WcJay, February 26, 195 THE CAPITXE JOTJKNAi; Salem, Oregon Pas IS 850 Automotive B52Uad Cart For Sal NOW! 1948 PONTIAC COACH $680 Back up lltes, turning lttes. rear window washers, very clean Inside and out. Locally owned. Thu la a nice one. 1950 OLDS 88 CLUB COUPE ..' $1145 Hyd. tram. Very clean, rubber 80. Loaded with extras. 1950 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN ..$995 Low mllea(e, very clean. A one owner car. 1952 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN ...$1525 The cleanest suburban In town. 1950 DODGE 4-D00R SEDAN .....$1095 Auto. tram. Fluid drive. 1948 DESOTO CUSTOM 4-DOOR ....'.....$695 Sedan. Auto. tram. Fluid drive. A one Mua car. These cars have heater and most of them radios. All have been served in our shop, and carry our guarantee. See and compare these cars with everything in town. W. L ANDERSON IM NO. LIBERTY 51 OLDS SUPER A Tudor model In perfect condition. Radio, Heater. Hydramatic and other deluxe equipment. 50 OLDS DLX 88 Sedanet In ffliftenlnc black i Heater, Absolutely Guaranteed. 49 BUICK SUPER Dynaflow. radio, heater, whitewalls. An excellent value. 49 OLDS .'98 CONVERTIBLE. $895 One of our best buys. This car la completely equipped, la excellt mechanically and haa a brand new top and perfect finish. 48 DESOTO CLUB prft At.0inai vri4n finish, er and tailored aeat covers. throughout. SAVE THIS AD! $45 & UP DOWN FULL S 2S 5 $25 $65 $25 S $.10 $75 $M $115 s.io $H5 $30 $05 $.10 $05 35 $5 '145 I25 $4.1 $125 $30 $145 $r,5 $165 $f!5 IS $75 SI9S $75 SIM 100 $205 $IOO SMS $135 $.105 $150 H05 $165 $WS $105 $505 $105 $595 $105 $505 $.195 $1195 M Chev coupe '40 Ford coach '40 Pont coupe 41 Chev coarh '41 Ford coupe '35 Ford coupe ' '41 Chev coach '42 Dodge sedan '30 Plv coupe '41 Buick sedan '41 Chev sedan 41 Ford coach '40 Nash sedan '40 Ford sedan 42 Hudyon sedan '3A LaSalle sedan 41 Buick sedan '4S Hudson sedan 46 Chev coach 45 Chev pickup 47 Ford cl cpe 47 Chev cl cpe 48 Chev cl cpe '48 Ford cl cpe 49 Ford cl cpe "SI Chev cl cpe BANK TERMS AYNBEE MOTORS W0 Union Ph. 1-0703 Night Phone 3-3253 SAVE THIS AD! DENNIS THE MENACE 'VM0 APE y0U C4U.WS A CRATAWED-UP glOND?' 850 Automotive 852 Ufa Can For Sal USED RIGHT! .- "YOUR PLYMOUTH DEALERS - PHONE 4-34M CENTER AND LIBERTY PHONE 4-4931 88 ..... $1695 Hydra ma tic I $1295 Hydramatic. Radio. SDNT : . . $795 and other Butck accesaoriei. COUPE . . $695 white wall tires, custom radio, heat The engine Is newly reconditioned WESTERN MOTORS HAND-PICKED CARS 1283 Broadway Ph. 3-9821 1848 Plymouth special deluxe 4-Hoor sedan. One local owner. Immacu late inside and out. Radio, heater, original paint Good tires, only 48. 000 miles M5 1950 Olds "88" Holiday coupe. Tu tone green and black finish. Radio, heater, outside visor, white tires, low mileage, a very popular car at low price $1295 1949 Ford "8" club coupe, new paint, radio, heater, only 250 miles on complete motor overhaul, here's at least 30.000 miles of transportation for only $695 1953 Plymouth club coupe Cranbrook, heater, defrosters, low mileage, here's new automobile for only IMS BANK TERMS TRADES WILL PAY CASH FOR GOOD, CLEAN CARS WESTERN MOTORS ToPlaceAdCall2-2441 By Ketcham 850 Automotive 852 Used Cart For Sal USED GARS - PRICED RIGHT! REMEMBER! GET SET FOR SPRING! BUY. ONE OF THESE LOW-COST, ,. , LATE-MODEL UALITY USED (JARS NOW! REALLY PRICED RIGHT. ALL TOP QUALITY THROUGHOUT. 