Pag 12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Friday, February 26, 1954 Tele-Views Radio-Television Q WngfW.n WhTVorgot.- tell, old m.n'. greed for w John Alexander. Drama of gangster who hidei out in fear oi '? Story 9-The women', editor of the Philadelphia Daily New., Trudy ' pSrtSeted to learn more than . million dollar, worth of merchandise i. lost to .tore, in theft., pose. a. .hop lifter and CampbeUSouiid.Uge. 9:30-"Break the Mirror," by Jesse Sand ler?rtanring Zhary Scott and hi. wife Ruth Ford; .tory of husband and wife trying to resist a tenacious Jinx. . . Heidelberg Wre.tting, 10 -Local live wrestling from Portland NU?0W1 Theater, ll:15-"Sen$ation Hunters," .tarring Arline Judge and Preston Foster. tnmlV AM sTfllV.TV: 315 p.m., Armchair Theatre-"Blackmail," .tarring William Mar- nail, Aaeie mura, mm aiu.i." . ,. . . , tt q 6:45 p.m, Jane Froman Show-The letting it the deck of . i itt. w.iS,- Jane Froman sing "I've Got the Sun in the Morn ing;'' -bb Tide," "It'. All in Your Heartland; It. DLove y. on the "Jane Froman snow, ine qunxiei Ahoy There and "TH ST VWS ITh. "Engagement Ring." KlrtU .TStS fn-befforZ 2 l h to . maWmonial agent Kingfisb hoping to collect fee for Service, rendered, convince. Andy that he should marTy . mature woman. Since Andy can't afford an engagement ring and Kingfi.h T. ?"ou, to cUnch the deal he "borrows" hi. wife', ring while .he's sleeping. Further complication. et in. ' V Z Kiyhouse of SUrt-Arleen Whelan'. pre ty neck flirt, with a noose when vigilante, descend upon her in "Night Ride to 9:80 p.m. Our Ml.. Brooks-Mis. Brook., portrayed by Eve te am, put. down tne welcome mat. iur - -y - -- -v,.- . discover, her house guest i a jockey who never goes visiting with out hi. horse. Robert Rockwell plays her boy friend Other, in the . A m-i. Tana Mnronn and C.Inrifl McMillan. "urmrshowiime ' Thirteenth GuesV starring Ginger Roger., Lyle Talbot and J. Farrcll MacDonald. ' SATURDAY ON KPTV: ,.., mi. f it.nn "WIM Pnnli-n." Toymaker and Els' Friends, ll:30-Mr. and Mrs. Toymaker enter Saturday MStlnee, 12:00-"CaU the Mesqiteersu" and "Shadow. ?v!.ri '5JiJ!nVi.n t nt Multnomah AthlcUc Club coach, J.""J:TyCuwiVlk; h . .Deeialtv. boxing. KPTV. Bill Kivca ecvuuu w " rA A i i i b...iim 9.1 k Thm Tinnnlnr nunchers tmnish each other. Lose Ranger, 3:30-The hero'i young nephew, visiting, correct 7C:zr-t i- .w K.nn miMPnt. lust in time to prevent a raiiroau aiifuai mat. no ' rr a i -.-i. ...ltii nUnnarl In nVtr rOnnPrV. t. i..w.. A-tM Fmntt p T)urk weather and his friends from Jupiter in "The Rival," incident where a scheming competi tor threatens Mr. D.s joo. ...... ., o t.o nci.. . Vnio" relates the auctioning of nupei mailt u.ou uwi ----- - , sapphire, whose owners meet death. Superman act., when Lois Col. Humphrey Flack, :00-ln "The Monaco Stradlvarlu." Flack prevents a violin swinaie ana reumtea jou,. vviuF.. - mi.... ej.AA nn,ihl Tiat. " Ethel and Albert, .7:30 In their search for a new easy chair, they get locked in a atore winaow. tt,iii.!v I Led Three Lives, :00Richard Carlson as Herb Pbilbrick, rcporta to FBI his part in a Communi.t plan wherein he is courier OriglnWm?te?' Hour, :30-Young aspirant, to .tag. glory ''Martha'Raye Show, 9:00 Eiio Pinu, guest, docs dance routine Yonr'lt'parade, 10:30 Nation's favorite tunes dramatired. Greatest Fights, 11:00 Ezzard Charles-Rex Layne heavyweight bout of 1951, from Pittsburgh. Premiere Theater, ll:16-"Vogue. of 1938," starring Warner Baxter and Joan Bennett in old-timer of lasting value. SATURDAY ON KOIN TV: . , ... 11:45 a.m., Kid Critics-Children from the Chapman School will discuss "The Wahoo Bobcat" by Joseph Llpplncott. "Kid Critics is presented by KOIN-TV in cooperation with the Portland Public Schools and the Library Association of Portland. 