800 Real Estate 850 Automotive 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 850 Automotive 8S0 Automotive 850 Automotive 800 Real Estate 852 Ued Car For Salt) ZEEB'S .M50. Low Dn Payment, larfe kitchen, farafe & I bdr'l, utility. t!iM. $100 Dn. 1 bdr'l LR & DH beautiful yard or trees & shrubs, $79.10. 1500 Dn. 1 bdr'l, oil furnace, nifniana iisirici. UO.S00. 3 b-Vs. LR DR. flrepl workshop, ige lot, chicken house 112. .WO. Knclcwood Dist. 1 bdrs. base ment, LR & DR flrep, rdw Firs, 112,500. NEW! FHA Terms. 3 bdr's, Ait garage, excellent location, SUBURBAN f),!W0. 3 acres, 4 bdr home, dble, plumbing, close in on paved Rd. 10.500. Minbrln Hard ens. Lge LR 4c DR Inside utility, ATT parage BUSINESS: 117.300. 4 PI.EX Show- excellent re turns, partly furnished. 120.500. Courts & Trailer Park. hook. ed up to city newer, 3 bdr living quarter!. .Excellent returni. FARMS - 43 acres, older type home, machine siita, a Acres oi parx eqiuppea with utiles, fireplaces, swing. Park Is equipped with lights. Lake or app 10 acres including u ooats at aovK. good fishing. Balance oi land In beans 8e strawberries. App, $5,000 o machinery, complete Ir rigation with 22 uprlnkleri. Tills Farm has great Possibilities. SO Acres located close in North on paved Rd. 2 homes, one older type 1 bdr home and one 7 yr old 2 bdr home with LR Ac DR Inside utility, dble, garage, unfinished up stairs. 10 acres of filberts, lamlly orcnard, Darn, chicken rise, true tor, plow, harrow, 2 cows. 4 biks to Clearlake school Sc store. Priced at 125,000. An additional 30 acres or grain lad can n purchased with the above 20 acres for $10, 000. Will trade for good home or court as part na.vment. ZEEB'S REAL ESTATE 1333 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3031 T.VE.: 1-0501 . 3-S643 J-88HJ 40 AC. NEAR SHERWOOD S bedtm. modern home, barn, 2 chic ken housea, garage, trees. Trade for house in Salem. $8,500. 10 AC. WITH GOOD HOME Close in $8,500. Trade for older house . in Salem. , 2 BKDRM. HM. 14,973-3100 DN. NICE CLEAN 1 BKDRM. , DEN with fireplace only 17,450. Will con alder trade for .trailer house. BEAUTY SALON, CLOSE IN CALL OSCAR SEDERSTROM. SLM. John J. Dann, Realtor 415 W. High. Ph. 4-3482; Eve. 2-5219 Mm tinte mimim tstims ISIIIIIUH IUIIIMM 4lmill SIIIIIIIM filllllSSISIIIIIM IIIIIIIIIIIO! aniiiiMtiiMiiiiiM muissis SI iiiiiiiim Slllllt II ISIStSM MM SULLIVAN $400 Down to a qualified G.I, Two bdrmi., large lot Just oft Lan caster Dr. Owner moved to Bend must sell. I7.BM. Call Bristol, vet. S-MU. W500 aaoa Lee at. Corner lot With plenty of shady trees. Stucco exterior & one large BR. Make fine rental, $1500 dwn. Mr. Rice, eves $JU00 Full basement, fireplace, . oil heat .one BR. Makes wonderful home for anyone working in the siate buildings, Davis, eves. 2-2 1 l. $9,800 East, one of today's finest buys, it you desire suburban living. mis 3-hr home is spotless, lire. lot. Will sell G.f. with only fi down. McFarlane, eves. 4-2345. ttO.SOO Nob Hill. SIS Judson. onlv blk. from McKlnley sen. 2 BRs A den, Party rm .In basement. Home In auptirb condition. Bill Sullivan, eves. 3-4700. $13,500 Three BRs plus lge. play room on quiet at., north, Apprnx, 1500 sq. ft., outside fireplace, ga rage. There Is fine value here. David, eves. 1-27 A I. FOREST LANE MOTEL Almost acres on Portland Rd. ten unit, Separate living quarters. Acreage I all In strawberries. $55,000. Mr. Rice, eves. 3-4B69. SS-YFAn VETERAN LOANS WITH S DOWN and 35-YEAR FHA LOANS WITH 10 DOWN. CON STRUCTION MONEY AVAILABLE. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN, REALTOR j?M Portland Rd. Phone 4-RM3 SALEM HEIGHTS Llv. rm. 14 x is. Larg. kll. and din. romh. Break, nook. 2 lovely hdrms Rath with shr. Alt. gar. Lot M x 120. Fenced in bark yard. M750.no $500 DOWN Vse your rent money for a home of your own. 1 bdrms.. din. rm. New healing and plumbing. Pav. ments $57.50 per mon .Includes Int. 17,000 00. FAIRMONT DISTRICT Only 7 yrs. old. wllh large llv. rm., basement and sawdust fnrred air heat, 3 large hdrms. dn.. 1 up, clean as a pin. Large kit. wllh plen ty of light. Corner lot. Heller see this. Only tlo.nso. Roy Todd, Realtor M! Stale SI. Olflce ph. 2MI F.venlngs pall: Simpson VWtfl. Van- rlervort 37M. Ruch J791S, Elllnger 4J.T2H. Houses For Sal LOOK AX Olis rrsl 3 b.rirnntn horn, on ovrslr.rt Inlorlh. Ovirwr 2-n.Ml. MAKE AN OFFER On Ihls imull but n.nt hnm. 11111 llvinjt room. 14x11 b.rt room. Good Kit. wllh fllninir spot. Corner lol. Restricted Residence Dlst. E. A. McGIauflin. Rltr. jnM Broartway.l.Mll. F.ve. S.WJJ ENGLEWOOD f Bed. room home, living room, kit chen nook, basement. $V7."VO no, 600. 00 down. $.".3 00 month. SOUTH SALEM $ Bed. room. Comb, living and dlnlnf room, kitchen nook, utility room. food location. I.V7V) M, $mm 00 oown. fM.OO a month, call 4-zow Don McCoard with McKILLOP Real Estate 4D.1 Center, Salem, Orenn 808 Lot For Sal IOTS 0X13, 4(H nd ttMI. 1! Down, 11 Month. Owner, J.MU; KveS-MlJ. TARGE SIZE city lnt. Termi or trade. Owner. -45J. NOTICE MR. G.I. 5 down will get your home with a payment schedule of 25 years. If you can pay $500 to $1000 down, we can help you. Feel free to asK any questions ana you win De unaer no obligations whatso ever, BRAND NEW 2-BEDR00M Really cute home with beautiful hardwood floors A dream kitchen Inclosed utility. Lots of storage space. Inft.de city limits with paved street, city water and sewer, bu by door. Only $51 .41 per month. with Jow down payment. LIFETIME JOB goes with this home Ac business , Here Is a wonderful opportunity for tndenennenre .Hatchery and pou trv huKlneFs plus an excellent ,1 bedroom home with basement on i:t acres of good land.' Incubator for Mt .000 edfia phis everything needed for one of the most com nleie set una in the northwest Owner ready to retire and will sell for about $fl000 down or will trade for home in Salem area. 201 South Hieh Phone 3-U203 Phone evenings & Sundays: 4-1671, 4-KUU, S-UZM, 3-1876. BDRM. HOME. Double plumbing, oil furnace. Nicely landscaped. This home Is In perfect repair and very clean. Close to schools in En glewood' district. 3-BDRM. HOME. Nice yard. Good neighborhood. Located at 1170 N, 24th St. -BDRM. HOME. South Salem near new "high school, Priced $10,980. BDRM. HOME. Located at 3026 Johns St. Oil heat. 4 rs. old. The best of terms or will consider late model car as dn. payt. i ACRES. E. of 4 Corners. 4-B.R home, nice barn. Fenced. Fruit trees. V7 blk. to bus line. Will con sider Salem home In trade. 38 ACRES. No bldgs. Best of soil. Year around creek. Clone to Salem. Excellent for subdivision. $lf,000. 