Thursday, February 25, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Page 11 IzzcBird Charles to Newcombe Looking Great In Dodger Spring Showing By FRED DOWN Dan Newcombe displayed an overpowering fast ball and a slend er waistline in his opening work out to appear today to be the "big pitcher" the Brooklyn Dodgers hope will offset the major deals made by their (our chief National League rivals. - Newcombe, returning from a two-year hitch in the Army, looked as fast as ever when he cut loose in yesterday's workout. So hard did Newcombe throw that he drew a warning from trainer Harold Wendler not to overdo things too early in training.- 1 Newcombe's ability to recapture the form that made him a 20-game winner in 1951 could well be the key to Brooklyn's fortunes. The Milwaukee Braves, St. Louis Card inals, Philadelphia Phillies and New York Giants all acquired front-line strength via player deals, but the Dodgers remained pat on the theory that Newcombe's return will add all the strength they re quire. Kaschi Willing Vic Raschi, meanwhile, occupied center stage at St. Petersburg, Fla., where he donned a uniform of the St. Louis Cardinals for the first time. Raschi. acquired from the New York Yankees in a $100, 000 deal, said he would "do my damdest" to win the 12 or 16 games pegged for him by manager Eddie Stanky. Manager Lou Baudreau person ally supervised Ted Lepcio and Billy Consolo as a double play combination, stimulating specula tion that he may open the season with them in that capacity. Billy Goodman and Milt Boiling finished the 1953 season as the Red Sox' double play combination. Chance for Sandlock Mike Sandlock, 37-year-old vet eran acquired to handle knuckle bailer Johnny Lindell, was given a chance to win the Philadelphia Phillies' regular catching job by manager Steve O'Neill. "My catching can stand im provement," O'Neill said frankly. "And Sandlock could be the man to do it." Around the camps: Dusty Rhodes drew praise for his long-ball hitting from Manager Leo Durocher of the New York Giants. Rhodes hopes to replace Don Mueller, a. .333 hitter, in right field on the basis nf his power ... Rookie catcher Hal Smith signed with the Yankees leaving Whitey Ford, Mickey Man tle. Gene Woodling, Phil Rlizuto, Billy Martin and Kal Segrist the only world champions still to come to terms. Manager Eddie Joost of the Philadelphia Athletics hinted he would not use the two-platoon sys tem. The Athletics did it last year with the aid of switch-hitter Dave Philley, recently traded to the Cleveland Indians SALEM ARCHERS WW A Salem team of archers de feated a Newberg team in a match Tuesday at the Newberg indoor range. The shot consisted of fun targets of ping pong balls, cards and a revolving wheel. SCORES in University Alleys STATE nOUSK LEAGUE NO. t tTnemploymrnt 4 Aaron 478 : Can non 563: Williamson 501; Case 114: Youni 471. Taa Commission (Ot Wood' an 431: A'hford 413: Johnson 430: Han Sen 305: Sterelt 405. Bridie Entlneers 4) Prrdrlekson 15: Edward, 415: Munion 435: Mer chant 535: Roake 453. Veterans Affalra () Moriskr 473; Reed 413; Oaaren slroom 403: Ellin 410: Hlllerlch 515. Forestry Manatement 111 Hanneman 433: Campbell 451: Ladd 405: Bauthn 416: Ratltri 490. Hlchwar Marker, (S( Lam 530: Herhrrser 40i Tailor 433; Harrell 434: Utlke 443. Traffic Enilnwe Yatea 470; Eth 401: Wood 473: Srhroeder 495: Dlenslr 4S7. Olflea Enslneer. Oil 8arr 406: Mattion 467; Burlon 496; Scott 964; Youns 463. Chanter til ( OchultM 536: Younf 419: Hsrtj 403: Jamea 4631 Resean 456. SfAC (II Eruaaard 495: Kma 496; Klmmell 411; Oallaihar 446; Ouilafion . Hlibwar Shops III Dasls 461: Zent 317; Meola 360; HlaK 381: Miller 573. TVC Molar, (1) Mnsland 173; Enellih 407: Mcbl 456; Straw 465: Mcflert 443. Hlin team oame. Brldse Enitneeri, 86:. Man tram series, Unemolojment. 