Tw 2 Sfrrt'bx n" W i r J A Hearty By ZOLA VINCENT (rood! WrlUr) Healthy appetites and hearty food are what make our western boys and girls outstanding in vigor and energy. We think these are major reasons for their Ideas on Using Bacon A recent pork survey indicated that slightly more than half the pork used by city families is cured and that more than a third of the cured pork n lne 'orm ' ham. Bacon, however was the most widely used single meat item. Baron at its best is crisp enough to be eaten with the fingers, not brittle. Bacon is hiRh in nutrition value; easily digested by young end old alike. RuvIiie Bacon Look for bacon which has clear white fat evenly distributed with . lean. Allow Vt pound for serving f 4 persons t strips each. Buy for immediate needs only. Bacon kept for more than a week may lose its fine flavor, become dry when cooked. Storing Bacon. Carefully refrig erate bacon away from strong-flavored foods. Keep well-wrapped. Remove from protective cello phane only when ready. to use, How to Pan-Fry. Place bacon strips In cold frying pan. Cook over moderately low heat for 6 to 8 minutes, turning frequently until all parts of the bacon have become crisp but not brittle. Pour off fat as bacon cooks. Do not al low tat to smoke. Refrigerate' drip pings in small jars to be kept handy for use later In cooking, flavoring. How to Bake Bacon. Arrange bacon strips with iat edge of each strip overlapping lean of next strip on rack in shallow pan. Baking is regal ded as ideal method for cook ing a large quantity of bacon, riacc pan on top shelf of 400 de gree oven and bake 12 to 15 min utes or until desired crispness. No turning or draining. Bacon browns evenly when baked this way. How to Broil Bacon. Placo ba ron strips on broiler rack or on wire rack set in shallow pan If preparing small quantity. Place broiler rack S to 3', inches from source ol heal. Let bacon broil 1 to 3'4 minutes per side, turning only onre. Bacon will be crisp but not brittle. California Lima Ream. There's a lot of good nutrition and good eating to be found in a lb. pl.g. of dry larsc limas. The S'j cups in the package will make 8 or 6 cups of beans when cooked. For soaking and cooking the limas, allow 24 cups water for each cup of beans. Celery Leaves Be sure to tuck some of the deli cately crisp celery tops into your next mixer green salad bowl. Adds color contrast as well as dclightlul flavor. St. Patrick's Dish Serve somelhing traditional on St. Patrick's Day like Irish stew and Irish soda bread. Make the stew with part beef and part lamb, and simmer the meat with out browning It first. Season and proceed as usual. Irish bread is ideal to serve with It. It's fla vorful with both caraway seed and raisins Which taste wonder ful with the stew. Codfish Balls Small codfish balls, brown and crusty on the outside and soft and moist on the inside are really tasty to eat. Start with canned codfish and mix with well-seasoned mashed potatoes and some ready-chopped ripe olives for the basic mixture. Shape Into Inch balls and fry un til golden in a shallow layer of hot fat in a skillet. One-Dish good looks, too. One dish meals are a boon to busy motners. we put these two thoughts together and came- up with this dish. If you happen to have a chaf ing dish handy (Christmas, you know), serve this Julienne stew in it; otherwise prepare and serve it in your very best look ing skillet (on a trivet, that is). This can be very successful party food as well as family food. We doubled the recipe and served it to eight young people Satur day night. They ate all 12 servings. Fix a single recipe for .the family or double it for party. Rice and Chinese noodles are ideal accompani ments requiring no last minute attention. A generous tossed green salad, beverage, fruit. This uses lean' veal shoulder which is "julicnne'd" just like the vegetables. Julienne means "cut in thin strips. Sour cream adds the final perfect touch and flavor. Veal Julienne Slew 3 tablespoons butter l'j pounds lean shoulder of I veal in one piece BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half sg BEEF ROAST .39l,gF Jneak FRYERS g. um fl39 olndtef 69c lb. rlT IT fl dponltid J J I Best- in the West I Boneless I IV I klW EitriUrgi UCH ' EDS SAUSAGE s''c6J9cB:con RIB STEAKS ,49 3;tl:? POTATOES U.S. No. 1 10,,. 