1743 Center St. Ph. 4-4901 Eve. 3-3951 wmm tuasm WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES 15 YEAR FEDERAL CI LOANS WITH DOWN AVAILABLE NOW. ALSO FHA 25 YEAR MTCS. A SLEEPER It's only 7 yrs. old. Just outside city. Fireplace, 70 by 180 lot. It you want soil for a ear den you tan certainly fet It here. Insulated. Weather atripped. Oil heat. Owner Is offer lnf this home for sale because of in neaiin. run price nniv sbmmj, (Call for MH. GRIMMETT, eve. ph. 2-7679.) WHY. PAY RENT When you ran live in your own home for only 94!)7.V Has 2 bedrooms. On ly I yrs. old. Needs some patnt and minor repairs. It's a real value. Well located for schools, bus and stores. Liberal terms. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, Eve. ph. 4-9020 Sim.) A WHALE OF A BUY Bedroom home In Knjtlewond that's spotlessly clean. You d swetr it s never heen lived In. Very pari mm. Separate utility, Evtra deep lot. Wonderful lawn. Pd. driveway. Oil heat. Insulated. Copper plumb ing. A real family home. The price is nnlv II 1.91. (Call fr MR. ORIMMETT, eve. ph. 2-7873 Sim.) FORMICA KITCHEN In this home. It's not too larjie but it real value. Oil heat. Tile bath. Covered patio. Wired for drver. Nice shrubs. Owner leaving. This l a buv for U1D50. (Call tor MR. GRIMMKTT, eve. ph. 2-7B79 Sim.) GROCERY With everything Included. Consisting of 3 acres land, store bldg., 3 bed room house. 4 Wells. All equipment in store. Will exchxnee for home or small acreage. Full price nnlv SftSOn plus stork at wholesale. (Call for V. V.. "DAN" ISAAK. eve. ph. 4-.1.VU Sim ) TAVERN This ts a deal. All fixtures are mod ern and in Kfd condition. Very nlre living quarters. Highway front age. This ts an established and good monev making business. Fv eivthtnr goes fnr onlv 2?.A00. (C'.-tll for N. C "DAN" ISAAK, eve. ph. 4-l.VU Sim ) Kit Carson Would Walk To Salem in 2 hours, ill miles down townl for this iO-.n-ie w tlilcrne -is. 3 Creeks. 5 A hike re.nlv to lie stocked with fih. Some rtrarrd land. Seedrd to pasture All fenced. l.artfe bnm, 9-yr.nld modern house with full tmenirnt. Furnace. Fire, place. Onlv $13.r0. tMM down will handle. Mav consider enr as rtart n.ivment. (Call for Mil CRAW FORD, eve, ph. 4-Wn Sim ) 2G ACRES t Acre m.pberries. 4 A. o.its and vetch. 15 A. clover. A. pasture. Mtwtcin 7-rnntn home with full bcment. hv i( hrn Onle 2', miles from town. This is a food farm. Priced St onlv IU.1.VI. Terms arrant rd $8650 FULL PRICE Yrs. that's all we aie asking for httn 1 plus acre. Almost j(ns ritv lim Its of Salem. Good modern 4-bed-room house. In the best of rendi tion. Small barn. 2 Garages. Fam ilv walnuts and orrhard. This is a nat nronertv. Terms. tCnli for MR LEAVENS, eve. ph. Sim ) 5()0 ACRES With no waite Und. One of the fine! homes you have ever seen One you'd expect in find In a choice residential area In a Urge city Huilt in IP43. Full basement. Forced air oil furnace. Plus an extra guest house that's modern. 125 Acres could be irrigated. One barn M bv 100. One W bv 100. Chicken bouse. Hog house. Machine shed. 30 by 110 2 Creeks, ft Springs. This Is a deal for $76,000, Liberal terms, Stock and equipment cin he purchased. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4734 Sim.) FHA AND CONVENTIONAL MTCS. FEDERAL CI MTflS . 2A YRS. LICENSED ALSO IN WASH. AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO. KtiAUl Vli Office Phones 4-a.1l I or a-KJO .10.1.1 Portland Road J.47M. 4-.1.U1. 