2:00 p.m., Live and Learn Henry Hicne, teacher of art in adult classes and also teacher at Lincoln High, presents a demonstra tion of ceramics, including the use of pottery wheel, modeling ot .1... anrl 4nllr Ml oU7fi9. V,a - ln,k.i. Th.t.r"nim Fire." starring Mary Beth Hughes, Henry Hull and Fuizy Knight; also, "Fugitive Road" star- o.aa . Tki. i. Khnw nmlneu Bettv Furness is guest panel ist and singer Norman Brooks, comedian Joey Bishop, and Hector d Rvrd. dance team, are guest artists on "This Is Show Busi ness." Clifton Fadiman is host and moderator. George S. Kauiman and Sam Levenson are the regular paneusu. .ma u.j.iii.. Tka.lM "Tlijt Jiltinff rinrlc j:iru p.m. ntuwiiuii - . . ... . 8:00 p.m., Jackie Gleaton Show-Perry Como will pinchhit for Jackie Gleason. v-rxv nl sntV.TV. 12:30 p.m.'. Contest Carnlval-Barkrr Gene Crane introduces four juvenile circus ac-i oh" " ,, .". ." i 1 vt t r.ihnn, Rnrinv in acrobat from Mount Carmcl, ! 'xti'i'.h rnmAHv Iramnoline ncrformer from New Haven, Conn., and Korade 4 Devor, hand balancers from New 2:00 p.m., Omnibus "Hildy snd the Turnpike," a play by A. K. 3:30 p.m., See It Now Edward R. Murrow will preside over a round-Uble discussion in Germany by diplomatic correspondents covering the B g Four f oreign ministers niunnai i.,lT. fnr m Rrili.h and a French newspaper, and pouibly a Communist correspondent from a Russian satellite - counuy. will take part in the ad-lib exchange. Other participants will include Howard K. Smith, chief of CBS Television's European news staff, and Richard c. Houeici, ids icicvimuu hti" ,n4?00mp'm Sunbeam Thea(er-"The House," a stirring teleplay about strange New England family, will be introduced by Gloria S7:3oTm.. Annie Oaklry-'Thc Hardrnrk Trail." a Weslern alory wherein Annie Oakley defends the sheriff from a vengeful outlaw by parlaying .hooting skill with her kid brother, fondness for hardrock candy. ,.-. 6:00 p.m., Gene Autry Show "T N T. . , 5:30 p.m., Adventure-"Celestial Hide and Peek." the story of solar and lunar eclipses, will be presented on "Adventure. The program will "preview" the total eclipse of the sun due to take place June 30, 1954. Charles Colllngwood, inter view Joseph Chamberlain, general manager and Half astronomer of the Haydcn Planetarium. . ,, 6:00 p.m., You Are There-"The Hanging of Cap ain Kldd, which dealt a .trong blow to piracy and Ptler'rKr atcd for viewer, when Walter Cronkltc and the "You Are There camera, return to May 23, 1701. 7:00 p.m., Jack Benny Show-Helen Hayes take, on her first . '-j.. i. .i(.Un uhAti h team. UD With the Waukegan Wit in a half-hour sketch about .how busincs., on the Mirlr Bennv Show." originating "live" from New York. (in n m . Tnut of the Town . i i- min1 M tnr MiirHrr.' jng on Jro.uw.y ."; c u' T. ..Tnll of lhe Towtl are among me ncaouner. . .. u "- , -:rv.rh ' .nlrii( take. hi. career on a bunch when he bait a trap for an arsonist, in "The Richmond Story." The story dramatizes an episode in the career of John F. Finnegan, Chief of the Richmond, Va., Bureau of Fire. Actor Russell Hardie portrays the fire chief. 10:00 p.m., The Web Chester Morris plays a business executive wbo seeks to test the nerve of hi. assistant by having them climb dangerous mountain peak with mm, in Kocx-uouna,- on ine Web." ... SUNDAY ON KPTV: This Is the Life, 10:30 Grandpa Fisher, rneumatism leads Fred die to woe. ' Guatemala, 12:30 Communist infiltration into Central America shown in film by NBC cameramen flown by jet plane from Panama Canal Zone. Report by Marshall Bonnell, who' was evicted from Guatemala. Food for Thought, 1:00 E. L. Peterson, director, Oregon State Department of Agriculture, guest of the panel, discussing butter, and government price controls. . How Does Your uaraen wow, i:au rreparing oi iiuwer uuc. WixMin? Relies. 