roads.
Ellsworth said Dodge is direct
ing aides to study the hill, which
would start a five-year 125-million-dollar
construction program to
permit the maximum allowable
annual cut in the nation's forests.
The maximum is 6,600,000.000
board feet. The annual harvests
have been running under five bil
lion. Ellsworth sid the additional
revenue from the higher cut would
more than repay the cost of road
construction. He estimated the cost
at Vi million dollars a year, and
the sales at 30 million.
The nicknames Bobby or Peel
er for police officers derive from
Sir Robert Peel who first organ
irrd London's Scotland Yard in
For the Best In
25th and Still SI. Phone 2-7431
Tin' linEr
the engineering department at' the
Hanford atomic energy installa
tion, spoke at the dedication of the
new San Jose State College engi
neering building.
Tnc nrst atomic oattery was
produced recently by the Radio
Corp. of America. It converts
atomic energy directly into elec
tric current, but on a very small
scale. However, it is the first
break in scientific research indi
cating that electric power some
day may come from something
besides big generators.
Even the atomic energy power
plants projected lor the near fu
ture require electric generators,
because the energy from the big
reactors is available only in the
form of heat. This heat, :s to be
used to produce steam for running
carbines which in turn will oper
ate big electric generators.
The atomic battery can use
many kinds of radioactive sub
stances. Jt does not need uranium
or Plutonium, which are the only
kinds of atomic fuel useable in
reactors. Also it does not neces
sarily need heavy shielding, be
cause it - can utilize substances
which give off harmless radiation
like that from a luminous watch
Mill at Albany
Ups Production
ALBANY After nearly a year
of sharply curtailed operation, the
Maloney-Chambers sawmill here
will resume full production Mon
day, it was announced Thursday
by Howard Maloney and Lee
Chambers, co-proprietors.
A full crew of approximately
20 men will be employed, the op
erators said.
The main, operation was shut
down last May because of a strin
gent lumber market, but both
men agreed the lumber market
has improved greatly in recent
months. For the last nine months
only the mill planer has been op
erating consistently. The log sup
ply, for the present, will be pro
vided from a cold-deck, accumu
lated during the summer and fall.
Mother Meets
'Dead' Daughter
CORVALLIS Wl - A Redwood
City, Calif., mother and the daugh
ter she did not know was alive
rushed into each other's arms in
a tearful reunion Thursday night.
They met at the railroad depot
in Albany, 10 miles northeast of
here, alter the daughter. Mrs.
Wendell Jones, 19. had located the
mother by telephone in Redwood
City alter years oi longing.
The mother. Mrs. Carlvne Pich
ler, said her former husband told
her 16 years ago that the daugh
ter was dead. Since then, she has
gone through Corvallis many
times, not knowing her daughter
was there.
"There she is, there she is."
cried the daughter when the train
pulled into the station.
ihey ran into each other s arms.
and sobbed and kissed two min
utes without being able to say a
word. Finally the mother said she
feared she would wake up and
find it's all a dream."
Then other happy relatives
crowded around, and they all came
to Corvallis, where Mrs. Pichler
intends to spend the next few days.
On hand were Mrs. Pichler s
husband, Howard, who came north
on the train with her; the daugh
ter's foster parents, Mr. and Mrs.
ticorge Hentsch, who have raised
the girl since she was 3; and the
daughter's husband, who is a stu
dent at Oregon State College here.
The young couple has a 9-month-old
Crothers President
Of Honor Society
Don Crothers has hcen elected
president of the Salem high chap
ter of National Honor Society.
Crothers is in Washington, T).
C, now where he is competing
in the Wrstinghntise Science
Talent contest with 39 other stu
dents from the United States.
Tom Tickens was elected vice
president, Flo Burgermeister is
the new secretary, and Jim Close
the treasurer. The other nomi
nees were Wayne Ericksen, Herb
Triplet!, and Merritt Lin, prcs-
ident; Jinn Howell and Bev j
l.ockard, vice president; Rarbara j Second division. Larkins, now
Kuhr, Gail lllush. and LoAnnc i stationed at Fort Lewis, on first
Mundinger, secretary; and Anne I going to the Far East, as sta
Meeker, Bev Lockard, and Jim 1 tioned at Camp Drake, Japan, for
Person, treasurer. six months. He went to Korea in
The outgoing officers arc Fred December, 1952. It was in Sen
Minifio, president; Judy Ban- tcmber of 1953 that he returned
rnfl, vice president; Shirley to the States.