4..V120 2-77. .VMS) If No Answer, Call 4-2241 i"' (An agency devoted entirely to home-selling operated by Theo. G. Nelson, ncaiiur-zsppraiscr ana ana REDUCED ONLY ONE YR. OLD. 3 large bdrms. Fplace. Iniul. and w-stripped. Ven blinds. l.TjX.W garage. Near bus and school. Roy Barker, Sim. Office Ph. .-..si, nes. 2-aay, 3 LARGE LOT; good soil, well drained. Good well. I-rm. house. 1 bdrm, down. 2 up. hull bath. Plastered. Oil circulator goes. Keizer school tana Morgan, lw. ufllce ph. 4-4441, Res. ph. 4-6038. 4 BDRM. $7950 VERY ATTR. CLEAN HOME. W-w wnn ftiiuwer, cicely iinisneo. i.onc. lounoatlnn. liooa neignDors. blks to 4 Corner school, (i blk. to bus. Affords lots of living for growing family at a very reasonable price. 17050 .Grace Tomlin, Slw, umcc pn. nes. pn. -iijo. - YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SALESMAN Five HOMESEI.LFR salesmen are nonieR eacn ior sale in ineir dating their Information at HOMESELLERS headquarters. Up-to-lhe-minute information about home sales in your neighborhood will help you whelher you want to buy a home or sell one. Call 4-4441 for the name and phone number of the HOMESELLER salesman for vour neignoornooa. u will be worth THE HOMESELLERS MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS THEO. G. NELSON, MGR. IN Til HUB OF SALEM EASY PARKING 702 N. HIGH, SAIEM PH. 4-4441 Salesmen Parker, Res. ph. 3-5959. pn. 4-bu;a. Hogers, nee. pn. WILL TRADE Close to all schools, 3-bcdroom home, best of condition. Base bent, sawdust beat. Will take in trade $ to 10 acres vacant ground. Sale price $10,900. MANBRIN GARDEN Neat 2-bedroom home, Urge cor ner lot all fenced. $1AOO.OO down, $47.00 a month. Price $8500, Ask for Ted Morrison. LEE OHMART ACREAGE EAST 10 acres, full set of buildings tn a -nice setting. All-year creek' thru place. A dandy place for $7500. Terms. Call Henry Tor vend, HARD TO FIND 3-bcdroom home, all on one floor, with basement, party room, oil heat. 2 fireplaces, of them extra special. 2-car garage. This home la a real family home. Call Ralph Maddy for appointment, any time. GROCERY STORE ' Doing good business. No blue sky. Stock at Inventory, Equipment and fixtures. $3500.00, $1000 down. Call Louis Lotenz. OHMART & CALABA, Realtors 477 Court St. Phone 24115 24111 Eve. Salesmen: Ted Morrison 2504A Henry Torvend 3.1B32 Ralph Maddy 23488 ' Louis Lorenz 35590 - NEED TO EXPAND? Here's your answer In this attractive 2-bdrm. . home with. i(. unfinished attic suitable for 2 more bdrms.. Iiv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm., Ige. kitchen with brkf space, full bath with shower. Hdwd. firs, throughout. Auto, oil T. A. furnace, aingU attached garaga. This Is a food buy at I11.BS0. CALL. J. E. LAW. NOB HIIJ. DISTRICT Thla i bdrm. home offers a baautlful vl.w. Uv. lng rm. Is 27x12. Nice recreation room. 2 blocks from McKlnley School. Price. S10.750. CALL, H. K. LAYMON. READY FOR PLASTER Plenty of tlma to look and select colon, 2 bdrms., 2 full bathrooms, garage, utility area, paved street, bus close, some vJew, oak trees. Two of the four new homes on this street sold. $14,900. CALL ROY 8. FERRIS. DUPLEX Located on South 12th Street In No. 3 Business Zone. Corner Int. Bringing ItiO.OO per mo. plus owner's quarters. Nice condition thrunut. Basement, auto-oil furnace. Price .9500 CALL C. H. GRABEN HORST, JR. GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY ST. Ph. 2-2471 j. E. Uw .1-5113 Roy S. sWtimiaiAstoia(fotM ftYrlisrii'Vj 1573 00 DN ON THIS 1400 SQ. FT. S-PDRM. HOME Located near Salem Hts. school. Approximately 1 acre of ground. You must see this home. For appointment call Chet Rawlins, Sim. 5 BDRMS. 