Friday. February 26, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAK, Salem, Oregon 4-H Champion Will Defend Title WOODBURN - Miss Charlene Shaner has just received 60 baby chicks of the White Leghorn vari. ety from the Fred Cocked hatch ery at Milwaukie, Oregon, as the grand champion award at the state fair last fall. It was the Cockell White Leghorns that made it poss ible for her to receive this prize, because she was given the same award the previous year. Miss Shaner expects to exhibit her chickens again at the fall 4-H show for Marion county, and if chosen again, for the state fair. She is beginning her sixth year in 4-H work as an active member and her third year as junior leader. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Shaner or Woodburn, Route 2, and an eighth grade stu dent in theh McKee school, and is president of the McKee health ciub and junior leader of the Mc Kee school cooking club. Miss Shaner is also active In church work. She is pianist for the primary department of the Presbyterian Sunday school at Woodburn and recently received an award for attending Sunday school regularly for her sixth con secutive year. Woodburn Grange Plans Box Social WOODBURN A box social for members of the Woodburn grange and their invited guests will be held Saturday, Feb. 28, in the Grange hall beginning at 8 p.m. All women attending are asked to bring a decorated box lunch for two with her name on a card in the box. Dancing will follow. At the regular meeting Friday, March 4, members of Roberts Grange will be special guests and a speaker is expected from the milk control board. KEEP MOUTH HAPPY! CAROL CURTIS mm mm 495 FLUTED EDGE BUFFET SET One large doily measuring IS inches across, 2 smaller ones measuring 11 inches have an un unusual, interesting, "fluted" edge which forms a little stand up edge of ruffling-like a pie crust. Very pretty. You'll like the set on a .buffet. - Send 25e for the "FLUTED EDGE" Buffet Set (Pattern No. 459) crochet instructions, starch ing and "fluting" - directions. YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, PAT TERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Journal, 652 Mission street, San Francisco 5, Calif. Ready now! The brand new, exciting 36-page CAROL CUR TIS NEEDLEWORK GUIDE, in color, containing over 150 de signs for knitting, crocheting, embroidery, hairpin lace, four "How .to Do It" designs, summer fashions; something for every age, every climate. In addition there are TWO FREE patterns for flattering spring and sum mer glamour! The NEEDLE WORK GUIDE cos only 25c. Order it as you do your needle--work patterns! , r . ... and it costs so "TOenyoor lasle -tastes so sood! u- Wnjlqr s Spot mint Gum. ' Enjoy Fmrjr spttrmmt flavor. - It WRIGLEY't . T mnnn CHEWING CUM ' ROOM & BOARD By Ahers W WE HAVE A NEW BQARDEP- SFVMp...NDEED -l VHO CHECKED IN AN HOUR AGO- W FCV WFI L- f AND LISTEN-GIVE HIM A CHANCE W ucmcefDRTH I'LL V : TO GET IN GEAR WITH THE HOUSE SW ALOOF TOW -DON'T START OFF BY PACKING ' ALLUXJGERS ITS ) HIS EARS WITH VOUR LONG-WINDED wBEFiniNG L V GAFF.'