THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Saltm. Oregon Ttoiay, g, Hft" 'Eledra' Opens WE GIVE AND REDEEM GREEN STAMPS AfWU Tonight Willamette university's produc tion of the Greek tragedy "Elec tra," under the direction of Rob ert Putnam, opens Thursday on the Waller hall stage for a three night run. The curtain will raise FEBRUARY HOME FURNISHING SALE it 8:15 p.m. "Electra" Is the second major - presentation by the university drama department this season and first Greek tragedy to be produc ed by the Willamette players in ' over 20 years. First night audiences will see a special adaptation of Sophocles' "Electra," taken from eight dif ferent translations and transcribed for the Willamette presentation by Robert Putnam, director of thea ter. The entire play adheres as closely as possible to the original Greek production. A full cast of 19 actors, costum ed in original creations by Mar guerite Dawson, senior from Long view, Wash., will enact the plot of hate, murder and revenge. Elizabeth Winshlp, Arlington, Calif., and Carl Ritchie, Salem, are starred in the tragedy. Other principle players are Sheila Ryan Laue, Clarine Woolcry and Bruce Fountain, all of Salem; David Fin lay. Silverton; and William With crud, Richland, Wash. Supporting cast members are: Barbara Ruhle, Beverly Lytle, Wayne Gibbens, Mary Jane Thomas, all of Salem; Lois Wick ersham and Robert Alfred, both of Portland; Robert Kaufman, For est Grove Darlccn Trinnccr, Ab eideen, Wash.; Dorothea Ander son, Vancouver, Wash.; Jean Thomas, Burlcy, Idaho; Judie Grant, San Mateo, Calif.; and David Wood, Pahala, Kau, Hawaii, T.H. 99 Men Attend 90 and 9 Club Coincidental there were 99 men who sat down to dinner at the North Willamette district meeting of the 90 and 9 at the Liberty Christian church early this week. Following the dinner a song service was led by Rev. Wayne Bryant of the Liberty church and a business sesion with Harry Ved dcr of the Silverton Christian church presiding. Algier Fitch, minister of the Milwaukie Christian church, guest speaker, said the way to be great is to do "little things tor little people." The program included music by a string quartet from the Sa lem First Baptist church consist ing of Vern Moore, Gerard Brown, Armind Ryser and Rod ney Schmidt Pope Sleeps VATICAN riTV im a:i!- ! Pope Pius "slept fairly well" dur ing the night and his general cunamon cany today showed a mum improvement, tne Vatican Dress office annum-nri Other Vatican sources earlier naa aescrmed the Pope's general conditoin as still stationary. Se vers flitfiplrc nt ),!Miminn t. . J . r -; -- ...wUF..,B ii u kept him from sleeping and se verely weaxenea mm during the nrsi wecKS 01 lus month-long illness. The nnntlff vihn wilt k. ro I next Tuesday ,is believed to be suffering from gastritis but his Inability to retain the barium so lution necessary for X-ray ex amination nas prevented a com plete dincnrvtii Ma 4 nn liquid diet and is able to leave I nis oca tor only brief periods. Warming Trend Seen in Weather By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Fair mild wcalhcr prevailed over most of the southern half of the country Thursday but there were some wet spots in the east nd central part of the country. Light snow fcH in the Dakotas. parts of Nebraska, northern Mich igan and south of Lakes Erie and Ontario. Rain continued along the Atlantic seaboard from North Car olina to Maine and in Western Washington. A warming trend was reported over most of the country except the northern tier of siaies from Minnesota westward to Washing ton. Cooler air from Canada low ered temperatures in the northern region 10 to 25 degrees. RcadinRs rose from S to 15 degrees over the southern plains northeastward Into New England. Summer-like temperatures