450 Merchandise 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous J 510 Money to loan Appliance Bargains Used Washing Machines 19.95 & Up Used Refrigerators .-.......$49.95 & Up Used El pc. Rancea .....?12.95 & Up NEW Westinghouse Automatic electric clothes dryer, 220 volt. Only , 16B.95 DEEPFREEZE HOME FREEZERS $3o.fl0 allowed for your old water heater on a new Westinghouse wa ter heater. Guaranteed 10 years. Plastic -Kote requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 CHEMEKETA ST. Open Friday Niliht 'Til 9 - Ph. 3-4311 OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TRADER LOUIE 1870 LANA AVE. IMMACULATE electric ranee and refrlg. Like new. Easily worth $275, buy both now lor 199.50. Low down payment. E.Z. terms. Glen Wood ry's. 16G5 N. Summer. 3 COMPLETE ROOMS OF FURNITURE! $195 1 DAVENO 1 CLUB CHAIR 2 STEP-END TABLES 1 COCKTAIL TABLE 2 TABLE LAMPS 1 OVERSTUFFED CHAIR 1 VANITY 1 BENCH 1 BED 1 CHEST 1 COIL SPRING 1 INNF.RSPR1NG MATTRESS 7 PC. DINING SUITE EASY TERMS HOGG BROS. USED STORE 137 SO. COMMERCIAL SALE OR TRADE Inner pr. matt, and box springs for treadle sew. mach. 876 Piedmont St. LAMPS 1.95. Glen Woodry. USED VACUUM CLEANERS Nearly new G E. tank, $29 95. Late model Electrolux, exc. cond., $39.95. Hnnvcr upright $0.95. Liberal trade-in allowance. $5. down, $5 mon. Scars Roebuck Co.. 550 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-9191. 1 HOTPOINT electric range, $15. Call 4-1158 after p.m. MAN'S DARK gray dress suit, size 36. Like new. $20. 4645 Sunnyvlew. S FT. WESTINGHOUSE refrlg. Ph. 4-6073. C. E. PROFESSIONAL size sun lamp, $20. Highchnlr. $5. Child- training chair, $2. Childs coat, lrggins. & hat. size 3. !5 AU In good condl Hon. Ph. 2-2085. STRONG 6 yr. baby crib with matt. Like new. Also sheets included. $20. Good Walker $7.50. Ph. 2-3020. CHROME dlnctles. Glen Woodry. HUGE NEW furniture salell Glen Woodry. 1C05 N. Summer. FREtPFILL and lop soil. 629 River view Dr.. West Salem. T" V 17" or 21" console. Nearly new. Sclt either. Price right. 2510 Laurel Ave. $ YR. OLD Kcnmore apt. size stove. $60. Call 4-6255. CLOSEOUT, new 4 pc. hedroom sets, rcg. 169.50 value, 109.50. Bleach. 48" plate mirrors, our top bargain. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous WE PAY cash for furniture, tools & misc. Ph. 3-5056. WANT good office desk, reasonable. 4-6211 or 4-1608. STUD LOGS Wanted I' Slud Logs or Multiples of '. Plus Trim. Dla. 6" to 16". BURKI.AND LUMBER CO. Ph. Turner 1125 F.ves. 2503 Turner or 2-7626 Salem 474 Miscellaneous COW FERTILIZER. $9 load, $5 per vd. Ph. 3-6021. DENTAL PLATE REPAIR :-IIR SERVICE IN MOST CASF.S DR HARRY SF.MLER. DENTIST Adolnh mdg Stale V Ccm'l. Sts SALEM PH 3-3311 476 Fuel ANDERSON'S green slab. J cd. $14. Ph. 2-7731 or 4-4233or 2-4574. CAPITAL FUEL Pickup Your Presto-loirs SAWDUST FOR MM.CIIINC? Briquets and wood at 1S8 S Coml St Phone 3-7721. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdu't wood grern or 1rj. Stove-Diesel nils Ph 3-6444 OREGON FUEL CO. Slab, sawdust, oak Silt GREEN STAMPS Til. ,1-533.1 3087 nroadwy ""West Salem Fuel Co. Tune or Push Out Sawdust A'h, Maple and Oak .Wood Oreen. drv slan. "laner Ends 1523 Edgcwater Phone 2-40.11 500 Hns. & Finance 510 Money to loan P"V.TF nwev to losn ph REAL ESTATE LOANS l : COLONIAL INVESTMENT C0. OBFt W 605l r" Court im 4-ZZ83 AUTO LOANS WILLAMr'.TTF CRFD1T CO. 182 outh Church P.rklnc a-Plentv Ph S-JI57 J.lr "'n M-ll-jL CASHfor real estate mortgages and eontrarts. B. M. Mason, Rlt, 164 8. Coml. 500 Bus. & Finance I CONSOLIDATION OF BILLS can ease financial strain and save time and money. Our 27 years of service to this community Is our biggest asset, TRY US Phone first for a one-trip loan. Loans to cioo.00 on signature, fur niture and equipment and to looo.oo on autos, trucks and trail ers. Park Free at Marion Car Park. 133 S. Commercial St. Lie. S-138, M-.13! 512 Loans Wanted APPROX. $0,500 loan on new 3 B R. home, flrepl., etc. New District. A t. ai-iesman-journai. WANT J8.000.00 at 6 to be paid at the rate of $400.00 plus interest semi-annually. Very good security and best of credit. Box 238, Statesman-Journal. 515 Investments , ALL-IN-ONE LOAN. UP TO $2000 OR MORE ONE LOAN MAY DO ALL 4 1. GROUP INSTALLMENT PAY MENTS. 2. CUT PRESENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 3. CLEAN UP CURRENT BILLS. 4. PROVIDE EXTRA CASH. JUST ONE ' MONTHLY PAYMENT PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 118 S. LIBERTY PH. 4-2203 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted COUPLE, FARM experience, chore generous proposition. Box 251 Statesman-Journal. 