Thursday, February 25, 1954 NEW HOME FOR BLIND ORPHAN f I I THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Morse for Gag On McCarthy WASHINGTON (UP) Sen tor Wayne L. Morse urged Con gress yesterday to adopt new rules to keep committee bearings from turning into "inquisitions and star chamber proceedings.' ' The Oregon Independent re ferred specifically to Sen. Jo seph R. McCarthy's questioning oi ong. uen. iiaipn zwicger as "tne type of hearing that should be brought to an end." He introduced a resolution to set up a "code f fair committee procedure" for both the House and Senate. It would put a damper on one-man investiga tions and insure certain rights for witnesses Morse said he would defend McCarthy's power to conduct in vestigations but would do every thing be could to "take away his power to operate, under any pro cedure he wishes." Mrs. Frances Lynch buttons the coat of her newly adopted blind child, 2-year-old Elizabeth Ann, at the Boston Nursery for the Blind. They will go home to New York, where "Beth" will meet Susan, 4, another adopted blind daughter of the Lynches. Lynch is a bank clerk. (UP Telephoto) Colorado Drought Spreads Like a Silent Cancer DENVER W) Drought sel dom is dramatic. Ordinarily it spreads like a silent cancer. But in south-eastern Colorado today it is a tangible, fearsome force. You feel the grit between your teeth, between your fingers, in your eyes, even though it may not be blowing. You begin to Whisker Rules For Silverton SILVERTON Rules and regula tions governing the whisker con trst for Silverton'a centennial eel ebralion next August have been announced by Rholin Cooley, pub licity chairman. Members of the Lions Club have been delegated to enforce the rules, which follow: Whiskers Deadline All males of Silver- ton area must have started some type of "facial adornment" (such as beard, mustache or mutton chops, any one or all) by June 1. Exemptions Anyone purchas ing and wearing at all times an "Exemption Badge," price $5. Any badge holder seen without his badge will be fined not more than 50 cents, each time during the month of June, $1 each time during the month of July: and the fine will be raised to $2 each time during the period of Aug. l-T. Contest Rules Rules Not more than one (1) quart of hair tonic per week. Classifications Beard Scrawniest, fanciest, t nniest, Van Dyke, reddest. 1 Mustache Funniest, -best trained. Mutton chops. Prizes Ten dollars each class. Twenty-five dollars grand prize (one only). Business-Education Day Here Discussed A group of Salem people in terested in holding a Business Education day on which Salem's teachers will visit local indus tries and businesses met Thurs day morning at the Hotel Marion wiih Harry A. Lintz, Portland, Northwest regional manager of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce to discuss the proposal, which they decided to push. Walter Snyder, superintendent of schools, "said the best time would be the week before school i opens next September when the teachers are all here, but not holding classes. The plan contem plates dividing the 400 teachers into groups, according to their choices, each group being the guest of an industry or business throughout the day. The opera tions are inspected, questions asked and answered. The project has been success fully carried nut in many other cities, Lintz said. Endorsement of the school board, the Chamber hoard and the Industrial Devel opment Council will be sought, it was agreed. Others present were Bill Ham mond and Clay Cochrane, Cham ber president and manager, re spectively; Eleanor Stephens, state librarian, and Bernard Main waring, Capital Journal editor. ROOSEVELT CLIMATE BLAMED ROME lPi Former Premier Alcide de Gasperi said Wednesday night Italy is not entirely to blame for failure to uproot com munism because "the evil plant. . . was horn and prospered in lnc Roosevelt climate." The 72-year-lid leader o( the Christian Dem crats did not amplify what he meant by Roosevelt climate. itch all over with it as you watch mile after mile of fences buried in blown dust and sand, tele graph poles and farm equipment banked high with the powdery stuff that kills rich farmland. The farther south and eist you go, the fewer furrows you can discern in what was plowed wheatland a short week ago. You can drive 100 miles east of here and sec little sign of the disastrous dust storm of last week and the blow Monday that added insult to injury. But once into Hugo, the Lin coln County seat, you know the dust has been there. This is what I saw when I made a trip into the area: Just a few miles to the south and the world turned gray. A few hundred yards off main Highway 109 on section-like road you could see the first bit ter evidence. - It looked curiously like an ocean beach with a few weeds rising above the wind-sculptured sand. There was moisture be neath it Broken cedar fence posts looked like driftwood. Adenauer Issues Warning on Reds BONN, Germany W West Ger man Chancellor Konrad Adenauer warned Thursday that "Sovictiza- tion of Europe is still the supreme coal of Russian policy and called on free Europe to unite quickly to block this threat. Opening a debate in the Bunde stag on the Berlin Big Four con ference, the chancellor said: "The Soviet Union intends to maintain its present advanced po sition as a jumping off point for the eventual domination of all Eu rope. "More than ever now there exists the necessity for Europe to unite its resources. The European Defense Community must become a reality." Jazz Players Dope Addicts NEW YORK (UP) Variety, the show business weekly, said yesterday that narcotics addic tion is so prevalent among younger jazz musicians today that it is virtually impossible to or ganize a jazz band without in cluding "a complement of reefer addicts or worse." Reefers are marijuana cigar ettes. The newspaper said band man agers were unable to make ad vance bookings because they could not tell what state their musicians might be in. It said one "topflight jazzman recently had to turn down a $2,000 date for a week in Las Vegas be cause the other three members of his quartet were flying too high on the stuff at tht time." Variety said in some instances' operators of jazz clubs and mi nor recording firms were prof iting on the addiction of musi cians by paying them under un ion scale and supplementing their wager with "the junk" slang for any kind of narcotics. American Indians have proved adept in smoke jumping jump ing by parachute to fight forest fires. Auto Dealers Get Warning DETROIT tfl Henry Ford XI, president of the Ford Motor Co., and Harlow H. Curtice, president of General Motors Corp., have warned their dealers throughout the nation against the practice of automobile "bootlegging." Both Ford and Curtice broadly nmtea yesterday in letters to their new car dealers that if the prac tice continues to grow gome deal ers stand a good chance of losing their franchise. 4 Bootlegging is the wholesaling by franchised dealers of new cars to used car retailers who sell them at less than list price.) Protests filed by franchised deal ers to the manufacturers to put a halt to bootlegging. Charles C. Freed, NADA presi dent, and Frederick J. Bell, execu tive vice president, have been in Detroit conferring with top auto executives on proposals' for stop ping me practice. GREEKS REMAIN LOYAL IOANNINA, Greece Wl Greeks repatriated from behind the Iron Curtain say Communist efforts to convert the thousands of their countrymen held there since the Greek civil war have failed miserably. MEN! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ALL THE CLOTHES YOU NEED AND SAVE 33 TO 50 . On Superfine Quality SUITS and TOPCOATS SPORT COATS, SLACKS AND HATS during JJ CLOTHES SHOP COMPLETE CLOSEOUT MM Entire Stock Must Be Sold Regardless of Cost or Loss OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TILL 9 P.M. J. J. CLOTHES SHOP 387 STATE STREET 2 Door's From Corner of Liberty Street of Bui Stop Next Door to Hartman't Jewelry Store THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE PLACED OH DISPLAY FRIDAY FEBRUARY 26 Come In and Inspect these appliances , . .'Ask for a bid form and place your bid. You can bid on any one or any combination of item. Bid Accepted Until Noon Friday March S C fc IT0 r"l L v Si Winning Bids to Be Announced In Our Store Friday Night, March 5, at 8 p. m. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ANY OR ALL BIDS ) lHl CORNER CENTER AND CHURCH STS. Paw 9