-THAT'S BEEN THE QUICK. THEiTOF t CHASER WITH THE BOARDERS piimFTOtfFRS' ricl ;'t FOR ABOUT ll Z k fiffZT ACROSS . 1. Boys 5. Cudgel 8. Solemn vow 12. Again 1.1. Chalice 14. Blackthorn 15. River in Arizona 16. Lifetime 1 R. Gashes 20. Den 2 1. Task 23. Author- . itative pro t.ouncements 27. Cebine monkey 23. Allows ?1. Crustacean 22. Positive poles S4. On the land S6. Journry 37. Stumble 39. Self: Scotch 40. Artist's stand 42. Preparfs for publica tion 44. Troubles 46. River in Italv 43. Victor 53. Deep mud M. Assumed part 55. Rather than 56. Lamb's prn name 57. Period of time 5fl. Pispen 59. Bang DOWN 1. Loiters POTlioslARlpTLc: an i uroTt aUoIlL A c o NgiaC i pTAmECl EiRisTonA vTgRHRiTB IMi rar rininpiFI rTeIti iTr ieTPii RIO I nTeTdi tMPHTlAlLr:qERSm SATE tjON EIRS C3P RiF-lDiOMIL HA L birAjy Tip aIge sIISaize Solution' of Yesterday's Putzl 2. Indigo 3. Delectable 4. Strip 5. Evil 6. Charm 7. Ancient Irish capital 8. Largest bird ' I r k L U fc 1 7 Kl 17 ' " 3 if ' '" ! L - jig; ' 4 w ',;. J jSo Si & f s? SqS" M ;f ; 'A' 9. Moham med's adopted 50t 10. In addition 11. Fowl 17. Assist 19. Part of shoe 22. Repose 24. Fnngillin bird 25. Biblical weed 26. Second son of Adam 27. Satisfy 28. Wild ox of Celebes 30. Uttered 33. Visionary 35. Point of land 38. Go habit ually 41. Part of face 43. Seasons 45. Falsehoods 47. Silkworm 48. Paper measure 49. Weep 50. Garden tool 51. Armpit 52. French marshal STEVE ROPER 00:00 Top Trades INewi World Newi Sclenci .. Newi&Rndzv i Ron Rend. Dune MacLeod, (Farm t'icu . noon ewi ittoaashow Polka Time I Polka Time Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee NewVRndzv RoiRend. Let's Pretend Let's Pretend ' Hoad anow Road to how Teen Agere (Teen Alters Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee News tc Rev. t j Sat. Rev. Washington Washington Road Show Hoad Show Barn Dance (Barn Dance Dis. Tourney Dlst. Tournev Sat. Kite Final . I Eric Hodgens News Vet News News , iDanceTime KSLM Dance Party KOCO Dance Party KOIN Answer Man KOW News Roundup I na.. inai diuon KOAC 550 KC 10.00 a.m. The News and Weather;' 10:19 Especially for Women; 10:45 Once Upon A Time; u:w Tne concert Man; ia:oo The Newt end Weather; 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowboy: 1:30 French Academy Talks; 3:00 Music of the Masters; 4:00 Excursions In 00:00 KSLM rim BipUil iririt BapUit KOCO Go. Wrlsht (Newi KOAB WiHleCtub Willi Club KOIN Salt Lake Tab. ISelt Lake Tab. KOW Ralnbo Sunday IRalnbo Sunday REX Sun Si Bhoweril Uncle Bob-S S K11.M Bible Claaa KOCO Oruan Loft KOAB Roberta, Oman KOIN Capitol Cloakr. KOW Ralnbo Sunday KKX Nelro Choir - ' L f HOW LONG W WOT VERY LONS, 'wuKT ABE WE TBy TO 0T OUT H I A BIT, W THE MANTIM5, WE WGHT ) I I w-" THAVE WE 8EEN1MB. BOPER VOIJ M GOINS TO OO? fOP HERE, SWEETHEARTJ ( PRACTICE KX.0IH3 OJ9 SHEATH r"l ' Sr!XA5V4?lMEaE,BOSEBUD?VVOK6 UP UUST l . A- 7y I ! THAN I THOUGHTS' VK AFTEBTHEV UEFTW 111 rfA'. ----"iSvi 1 I r -r r wwr it ... . .. njp- w ib, i ex CINCINNATI WII4. TW A UH?fe U , 4ttMeOLK4 : J CW?V, : ) VWU. eUPWUKMY WON'T T'TjSil! 