Wednesday, February 24. 1951 Tag B THE CAPITAE JOURNAL. Salem. Orepon Capital Edited It MARIAN SWGA Set For Opening In March The nicer Wither finds the members of the Salem Women's Golf association miunt the openinf of their seise The women's croup bt.-nt its- new year, March IT. On March 5. Mrs.. n".lfjs bur, captain of the vnn, m aociatinn this nest jt. t n tertaining the mtatomlttf " a coffee at her Hon-.. Salem Singer On 'Phone Hour Appearing again on the Tele phone Hour as guest soloist will be Lucile Cummings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cummings of 340 Cummings lane, Salem. Date of Miss Cummings' ap pearance is Monday, March 1, with the hour of the broadcast over the National Broadcasting stations being 9 p.m. The Salem contralto will sing four numbers on the program that evening with her two Scotch numbers being in tribute to Alex ander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, who was born in Scotland March 3, :847. Numbers on the Monday night program are: La Bamba Dc Vera Criu Tucci Orchestra El Vilo Obradors Lucile Cummings Someone to Watch Over Me From "Oh Kay!" ...Gershwin Orchestra Ye Banks and Braes 0' Bon nie Donn Trad. Comin' Thru the Rye Trad. Lucile Cummings Overture to "La Gazza Ladra" Rossini Orchestra Traume ..Wagner Lucile Cummings In April Miss Cummings, who visited in Salem with her parents early in the" winter, is slated to make a concert tour in Louisiana. , . . . NEBRASKA club is meeing Fri day night at Mayflower hall at 7:30 o'clock. There will be games and a lunch. RETURNING home this past week-end (rom three weeks at Palm Springs were Mr. and Mrs. Harry 11. Wenderoth and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jordan. Today's Menu Company Supper This is a quick curry because you don't have to filet the chick en. Curried Chicken Steamed Rice Green Peas Chutney Salad Hot Rolls Orange Ambro-ia Beverage Curried Chicken Ingredients: , cup butter or margarine, one 2'i -pound rcady-to-cook weight frying chicken, cup coarsely grated onion (lightly packed), 1 medium-sized apple (peeled and coarsely grat ed), 4 teaspoons curry powder, 1 chicken bouillon cube, salt and pepper, IV4 cups boiling water, V' cup cream. " Method: Brown chicken in but ter in 10-inch skillet. Add onion, apple, and curry powder. Dissolve bouillon cube in water; add to skillet with salt and pepper to taste. Scrape up browned par ticles from buttom o pan with wooden spoon. Cover and cook until chicken is lender. Remove chicken pieces; force mixture in pan through fine strainer. Return chicken and sieved mixture to skillet; stir in cream. Reheat but do not boil. Makes 4 servings. Lovely . . . LADY ALICE DRESSES at the LITTLE FRENCH SHOP 115 North High SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all Hindi. Truurs, Abdom inal Support, Klllc llmlrry. Eipert fitter prlratc flttinf rooms. ASK YOVn DOCTOR (apifal Drug Slore 40S Slate Strrrl Corner ol Liberty Sll Green Stamp WHAT UIW GIRL SHOULD KNOl' SICKENING MONTHLY CRAMPS Here's wonderful news for women nnd girls whosufTr-r the tortures of "bad days" of f tine-tlonally-caused menstrual pain headaches, backaches. It s news about a medicine Lydia E. Plnkhain's Compound or Tablets. In dwtors' tests, Lydla Plnkham's Compound or Tablets gave complete or stnk- Women LOWRY FISCHER Wed SO Years Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Torrcsdal are observing their golden wed- j ding anniversary next Sunday, I r ebruary 28. Open house is planned to honor I the couple between S and 5 o'clock i in Ihp FirpoHp rnnm at th. 1m. ' manuol church in Silverton. m:mmmtmam!mmmm Delta Zetas Entertained At the meeting of Delta Zeta alumnae, Tuesday night, Mrs. B L- Bradley showed picture of her trip to Haiti. There was also a white elephant sale. Mrs. Ward R. Davis and Mrs. Floyd K. Bowers were hostesses for the meeting at the home of Mrs. Davis. Attending were Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Bowers, Mrs. E. A. Carlcton, Mrs. Davis, Miss