sj US' IT. T -"s 400 Agriculture 410 Seeds and Plant! LGE, CURRANT bushes, trade for shrubs. Ph. 3-4098, 4-5780. EASTERN Oregon Sheep Manure by sack or yard. Ph. 4-3505. TUBEROUS begonia bulbs, 12.50 doz. tt tin. Gloxinia bulbs. 35c each. Buy direct from grower. We were 1st prize winners at 1H53 Male rair. Clsggett's greenhouses. 4',a mi. N. of Salem on Wallace Rd, (Salem Davton Hy.). Rt. 1, Box 403. Ph. 2-3502, 412 Fruit and Farm Produce FERTILIZER Rotted manure, weed free. 2-0774 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools FARMERS SPECIAL. 20 horse Avery tractor on rubber. Good condition. Price $295. See at 2295 N. Liberty. DAVID BRADLEY garden tractor with leeder attch. Ph. 4-2573. In quire at 3335 Harold Ave. Salem. 12 IN. Craftsman band saw. Like new, very seasonable. Ph. 3-4049. 452 Wanted7Machinery, Tools B-7 CAT. Ph. Salem 3.9675 or 4-5981, 455 Hsehold Goods For Sale NEARLY NEW 12 c. ft. double door Admiral Dual Temp. Rcf. Large freezing compartment, Cost $519 last year. Will sell for $319. Tel. S-7585. 125 W. Lincoln. ALMOST NEW grey frieze daveno. $60. Good 8 cu- ft. refrig., $50. Good walnut bed,' Inner spring matt., springs, vanity & bench, $40, Or all for $135. 2885 Blossom Dr. 456 Wanted, Hsehold Goods Used Furniture Valley Furniture Co. 2-7472 WE PAY top cash price for good used furniture, appliances, etc. Im mediate service. Used Merchandise Mart 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. CASH TODAY Good used furniture or wlU tell on consignment. Ph. 3-6093 Sudtell'a Auction. 458 Building Materials ALL NEW lumber, ship lap, $30.00 per M and up, 2x4 and larger $25.00 per M and up. Some lumber $15.00 per M delivered. Phone S-2042. Pine, Pine, Pine! (RUNNING OUT OUR EARS!) New Load 1x12 shelving, variety of paneling, iame low price. Knotty Pine plywood (that' rlftlU!). have aonie In stock. Sdgs 59.50. KD root sheathing or boxing 69.50. Lotsa doora, rigs., paints, wallboards, and clg. tilet. 4xB hardboard 1.73 aheet. Some odd sizes in plywood need an offer! Ext. or Int. 4x8 or cut. Free cutting savei you money I F.any Blld Patterns from large fur niture to baby's toys, You'll be pleased .at cane, doing It "your self." Your remodeling Droblems. our pleasurel Nothing down. 36 moi. to pay, OPEN ALL DAY SAT. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD $345 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-4433 New fir door Jambs ... 12.50 Oak flooring low price New bath tubs complete $59.50 Used bath tuba complete , .$S!5.00 Used cast washbasins $7.50 Hdwd, plywd., ideal for paneling or cabinets , rhp Loose insulation per bag V Fiberglass roll blanket L Cheap 14-2 eiec. wiring ,3',frc 12-2 elec. wiring 5c Nails - $8.75 it $8.93 krg Asbestos siding per sq. $9.00 Painted shakes with under ..$l(i.S0 New doors, all sizes ,. .$5.50 Used windows 36" X 43" .-..$2.50 loo used doors with frames New toilets with seats ..$24.50 Double kitchen sinks, complete $41.50 42 gal. elec. water heaters ...... $i.50 Laundrv travs. nine, basins Bargain 600 gal steel septic tanks $62.50 4' cast Iron soil pine , T" 4' solid orangeburg pipe ...38e Roll roofing, Urge supply I tab comp. roofing Cedar shingles. 4 grades New Galv. iron ronf......, $2.45 .,$7.55 Cheap ... .Cheap Bargains Plywood, new carload New pleture windows $8.00 New weather stripped windows $14.20 Crdar fence nosis ..Chean New plaster board 4x8.... $1.40 Steel garage doors, complete. $14.00 Over-head garage hardware $13.93 Kitchen, bath rm. enameled checked wall cover 10c sq. ft. C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-.WM 1 ml N. of Kclser BUILDING All new Grade "A" Best Quality 4" Cast Soil Pine. USA 7.1 ft. 14-2 Lonmex Wire Full roll .0.1 ft. 12-2 Lonmex Wire Full roll .05 ft. Wall Bxs wclamp .26 Switch or Outlet Ivory . 30 Ceiling Exausl Fan 8" 19 95 2 Comp. Sink comp w ring 43.95 Sleel Bath Tub rump. 6195 10 yr. 42 gal wtr heater . 67.50 Rev Trap Toilet "A" 21195 Galv Pipe . .12 ft. K Gslv Cutler .14 ft. BOLLINGKHS. .14.1 N. Com'l. Ph. 2-8858 KEITH BROWN Close-Outs & Specials PRICED TO SKU, . . . Doors Doors Doors!!! Rrg. Sale X DOORS 2-4X6-BX1'. .1 panel I 4.7J ! DOORS J.4x6.8xl's 2 panel . 4.75 M DOORS S-0x6-8xl. 2 panel . - 4.75 1 DOOR J-8x6-8xP, 9 lllr sash . 8 X1 II) DOORS 2-x6-8xl's 9 lite sash 8 51 DOORS 3-0x6-6xl 9 lite sash - 16 18 10 DOORS 3-0x6-8x1'. 6 panel Colonial 10 42 1-0 to 2-8x6-8xPa 10 lite French f 78 1 DOOHS 2-6x6-6xls 15 lite French - 00 1 LOT 2-4 to 3-0x0-8 Re- Ject, Flush fir doors 5 00 HARDWARE Welsef HANDLE SETS 112 56 10 05 fa. KEY KNOB LOCK ... 8 98 40ea. LATCH SET OS low as 148ea. BUTTS 3'i" and 4" 50 pr. Some aljes double hunsr windows on hand ready to go-Priced right. Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Phone 9-9111 Front Court Sts. "We Give SSH Green Stamps" Garage On your lot to your specifications. M mo. to pay. Free estimates. Bork man Lbr. nd Hdw. Co. Ph. 1-3701. 1460 State. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE FINE MODELS ONLY! MONTGOMERY WARD'S SUPREME HEAD SLIGHTLY WAS $184.95 $159.95 $154.95 $164.95 $169.95 HURRY!!! THESE ARE CERTAIN TO GO FAST!! BUY A BARGAIN NOW!! MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. APPLIANCE DEPT. MAHOGANY Bush & Lane Grand piano. 510". Must sell. $475 or reas onable olfer. Call between 5:30 At 6:30 eve. 3.9592. After 5 see at 1245 N. Liberty. 9x12 LINOLEUM Rugs 5.95. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. USED ELECTRIC motor, 2 HP, 3 phase. Good condition. $60. 4-54.18. :. FILL DIRT . WALLING SAND tt GRAVEL CO. Phone 3-0240 B H.P. Garden Riding Tractor on rubber $285. Also 14 HP. gas, air compressor unit $85. Centrifugal V-Belt drive. Like new. Box 248, Statesman-Journal, PIANO 33.00. Glen Woodry. . TURKEY AND CHICKEN GRIT NOW AVAILABLE River Bend Sand Gravel, Ph. 3-9283 . CEMETERY markers from $33.50 up. venerea ana set complete at the grave. L. L. Jones & Son, 7330 S.W. Macadam Ave., Portland 1, Oregon. BINOCULARS 3.00. Glen Woodry. RESTAURANT RGB., S. Bend with 36" griddle. 10-stool L. counter. 4-2485. BEAUTY EQUIP. Reasonable offer accepted. Ph. 540 Monmouth. BENCH VISE 7.95. G. Woodry. COLEMAN oil heater, 2 oil drums & pipe inciuuea. vn. -MW3. MUST SACRIFICE 1953 Deluxe Fri- gldalre Ranee $175. Huffy Mower and cord $40. 3380 N, Lancaster 44007. LAWNM0WEH3 fi.OO, G. Woodry. 1931 MODEL A sedan, cheap. 31 Austra-Whlte pullets laying 85, $2.00 each. Jersey-Guernsey family cow fresh with third calf In three weeks, $150. Ph. 2-7345. US KDEDSChcapG Woodry. FERTILIZER $3 small trailer" load. 1B95 Burchwood Dr. USED FURNITURE FOR LESS Valley Furn. Co., 219 N. Com';. PAINT. $2.20 gal. Glen Woodry. GAS WATER Heater 9.80. G. Wood ry, 1605 N. Summer. CLEARANCE SALE USED SEWING MACHINES TREADLES from $4.95. Elec. Porta- nies irnm icc. caDincitcs from $79.50. All machines In good sewing cond. Guaranteed. Singer Sewing Center 130 N. Comerclal FIRE SCREEN 3.95. G. Woodry. BATTERIES $fi.DS. Ex. group 1 12-mo. guarantee. L,ytles Tire, 2305 N. Com'l. THOUSANDS Used Bargains. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. CHICKERING upright piano. Excel lent condition, eaii -i.ih. SINGER VAC. Cleaner 7.50. N. Summer. Woodry, 1605 18 CU, FT. Upright Freezers onrV 9M5.00. Limited supplv. NICO SALES COMPANY, - 1550 Fair ground ltd. STOCK REDUCING Sale. G. Wood ry s. 1605 N. Summer. COMPLETE bakery equip. 4x8 fiool table. 2-hole ice cream cabinet; arge roll top desk. Callcve. 4-15.18. PC. Bedroom Sts 39.00 ti 4ifbb. Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 'AINT. 2.2 gal. Glen Woodry. EXCELLENT BARN yard fertilizer. Phone 4-3907 or 4-2470. ADDING machines, cash registers, $25 ft up. Clary Multiplier Corp, 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-5.175. USED CHESTS. Glen Woodry. CHARIS foundation girdles, bra. pfT 3-5916 or 3-5072 Mary E. Bales. HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent, H. L Stiff Furn. Co. Ph. 3-9185. Organic Fertilizer Sark or bulk Odorless Orders delivered Phone .18127 PAINT $2 29 G ALGIcnJWoodry. Recaps MW-ll, If 95. Lytle's Tire, 2.105 N. Com'l. GOOD WHITE Rotarv Sewing-Machine 12 50. Glen Woodry's Bar gains, 1605 N. Summer. 460 Musical Instruments Cm.BHANSON upright piano, 1235. Ph. 3-932. 192J Fir. 462 Sports Equipment MARTIN "SO" mnlnr. Excel. 2-301.1. 7'i HP, outboard condition. 80. Ph. OUTBOARD runabout boat. Com plete wllh 25 H P. motor, remote controls, windshield, canvas tt new trailer. Cost IU45. will sacrifice for $795 or make cash offer. Also 7 2 II P Martin runs, trolls. $49 50. Salrin Boat House, 100 Chemeketa l'h. .1.9.w:l, 1 PAIR SKIS, poles, new pair of Pools; 12 gauge Remington double barrel shotgun, perfect In.; .22 pis tol on .41 ft amp Coll; .12 auto. M.nner, new. For appointment, call 3-4605 between 7 Jc a p.m. 466 Trade, Miscellaneous TRADE 120 bass accordion for pi ano iprefer player). 4-4952. SWAP You lay my roof paer, I'll hang your wall paper or paint. Ph. 2-1(170. 468For Rent, Miscellaneous U-FIX-IT-GARAGE Repair you own car. Phon4 4-5261. 