1951 Chrysler Newport (Hardtop) ........ $1695 Really tike new, radio, heater, tu-tone finish. 1950 Plymouth Suburban Radio, heater, extra lino condition. Well kept. 1949 Chrysler Windsor 4-door Sedan $1095 (Late 8eriei) with radio, heater, new finish, cuatom seat coven; HURRY on thla late atyle car, Priced low I 1949 DeSoto Deluke 4-dr. Sedan ......$1095 Radio, heater, new Urea, clean inside and out 1948 Chrysler Conv. Coupe New top. new finlih, radio, heater; fine condition in very way. .- . ! ! ! EXTRA SPECIAL ! ! ! 1941 Ford Super Deluxe CI. Cpe. Almost new motor, new finish, aeat coven, new Urea. HURRY, HURRY ON THIS I SALEM AUTO COMPANY 439 NO. COMMERCIAL POST atrrosius IMS U. XSk. Saba asjTawl LA I '52 CHEVROLET STYLELINE $1495 Deluxe 4-door sedan, radio, heater, powergllde, undercoated, wind shield washers, brand new white aldewalls, chroma wheels, 1 owner, finished In 2-tone green. , 52 PLYMOUTH CLUB ISiceiy equipped, new ures, ornnaiu ugni green unisn, '51 DE SOTO CUSTOM White sldewall tires, low mileage, clean and in A-l shape. 51 CHEVROLET 2-D00R $1195 Two-tone green, new white sldewall tires. A honey of a buyl '51 -PLYMOUTH 2-D00R Radio, heater, white sldewall tires. '51 FORD 2-D00R "6" Radio, heater, overdrive, white sldewall tires. (2 to pick) 49 DE SOTO CONVERTIBLE $1095 Radio, heater, white aldewaU tires. 51 FORD 4-DOOR "6" ..$995 Radio, heater, back aeat speaker, new tlrea. '50 CHEVROLETS (2) One 4-dor, one 2-dor, both with chrome wheels, unaercoatea, wind shield washers Your choice at this low pricel '50 FORD STATION WAGON ....-....$995 Radio, heater, chrome wheels, white sldewall Urea, '50 PLYMOUTH Concord 2-door aedan. heater, defrosters; a nice family car. 49 DODGE 4-DOOR. 895 Radio, henter. white sldewall tires. Here's a terrific buyl 48 CHEVROLET.. $595 Aero 2-dor sedan, radio, heat er, 15" chrome wheels, seat cov ers. 2-tone blu.e and gray. MOST ARE ONE-OWNER CARS SEVERAL '46s, "47s, AND '48s IN GOOD SHAPE AT LOW PRICES! BUY NOW! CASH IV YOUB EQUITY NOW. WE WILL TAKE YOUR CAR OFF YOUR HANDS AND PAY OFr YOUR LOAN-UNDER REASON ABLE CONDITIONS. '51 Chevrolet club coupe, heater, sparkling black finish, and sharp as a hounds tooth JI095 '50 Chevrolet club coupe, perfect condition throughout 995 50 Chevrolet 2-door, green:' It's perfect 8' 'SO Ford V-8 4-door, radio, heat er, exceptionally clean MS '80 Chevrolet 4-door. powergllde, radio, heater, 2-tone. Really a nice carl .. - 895 47 Dodge deluxe, new overhaul, a perfect car 595 '47 Chevrolet J-door sedan, local owner, R&H, turn signals, green finish 495 '46 Ford deluxe 4-door sedan, RAH, complete overhaul . ... 495 48 Chevrolet i-1on. heater, 4 spcrd transmission, niechan. Icallv perfect, good rubber . . 95 46 Chevrolet panel, good condi tion 450 41 Chevrolet club coupe, Jrl black finish, RcH, defrosters, very clean - 345 '41 Chevrolet rlub coupe, sharp green finish, very good me chanically 24S 41 Ford 4-door, radio, heater 195 '.19 Chev. 2-dr. 145 WF. WANT TO BUY GOOD, CLEAN. PRE-WAR CARS, IM MEDIATE CASH TO YOUI KANNIER'S USED CARS H. J. (Hlney) Neufeld, Mgr. g;0 Hood St. Ph. 3-9IS2 and 4-3593 STARTLING! '51 Pontine 2-door sedan, dual rnse hydramatic, radio, heater. It's tops In car value I $1695 KELLY OWENS COMPANY (WO N. Liberty Th. I-411S 850 Automotive 652 Uid Cart For Sal HEADQUARTERS FOR VALUE" ' $1095 .$995 .