604 Help Wanted. Male PLOW, DISK, level, roto-hoa. Serv ice Center Ph. 4-3573. WOOD CUTTER, 10 A. old cherry trees to be cut for wood, on share basis. Ph. 4-2940. LOADING Engineer wanted, must be experienced running heel-boom. Call 3-9006. EXPERIENCED service station man, union pay. Box 244, Statesman Journal, 606 Help Wanted. Female SITTER with own car for 1 boy 10 years. S. Salem. Ph 3-6279. WANTED Waitress fry-cook combi nation. Night shift. Apply in per son. Eola Inn, Salem-Dallas Hwy. BAHY SITTER wanted. Days "onlyT Ph. 2-9905. 2173 S. Summer. Eve nings. WANTED, experienced housekeeper. Live in. Local references required $100 month. Write 254 Statesman Journal. , WANT: LADY to share amall part of expense and household duties for home with semi-invalid. Can work out. Phone 2.4014. 610 Sales Persons Wanted EXPERIENCED sslesman for retail appliances. Above average wages. Write Statesman-Journal Box 247. OWN A car? Neat appearing? I've got a Job for you. Interview 8-11 a m. See Mr. Fish at 1410 Broad way EXP. SALESMAN wanted to sell new Ac used cars. Salary & com mission. Other considerations. In quire Gene Teague Chev.. Stayton. LADYto baby sit.9To12 a.m. Llghl housekeeping. Auburn or 4-Corners Dist. Ph. 4-2960. WANTED Industrious man with car to supply Rawleigh Products to 1300 families near where I am sell ing. Good opportunity. If you like outside work and your own profit able business write or see H. An derson. 1254 Elm St.. West Salem, or write Rawleigh's Dept. 152, Oak land 20, Calif. 612 Work Wanted. Male HOME Building and Remodeling. Ph. 4-3126, INCOME Tax blanks prepared rea- sonably. Ph. 3-604 1 . ROAD GRADING L. W. Hancock. Eves. Ph. 2-0010. FEDERAL Ac State tax returns pre pared. Pick-up service. Reasonable. Ph. 4-5O0B after 1 p.m. TAX RETURNS prepared In your home at reasonable rates. Phone 4-2031: HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard cleaned up and trash hauled. 2-7464. CEMENT woiit. all kinds Ernest Drake Phone 4-5129 1165 S 14th. WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing, etc. R V. Stoops. Ph. 2-3326. 614 Work Wanted. Female HOUSEWORK and child care. Live In. Not less than $50 00 per month. References exrhanged. Box 256, Statesman-Journal. 1 WANT to Iron In your home. Exp. Ph. JM070. LADY NEEDS any kind of work. Phone3-47S7. EXP. cook V bartender will do re- licf wnik. Call 4-5392. WASHING and ironing done In my home. Ph. 3-3093. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, reason able. Mrs. Poe, 663 N. 16th. 3-3643. HOUSEWORK or rooking company meals Phone 1-StV 615 Situations Wanted HOME Construction remodeling. Free estimates. Ph. 4-6340 alter 5. PAINTING Inside or out 25 years exp. In Salem. Ph. 3-7532. MITCHELLS Laundry. 30 years Sa lem. Separate small machines. 3-8921 !J to 2 30 p m. HAVE YOUR painting done early. Satisfaction assured. Ph. 4-2492 eye HIGH "SCHOOL girl wishes light house work babv sitting. 4-8015. MIDDLE-AGED baby sitter," days". Ph. 4-.V17. FAINTING with pride In workman- ship. Martin Wolfer. Ph. 4-8T. 600 Employment 615 Situations Wanted TREES SPRAYED Pruned and shaped. Also topping, trimming, tnd removing. Free esti mates. 2-7464. 4-3897. CARPENTER WORK. New or re modeling. Foundation to roof. Ph. 4-2521. , WANTED: SMALL girl to care for. 4 to 5 yrs. old. For companion to only child in farm home. $15 month. Ph. 2-0113. PENSIONED man needs work, small jobs, painting, repairing around homes, small wage. Best reference. 4-1116. DRESSMAKING and alterations. Also fur work. Phone 3-7004. CUSTOM tractor work, plowing discing, garden work. 3-9S63. IRONING 50c an hour. Bring hang ers. 1011 2nd St. West Salem. TREE work. Topping trimming-removing. Insured John Payne. Ph. 2-0.185. HOUSE plans drawn. Customized and accurate work. Ph. 3-8642. . LEARN dressmaking at your conven- . lence In my home. 2-1900. PAINTING, Paperhanging. Free es- tlmatcs. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-3322. PAINTING. PAPERHANGING. Con- tract, small Jobs welcome. Phone . 2-7692. GENERAL cleaning by the hour. Pa. 2-8259. i CUSTOM pluwlng and discing. For guson tractor, 2 bottom plow. Ph. 2-6120 or 2-4785. WIEMAL'S Day Nursery, licensed and state inspected. 2-3015. CEMENT work, all kinds. Feldschau & Son. 2-8628, 4-5320 aft. 3 p.m. TAX RETURNS prepared. Ph. 4-6228. Call day or eve. CARPENTER New, remodel or re palr. time or contract. Ph. 2-5025. MICKENHAMS DAY NURSERY State licensed and Inspected. Ph 2-7896. PAINTING. Will gladly estimate any size Job Ph. 2-4307. 