2:30 Lvle Janz. manager. Portland office, Bet ter Business Bureau, is guest Lilll Ann suit, to be modeled. Roy Rogers, 4:00 Ruthless John Baldwin, Paradise Valley mine owner, accuses his partner of stealing gold ore in a plot, "High graders of Paradise Valley." ZOO raraae, :au wnav even uie vApcita uuu, ww mals, in film, "Zoo Mysteries." Paul Wlnchell Show, 1:j0 George Washington iept here, where principals of show get locked in. Revolutionary era inn is setting. Mr. Peepers, 7:30 Ernest Truex, stage-screen comedian, as Mr. Remington, father of Peepers' favorite, the achool nurse Nancy. Peepers, Remington and Weskit consider duck-hunting. rn. a-no "Anitthlnff Roes." Broadway musical star- ring Ethel Merman and Frank Sinatra. Cole Porter musical of pro hibition days, aaapiea xor iv. .... aa TV Playb .use, 9:00 "Buy Me Blue Ribbons" starring Roddy m,.twp11. with Enid Markev a. his silly mother; a comedy, in which, as Jordon Sable, 18, an ex-child actor determines to con quer Broadway. ... . t.,,, v,mi, sIiaik- in-nftA married woman with roving eye stars in "New York Story." A disappointment makes her mind 4A AV. aannn ntmfillt ShA M CflUSinE. Meet the Press, 11:00 Martin Dies, Democrat from Texas, first chairman of the House Committee on Un-American activities, will be interviewed by panelist, oi nearsi, ocnppi nuwaru .nu Twenty Questions ,11:30-Jeff Cain, husband in "Marge and Jeff," TV team, i. panel guest. Military Prisoner Fatally Wounded FT. LEWIS, Wash. (A A young military prisoner was shot and fatally wounded here Thursday when, officials said, he attacked his guard with a pick. Pvt. James T. Doty of Spring field, Mass., died in Madigan Gen eral Hospital 40 minutes alter the shooting occurred at the rear of the Mt. Rainier Ordnance Depot. Military police officials said Doty was shot by Pfc. John C. Rickcr. Doty was a member of a work detail digging bomb disposal pits when the incident occurred. He was serving three months at hard labor for wilfully disobeying the lawful order of a noncommis sioned officer. No explanation was given for the attack on Ricker. 400 Agriculture 410 Seeds ond Plants. EVERGREENS, TREES, rofel. W de lin nd plnt tt no xtr coil ' Middle Grove Nuriery, 4S20 Silver ton Rd. Ph. 4-4632. . ROTTED manure by yard or ick. Ph. 3-5071. LCE. CURRANT buihe. trede tat ehrubf. Ph. 3-4088, 4-5780. EASTERN Oregon Sheep Menure by acK or yara. rn. e-aaua. TUBEROUS begonia bulbs, 12.50 dot. It up. Gloxinia bulbs. 35c each. Buy . direct from .rower. We were 1st prize winner! at 1SS3 State Fair. Claggett'a greenhouses. 4ii ml. N. ot Salem on Wallace Rd. (Salem Dayton Hy.), Rt. 1, Box 403. Ph. 2-3502. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery end Tool 300 Personal NOTICE! The Business Department of the STATESMAN - JOURNAL NEWS PAPERS Willi be closed Sundays. Classified Ads for Monday papers must be in by 5 P. M. Saturday. 1 H.P. 4-cycle Montgomery Ward Cie.tractor like new with disc at tachment. .125 See at 1586 Frank lln St.. West Salem. FARMERS SPECIAL. 20 horse Avery tractor on rubDer. uooa conaiuon. Price $295. See at 2285 N. Liberty. TiAVin RRADLEY earden tractor with seeder aucn. fa. i- xiulre at 3335 Harold Ave, aaiem. 455 Hseholrl Goods For Sale 312 Lost end Found LOST Sable male collie. Ph. 3-3705. LOST In downtown Salem last wk. Gold chain and small medallion with seed pearls. Family keepsake. PI.F.ASE call 4-5687 or 3-8762 Liberal reward. On Television KPTV (27). KOIN-TV (6) UHF VHF TBIDAT tt:0O a.m. KPTV DIM Done School KOIN Hostess Horns 16:50 S.B. KPTV Whst'a Cooklnl KOIN TBA 10:45 a.m. KPTV What's Cootlnf KOIN Brlshter Dsr 11:00 a.a. KPTV Hawkins Falls KOIN KOIN Kllchtn 11:15 a.m. KPTV 3 eteps to Heivtn KOIN KOIN Kltchtni 11:50 a.m. KPTV mend of Fsmllr KOIN eipouue nevus 11:41 a.m. KPTV Friend ef Fsmllr KOIN Editor's Deik lJ Mnoon KPTV Bride and Oroom KOIN Bit raroir 11:11 p.m. KPTV TBA koin mi raroir 12:30 p.m. KPTV Talent Patrol KOIN BuO XJTMOT 1:00 p.m. KPTV Uatlnes Theater KOIN Lots of Life 1:15 a m. KPTV Mstlnee Theater KOIN Besreh Tomorrow 1:35 p m. KPTV Mstlnee Theater KOIN Ouldlni Llsht 1:45 p.m. KPTV Matinee Thester KOIN Vallsnt Lady 1 00 p.m. KPTV Mstlnee Theater . KOIN Double or Nothing 5:30 p.m. KPTV On Your Account KOIN Strike It Rich 1:00 p.m. KPTV Kste Smith KOIN-Oarrr Moora 1:15 p.m. KPTV Kste Smith KOIN Armchslr Theater 4:00 p.m. KPTV-Welcome Travelers KOIN Armchslr Theater 4:10 pm.. KPTV Toymaker KOIN Mr. Moon 4 tl p.m. KPTV Toymaker KOIN Cartoon show 5:00 p.