$275 PHONE 1-4117 COUPE $1395 CLUB COUPE . . . .$1395 $1195 Something to own) $1095 $995 $895 ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late To Classify. AZALEAS FROM 60c. CAMELLIAS FROM 12 00. OTHER SHRUBS. TOOII WARINGS NURSERY OAK HILL AVE. PH. 3-4438 1 MALE Chihuahua pups 1.15 each. Lee Layton New. Monmouth cut off. Dallas Ph. 3687. LICENSED young male farm dog. Part Spaniel. Geo. E Towle. Hi. 1, Box 231, Aumsvillc. THIS AD and S3 gets you 100 large type White Leghorn Cockerel chicks. Mon. after, or Tucs. morn. Twin Oak Poultry Farm, St. Paul, Ore. COWS, Shetland pony, saddle horses. Terms. 4l07LlbrtyRd. 4-24S3 7SO CUSTOM DeSoto Sdn. Bv own er. RH. clean. 83.1 Waldo. 3-5398. PKRMAn'eTn'T resident will give ex cellent care for home to lease or rent. Three adults. References. Call 2-3683, evenings 2-0BM, FOR BENT-4 vr. old 2 BR. ho'me" S.17. Located 31R3 Lancaster. 3-5B.I8. Eve. 2.9818. 4.1689. IMMEDIATE possession. 4 rm. cot tage. Near bus. stores, neat. S40. 4-588S. 1 Mf.DRM. furn. house for rent. Ph. 3-.1IQI or 2-e'iS. S BEDRM. home for lease. Ph. 311oi or 2-5758. 3 RM. modern furn. apt. Entire 2nd fir. of 2nd apt. Corner hue. Ifilh tt Chemeketa, Water (V laundry fa cilities furn. 1 or 2 adult. S30. nq. next hue. 2B0 N. 18th. 2-fi787. C1XAN 3 room njifurn. apt. elec range. 35. 2-fifXtt. with 3 RM. furn. apt. $30.50. 7108 13th, WE NEED field collector in trace, and contact, delinquent debtor. Af?ncy experience, helpful. Must have. High School education and car, State aire V buninc exp. Box 299 co Statefman-Journal. ToPlaceAd Cal!2-2441 850 Automotive 852 Uid Can For Sal 1953 DODGE CORONET Convertible coupe. ThU li a condition. Low mileage.' 1951 CHEVROLET STYLELINE .........$1195 4-door sedan, 1 owner, fine 1951 KAISER DELUXE I-door sedan, tt'i a real buy price and operation. 1951 FORD CUSTOM "V l-door sedan, real clean with 1949 PLYMOUTH CONCORD '. '.....$745 J-door sedan.. A fin family 1947 DESOTO Custom 4-door aedan. well equipped, very dependable transportation. STAN BAKER MOTORS Ml CHEMEKETA DOUGLAS McKAY USED CHEVROLET SALE! GREAT BUYS IN , AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR CAR! SEE THE VALUES AVAILABLE NOW IN CHEVROLETS FROM '41 JO '53 AT McKAY'S 1953 CHEVROLET '150' 4-DOOR IMMACULATE I ONLY 13.74S EQUIPPED WITH HEATER & EUONAL3, E At-fk-ur UMnio, 1952 2-DOOR DELUXE THIS ATTRACTIVE BLUE CAR IS IN TOP SHAPE.' IT HAS SEAT COVERS, TURN 61GNALS, LIGHTS. 1951 4-DOOR DELUXE THIS LOCAL, ONE-OWNER CAR. COLORED IN DURABLE DARK GREEN IS NICELY EQUIPPED WITH RADIO. HEATER AND DE FROSTER, OIL FILTER, SEAT COVERS. IT'S A PERFECT FAM ILY LH. $1145 1951 FIVE-PASSENGER COUPE RADIO. HEATER. DEFROSTER. WINDSHIELD WASHERS, OIL FILTER, UNDERCOAT. SEAT COVERS. VERY CLEAN. $1045 1951 DELUXE 2-DOOR POWERGLIDE AN ATTRACTIVE 2-TONE CAR. OWNED tt SERVICED LOCALLY. HEATER, DEFROSTER, TURN SIGNALS, SEAT COVERS $1125 1950 FLEETLINE 2-DOOR RADIO. HEATER, DEFROSTER. WINDSHIELD WASHERS, OIL FILTER, FOG-LIGHTS, CHROME WHEEL DISCS. $845' 1950 BUSINESS COUPE HERE'S A GREAT "AS IS" BUY! A LOCALLY OWNED CAR WITH HEATER. DEFROSTER. OIL FILTER, SEAT COVERS. IT'S A REAL BARGAIN AT ONLY ' $625 1948 STYLEMASTER 2-DOOR A BARGAIN BUY! THIS CAR IS CLEAN. HAS EXCELLENT PAINT AND IS GUARANTEED MECHANICALLY. YOURS FOR ONLY $495 1947 AERO 2-D00R THE BUY OF THE DAY! THIS SHARPIE HAS RADIO, HEATER, SEAT COVERS AND GOES $395 1946 FLEETMASTER' 2-DOOR A DANDY! JUST GET IN AND TAKE IT OUT. IT HAS RADIO, HEATER, SPOTLIGHT. UNDERCOAT, CHROME DISCS. ITS A BEAUTY AN YOU CAN DRIVE IT AWAY FOR ONLY $395 DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 635 N. Commercial Salem Phone 3-3175 1 COLOSSAL! 