3141; huh Ind. aame. rrrdrlckson, 310; blsh Ind. lerlea, Scott, 184. UNIVERSITY STATE HOUS I.KAC.l'K NO. 1 SECRETARY OK STATE (1): BIOS lor 4B2. McQucrn 441, Franko 461. Prne .105. Mlllrr 517; STATE PRINTERS 131: Waller 109, Rowan 4B9, Stone 495, Milncr 463. Duncan BIS HIGHWAY MATERIALS (II: Brown 402. Ehacn 4(19. Dnvcy 41.1. Plerr 410. White 4!; Kf EP OREGON GREEN (31: Aahby 43". Aasenide 487. Woods 439. Ewlnn 504. Stacor 539. STATE POLICE 131: Morrill 470: Karau 543. Wermi 542. Crimean 442. Ruettr 39S: TAX COMMISSION 111: Johnson 468. Crouch 43. Drapela 477, Rohh 411. Welch 42 HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION l: Kavjer 11, Rnake 493. Anderson 443. Wolf. 492. Tand" 50.3. DIVISION OF AUDITS 121: Johnen 319. Renner 48.1 Fisher 448, Montsnmery 504, (ttrlcklln 481. JOE PALOOKA TTfTVr ' ? - I UM...0ON I hang rw'cuM...WHeN me s "!la- ""Y AROUND M6. ..GO AN' H MOKE HE BEGS Hi IT'S A WONDERFUL 1 A OOtTV HAVE A SW1AA EA JT TSITCK AROUN'...AM' FEEUN' THAVE NO 4 MIK0U8UL SOMETHIN'... t Xl WHEN HE'S IN TH' CAO.ES... AN1 JIST JnS ft PICTATER , JiST WANTA Be" V Y CHIPS... I'M A J INJOV NATCHU Vf3 j ALONE A WHILE . NUrHIN'...OOOH. J' SMILE. ..MAKE AE -'rjf Vandals Hire 2 Assistants For Football MOSCOW, Idaho UFi John H. Patee and Earl Klapstein, both of whom played at one time for Skip Stahley, were named assistant foot ball coaches under Stahley at the University of Idaho Wednesday. Patee has been head coach at Stetson University in DeLand, Fla. since 1951 and Klapstein will come here from Stockton, Calif. College where he has been head coach since 1950. It's expected that Patee, a quarterback at Brown when Stah ley was coach there, will handle the Vandal backs. Klapstein played tackle and help ed Stahley coach the San Diego Navy team during the war. J. H. Buchanan, president of the university, announced the appoint ments. Stahley, recently appointed to succeed Raymond A. .(Babe) Curfman as head coach here, will name one more assistant. Klapstein played at College of the Pacific for Coach Amos Alonzo Stagg and one of his recommendat ions for the job here came from Stagg, a grand old man of the game. After service in the Navy, Klap stein played a year with the Pitts burgh Steeleis of the National Foot ball League and started his coach ing career at Manteca, Calif., High School in 1947. He went to Stockton as an assistant in 119. Patee was graduated from Brown with an A. B. degree and later joined Stahley as an assistant at Toledo University, serving as back field coach from 1948 to 1950. -He went to Stetson the next year. Klapstein, who likely will be Stanley's line coach, and Patee are expected here soon for the start of spring practice March 15. OSC-at-Oregon Game Sold Out EUGENE . (UP) University of Oregon Ticket Manager Ted Bouck said today that there will be no ticket tale for tomorrow night's Oregon-Oregon State bas ketball gan.e. Bouck said all general admis sion tickets, as well as reserved seats have been sold and a ca pacity house of 800C is assured. Albany Bowmen Planning Shoot ALBANY The Chemawa Bow men ot Albany have invited the Salem archers to attend a "foul weather shoot" Sunday at a field ranee two miles west of the bridge on the Corvallis road from Albany. The shoot, a "fun tourney," will provide trophies for the low scores. Registration will be from 1 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. the