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Saddle Pale l:M KPTV Peanut circus KOIN Time for Eeenr 5.44 p.m. KPTV Bar 27 Corral KOIN Time for Beanr :M KPTV-flkr Kins KOIN Weatherman II KPTV Sky Kins KOIN Photo QUIS 30 p.m. KPTV Telenewe Weekly KOIN Dous Edwards News 6:45 pa. KPTV World on View KOIN Jsne Fromsn T :ee p.m. KPTV 1 ports Cslvslcsds FOIN Hank Mccuns enow 1:M p.m. KPTV B ports cavslcsde KOln ossle and Harries 1:41 p.m. KPTV News Caravan KOIN Ossle and Harriet 1.00 p.m. KPTV David Osrrowsy KOIN Amos and Andy 1:30 p.m. KPTV Inner sanctum KOIN Topper : p.m. KPTV Bis Story KOIN Plsrhouas of I" ITS 5:10 p.m. KPTV Campbell Bound Stale roiN-vur Mils jsroosa 10:14 p.m. KPTV Wreitllne KOIN My Frleno irma IS M p.m. KPTV Wreitllns KOIN Bresk ins Bsns 11 0 KPTV Eleventh Hour News KOIN ethow Time on aix 11:10 p.m. KPTV Weather Vans 11:15 KPTV Nlte Owl Thester SATUBOAT 10.00 a.m. KPTV Boscs Csdet 10:10 a m. KPTV-Masle Circus 11:00 a m. KPTV Ed MrConnell 11:30 a.m. KPTV Toymaker and mends 11 IS a.m. KPTV Toymaker and Friends KOIN Kid Critics 11 00 Boon KPTV Saturday Mstlnee KOIN Two Oun Playhouse II 10 p m. KPTV Bsturday Mstlnee KOIN Bid t 1:00 p.m. KPTV Saturday Mstlnse KOIN Bis Plcturs 1:10 p m. KPTV nslurdsy mstlnee KOIN Space Patrol 3 00 p m. KPTV Sports Cllnlr KOIN Live and Learn . 1 11 i s. KPTV Thm Ru.lm' KOIN Live and Learn 1 30 p.m, KPTV Tessi Wrilln' KOIN Armchslr Theater 1:11 p.m. KPTV Sltanser Then rictlon KOIN Armchslr Theeter 1:30 p.m. KPTV Lone Rsnser KOIN Armchair Thester 4:00 p m. KPTV Johnny Jupiter -KOIN-Armchslr Theater 4 10 pm. KPTV Captain Mldnlsht. KOIN Uurel and Itardy 5:00 p m. KPTV Abbott Ollfllo KOIN Laurel and Hardy 6:10 P.m. KPTV Bu perm sn KOIN Daredevils 1:10 P.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Beat the Clock 1:44 p.m, KPTV Chuck Foiter KOIN Best lbs Clock 1:10 p.m. KPTV Life ot Riley KOIN Medslllon Theater 1:10 p.m. KPTV Ethel and Albert KOIN Life with Father 8:00 p.m. KPTV I Led 1 Lives KOIN Jackie Oleuon l it p.m. KPTV Amsteur Hour KOIN Jackie oiesion 00 p.m. KPTV snow of Bhowe F.OIN Two for the Money 1:10 p.m. KPTV-Bhow ot Shows KOIN My Favorlt Husband 10-00 P.m. KPTV Show of Shows KOIN Half Hour Thettsr 10:10 p.m. KPTV Hit Psrads KOIN Plsyhouis 11:00 P.m. KPTV Greatest Flints KOIN flhowtlms on flla 11:15 p.m. KPTV Prelmer Theater SCNDAT :00 a.m. KPTV The Pastor .... vvmr Routine Funnies on KPTV What's Your Trouble! :5 a.m. KPTV Christophers 10:00 a m. KPTV Belllious rum 10:30 a.m. KPTV This la the Life 11:00 a.m. KPTV Portland Speaks KOIN wunp udw - 11:30 a.m. KPTV Facts rorum 12.00 noon KPTV TBA KOIN TOUin 1SS" e"u 11:30 p.m. KPTV ouatemaia 1:00 P.m. KPTV rooo lor inoum. KOIN Juvenile Jury 1:30 p.m. KPTV Your Osrden KOIN TBA 1:41 p.m. KPTV Your Garden KOIN We Believe 1:00 p.m. KPTV Industry Psrsde KOIN Omnibus J:l p.m. KPTV Ait Ltnklettsr , KOIN Omnibus 5:10 p.m. KPTV Weddlnf Bells KOIN Omnibus 3:00 p.m. KPTV Kukls, Frsn e Ollll) KOIN Omnibus 1.10 p.m. KPTV-ukle, Fran, Ollle KOIN-Bes It Now 4:00 p.m. KPTV Roy Rosers KOIN Bunbesm Thester 4:10 p.m. KPTV zoo Parade KOIN Annie Oakley 1:00 p.m. KPTV Hall of Fame KOIN Oens Autrey 1:10 p.m. KPTV Hall of Fame KOIN Comeback 1:00 p.m. KPTV Victory at Sea r.OIN You Are There 4:10 p.m. KPTV Lite with Elisabeth KOIN Pride of Family 1 00 pm. KPTV Wlnchell Show KOIN Jack Benny 1:10 p.m. KPTV Mr. Peepers KOIN What's Mr Line 1:00 p.m. KPTV Comedy Hour KOIN Tosst of Town :00 P.m. KPTV TV Plsyhouis KOIN OE Thester 5:30 p.m. KPTV TV plsyhouis KOIN Man Behind Badll 10:10 p.m. FPTV Letter to Lorella KOIN The Web 10-10 p.m. KPTV Man va. Crime KOIN Dr. I. Q. 11:00 p.m. KPTV Meet the Frees koin ur. i. vi. 11:30 p.m. KPTV Twenty dilutions LOST Washing maeh. lid. Tel col lect stayton s-r-i, XTea uuieei. Sublimity. Oregon FOUND FRIENDLY black dog, male. part Pekingese, collar, no sag. .au 4-3385. 316 Personal WAYNE DOWNEY is no longer an agent or representative ol tne pa cific Vapor Chemical Co. 4 The Vapor Chemical Co. of Portland. CHILDLESS COUPLE have home for one or Uvo children age a to a yean. Ref. exchanged. Box 227 Statesman -Journal. Play Popular Piano Call Salem Music Co., 2-8708, or Sarchet'a in Albany, 352. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1. 