2W5 M. Com'l. McCULLOCIt chain saws and post hole aueers hv dav Town Equip ment Co Ph. 4-1511 FOR IU.M or leasa tga. wartnous spa-' cement floors, brtrk blrtf down town Inquire H. L Stiff Fun S-9i5 ToPlaceAd CaII2-2441 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous SCRATCHED SALE $134.88 $119.77 $124.88 $129.77 ' $139.77 PHONE 3-3191 FERTILIZER rotted cow manure, compost, rotted mulch, chicken manure for lawn dressing. By "tick or cu. yr. Phillips Bros, Rt, 8, Box 493. 4-3081, 2 mi. E. 4-Corners, on State. USED Refrigerators, $19.95, $29.95 and up. Al Lauc, 2350 State. Ph. 3-5443. 600x16 RECAP or Grp. 1 battery, $3.95 ex. Dizzy Dean's, 1898 S. 12th, GOTTA MAKE Room Lotsa Daven ports, Club Chairs 5.00 up. Glen Woodry's, 1605 N. Summer. SPECIAL SALE Closing out stock on ornamental, stones, including lava & flagstone. Rustic cedar fencing, cedar posts, poles. Supplv limited. Phillips Bros. Rt. 5, Box 493. 4-3081. 2 mi. E 4-Cor-ncrs on State St, PAINT, $2.29 gal. Glen Woodry. USED VACUUM . CLEANERS Nearly new G.E, tank, $29.95. Late model Elcctrolux, exc. cond., $39.95. Hoover upright $9.95. Liberal trade-In allowance. $5. down. $5 mon. Senrs Roebuck tt Co., 050 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-9191. SACRIFICE 2 good Houses In N. Sa lem, $5,800 and $7,900. You won't beat these at the Price Glen Woodry, owner, 1605 N. Summer. HOTPOINT electric range, $15. Call 4-uan ancr o p.m. MAN'S DARK gray dress suit, size 36. -LiKe new. 920. 4W5Sunnyview. LATE model Frlgldaire stove for sale. $150 or trade for bedroom set. Call Monmouth 2218. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous WE PAY cash for furniture, tools & misc. Ph. 3-5056. WANT good office desk, reasonable, 4-6211 or 4-lfi9fl. STUD LOGS Wanted I' Slud Logs or Multiples of Plus Trim. Dia. 6" to 16". BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Ph. Turner 1125 Eves. 2503 Turner or 2-7826 Salem 474 Miscellaneous COW FERTILIZER, 19 load, 93 per yq. rn. 3-6021. DENTAL PLATE REPAIR J-IIR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SF.MLER. DENTIST Adolph Hldg, State tt Com'l. Sts SALt.M PH. 3-3311 476 Fuel ANDERSON'S green slab. 2 rd. 14. Ph. 2-7751 or 4-4253 or 2-4574. CAPITAL FUEL Pickup Your Presto-logs Briquets and wood at 198 S. C St Phone 3-7721. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood, green or dry, Stove-Diesel oils. Ph 3-8444. ORKOON FUEL CO. Slab, sawdust, oak Sill GREEN STAMPS Ph. 3-5533 3087 Broadway West Salem Fuel Co. Tube or Push Out Sawdust Ash, Mnplc and Oak Wood Gtren, drv slab. Planer Finds 1525 Edgewatcr Phone 2-4031 500 Bus. &. Finance SIO Money 1o Loan WHEN YOU NEED MONEY See Us AH Ivprs of prrnonal loan. Trrms to suit. Ho investigation charges. All dealings Strictly Confidential Homo Owned, Home Operated Hollywood Finance Co. lfRft Fairgrounds Road (Next Door to Bank) Free Paiklng Lot. 'Call 3-7031 . M .V.9 S 21J SHOPPING KOH A LOAN? Personal Personal Offevs These Benefit; "Yes" promptly to employed peo plemarried, slnslet Nationwide eredit, SinRle visit loan phone first. Select he!l pavment date! LOANS IIP TO 11,500 t On Auto, Furniture or Salary Personal FINANCE COMPANY Phone 2-24M 105 S. Hih St.. SsOem State License S-122. M-.fi5 Loans over MOO made by Personal Finance Co of M.irion County under the Industrial Loan Companies: Act of Oregon. PtTVA TF money to loan Ph 2-0794. REAL ESTATE LOANS III rninutii iNvrcriinuT rn If aosmt aoaasiN fsis 687 Court st i.e. 4-2283 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. I8J -ioulh Church rarkint a-Plenty Ph. 1-3437 Lie. No. M-S0. 6 IJ4 500 Bus. & Finance 512 Loans Wanted APPROX. $6,500 loan on new 8 B R. . home, flrcpl., etc. New District. 'Box 245 Statesman-Journal, WANT $8,000.00 at 6 to be paid at the rate of $400.00 plus interest - semi-annually. Very good security and best of credit. Box 238, Statesman-Journal. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted COUPLE, FARM experience, chore generous proposition. Box 251 Statesman-Journal. ' MIDDLE-AGED couple to care for rooming house in exchange for well furn., 4 rm. apt. No depen dents. References, Box 241, Statesman-Journal. 604 Help Wanted, Male LOADING Engineer wanted, must be experienced running heel-boom. Call. 3-9006. EXPERIENCED service station man, union pay. Box 244, Statesman Journal. SWAP You lay my roof paper, I'll hang. your wallpaper or paint. Ph. 2-1070. 606 Help Wanted, Female WANT: LADY to share small part of expense and household duties for home with semi-invalid. Can work out. Phone 2-4014. DEPENDABLE, good natured women to take over our housework and cure of children. Sun. and most evenings off. Box 242, co Statesman-Journal. Give age, experience and wages expected. . 