Wednesday. February Local Paragraph Proclamation Issued Mayor Al Loucks his signed a proclama tion setting apart the month of March as Red ( month, when the annual Red Cross campaign will be in progress. The procla mation calls upon all citizens of the city for their support. Speaker Slated Members of the North Salem Kiwanis Club will have Dr. E. E. Getslaff as their speaker at the meeting at Chuck's Steak House Thursday nnnn. Getslaff, who was a merii cal missionary in Japan, will tell of his work there before and after World War II. Mineral Society MeetingThe Willamette Agate and Mineral Society will meet Friday at 8 P-m. in Salem Memorial hospital chapel. Gustav Grood will be the speaker and show his collec tion of polished Cahochons. Chinchilla Meet The Chin chilla Breeders Association will meet Thursdav evening at H o'clock at Mayflower Hall, 2135 Fairgrounds Road. Brotherhood Program Earl T. Newbry, secretary of state, will be principal speaker during the Salem Lions club luncheon at the Marion hotel Thursday poon. His subject will be some phase of Brotherhood Week. Leaving for East Albert E. Ullman, representative of the Metropolitan Life Insurance com pany, has received an invitation from his company to attend the company's annual meeting to be held in New York City next week. Ullman was the leading personal producer for the Metro politan in Oregon the past year. Mrs. Ullman wili accompany her husband on the trip. On their return trip they will stop over several days in Jacksonville, Fla., and Houston, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thomas are leaving for new York City this week-end where Mr. Thomas will attend meetings for district managers of Metropolitan. En route they will visit their daughter and son-in-law, Lt and Mrs. W. J. Cook, at Washington, D. C. They will also visit their son, Gene, who is a law student at Columbia uni versity in New York City. Steps in Hole Dave Porter, 16. who lives 'al 415 North Capitol Street, stepped in a hole while playing with other children at Englewood School Tuesday eve ning at 9:45, and broke the upper part of his right leg. First aidmen were called, and the boy was taken to a city hospital where his in jury was confirmed. Reckless Drivers Gary Lee Glasgow, 771 Ttosemont Street, was arreslcd by city police Tues day on a charge of wreekless driv ing. Bail was posted and he was cited to appear in Municipal Court at 8:30 Wednesday. Also ' cited for wreekless driving was Edmund A. Juedes, 2m South Lancaster Drive, who was appre hended by police between South 12th street and South 13th Street, on Lee Street. His case was con tinued in Municipal Court until March 11. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Thursday, February 25 Organized Naval Reserve sur face division at Naval and Mar ine Corps Reserve training cen ter. Company D, 162nd infantry regiment, Oregon National Guard at Salem armory. Battery D, 722nd AAA, AW battalion, Oregon National Guard, at qunnsct huts on Lee street. Friday, February 2fi Seabee Reserves at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve, training center. Marines Home Two Marines from this area who enlisted in that branch nt the service last November 24 arc now home on leave. The men arc Pfc. Thomas D. Williams, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Han sen of 651 North 20th street, Salem, and Pfc. William Jack Peoples, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam N. Peoples of Daytnn. Both recently completed their basic training at San Diego. Williams March 19 is to report to Quantico, Va., to attend the fire control instrument repair school there anrd Peoples will report March 9 at Jacksonville, Ha where he is to attend aviation ordnance school. At Vancouver Master Sgt. Walter C. Friessen and Pfc. Joseph Scammerhorn of the advisor group for the Army Rrscrvs in Salem were at the Oreson Military district head quarters at Vanrouver Barracks, Wash., Wednesday. Births psism vf"iii. nnsriTM &rrs rsjpnN - 7 M- a- Mr H'nrr f R-errnsen. s?" Cri-halt' Dr. a ilri. r-h vnnN-Tn Mr unit Vtt alfnM H. S,m. J:. Rt J. Pn !