2088 N. Com'l. 3-4537. 4-3544. SAFE, permanent removal of un- Bignuy zaciui iiauo. uihi . 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock Fcr Sale GOOD GENTLE Jersey - Guernsey heifer. Fresh. S150. pn. a-ouuo. 2 EXCELLENT family cows. $285 takes both. 1B05 mircnwooq ur. LOCKER BEEF Eastern Oregon, ',s or Whole. ironi quaripr iwc. r,lnn, Villinir Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co., 1325 S. 25UU Phone 3-4858. 403 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK buyer. 1 buy cattle, horses, hogl, sheep, goats, boars, veal. Emery Alderman. Phone 2- 7869 or 2-0066. CATTLE BUYERS, E. I. and H. Sne then. 4287 Stale. 2-1345 or 2-4380. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E. C. McCandllsh. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-6147. LIVESTOCK buyer. A. F. Summer, 1265 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-2617. 404 Poultry and Rabbils y mtvi5ON ? F Co swmbef betovr tee 1 prompt, acoaoakot senricet 1 PHONIM...3 9191 J Sear Roebuck & Co. CHICKS for layers. Leghorn Austra While or New Hampshire, palmers Rt. 1. Brooks. Ph. 2-6343. BABY CHICKS. Order now for choice of breeds. H punets jyc. par reo roosters, ac. vaucy farm atore. 408 Pets EL Better See 8:00 p.m.. Tosst of the Town-siaurice r-van, -. p- I'e "Tnmt of the Town." Acrobats ''The K ur cnmedi.n Myron Cohen vcntrUr, quTst Scnor Wcncc. and vocalist Mattawild. Dob.s are the other rolaTV Motoi Radio tt Television at MITCHELL'S 1880 State St Ph. 3 7877 Sales Service NARR RADIO And TELEVISION 2140 S. Commercial Open Evenings 'Til 9 RCA Victor TELEVISION Sales -Service Installation RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES Open Friday NiRht 'Til 9 35S Center Th. 3 3139 "MAHIDAL PHITM" r. 7t f' - -A-if lt, chocolate Poinl JD SIAMESE Stud Service Will Call for and Deliver For Appointment Call 2-2:lo WANTED: WIHEHAIR female pup- pv trom six w, len wws White with black marktnes. Must be pure breed. Addreae Mrs. Le roy L. Mason. 3803 N.E. Hassalo Street. Portland. ItECllSTEHEO Dnlmatlan puppies. Ph. Monmouth 627.1. FERTILIZER Rotted manure, weed free. J-0774 12 IN. Craftsman band saw. Like new, very seasonable. Ph. a-atist. 450 Mhnndlim 450 Merchandise 470 For Snl.. MUceManeoue 470 For Sale. MlsceUanecui SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE FIVE MODELS ONLY! MONTGOMERY WARD'S SUPREME HEAD' SLIGHTLY SCRATCHED WAS SALE $184.95 $134.88 $159.95 . "9'" $154.95 124.B8 $164.95 S"9'" $169.95 $139.77 HURRY!!! THESE ARE CERTAIN TO GO FAST!! BUY A BARGAIN NOW!! MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. APPLIANCE DEPT. PHONE 3-3191 STOVE Combination electric-wood, in excellent operating condition. Ph. 3-3834. APT. SIZE range, Frlgldalre, washer: wringer type, a xuenen uidicb wmi S chairs, 2-plece liv. rm set, 2 rugs 12x13, 9x12, 2 single beds and In ner springs, 1 double bed and dresser. Garden tools and lawn mower. Bargain. 233 E. Salem Heights. Ph. 3-5084. NEARLY NEW 12 c. ft. double door Admiral uuai Temp. tier, ljstsc freezing compartment. Cost S519 last year. Will sell for S319. Tel. 3-7585. 12S W. Lincoln. 456 Wanted, Hsehold Goods 3 SECTIONAL bookcases, A-l, S35.00 and S45.00. Glen wooary, ltuo a. Summer. Trades Terms. USED ELECTRIC motor, 2 HP, 3- phase. uopq conauion. spu. a-oejB. PAINT, S2.29 gal. Glen Woodry. 458 Building Materials PLUMBING Toilets Shower Cabineta wash Basins ..(24.90 -.KI9.50 ..115 00 4-ln. cost iron soil pipe, per ft. 69c Water heaters, bath tubs, fittings t colored sets at tremenaoua savings. CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE 145 CENTER SALEM BUILDING? BIRDS-EYE maple wardrobe, laree. unusual, t ine Duy at jo.uu. taien Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. SURPLUS CHAIRS 3.95. G. Woodry. COLEMAN oil beater, 2 oil drums It pipe included. Ph. 4-5493. New fir door Jamba . Oak flooring . -.12.50 Used Furniture Valley Furniture Co. 2-7472 WE PAY top cash price for good used furniture, appliances, etc. im mediate service. Used Merchandise Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph,'4-6371. CASH TODAY Good used furnltura or wtu sell on consiRnrawn. ru. 3-6098 Sudtell's Auction. 