3-8243. LANSCAPING. com. lawn, garden service. Service Center, 4-3573. PAPER HANGING & Painting. Jerry Johnson. Phone S-0794 RELIABLE baby sitter. Will go days or nights. Phone 2-9964. LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling grading. Phone 3-7042. CARPENTER WORK. Any kind. Rea sonable 4240 Macleay Rd Phone 45961 620 Day and Contract Land Clearing 15 yrs. Exp. Call for estimate on hour work or by contract for the com plete Job. L. C. Mitchell. Phone 3-5337. 700 Rentals LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease. Cement floors, brick build ing. Down town. Inquire H. L. Sufi Furniture Co. Phone 3-9185. 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board CLEAN sleeping rooms. Auto. heat. Hot &s cold water. 461 N. High. 1 ROOM kitchenette. Clean, warm, close-in. Utilities Jurn. Ladles. -n. 2-7469. BEAUTIFUL spacious furnished rm. wltn '.2 nam in new ngiewooo district. Walking distance to Sa lem General and High School. I or 2 gtrls preferred. 1285 23rq si. DOWNTOWN, 1st fir. clean, warm room. Bath adjoining. 658 Center. WARM, light, housekeeping room. Lady. BBa . rjnurcn. SLEEPING ROOM, kitchen facilities. r or i or a. im acrry ou LARGE beautiful furn. rm. Also bachelor apt. . winter. 705 Apartments For Rent CLEAN 4 room apt. Private bath, en trance. Nicely furn. Reasonable. Ph. 4-3578, ATTRACTIVE, close IS, clean, furn. apt. Pvt. entrance, elect, stove, re frlg., hot water and wash facilities furn. 243 Union. 4-1468. LARGE NICELY furn. room, light housekeeping. 695 S. 18th. Ph. 3-8060. 3 LGE. first floor rm. apt. with bath. 675 S. 12th. 3 RM. furn. adults, near State Hos pital, garage. Ph. z-flOil. 3 ROOM furn. apt. All utilities paid. Off street parking, aouiis, j-n. 2-9006. 1545 N. Capitol. 2-ROOM furn. apt. upstairs. Lights and water lurn. Lsunory room. 1620 Ferry St. Ph. 2-3101. 2-RM. furn. Ground fir. Utility porch. Elec. range, refrig.. private en trance and shower. Garage. After 3 , 4-1677. 1773 N. Front. 3 FURN. rooms At hath. Utilities paid except gas. TV antenna avail able. $37.50. 1207 S. Coml. Ph. 3-6254. 3-ROOM furn. apt. Newly decorated. 1 hlk. to bus line, s.u. atw w. win. 2-1070. 3-RM. furn., pvt. bath, walking dis tance. 4ao s. .apuoi. a-aaan. 2-ROOM furn., heated apt. For lady. 704 N. cottage. UNFURN. duplex. Fireplace, stova and refrlg. Call 1-7059 eve., Sat., Sun. MODERN 3-rm. furn. apt., close In. 549 N. Cottage St. FURNISHED 3 rooms. $30. Private bath 1968 North Coml. PRIVATE 3 room courv apts. Clean, furn., $45. Adults. 35G0 Portland Ha. 3 RMS. furn. Utilities paid. Women preferred. 1553 State. FURNISHED apartments. Close-In. Ph. 2-6740. 325 s. winter. Ambassador Furnished apts. 350 N. Summer FURNISHED modem 2 Toom apt. Within 5 blocks of down town. $65 per month. Ph. 3-1887. 444 N. Cot tage. 3-ROOM furn. apt. utilities paid. Rea sonable. Ph. 4-65.11. VERY NICE 1-bdrm.. furn. and un furn. Inquire 1656 S. 13th SI. 3-ROOM furnished apt., full hath, heat and water furn. $.15. Phone 3-8568. FURN. apts. North Salem Motel. 2673 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-66B. 3-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with garage, $55. Close In on No. Com'l Ph 2-S648 or 3-6644 BDRM. apt. Completely furn, close In. 444 N. Cottage. ATTRACTIVE unfurn. 4-rm. apt. with range At refrlg .1140 S. 13th. 1 BEDROOM apt. Stove, refrigerator, water, automatic steam heat, in cluded. Modern. $30 per month Mav be sfen at 2153 S. Commer. rial or Ph. 4-1451 alter 4 p m. CAPITOL PLAZA 1-bdrm.. furn.. unfurn. 116$ Che mekrta. 3-8630. LGE. WELL furnished 2 room apt. 2nd floor. $30. Adults, no pets. 2164 Maple Ave. Ph. 3-7117. 1 ROOM furn. apt. Near Capital. $31 Ph. 3-6163. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN $29 501 rm. furn. housekeeping apt., has refrlg. nice and clean, all util ities furn. except gas. Burt Pirha, Rltr. 379 N. High St. Ofl2-4(i47. 1 ROOM FURN. apt., bath, refrlg., ullhtlei. ArlultsS70 Tin I on. FOR rent, one hedrnm furn. du plex. 140. Ph. 4-1761. Agent. 700 Rentals NOTICE! The Business Department of the STATKSMANf - JOURNAL NEWS PAPERS WILL be closed Sundays. Clat-sifted Adi for Monday papers mit-t tt In by P. .M. Saturday. 705 Apartment! For Rent FURN. APTS., one 3 rm., one 3 rm. Pvt. entrance V bath, clean, close lrt.ll.S Bellovue. , YOU can't beat this: 2 rm. house keeping apt., furn. Inc. elec. range and refrlg., private bath, nice and clean, only $ 50, Burt Pirha, Rltr., 3:aN.Hlfih St. Off. 2-4047. 1 ROOM JURN. Nic, clean, warm. Woman nrcierred. o5, 841 N. . - crl' or 3-3000. CLdSErmali. furn. duplex." Child welcome. Kitchenette. i0. 