1 rKOAiM'to N6VXKCCW6'IW6CENTI? CWrVFl9H-7l CUNSTOMt. y NO POtBT.-A MO kPOT-W'lL WK riKV?i!l 6"12 ,PhU-m"- fAJiiu tin I ijf7 I tirMiti Kaif I W I I .imA 1 mj-Mi fjiff iiAjva.. I I fWtiuK 11 1 ,1 KfW Len Shreve mmmmmmAtym mm '""-i -t-Y" i. "n7n k8 y ' ' - p KtoIw t! Y" I 'fitla .. ' Q KOIN Canbusten ORPHAN ANNIE UtjSS I I I 1 IV I KSLM West. I V1 f B-B-BUT WHO DO V I BUT RRST, MR. FINN0Q V I 7 E2f,? I 1-1 FEH. AWFUL NERVWOSV HOHO! Til I WE WE IT TO- T flH.WEfiU. ll 9 tWOSHIS NINEHUMOREO A MILLION I I I I WITH TWENTY-FIVE I IT'6 I II WOflotJ CO WE-ER J 60 TOQEnfe? II I ftNO SEVtMTYFIVE THOUSAND I N CSH -4 kbx J - j s: g 5 atLjpri u I uuaiJK-xii iui a kv u , LILABNEK ' - .. ,v.. , . -. . . -: ', ; .'. .... t, 1 TwHEWHANGsT"TT!3BTTJTni r-ABOLrPHlTNNTCOMTHTX'r TMF!T7!lrTTTrarPAKrrlT 1 I HIM.P-PLEASE V I HAVENJT I I MURDER.'.' IT'S JUST A CHEAP J ' I I LIKE 'VOL) DOM'T n IF WE DON'T GIT l ' 1 nnw'T LFASE UIM 1 .WALLOWED I I FfU4E TO GET THE ClTV m . I V nrcrDMr i iu a uiu ljai.ici-. l A.i1 I ' 1 SWINGW'INTH' iTHATCOCK- ) I TAKE HIM OFF WOUR HANDS.'.'- ) I I SWEET CHILD.r vftf HOW'LL WE EVAW' I j-,jtesr s?Triii i -s7?5ur sm, m.uQiTrs imi hour HOPALONG CASSIDX - , . ... O v "-' 1.4f i. I -III I-', l THAT I 'I oi "Na vw.ira OVER W6 GOES -U.r ' ? . 1X0 ! Vl 'i I V IN THE BBJJSH ft NOT MUCH WE'LL ' XrmsgW-l-- -r ix) " f I j HI ' j sVV ' AWEAP U MUTT & JEFF 2 ' 1 ' ' ' ' t r ' DOM'TVol) f t DON'T 1 VOU NEVER. JT I T JEFF BEFORE VOJ riW? I SHOULD. BELIEVE VknS5T BEEN V .jn 1 S!m5L W. CARE MOA k.SS.NG.S 7vE ISSED?J NEVER ffiU I KHOWTHATVOO'RE ALL MANVMEN UNHEALTHY?, NEVER BEEN J NOT THE FIRST R Vou KISSED.' V5T?aTf VJEN- zm51 ail'! -J KEX MORGAN. M.D. ' i i.4Sigi!3a r AND I HAVE GOOD NEWS iJ I NOW TELL IT'S IN EMeiNERiN6A Memmi f I SPENT SOKE 1 J W- SfTy---od FOR YO0, DARLIN&.' DR. f WE ABOUT I SALES . JUST WHAT If ; Time TAIKIN6 g l CAN TELL BV iTvES. RUTH MOR6AN SAI0 OUV J I THE JOyJt X WANTED.' j WESTON THIS WITH HIM MR. - S nOiiB FArF JIM.' At SOT A I I COULD BE DlSCHARGEDVV THAT'S I JIM.'ni-NS- WAX HARTLEY JENNINSS .' I 3 IT'S GOOD NEWS JJPL klR?ODAy' ''J'''''' Arf IT t vUu"-WTv! MAN WE L DONALD DUCK ft , . TSUTTDN IT WUOl v II DONE FJ C .. ES...NOT OU!TE... f .V!" rl r kt, ju w r-4T-P W.vv-N- 2f OB A. O? BUTTONS, V I U5T A M.NUTE.. V !57' MARV WtlKTH . - - , -5 1 I THS l TML ONLY OH U" 'i I . IVE CHANOtD MIND! .. l I ' AT ""'J RUNNING TOTHt IfcTSfLOOR-AND .( UP, PLLASEI TO 16! ' (t ! DOWN.tBft..TOTHtBAa.Al HtWTOOWN A Tl ' V . fT-fA ROOM!..AN0MA.t IT NON-MOP,' THtRE HIMLF, HIM UP WlTM mR ZIKIWNN. I '? PIEAH'.MV HU5BAND IS PROBABLY MR5.01VORL! . S ari i , .,iif P " il TURNING ROYAL PURPLE--FOR F EAR v A. Bf - J- .-X. L J 1 " " -" n.1 BE LATE FOR OUR J - RAD O PRO GRAMS i KSLM UN, KOCO MM, KGAI MID, KOIN 171. KOW , XIX UM FMl Meiatyclei KOIN 101.1: KKX M.l SATURDAY P. M. 00:15 00:30 00:45 IMan on Farm. IMan on Farm Sat.Matlne Sat. Matlnea Rosa Rend. - Rosa Rend. U Never KnowlGarden Cat Hoaasnow ' moaa snow Burn GoudeaovlBorU CoudenovlBoria CoudenovlBorii Goudfnov IMuilc . IMuaic ISat. Matlnea (Sat. Matlnei RogsRend. Rosa Rend. NwspprolAir INwspprotAlr tnoaa snow I Koaa sinow