-f. ' PETKRSON-To Mr Mr. John Peiem-n. Rt. 1. ltiritpetie.e n, e, a !r-r. Feh -l PM.IM I.I.NTRI. Il0!ri1l. HOOT - To Dr ami Mr Gerhard Boom. Rt . No 'it. I b&y. Feh. 1: HTINi-ON - To Mr mid Mr Jorin B'ilisoit, SMS. Auburn IM . llrl. ru 2 : SMITH-To Ml. eu1 Mr. J-"' Sli.ltlt. ' lr.f N 5tli at . airl l-eli ' FRK'f: Tu Mr. aiil Mrs Nurinan P:k '.60 U Ft . t'rt sirls, tt 2J 'josh - To M; a:-d Mr Ronald Jnn- I0 Stinnj Hi, . . Jl. .MS-IK -To Mr. ir.d M" dale .James, ltrt St . a tirl. f'e. 2.1 VII I Wfint- T Mr 'd Vr Or.! Vi:ei. R '. t, ll" Rl'r" l. III, T'O. 13. 21, 193 Mumps in Front A report of the Marion County Department of Health covering the weekly period ending February 20, show that mumps lead the field in the matter of communicable and re portable diseases. There were 14 instances of mumps, 13 of which were in Salem. Five cases of scarlet fever were reported. Other diseases listed included: six measles, four virus pneumonia, two each of German measles and hepatitis, and one lobar pneu monia. State institutions reported six cases of tuberculosis, two epi lepsy and one syphillis. Button Released Col. Ronald E Button, who has been senior Army advisor for the Oregon Military District, and Mrs. Button stopped in Salem Tuesday en route to California. Button, an Army reservist, has been on active duty for a number of years and has now been released to in active duty. After visiting in Salem with Major and Mrs. Wil fred Schaplow the Buttons left for Eugene, from where they wll go to San Francisco and Los Angeles and then cast to Chicago. Their final destination is their home at Germantown, Maryland. Hit by Propeller -Joe Rainwa ter, 4, of 1510 Jefferson Street, got a puncture wound on his head Tuesday afternoon while playing with a gas powered air plane model. The airplane pro peller apparently struck the boy on the head. He was taken to a doctor for possible stitches. Two Injured A two-car col lision at Capitol and Union streets Tuesday afternoon caused injur ies to two people and damage to the automobiles. The two cars involved in the collision were those driven by Lewis Dan Sc dorc, 445 South 25th street, and Carrol Clarke Sharpc, 4835 Sil vcrton Road. The injured persons were passengers in the two cars. R. D. Wilcox, 840 North Summer street, sustained a bruise on his head, and 2-year-old David White suffered a bruise about his eye. Neither was taken to a hospital. Dulles Report Radio station KSLM will cover the report of Secretary of State Dulles con cerning the Berlin conference at 10:30 Wednesday night. Editor Named M i s s Bonnie Greenwood, whose home is at 3895 Pleasant View Drive, has been named editor of the 1954 j "Carry On," school year book of tne L.i.t.t;. bidic college, Los Angeles, Calif., where she is studying for the ministry. Miss Greenwood is a member of the local Foursquare Gospel church. Historian Speaker George Strozut, Jr., Willamette Univer sity junior in history, spoke to the noon meeting of the Tt change club on the history of Salem over the past hundred years. The meeting was held at the Cave room of the Senator hotel. The club members con firmed the .otc by which they decided to change the place of meeting from the Senator hotel to the .Varion hotel They will, therefore, change meeting places next week. Will Move Pole Line Repre sentatives of the Portland Gen eral Electric company and Pa cific Telephone and Telegraph company have reached an agree ment covering joint use of a pole line along Claxter Road. 'low ever, they do not know just where to place the poles since because of inability to determine where the edge of the right of way will be located after Claxter Road has been widened. One survey calls for a right of way extended 20 feet on each side of the center line of the original survey. This center line, it is said, does not correspond to the center of )!- present gravel road. The tele phone company plans to substi tute a cable for its present wires, attaching the cable to the light company poles. Table Linens In compliment your personality as a gracious hostess, in round, squares, or on ions, prinlcd or plain. Place mals too from $3 no at The Better Bedding Store, 312 State St. Rummage sale, Relhcl " Job's Daughters. Feb. 2fi from 9 tn 4. Next tn Fills Market. Children's coals sizes 1 to 4, 1 SI 50 and up. YWCA Budget Shop. IfiJ S. Coni'l. Open Fri. and Mon., ! in to 5 p.m. Klectriglns Radiant Heat. Riches Electric Co. Phone 2-4156. Paint with glamorizing Treasure Tones. See our outstanding wall paper collection. Chuck Clarke Co. 255 N. Liberty. World's finest pianos. Kimball-Jansscn-Gulbrniiscn. Salem M'isic Company. 