765 Marion, r. SMALL FURN. aut., kitchenette, pri vate pain. 1st uoor. m. -m4. CEOTRAlXvlocatcd7r"br."" aptel. ram:e, refrlg-, laundry facilities furn. Rent $50. mo. Al Isanck Co., Realtors. Ph. A-d3l. 3 CLEAN furn. rms., priv. bath & entrance, jua unary, laz s.Hign. NICELY furn. 3 rm. apt. Private bath, close in. Ph, .1fiU85, VERY NICE modern 2-rm. furn. court apt. 545. 105 Madison. 4-47M. CLEAN 2-RM. furn. basement apt. rriv. rain, utilities lurn. m N. 19th. Ph. 3-7641. NICE 3-ROOM furn. apt. Private oain. WW n. unurcn 2-4745. 1-BDRM. APT., garage, hdwd. floors, nnd elec. heat. N. Salem. 4-lfi:.fi. THE LEE APTS. Salem's Most Distinguished Address AvallaDie March 1st l-ncctroom unit, $61.00; another 1-bedroom unit, $84.00. Batchelor unit avail' able now at $3n.oo. Inspection in vited. 6B3 No. Winter St. NICE, CLEAN, 1-rm. furnished. nousekccping. in iront. 597 N, Lib erty. FURN. APT. In exchange for Jani tor service. Hollywood tneater. Ph. 36058. 3 RM. furnished basement apt. $50. inquire at 315 Bellevue. FURN.. 2 rms., bath. Also basement apt. ttensonable. 330 s. 14th. 2-11239. ROOM furn. apt. Pri. bath, utili ties. u Marion, fn. 4-1.45. 3 ROOM furn. apt, PH. bath. Adults. shopping center. iz .enter. RENT HOUSE, 3 rms., furn.. newly decorated, close to school, bus & business dist., garage available. 1055 Edgewatcr, West Salem. 2 BEDRM. apt., close In, priv. utility & pain, uniurnisnea. very rcason able to right party. 555 N. Church . CLEAN FURN. 3 room apt. Close in, aauits. 'J-l. 3-6373. ' 707 Houses For Rent NEW UNFURN. one bedroom duplex. ftnir.n, eiec. nest, attaenca garage. $60. 2-55C9 or 2-8470. LGE. 3 bedr. home with basement A; oil furnace, garage. Located at 1245 Waller St. See Colbath Land Co. Hits. Dial 44494. 4 BEDROOM home with range and neater lurntsned $47.50. 1 bedroom ground floor flat with yard, water and electricity furnished $40. Se Joe L. Boiu-ne Realtor at 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38216. 1 ROOM cabin furn. $22.50 mo. All utilities paid. Near bus and store. n. 4-4H. SMALL 3 rm. house for middle aged man or woman, no urunxs, mo. furn. Also trailer space $10 mo. and no pels. William AoL 1740 Oxford. Ph. 2-888.1. 2 BEDROOM, modern house. Newly decorated. Kelzer Dist. Ph. 3-8498. ATTRACTIVE 1 bdrm. house, clean, nicely furn., good surroundings. Off street parking, utilities furn. except elec. Walking distance downtown. 745 S. Com'l. 1 BDRM., individual unit in City Center Court. Fireplace, garage. 715 N. Cottage. Ph. 3-9762 alter 1 p.m. VERY NICE 3 rm. duplex furn, apt. Hollywood dist. Ph. 3.80.16. NEW UNFURN. 2 bedrm. house. Oil heat, garage. Adults 1140 N. 13. 4 RM. house with utilities. Located 1670 S. Summer. Adults. H. p. Grant, 457 Court St, Ph. 36744. 1 BKDRM. furn.. attic room, garage, garden. $50. Near Swcgle school. Ph. 4-4.100. 3-RM. UNFURN., duplex. Close In. all a-i7. CABIN, 3-room, partly furnished. $25 monin. n. -ma. 2 BEDRM. house unfurn. except range, heater, refrlg. $35. 226$ Claude St. Inquire 945 S. 12th. 1-BEDROOM home with sleeping Porch, on larga lot, 1313 Barnes, Just off 9!lE. 4 BDRM., unfurn. home, 2605 N. 4th. $50 mo. Ph. 4-5393. ALMOST new. 1 bdrm. unfurn. house. Electric heat, quiet. Dandy for couple who are looking for nice Rlace. Reasonable. Near General ospltal. 2251 Breyman. CLEAN, furn, 4 rms. & bath. Call or see before 12 a.m. or after 7 nm. 1930 Maple Ave. 3-7350. 3 RM. UNFURN. house except for gas range and water heater. Baby accepted, no pets. $.15 mo. 455 S. IBtli. CLEAN 1 bedrm. duplex. Hollywood, Stove, range, 130. Ph. 2-2918. '. ACRE 1 bedrms.. south. Bus service. $50. Ph. 2-2548. UNFURN. 5 ROOM duplex. (2 bed rms). Half block to Capitol Shop. pingCenJejPh.jl-3405or4-1863. 1 BEDROOM. Range, refrlg., garage. 1460 N. Summer. 3-7567. FURN., SMALL, modern, clean, cozy, court,adults;$.15.818N!ComT; FURN, 3-RM. house. Partly redecor ated. Garbage and water. 76.1 N. IBth SUBURBAN modern house. 3745 Port land Rd. $45. Ph. 4-4076 3-RM. UNFURN. except gas kitchen range, water heater, fir. furnace. At 72.V, N. Church. Call 1-0724. FIRST SEE 795 S. 21 St . You will like It Ph3-3684 or2-6B73; PARTLY furnished. "rooms, utility. Electric heating, cooking, large gar den space. . ml. south. Brooks. Glenn Hilton. Phone South Beach, Ore 1P06. 2-BEDROOM house for rent, also 1 bedronm house. Ph. 2-4B13, 3-8471. 1370 N. 4th. CLEAN 3 ROOM, bath, furn. or tin- fiirn;Jleasonable.3843 Portland Kl FURN. 1 BDRM. house. Ph. 3-6735 EXTRA nice furn. duplex. Huge llv. rm. creek, close in. car port, in 510 S. Winter. Ph. 3-3128 eve. UNFURN.. ground floor, duplex. C. rage. 656 Ferry. Ph. 3-3437; 1 BEDRM. partly furn. Bus across street, I block prade school, 4 blocks Parrlsh Hlr.h. blocks Shop, ping Center It State hldgs. Ph. 2-8446. I BEDRM duolex with store room No children North Ulst. $15 per month. Ph. 4-1761 I RM UNFURN cottage Flee heat. elec. ranse 744 N Canttoi a-aaaz CLEAN UNFURN. 