'AO Chevrnlt?t Stvlrline drluxe 4 door .wflan. v (S brand new tires, radio, heater, very clean throughout. $995 KELLY OWENS COMPANY 880 N. Liberty Ph. 2-4113 SALEM MARKETS Cemalled frees retorts ef Salem dealers tot lb, soldansrs ef Capital Jearnal readers. Iltetlsrd daily.) I.UII reed rrlcssi Rabbit Prllits il.tl iM-lb. bscl. 14 13-14 SO (IM-lb. bat I Esc M.h 4 S5-SS.20. Dslrr Feed - 13.21-1 41. 3M-4t (IM l l Peultrr Ravins Puces Colored fryers. J3c: old rooMer, ISa colored fowl, 3.1e: leshorn fowl, 14ci colored roaiters, 23c. Cess: Bavins Mere Kits, A A, 4 Jrl larra A. 40-4Sr; medium AA, 40ci medium A, H-43CI smsll A, J4ri Kits, wholesale pri ce! tenersllr s- cents tilsher than crtees abort: larss trade A taneraUr eaotad at I3ci mediums at SOc. Relterfst Purine rlee: Premium. W ft cents: No. 1, !-(! cental Ho. I, Me, 850 Automotive 852 Utd Can For Sal .,.$2695 house car In excellent condition. $895 with economy plui In - 8" ...... low mileage. .$1145 car In very alee shape. .' ..........$495 PHONE 1-2468 MILES. BEAUTIFUL DARK GREEN DEFROSTER. SEAT COVERS. TURN nniib duilwaui nnu $1695 POWERGLIDE HEATER t DEFROSTER PLUS FOG . . $1395 POWERGLIDE AS IS FOR UNLI YOU MUST SEE THIS ONE '4(1 Ford ',f-tnn pickup, heater, ood tiren. A tremendous buy! $495 KELLY OWENS COMPANY 881) f. Liberty Phone 3-4113 Chicago Livestock CHICAGO W Hogs Rained 25 rents in a moderately active trade Friday. One load of choice 220 pound butchers brought the top of $28.40. Most 180 to 230 pound butchers were taken at $25.75 to $26.25. One load of prime steers weigh ing 1,250 pounds sold at $28.00. Commercial to low choice steers and yearlings went at $16.00 to $22.50. litility and commercial cows sold for $11.50 to $14.00. Sheep prices were steady with good to prime woolcd lambs going at $21.50 to $23 50. Salable receipts were estimated at 4,000 hogs. 800 cattle. 200 calves and (00 sheep. MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND I Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, maxi mum to .35 to one per cent acidity. delivered in Portland, 68-71 lb; first duality. 6649: second duality. 64-47. valley routes and country points 2 cents less. Butter wnoiesaie. i.o.d. Bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 66 M lb; 92 score, 65 tt; 90 score. 64 tt: 89 score. 62. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers Oregon 'tingles, 41 tt- 44 lb: Oregon Mb loaf. 48 tt-5l Eggs To wholesalers Candled eggs containing no loss, cases in cluded, f.o.b. Portland A grado, large, 49 tt-51 tt; A medium, 48V,. 49 tt; A grade, small, 43 tt-44 tt, Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 52-54; A large, 51-53; AA medium, 50-53; A medium, 49-81; small, 45-46. Cartons S cents additional. Live chickens No. 1 quality, o.b. plants Fryers and roasters, 22-24; heavy hens, 23-24; light hens. 17-18: old roosters. 14-15. Turkey s To producers for breeder types, i.o.b. farm, New York dressed, heavy hens 31; toms 28; Beltsvllle hens 33, toms, 28. Eviscerated frozen, to retailers, hens 57, toms. 51-54. Rabbits Average to growers Live white. 3 tt-5 lbs, 19-23. 