610 Sales Persons Wanted EXPERIENCED salesman for retail appliances. Above average wages. Write Statesman-Journal Box 247. OWN A car? Neat appearing? I've got a Job for you. Interview 8-11 a,m. See Mr. Fish at 1410 Broad way. ' EXP. SALESMAN wanted to sell new A: used cars. Salary & com mission. Other considerations. In quire Gene Teague Chev., Stayton. LADY to baby sit. 9 to 12 a.m. Light housekeeping. Auburn or 4-Corners Dist. Ph. 4-2960. WANTED Industrious man with car to supply Rawleigh Products to 1500 families near where I am sell ing. Good opportunity. If you like outside work and your own profit able business write or see H, An derson, 1254 Elm St.. West Salem, or write Rawleigh's Dept. 152, Oak land 20, Calif. 612 Work Wanted, Male LOOKING FOR IMPROVEMENT! (WHAT DO YOU HAVE?) AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Age: 40 years. Experience: 11 years Service station; 10 years auto sales; 1 year specialty sales. Licensed insurance agent. ' Born and reared on farm. Owns home In Salem. Married with family. Write Statesman-Journal Box 251, HOME Building and Remodeling. Ph. 4-3Ut. INCOME Tax blanks prepared rea sonahly. Ph. 3-6641. TWO discouraged young men will do anything from testing electric cnairs 10 lowering coffee prices. Box statesman-Journal. ROAD GRADING L. W. Hancock. Eves. Ph. 1-0010. FEDERAL Si State tax returns pre- Rarea. ricK-up service. iteasonaDie. h. 4-5008 after 1 p.m. TAX RETURNS prepared in your nome ai reasonaoio rates. Phone 4-203.1. HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard cleaned up and trash hauled. 2-7464. CEMENT work, all kinds. Ernest Drake. Phone 4-5129. 1165 S 14th. WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing, cic. n v, stoops, rn. 614 Work Wanted. Female LADY NEEDS any kind of work. pnone 3-4767. LADY cook eV bartender. work only. Call 4-538.1. WASHING and ironing dona In my nome. rn. 3-31193. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, reason- OIc. Mrs. POe, 665 N. 16lh. 3-3643. HOUSKWORK or rooking companjr meats, f none j-atitiu. 61S Situations Wanted MIDDLE AGED baby sitter, days. Ph. 4-5BM. WANTED: SMALL girl to care for, 4 to B yrs. old. For companion to only child In farm home. 915 month. Ph. 8-0155. HOME Construction Free estimates. Ph . remodeling, 4-6340 after 5. CARPENTER WORK. New or ri modeling. Foundation to roof. Ph. 4-2521. PAINTING with pride in workman ship. Martin Wolfer. Ph. 4-2879. PENSIONED man needs work, smalt Jobs, painting, repairing around homes, smalt wage. Best reference, 4-1116. DRESSMAKING and alterations. Also fur work. Phone 3-7004. EXP. married couple, 3 sin children desire general farm immediately. Box 513, Grand Rondc, Oregon. CUSTOM tractor work, plowing discing, garden work. 3-9661. moNINC-SOanhoiir ."Bring "hangT ers.1011 2nd SI. West Salem. TREE work. Topping - trimmlng-re-niovtng. Insured John Payne. Ph. 2-0.183. HOUSE plans drawn. Customized and accurate work. Ph, 2-8642. LEARN dressmaking at your conven- Jenceln my home. 2-1960. PAINTING, Paperhanging. Free es timates. Don I.ucero. Ph. 3-5532. SEWING St typing or anything sim ilar done In my home. Ph. 2-6278. PA I NTI N gT"p A P ER H A N G I N G . Con tract, small Jobs welcome. Thona 2-7692. ' GENERAL cleaning by the hour. Ph. 2-8259. CUSTOM plowing and discing. Fer guson tractor. 2 bottom plow. Th. 2-8120 or 2-47R5. WIKMAl.S Day Nursrrv. licensed and state Inspected. 2-5015. CEMENT work, all kinds Fcldsrhau tt Son. 2-w:8. 4-5329 aft. 3 p.m. TAX R KTU R N slrepa7cdrrh. 4-62:8. Call day or eve. CARPENTER New. remodel or re pa i I m eoremi tract. Ph . 2 -5025. MIC K EN H A M 'S DAY NURSERY State licensed and inspected. Ph. J-7898. PAINTING. Will r Lull v estimate any sire Job Ph. 2-4.107, 3-8243. LANSCAPINO. com. lawn, garden service. Service Center. 4-3373. TREES topped, trimmed and remov i ed. Fruit trees pruned and sh.mrd Free estimates. Ph. 2 7464. 4-H8H7. i PAPER HANGING tt Painting. Jerry i Johnson. Phone 2-079 REI.IAR1.E baby sitter Will go davs or nighls. Phone 2-9984. LIGHT crawler do:er. dirt leveling grading. Phone 3-7042. CARPENfERw'OflK Any kind Rea". sonable, 4340 Macleay Rd. Phone 4961. 600 Employment 1 616 Employment Agencies GOOD JOBS F-Sety. Dr's. ofc. 25-40 To 9200 F-Sales Readv 10 Wear, 23.45 ...Open F-Rookkeeper Gen. OIc. 1200 F-Bkkpr. Ofc. Mgr. 23-40 To 9300 F-Hxec. Secy. perm. 25-40 Open F-Steno., beginner 18-25 1162 F-Legdl Stcno. 5 da. Open M-Sales spvsr. 25-40 exp. ... 9350 M-Col. grad. Sales trainee ......... 5:tW) The Best Way To The Best Jobs COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGCY. 494 State St. (Oregon Bids.) 4-3351 620 Day and Contract Land Clearing 15 yrs. Exp. Call for estimate on hour work or by contract for the com plete Job. L. C, Mitchell. Phone 3-5337. 