1 bdrm. court Adults, no net". Ph. 4.3995. NF.W. "MODERN. I hedroom court Sieve and refrlg furn. $5. Call 1.9440. 700 Rentals 1707 Houtei For lUnt 1 OR 3 BEDRM. house by responsible tennants. m. j.mu. FURN. OR unfurn., reasonable to right party. Ph. 4-3001 eve. 1 ROOM furnished cabin. Gentle man. Phone 3-7018. 4.LMOST new 1-bedrm. house, elec. range, auto, heat, hardwood floors, lllUlated.22:i8MapleAve. 5-ROOM unfurn. modern house. $45. Ph. 2-1248. 709 Wanted to Rent DOWNTOWN office by Realtor. Write aox 253, statesman-journal. 710 Wanted to Rent. House LGE. 2 BR or 3 BR house, unfurn. Englewood ulst. preferred. 4-1590. BUSINESS MAN with best referen ces, will pay any rcas. amount for desirable 2-4 BK unfurn. house In good neighborhood. Ph. 3-9671, fl2 Want to Rent Apt. COUPLE with 1 child, 7, to rent furn. apt. or cottage. Box 246 co Statesman-Journal. 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportunltieg BUSINESS PROP. Mod. store and home 1n choice loca tion in Hollywood. 2500 sq. ft., mod. store with plate glass front. Also 2 BR Home with bsin't. Owner leav ing. Sacrifice for $22,500. BURT PICHA REALTOR 379 N. High St. Off: 2-1047 Eves: Mr. uonKiin. aim. t-znna PONY RIDES, all equipment. 4 yr. lease, raraoise island. j. POOL, SNOOKER, cards. Two own ers, 20 years Owner retiring. Good 1 man business. Good building, reasonable rent. In small town close to Salem. Lunch counter on- fioriunlty. $3500. See Roy D. El iott, 385 N. Broad St., Monmouth, Oregon. John R. Langrcll. Broker. RETAIL, bakery & fountain lunch. downtown, aaiem. for sale, trade or lease: easy terms. Ph. 36988 af ternoons. RESTAURANT, 5 cabins, 8-room house, gas pump. v. n. vaiiicK, Jefferson. RICHFIELD OIL CORP. Service station for lease Monmouth, Oregon, center or business dis trict. Some financial assistance. Ph. 2-0761 Salem for appointment. TAVERN and lunch, 2-bedroom, llv. tng quarters attached, riiway 89, 4 miles South of Salem. Ph. 2-2122. 804 Suburban BY OWNER 2 bedroom. Insulated home, 1 acre, double garage, barn. Frultland Dist. Ph. 3-1333. , 806 House For Sale OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY 2 TO 5 P.M. Ketxer Dist. new. 2 br. and den. In side utility room, rough-in for automatic washer and dryer. Dou ble garage with overhead storage over 12(H) ia. ft. on large lot in area of nice homes. Located 1 falks. S 1 blk. West of Kelzer school at 4765 Elvira st PADE & KEEN HOME BUILDERS Let Us Build Your Home PH. 2-76H8 OR 2-1434 REDUCED. OWNER leaving state. Family home, east, on ?i Acre. Shade, fruit, nut trees, corner lot, close bus. City limits. Ph. 2-2110 for appointment. $150 DOWN. 2 - bedroom, modern house. Ph. 4-2475. , EVERYTHING you want in a nice large 2 bedroom home. Asking $8500. Make cash offer, 4-4197. BY OWNER. New 3-bdrm. house on 720 Thompson St. Ph. 3-5586 for In formation. ALL of the latest new things In this new reasonably priced 3-nedrm. home. Call us. 2-3768 or 2-3777. BY OWNER. 5-year-old 2-br, home. i A. Paved road, fruit trees, cntCK en coup. Over 900 sq. ft. in house. Nice yard. $7950. Terms. Ph. 3-8534. 3-BEDROOM home $11,000, Near St. Vincent church, run Da?ement, fireplare, lla plumbing. Garage, sawdust heat. 2 fish ponds, may take 2-bedroom home as part pay ment up to $1000. Write Box 233 Statesman-Journal. 2 BDRM. house, plastered Ac insu lated, gome furniture. v,mm. Terms, 1730 S. Capitol. Inquire 3.3171. PRICED FOR quick sale. Furn. sum mer home on Slleta River, 4'j ml. from Kcrvllle. All elect., 2 bdrm., finished In pine. Plenty river fron tage. Own pvt. dock. Ph. Detroit, Ore. 399. OLD HOUSE to move or wreck. Ph. 31335. NICE 2-BDRM. home, Inside utility. Will lake car or pickup toward down payment. 4-4567. FOR SALE In Falls City. Oreg. 2 bedroom Mod. house, 10 lots, barn, berries, Easy terms. l' blks. grade school jjilorcs. L. M. Henthorne. UNFINISHED Over 1000 ia. It. fir. space. 3 bedrms. Wired V plumbed. Lot 75x:i4 ft. Willi well, -m.-ill down pavmem, C. W. REEVES. REALTOR IBflO Mission; 3-4510, Kvg3-tj36. BY BUILDER " t br. & S br double g.iragcs. These are exceptionally nlre homes in now addition at 3iiw niocK. ron land Rd. Would accept houw or acreage as down payment. Ph. 2-7520 Of 4-3.rhB. BY OWNER, Subuihan 2 bdrma., llv. rm., fireplace, din. rm.. kit. with breakfast bar, spacious bullt-lns V clnseis. unfln. atlir, garane. Lue, lot, many young trees, nrar srho.( church, shop, center, ft nu. $8,950. 265 N. Kims Ave., Ph. 2-2"M. DRIVE BUY a rtr.umMJ.vi.'