THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, February 23, '954 -FROM- Peg in Washington -BY Washington, D. C. Feb. 21. Dear Marian: Highlight of the past week hai been the vi:it of a contingency of Oregonians, moit of them members of the Governor'! Com mittee on Highway Safety, with Governor Paul L. Patterson him self beading up this group of vis iting Oregonians. From the opening of the gen eral session Wednesday morning when the President addressed the assembly , to the final general meeting with' the Vice President as the speaker, the visitors par ticipated in daily sessions of pan el groups in various phases of safety work. Individuals in the Oregon group attended the pan el in the f'dd of their own rep resentation nd then they joined Friday noon in an Oregon lunch eon meeting to crystallite the recommendations of the Presi dent's Conference. On Wednesday, Secretary Douglas McKay entertained the committee members in the In tenor dimn, room and it was general discussion of Oregon top ics and news rather than high way safety that engrossed the luncheon group that day. Most of the comi ittee bad opportunities to visit with Oiegon Congression al members and some of them sat in on Capitol cessions. A spe cial event v a the While House tour arranged lor early Friday morning in which a dozen of the committee joined, returning to report appreciatively on the at tractions of the executive man sion. You have had the namea of the committee, and I'll not repeat them here hut suffice to sty, that it was pleasant to have an opportunity to chatter with them about home and the home folks. , Other visitors from Oregon this week have been Dr. Walter E. Snyder, superintendent of Sa lem schools; 8. E. Brogoittl, of Helix, chairman of the State Board of Education; and E. H. Silke,, superintendent of Spring field schools, The three had been in Atlantic City for -educational I Some Notations., By M. L. F. As always, the annual "Sweet heart Party" of the Downtown Salem u club Wednesday night was a gala affair almost a riotous one because of that "character" peculiar to Lions clubs, the tailtwister and the tailtwister, Leo Reimann, was in top form last night, even to a "mink" bow tie . . . The club members entertained their wives at a dinner and pro gram at the Marion hotel, danc ing following the program . , . Carl ' Aschenbrenner, a past presiaent, was toastmaster and did his usual food job, but un der handicaps because of the heckling from said tailtwister all in fun, of course, to keep the party gay and laughing . . . Din ner music was played by a trio from Willamette university . . , Several games, a memory test one, a scrambled word one, etc., were played with prizes awarded. . . . The heart fund gained on the last one, "passing the water glass," the fines being turned over to the heart fund drive . . . The tables were bright with large bouquets of red tulips with white hearts tucked among them and red candles down the cen ter .. . Among those taking in the party, Denver Young, club presi dent, and Mrs. Young; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wilson, the latter president of the Lions auxiliary; Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goodennuch, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Cheek, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aschenbrenner, Mr. and Mrs. l,eo Reimann, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil T. Golden, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 8. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wysong, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. Rov T. Todd, Mr. and Mrs. William New myer. Mr. and Mrs. Deral Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Rrure Van Wyn garden, Mr. and Mrs. Morrrll Crary. Mr. and Mrs. Milan Boni face, Mr. and Mrs. F.dward Mai ek, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ohmart, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kronn, Dr. and Mrs. F.still L. Hrunk, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fuhrer, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Gilmnre, Dr. and Mrs. Waldo Zcllrr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. James Allenby, Mr. and Mrs. James Heard, Mr. and Mrs. I J. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Waltrr K. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd K. Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. George Gra benhorst, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Dry-. Mr- snd Mrs. Carl Steel hammer, Dr. and Mrs. I.lnyri Horkett, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jrnks, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Lof Hi-en, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill I). Ohling, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr Ewan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rrhmllt, Mr. and Mrs. Fields Merck, Dr. and Mrs. John M. Ramage, Mr. and Mrs. I.orrn Mort, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Paul ton, Mr. and Mrs. F.d Rogers, Mr. end Mrs. Cecil Quesseth, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smlther, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carstensen, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wedel . . . General chairman for the party Was Walter K. Martin . . , MT. ANGEL The last pre Inlcn dance, sponsored by the Young People's Sodality, will he given Thursday evening, Febru ary 2-V in the auditorium nf St Mary's school. Dancing will he gin at 0 o'clock, Lyl and his Westerners will furnish the music , i ALEN'E (PEG) FHILLIFS- conventions. Mr. Brogoittl ar rived in time to attend the safe ty committee's luncheon at the Statler Friday. The Larry Smyths and I were fortunate to be in cluded in the committee's lunch eon, too. Mrs. Harriet Krause, of Portland, with the Fair Employ ment Practices Division of the State Bureau of Labor, has been here over the week-end visiting with her son, Dr. William W. Krause, woo is a psychiatrist here. After graduation from the University of Oregon Medical School, Or, Krause served as a major in Korea, spent three years with the Veterans' Ad ministration and then opened his own office in Washington. Two Willamette University stu dents, Donald Berney and Charles Ruud, are in Washing ton for the special "Washington Semester" program offered by American University. At the Ore gon dinner recently they enjoyed meeting som. young fellow Ore gonions who are also studying in Washington. The students find that one of the greatest features of their semester in the national capital is the opportunity to study federal governmental oper ations at short rangi, as well as to have more time to visit his toric spots than the usual visitor who has all too few brief days here. For example, one of the Governor's Committee who re mained over an extra day report ed that he tran ped IS miles that day viewing some of the famous buildings, in order to get at least a general picture of the Wash ington scene in his brief time here. For those of us who are here longer, the chief difficulty in viewing some of these buildings is that we put off from week to week any of that kind of sight seeing, thinking there will be more time a little later. Do you suppose I'll come home without seeing the Smithsonian? Or go ing up In the Washington Monu ment? Adieu, Peg. Miss Douqhton Tells Betrothal Announcement is being made of the engagement of Miss Cora lie Dou'ghton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Millard B. Doughton, to David A. Rhnten, son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Rholen. XI- .l-,- 1 . I 1 1 .1 . 11U UdlC IB !tl'l llir MIC Wl'UUillg. The bride-elect is a sophomore at Willamette university and a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. Mr. Rhoten attended Univer sity of Washington and is now a sophomore at Willamette, plan ning to enter law school there next year. Hadassah Meets Salem chapter of Hadassah met this week. Mrs. Maurice Ullman You'll discover the easy way to buv the things you nerd when you need them most! FREE PARKING Y ROIilKK AMD CO. Mrs. McKay To be Feted At Tea Here Mrs. Douglas McK y, who ar rives the first of the week from Washington, D. C, for t visit at her home here, is to be honored at an informal tea to be given by Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., Saturday, March 6. The tea will be at the Phillips borne on West Lefelle, guests to be members of Beta Sigma Phi sorority of which Mrs. McKay is an honorary mem ber. Three chapter of the sorority met last evening. Mrs. Sam C. Campbell was hostess to Xi