Boris GoudenovlBorli GoudcnovlBoria CoudenovlBoria Goudennv ITeen Axera ISat. Matin e Sat. Rev. IThafa Rich IKoad anow ITeen Acra ISat. Matlnea sat. Rev. That's Rlrh ' Road Show Boris CoudenovlBoria GoudennvlMus. Jamboree IMus. Jamboree IBand USA ISat. Matinee ISat. Rev. IPhil. Svmo. . Len Shreve Mac McGuire ISat. Matinee Sat. Rev. IPhil. Svmo. Len Shreve I Mac McGuire ISat. Matinee Sat. Rev. IPhil. SvmD. i I Len Shreve Mui. Jamboree IMus. Jamboree IMus. Jamboree IMus. Jamboree lletmnawav i ncome Tax . IMuide Sat. Matinee Sal. Matinee I World News ' ISal. Rev. - Sat. Rev. Sat. Rev. IWay for YouthlGaston FischerlTwnAiCountry ILen Shreve IM. AmstrrlHm tM Amxti-rrliim Mua. Jamboree IMus. Jamboree IMus. Jamboree IMus, Jamboree Music IMusic - INews Coctia Jack ICactus Jack Navy Band ., Newa&Kev. Sat. ltev. Sat. Rev. Kid Critics iRrolherhood IDanser Ahead M. Amsterdam M. Amslerdam M. Amsterdam iNavy Hour Music Dunnlean Sal. Rev. Goss News M. Amsterdam IBlue Serenade IGuest Star I FfmniersiWest Ramblers iwona newa iMiocourt : I Hawaii Calls Din. Music Uign Olf Gangbusters IGunsmoka ID Ranch Jamb I Hit Parade ISpnrts Kditlon IGood LiMcnine I Gunsmoke 'Hit Parade ' Good Listening SerenadelWesl. t.nnnrilw.ti S.r.n3tl!w.i srna Dl. Tourney DIM. Tourney Dis. Tourney IDIs. Tourney Two for MoncylTwo for MoneyiJimmv Wakelv IJimmv Wak'elr Tex Williams ITex Williams IPce Wee Kin IPec Wee Kln . Good LlstenlnciGnod LIstcninglLone Ranker lLone Ranger Collese Choir ICollecc Choir ILombardo ILombardo DIs. Tourney Dis. Tourney IDis. Tournev IDIs. Tnurnev Country Style ICountry Style ICountrv Style ICountry Stvle ' Grand Ole OprylGrand OJe OpryiTwn Hall PartvlTwn Hall PartV Ore, vs Ore. St.lOre. vs Ore. St. lore, vs Ore. St.lOre. vs Ore. St. News IOrchrstr INews DIs. Tourney Dill. Tournev IDIs. Tourne Jimmy Wakely iJImmy Wakelv IJimmv Wakely Twn Hall Party Twn Hall PartvlThe Corral Ore, vs Ore. St.lOre. vs Ore. St.lOre. vs Ore. SI IBarn Dance IDis. Tourney Desert Inn Or. Music iDance Time .- IMusic . iDtst. Tournev IJImy Wakely iThe Corral I Old Wrld Dncej IBarn Dance INisht News I Desert Inn Or. ' IMusic IDanceTime Dance Party IDance Party IDance Partv Dance Party IDance Party Dance Partv Round fcRoundl Round tc Roundl Round St Round Eternal Light lEternal Lieht Inlue Rerenari IDanceTime IDanceTime . iDancaTlne Science, 4:19 On the Upbeat; 5:00 Children's Theater; &:30 Neuman Club ot OSC; 1:00 News ic Weather; :15 19th Century Music: 7:00 Grand Opera Tonight; 7:99 Basketball Ore. vs Ore. State: 9:49 Dance Parade; 10:00 Sign Off, ' - SUNDAY 00:15 00:30 00:45 KOIN 6:00-7:00 Church of the Air. mm KII.M Muiio IMuste I snrfl i ff u .. , k. r-U..h r.1 aim lr-h,ilt ' Al I KOW Ralnbo Sunday IRalnbo Sunday iRainbo Sunday Ralnbo Sunday aax uoncerinau luonceriaaii IMusle ' IMusle . IChurch of Air IChurch of Air IConcert Hall IConcert HaU Back to God I Back to Cod Cent. Lutheran luenx. s-uxneraai Grapevine Waffle Club lnv. Learning I inv. Wlinini Ralnbo Sunday (Ralnbo Sunday Light St Lue Light At Life ' Bible Class Prophcy Voice IPnropncy voice Organ Lott Ave Maria (Ave Maria IRoberts. Organ I Waffle Club i Waffle Club Capitol CloaKr. nowira am r'T - - ' Ralnbo Sunday IRalnbo Sunday IRalnbo Sunday Negro Choir I Mes. ol Israel Mes. ol israai K1LM Hardy Newt Koco Pieibyterian KGAK News KOIN Speak Muslo stfifr o. sneney Frank At KrnestlLutheran Hr. I Presbyterian (Christopher! . I Hit Review (Hit Review (St. Fran.. Hr. ; lUnlv. Explorer G.Shelley IGlen sneney iLutheran Hour Konas Hem. -Hit Review , JewUh Faith (Glen Shelley KKX GarJejpsJJcwish FeslivallNalL vespers 'wan vespsis , KII.M BlbleHour f-andofFree ifirn aninomn ir nrn I'.r.i a.nltti BanUlt Ir'll-.. ilaotlst KGAK Calvary Bant. (Calvary Bapt. Calvary Bapt KOIN Symphonelte Isymphonette INY Philhrmno c G..uinalriiilr.h SrTV. KIX Parade of Hm 'Parade ol Hits iParade cf Hits IParade of Hits Music 11-irtt BaoUst ICalvary Bapt. INY Philhrmno . IChurch Serv. ml.M Newt Kni:n News KGAK News-Sr'n'de ID..r.n.riH IMllll k.ndivMmlc ISundavMusle ISunday Music ISun. serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade KOIN NY Philhrmno IN Y Philhrmno INY Philhrmno INY Phllhrmnc KGW Shirley ThomaslShlrley ThomaslPr'dly We HaU Pr dly We Hall KIX Christ. ArMimic:nrisi. anM!" etpvem -- Counterspy Sunday Musle News News Weekend Reviva. Hour Counlerny INirk Carter ISunday Music ISunday Musle ISun. Serenade Sun. serenade Pleasure Look (World Affairs Weekend (Weekend lllevival Hour I Revival Hour INick Carter ISunday Music Sun. Serenade IWnrld Affairs (Weekend I vial Hrur KSLM KOCO KOAR KIIIN Kntr KRX TtgLM -nadow IShanow True Detective irrue "elective KOCO Sundav Music ISunday Munle ISunday Music ISunday Music KGAK News Serenade ISun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. serenade KOIN Knowledge (Knowledge ITBS Docum lry CBS Docum'tryl KOW Weekend IWeekend IWeekend w "'1 KIX p .-.irajiiinerv JiGj;eatest8tory lOreatest Story KII.M Buifdng Drum. IBulfdog brum. (Bob Consldlne IMuilc KOCO Sunday Music ISunday Music Isunday Music ISunday .Musle KGAK News ISal. Armed For. ICoatea Calling Coates Calling KOIN fits Dorum Irv l.HS Uocum tryi jonnny oieuw KGW Weekend (Weekend (NBC Symph. KIX HHIvUranam lllnlv liiaSam Bin rvnnlneh'mlKeen Heallhv IMennonlte Hr. Mennonlte Hr. NBC Svmnh. I IHerald ol TruthlHerald of Truth , KII.M Kill o London Cone. KGAK Newt KOIN Jark Benny KG NBC Symph. KKX Churrh in llm. Ilndnn Cnnc. ICoates Calling Jack Benny NBC Symph. IChurch In Hm. ILondon Cone. Coates Calling Amos n Andy Svm. Sk'chb'k lLook to Skies ILondon Cone. coates waning i Amos 'n Andy Sym. Sk'chb'k. Sunday Edition u m..... ' una!, firhnni irhr. Science U Never Know U toco World News IChrlstophers IMusic Amer. Mtwlo Am" , TKOAK Brother Ralph IBrnlher Ralph IContes Calling ICoales Calling U KOIN Hollv. Music lllolly. Music CBS News CBS News People IPeople lamtr.iorum rn "I. o it KC.X Evening Comes lEvenlng Comes lAmer Mus. HalllAmer. Mus. Hall HSI.M llnlVsty Thealr!Unlv'sty Theatr Family Theater Family Theater KOCO Grotwn. Forum Geotwn. Forum IWorld Newt ISL rrands KGAF. News ISIgn Oil I ... asun nan rame nan rami "rl KOW Opinion Unllm.loplnlon Unllm.lYth. Vws