. Lge. garage, pla.lered tiplalrl. Tfan- la'nd Schl. Out of town owner anxlou. to sell. See 201.1 Hazel Ave Make us an ofer for cash or terms. $750 DOWN I BEDROOMS Dandy neat clean home. llwd. fir., ait. storage. Home only 3 yesrs old. See at 218(1 Helm St Only $7,350 with $750 down. Balance easy monthly pavmenta which Includes taxes, int. fl ins. SUMMER REALTOR 1753 KtateSt: Ph2-4l2 $750 DOWN. $75 mo. Englewood 3 bdrm., full bmt., fireplace. Ph. 27913. 4 ACRES. $4.2110. New 1 br. furnished house. Land level Ac cleared on Salem:Auma vl'le td. 10 ACRE TRADE Clean good sized 1 br. house. Tvel lnd Nnrlh of town mile to ehool Take a small house In Sa lem. Price $7,000 10", DOWN Brand new 3 br. home Din. rm., r.r. kitchen. 2 car laraee. 1.200 ft of floor space. Trice $12,500. Call Bin Cleary. W. MusBxavr, Realtors 1311 F1gwltf l-10, Eve. 800 Real Estate 606 Houtei For Sal SELL -SWAP These folks hav a very cut S br. house on Fair haven Avenue which they are outgrowing. Will sell for IH500.00 or will trade for 3 or 4 houw with basement or double garage up to SI 1,000.00. If your house la too Jar tie for you and you want a smaller one, call us for more details. EAST ENGLEWOOD New 3 br. house with L. R., D. R kitchen with large nook, double plumbing, ll baths, large utility room, double garage with extra storage space, auto, oil furnace, fireplace, large lot. Will be com pleted in about 10 days but we can show you now. Located on North 23rd Street. Just North off "D" Street. Price is $13,500.00. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 MASONIC BUILDING Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Lona Kcai imtate, ii.suri.ncc, Mortuaae Loans Office: 3-9217 Eves: 2-4709 or 3-7386 ROMAN BRICK FRONT $7950 Very nice nearly new S-BR Jiome locaieu t.isi near swegle School, THIS HAS CHARM Ranch type with window walls and wonderful view. Fireplace, covered patio, din. rm, brktst bn. tele phone plug-ins, 2 BR w-vrjahuge master BR, lovely yard. Owner transferred, full price $11,500 KEIZER SPECIAL Very nice 9-BR, oak firs, plastered. on furnace, very good neiRnoor hood. 'fenced yard, $8,250 or TRADE for 3-BR Home. 4 BEDROOMS Cape Cod, full bsm't. Owner trans- icrrea, must sen immediately, near SI. Vincent's School. This welt kept home Is a dandy buy for some lucky family. Only $12,050. BURT PICHA REALTOR 37$ N. High St. Off: 1-4047 F.ves: Mr. Conklin, Sim 2-2598 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT 3 rm. modern r.uuse, large lot, bus line, near store $3,500. C. W. REEVES. REALTOR ' I860 Mission 3-4590, Eve. 3-9536 NEW 2 BEDRM. house, dining rm.. garage, one blk. from school and store. $6150. With $40. F. H. A. Loan, i.onn can De raised, sunny side district. Rt. 4. Box 313 B. -. i.r.mn., , , I BY OWNER. 2 bdrm., built 1950. Neat as proverbial pin. insulated, ti. i. or F. H. A. $7,000. Terms. 3;is Mon roe Ave. HOME INCOME Live In one, make the other one feed you. One 2-BR. plastered home. 3 yrs, old. Also, 4 -BR. home on rear of lot, 4 yrs. old. Both are clean and worth the asking price of $13,000. Tor appoint, call George Palmy. FURNISHED HOWE. S00 DOWN or less to responsible party, 4 yrs, old, plastered, ll.w. firs., on x. i. storage snace In attic. $7,800. MAKE CASH OFFER ON ACREAGE Choice 71 A. lolnlng Lake Lablsh. Has good 3 BR. home. Poor barn & out bldgs. Asking price siu.auu. ALLEN C. JONES, REALTOR 231 N. High, 3-5B.18. eve. 4-mBB, 2-8848 $2,700 EQUITY In 3 br. house for $1800. Balance of mortgage $3200. .IliO S. 21st. 175 ACRE FARM Only S ml. S.E of city with 'i M. frontage on ni-wav. ou a. ironic, 50 A. perma grass, 33 A. grain, 25 A. pasture. 8 A. orchard At building site. Grade A dairy barn, modern 4-bdrm, house wllh base ment, furnace t fireplace. Owner will consider smaller farm In part trade, vicinity of Sllverton. This Is a paving farm at only $273 per acre. Making It real good farm buy, better see It today, WALNUT PARK NEAR CENTER St. Lovely 4-bed- room nome with 2 complete nauis, wall-to-wall carpets. Fireplace & automatic heat. Large cheerful rooms. Basement with recreation room. 2-car gnrage. Owner will trade for 2-heriroom home south to $12,500. A good buy at $18,000. ALL FURNISHED COMFORTABLE J-bdrm. home with real nice almost new ftirnisnings. Widow will sell for only $5O0. Fenced lot, garage. This is a real good buy In center of 4 Corners. Call Dick Severln. ART MADSEN, REALTY 1328 State Ph. 3-3580. Eve. 4-2833 FOR SALE by owner 2-bedroom, dining room . living room, elec. dish washer, wall-to-wall rugs, double garage, full basement, large party room, work shop, gorgeous view, beautiful lawn and shrub bery .Must sell or will take your house In trade. Phone 4-270.1. STATE EMPLOYEES Here la a three-bedroom home, full basement, oil heat. Near state buildings and schools. Moderately priced. . J. B. YOUNG, REALTOR 4.13 N High Sl. Ph.2-flSB0 NEW 2 bedrm. home, close to school nd bus. Ph. 2-3085. BY OWNER 3-room house, base ment finished, sprinkling avstem. Klnewood District. $13,500. Phone 2.5582. FHA APPROVED home. 20''. down, built to your specification. For plan, and prices. Ph. 4-1033 or 2-2(122. ioitJfV.' 