54 lbs, 20-22: old does. 10-12, few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers. 57-60: cut up, 63-66. Wholesale dressed meats Beef, steers, choice, 500-700 lbs, 36.00-39.00; good, 35.00-38.00; com mercial, 31.00-35.00; Utility, 27.00- 33.00: commercial cows 26.00-30.00; utility, 25.0-29.00; canners-cutters, 23.00-26.00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 43.00-47.00; rounds, 42.00- 45.00; fun loins, trimmed, tu.uu 69.00; triangles, 30.00-34.00; (ore quarters, 33.5045.00; chucks, 37.00- 40.00: ribs. 50.00-55.0. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 lbs, 54.0-62.00; shoulders, 16 lbs, 41.00- 45.00; spareribs, 52.00-56.00; fresh hams. 10-14 lbs. 60.0045.00. Veal end calves Good-choice, all weights, 37.00-47.00; commercial, 35.0O-43.0i). Lambs Choice-prime 40.00-43.00; good, 35.0040.00. wool ureas oasis. Willamette VaUey medium, 51-53 lb; Eastern Oregon fine and nan Diood, 5542. Country -dressed meats, f.o.b. Portland: Beef-Cows, utility, 24-26 lb; canners-cutters, 21-22. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 34-35; rough heavies, 25-27. . Hogs Lean blockers, 39-40; sows, light, 33-35. ' ; Lambs Best, 34-36. . MuttonBest, 12-15; cuU-utiUty, Fresh Produce: Onions 50 lb sacks, Wash, yel lows, med, 1.40-60; Idaho yellows, med. 1.00-50: Cain, whites, z.25-50. PotatoesOre. local Long Whites, 2.00-25: Deschutes Russets, No. 1, 2.15-25; size A. 2.40-75; 25 lb IK, 7045; 10 lb mesh, 40-45; paper, 26 30: Windows. 30-35: No. 2, 50 lbs, 80-90; Wash. Russets! No. 1-A, 2.25- 50; Idahos, 8.15-25. Hay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, mostly 28.00-30.00, delivered car and truck lots, f.o.b. Portland Portland Livestock PORTLAND W-(USDA)-Cattle salable for week 2.665: market rather slow but generally steady except canner-cutter cows wean-so lower than late last week; two loads choice 937-1,010 lb fed steers 23.00, load 22.75; few mixed good choice steers 22.00-50; bulk good steers 20.00-21.50: commercial steers 17.50-19.00; utility down to 13.50; good fed heifers 19.00-20.00, two short loads good-choice 20.50; commercial 18.50-18.00; utility 11.50-15.00; canner-cutter cows 9.00- 10.50, few to 11.00 and up to n.su early; shells downward to 6.00; utility cows 12.00-14.50; commercial 15.00-16.00, young to 18.50; utility commercial bulls 14.00-16.00, few to 16.50, heavy bulls to 17.00 early; light cutters down to 11.00. Calves salable for , week 325; market less active, weak-1.00 lower; good-choice vealers 22.00 Mfsv few nrime to 30.00 mostly early; good-choice above 350 lb slaughter calves ls.uu-w.uu; uumjr downward to 12.00 or under. Hnirs salable for week 1.575; market fully 50 lower and buyers more selective: choice No. 1-2 hntrhora 180-235 lbs 29.00-50. few early 29.75-30.00; choice No. 3 lots Hmn to 28 50 with Wednesday sales down to 28.25; heavier and lighter weights 27.00-28.00; choice 325-550 lb SOWS 23.50-25.50; few lighter weights to 26.00. Sheen salable for week 1,415 market generally steady on In creased supply; choice-prime fed unnled lambs 20.50-21.00 but very few prime Included after Monday and sales mosuy zu.su ciown; gooa choice lambs 18.50-20.00; utility downward to 15.00; culls down to ll.oo or under; few good yearlings 14.00 50; utility good slaughter ewes 5.00-7.50; culls down to 3.50 or under. Portland Eastside PORTLAND (UP) Some pro ducers