15.1 S. High St. Phone' 2-S703. Nrrd Glasses1 Onlv .VV a V. at Sender Optiral Ollters. Waters Adnlph Bid . Stair tt Commercial Fh 3-.1.11! All styles, precision ground to optometrists' prescrip tionsFast Service. Wonderful Values in homes in today's Classified columns. Turn there now for grand home-buying news. For sale: Gravel Pit. Mi West Clieniavia lid Marshall! now open for lunih 11:30 A M Sundays 2 P.M. j Accordion lessons. Instru ments rented while you learn Wiltsev Miiir House. 1360 j State. Th 3-7166. New Training Plan Accepted Naval Reservists and regular Navy personnel on station keeper duty at the Naval and Marine Corps leserve training center at a meeting Tuesday night decided to accept a new plan for the train ing of reservists in the surface di vision. The Salem installation is one of three in the 13th Naval district selected to be given an opportun ity to try the new training pro gram. The three installations in the district. Salem, Seattle and Tacoma, will be used as pilot in stallations in the program. Under the program the officer in charge of the center would be in charge of the training and the training program for the reserve surface division and also in charge of keeping the records, with the records kept by the station keep ers instead of the reserves. The plan approved by the group at the Tuesday night meeting now has to be approved by the 13th Naval district. In the past the officers of the surface division here have been in charge of the training and re sponsible for the program and the records of the division. Lois Webb Injured In Auto Accident Mrs. Lois Webh. RR9 Rellnviio Street, was injured Tuesday night when the car in which she was riding went over a highway embankment ahnnl Iwn milnc west of Saler. on Dallas Highway. anc was tancn to salcm Memo rial Hospital by the Willamette Ambulance Service where her conditio) w s dcsc.ibcd as "fair." She was held for observation. The unin'ured driver nf the vehicle, Jack Martin, Salem, was arrested on charges of being drunk on a public highway and was taken to the Polk rinnnlv jail at '"alias. Edith Green to Run for Congress PORTLAND Iff Mrs. Edith S. Green of Portland said Wednesday she would run for the Democratic nomination for Congress. She is the first Democrat to an nounce for the position now held bv Republican Homer D. Angell. Mrs. Green, a graduate of Salem High School and the University of Oregon, gave Earl Newbry a close race for secretary of State in 1952. Contract Awarded Tidewater association and Shell Oil conman- ies have been given contracts for the kerosene requirement of Mar ion county during the next fiscal year. The two companies sub mtited bids that carried identical figures for the product. Ruilrling Permits Dr. P. D. Baker, to repair a two-story dwelling at 11(55 Court, $500. F. M. North, to build a one-story dwelling and garage at 2790 Ellis, $12,000. Smalley Oil Company, to alter a shop at 1405 Broadway, $2750. COURTS Circuit Court I Donald C. Hopper vi Clarence T. nisd I den, warden of state prison: Order re man (I I n I plaintiff to custody of de fendant pending further court order In ronnectlop with petition lor writ of habeas corpus. Slate Public Utilities Commissioner vs William D. Evans: Complaint seekinr Judgment of I2.1S4 no together with pen allies a!:raedlr due as nlBhwar use taxes. I sta.e Directors ol Veterans Affairs ts ; i Raymond F and Marlorle MrCormlrlc el ; al: J'jrioment order In which plaintiff , I-. to rei over from defendants MrCorm j Irk the sum of IS..W7.13. Kdna Vocan ts orval C. Vosan: Order I of default entered asalnst defendant. j j Mate vs Theodore Vernon Comnlon: ; Order of dismissal for the reason de. i . fenriant has not been aranted speertr i ' trial a provided br statute. Charted r.nn support. Mary t.ou Hall vs Rohbie Louis Hall: I Order of dismissal. Celia M. Btiromerv;:le vs Fnimilt .1. Riimmrmlle: Divorce complaint, allet. j ' Ins cruel and Inhuman treatment. Plain- I tiff as'ss cu-todv of minor child and Mo monthly support. Married al Stevenson, j Wash. i Hernlere Kntmnskl v Alfred Kosmos. ki: Dtvoire complaint, allcslnf cruel and II. human treatment. Asks rustodv of n mor child. $.15 monthiv support end tiropcrty settlement Married at Oaia- ' homa City, Okla. May a. 1931. Mary C. Oil-trap v Phil J. OiMrap- 1 Dtorir toniutaint. alltiiia