Juran, secretary; and Norm Lu- Mrs. Larkins and the couple's
(her, treasurer. Miss Beryl Holt children are with Larkins at Fort
is the organization's advisor. Lewis.
for the fuel that is
clean, efficient and
economical' use
PHONE 3-8862
One trainman was killed and two others injured near Davis,
Calif., when a Southern Pacific cab in front mallet locomotive
rammed the rear end of a second freight train telescoping the
caboose, center, and derailing several cars. Mainline traffic
was delayed several hours. (AP Wirephoto)
Navy Asked to Explain
Contract to High Bidder
WASHINGTON (fl - Secretary
of the Navy Anderson was called
before a House committee Friday
afternoon to explain why a con
tract for three destroyers was
awarded at 6 Vi million dollars
above the lowest bid.
On Feb. 2 the Navy announced
the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Co,
Quincy, Mass., got the contract
Friday, February 26
Scabee Reserves at Naval and
Marine Corps Reserve training
Monday, March 1
Company B, 162nd infantry reg
iment, and hcadquqarters detach
ment, Oregon National Guard, at
Salem armory.,
A414lh Air Reserve unit at
USAR armory.
Organized Marine Corps He
serve unit at Naval and Marine
Corps Reserve training center.
Oregon Mobilization designa
tion detachment No. 1 at USAR
7th Division, Korea Recent
ly joining this division was Pvt.
Robert W. Munson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Munson, route 8,
Salem, Oregon. Munson, former
ly employed by the Capital Street
Service Station, entered the
Army in May, 1953, and took his
basic training at Ford Ort, Calif.
First Cavalry Division, Japan
Among the men serving here
with this division are SKC Wil
bur G. Sutton, son of Mrs. Lucy
E. Sutton, Silvcrton, Oregon, and
Pvt. Jackie C. DcWall, Albany,
Sutton, a personnel manage
ment specialist, is a veteran of
12 months of service in Korea
with the 25th infantry division.
He returned to the Far East in
December, 1953, from an assign
ment at Fort Lewis.
DcWall, a rifleman in the 15th
replacement company, entereed
the Army in March, 1953 and
completed his basic training at
Fort Lewis. He arrived in the
Far East in January of this year.
The wife of Pvt. DcWall is resid
ing at route 2, Albany.
Military Honor to
SFC Marvin Larkins
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larkins of
Station A, Salem, have received
word of the award of the Com
mendation Ribbon with Metal
Pendant to their son, SFC Marvin
E. Larkins.
The sergeant received the dec
oration for meritorious service
while serving in Korea with the
for $53,022,000. The Bath (Maine)
Iron Workd had bid $46,476,960,
The Newport News (Va) Ship
building and Drydock Co., $50,
400,000 and the New York Ship
building Co., Camden, N.J., $57,
701,175. The Navy announced at the
same time award of a $117,750,000
fixed fee contract to the Newport
News yard for construction of the
third Forrestal class aircraft car
rier. The Quincy yard bid $146,
064,000, subject to re-negotiation
upward, and the Camden yard
$161,033,195 including a federal
contribution for additional facili
ties. The Bath yard received a con
tract for one tank landing ship
involving about 14 million dollars.
Maine members od Congress
immediately protested the loss of
the destroyer contract by their
yard. They contended the Navy
policy of awarding contracts to
the lowest bidder had broken
Anderson, in announcing the
destroyer award to Quincy, said
the Navy "feels it necessary to
make an exception in this case
to the Navy's policy of awarding
to the lowest qualified bidder and
to pay a higher price for these
destroyers to keep available the
great mobilization potential of the
Quincy yard.
Rear Adm. Wilson D. Leggett
chief of the Navy bureau of Ships
which has charge of building, also
was called to Friday's hearing be
fore a House Armed services sub
committee headed by Rep. Hess
At the time of the award, Leg
gett said it was the first time in
.... u.j i i.j u-
than tho Inmost hiriHpr :
IIIILl lldu UUL'II undiucu lu UlllCt
Anderson has said the destroyer
work would enable the Quincy I
yard to maintain it capabilities
through retention of its skilled
workers. It was reported the
Quincy yard would have had to
close down this fall had it not
received some of the Naval con
struction work.
Arrest Woman Here
For Malheur County
The former administrator of
the Malheur County Welfare
Commission was arrested by a
Marion county sheriff's deputy
Thursday for Malheur County
where she is wanted on two
counts of obtaining money by
false pretenses.
Sheriff Denver Young said i
Mrs. Dorothy Burgher, 53, would
be released to Malheur County
Sheriff John Elfering when he
arrived to pick her up, probably
late Friday. She is presently
free on $500 bail each on the
two charges.
Secret indictments 'for Mrs.
Burgher were returned by a spe
cial grand jury at Vale, the
United Press reported from
there. Malheur county authori
ties did not reveal the amount
of money involved in the two
charges against her.