were shading potato prices at the Eastside Farmers' market today to get movement for ordi nary quality wmamcue vaney m-hor- hulk of Burbanks quoted in volume lots to wholesalers at 1.75- 9 or below: Nurseryman ueorge Yamada of Milwaukie quoted flats of lettuce and cabbage at 1.25 ana parsley at 1.75. Portland Grain PORTLAND (AP)-No bids or offers on coarse grains. Fridays car receipts; wheat 43; barley 1: flour 6: corn 1: oats 3; mill feed 2. ' The International Astronomical Union at Cincinnati, O., has list' ed more than 1,900 asteroids. Mid Willamette Obituaries Mrs. Sarah Larkin WOODBURN Mrs. Sarah Lar kin, 75, a resident of Woodburn, died Thursday, February 33, of a heart attack at McHlnnvill where she was visiting a daugh ter. Mrs. Larkin was born October 4, 1878 in Missouri. Her husband engaged in business in Wood . burn for many years. She was a member of the Methodist church at Sioux Falls, -6. D., and the Macabees. Her husband, Lake Larkin, died in 1950. Surviving are a son, Sr. Fred Bleifuss, Galesburg, 111., a daugh ter, Mrs. H. C. Hanson, McMinn ville; five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be at i p.m. Monday, March 1 at the Ringo-Cornwell Funeral chapel Burial will be in Belle Pass! cemetery beside her husband. Martha Jane Brooks WOODBURN Mrs. Martha Jane Brooks, 68, died February 24 at her home, 670 S. Pacific highway, Woodburn, where she had lived for the past nine months. She was born at George town, Kentucky, May 10, 1885, and came to Oregon from Mon tana eight years ago. ; Survivors include her husband, Charles D. Brooks 01 Woodburn; two sons, R. L. Menefee of Rich crest, Calif., and Kenneth Krot zer of Cloquet, Minn.; one step son, Keith Krotzer of Seattle, Wash., and one step-daughter, Mrs. Roy Sutter in Arizona; a brother, L. H., Hogsett of San Diego, Calif., six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. The body was sent by the Ringo-Cornwell Mortuary Thursday to Billings, Mont, for service ' and interment ' DEATHS t. M. Runyon ' . At tho residence. 1S90 Hoffman Rd, rtb. S6 Announcement of services win bo mod lster by tho Howell Edwards Chapel. Richard Vhomas Marshall At tne family resicence, ih vn mawa Rd., Feb. 92nd. Survived by daughters, Mrs .Elmer Knoedltr,' Ver nonla, Ore., Mrs. Leola Nelson, 81. Helens, Oregon .Mrs. Leila Harris, v.rnonla, Ore., Mrs, Roberta Harris, Kent, Wash.) son, James Marshall, Calliurnta; sisters, Mrs. John Olthoff, Salem, Mrs. Carl Grelmann, Keiths burg, 111., Mrs. James Paris, Rapid City, S. Dakota, Mrs .Oscar Anderson, Powell, Wyo. Services will be held Saturday, February J7, at 1:30 p.m. in the Howell-Edwards chapel. Con- eluding services at City View cam" Sjttry. Anna E. Klrscta ' ' Lata resident of Jzuo n. summer St. at a local nursing home Feb. 24 at th age of 18 years. Survived by daughters, Mrs Margaret Ryan, Sa lem, Mrs. Cornell C. Ward, Salem. Sister Mary Lucy, Cathedral School, Reattla. Wash eons. Joseoh A. Klrscb and John H. Klrach. both of Salem, William A. Ktrscn, Marion, ore.; s li ters. Mrs. Mary Petcel, Mrs. Veronica Hannegan, both of Salem. Sister Mary Paula, Btayton, Ore Mrs, Dorothy Loucke, Portland; brothers. .Joseph Schneider, Spokane, Wash., Henry Schneider, -Alberta, Canada., John Schneider, Aberdeen, S. D : , nine grandchildren. She was a member of St Vincent De Paul Catholic Church. Rosary will be aald in the Howell Edwardi Chapel Friday, February 2S, at S'OO n.m. Reauiem mass in the St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Saturday, February 27, at 10:00 a.m. Interment at St. Barbara Cemetery. Charles Sylvester Utterbaek At the residence. 