Norma Clark, Mrs. Albert Depenbrock, Mrs. William H. Foster, Mrs. C. K. Fulton, Mrs. Emmett Klcinkc, Miss Prudence Paulsen, Mrs. Nor man Paulson, Mrs. Maurice Shcp ard, Mrs. F. E. 1 Svendsen, Miss Phyllis Herman, Mrs. Charles Dcrthick. Auxiliary Reports On Many Activities Mrs. Kenneth Mires was initi aled as a new member at the meeting of the Veterans of For eign Wars auxiliary on Monday evening. Several reports featured the meeting. Mrs. Clarence Forbis re ported clothing had been sent to Camp White Veterans hospital and shoes to a baby home, Mrs. Mel Clemens and Miss Mary Gilhuly will work at the well child clinic this week. Mrs. Gordon Brcssler reported five flags presented to the Kcizer school. Mrs. Billy Kelso assisted her. Tho flags were received by Marjoric Schuh, Allen Franz, John Rohrer, Beverly Pack and Nickie Schneider. On Tuesday, March 2, she will present one flag to Bush school, one to Hall's Ferry school and four flags to McKinley school. The auxiliary will serve a din ner Wednesday evening to the Federation of Patriotic Orders with Mrs. Ralph Harlan as chair- man. Mrs. Dale Brooks, president, Mrs. Dan Stupka and Mrs. LeRoy Simpson will represent the auxil iary at the meeting. Other com mittee reports were given by Mrs. Dave Holwegcr, Mrs. Lloyd Bob bin and Mrs. Leon Hansen. Following the meeting refresh ments were served to I he post and auxiliary by Mrs. Sherman Real!, Mrs. Mike Becker and Mrs. Mark Davis. In Bride-Elect Announcement has hern made of the engagement of Miss Mary lane Gilman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Gilman, to Walter K. Odom, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Odom. The wedding is planned for late May. The bride-elect is employed at the West Salem bank, and Mr. Odom is with a grocery store here. Both are graduates of Salem high school. CONGRATULATIONS arc be ing extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Jones Jr., upon the birth of a son, Tuesday, Febru ary 23, at Salem General hospi tal. The grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, Sr., of Salem and Mrs. J. L. Harris n Tacoma. Mrs. Dan Thomas of Salem is the great grandmother. Complete Line of Shenvin Williams Paints Gorgeous New Washable Colon Gal., $5.45 Credit Gladly GUWahd 4.'i0 frnlrr fit. Ph. 2 2176 Iiir relief of such distress . In 3 out or 4 cases: So start today taking Lydla Plnkham's. Sec If you, too, don't en)oy the same relief! Oct Lvdla Plnkham's Com pound or Tablets (with added ironl . Hnth are wonderful, too, for relieving "hot flashes" of functional change of life. 1 hm J J ! . i it-. Wedding At Gervais Saturday The marriage of Miss 'Jean Ann Manning, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Fred Manning of Ger vais, to Jerry Lenhardt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lenhardt, of Amity, was solemnized Satur day, February 20, the 2 o'clock service being in the rectory of Sacred Heart Catholic church. The Rev. G. M. Smdcrhon of ficiated at the service. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a dress of white net over taffeta with rcg ingotc of white lace. The finger tip veil was arranged from a sweetheart cap. For her flow ers, the bride carried a bouquet ot red roses and stcphanotis in a heart shape with satin streamers. Miss Donna Manning was honor attendant, hne wore an aqua net and lace over taffeta dress, and her flowers were yellow rose buds and stcphanotis in a nose gay. She also wore a yellow floral headband. Norman Keppingcr was best man. inc. uncles mother wore a gray wool dress and the bridegroom's mother wore a navy blue dress. Both wore corsages of white ca mellias. The reception was in the church parish hall. Miss Betty Jean Zysett cut the cake. Miss Betty Hall and Miss Carolene Clarke poured. Miss Clare John son, Miss Shirley Morton and Miss Shirley Vandehey also as sisted. The couple will be at home in Amity. Dinner Meeting for Salem BPW