cruel and iitiitman treatment. A-ks adiudti al Ion j u.MilMiia tao minor ilnlilrcn. Married' at Ke!o. Wah . In 19:9. Mtatr vs Dousla.s James Hamilton: De fendant sentencrd to five rcais in DM or alter pleadim lulitr to burilarr i liarre. Plate vs Harold F Crowe and Ie .loe nana: Fach "n'enred to two years In pruon en hurelarv rharers. p'sir s .lark R HoTrsno- Ce.r.1 inurd to- tmienre t0 Var'h 1 alter pleadint (nt'tv tr. buralary coarse S'jle v Ttm fiatjde Pfhe"t- feotin- ii. - to vsr-h I for 'rn'ence after r!sd me tui'iv to rhars of nbtsinlnt money b-. fs'.'e preienze P's'e v. Rlrhsrd R For'enherrv roo ir'ier for sentence on rharee of Pb tcinlne rronev by false pretense. Probate Court Wii;sm Roe uard!ansh:p- Order ap provini final account of ruardlan. F.ll Her.ry Far! estate: Order dlreclint ' letters of administration be Issued lu David Farl as administrator de bonta con, turn testamento anneso. Municipal Court Kei.Iiflli L stmiui. IlleiellT Doscs.Mni liquor, teilitied to ll.e luvenlle court. Krfrr.und A Juedes. 200 Routh Lancas ter Drive, rr'eless drivlni. case eon- Hnord to March 11 Clifford Wet Aiimsville. ensued with I drlvint while In'osicattd, held Tuesday i I In lieu If CVD bail. i THE CAPITAL' Boilermakers (Continued from Page 1) of litigation in which they have been involved. No pne appears in this case for and on behalf of Local 72, but their activity raises serious questions as to whether the named plaintiffs herein are in reality representing the- best in terests of Local 401 or those of Local 72." Judge Brand declared that the j appellate procedure of the Inter i national "is available to any in dividual member of the union j regarding any alleged personal 1 grievance. I The Bureau of Internal Reve nue lost in its efforts to enforce a tax lien of $6500 against Morrill Logging Company in Curry county. , In upholding Circuit Judge Dal M. King, the court, with Justice Harold J. Warner writing the opinion, held the money was neither an escrow or a trust, but was a specific deposit title to which remained in the Logging company until by further agree ment but prior to the govern ment's lien, title was transferred to the Moore Mill and Lumber Company. "The rights of the government, when attempted to enforce a lien against property of a delinquent tax payer," Justice Warner said, "arise no higher than the tax payer had therein." The justice said that since the Logging company's interest in the fund terminated prior to the governments' lien, the govern ment was held to ha- e no inter est in the fund. The court reversed a decree by Circuit Judge J. S. Bohannon, in a suit by L. -H. Adkinson against Wilda Elizabeth Bartron in Washington county, In a suit to recover .sal pr jperty alleged to have been obtained from the plaintiff by undue influence. The trial court held that a confiden tial relationship existed between the parties and that there had been undue influence. Case Rewrsed However, Justice William C. Perry speaking for the court, found there was no evidence of wrongful undue influence. "The mere fact that one re grets what he has done and wishes to regain the property he had volunta. ' ' conveyed, is not in law sufficient reason to re lieve him of his voluntary act," Judge Perry said. The court dis missed the plaintiff's complaint. Other Cases Other cases handed down by' the court W dnesday were: Affirmed Circui- Judge M. A. Briggs of Harney county, in a suit for conveyance of land pur chased on contract in 1939. Both the trial court and supreme court held that Elvin Hull, the plain tiff, had abandoned the property in 1942 and therefore had no in terest in the property. In a suit by T. J. Starker against Earl Heckart, appellant, Circuit Judge Victor Olliver was upheld in his opinion that usury statutes had no application in a conditional sales contract for $2,251 as it did not involve a loan of money. Chief Justice Earl C. Lalnur ette made the following assign ments Wednesday: Circuit J'llge M. W. Wilkin son of The Dalles to Deschutes county to hear suit of State Con struction company versus the city of Bend; Circuit Judge W. W. Wells of Icndlcton to Mal heur county; James Arthur Pow ers, Portland, judge pro tern, to Linn county for 19 days com mencing March 1 and John L. Footc, St. Helens, pro tern for Lane county, 24 days beginning March 8. Funeral Saturday For R. T. Marshall Funeral service? will he held at Ihc Howell-Edwards chapel Satur day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock for Richard Thomas Marshall, who died at the family residence at 1285 Chemawa Road Monday. Interment is to be in City View Cemetery. Marshall, a Salem area farmer for the past 20 years, was a na tive of Cozard, Nebraska. Survivors include daughters, Mrs. Elmer Kncdler and Mrs. Le lia Harris of Vcrnonia. Oregon, Mrs. Lcola Nelson of St. Helens, and Mrs. Roberta Harris of Kent, Wash.; a son, James Marshall in Calilarnia: sisters. Mrs. John 01 thofl of Salem. Mrs. Carl Grci mann of Keithsburg. 