ALLEYS PUC UTILITIES (I): Putran 434. Klrby 471. Woodburn 392, Mchl 475. Jefferson 500: FAIRVIEW HOME (3l: Luke 471. Bartruff 333. Cooter 404, Nelson 496, Gannon 463. FORESTRY PROTECTION (31: Storm 501. Phtpps 516. Morrison 468. Beyers 477. Walker 466: HIGHWAY ACCOUNTING (11: Herr 499, Crane 459. Ketcham 4IS, McAdams 496, Young 582. High team same: State Printers, 2792. High team aeries: State Police, S88 High individual game: Karau, 230. High individual series, Young, 582. Capitol Alleys KARR'S FIVE OLD MISERS (51 Walt Cline 664. Larry Oslund 635. Bob Dyer 765. Don Poulln 789, Pinky Hsrtwcll 149. BRENNAN TREE SERVICE (01 Bonn Valtlez 686, Ron Hall 666, Vlrall Gregory 644, Ev Clark 699. Tom Brcnnan 744, MARSHAL'S FOUR CORNERS 15) Bob Reevea 761, Ken Nekon 707, Jim Ross 671, John Doerfler 672. Rav Gunn 717. MARION HOTEL At CAR PARKS (0) Dick Morris 690. Harvey Page 642. John Irons 708. Tony Bigler 680. Duane Cushman 699. GARDNER GROCERY (3) Tojiy Pruilente 796, Keith Hayes 717, Walt Gardner 625, Bob Ryan 770, Dick Phlpps 913. THE MEADOWS RES TAURANT (2) John Nuber 700. Tonv Vlttone 704, Brownie Valtlei 763. Ed Logan R26, Frank Evans 731. SALEM ELKS LODGE (31 Sid McNeil 668. Ed Krejcl 683. Terry Gannon 695. Vern McMulIen 737. Bob Langhnff 764. GERLINGER CARRIER CO. (21 Gene Braucht 704, Roy Karlrv 649. Bob White 688. Dean Hrndorion 812. John Glodt 770. High team game, Gardner Grocery. 1096. High learn series, Gardner Grocery, 4057. High Individual game. Dick Phipps nf Gardner Grocery. 253 High Individual sene. Dick Phlpps of Gardner Grocery. 913. Olher POO serle. Luckv Oslund of Karrs Five Old Misers. 835: Ed Logan nf The Meadows Restaurant. 820; Dean Henderson of Gerllngcr 'Carrier Co., 613. Ex-Champ Said to Be 'Confident1 By MURRAY ROSE NEW YORK (AV-Ezrard Charles will make a second try to shatter the ancient boxing legend . that "they don't come back" when he faces heavyweight champion Rocky Marciano in a 15-round title fight at Yankee Stadium June 17. No former heavvweicht ruler ever has been able to regain the crown and some of the best of them have tried, including Charles. Gentleman Jim Corbett was the only ex-champ to get two chances and he was flattened both times by purly Jim Jeffries. "Then I guess it's up to Ezzard to break the record," said Tom Tannas, co-manager of the 32-ycar-old Cincinnati Negro, after the match was closed yesterday at the International Boxing Club. , . , Much Better Now "We're happy now that Ezzard was passed up by Marciano last September and that Roland La Starza got the match instead," said Tannas. "Ezzard is much better now than he was last Sep tember. "He didn't have confidence then. Those two knockouts over Coley Wallace and Bob Satterfield have boosted his confidence. He's very determined to get the title back and is in a far better frame of mind. All I'm hoping is that he has an "on" night on June 17. Then we'll get the title again." Marciano will collect 40 per cent of all receipts while Charles will receive 20 per cent under the terms arranged by President Jim Norris of the IBC, Tannas and Al Weill, manager of Marciano. "It should gross about $500,000 or $600,000 at the gate, said Norris. Weill said the figure was conservative and should do a couple of Jiundred thousand more." Norris said it has not been de cided yet whether to show the fight on nome television or to beam it to theaters but it looks like parlor fans are going to be out of luck. Idle Nine Months The 29-year-old Marciano will put his crown on the block nine months after stowing LaStarza away in' 11 rounds. He always has been at his worst