Group The health and safety com mittcc under the leadership of Mrs. Marion F. Wooden directed the dinner meeting Tuesday for the Business and Professional Women s club. Mrs. John Vcrstceg, Miss Al berta Shocmake and Miss Ruth Jaynes presented a skit. The music was presented bv a erouo of boys from Kcizer school play ing instrumental numbers and Mrs. Charles Rogers accompa nied by Mrs. Frank Parcher, sang. Dr. John Meadows, clinic psy chiatrist, Oregon State hospital, spoke. He was introduced by Dr. Lucille Fortner. . Navy Mothers Meet Sixteen were present at the monthly meeting of Salem Navy Mothers club at the home of Mrs. Elvira Beard, Tuesday night. Plans for the annual Easter foods sale, April 17, were dis cussed. Mrs. Maude Dutton is chairman. Refreshments were served following the business session. Mrs. J. H. Lewis and Mrs. George Hewitt assisted the hostess. Mrs. W. L. Baker, 1430 McCoy will be hostess on March 23 to the group. WEEKEND THURSDAY FRIDAY How knot BROKEN SIZES REGULAR $12.95 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 Free Parking Dana's IN THE CAPITOL i 795 ' ill- f ftete:: :M . in . F- H I U V, . !. ' XL Wed at Mt, Angel Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Bochsler (Marcine Irene Buchholz), above, were married January 30 at St. Mary's church at Mt. Angel. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Buchholz and Mr. Bochsler is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bochsler. (Artz studio picture) Junior Woman's Party at Lebanon LEBANON An event of Satur day evening was the Junior Wom an's club party at the armory. Dancing and cards were on the program. A no-host buffet was arranged under the direction o( Mrs. Charles Scvey, assisted by Mrs. Allan Bankus and Mrs. Norman Morgan. The party was for husbands and ; friends and on the entertainment committee wero Mrs. David Cope land, Mrs. James Winn, Mrs. Jo seph Hellberg, Mrs. Robert Kane and Mrs. CInrenro Applcgate. MYSTICAL ROSE troop, Jun ior Catholic Daughters of Amer SPECIAL SATURDAY Black Suedes By Queen Quality Hrrt Petal-soft . . , elegant in design ... in the usual tra dition of Queen Quality. When you yearn for a shoe with faultless fit and fobulous stvle, do as other smart women do . . . take a step into Queen Quality shoes. Bootcry SHOPPING CENTER l ica, met this week at the home cf Eleanor Sudtell. As a future project, the troop is to serve breakfasts after all the masses at St. Vincent dc Paul Catholic parish hall on an appointed Sun day. Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the business USE OUR CONVENIENT CHARGE AND BUDGET The drama of simplicity Meticulously tailored by Syc amore . . . its tritp lines re lieved by the soft roll collar and the gleam of a little rhinestono pin. W ear it straight and easy ... or close ly wrapped for the sinking new silhouette. The superb craftsmanship . . . the perfect fit . . . the expert design . . . all mark it unmistakably a Sycamore. Tiolaire. tine tex tured 1001"; wool boucle. Sizes 8 to 16. $49.95 rfAonY Coat Community Dance on Saturday Manbrin Gardens Community club has arranged a St. Patrick's theme dance for the coming Sat urday evening, February 27, at the Izaak Walton league club house in Salem. The affair is for all Manbrin Gardens residents and friends. Dancing will be between 9 and 12:30 o'clock with Max Bauer's orchestra playing. Mrs. Robert Graves is general chairman for the dance. Other committee heads include: Mrs. F. M. Knight, decorations: Mrs. Ted Stook, prizes; Mrs. William Raw lins, refreshments; Mrs. W. D. Breedlove, reception; Mrs. Dclmer Dewey and Mrs. S. S. Dow, tick ets: Ted Stook and Walter Hartley, publicity; Bud Hamilton, art. Project For Rainbow Miss Eleanor Mleziva, worthy adviser of Chadwick assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, an nounced that her project will be the securing of a hospital bed for the Shrine hospital in Portland. Chadwick assembly met on Tues day night for