She resigned last November
from the ""c.fare commission post
which she had held for 12 years.
She has been staying with rela
tives in Salem for the past week
or two. Sheriff Young said.
At the Lowest Prices Ever
Kregals Buy
Big San Shop
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kregal
of Portland are announcing as
buyers of Woodruff's San Shop,
large drive-in restaurant on Port
land road from Mr. and Mrs. Paul
The Woodroffes will continue
operation of their other busi
nesses in the community, which
include North s . restaurant on
Center street across from Capi
tol Shopping Center, and the
Saving Center Markets. The
Woodroffes acquired in the trans
action a 16-unit court apartment
in Northeast Portland.
The Kregals said they do not
plan changes in operational
methods or prices at the San
Shop, or in menu and personnel,
except as improvements are
necessary from time to time.
Kregal is a semi-retired proper
ty owner. The family of Mrs.
Kregal has been identified with
the restaurant business for many
cars, and their so:.1, an experi
enced restaurant man, will join
them here as soon as he is re
leased from military service.
In the transaction the Kregals
were represented by N. G. (Dan)
Isaak and the Woodroffes by Al
Isaak of Al Isaak & Co.
Rilea Among Officers
Winning Re-election
Oregon's adjutant general, Maj.
Gen. Thomas E. Rilea, was re
elected vice president of the Ad
jutant Generals' association at the
closing session of the four-day
meeting at Santa Fe, N. Mex.,
Re-elected as president of the
association was the adjutan?. gen
eral of West Virginia, Brig- Gen.
Charles R. Fox. and also re-
, , , . nl t f
eiccicn was numiuipn ..i.dy,
who Is the secretary-treasurer.
Esmay is the adjutant general of
North Howe
callers at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Strachan were Mr.
and Mrs. Harlan Nelson from Sa
lem, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Graham
from Vancouver, Wash., Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Larsen from Silvcr
ton, Mr.-and Mrs. E. O. Bandel
from Salem and Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Akcr from Labish.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunn and
children, Jean, Mary Ann, and
Donald, were dinner guests Sun
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Biil Alhin of Salem. Other guests
were Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Reals,
Sr., and Glenn Bcals from Brcm-
erton, Wash,
Dr. V I' lm Nl ui a i n,n. Ml
' DRS. CHAN . . . LAM
Upstairs, 241 North Liberty
Offlr nprn Sjltirday only, ID a m
to 1 p.m.. S to 1 p m. toniulutlon.
blood presMir iind urtn trttt ar
Itn o( charct Pructlctd tlnrt
1911. Writ lor ittracllrl lift No
Ph. 26762
Albany Airport
Lease Changed
ALBANY Transfer of the Al
bany Municipal airport lease
from Howard Burleson tri Harry
Macfarlane highlighted Wednes
day' meeting of the. Albany city
council, which passed to its third
reading an ordinance ratifying
the change. -
Macfarlane has been operating
out of the Albany airport for the
last 10 yea s, doinr crop dust
ing and land fertilizing work for
farmers in the ; mid-Willamette
valley area.
The council was told that Mac
farlane plans to make his home
in Albany, and will move his
wife and two children here in
the near future. They are now
living at Grants Pass.
Burleson said he has no fu
ture plans, and is retiring from
aviation as profession. "
During Burleson's 16 years of
management the Albany airport
has been entirely free from se
rious mishaps, and no pilot op
erating Burleson's flying equip
ment bas ever been injured. Bur
leson came here from North Da
kota in 1937.
Wallowa Lake
Road Promised
PORTLAND IA"i A .Wallowa
Lake delegation won the promise
of the State Highway Commission
for a better road in their area this
year, but other delegations did not
fare as well in a highway meeting
here Thursday.
Members of the commission told
Hood River residents they were
sympathetic with their desire for
a better access road, but further
study would be needed before
there could be such a connection
between Hood River and the new
Columbia River Highway.
The new highway bypasses Hood
River. The delegation said present
access to the route is inadequate,
and many tourists now are unable
to find the place to turn off to the
Hood River Valley.
The commission also took no ac
tion on a request from a rural dis
trict south of Portland. A delega
tion from that district wants an
access road leading from the Nor
wood county road to' the' West
Portland-Salem Highway, now un
der construction.
French Lose Small
River Patrol Boat
HANOI. Indochina WV The
French Friday reported the loss
of a small Red River patrol boat
under Vietminh shelling.
Communist-led rebel gunners,
firing recoilless rifles, sank the
vessel near Son Tay, a river port
25 miles northwest of this French
headquarters city.
In the continuing actions against
rebel infiltration of the Red River
delta, the French announced 41
Vietminh troops had been killed
and 35 captured.