178 Sloneway Dr., February 24. at the age of 88 years. Survived by wife. Ella May Utter back, Salem: daughters, Mrs. Lee Earl. Euaene. Ore.. Mrs. Percy Klee. man. Delske, Ore., Mrs. Jack Hind man. Salem: eons. Clair Utterbaek. Clearwater. Neb., Glenn Utterbaek, Salem: eight grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. He was a mem h nt thm Plrat Christian Church. Services will be held Saturday, Feb. ruary 27, at 11.-00 a m. In the Hem-ell- Edwaras Lnapei. nev. wijnt urwn will officiate. Interment at Belcrest Memorial Park. Sarah Florence Good At the residence Turner, uregon, Feb. 14. Survived by husband, George H. Good, Salem: son, Ray E. Church, Wichita, Kansas: daughter. Mrs. Eva Herron. St. Cloud. Fla. Announce. ment of services wm oe maue uw by the Virgil T. Golden Co. Sudla Mstthls At a local nospitai reoruary a. Survived by several nieces and neph ewa Including. Loretta Matthls, Si- lem. Edna Dietncn, j-ortisnu. oisaya Fields, Eugene, Ore., Audrey Whaler, Spokane, Wash.. Austin Matthls, Im- tertal vauey, iiii . v.iuuw lalem. Servlcea will be held Satur day, Feb. 27, at 1:20 p.m. in tne Clough-Barrlck Chapel. Interment at Amity Cemetery. Rev. H. F. Pen. berton will officiate. Edwin R. Oregson At the reslaence, 1838 N. Summer St., February 23. Survived by wife, Lillian S. Grcgson. Salem; daughter, Mrs. Lois M .Genna, Bend, Otegon. Mrs. June I. Bryan. Charleston, S. Carolina: son, Buddy R. Gregson. Sa lem; sister. Mrs. Ruby Reltmeler, Yakima, Wash.; brothers, Leo Greg son. Portland, Gerald L. Gregson, Portland, Andrew Gregson. Great Falls, Mont.. William R. Gregson, Lebanon, Oregon: 4 grandsons. Serv ices will be held Sat., Keb. 27, at 10 30 a.m. in the Clough-Barrlck chapel. Ritualistic services by Fra ternal Order of Eagles, eerie No. 2081. of Sslem. Interment at City View cemetery. Rev. John Cauble will offi ciate. Thomas W. Doyle Late resident of 680 Locust St. In this city Feb. 13. Services Saturday, Feb. J7 at :30 a.m. In the St. Jo sephs Catholic Church under the direction of the W. T. Rlgdon Co. Llovd Thomas Rlgdon Late resident of 4S State St. In thla city February 28. Hueband of Madge Rlgdon. Sslem; brother of Mrs. nvron (Winifred) B Hrrrlrk, Miss Leila E. Rlgdon end Mrs. Ralph (Harriet I H. Mercer, all of Salem, also, surviving are 2 nephews and 1 niece. Services will be held Salur dav. February 27, at 1:30 p.m. In the Chapel of the W. T. Rlgdon Co. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson will officiate. Riiuallstle services wlU be by the American Legion Post No. . Mangle Elma McDermatt At the residence Rt. 4. Box 221 Feb. 24. Wife of Eugen V. McDer matt, s.ilem: mother of Mrs. Lillian Grav. Salem, Mrs. Dorothy Isnmaell, Deer Lodge. Mont., Mrs. Irene Jol ley, Molalla, Ore.; sister of Mrs. Min nie Wilson, Ontario, Calif.: Klso, sur viving are 8 grandchildren. Service; wll be held Saturday. Feb. 27 at 10 30 am. in the chapel of Bit T Rlgdon Co. Concluding services at Belcrest Memorial Park. Goldle Sink ' ... Late resident of JM W. Browning Ave. In this city Feb. IS. Announce- a.rvtres w 111 be made later by the W. X. Rlgdon Co.