after long lay offs. To make up for that he'll start serious training April 1 at the Grossinger, N.Y., country club, where he already is encamped. Charles will start, drilling four or five weeks before the fight, Tannas said. The jinx Charles faces Is almost as old as the history of modern boxing. In addition to Charles and Corbett. Jeffries, Bob Ftizsimmons, Jack Dempsey, Joe Louis and Jersey Joe Walcott all failed in efforts to get back the title. Fights Last Night By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PHILADELPHIA Johnny Sax- ton, 148 Vi, New York, outpointed Johnny Bratton, 150, Chicago, 18. Plimnkin Thf n!drntifpd player at richt looks like he. I UllipiWII t,M unusuay round head as the camera caught the basketball "sitting" on his shoulders. It was the result nf Jim Henslee's hot being blocked hy Mike Coen of the YMCA at loft. Henslee plays with the victorious Marlon Motors, which took over the City league lead on trhe 62-39 win. WHAT WAS WHAT tXO MUMBLE..." 1 KIN SEND BACK UP ITS FRKZ'N iry for RlSMfl J tflr ,av Den- sophomore forward, has become the siirfisiy . piaymaker for t,e Oregon State college Beavers in recent games and will be seen in action at the University of Oregon Friday and against the Ducks Saturday at Corvallis. Dean, 6 feet S from Nampa, Idaho, is leading the Northern Di vision in free throw accuracy, is sixth in rebounds. Coaches of Hill-River-Valley League Select All-Star Quint By DOUG VERDERY News-Times, Forest Grov Coaches of the seven-team Hill- River-Valley basketball league to day announced results of voting for their all-star player choices which listed three from Corbett on the first two teams. ' Stewart was almost the unan imous first choice of all coaches FIRST TEAM - Player School Sam Stewart, Perrydale Richard Dickenson, MacLaren Jerry Herrin, Corbett Gary Shclson, Colton Lvn Crouser, Corbett SECOND TEAM Jim Bcrney Corbett Bill Martin, Colton James Mack, Hill Military LeRoy Aahwill, Gaston Paul Darrow, Verboort except his own, who was re stricted to players on other teams, and Coach D'Eagle of Hill Military academy, Who cnose Bcrboort's Pavl Darrow for the number one spot. Corbett placed the most men on the all-star roster a tall tri umveriate of 6'-0" Hen.n, 6'-l" Crouser nd 6'-4" Bcrney. Colion placed two, Chclson and Bill Mar tin. The selection was sponsored Bv Ham Fisher THAT... VA KNOW NUTTIN'...NUTTIN' AT ALL, SIR ...I mS CLEARIN'ME TROAT. MA WHERE 7 ' V "inn. v .r L bOUOILL.' corciiqinio s Tit3:le Jy roe II 7 av.ti' by the Washington County News- Times, Forest Grove, which asken coaches to name from HRV teams, other than their own, the best 1C players in the league. First five on each list were awarded two points and the last five, one point. Scores of all candidates named follow: Sam Stewart, Perrydale, 12; Richard Dickenson, MacLaren, 11: Jerry Hcrnn. Corbett, 10: Gary " Chelson, Colton, 9; Lyn Crouser, Corbett, 8; Jim Ber ncy, Corbett, 8; Bill Martin, Col ton. 8: James Mack, Hill Milt tary, 8; LeRoy Ashwill, Gaston, 7; Paul Darrow, Verboort, 61 Jens Robinson, Verboort, 4; Lar ry Massey, Perrydale, 4; Vas quez, MacLaren, 3; Ben Rempel, Perrydale, 2: Harve Dethlcfs, Gaston, 2; Newton, Colton, 1; Marvin Delplanche, Verboort, 1; Fred Bobbins, MacLaren, l. Bruins Certain To Set Southern Division Record LOS ANGELES The UCLA Bruins, with one of the deadliest offensive games in the history of the Southern Division, are a near- cinch to smash the existing sea son scoring record this week-end in their final showdown series with the University of southern California. Weekly ficures released