700 Rentals LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease. Cement lloors, brtck build- l ing. Down town. - Inquire H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 9-9185. 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board BEAUTIFUL spacious furnished rm. with Vi bath in r.ev Englewood district. Walking distance to Sa. ' lem General and High School. 1 or 2 girls preferred. 1285 N. 23rd St. DOWNTOWN, 1st fir, clean, warm room, Bath adjoining. 65B Center. PLEASANT ROOM with bath. Close in. Gentlemen. Ph. 3-4791. WARM, light, housekeeping room. Lady. 685 N. Church. SLEEPING ROOM, Htchen facilitl.-s. For 1 or 2 754 Ferry St. LARGE beautiful furn. rm. bachelor apt. 539 N. Winter. 705 Apartments For Rent FURN. APT. In exchange for jani tor service. , Hollywood theater. Ph. 36058. 3 RM. furnished basement apt. Inquire at 315 Bellevue. 950. FURN.. -2 rms., bath. Also basement apt. Reasonable. 330 S. 14th. 2-9239. 3 ROOM lurn. apt. Pri. bath, utili tics. 248 Marion. Ph. 4-1645. 3 ROOM furn. apt. Pri. bath. Adults. Shopping Center. 1220 Center. RENT HOUSE. 3 rms., furn., newly decorated, close to school, bus tt business dist., garage available. 1055 Edgewater, West Salem. 3 BEDRM. apt., close in, prlv. utility at Dam, uniurnisnea. very reason able to right party. 555 N. Church. CLEAN FURN. 3 room apt. Close in, adults. Tel. 8-6375. CLEAN 4 room apt. Private bath, en trance. Nicely furn. Reasonable. Ph. 4-3578. ATTRACTIVE, close In. clean, furn. apt. Pvt. entrance, elect, stove, re frig., hot water and wash facilities furn. 245 Union. 4-1468. LARGE NICELY furn. room, light housekeeping. 695 s. lBtn. rn. 3-B0G0. 3 LGE. first floor rm. apt. with bath. 675 S. 12lh. 3 RM. furn, adults, near State Hos pital, garage. Ph. 3-8041. 3 ROOM furn. apt. All utilities paid. Off street parking, aouus. rn. 2-9006. 1545 N. Capitol. 2-ROOM furn. apt. upstairs. Lights and water furn. Laundry room. ku. 1B20 Ferry St. Ph. 2-3101. 2-RM. furn. Ground fir. Utility porch. Elec. range, refrig., private en trance and shower. Garage. After 3. 4-1877. 1775 N. Front. 3 FURN. rooms & bath. Utilities paid except gas. TV antenna avall- aoie. aj'.ou. iwi a. t-om i. rn. 3-6254. CLOSE, clean, furn. 1-room duplex. Kitchenette. 930. 765 Marlon. 3-ROOM furn. apt. Newly decorated. 1 blk. to bus line, 935. 960 N. istn. 2-1070.' 2-RM. APT. Everything furn. except eiec. Hot and cold water. 915 mo. Ph. 2-6827. 3-RM. furn., pvt. bath, walking dis tance. 450 5. CapitOI. 3-53511. 2-ROOM furn., heated apt. For lady. 704 N. cottage. UNFURN. duplex. Fireplace, stove and refrig. Call 3-7059 eve., Sat., Sun. ' ATTRACTIVE 2-rm. apt., unfurn. ex cept range and refrig. Haseldorf Apt MODERN 3-rm. furn. apt., close in. 849 N. cottage St. FURNISHED 3 rooms. 930. Private Bath 1968 North Com'l. PRIVATE 3 room coitrv apts. Clean. furn.. 945. Adults. 3560 Portland Rd. 3 RMS. furn. Utilities paid. Women preferred, raw ataie. FURNISHED apartments. Closc-ln. Ph. 2-6740. 325 S. Winter. ' Ambassador Furnished apts. 550 N. Summer FURNISHED modern 2 room apt. Within 5 blocks of down town. 965 per month. Ph. 2-1887. 444 N. Cot tage. . 3-ROOM furn. apt. utilities paid. Rea sonable. Ph. 4-6551. VERY NICE l-bdrm., furn. and un fuin. Inquire 1656 S. 13th St. 3-ROOM furnished apt., full bath, heat and water furn. 935, Phone 2-8368. NICELY FURN. 3-room apt. 549 N. Cottage, FURN. apts. North Salem Motel, 2673 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-6688. 3-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with garage, 955. Close In on No. Com'l Ph. 2-8648 or 3-6644. BDRM. apt. Completely furn, close In. 444 N. Cottage ATTRACTIVE unfurn. 4-rm. apt. with range & refrig .1140 S. 13th. 1 BEDROOM apt. Stove, refrigerator, water, automatic steam heat. In cluded. Modern. 950 per month. May be seen at 2153 S. Commer cial or Ph. 4-1452 alter 4 p.m. CAPITOL PLAZA l-bdrm.. furn., unfurn, 1165 Che meketa. 3-86;i0. NICE COZY. furn. 2 rms. for work ing women. 935. Ml N. Liberty Ph. 2-M46or3-3000; NICELY furn. 3 rm. apt. Private bath, close Jn. Ph. 36985. VERY NICE modern 2-rm. furn. court apt. 943. 1063 Madison. 4-4754. YOUcan't beat this: 3 rm. house keeping apt., furn. Inc. elec. range and refrig., private bath, nice and clean, onlv 929 .50. Burt Plena, Rltr., 379N. High St. Oif.2-4047J LGE. WELL furnished 3 room ant. 2nd floor. 930. Adults, no pets. 2164 MapleAve.Ph. 3-7117. 3 ROOM furn. pU Near Capital. 935. Ph. 3-6163. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN $2! 50 1 rm, furn. hourkecplnn apt., has refrig, nice nnd ctrnn, all util tties furn. except :. Rurt Picha, Jiltr. 