were reported in Southern California and Ariiona Wednesday with a lop of 91 at Yuma, Ariz., and 83 at Los Angeles. . Co-rec Club to Have Roller Skating Party Cc-Rcc club is going to Leba non this Friday night to a roller skating party. Freer bumps and spills, as well as lots of fun, will characterize the evening. The usual dinner at the Y. W. will not be served this time- Those coming should rat first or bring lunch and be at the Y. W. C. A. on South Winter Street by 7 p.m. for transportation. All young, sin gle people are invited to come. V I ra life I M Special! $219.95 Value-2-Pc. DAVENO and CLUB CHAIR SET This massive set is a fitting value of our great February sale! Lovely frieze cover in either kelly or olive green, coil spring construction, no-sag reinforced base, large storage compart ment, makes into a large bed. A lovely, practical set at a huge savings. Furniture-Second Floor-Court Street REG. 2.50, CLOTHES DRYER U9 Collapsible in d o o r dryer provides 30 feet of drying space. Smooth, natural wood; folds com pactly for storing. 5)J SLEEVE BOARD $1.99 Well padded and covered top and bottom! Makes easy work of hard-to-get-at sleeves. PAD, COVER SET $1.49 Made to fit Met-L-Top ironing tables. Well-cushioned waffle weave pad; muslin cover. Reg. 2.69 valucl REG. 5.95 25-GAL. GARBAGE CAN 4.88 Big savings on this durable can with a big 25-gal. capacity. Durable sheet metal; leak-proof, rust-resistant. III 9 ,- - . V.-v Mfl ' I ii i f n'L'2Y : , ' 7$ ''r-' fiii -.-...r f ' (l StHt(r HUD W.B ilROW. 4 W si Urzf coffee automatic brew selector J ff) 0 95 Set your indicator the woy you like coffee , . . f J 1 mild, medium, strona. Your coffee will taste f n I THE NEW G. E. COFFEE BAR THIS WEEK Trained G.E. 'demonstrator will give you a tasty treat! Stop ond enjoy a cup of coffee mode in this new G.E. coffee maker. DOWNSTAIRS COURT STREET here it is! the new coffee maker that makes your coffee the same "BREW" morning after morning! SENSATIONAL . . . NEW! Set your indicator the woy you like coffee , . . mild, medium, strong. Your coffee will taste the some every time. WAHMIN6 WELL J t ; NO DOWN PAYMENT on our approved credit as little as $5 a month HOUSEWARES DOWNSTAIRS COURT STREET maker! Gcnerol Electric's newest opplionce makes coffee to your personal taste per fectly, automatically, every time. Easy-as-pie to use , , , just put in desired amount of coffee ond woter, set the con trol coffee is ready to serve in a jiffy. Makes 2 cups in 4 minutes; 9 cups in l4'2 minutes. Big capacity, too: 2 to 9 cups of percolator coffee, up to 14 cups of instont coffee! exclusive GE calrod unit Worming well keeps coffee ot serving tem perature . . . heating well heats instont coffee or regular coffee without perking . . . perking well brews coffee to your taste. SHOP ROBERTS FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 LIBERTY STREET COURT STREET JUST ARRIVED! TODAY'S BIGGEST TV VALUE! PHILCO PHILCO 4003, BIG 21" TABLE MODEL 299 95 Just released"! Philco't newest 1954 TV set that gives you the closest-to-life picture you ever saw with less effort, less tuning thanks to the simplified controls. This table model comes in a raised-grain Ebony finish and as in all Philco sets, the glass covering picture tube is removable for ease in cleaning COMPLETE WITH ALL CHANNEL 82-STATION SELECTOR . t w; n " j,'J "-ii--1-1, 1 J4i- SPECIAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES ON THESE fj. Duuro 4304 YOUR OLD RADIO IS WORTH A VERY SUB CO A. ctautiai TPAP.F.IM VALUE ON UO'I THIS DEMONSTRATOR MODEL. ,95 Wm yja Jiii PHILCO 4304 YOUR OLD RADIO OR PHONO IS WORTH A VERY . SUBSTANTIAL TRADE-IN VALUE ON THIS DEMON STRATOR MODEL 564" Roberts TV, Downstairs NO DOWN PAYMENT On Our Approved Credit As long as 24 months to pay