29c POTATOES 50 69c Alaska Salmon 39c Tall Can HONEY 89c Big 5-lb. Pail SOUP 10c Campbell's 8-ox. cant All Kinds FRESHEST THING IN TOWN, OUR EGGS Direct from the Hen Home Meat Offering 7 tablespoons flour ' 1V4 cups hot water ' 3 medium onions sliced lengthwise 3 medium potatoes, cut in thin strips 3 medium carrots, cut in thin strips 1 small green pepper, cut in thin strips 2 cups sour cream Salt and pepper Melt butter in large, heavy skillet- Cut lean shoulder veal in thin strips; roll in 3 table spoons of the flour; cook in but ter until browned. Add water and onion slices. Simmer until meat is almost tender, about 30 minutes. Add carrot and pota to cut in thin strips; cook until almost tender. Add grew pep per cut in thin strips. Cook un til tender. Mix sour cream and remain ing 4 tablespoons of flour until smooth. Add to stew. Stir un til blended. Cook over moder ate heat, stirring until thicken ed, beason with salt and pep per, hix servings lor four persons. GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BANANAS 2,b,29c CABBAGE 5c ib. pIas IOC can Cot. Brand 303 Six SHRIMP 39C a Cottage Brand Green Beans 2 can. 29C Capitol 303 Siie HOT MASTER BREAD 4:30 P.M. Every Day Except Tuet. and Sat. Tomorrow's Bread Tedoy Every Day THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon Frozen Fruit Salad A frozen fruit salad can add a touch of spring to a winter menu. Cream together a 3-ounce package cream cheese with V cup mayonnaise and Yt teaspoon salt. Fold in 1 cup whipped cream and 1 No. 214 can well drained canned fruit cocktail. Pour into freezing tray and freeze. Cut and serve on crisp salad greens. . Sandwich Filling You'll want to use this extra good-tasting . meatless sandwich filling often during the Lenten season. Mix together V cup finely chopped walnut, H cup finely chopped pimicnto-stuffed olives and enough mayonnaise to bind the olives and walnuts to gether. FRUIT APPETIZKR Fruit appetizers are delicious. Steam prunes until soft enough to remove pits. Pit and fill with bits of chipped beef or ham. CELERY 19C bunch ORANGES 29c doi. Med. Siie TUNA 29c Reg. Site NUCOA 29c .b. RICE 5 ib, 59c California White Pearl BROADWAY GROCERY BROADWAY and MARKET STREET Store Hours, 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Every Day Including Sundayi Prices Good Friday, Sattirdoy, Sunday Steak and Rice Hearty Combination Main Dish Rice is good in combination with meat dishes, the two provid ing the main dish with only a salad and light dessert needed to top off the menu. Steak With Rice 1 pound round iteak ' Vi cup of flour Dash of pepper . 1 teaspoon salt 2, tablespoons of bacon fat or ' ' other shortening ) .. 2 cup water . . 1 teaspoon Worcestershire Tuna and Noodles A tuna sauce that is served over crisp French-fried noodles (we tell you how) forms this main dish done in the oriental food fashion. The result is de licious. Four servings. Singapore Tuua on Noodles 2 tablespoons fat V cup chopped onion 1 can flaked tuna 1 cup coarsely chopped celery cup mushrooms (4 ounce can) " Vt cup coarsely chopped green pepper 1 cup water or liquid from mushrooms 4 teaspoons soy sauce 4 ounces fine noodles Fat for deep frying Vi cup water 1 tablespoon cornstarch Melt fat in heavy skillet. Add onion and brown lightly. Add tuna, celery, mushrooms, green pepper, 1 cup water andor li quid from mushrooms and soy sauce. Cover; simmer 15 min utes. While tuna mixture is sim mering, prepare crisp noodles. Place a small amount of un cooked noodles in flat-bottomed wire basket or strainer. Fry in deep hot fat, 365 degrees, until golden brown, about 1 minute. Drain. Sprinkle lightly with salt. Combine V cup water and cornstarch, mixing until smooth. Stir in tuna mixture and cook until thickened, stirring ' con stantly. Serve over crisp noodles. Festive Fruit Puffs Add a festive note to any en tree with these broiled fruit puffs! Combine cup mayon naise with Vi cup chopped sweet pickle. Pile into canned peach halves and broil until filling of puffs is golden brown. Delight ful with lamb. Fruit Cup Tasty Combine cooked prunes, sliced banana and sectioned oranges for a tasty fruit cup. It makes a delicious dessert to serve with thin crisp butterscotch cookies after a hearty meal of stew and dumplings. GRAPEFRUIT 8 