today by the Pacific Coast Conference Commissioner's office showed the Bruins with a 76.6 point average for 10 conference games. They need only 100 in their final two outings to tic the record of 866 set by California last year. UCLA has maintained its blistering pace with deadly marksmanship, rath er than by a free-shooting attack, and is only a shade off the divi sional shooting records ncict oy California, 40.8 percent (field goals) and Southern California (free throws) 69.B percent. Tnlal flrorlnt FO FT FT TP AI . Russ Lawlar. St 93 S3 n ' Oeorsa Btllerk, St 5 17 1MI is 5 Bob McKen, C SO 31 20 1M 11 1 John Moort. UCLA ... m M 125 U J Pon Llvlnton. UCLA .19 4 35 122 12 2 E.h MithtnT. O 3 40 It 111 11 i Rot Irln. BC 3 37 35 l(l 101 Don Trass. UCLA 36 3J 3 107 10 7 Dick Tambers. c 41 23 3. ins los Hon Ban. UCLA 40 24 as lot 10 . Bob Albo, C 30 3S 31 6 3000 Tickets For Oregon-OSC Game Are Held CORVALLIS Some 3000 gen eral admission tickets for the sea son-ending basketball game be tween Oregon SUte and oreqnn here Saturday night go on sale the Tale of the game. Rusiness Manager Jim Barratt said today thai 1500 of Ihc tick ets will be on sale over the tick et office counter, starting at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, with an additional 1500 held over when the gates open that night. Gates open at 5:30 p.m., preceding the 8 p.m. preliminary game between the OSC Rooks and the Oregon Krosh. All reserved scats were sow over six weeks ago. Why Suffer 1 Any Longer When others fall, use our Chinese remedlea Amailnu success for 10O0 years In China. No matter with what ailments you are af flicted, disorders, sinusitis, heart. Iun. liver, kidneys. iaa. ronsU nation, ulcers, diabetes, rheuma nm. all and bladder fever. km, female complaints CHARLIE CHAN Chinese Herb Co. Office Hrs. S to S Tue. i Sat. only J4 N. Com'l. Phnne 3-1 sm SALEM. OHE. 1 District 11-A Tournament To Open Reserved seats are available for the District 11 high school basketball tournament, to open Friday at Salem high school, it was announced today. ' Vern Gllmore, tourney director, said they may be obtained by calling his office at Salem high school. First round games: Capitol League Headlights By DAVE BARROWS The conference schedule Is over and Sacred Heart came out on top with a 77-29 slaughter of Philomath. Vince Matt, Sacred Heart,, copped the scoring title in this game with a 30 point per formance. Going into the final round of play, Matt and Wayne Minten were tied at 148-148. Min ten scored 23 points in Stayton's closer with Cascade, but Matt wins the title with 178 points. Stayton grabed off a second place spot in the league with 6747 win over Cascade, who fin ished fourth. In third place is Central who dropped Salem Academy and Philomath tied for fifth place. Small Star We had a good opportunity to see ex-Stayton star Gene Small in action this past week-end. Small, who is now playing for Linfield, was the big gun in the Linfield Frosh win over the Wil lamette Frosh on Friday night and he also played some Varsity ball that night The next night he was again one of the big guns in the Linfield Frosh victory, and again he got to play in the Varsity game, only this time was a little aitierent, lor uene sank two free throws to win the game for Linfield in the final six seconds. All Star Team No specific date has been set for the league meeting at which the basketball All League team is to be picked. However, it will probably be within the next week or so, and the results will ne an nounced right away. Additional Scorers: Roger Nielson. SUyton, 130 Virgil Fadenrecht, Salem