Paire 16 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salcrn, Oregon Wednesday, February 24, 1954 Unionvale UNIONVALE Mr. and Mrs. Er cl Gubser of U 'invale were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mra, L. S. Lorenzen in the Neck dis trict near Dayton. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin wren zen. It was a dinner honoring L. S. Lorenzen's birthday. Mrs. Mar- CAROL CURTIS vin Lorenzen is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Gubser, and Mar vin is a son of L. S. Lorenzen. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shclburne of Unionvale accompanied by their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kuyle and their 14 month-old son, Steven Ruyle of Salem and their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shclburne of McMinnville, motor ed to Portland and Vancouver, Wash. Color Transfer Doll. Brown eyes, brown hair has this little B'z inch doll with the red shoes as she comes on a two-color trans fer so that all you need do is to iron her off onto flesh-colored cotton, sew up, turn inside out and stuff with cotton. Her pretty clothes arc given in actual size on the pattern chart. You'll want several of these for inexpensive gifts! Send 30c for the Mulll-Color TRANSFER DOLL, (Pattern No. 341) transfer, clothes patterns, all instructions, YOUR NAME, AD DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, 652 Mission St., San Francisco S, Calif. Ready now! The brand new, exciting 36-page CAROL CUR TIS NEEDLEWORK GUIDE, in color, containing over 150 de signs for knitting, crocheting, embroidery, hairpin lace, four "How to Do It" desigis, summer fashions; something for every age, every climate. In addition there arc TWO FREE patterns for flattering spring and sum mer glamour! The NEEDLE WORK GUIDE cosJi only 25c. Order it as you do your needle work patterns! ROOM It BOARD ID BE DISCOURAGED WITH MY SECOND PAINTING AFTER. WHAT YOU OAFS SAID Aftm nr it di it I REALIZE WRE ALL LIMITED IN ART APPEFnATlnM I , .. . -. 9 ACROSS 1, Equality 4. Falcon 9. Covered wagon J2.01dFrenc coin 13. Spice 14. Seaweed 15. Saved 17. American general 18. Retinue of wives 19. Jurisdic tion: Early Eng. law Jl. Look slyly 23. Fresh 15. Important harvest of India 18. Compara tive ending 29. Expression of inquiry 31. Angry 33. Religious sister 34. Co-worke n 38. Stir 39. Black liquid 40. Mother 41. Compasa point 42. Profits 44.Cnido 40. Throw 48. Male cat 50. Drew alter 52. Garden tool 54. Vivacity 58. Ventilate f. Split 60. Article (it. Thickness 62. Exhausted 63. Soak up ' I 3 :. K I I7 I8 ;': l I' I" ' 3 3 ' z.zzzz. '; n JWTo 7Tiz ! zT 23"-""" JJ li b7 W3ZrJ tt Ji 35 j? 3Z Of 33 ?.W S 3 Z"; & """" J U-f jj- STEVE RPPKB I k viiPK immm mm . p'oco ? ' ' lA ' X ( 2sp ; XMUP'p W'eu?g!'OH f wHYi9eueoT Sum ain't no 7 nVSti iP L : v ' . elk" II I l lttUlll OKHHAfl ANMK . - y K(iAE II III W IV H U&S w rS. fVES,MR.KNlW-f 8ANK-" r j.-. , I FINNOQ ISPUTTINQ THE CflSH 1 I Sow II d slnnN Hi ANY TIME- H rVi?.( QT I UP TH6 BALANCE OF ALL RIGHT-II KKX quarter sleeves, .atcr, arid a . , Aiivrtt " 5 breath of fresh air to your sum- AUlyL" ' 1 ko!'o hear neckline or collared ve, I ME MuPEP A Ma bE-f ll 5 J1 m 9- I. ... I i 14 I 1 I , X L V W S;' pr,Ji" -SrJ ,v i- -"c 1 Bt -ii . i6, la, 2o;i6; 38; 4a sie' fa; iTrxf V1E Short-sleeved, collared version, o J VJ ''fo ' ''HJgti Send 30c for PATTERN with f?k ' (fTf?) "::iP4S' include an extra 5c per pattern. noPAf.ONr. r.AsmnT - . just on me prcssi j ne nranu i new 1054 SPRING - SUMMER J- lliiitessa RKST VOU'P 1 1 mgrcaCGES i " 9 lwv. lg 1 I ,1,,., 1 U ............. ............. H YOU KB GONNA TELL TWE LAW VOW VTES. I l ft riven 'SI-; i 1" ,. season styles and ideas for easy yOJ BUILT THIS MOS3 EMPIBS ev ZTTk. J I Xf Jrn-jln J t 'j rJ I 3ii .