457 Radio and TV 14" EMERSOV TV. Mast and aerial. Set for both channels, pricea io sell. Ph. 4-55M or 3491 IT. River Rd., call after 5:00 p.m. . low price S59.50 25.00 17.50 Phftan $1.00 New bath tubs complete Used bath tubs complete IiKpd cast wasnDasins Udwd. plywd., Ideal for naneltne? or caDinets f .... tnattlntlnn ner bae Fiberglass roll blanket InauL Chcoo 14-2 elec. wiring . 19t !,.. im nff 5C Nails :..S8.75 Si S8.95 keg 110.50 .$5.50 .$2.50 MUST SACRIFICE 1953 Deluxe Fri- gidalre Ranee f 173. Huffy Mower and cord $40. 3380 N. Lancaster 44097. NEW LAMP tables 5.88. Glen Wood- ry. ltoa n. summer. OPEN FRI. NITE, G. Woodry's. Afthpstni ner sa. Painted shakes with unders . New doors, all sizes Used windows 36" x 43 100 used doors with frames New tolleta wun seau 424.50 Double kitchen sinks, complete S41.50 42 al. elec. water heaters ....67.50 Laundry trays, pipe, basins Barnaln 50U gal. stecj septic u 4" cast Iron soil pipe 4" solid orangeburg pipe Roll roofing, large supply 3 tab comp. roofing . Cedar shingles. 4 grades . New gbiv. iron root, 162.50 .75c 38c BARY Parakeets $750. 4510 Claxter Rd. Ph. 2-2224. . TOY Fox terrier, male. 10 mon.. 2's lb. Registered. $75. Very exception, al buv. Ph. 2-1248 TV CLOSE OUT PR ALL'S TV at 220 N. Liberty. Our lease han expired and we can't re new It. Only one tiling to do. Sell out and catch up on our fishing. We have a swell landlord and he's Riving ui time to dispose of our TV'i and Radios in orderly fashion but we aren't disposed to kill a Jot of. time so come in . . . pick out the set you want and we'll Bive vou a deal that'll knock your hat off. The sale Is just slartinR so if you get a move on you can hava your pick of most any model you want. The very latest 1954 models in 17. 21 and 24 Inch tube sizes. So help me. I didn't know for sure I couldn't renew the lease until a few days ago and some of the sets just hit the floor last week. This isn't a bankrupt sale or a sale for benefit of creditors so vou don't have to pay cash if vour credit is up to par. Regular bank terms of 10 down and 24 months to pay. All sets will carry the manufacturer's guarantee and a 90-riav service contract with The Television Service Company on S. 12th St. We'll put up the antenna nr u vnu matrrials and ynu can install it yourself. Please do not phone about sets Come in and see them. One last thing. We'll trade In your old radio or combination mrnt. We're npen Monday. Wed nesday and Friday evenings from 7 to 9 PRALL'S 220 N. Liberty 220 N. Liberty $2.45 $7.55 Cheap . ..Cheap Plywood, new carload Bargains New picture) windows v$8 00 New weather stripped windows $14.20 New plaster board 4x8..; . $140 Rte.l earaee doors, complete ..$44.00 Over-head garage hardware $13. vit.h.n halh rm. enameled checked wall cover ivc q. n. C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-5051 1 ml. N. of Holier BUILDING All nau, rtrari "A" Best Quality A" rB.t Knit Pine. USA .75 ft. 14-2 Loomex Wire Full roll .03 ft. 12.2 Loomex Wire Full roll .05 ft, Wall Bxs wclamp .26 Switch or Outlet Ivory JO Ceiling Exaust Fan 8" 19.95 2 Comp. Sink comp w ring 43.95 Slcel Bath Tub comp. 61.95 10 yr. 42 gal wtr heater .67.50 Rev Trap Toilet "A" -095 Galv Pipe V rtalv flutter BOLLINGER'S. .14.1 N. Com'l, Ph. 2-S85S 12 ft .14 ft. 460 Musical Instrumonls COCKER. Golden red. A. stud. Phone 2-1248. REGISTERED malt boxer at stud. Call 4-5855. PARAKEETS. Caces. supplies. Bird ParadlM180LnstonJMy2: HilLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. 1958 Mc Coy. 1 block east of N. Capitol, l'j blocks north of Madnon Ph 2-6897 PARAKEETS Babies raised In nui homo. $7.50. all colors. Mrs. Pow er, 735 Bcllcvue. Ph. 4-1597. BOXER female. Moore's tropical fist equipment. Parakeets, pets. Mac lcay Rd. 4-3773. cloed Wed. CAMAHIES. choice orinae and aprl cot strain. 3-o83. 1310 Chcmckcla. 