37 N. HjKh St. Off:a-4P47. 2 ROOM Fl!RN. apt., hath, refrig.. utilities. Adults. 370 union. FOR RKNT. one hedrnm furn, du plex. $40. Ph. 4-Kfil. Agent. 707 Houses FoT"Rnl NFM I'NFrRN. one bedroom duplex. South, elec. heat, attached itaraxe. Ifiil, 2-5509 or 2-M79. ToPlaceAdCall2-2441 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent SMALL B.ROOM house. Wired for phone 1 mile, from West Salem. Place lor cow or saddle horse and garden. 35 per month. Aox 243, co Statesman-Journal. 4 BEDROOM house. In West Salem. 70. Ph. 4-2443 CLEAN 3 ROOM, bath, furn. or un furn. Reasonable. 3845 Portland Rd. CLEAN, modern, close In. 2-bdrm. house and garage. Ph. 3.8413. IN KEIZER, nice clean apt., garage and yard. Ph. 4-3063 or 2-1252. FURN. 1 BDRM. house. Ph. 3-6738. EXTRA nice furn. duplex. Huge liv. rm. Creek, close in, car port, 975. oiu a. winter, i-n. o-auo cvc. UNFUEN,, ground floor, duplex. Ga rage. 656 Ferry. Ph. 3-3437. 1 BEDRM. partly furn. Bus across street, 1 block grade school, 4 blocks Parrlsh High, 6 blocks Shop. ping center At state Diogs. rn. 2-8448. LOVELY l-bdrm. garage. No chil dren or aogs. fengiewooa aisirici. lnq. 1200 N. 14th. Ph. 3-3000. 1 BEDRM. duDlex with .store room. No children. North Dist. 145 per monin. rn. 4-176J. t RM. UNFURN. cottage. Elec. heat, elec. range, 744 N. Capitol. 2-8682. CLEAN UNFURN. 1 bdrm. . Adults, no pets. Ph. 4-5995. NEW. MODERN. 1 bedroom court. Stove and refrig furn. 950. Call 3.0440. 1 ROOM furnished cabin, man. Phone 3-7018. ALMOST new 2-bedrm. house, elec. range, auto, neat, hardwood floors, insulated. 2234 Maple Ave. 5-ROOM unfum. modern house, Ph. 2-1248. 945. LGE. 3 bedr, home with basement & oil furnace, garage. Located at 1245 waner bi. bee comain iano. co, Rlts. Dial 44494. 2 BR house at 677 Calterllne Ave. Adults preferred. Ph. 2-7476. 4 BEDROOM home with range and heater furnished 947.50. 2 bedroom ground floor flat with yard, water and electricity furnished 940. See Joe L. Bourne Realtor at 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38216. 1 ROOM cabin furn. 922.50 mo. All utilities paid. Near bus and store. rn. 4-4hh.(. COZY 2 room furn. house, north, nice for one. Ph. 2-1438. SMALL 3 rm. house for middle aged man or woman. No drunks. 935 mo. furn. Also trailer space 910 mo. and no pets, wuuam not. 174U uxxora. Ph. 2-8885. 2 BEDROOM, modern house. Newly decorated, Kelzer Olst. rn. 3-B49B, ATTRACTIVE 1 bdrm. house, clean, nicely furn., good, surroundings, Off street parking, utilities furn. except elec. Walking distance downtown. 745 S. Com 1. 1 BDRM., individual unit in City Center Court. Fireplace, garage. 715 . N. cottage. Ph. 3-9762 after 1 p.m. VERY NICE 3 rm. duple furn. apt, Hollywood dist. Ph. 3.8036. NEW UNFURN. 2 bedrm. house. Oil heat, garage. Adults. 1140 N. 13. 4 RM. house with utilities. Located 1670 S. Summer. Adults. H. P. Grant, 457 Court St, Ph. 36744. 1 BEDRM. furn., attic room, garage, garden. 950. Near Swegle school, Ph. 4-4300. 3 ROOM unfurn. except oil circu lator. Ph. 2-1438. 1 BEDRM. Individual unit In "Cas cade Court." Furn. Has fireplace. Walking distance. Adults only. 960. Ph. 3-9889. 5-RM. UNFURN., duplex. Close In, Call 4-13U7. CABIN, 3-room, partly furnished. 925 month, "h, 2-1248. 2- BEDRM. ' house unfurn. except range, heater, refrig. 935. 2265 Claude St. Inquire 945 S. 12th. 1-BEDROOM home with sleeping Porch, on large lot, 1315 Barnes, Just off 99E. NICELY furnished 1 B.R. flat, close in N. Summer St. 955. B. M. Mason, Rlt. 3-8841. 4 BDRM., unfurn. home, 2605 N. 4th. 950 mo. rn. 4-5393. ALMOST new, 1 bdrm. unfurn. house. Electric heat, quiet. Dandy for couple who are looking for nice place. Reasonable. Near General Hospital. 225 Brcyman. CLEAN, furn. 4 rms. bath. Call or see nemre iz a.m. or auer 1 p.m. 1980 Maple Ave. 3-7350. 710 Wanted to Rent, Houses LGE. 2 BR or S BR house, unfurn. Englcwood dist. preferred. 4-159Q. BUSINESS MAN with best referen ces, will pay any rcas. amount for desirable 2-4 BR unfurn. house in good neighborhood. Ph. 3-9677J 2 OR 3 bdrm. house with garage or storage. Ph. 2-4557. WANTED TO RENT 2 bedroom house with garage and fireplace. Prefer house with heat register in every room. Phone 3-8998. 3-RDRM. house. South, to 975. Exrel. care. Ph. 3-7114 or 2-2950 alter a. 712-Want to Rent Apts. COUPLE with t child. 7. to rent furn. apt. or cottage. Box 246 co states maiijoumal. 714 Business Rentals STORE room for rent. Also, suitable for office. Inquire 993 S. 13th. 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportunities POOL. SNOOKER, cards. Two own ers, 20 years Owner retiring, oood 1 man business. Good building, reasonable rent. In small town close to Salem. Lunch counter op portunity. 