lb. bag 45C TOMATOES jm basket 39c MILK - TALL 2 cans 25C All Popular Brands Mayonnaise 59C Quart Best Foods Margarine 2 ib, 45c Sweet Sixteen sauce (optional) 3 cups cooked rice Cut meat into servings. Mix flour, pepper and salt. With edge of saucer, pound flour into meat, using all the flour. Brown both sides in fat in heavy skillet. Add water and Worcestershire, stir well from bottom to loosen browned bits. Reduce heat, sim mer steak about 1 to IVi hours, until done. Add a little water if needed. Stir from bottom occas ionally to keep from sticking. Cook rice during the last half hour, keep hot Serve steak and gravy with plenty of hot rice. 4 servings. Swiss Steak and Rice 2 pounds round steak, cut 1 to IV2 inches thick -'j cup flour 1 Vi teaspoons of salt 2 tablespoons shortening, salad oil or melted suet 1 clove garlic, minced 1 medium onion, chopped 1 medium green pepper, chopped 1 No. 2 can of tomatoes s teaspoon tabasco V to Vi cup water 4 cups hot cooked rice Cut steak into individual serv ings, removing excess iat. Mix flour and salt. With edge of sau cer pound flour into cut surface of meat, using all the flour. Brown meat on bffth sides in shortening in heavy skillet or kettle. Add remaining ingredi ents except water. Cover and let simmer. 114 hours, or until ten der. Stir from bottom occasion ally to keep from sticking. Add water if needed. Or better still, bake covered .'it 300 F. (slow ov en) for 2 hturs, until tender. Cook rice during the last half hour. Serve steak and gravy with hot rice. 6 to 7 servings. fe. a weeBsiaiies How many of these four famous Lever Brothers products are in your home? Together they fill a your washing needs. We believe that each is the best in its field and think that once you have tried them, you will agree. So we are offering you this oppor tunity to try tliem at a worthwhile saving plus a chance to win 25,000. Any way you look at it, you can't lose! Here's the easiest Have you filled out your Lucky Lever $100,000 Sweepstakes entry blank and iient it in yet? (It came in that letter from Art Linkletter along with those valuable, money-saving coupon on fa mous Lever Brothers products.) If not, do it right now! Complete rules are printed on entry blank. Winning names will be IsvacR P B A. sT' V Uf"T Fit 9 f yv.'.vj lelnet J Ml ltt.l.b)il BIM frs4lt sMi 1VW1 Oranges Add to These Ham Loaves Upside Down Bam Loaves Topping: 6 tablespoons brown sugar Vi teaspoon dry mustard 6 orange cartwheel slices, unpecled Loaves: 1 pound smoked ground ham (2 cups) 1 pound pork sausage 1 small onion, finely chopped Vi cup bread crumbs 1 egg , Vi cup fresh orange juice Vt teaspoon paprika ' Vi teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Vi teaspoon dry mustard Pinch of cloves (optional) Place 1 tablespoon brown sugar in each of 6 small casseroles or baking dishes. Sprinkle a little Era 5M (arnation INSTANT WHEAT ART LINKIETTER SAYS: Hurry up and send your entry today to HH'ifl I 7TTT ATTA way to win a small fortune ever! drawn as soon as sweepstakes closes. You've as good a chance to win as any body else. So send your entry today! f.S.ArtJJnklettertays:"When Lever Brother say you can't lose, they mean it. If you're not com plrtrlv $atificd with their prod, ucts, they'll rrfundyour money." GRAND PRIZE.. s25,oo6.oo FORD 1 mm wrcnvr.iintsr . CLOCK RADIOS WORTH.... S40,000.00 10,000 OTHER CLAM0R01S PRIZES WORTH Thursday, February 25, 1954 Touch of Green Since there are so many nat urally green foods it won't be at all difficult to plan a St. Pat rick's Day menu with green foods predominating. If you're plan, ning to entertain at luncheon we suggest a hearty gelatin salad made with sieved avocado and tuna. Pass hot shamrock-shaped baking powder biscuits with it. ' of the mustard In each, and top with slice of orange. Mix other ingredients until well blended. Pack lightly over orange slice in each baking dish. Bake at 350 F. for 45 minutes. Remove from ov en, let stand about 5 minutes, then turn upside down. Servies 6. 2I NO NiEO to serve the tame hot cereal every day! You can enjoy a, new different fla vor plus nourishment ln Carnation Instant Wheat! Made from genuine North west premium wheat the world's finest! Full of natu ral whole wheat values for lasting nourishment! , TVO . 20,000.00 '18,500.00 i 7