3 COMPLETE BATHS Full bastment. beautiful den. 1 play rooms, S acres of the finest soil, lots of outbuilding, silo, barn, ear Re. Don't miss this beautiful home. For appointment to see call Chet Rawlins. Sim. 1 HOMES. 7 ACRES. $15 000 007 acres close in, one 3 -bdrm. home. 7 rent al homes, food subdivision spot. Owner anxious to sell. Call Jim Rawlins, Sim. BRAND NEW 3 BDRM. EXTRA ROOMY, 15.!00.00 Quality workmanship and materials make this an excellent buy, 1M0 sq. ft. floor space, double garajte. central hallway, forced air oil heat, attractive fire place. Insulation, weatherstrtpping. excellent birch kitchen, etc. This is worth your checking Call Jim Rawlins, Sim. II. UNIT MOTEI-LOCATION PERFECT. I SINGLES, S DOUBLES. TV. In moms, m x 1.10 lot at W.&00.00. This is a good buy. owner will take home. Make us an offer. For appointment to sea call Dale Rayhurn, Sim. X BDRM. HOME I.OCATFD IN HOLLYWOOD- blocks from Hhopplng district, dandy lot 50 x 1.10. Make offer on down pa) merit. To aee call Dale Ravbuin, Sim. RAWLINS REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT RKALTOR) S0M N. Capitol Stteet Ottlre Phones 2-4WH or 4-1761 Evenings: Chet Itnwllns 3-62:18, .lim Rawlins 2-H578. Dale Hnybuin 2-2043 808 Lots For Sale PANORAMIC view of river and mts. almost In country hut 3 minutes to downtown. Within city limits Kith city facilities. ( lots HHI'Ide addition. SIMM) each. 1.. Cook, Gen. Del. Manrantta. Oregon. BY OWNER. Choice lot nnoak St between Liberty and High. Thone 3-39.11 or 3-61153. 810 Fqrmti. Aeronqn For Snlo 25 ACRES NO building!!, but an exceptional site Filhrrts. Also year - round spring and strr.im. I miles from Salem Puce 7..V0 Chinchilla Ranch TRADK in your home on this lo an r tract near Salem, Hood build in.!!. Top business location, 66 i-hinchillas. Price W,!HH). f0 Acres $18,000 GOOD ILbedroom home. .1 shed. 13 acres tn beans. 11 in Ladmo clover. 12 in pasture. Willamette toll. 1ft miles from Salem. RAMSEY, REALTOR 20114 North Commercial. Office 4-MI1 Kve. 2-"S46 or 3-7072 or 4-l! 40 ACHES. 3 bedroom. niodernT Pig bain, chicken hou.es. WE. 4 mi, N. of Brook.. t2l.oni). c. w. Bar. Jell. Rt 1, Hnx 11, llrooks. 133 A FARM! NORTH of SAl.Kv'l VA1 I.K.V H.OORI l2.mV C. W. STUI l.KR. Rltr. 783 E,leater. I'D. 1-SM3! or4-.17BJ. Salrm. Or. 88 ACRES A good farm tn Willamette Vslte can he nought risht, also Is A o ifh 14(Vt ft. frontage 4 miles N. of Brooks. C. W. Kartell. iiv. neignoornooa salesmen. TO $10,650 BDRM. $5750 carpet LAD rms compact kit., bath keeping constant check on about 100 respective neighborhoods and console your while to get acquainted with him Gorton, Res. ph. 2-4092. Morgan, Res. z-a-jzu. Tomnn, nes. pn. i-ziae. RUDY CALABA Evenings Sundays call Salesmen rerrls 2-H0I0 H. K. Laymnn 2-.1I91 NOTICE! The Ttiisine.s Department of the STAI'E.sMAM - JOURNAL NEWS. PAPERS WILL he dosed Sundays, rlaftified Ads for Monday papers must he In hy P. M. Saturday. To Place Ad " Call 2-2441 812 Exchange Real Elol HERE'S YOUR chsnr. to Irsde your trailer house fnr 12000 equity in 2 BR home with Ige. lot and good lo cation. Homt value $4300. m. 2-!t.'0!l. PLAN that new home now I Lg. city lots. Terms or trade. By owner, 4-4326. 