111., Mrs. James Paris of Rapid City, S. I)., and Mrs. Oscar Anderson of Pow ell, Wyo. HOME CURED Side Bacon Loin Backs Old Fashioned Wieners Dried Beef SMOKED LIVER SAUSAGE "FAMOUS FOR FLAVOR" Midget 351 State St. JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon Set Inspection Dates for Navy Two of Salem's Reserve units will be inspected by teams from the 13th Naval District in ApriL First to be inspected will be surface division 13-28, with the date of that inspection April 29. The Seabee division 13-9 will be inspected the following day, April 30. Capt A. Jackson, Jr., reserve coordinator for the 13th Naval district will head the inspection team for the surface division. Others on the team will be Cdr. W. , 1. Crawford, acting direc tor of training, Lcdr. P. N. Evans, Lcdr. L. B. Scribncr, Lcdr. R. A. Berry, Lr. G. R. Swearingcn .and Lt. J. C. Dinkel. The Seabee inspection team is to be inspected by a team composed of Capt. V. A. A. Uowell, Cdr. J. R. Cross, Lt. J. A. Wasner and Lt. J. Brcslaw or Lt. E. H. Belton. Jas. Roosevelt (Continued from Page 1) As for the attorney's fees, the court ruled that $2,000 was pay able immediately and the balance within 90 days. The court costs were to be paid within 90 days. The balance of the attorneys' fees and court costs if any may be fied at the time of trial. Climaxed Sensational Hearing The awards climaxed a sensa tional four-day hearing in which Mrs. Roosevelt, 38, said her hus band. 46, was worth two million dollars. He contended he was $72,- 185.15 in the red as of last Jan. 15, including $100,000 he had bor rowed from his mother, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. The judge instructed his court clerk to notify the opposing atlor. neys. Neither Roosevelt nor his wife was present. In addition to naming the co respondents, Mrs. Roosevelt in cluded two letters in filing ncr separate maintenance suit. They were dated r cb. 25, 1946, were signed by her husband and con tained his purported admission of infidelities. Roosevelt has denied all the charges involving the 12 women. Airmen Told (Continued from Page 1) Calif., in April 1952 before going to Korea, to give information free ly in the event of his capture. He said a captain whose name he didn't remember told an indoc trination class this was a new kind of war and the old idea that a prisoner should give only his name, rank and serial number was out the window. Harris said the captain told the Korea-bound fliers in effect: "They're going to find out anyway go ahead and tell them the truth right off." "Tell 'Em Anything" j Later, in POW camps where he wound up, Harris said he found 7o to 80 per cent of all air personnel had been instructed to "tell 'cm anything they ask it can't hurt us." The question for the court to de cide is whether Schwable should face formal charges in connection with the confession he signed and later repudiated. Harris said that 10 or 15 per cent of the POW-airmen he met had been told to use their own discretion on what to tell the Reds if captured, and the remainder cither had been given no briefing or told to give no information be yond name, rank and serial num ber. Speaking forcefully and at times with obvious emotion. Harris said he had "nothing in the world hut profound sympathy" for Schwable SICN Af.RKKMKNT ! TOKYO ii Japan's Foreign ' Office Wednesday announced the signing nf a new 90-millinn dollar Irade agreement with Argenlina. W't Here NOW NEW,TUBILESS "oyol-T" 3-TRANSI5TOR HEARING AID O rit i n.o'h n BE3 buicry. Orritrr cUrii! Py Makers ol Zenith 7 V and Radios MORRIS OPTICAL CO. U4 Stair SI. Salem, Orr. ... .55 Markets 1128 Center St. J i a I, li HI H i)ini yiMaajMMMMMMMMMMaaMMMsccccccaaiaMiialalaiiiaaaaaiaiaaaaaaai