Lambda chapter. Reports of coming activities were given. The chapter will give i rush party on March 17. Members of Beta Sigma Phi with four years of membership are eligible to Xi Lambda chapter. Miss Helen Block, Kansas City, Missouri, was announced as the new division chairman of the northwest area. During the program hour. Wednesday night a talk on rugs, floor coverings and wails was given. Mrs. Burl Cox assist ed Mrs. CampbelL Alpha Psi A dramatic program was pre sented at the Wednesday night meeting of Alpha Psl chapter of Beta Sigma Phi it the home of Miss Lucille Higby. Miss Grace Carmen was assisting hostess. Roll call wrr taken by mem bers giving their most impres sionable stage performance. Mrs. Frank P. Marsha!' reviewed "Death of a Salesman." Mrs. P, C. Anderson, Mrs. Mar vin McLean and Mrs. E. W. Rob ertson were elected on the nom inating committee. Alpha Epsllon Group "Happiness Through Soiritual Life" was the topic of the Rev. M. Gebhart Christ Lutheran church, who spoke on Wednesday night at the meeting of Alpha JSp- suon chapter of Belt Sigma Phi. Mrs. David Bennett Hill was hostess. The assisting hostesses were Miss Shirley Miller, Miss Erma uarr, Mrs. Mason McOuiston and Mrs. Barbara Fisher. Mrs. Robert McLauehlan. Mra. Roy Holbrook and Mrs. Wilson Bcckford were chosen as prin cesses. One will be chosen queen of the dance the chapter will sponsor on March 17 at the Izaak Walton league club house. was in charge nf the program on the Hadassah Medical organiza tion, the group nationally spon soring a comprehensive program to maintain hospitals, medical schools and other programs for Israel. .- Mrs. Bernard Sokolow gave a report from the American affairs committee. Hostesses for the eve ning were Irs. William Harris and Mrs. Al Ross. trim figures on slim budgets Save 1.21 . CHARMODE NU-BACK GIRDLE Regular 8.98 Sale Price Morvelous well-boned front ond bock panels. 3-inch "Hi-Wcist" means no roiling. Royon ond cotton leno elastic sides ore extro wide. Waist sizes 26 to 34. Longline Elliptic Cordtex Bras 4" Lovely longline bro in eosy-to-wosh nylon taffeta. B ond C cups sires 34-42. More Hours: SEARS n. I'Capital Edited by HABIAN Altrusa Tea On Sunday An event foe next Sunday will be the membership tea for which members of Salem Altrusa club are to be hostesses at the home of Mrs. Hazel Downing Goodman. Guests are invited to call be tween 3 and 5 o'clock. Miss Cora Paynter is chairman for the event. ' Miss Rund strom Completes Course Miss Irma Rundstrom com pletes her three-year course in nursing at Emanuel hospital of Portland this week-end. She has accepted a position at the Salem General hospital in the pediatrics section where she will begin work next week. Miss Rundstrom announced her engagement to Donald Goert- zen on Christmas eve to family and friends. No wedding date has been set. To Serve Supper Members of the Altar society of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church are serving an escalloped chicken supper on Sunday from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. The public is Invited. The event will be at the church. Mrs. George Gruehalla is gen eral chairman and will be assist ed by the Mrs. C. Johnson, Mrs- James Mahula, Mrs. A. Jams', Mrs. H. McAdams, Mrs. J. Pfeifer and Miss Pearl Bairey; dessert, Mrs. Edward Payseno; dining room, Mrs. C. Williams, Mrs. E. Hansen; dishes, Mrs. Frank Sli- mak. Give Talent Show Bethel No. 43, Job's Daughters, presented their talent show at the social meeting Wednesday night for Cherry court, Order of the Amaranth, at the Scottish Rite temple. It was announced that election of officers will be on March 10. Games were played following the program. Mr. and Mrs. James Tindall were refreshment chair men and were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Boone, Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson. l.INFIELD COLLEGE, McMinn ville (Special) Miss Shirley Page, 3225 Fisher Rd., Salem, is secretary-treasurer of Oregon Al pha chapter, of Pi Kappa Delta national speech honorary, on the campus at Linfield college, Mc- Minnville, The chapter will ob serve its 30th anniversary on March 1. !'t if 'ih v T1 other av: :3-s;j um 3-9191 Women LOWBY FISCUEB Camp Fire Area Board Meets Tuesday Area board of the Camp Fire Girls met Tuesday