425 Auction Sales wood nd Brosrtwsy, is seen in i . ",'""'."", rn ;inPrnnlovfd ,v,. r. v ThMtr-r. Csrion plsys the role of n unompioyco c m disn'who i- looking for . w.y monr5" Do TV Prices Have You Worried? Trader Louie will solve your problem with ease so that you can own s beau tiful new . . . Raytheon- .radically Anything Taken in Trade ' TRADER LOUIE 1170 tana Ave. Thone J USSS SCOTTYS . AUCTION HOUSE 4H40 Center St., Salem fin Sat. Frh. 27. 10 am. A t pm Pic public miction on furniture out of storftcr Warehouse. D n t ttm thts manv nire thtnc. f12 Amcr. Orential rug A part 1 P blnnrie dinm ronm set. Roll top rlesK rV chatr. Chest D A. A 13. Ant. elec. tihw icoorli. U ft Cold Spot refnuprator. nnnvn d,v enn (nesrlv new). (Jirl hike, box no. matt. ! P. walnut brdroom set S p. yellow rhronie rt P. v .limit dinii.d twn set. KCA Vt tor radio Ac recurd pl.iycr. i P. : chronic -t. Krut tallica V I Limp tnblcs Misc. R.mlen tool, t Dexter double washer. Stt portable I Inundrv travj. 6 vr. baby cub Lots of misc. Trior waier, 2 tt rtlhf Hi canned iruit. Meat rtoratce case. Even body come. Llvrstoek nell at 2 pm. 10 head RonielelAvn sheep A: lamb. Sev eral yprtiitter covn. V fresh cow fit j calf. Feeder cattle, dive 9 & uols. H nice, f.t weaner pip. New Hamp. Chickens, rabbit. Ree. tutkeyi. This i the largest sale of the month. Ph. 4-M.13. Col. Er neat B, Scott. Auc. 458 Building Materials Pine, Pine, Pine! (RUNNING OUT OUR EARS!) Nrw Load 1x12 shplvlnn. varletv ot pancllntt, same low price. Knotty Pine plywood (that's richtM. have some in stock. Sclss 5!) 50. KD root shcathlnit or hoxtnlt 69.S0. Lotsa doors, rigs., paints, wallboards. and eld. tiles. 4x8 hardboard 1.13 sheet. Some odd sl7cs In plywood need an oderl Ext. or Int. 4x8 or cut Free cuttlnit saves you money! Kasy Blld I'attcrns from large fur niture to baby's toy. You'll be ple.ncd .at ease, doinK it "your self." Your remodeling problem, our pleaturet Nolhlna down, 36 liuia. In pay. OPEN ALL DAY SAT. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD .. MIS Portland Rd. Ph. ALL. NFW lumber. ship lap. nooo per 462 Sports Equipment Learn Piano ADULTS-CHILDREN 8Weeks$10 Limited enrollment. Beginners Only AGES APULTS-U TO 1H CHILDREN TO li I children's class and 1 adult class startmn soon. Limited to I siuoenis per class. REGISTER NOW We will furnish a piano for your home practice for a very normal rental Ice which may b applied to purchase. Salem Music Company 15.1 S. Hlch St. D al: J-H708 ' Across trom Elslnore Thratre GIU.BKANSON upright piano. 122, Ph. 3-9.?R2. 192.'i Fir. FILL DIRT WALLING SAND & GRAVEL CO. Phone 3-H249 TURKEY AND CHICKEN GRIT NOW AVAILABLE River Bend Sand & Gravel. 1931 MODEL A sedan, cheap. 31 Austra-White pullets laying 85. $2.00 each. Jersey-Guernsey family cow fresh with third calf In three weeks, 5150. Ph. 2-7345. FERTILIZER u small trailer load. jb:o nurenwooa ur. CHESTS-O.DRAWERS 4.511 up. Glen wooury, loua n. ummer. SALEM'S largest used furniture stock 1 1 woodry. 1605 N. Summer. USED FURNITURE Fori LFSS Valley Furn. Co., 219 N. Com'l. PAINT. $2.2!) sal. Glen Woodry. NEW WOOL RUGS. 9xlJ. Closcout. 27.30. woodry. 1605 N. Summer. SINKS 3.00. Glen Woodry. CLEARANCE SALE USED SEWING MACHINES TREADLES from $4.95. Elec. Porta- oies irom $211.30. Elec. Cabinet tes from $79.50. All machines In good sewing cond. Guaranteed. Singer Sewtnff Center 130 N. Comcrcial SHOP GLEN WOODRY'S TODAY. FINE LECTROLUX, steal. 29.50. wooary. lfius summer. BATTERIES $6.95. Ex. group 1 12-mo. guarantee, jytiea Tire, 2305 n. Com'l. BLEACH HARDWOOD dinette, 5 pc, itt.av. wooary. iwj n. summer. PLAY PENS. Glen Woodry's. 18 CU. FT. Upright Freerers only a.):u.w. i.imnea suppiv. r,ICO SALES COMPANY, 1550 Fair ground Rd. PAINT. $2.29 gal. Glen Woodry. EXCELLENT BARN yard fertilizer. -none a-juur or 4-24,0. ADDING machines, cash registers, $25 , up. iiary r.iuiiipiier-corp, 1878 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-5375. SPINET DESK. $19.50. G. Woodry. COIL BED springs $3.95. Glen Wood. ry. ihua w. summer. CHARIS foundation girdles, bra. Ph. j-aaiiior 3-5072 Mary E. Bales. HOSPITAL RED for sale or rent H. L. Stiff Furn. Co. Ph 3-91116. 