Rw.,--" Capt. Glenn Bowman, left, and Deputy Sheriff Harvey Frank um inspect hole in brick wall in county section of city jail where prisoners attempted to dig their way to freedom Tues day night. Ex-GI Ready (Continued from PaRts 1) "The thought of having come all this way in vain and of returning as the Charlie I hated was un bearable," she said. "So I man aged to have this first operation made unofficially. U happened on kitchen table at midnight and that's all I want to say about that, but the operation almost killed me. It took Charlotte months to re cover but then the Danish doctors could t.ike care of her according to the law. Injections and opera tions followed. She spent months in hospitals and clinics. Famous professors and plastic surgeons worked on her, mostly free of charge because she could not af ford to pay the bills. Miss McLeod said she was in the Army for three months in 1948 and got an honorable discharge iur mcuicai reasons. "Everyone could sec that I was no soldier and that it was all a mistake, she said. Longer Insists (Continued from Page 1) l-anger called the capitoi offi cers, as the Cahfornian pressed his demand fnr a chance to testify. Nobody found a warrant at that Wc Give ond Redeem Green Stamps Too simply set the dial and you get CONTROLLED HEAT for perfect cooking every time PANCAKES ". j VefeWO EGGS l "Tj i &s&y ' WHERE ESCAPE TRY FAILED time and Wilson himself said he then asked for protective custody, a capitoi policeman accompa nied him as he finally came to the committee room's closed doors where he waited an hour and a half before he was called in. The San Francisco indictment charged Wilson hired a jeweler to appear falsely as an eye witness in behalf of Wilson's clients in an automobile accident case. The wit ness recanted and gave state's evidence after another private in vestigator produced movies show ing that the jeweler was vacation ing in Mexico at the time of the accident. 1 , Langcr had said earlier that he had received telegrams from Wil son and Burr McCloskey saying they would be here for the com mittee session and asking to be heard. PORT FOR REPAIRS NAPLES, Italy (rfi A second Russian ship put in Wednesday for lengthy repairs in this NATO southern European headquarters port, increasing concern over pos sible Red spying on strategic Wes tern bases. Dr. Will J. Thompson OPTOMETRIST Examination in Afternoon or Eve. by Appointment For Appointment Ph. 4-4057 Liberty Street A10RE Convenient . . . MOREusefiil... MORE delicious foods every-time-outomaticolly CONTROLLED HEAT ,wFRVPMI WATER-SEAUD element for easy woihing. No cooking failures because you get the CORRECT HEAT-every time Now the most convenient moil useful appliance ever invented. Vi'ith the Sunbeam Automatic Frypan you can fry and cook t the correct, automatically con trolled heal every time. It Rives you perfect cooking and frying results without constant watching and guesswork. The shortening is always at just the right temperature, resulting in less grease absorption into the food. Chicken, pork chops, etc., are tastier, more fUvorttil with their natural juices scaled in. The Sunbeam's new square design lets you cook more in the same area than yon can in a round pan. Plug into sny outlet use any place you wish. Has bakclite legs , Pagrt S Halt Escape (continued xrom Paga 1) Police officials estimated the wall as being about 48 inches thick, and said the prisoners prob ably could have effected their escape in about three more hours, if they had not been discovered. , Prisoners in the cell ranged in conviction from burglary, check charges, illegal possession of liq uor, all the way to such crimes as car theft, and assault with a dangerous weapon. Only comment forthcoming from city police officials was "we need a new jail." w Facts on high school drinking "Boy, 14, found intoxicated." "School girl dies in drunken driving spree." For the complete story behind grim headlines like these, read "First report on high school drinking," in the Maicb issue of Better Homes & Gar dens. This authentic research re port digs into the problem ai . high school drinking and comes up with facts both shocking and encouraging. It's in March Better Homes Gardens. On your eewssttai now. Get if today! Court Street Easy-te-SsM FRY-GUIDE and HEAT CONTROi DIAL right in tht hofidle. sal