evening at Dallas, 23 attending, the meet ing at the Lions club. High light program feature was a demonstration of ceremonial by the Ki-Nun-Ka and Tanda groups, and the candlelighting ceremony interpretative of the watchword of the group. May Ellen, Mc- Cleary was the commentator for the service. Reports were given by com mittees and special talks were given by Mrs. John Smith, train ing chairman; Mrs. S. M. Zeller, national committe erepresenta tive; Frank Parcher, area camp director; Miss Virginia Moses, director for the camp this year; Dr. Robert W. Fenix on person nel; Mrs. Edna McCleary on awards; Del Milne, Camp Fire council public relations chair man. FORD STREET Birthday club met this week, Mrs. John Justis and Mrs. Floyd Trussell being hostesses to the group at the home of the former. Honored on their birthdays were Mrs. James Johnson and Mrs. Melvin Lyons. Attending were the two honorees and Mrs. Roy Loynes, Sr., Mrs. Bob Trussell, Mrs. Grace Maring, Mrs. George Min ifie, Mrs. John Minifie, Mrs. Ira Ralston, Mrs. Henry Keeney, Mrs. Hobart Dixon and the hos tesses. Recent Wedding DAYTON Anna Teague and William Stretch were married Friday evening, Feb. 19, at 8:30 at her borne, with the Rev. H. C. Ryan officiating. The couple will make their home in Dayton. ' Mr. Stretch is retired from the state bridge de partment after 30 years of serv ice. The guests attending were her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clair ' Reichstein; his brother, Harry Stretch; Mrs. H. C. Ryan and- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coop. HUBBARD The Pythian Sis ters of Arion temple will enter tain the grand chief of Oregon, Mrs. Carrie Broxson of Milton Freewater, for her official visit Tuesday evening, March 2, at the Pythian hall. TWENTY-TWO members were present at the Wednesday night meeting of the PLE and F club at the home of Mrs. Lennie Ir vine. Winners at cards were Mrs. A. A. Neiderberger, Mrs. Arthur Rockafellow, Mrs. Edna Bergner, Mrs. Ora McKenzie, Mrs. Ama Muncey. . j X" r OSC NEWS . Big Games Awaited On Campus By ALICE LEHMAN (Caput! Journal Corrupoodrnt) OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallis (Special) The weeks are really "flying by. The com ing week-end brings the last bas ketball games of the scheduled Northern Division title race for Oregon State College. The Orangemen couldn't have picked a tougher rival for the final tilts than our traditional rivals, the University of Oregon. One win will cinch the title for the Beav ers so Staters will be in McAr thur court at Eugene on Friday night and Gill Colesium on Sat urday night in hopes they will see the Beavers take the title. One bit of interesting news to you Salem folk interested in bas ketball; Coach Slats Gill has used 12 different starting quintets this season, and of those start ing five including Larry Paulus, sophomore from Salem, Oregon State has not lost a game. The 18 winners of the Oregon State Mothers club scholarships were honored at a luncheon Wed nesday noon in the Memorial Union. JoAnne Stettler and Doris Frohn Thornton, both of Salem, were among the honored as recipients of scholarships. Also among the honored group in the past couple of weeks have been Raymond Terhune and John Burroughs, two Salem men who were initiated into Phi Eta Sigma, freshmen's scholastic honorary. These men were two of 18 to be chosen for having a grade point average of 3.5 or above. Coming this Sunday is the Harriette Ann Gray recital. Miss Gray is a veteran dancer having been with the Humphrey-Weid-man groups and has been dance instructor at Universal Columbia studios. University of California and many others. She will give a lecture-demonstration Sunday afternoon and i concert Sunday night. Seems like Salemites always take a prominent place in col lege offices. In recent elections we find the following results: Eevi Tarem, social chairman of Winston House; Kaija Lietuvie tis, treasurer of Jameson House; Beth Wendt, registrar of Sigma Kappa, national social sorority: and Pat Morton, treasurer of Gamma Phi Beta, national social sorority. Another Salem girl, Virginia Lively, was recently initiated into Kappa Alpha Theta national social sorority. Recently initiat ed into Pi Kappa Phi men's fra ternity was Raymond Terhune of Salem. - The