a 28th birthday dinner and meeting at the Ma sonic temple. Among the new members ini tiated were the Misses Roberta DeWeese, Judy Jones, Sandra Stenhjem, Maxine Otto, Patricia Thor, Joyce Graham and Patri cia Lockling. Honored guests were Mrs. Gray, supreme inspector for Rainbow, Delicious hot sandwich meal ideas Have you discovered how simple and easy it is to serve hot sand wiches that are meals in them selves? In March Better Homes & Gardens you'll find a host of new hot sandwich ideas that hit the spot with the whole family. Easy to make, delicious to cat, each s meal in itself. Such taste tempters as Chicken Skillet sand wiches, corneJ-beef toastwiches, and many others. Don't miss, "Make it a sandwich piping hot," in March Belter Homes & Gardens. On your newsstand.. . Get it today! Jill HE OGUE OF Initiation for Credit Women's Club Nine new members were ini tiated into the Salem Credit Wo men's breakfast club on Tues day night at tho home of Mrs. Leo Childs. A white elephant sale was a feature of the eve ning's program. New initiates include the Miss es Marian Carr, Myrtle Inghram, Mildred Shults the Mcsdames Glenn Bowman, John Chamber lain, Larry Fitzgerald, Donald Nelson, Robert Buckly, Myrna Males. Mrs. Chester Cushing, Jr., and Mrs. Velma Davis were re instated. Guests included Mrs. Edna Schumakcr, Mrs. Warren Eckles, Miss Alberta Shocmake and Mrs. James Shclton, past president, Grants Pass club. Initiation Tuesday Junior Catholic Daughters of America met this past week at the home of Virginia Riley. The group recently made favors for two of Salem's nursing homes. The junior CDA group conducted initiation Tuesday night at Cath olic Center. SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hcnkel entertained at their home Friday evening for guests from Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McKenzie and daughter, Can dyce ,and Mrs. Joisa Clark. Week-end guests also at the Dr. Henkei home were Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Carter of Seal Rock. and Mrs. Healer, grand deputy for Rainbow. Miss Arda Lien, grand representative, Wayne Henry, grand executive member and Mrs. E. T. Armstrong, wor thy matron, Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, were in troduced and spoke. PEN REPAIRS World' teadiai pen maker hivt aide us their mthoriitd repair station. Genuine ptru. Servicing by factory trained experta. We acrvice Parker ShcafTer.Kverabarpandallotbermakeii, NEEDHAM'S Stationery-Office Supplies 465 State Street If? g. This year's is a short one... Short 'n' Sweet '. .' . Side Slits for Spice . . . Wide-cuffed Sleeves . . . Slightly Flared . . . Cape Collars, Roll Collars and the Tailored Collar . . . Distinguished Fabrics THAT SPELL SPRING BELAIRE ... . PAKAN . . . .STROOCK . . . .CASHMERE BLENDS . . . .LAMA FLEECE The Color of Your Coat WHITE, OFF WHITE. . . . ZINNIA GOLD DESERT BEIGE. . . . NAVY CHESTNUT. . . . ALMOND CORN FLOWER ELUE. . . . PINK LILY. . . . RED. . . . NILE GREEN.... 445 437 STATE APPAREL OF DISTINCTION FOR Lt. Loggan To Wed Soon A wedding of March 6 will be that of Miss Julie Tato of San Diego, Calif., and Lt. (jg) Wil fred Loggan of Salem, the cere mony to be solemnized in Las Vegas, Ncv. ' Lt. Loggan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Loggan, and his sisters, Katharine and Kathleen, will drive south for the wedding. Lt. Loggan is with the navy, stationed at San Diego. SHOCK F TODAY They'll see you looking much lovelier than you looked yesterday More than astonishing. Iff astound inp! In 20 seconds you , appenr to havo suddenly grown an entirely now find flawless skin. Lanolin Plus liquid Makn-Up covers the sins of your own skin that well. And it makes you look so pert and vivacious because each of the five shades is a living color that looks alive. Also, Lanolin Plus Liquid Make-Up helps make your skin softer and smoother looking. $1 plus tax. J3! LoU tl 1 Ms. rv . Liuum MAKE-UP fashion SALEM SMART WOMEN I iilMll