Thursday, February 25, 1954 Pas 12 Good Feeding Produces Milk Good winter feeding and man agement practices are reflected In the Marion County Dairy Herd Improvement association records for January, County ' Extension Agent Ben A. Newell reports. The herds on test representing 1997 cows averaged 652 pounds of milk per cow. Total production amounted to nearly 1.1 million pounds of milk nd over 30 tons of buttcrfat. The herd of Racette Brothers of Aurora of 42 cows averaged 1040 pounds of milk and 43 pounds of butterfat. Christy was high milk producer with 2660 pounds in 31 days. Bufford and Orvillc Brown were owners of the top Guernsey cow with 2100 pounds of milk from Opal. She was also second high in fat yield at 101.6 pounds. The top Jersey cow, Ramona, Is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Felix Mfiller of Jefferson. She produc ed 1810 pounds of milk and 83.3 pounds of buttcrfat. Court of Honor Held For Scout Troop 10 Boy Scout Troop 10 sponsored hy the Salem Kiwanis Club held a Tenderfoot Investiture and a Court of Honor Tuesday night after a potluck supper in Knight Memorial Church. A candlelight Tenderfoot In vestiture was held for Gene Bald win, ouglas Clark, Donald Wilson, Charles Hoover, who become new Bcout in Troop 10. First Class awards were pre sented to Scouts George Karklins and Merle Aaserude by Victor -Aaserude. Merit Badges were presented by Vildemar J. Karklins as fol lows: Home repairs, to George Karklins, James Miller; first aid, to James Miller; music, to Arthur Krueger, citizenship in the com munity and fishing, to Andy Pal mer. Three special awards for per fect attendance for a period of two years were presented to Billy McCallister, Andy Palmer and Ar thur Krueger. These awards were presented by Leroy Krueger and Leo McCallister. Service Stars were presented by Walt Morse to Merle Aaserude, Alan Boyer, Larry Frad, George Karklins, Billy McCallister, James Miller, Andy Palmer and Ronald Case. The Court nf Honor was con ducted by Committee Chairman Francis Clark, and Committee man Walt Morse of th Salem Ki wanis Club. Movies of the last National Boy Scout Jamboree at Santa Ana, 'California, were shown by Scoutmaster Buryl Palmer who attended with three members of Troop 10. Larry Frad, Billy Mc Callister and Andy Palmer. Wood burn Cub Scouts Banquet Planned WOODBURN The annual Blue and Gold banquet celebrating the 44lh anniversary nf the Boy Scouts of America will be conduc ted by the Woodburn Cub Scout pack Friday, .-'eb. 26, beginning at 7 p.m. at the American Legion hall here. Entertainment is planned and a prize will be award ed to the den having the most unusual table arrangement Two Wcbelos badges will be presented. Dr. A. K. Guild, cubmastcr, re quests that Cub Scouts and their fathers carve out their own "sil verware" for the banquet AH Cub Scouts, leaders and parents arc invited to attend. FOR A DATE o not if you use SHO-CDRL with find LoAoltn In the Capitol Shopping Center w boir biwSy aid M M Owl-LoW Prltef J Shot imoMommi Hom Hok Am I Mtao, lex Sho Cad ofem Hum rVW V 50 ml hew. An eppfceafcm tofc m POUtB SotasioCOOrwiQt sb yowwoiny bock. M0 ' X UMXfxn pBL havanaX yZii Hi! SECONDS i I 11-1 i "rrr ILJ J 11 KUDDCK WV iiifniiintn-y "N. r '-r It Jt I , tii i ui r x f t x x m0 II lOTinM YMW l JJ lit r DEVILTRY Vyri VIV PERFUME 05 M ' M I - m m I W , 1 II, iv ti.7i a " rwm mi BATH 1 WJA Pi& iSc III SCntM Fr?. i 11 KIDDIE 1 II Xsserrei Havcrt! E "Sim Festival" I I CHOCOLATES I III k AnmKH A ii i r.y.d rnc ic KbathroomV SCALES I PA Assorted Colors ft f V M.95 yZTN I U PERFECTO ) i f CIGARS I 39c RIUIBIBDKKS. AlL(gXlL t 4tsJ Wk HAND CREAM lidy SHAMPOO WAVE LADY ESTHER BOBBY PINS Black Only WRISLEY Bubble talh and $2.00 Value new ITALIAN BALM COLONIAL DAMES I YR. GUARANTEE! GREEN PLASTIC GAE3&EN DflGSG Lightweight . . , won't kink, mlldtw, track! ft FOR Full-flow coupling! cen't pull off. Here's a hot to lighten both your watering chore and your garden budget. THERMOMETER ZL". 49c HOT WATER BOTTLE ., .. 79c SUPPOSITORIES Glycerin Reg. 23c Jar el 12 . lie HANDKERCHIEFS h whu. sum si,iPt 1 69c BOTTLE BRUSH White Wylon Brltle .. 2 w 25c 10c POWDER PUFFS - 4c MOTH BALLS Kopper'i Reg. 39c Special . . 23c CLEANER Carbon Tetrachloride All Purpose Cleaner Reg. 69c Full Pound , Mtrlow Hormons Kig. $1.00 Famous Jen Wn$1.00 CloseoufT ... 19c 69c 4-Purpoi Fact Cream Reg. 83c. 6c Special! Card el 30 Atler Bath Freihner only 1.49 49c en. Reg. 75c Cloieoull. 79c Hand Cream Reg. $1.25 39c 1 Save -. 29 Ji5cCanvasGloves ICE TONGS Stainless 7"leng. SANDWICH BAGS 2 19c TINCTURE IODINE .. .. 3c DISH DRAINER i. ..,.. 77c BUTTER DISH Holds quarter lb. cube 15C GLASS PLATE h.... 2 39c SOAP BOX Colored Rlaitlcs. Specially Priced 9C 5c CANDY BARS 3 10c SKIRT HANGER SKg 69c PLASTIC CLOTH 'rjjr,,. 49c SAND PAPER tZiHT1. 2 19c rirrrr Window Cleaner. One side COj jUUCCUCC washes, the ether dries J7t DAMPENING BAG tX" "" 49c NYLON SHAVE C ELECTRIC With features of toasters e) Guaranteed! Control knob for light-to-dark toasting! Crumb tray opens for easy cleaning "f1 W D(gE KErJu '8' '"'""d Um HANGERS Assorted Colored Plastic Army & Nvy Needle Book "8 Assrd.) "Poy Brire" Copper Pot -Cleaners Tob I5e Si; Shoe St rings PLUGS 10 - 25-30 oof(iWatches Steal Ideal lor hot corn cobs, loo!. 23c BRUSH 98c Owl Does It Again! $14.95 POP-UP o Quantlflet 6 for 79c IfnrfQ, Men's or 19c ( Women'i 9c iocco for '-ounce . can Black Brown White 15 - 20 A imp. Carton of 50 Books Double Goose Neck LAMP 195 Alumiaum finish! REG. $4.95 "Chic" ELECTRIC VIBRATOR 3.98 iHsehmtfifi. UL pprevd CRACKER JACKS With Toy or Novelty in Every Package Value "Coronet" Automatic mi Chocolote Vanilla Strawberry Full Quart 5c 29'