818 Wanted, Real Eilale CASH tlUYFRS far suburban proper, ty of all types. Also rltv property to trade for acreage.. Reimann Real K.late. 201 S. High, Thone 3-S203. HAVE SEVERAL calls' for berry farms from 2 tn 40 acres. See me for particulars. D, A. Fl.h, broker. 14M S. Coin'l. Ph. 3-4706. t.0 Aiitomolive 6S2 Ud Cam For Sale ISM CHF.V. rteluNC 4 dr. dn. T.r. rood A clean. $no.V Will trad old er car as part payment. Th. 4-39M. 852 Used Can For Sal IT'S HERE!! THE BEAUTIFUL NASH RAMBLER CROSS-COUNTRY IT'S A SENSATIONAL NEW F0UR-D00R STATION WAGON! DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT NOW WE WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TO SHOW THIS GREAT NEW CAR! TO CELEBRATE THIS EVENT, WE ARE OFFERING OUR FINE USED CAR STOCK AT SPECIAL SALE PRICES NO FINANCE CHARGES! PLUS A GREAT NEW ONE-YEAR GUARANTEE. GET THE . DETAILS ON THIS GREAT SALE NOW! BILL PHILLIPS REAL VALUES 1951 CHEV. COUPE fl Passenger model with Radio I. Heaer. $995 1951 MERCURY SEDAN Equipped with radio, heater, 0 "drive, $1195 1949 DESOTO COUPE Club coupe with heater. $895 1950 FORD 77AGON Station Wagon with Radio It Heater. - i $895 1951 OLDS 88 TUDOR Hydramatic, radio it Heater. $1295 1949 CHEV. TUDOR Radio 4 Heater. $695 1949 BUICK SEDAN Super with Dynaflow, Radio A Heater. $895 1948 PONTIAC SDN. An Radio, Heater. Hydra. $595 1947 CHEV. TUDOR Rsdio, Heater. Good buy at $395 1946 OLDS 98 Sedanet wllh Hydra ma tic. Radio 4 Heater. $295 ORVALS' fThe Lot W'ith the Turntable Center a Church Ph. 3-4702 iM V6NTiAcrVdan7tte, new palnL and scat covers. Kxc. motor and tires, ft tube radio, hydramatic plus all G. M. accessories. Call 4-3680. '4A MERC. Snt. cne., sharp, equipped. 1415 N. 17th. Ph. 3-6072. SO BUICK 2 dr. Super Riviera. Sell or trade. Ph. 2-7472. 31 CORNET, 3 pa.. Dodge. Clean In terior, good paint, newly overhaul, ed. good cond.. tires. R. St H. 16F3, Independence. 150CHEV, 4 door. Will trad. Jor older car. 1333 D St. 5:00 p.m. 195.1 FOUR DOOR Mercury sedan. $2195. Radio, heater. Mcrc-O-matic dr. I owner, 1.1100 miles. Call 4-1183 days. 4-6614 eve. ro.VI MERCURY 4-door. RAH. ecel lent condition. $2,143. Call Salem 1-50.10. 39 CHRYSLER. 4-dr. sedan, over drive and heater. 1125 Drarborn, Keizer dlst. $30. Business Directory APPLIANCE SERVICE 24-HOUR SERVICE, all makes. Red'a Appliance Repair... 2-6450. 2-5737. IIKI111I.NO CAPITOL Bedding Mattress reno vators. New mattresses. 3-40fi!t. Ill I I IHlI.Mti Bulldozing, clearing road5, ponds D-4. D-6, carrvall V. Hu.key. Ph 2-3146. NOUlfKli6l.il PRflDITT FOR prompt, frea delivery ol WAT KINS products, please call distrib utor, 1133 Sn. Commercial St., Sa lem. Ph. 3-5395. Dealer appliratlont Invited. Stanley Horn, Product.. Le, Mindt, IMP Madison. Ph. 3-4036 Lawnmnwcr fthapentng A Repair. HAND mowers. $2. Free pick-up"- dehvery.JJh. 2-4B16. lftth k n. NlilSf.RY SCHOOL FINF."S Fairyland nursery school. 8aS Mi.ion Ph 2-7(i: PLl'.M II I NO 24-IIH. PUMP service on all makes water systems. Brownla Valdea. I-2TM RKKRKiKRATOR SCRVICK All makes and models. Al Laue Re frllcratlon. rh. 3-M4J. SrPTIC TANKS MIKES Septic Service. Tanks clean ed. D'ronter cleans sewers, drains. Phone S-IHf.. Srwer septic tank, drain, clean" ed. Ruto-Hooler Swer Service. PUnne J-S:i;'7. Hamel's septic tanks cleaned, ltne service Guaranteed work. Phone J-7M14. 