Driver Fined $150
In Sweer Home Court
wick, 45, Lebanon, was fined
$150 after pleading guilty in
municipal court to a charge of
driving while under the influence
of intoxicating liquor. He was
fined an additional $5 for driv
ing without an operator's license.
Judge Ed Russell collected $30
on - various other charges and
bail forfeitures and continued a
case until next session which
involved a minor operating a mo
Itchy Skin Rash
... lightning Fast Relief I
ftrtp tii (Tf nm from &ntlnl. mtturwitm
luiif fktrj rvrt ffirrni. pinip.. othrr"rtfrnl
kin trrittM. Wwh irrfUHMl irtu wih Wonrtr
np. Thn ppl? irMWlf. odorlww WmrlfT
A.lTi. Dmtrni it mont toctrru on rfintirt
ttrrw m it hMt. TfONDKR SALVK SOAP
t til dninlt. Monty bMk tutniiitM
Is the Rash of
m mm
developed a rash. To avoid complications of
a tar more serious nature than measles,
the patient must be kept quiet
Your doctor's advice ana care can do much
to protect your family from measles and
Its complications. We are prepared to fill any
of Wow presoTfjUoos promptly.
405 Slat St. - Corner of liberty
We Oiv Green Stamp
Friday, February 26, 1934
tor vehicle with switched license
plates to which the accused
pleaded innocent
CANBERRA, Australia ifl - An
informed sources said Friday
Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of
KHinhnrsh were injected last week.
as protection against paralytic
poliomyelitis, witn tne nrsi ooses
of gamma globulin produced in
gals "
For sale by vealea bib me follow
inn described real propeny lotaied
in the City ol balem, County 01 mar
ion, State ot Oreson, to-wn:
Lot Thirteen (loi, rilock Two 12).
SALEM, Marlon County, Oregon.
Properly consists ot a two bedroom
dweUmg on a otl'xSU' lot located at
25UU Brooks street. Mouse is approx
imately 2i years old, has lull oase
ment, plastered walls, city water and
sewer, and lavge eleclrlc hot water
healer. On paved, curbed street.
Sale will be by sealed bid. En.,
veiope contained bid must be plainly
marked. Sealed Bid." Please reter
to L-1224-1-' in all correspondence. A
good and sufticient bond or certllied
check lor ten (lUVH per cent must
accompany bid. Bight reserved to re
ject any and all bids, Property will
be sold "as is." Minimum price Four
Thousand IJ400O.O0) DoUars. Mini
mum acceptable lerms ten tlOTo) per
cent down, twelve (12) years to pay
balance ol contract. Interest Will bo
charged at the rate ol live (5) per
cent per annum on unpaid balance. ,
Property subject to an outstanding
right ol redemption until December
30. 1954.
Bids will be opened In the olfice
ol tne undersigned on March 12, 1954.
1st date ol publication: Feb. 12, 1954.
Last data ol publication: Men.. 5th,
.103 State Library Building
Salem. Oregon. F,12.1fl,26,M 5
L. W. lvie has been by order ot the
Circuit Court ol the Slate ol Oregon
lor Marlon County, appointed ad
ministrator ol the Estate ol Mae M.
Iv-ie, Deceased. Any persons having
claims against said estate are re
quested to present them .with prop
er vouchers ,to said adminsirlator at
310 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem,
Oregon, within six months lrom the
date of this notice.
Dated this 24th day ol February,
1954. '
l. w. rvm
Administrator of the Estate of
Mae M. Ivie, Deceased.
31U Pioneer Trust Bldg.
Salem, Oregon
Attorneyi lor Administrator.
Oregon, as administratrix ol the es
deceased, has tiled her Final Ac
count in the estate ol FLOYD AL
BERT BERKEY. deceased, and by
order ol the Circuit Court of the
State ol Oregon lor the County of
Marion. Monday, March 29, 1954. at
9:r3 a.m., in the Courtroom of said
Court, in the Marlon County Court
house, Salem. Oregon, has heen lixed
as the time and place for hearing ot
objections thereto and the settlement
Dated and first published February
26 1954 '
, - of Salem, Oregon,
Attorney for said Administratrix,
211 Pioneer Trust Building.
Salem, Oregon. F.2,M,5,1I,19.
$$ SAVE $$
Will be here near Mar. 1
1625 N. Front Fh. 44628
Throw Tour Watch A wit
We Ftx Them When Others cant
443 State. Salem, Oregon
140 Candalaria Blvd.
"Not a Half Size
But a Plus Size"
115 North High
No. the disease is
apparently spread
by direct contact
with eye and nose
secretions of infected
patients, particularly
before their skin has