93500. See Roy D. El liott, 385" N. Broad St., Monmouth, Oregon. John R. Langrell, Broker. RETAIL bakery tt fountain lunch. downtown, saiem. tor saif. irano or lease; easy terms. Fh. 36988 af ternoons, RESTAURANT, S cabins, 8-room house, gal pump. V. B. vallicK, Jefferson. ' CAFE Downtown Salem. 51000. Gross 9:1000 month. Box 240, statesman-Journal. RICHFIELD OIL CORP. Service station for lease Monmouth, Oregon. Center of business dis trict. Some financial assistance. Ph. 2-0761 Salem tor appointment. TAVERN and lunch. 2-bedroom. liv- ing quarters attached. Hlway 99. 4 miles Smith of Salem. Ph. 2-2123. 804 Suburban BY OWNER 3 bedroom, insulated home. 1 acre, double garage, barn. Frultland Dist. Ph. 3-1333. 806 Houses For Sale EVERYTHING you want in a nice large 2 bedroom home. Asking 98300. Make cash offer. 4-4197. $350 DOWN Balance like rent on this S bdrm. home, with larjre kitchen, hdwd floors tnrf oil heat. Price M.550. L. E. KLUMPP 3M Portland Rd. Ph. 2-7642. eve 2-3B84 BY OWNER. New 3-bdrm. house on 720 Thompson St Ph. 1-5386 for in formation. FHA APPROVED home. 20T. down. built to your specifications. For plans and prices. Th. 4-1933 or 2-26-'2. jnniv3 RDRM hou. 4nxl00 let. I 93730. Ph. 4-607J. I 800 Real Estate 4-BDRM., 2',i ACRES EAST, will iiuuf-i " " V. ily orchard, nice garage and outbuildings .large Irving room, nice fireplace, automatic oil heat. 2 bathrooms, trade for 3-bdrm. In town. 912,700. Call Jim Bawlins, Sim. " 3-BDRM., CORNER LOT. 95.500,00-I.ocated South In city, this home is all on one floor. Has 3 nice bdrms.. nice living room, fun dining room and a big kitchen, 3 garages, lots of shrubs and flowers. Very easy terms. CaU Jim Bawlins. Sim. . t 9375X10 DN. ON THIS LOVELY 2-BDRM. HOMF.-cated east near Washington school. If you are a veteran don t ' J advantage of this offer. For appointment to ee, call Chet Rawlins. Sim, , , , , . . 3-BDRM. KEIZER TRADE FOR 2-BDRM. IN , CJTY-I.ocatel on , aore and in excellent shape. Priced at 910.50M0. Would trade up to 99.000.00 or 910,000.00. For appointment to see, call cnei Bawlins, Sim. 5 ACRES WITH A 4-YR -OLD 2-BDRM. HOME-Good Joca. tlon. well drained, garage, work shop, chicken house, dandy we 1. A good buy at only 99,000.00. For appointmen to see, can Dale Rayburn, Sim. SUBURBAN DUPLEX Each has 2 bdrms., living room, Wtchen. large garage with utility, storage oyer garage, built in 1950 neat as a pin, Shown by appointment only. Call Dale Rayburn, Sim. RAWLINS REALTY :," (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) 2060 N. Capitol Street Office phones: 2-4664 or 4-1761 Evenings: Chet Rawlins 3-6236 Jim Rawlins 2-8578 Dale Rayburn 2-2043 NELSON & NELSON ' (ORIGINAL FIRM IN A NEW LOCATION) $4750 VERY GOOD OLDER HOME This 2-bdrm. home in West Salem is In excellent condition. Clean, neat, large rms. 60 x 100 lot. Close to school, bus. Very good buy for this price, 94750. Taxes 945. Call Mrs. Wootten to see this. $6500 ON NORTH LIBERTY This clpse-ln 2-bdrm. home has new composition roof. Large util ity room with plenty of storage space, wired for 220 service. Good garden spot, lot 50 x 150. . Mr. Watts will show this. $13,750 VIEW PROPERTY SOUTH This new three-bdrm. home has a good view of city and valley from nice picture windows. Very well arranged floor plan and large basemt. ideal for recreation room. Auto, forced air heat, double garage. This is a fine family home. 913.750. WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT ED J. LUCAS HAS JOINED OUR, SALES STAFF NELSON AND NELSON, REALTORS Chet I Nelson Dorathy S. Nelson 1590 S. Commercial St. Ph. 2-3669 Evenings: Al Watts 3-7265, Lydia F. Wootten 3-8066, Ed. Lucas 3-9388, Dick Schmidt 2-7567, Chet Nelson 2-1350 806 Houses For Sale . "THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME" WE KNOW you will agree when ycu step into this magnificent Col onial home ,-spacious 19x28 living room with open staircase; sunny dining 'room and ultra-modern kitchen with new dishwasher and disposal. There are 4 bedrooms and sewing room. The master bedroom has adjoining study with fireplace. This home has full basement with party room; triple plumbing. Situated on fine corner lot in one of Salem's most exclusive neighborhoods. Walking dis tance to downtown. Shown by appt. only. Phone 2-3531 v Cluett & Kenyon, Realtors lflfU) Fairgrounds Bd. Eve. Ph, 3-MSfi - 2-628fi - 2-3826 or 3-M3.1 KENT'S HOMES DESIGNED WITH YOU IN MIND! We now have financing for you to buy or build the home you have wanied for so long. FOR VETERANS K. 25-year G. I. loans to build cr buy. If you wish to buy a completed home. 