2-07T4. TRKfTwoRK ' rRUNIXG A spravinK. Insured op erator. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 4-1411, 852 Used Can For Sal S3 BUICK SEDAN Custom interior green nvlon and cordaveen; two tone green paint; one owner, sold and serv Iced by us; only 8067 miles 12295 51 BUICK SUPER SEDAN Radio, heater, dynaflow. excel lent tires, scat covers since new, we sold new and serv iced, only 41,4.13 miles 11595 DOLLAR SAVERS CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN....IM5 49 PONTIAC SEDAN 795 49 MERCURY CLUB CPE. 795 47 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 595 50 STUDEBAKER COUPE 79V 45 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 495 4 FORD SEDAN 395 47 BUICK SUPER SEDAN.395 41 BUICK ROADM ASTER 195 41 BUICK SEDAN 85 41 OLDS 6J CLUB COUPI 193 36 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 50 I'OU GET A BETTER USED CAR FROM A BUICK DEALER OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY OREGON'S NUMBER ONE DEALER JTomjiierclal at Center Phone 2-.162.1 "$$SAVE$$ TWO (21 1933 PONTIAC SLDANS, HYDRAMATIC, RADIO. HEATER, 1 OWNER. YOUR CHOICE. $2695 NEW CAR GUARANTEE KELLY OWENS COMPANY 660 N. Liberty Ph. 1-411.1 1940 FORD convertible. New top Ai upholstery, good body and motor. Ph. Monmouth 6273. 1946 STUDEBAKER Champ, sedan, in good shape. Will trade for pick- upM.S. Church: 1948 WILLYS Jeepster, new tires, R .H overdrive. $393. Ph. 2-1790. FOR SALE: Good clean 1946 Chev. Clb. Cpe..RiH.JhoneJ!-4BB7. '49BUIck Slier ennv. R&H, w-w sldewalls. Sharp! Best offer takes, Musta.Ph;2-lJ after 6 p.m. 1949 BUICK X dr. New "far condition throughout$895. 3-0966. '41 OLDS. $l!lS."Wiif take older car in trade. 1870 Berry St. CHEAP Equity In 1931 Nash Hamb. ler convertible. New top .motor completely overhauled. Ph. 4-5618. 1952 FORD custom line club coupe" Rsdio and hrater. Fordnmatlc. I14SS. V. S-7025 '52 MERr. hardtop eont. Auto, trans.. ww tires, win sell on trade for older car.all 2-0731. '47 DODC.r, 4-DR., private owner. RAH. good tlret. top motor. 795 N. Wlnler. Ph. 2-4379. 854 Truclm, Trailerrt For Sal COPD travelmi or Inflate trailer. iu ?k Lioerty. 858 Motorcycles, GAS 7c GALLON That's what It's tike when you ride a new or used Mdtorcycle or scooter from SIIROCK S MOTORCYCLE SALES Just North of the Underpass. No down payment on approved credit 862 House Trailers WANTED small trailer house. Cheap Ph. 4-.MU3. 2S FT. housetraller 1M9. Metal ex terior. 1060 Shady Lane. M SPORTCRAFT sleeps five. Used 4 mo. Exc. cond. Ubl Hawthorne. EASTERN -brnii" HoTL"bH6MlT27'"to 4.V. See before, you buy. Lana Lane Trailer Plara. 1W0 iL.maAe; For the be't in Trailer homes, new or usrd With terms available Sea JAYHAWK TRAILFR SALKS 2CI0 Portland Road 864 Heavy Equipment Rl'RRFR tired loftlnr arch. Kxrel. lent eond, tsoo. Ph. 2403 Canny. B52 Usod Cars For Sale AL LOUCKS dial 3-92ft6 PRICES SLASHED! TRADES ARE COM ING IN FAST WE MUST MOVE THESE OLDER CARS AT ONCE! ' '47. FORD 8 TUDOR $250 '48 NASH AMBASSADOR $275 47 NASH 600 SDN $295 '46 NASH AMB. CPE. $195 '42 FORD 8 ST A. WGN. $ 50 '42 NASH AMBASS; $165 46 BUICK SUPER $295 48 NASH 600 SDN $395 BILL AL PHILLIPS LOUCKS cfmrtnm 3-afo 1953 CADILLAC DEVILLE Coupe completely equip ped with all accessories Including power steering. Firestone puncture proof tires. 8000 ml. Terms. Call 3-6043. PACKARD BLUE . RIBBON Used Cars '53 PACKARD "200" .