3 BDRM. house, 40x100 lot. $3750. Ph. 4-8075. Sell" or Rent $6400 8-room l'j-slory plaslered home with gar. Near bus, school and shopping, south. Home needs some painting and clean up work, hut Is a good buy at &400. Terms. Prop erty has qunllflod for state G.I, G.I SPECIAL down to qualified G.I. on this neat, clean, plastered 2-bedroom home with aM. fur , south .near bus, nrhonl and ihopntne. Restricted residential district. $H7ri0 $500 DOWN 4-year-old FHA-built home, 9 bdnns . ntt. gar., very clean and nent, $8150. A CHEAPEE 2-bedronm plastered home with garagr, rity sewer and water, north, needs repairs hut Is llvuhle. ''WO Joe L. Bourne, Realtor II 40 N. Capitol Jh . 3M1H THIS WEEK ONLY. $5900 rash. New 3 br. hm.. att. garage, Insulated, weather itrtprd, suburban, Fst, near bus. Ph. 4-V125 alter I p.m. or all day Sat. At Sun. '?-Jg mom -Km- IS . r'eV 800 Real Estate COLBATH'S , REAL ESTATE ATTRACTIONS SURPRISE BUY FOR $475 DOWN Older modern home with 1 bdrms, upl also late built rent house with bath, kitchen, living rra. Garage and carport. TOTAL PRICE H9V3 Includes all. REDUCED PRICE S2000 VERY ATTRACTIVE BUY Price was aie stately duiii oearoom home on corner lot. VERY CLEAN AND IN TOP SHAPE. 2 car garage, unfinished upstairs. THIS BUY WILL BE SOLD SOON so hurry up and see this before it la too late. PRICE CUT SPECIAL TALK ABOUT A BARGAIN Stop easi noi too tar trom state Hospital, une acre with beautiful 3- . bedroom home, oil heat, hdwd firs, fireplace, lovely kitchen with dinette, single garage with stairway up to large storage rm, the lot . Is fenced and located on paved street. PRICE WAS 19950. PRICE NOW (8780. Go G.I. OR FHA TERMS. ONLY ONE AT THIS PRICE YOU CAN LOO KHIGK AND LOW un r.AUru tnnl,AMlA illm inn LU ANU UW three-bedroom ranch style home with rustic beam den. large living rm, dining rm, kitchen with dinette and automatic dishwasher, oil piped heat to every room, open rnman brick fireplace. Double garage and patio. THIS FINE HOME VALUE GOES FOR ONLY $16,950. EXCEL, LENT TEHMS. , . FOR THE CRITICAL BUYER This lovely home Is Ideal for a family niocK oi tne new saiem rllgn. Lg. living rm. nice sized din rm, lovely brkfst nook, 2 bdnns on 1st flour. The upstairs is finished In knotty pine. Full basmt with lovely partv rm. fireplace. Built in deep freeze. Double garage. THIS HOME APPRAISED AT $22,300. BUT WE ARE SELLING IT FOR ONLY $17,500. OWNERS ARE MOVING SO DON'T DELAY THIS ONE. See "KIG" KIGGINS TAKE A LOOK AT THIS DREAM This brand new home Is just right narowooa iirs, on xurnace. ueautiiui oain wnn vinuy, natural iimsn kitchen, dining rm, living rm, very large attached garage. Located close to State Hospital, ONLY $8500. TERMS $1500 down. BE THE FIRST TO WEAR THE NEWNESS OFF THIS FINE BUY. : A CHARMING NEW Well built, boautlftllly decorated 3 piped to an rms. separate utu rm, nctwa firs, colored bath fixtures, fireplace In llv rm, large gar attached by breezeway. Priced at $14,800 owner will consider trade on 2 bedrm home. See Mrs. Oglesbee. 65 ACRES GRASS SEED FARM ALL CHEWING FESCUE, on paved . incBiiun, wnn view, most an woven wire lence, tractor, comoina ana fertilizer spreader. ALL FOR 310,300. TERMS , 118 ACRES ANDY'S SPECIAL FARM BARGAIN Located on hlRhway with good two garage, (near uanat.) you mould TERMS. . . EVENING PHONES MRS, OGLESBEE homes MR. KIGGINS homes T, T ANDERSON 2-5373 806 Houim For SaU KENT'S -:, HOME'S DESIGNED WITH YOU IN MIND! We now have financing for you to buy or build the homt you have wanted for so long. FOR VETERANS " 03, 25-year G. I. loans to build or buy. If you wish to buy a , completed home, we have many to show you on these terms. If you wish to build, we have contractors ready to start on the ' plan of your choice. . , FOR OTHERS ,1 25-year FHA loans available on existing homes up to 8 years n( age that were constructed under FHA inspections. Best of FHA terms for new construction. As an example ,a $7,000 home can be built or purchased with oily $350.00 down and 33 years on the balance. Also 20-year conventional loans available. - "' WE NEED LOTS! Please call ui it you have lota or any site tract for