'we have many to show you on these terms. If you wish to build, we have contractors ready to start on the plan of your choice. FOR OTHERS 25-ycar FHA loans available on existing homes up to 5 years of age that were constructed under FHA inspections. Best of FHA terms for new construction. As an example ,a 97,000 home can be built or purchased with oily 9.150.00 down and 25 years on the balance. Also 20-year conventional loans available. WE NEED LOTS! Please rail vt if you have lots or any size tract for sale, es pecially South. C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS MORTGAGE lDANS CONSTRUCTION FINANCING 458 North Church Phone 4-2293 Eves: Mr. Kent 2-2780 Picture Windows Real frames and picture of the city. A lovely View 10 me florin ana has large living room with fire place, and unusual dining room and spacious kitchen with too many extras to mention, 3 lovely bdrms and den with 2 baths and tile showers. One of the last units are located ideally for servants or guests. 2700 sq. ft. in all. Beautiful hedge with patios. Also double ga rage. This must be shown by ap pointment only. Total price S42.500. L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR M5 Portland Hoad. Phone 2-7642 Eve. Richard Klumpp. 2-38R4 BV OWNER. 5-year-old 2-br, home, 'j A. Paved road, fruit trees, chick en coup. Over 900 sq. ft. in house. Nice yard. $7950. Terms. Ph. 3-B554. 3BEDROOIhome ?U000. Near St". Vincent church. Full basement, fireplace, lli plumbing. Garage, sawdust heat. 2 fish ponds, may take 2-bedroom home as part pay ment up to $6000. Write Box 252 Statesman-Journal. 2 BDRM. house, plastered St insu lated, some furniture. $8,300, Terms, 1730 S. Capitol. Inquire 3.5171. PRICED FOR quick sale. Furn. sum mer home on Silctz River, 4'i ml. from Kerville. All elect.. 2 bdrm., finished in pine. Plenty river fron tage. Own pvt. dock. Ph. Detroit, Ore. 399. OLD HOUSE to move or wreck. Ph. jtl335. 3 BEDROOM ranch home with full windows, fireplace, dry basmt., larsejot. 11.9jQ. Ph. 2-3343, 1 to 5. NICE 2-BDRM. home. Inside utility" Will take car or pickup toward down payment. 4-4.W7. $6950 (LARGE OLDER HOME) $1000 DOWN buys this roomy 3-bcd-room home in the Bush school dis trict. Completely redecorated in side and out. Spacious living and new cupboards and nook. 50x125 dining room, large - kitchen with lot. This Is an older home but chock full of good living. $fi5 00 per month. Ask for FRANCES KNAPP, Salesman. Ive. Phone 2-82M. If no answer dial 2-.'ifl?l or 3-WM. PHONE 4-3394. i i i i lftflo Fairgrounds Rd. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT HBKI 800 Real Estate . . minn, f..A nil with flim 806 Houses For Sale FATHER'S DELIGHT This home is different! Attractive den with rustic fireplace, bar and gun cabinet. 2 bedrooms, large ga rage with shop space. Lovely brick Vlanter boxes. Located on corner lot in newer district close to school, $10,900. Ask for FRANCES KNAPP, Salesman. Eve. phone 2-62B(L If no answer, dial 2-3826 or 3-9956. 1P80 Fairgrounds Rnsd HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT 175 ACRE FARM Only .1 mi. S.E. of city with , M. frontage on Hl-Way. 60 A. fescue, SO A. perms grass, 35 A. grain, 25 A. pasture, 5 A. orchard tt building site. Grade A dairy barn, modern 4-bdrm. house with base ment, furnace tt fireplace. Owner will consider smaller farm in part trade, vicinity of Sliverton. This is a paying farm at only 9275 per acre. Making It a real good farm buy, better see It today. WALNUT PARK NEAR CENTER St. Lovely 4-bed-room home with 2 complete baths, wall-to-wall carpets. Fireplace & automatlr heat. Large cheerful rooms, Basement with recreation room. 2-car garage. Owner will trade for 2-bcdrnom home south to 912.500. A good buy at 91.oon. ALL FURNISHED COMFORTABLE 2-bdrm. home with leai nice almost new furnishings. Widow will sell for onlv 9SVT Fenced lot, garage. This Is a real . good buy In center of 4 Corners. Call Dick Severln. ART MADSEN, REALTY 1.126State Ph. .'W5(I01 2-BSI2 FOR SALE by owner 2-bedroom, dining room, living room, elec. dish washer, wall-to-wall rugs, double garage, full basement, large party room, work shop, gorgeous yiew, beautiful lawn and shrub bery .Must sell or will take your house In trade. Phone 4-2703. TATE EMPLOYEES ' Here is a three-bedroom horn, full basement, oil heat. Near state buildings and schools. Moderately priceo. J. B. YOUNG, REALTOR .MJL HiehSt. Ph-dfiflf) NEW a bedrm. home, close to school ardhns. Ph. 2-30B.V BY OWNER 5-room house, base ment finished, sprinkling sv.tem. Klngwood District. 913.300. Phone PHONE 4-3394