$2605 Jtit 15,000 miles, in new con- on ion. '51 PACKARD "200" .$1595 Vfry elran, R&H. Vltramntic. '51 PACKARD "300" $1005 Cavalier. 1 owner. H.VH. UI tramAtic. Just 21.000 miles. '50 PACKARD Super .$1195 8 Club Sedan. PH. O.D. None finer. ELSIMER MOTOR CO. 352 N. High Salrm. Oregon PACKARD - WILLYS 1930 -ton pickup in excellent cond. or 1952 Hudson Hornet with only 19.000 miles, lots of extras. Phone 2-5959. 1949 CHF.V. Styleline deluxe 4-dr. se dan. New tires, heater. Excellent mechanical condition. Call 2-4686. 1942 DeSOTO convertible. Afler 5:30 call 2-7210. 51 CHEV. Bel-Air hard top. RAH, two-tone grey. Best offer. Ph. 2-8064. Statesman-Journal Newspapers SW NORTH CHURCH STREET STATESMAN 1-2441 JOURNAL 7-24M CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Mm S ltnei) 'Weekdays ''Sundays oer line. 1 tlma Dtr line, 3 timet . oer line, 6 timet -oer line. 1 month . 35 . 90 .11 .10 .$500 $).:o (lncl. Sun.) Clarified adt will be run In both papers to give advertiser the ad vantage of the tremendous pulling power of 35,600 combined circula tions. When an ad Is ordered three or sx times and a Sunday Kue ts In cluded (for example- Frldav. Satur day. Sunday) the lower Sunday rates apply because only the Statesman oublishes Sundavs Clarified ads will start In the mornine Ore iron Statesman, conclude in the evenlnff Capital Journal Rut adi wtll re accepted for Sunday Statesman only The drtdlina fnr rlatflcd ads Is l.no p.m. the day before publira- tion. Emergency adi and small line UNDER $1000 47 OLDS 66 $345 "46 OLDS 66 $395 42 OLDS 9B $195 '48 OLDS 78 -$650 47 DODGE $595 49 DE SOTO $795 '49 PONT $995 '48 BUICK $695 '50 NASH . $795 49 FORD $795 50 CHEV. $895 NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVED CREDIT LODER BROS. CO. 0LDSM0BILE . 465 CENTER PHONES 2-7973, 4-2261 ELSNER'S BETTER VALUES! '52 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN SEDAN. It's tops $1595 52 PONTIAC CATAL1NA COUPE. Like new $1995 52 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR Leather interior $1495 '52 OLDS SUPER "88", Tu-tonc blue $1995 '52 WILLYS ACE TUDOR. 1 owner, 12,000 miles. $1595 '51 WILLYS 6-CYL ST A. WGN. Overdrive, R4H. $1195 '50 FORD CLUB COUPE. R & H $695 49 PLYM CLUB COUPE. R & H $695 '49 MERC SPORT COUPE. R & H $595 '49 HUDSON COMMODORE "8". 4-DOOR SEDAN ...$495 '48 KAISER SEDAN. R & H, overdrive $295 46 DODGE SEDAN. New motor ; $395 2 LOTS CENTER & HIGH UNION & HIGH ELSNER MOTOR CO. PACKARD 352 N. HIGH WILLYS SALEM WOW! THIS IS REALLY THE MOST. 1953 BEL AIR CUSTOM BUILT RADIO CUSTOM HEATER SYSTEM TU-TONE PAINT TURN INDICATORS WOO PREMIUM TIRES CUSTOMIZED BODY CUSTOM EXHAUST SYSTEM SAVE $800 LEE'S 240 N. CHURCH 1953 FORD RANCH WAGON Popular ife Stylish, combined wllh capacity for nifiupd treatment make this Tlmhorllne (rreen fin ish model with radio, heater, overdrive tt many other accrx anries an excellent buv at $2295. CHARLES MUSSER Phone 4-4901 Huh 4c Marion lads received after 100 em. mar -t p'rca in inr i no iaie i o Classify" column for the folic .--'lng morning Ads for Monday papers must be In by S P. M. Saturday. The Statesman-Journal Newspapers reserves the right to reject ques tionable advertising. It further re serves the right to pUce all advr tlFlng under the proper classifies? lion. 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