tala, es pecially South. C. V. KENT CO. ' REALTORS MORTGAGE LOANS CONSTRUCTION FINANCING 458 North Church Phont 4-2293 Eves: Mr. Kent 2-2780 SPRING , Vincent dist. and only six years old. Two bedrooms, separate dining room, modern kitchen with corner sink. Utilities In basement. Beauti ful back yard with covered patio and grill. AU fenced and nice garden snot, some fruit. Nice flowers and shrubs. Only one block to bus. Almost forgot to mention that wall-to-wall carpeting In living room and dining room Included In sale. Priced at $8,750 with small down. NEW RANCH TYPE Two bedroom home with brick front fireplace and raised hearth. Large dining room, kitchen witn lots or bullt-lns, also breakfast area. Inside utilily plumbed for washer and drVer. All mahogany doors. Oak floors, plenty bullt-lns in bath with shower. Plastered garage, Delco automatic heat. Nice lot. Lawn in cluded with sale. Bus one block, and close to school and shopping. Priced light. Terms $1,500 down. Owner will carry contract. 6 ACRES NORTH EAST! Only three years old this two-bedroom home, with floored attle room for two more om rooms, zo n. living room, jtucnen wnn oreaKiasi nook. New Iron Fireman furnace Inside utilily room. This home Is all plastered, has double garage, 20 x 20 ft, chicken house. Bus by door. This home has over 1100 ft. of floor space. Acreage all fenced, and plowed for spring planting. Beautiful yard, flowers and shrubs. If you want acreage on Paved street and close In, "This Is It." Priced at $14,100, Owner will trade for good two-bedroom home In town. .Smith Real Estate . - Multiple Listing Realtor Tel. 3-7007 Day, Eve., or Sun. NELSON & NELSON (ORIGINAL FIRM IN A NEW LOCATION) $6750 SOUTH NEAR NEW HIGH SCHOOL This cheerful, neat home, has very light living rm. 11.4 x 17 9 with east front. A most attractive kitchen. Close-in location. This 1 bdrm. home has 7S0 iq. ft. of floor area. Will consider acreage In trade. Mrs. Wootten. 111.000 CLOSE TO STATE OFFICE BLDGS. Thll 3-bdrm. home Is very conveniently arranged for good family living. close to an grades or scnool. Attractive rirepi. in jn x u.o uvina rm. Has nice dining rm. 12 X 8(1, kitchen has breakfast bar. Forced air oil ht. Outside flrepl. and patio, $11,000. Call Al Watts. ' $14,900 CHOISAN CREEK HOME This 1-bdrm home with It's nice living rm. tins three fireplaces, living rm., basemt. and one outdoors on patio. Exceptionally well finished hasemt with recreation area, work shop, best of heating systems. Ga rage 20 x 2.1. Appro 1 acre land. Very good spring water. School buses by door. $14,900. INCOME PROPERTY NEAR STATE HOUSE This good income properly does not have vacancies because of lis good condition and excellent location Owners wish tn retire and will con sider vnur home In trade. $25,000. Good returns on your Investment. See Dick Schmidt for details. We have farms, acreages, city lots, all priced homei and business prop erties available for your inspection NELSON AND NELSON, REALTORS "COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE" 15!W S. Commercial St. Ph. $-388 b .tiu.t:.l Evenings: At Walts 3-720S, Lydla F. r.n nil'" ,!;.., 5S GAINES STREET 3 bedrmi.. nice living rm. 4 den beautifully re-done, nice basement with oil heat. Thll Is an older home but very nice. HOSPITAL AREA N. JIST ST. This home has I2H0 sq. ft. of living area with a basement oil heat. Hdw. floors Ic den. 2 bedrms., at one In baement. Wfll appraise very well. $ll.5oo. J. L. Himmel REALTOR Slm.: Phone J-S207, 3-541.1 "Lilt with ui, wa ll sell It" 800 Real Estate bath, utility rm. (does need cleaning II0.S0O. Price NOW-ONLY tSaOO. don't look further. Slightly suburban but you will never find a better buy who likes South Salem within one for the partw who wants 3 bedrooms, ; bedrm home Subr, north. Oil heat road, no bldgs, but wonderful building bedroom modem home, attached see tnis. total PRICE $10,900, OF SALESMEN 4-34S4 4-2714 606 Houses For Sal BUYS! 22 ft, living-room with roman hrlck 3266 Arlrnmj Av. Woollen 3-8006. Dick Schmidt 2-7567, , NORTH SALEM BARGAIN Older 3-bedroom homt with 3 three rm. cottagea in rear close to school, tore and bus. $5500. $1000. GOOD INCOME AND HOME 8 rentals besides your own 2-bedrm apt. 8 garages, 3 lots, all apts. furn. nd rented. Income $300 a month, north Salem close to school and bus May take small horn or some lots tn on a trade. Price $20,000. CLOSE IN ON CHEMEKETA ST. 1-bedrm home with bsmt. and lire place. Estate settlement. $WO0 and a reasonable offer considered. ART MADSEN, REALTY 1528 State. Piv 3-8380. 2-88H SEE LEGAL Notice Section for -al of houaa with low down payment.