9x12 DOMESTIC orient' -tics. $.15 00. G. Woodry, 1005 N. Ttinmer. PLATE MIRRORS $1 'j. drwoodry. Organic Fertilizer Sack or bulk ' Odorless Orders delivered Phone .1-8127 PAlNT$;.2aGAL.. Glen Woodry. PIANO $.15.00. Glen Woodry. A-l DAVENO $19.50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. Recaps 600-16, $4.95. LyIle'VTIre, 2305 N. Com'l. FERTIM7.ER rotted cow manure, compost, rotted mulch, chicken manure for lawn dressing. Bv sack or cu. yr. Phillips Bros.. Rt. 5. Box 493 . 4-3081, 2 mi. E. 4-Corners, on State. 4 PC. WALNUT finish bedroom suite. ft9..W. Horg Bros. Used Store, 137 S. Commercial. USED Rcfrigerators7l9 95729"95-and up. Al Laue, 2330 Slate. Ph. 3-5443. 600x16 RECAP or Grp. 1 battery, JOnSj-xDirzyJlean's. 18S8 S. 12th. USED WALNUT finish chest draw ers. S'J.D.i. Hogg Hros. Used Store, 1:17 S.Comnureial. PLATFORM rnckcrr$7.9S. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 1;7 S. Commercial. M and up. So'e lumber S1500 per seixnjg my M drllvned. Phone 3-2042 ' KEITH BROWN Close-Outs & Specials micEn to sell . . . Poors Poors Poors!!! Reg. Sale Resl quality. ATTENTION Fl-hcrmen. TV TROUBLES? Technicians on Duty Till 9:30 p.m. Dally TELEVISION SERVICE 1(10 S. 12th Ph 43512 2 DOORS 2.4xC-8vl'. 3 p.incl . . $ 4 75 19 llOtlHS 2-4x6-8xl1e 2 p;inrl . . . 4.75 20 DOOHS !.xfi-8xle 2 panel . 4.75 1 DOOR 2-fix6-8ni 9 lite s.i!.h ... 8 33 10 DOORS 2.Rx6-Sxl't 9 lite essh . 8 51 5 DOORS 3-0x.8xl, 9 lite sash . 18 18 10 DOORS 3-0x6-xl4 6 panel Colonist . 10 42 2-0 to 2-8x6-8x1 s 10 lite French - "J 3 DOORS 2-.x6-Rxl1 15 lite French 0O 1 LOT 2.4 to.3.f,fi-8 Re ject. Flush f'r rin.r 8 00 HARPWARK WelserHANDI FSFTS $12 S8 10 05ea. KEY KNOR LOCK 898 4 Wea. I.ATCH SET as low as t 48 e. fishing equipment. !S3 S. 20th. 12-lt. Fiber glita boats. $L'.wr. It-It. rioer bat. 5.108. FOB factory. Roat kit. available In all sires. Sporting goods dept.. Sears-ReburkeV Co. ICASH paid for used cuns. modern and antique. Lascane mrn-. Rroadway. MARTIN "60" 7'j II P. outboard motor. Excel, condition. $F0. Ph. S..HMS. OUTHOARli runabout boat. Com plete with 25 H P. motor, remote controls, windshield, canvas & new trailer. Cost S1145, will sacrifice for $795 or mske cash offer. Also 72 HP Martin runs, trolls, $10 50. S.ilem Boat House, 100 C'hcmeketa Ph. J-9303. nil, ..-j nf., Some sires double ruing 50 pr tndows on hinrl.,.ilv to ro Priced riant. Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Phone J-aill Front Ar Totirt Sis ' wt Glva SAH Green Stamps" SPECIAL SALE Closing out stock on ornamental stones, including lava tt flagstone. Rustic cedar fencing, cedar posts, poles. Suppiv limited. Phillips Bros. Rt. 5. Box 493. 4-30B1. 2 ml. E 4-Cor-ncrs n State St. FORTY GTrCTwatrr heater for sale. One year old. $50.00. 6fit S. 13th St. G. K. WASHING maciilneTliood cond. Ph. 3-5037. 2 STlioLLF.RS. Xa gnnd n new. Rl" 2. Box 2JW-B. Salem. ORANGE, lettuce, cauliflower crates. About 400. Ph. 4-3IS2. COIL BED spring", $7..Ml7"HnggBros. Used Store. 137 S. Com'l. 466 Trade, Miscellaneous TRADE 120 bass accordion for pi ano iprefer player). 4-4952. 468 For Rent, Miscellaneous U-FIX-IT-GARAGE Repair vou own car. Phont 4-5261. 20T.5 N. com 1. McCULLOCH chain saws and post hole augers by flav Towne Equip ment Co Ph. 41-1941 FOR RLNT or leasa. Igt. warthoust spare cement floors, brick blflf down town. Inquirt H. U Stiff Fur.t. S-JlKi. AGATE rutting. Vreco 12" saw. $30. Polish er. SJJ. Ph. 4-2KI7. ROTO TILLER, "like new, $100. 795 S. 121)1. Ph. 2-9121. HADDORFF vertTchord piano, like new. 5500. Call 4-3801 alter 5 p.m. Top Soil River silt, till dirt, prompt delivery. Phone 2-1749. - AIQUEclocks. GJerioodn 500 CHICK eize""YcArrounri" electrle brooder. Perfect. Ph. 4-3182. WOOD SAW on 2 wheel trailer. Heavy duty Mandrel with or with out engine. 4-2926. RIFLE SHELLS. JSlerjoodry. . WlNOTsheirsjOGJen'c I H. P. GARDEN riding tractor on rubber $2C5O0. Also, air compres. sor unit, li) H. P gas motor. belt rentrlllgal drive. $35 00. Like new. Box 248 Statesman-Journal. DA V ID-PR ADLEY garden tractor, S pe. attachment. 2210 N. Com'l. REST bargains. Glen Woodry.