NewllYth. V ws Ne i KF.X WaltJVInchnUHnmled2e2Talorj.ramspe mm Kil.M FBI commie FBicommie sunu :r "- f KOCO Ave Maria (Ave Maria I Were You TherelNat I Guard f KOIN Gene Aulry Gene Autry Whistler Whutler I KOW slarPlyhfe. IstarPlyhse. IstarPlvhse. IStar Plyhse. KEX Hcreiinyetsjchanclby Rd.JFrvers uinner irrycrs mmi.r t nal.M Drew Pearson IDollars At sense'Music im u ic U HOI II Women Voters IWnmen Voters IDonald Stewart IDonald Stewart fl "OIN Miss Brooks Mlss Brooks My L'l Margie My Ll Marg w KOtf liir Storr Ble Story ISymphonv Hr. Symphony Kr. KRX Mon Headlines Drew Pesrsorl Paul Harvey ISacred Heart . khi.m Koro KOIN KGtf Krx News , Kdltnnallv Mayor Speaks HMearcn . Donald Stewart IDonald Stewart I You N'vr Kn will Ith Council Ring Crosby ining Crosby (Jack Benny i"clc,B.B" . , Symphony Hr.l Symphony Hr.lTheatre RoyM Theatre Reya! Knlh. KuhlmaniKalh. KuhlmaniPorlland Hi T. IPorlland Hi T. 1 o Peace KOCO S'nri'v Reverie KOIV t Star Final K"W Denorter KRX final Edition Peace Healing IS'nd'v Reverie IS'nd'y Reverie (Memories ISunday Segue ISIorv Teller Meet the Press IFalth ourTime IRevlval Time IHeallng Is'nd'y Reverie (Sunday Segue IVIeet the Preee IRevlval Time Km.M silent I Silent Koco sien Off OIN Miss. Melodies IPound Rd. KOW News NlchtcaD'CalholIc Hour KIX Billy Graham IRilly Graham I Silent I Silent IRnund R nd ill:99 New! Catholic Hour ISIgn Off Ipaul Carson IPaul Carson MONDAY 6 A. M. TO 11 :45 A.M 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 b 7 8i i 9i r 0 KMI.M KOt O KGAI ' KOIN Kon KIX Kll. ROIl KGAI KOIN KGW KIX KM.M KOCO KGAI KOIN KOW Krx KM.M KOCO KGAI KOIN KGW KRX KI.M KOCO KGAI KOIN KOW. KIX (News I Fairly Worm Brk. Nook IKotn Klock lYawnlversiiy Farm Hour Kews I Timekeeoer Fly Worm IFirly Worm Hik Nook IRrk Nook R F.D Oregon Koln Klock Yawnlvenity jYanlverily Faim Hour (Farm Hour Hemingway Break. Gang illreak. Gang Newa IKjrly Worm IFjirly Worm News (Hrk. Nook (Brk. Nook Koln Klock iMarleod Newt Hiois News Johnny L. Wllltl Yawnlverslly INewsroom ls Edition lMuaifali:locMMilslcalLlnrK " eiiV itrown ifamily Allar Rlble 'nitltute IKarlv worm irriy norm Splder Spider I Vara News iMornmg Var. IMnon Mulling IMoon Mullina iBreak. Club iHrkfstt'lub Dr. Sword fTapltol Comnt.l Pastors Call Ray's Records Ray's Records IRay's Records News Ispider ISplder Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Moon Mulllns IMoon Mulllns IMoon Mullina News ISlara of Today 'Mod. Rom. "Views l'l ello Tell Treas. Chest Rsy't Records IRtys Record! Ray's Record! News (l.lhrrare Mr. Smythe Road of Life Ma Perkins Dr. Mai one Moon Mullms IMoon Mulllns IStrike It Rich Chat Huntley ITony Martin ITru Story IMarrh Time . IRarly Worm IRrk. Nook I Koln Klock YawniverMty (Farm Hour "News Ic Weath. (Early Worm I Brk. Nook 'Babbitt Show IKnox Manning IUOD Yjity Worm News Conium. News Moon Mulllns Break. Club Bases Binie Institute World News Spider Rosemary Moon Mulling I Brkfst Club Bargain Countr IRay's Record! I.Spider Gal Sunday IMoon Mulllns ILum St Abne.r INews IRay'l Record! 'Mr. Smythe Guiding Llrht Strike It Rich . .True Itery ,