Acade my, 137; Bill Brown, Cascade, 121; Jim Moriarty, SHA, 120; Dave Nietling, Stayton, 115; Gor- dy Brunk, Central, 113; Marc Nelson, Central; 99; Jim Fratzke, Central, and Gene Winkle, Cas cade and Neal Kinion, Cascade, 92; Dave Phillips, Salem Acade my, 90; Cliff Leach, Philomath, 81; Derrol Gohl, Stayton, 80. Perrydale Tops Valsetz, 72-34 MONMOUTH Perrydale earn ed the right to meet Falls City ton Eht in the Polk County B league basketball tournament by beating Vaisctz, 72-34, here last night. Sam Stewart scored 32 points as the winners led throughout, gaining a 34-14 halftime lead. The double elimination tour ney will be completed Saturday night, Perrydale (72) (34) Valifti S. Stewart (33) T (101 O'Oay Massey (11) . F (4) Bell Cooper (10) ..C (4) Pederaon Rempel (91 . (21 rieimer Mcintosh (01 G 7) Brltt Reserves scoring-: Perrydale B. Stewart (4). Class (31, E. Clnserlch 12), Boder 12). Valsett Hlbbs (1), Ferrer (61. Halftime score: Perrydale 3(1, Valsett 14. Officials: Emlgh and Helbers. Jr. High Leaders To Meet Today First two teams in the Salem Junior High school basketball league were to meet today at Parnsh gym in a game moved up from Friday. They are Parrish Cardinals (5-1) and Parrish Pioneers (4-2) Games Friday will find Leslie Blues (3-3) vs. Leslie Golds (2-4) at 4 p.m. at Leslie; and West Sa lem (1-5) vs. Parrish Greys (3-3) at Parrish at 8 p.m. HURRY! a.6f S PV6 (flaJJheat Of Saiem Inc. 1S40 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 4-6263 V Hereon Friday 7:00, SUyton (Capital league runnerup) vs. Cascade (third in Capitol league); 8:49, Salem (fourth In Big Six) vs. Sacred Heart Academy (Capitol league champion), Saturday 7:00, Sllverton (tied for second in WVL) vs. Wood burn (tied for seventh in WVL); 8:45, North Marion (Yawama Pairings Told T Tourney Pairings were announced today for the first round of the Pacific Northwest Area YMCA senior basketball championships to start in Salem Friday, Fred Cords, tourney manager. said that the Salem host team will play Walla Walla at 8 p.m. Friday. other games: Seattle Eastside (District 2) vs Everett. Wash. (District 1) at S p.m. Friday.. Portland (District 4) vs Yakima. Wash. (District 6). 9:30 p.m. Fri day. Eugene (District S) vs Tacoma (District 3) at 8:30 p.m. Friday. All games will be played at the Willamette university gymnasium. First round losers' will move Into the consolation bracket for Saturday competition. First round winners will play Saturday morn ing and the games for third place, consolation winner and cham pionship will be played Saturday night. The tourney is open to winners of various Northwest YMCA dis trict eliminations and each play er must now registration cards. They cannot be players who have been members of high school or college squads during this season. A perpetual trophy will be awarded the champions. On the tournament committee are Jack Kiekel, chairman; Bruce Boatman, Ferrell Winkleback. Vern Zeuske, Dick Izaak, Allen Lee, Dr. Robert Anderson and Cords, Bratton Cash Held for Bad Ring Showing PHILADELPHIA uB-The Penn sylvania State Athletic Commis sion Thursday suspended- welter- weignt jonnny Bratton and held up his purse of 4,770 for an "un satisfactory showing" in his losing decision to jonnny baxton Wednes day night in a nationally televised bout at the Philadelphia Arena. Bratton, appearing before two of the state s three commissioners. argued that "I fought the best way I could and it isn't my fault mat uie crowd wasn t pleased. i tie commissioners. George Jones of wiliiamsport, ind John Holahan of Pittsburgh, reserved final decision until March 18 when commission Chairman Frank Weiner returns from a Vacation. Meantime, they ruled that Brat ton, former welterweight cham pion, could not fight in Pennsyl vania. Bratton blamed his bad showing in the 10-round bout on the allega tion that "Saxton didn't want to fight and continually held on and laid all over me. A Texas hunting license costs $2.19, but none is required for hunting in the county of residence. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'til 9 PM Look Smart! Be Smart! Buy Your Spring and Easter Clothes Now at Joes SELLING OUT SALE Sal Ends SATURDAY NIGHT, FEBRUARY 27fh Entire Stock Now BEING SACRIFICED ... AT TO 2 OFF JOE'S ORIGINAL LOW PRICES M500 i0n SUITS NOW 2250 to 3950 '22s0 $5500 TOPCOATS NOW 14M l0 2950 228 V3500 SPORT COATS NOW $1 198t1850 T'u.'IS00 SLACKS NOW $4aV'l095 Joe's will be closed Saturday Night, Feb 27th. Will reopen March 25th with a NEW SPRING STOCK Open Friday Night 'til 9 o'Clock fttV I isftrr uKiiAiio ma JOES CLOTHES SHOP 442 STREET Above Morris Optical Co., Next to Nohlgren'i Restaurant Look for the "SAVE $10" SIGN above tha entrance Friday champion) vs. ML Angel (tied for fifth in WVL). Playoffs will continue next week at Salem high in the dou ble elimination affair. Only one team will be eligible for the state tourney March1 16-20 at Eugene.. Salem has . won the dis trict consistently since 1946 when Coach Harold Hauk returned from military service. for Region Here Friday NCAAtoGet Going in East On March 8 KANSAS CITY - The Nation al Collegiate Athletic Assn.'i rugged 24-team basketball tourna ment starts in Buffalo, N.Y., March 8. The NCAA tournament commit tee, through its chairman, A. C (Dutch) Lonborg of Kansas uni versity, said Thursday the Buffalo Auditorium would be the site of a first round doubleneader matching Navy and the New England Con ference tltllst, ana t oranam ana ' LaSalle, the Middle Atlantic Coast winner. The next day first round play is scheduled at Fort Wayne, Ind., and Raleigh, N.C., in the Eastern bracket and Peoria. liL, ana tor vallis. Ore., in the Western brack et At Fort Wayne, Notre Dame's sixth ranking Irish will take on Loyola of New Orleans, a first timer in the NCAA playoffs, and Toledo will play a yet-to-be-named at large team. . - At Raleigh the new Atlantic Coast Conference champion and the Southern Conference winner will meet. Santa Clara University and Loy ola were named as at-lage entries Wednesday. Two of the three western first round games have been set and the third Santa Clara vs. tne Border Conference champion will be scheduled arur the noraer title is decided. ,r The other two games match Ok lahoma City University and Brad ley at Peoria, and Seattle and and Idaho State, the Rocky Moan tain Conference champ, at Corval lis, both March 9. Exceot for Toledo. LaSalle ana Idaho State the other conference champions scheduled for first round play have not been decided. Marion Motors Goes to State The Marion Motors basketball team left this afternoon for Her miston to play in the state AAU tournament there Saturday and Sunday. The Salem team, currently leading the Salem City league, was chosen to replace the YMCA team which won a recent District ( tournament but could not make the Hermiston trip. Marion Motors is to meet the District S winner (McMinnville) at 1 p.m. Satur day at Hermiston.. Manager Frank Jassman saia that Marion Motors had added a player, Dick Smith of St Paul. Others making the trip are Bob MlUer, Phil McCallister. - Jim Henslee, Dick Bertram, Ken Hae vernick, Al Chanda,. George Bardsley and Dale Fatton. f srttt STATE