annual Lemon -Orange Squeeze dance which follows the Oregon-Oregon State basketball game will be this coming Satur day night in the Memorial Union Uf .iC : ksfr NEW-COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! CREATED FOR LOW-CALORIE, HIGH-PROTEIN DIETSI MADE WITHOUT FATS OR SHORTENINGI 53 MORE PROTEINI 3 TIMES THE VITAMINS! BUILDS HEALTH AND PEP! . ONLY 48 CALORIES in every tasty slice! At last a low-calorie, high-protein white bread that you can enjoy at every meal, and keep within your calorie limits. Only 48 calories per slice ! Enjoy its flavor plain or toasted. Ideal for your breakfast toast, for your lunch sandwich, and a delightful addition to any meal. Helps you to stay at your peak of vitality while you diet. It's easy to keep your figure young with the new Langendorf Vita-High Protein White Diet Bread. Try it ! Enjoy it ! Get mtjZewtute Langendorf WHITE DIET BREAD Betrothal Told SILVERTON Announcement to made by Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bai ler of the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Lou Rossell, to Dale R. Larson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson of Salem. A late spring wedding is planned. Recital On Friday Another of the student recitals on Willamette university campus will be Friday at 3 p.m. in the college of music recital hall. Those taking part and their program include: Arabesque in C Major, Opus 18 Schumann Carole McNerney, piano Linden Lea Williams Boots .McCall Ted Mcllvenna, baritone Barbara Freitag, piano Selanka (Pastorale) Fibich Patricia .Payne, clarinet Myrth Loring, piano Tea Yeux Rabey Donna Jenkins, soprano . Jane Gray, piano Marilyn Hanthorn, violin Sonata in B flat - .Haydn Allegro Allegro di molto Robert VanVactor, piano Clarinet Quartet Miller Page Bailey, Nancy Hansen, Rosemary Weaver, Amaryllis Lilies SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. William Wortman (Arlene Hinchliif) are being felicitated on the birth of a son, Tuesday evening, February 23, at Silver ton hospital The baby has been named Ronald William Wortman. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hinchliff and Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Wortman. Ballroom. Salemites connected with the affair are Jody Ricketts who is general chairman and Jim Todd who, with his eight piece dance band, will., provide the music. . Savings Up to 15 Buy Now for Memorial Day, and Take Advantage of our Special Pricess! ADULT MARKERS Regularly $63.50 $CA0 NOW ONLY 34 tertered ft Set (Where cemetery charges don't exceed Si 0.00) WE ALSO SPECIALIZE IN CLEANING AND RE-SETTING OLD MEMORIALS, AND INSTALLING CONCRETE & GRANITE CURBINGS. Phone, Write, or Call L. L. Jone & Son CH. 7145 A THRILLING TREAT I sflllf I sTfllsAPIA Sorority Events Set For Spring Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorority was entertained Wednesday eve ning by Mrs. A. G. Dickinson, Mrs. Virgil Ekstrand and Mrs. Jerry Test at the home, of Mrs. Dickinson. Spring rushing was discussed, a new sister chapter being form ed. Mrs. Howard Elwood is ' rush chairman. On March' 12, an informal coffee is to be given in the eve ning at the American Legion club for rusheej. On March 24, there will be a model meeting at the Marion hotel at which time the sister chapter will be in stalled and officers elected, i On March 22, the chapter will stage its jewel pin ceremony at the Colonial house for the 1953 fall pledges, a semi-formal din ner and dance for all members and their husbands or escorts to follow. . - The northwest district meeting for the sorority is to be in Salem, March 14. Mrs. Gordon Duncan of Eugene is the district chair man. The state convention is to be in LaGrande in April. (Additional Society On Page 8) Soroptimists Plan Spaghetti Dinner Dr. Daniel Schulze of Willam ette university was guest speaker for the meeting of Soroptimist club, Wednesday noon, showing pictures of the tour he guided in Europe last year. The club made plans for its benefit spaghetti dinner to be next Tuesday evening, March 2, at the American Legion club. Proceeds from the dinner will be used in paying for the in stallation of the old courthouse clock in City hall, a proj ;ct spon sored by the Soroptimist club. 7330 S. W. MacAdam Portland I, Oregon IIIAtl AT YOUR OROCiR'S NOW t