-. sewinR and smart RoinR from 6eAN0-6lOniNG HEH5S FBOM I W- 1 I'1 ' ' . '5f v,, breakfast until bedtime! IN EVE8V BANCHes IN TUB sC3 r-O"! R'M I r'fi I i , ' - ' M I to-the-last-mlnute fashion fore- Buckskin AREA.' fCCTlJl I I Pf hCv 4- ''CTvW casts for every age, every size, ! " ' -Z7- tBj 5 I fgtni'iy y ''Vjr ? t yJ) refill sS&isiMil i fii I THE SAME MUTT & JEFF . I PLACE TWICE. I AnnnrriATinu Diwrmr nurl X S7T mp 1 1 ' - I lT-r vJEFF NtvtK I I JP . SORE Ptrt UP A i I BAD A WOT LOS NSl F0(? HEXT gLjkt j W5 1 JJF 1 '-if Ip&H iJ ' fc, naa HE'll Bf 1 I i NO MQK THAU HIS DAD Will " I TT' " BtHER GO, I f75!fl l&, I 'WITHOUT ' r-VaP.-'-vl Afi'"' VJl annOus w r m to see him, ooctos it's J I iU ruth.' the doctoi; 1 I f 9 II VJ", N FCAME bVH''7 fW WON'T TKE ANY VV SEE TOU.'J BEEN ALMOST FIVE YEARS iL-r lS BUSY .' r1)sZZ??Jftl! II lLLIinwiyiyyi l -rnBi.' kVPt- tf CTk EE I IV - f LOMllTllEyUAUOWW tTfTAIJN-l l"r7 JWI Hn- P!S ? AS yj WmTFTfi SgmfTriBmD I lmifkll M II PMflll 111 1T7A1 If aiT Vl ill I I KBtJ I .XI'jt.H WJI M JM.S I! trPtrTNrlplRTrF I I WfJI HVi'lU li 11 II 117 IT 11 I Jr T Ifi AM V Jl I H Www a v EnsnMNl InLlEE donai.1T injcii l,UTQlRlAUSAi6$1 - . , . r-,, i ii i i i vjju-xu.yifiTTi rjrvr-. I III .. i I I I i i i - 1 i MAItV U'llltTII i i r . n . , , , I ltf'"1 iW" l ""' ' m. lyouTHINi; I i ' V"C C'CNT HAPPEN TO CCML " r y" MVINTTNTlONSatAR! NOT-m " " 71 , IN H,CHD HE, MR5.W0TH.'.. -TO WATAWNUTt.MW. n INMIAMI VlCTOft' I S ? " YOUR ADVICE ON "THE CARE AN0 J :iRKONN!..WRE'THrt t ME ANT THATTO -. 1 777 4Z I 0"NC,0f OREEN-EVED L f- " " KSI.M 1390, KOCO 1490, KGAE 14.10, KOIN 970, KGW 620, KEX 11M FM: Mtcjclci KOIN 101.1: KEX 92.3 P.M. 00:00 THURSDAY-00:15 00:30 00:45 Top Traac INewi Kiay ao i ISlesU Melody Newt iMIdcl.iy Music I Midday Miulo Rltchla Nrws ii Spldtrli'.Spidcr" I' Spider" T'Spidtr" Macleod News I Come Get It IHouse Party lHouse Party Noon Newa I Road ot Life IPepper Young IHappinesi , Paul Harvey iNoon Edition ISam Hayet 'The Toddi Better ShoppcrlMualc Room Music Room Masic Molody iMagic' Melody Magic Melody New & Rend.lRoss Rndzvoua , Ross Rndzvous Hilltop House Godfrey Godfrey Rckstasa wife iStella Uallai Widder Brown Kay West may west iray wcsi News IStar Time jlagic Melody IMagic Melody News i: SpiderlSpider Godfrey I Godfrey I News' IMagic Melody (Safety First IGodfrey IMuslc Room iMagic Melody Ross Rendzvoui Godfrey Woman In Hie, Kay West IBands IMagic Melody ISafety First Curt Massey Plain Bill IFrt. Pg. Farrell Lorenzo Jones pays to Marry Fashions-Blk, IMarlin UlocK IMartln biock Martin piuck Hughes Reel Tello Test News Tune Time News & Spider Spider Wizard ct Odds Make Up Mind Travellers iTravellers For the Girls For the Girls J. Kirkwood J. Klrkwood Piano Patterns Guest Star ISpider ISpider Hoot. Q Lewis ITunef'lly yours iDr Paul ILIle Beautiful I For the Girls 'For the Girls Curt Massuv Hayes Hilton LW1S lieiimiBwav .ul . . . Music U Want iMusic U Want iMusic U Want Music U Want News & Spider! spider KnkhamNews IMusic- Spark. Star Time IMusic Box Aftrnn. Editn. I Squirrel Cage Snider ISpider IKIrkham News Klrnnam New! IMusic Box . Music Box ISqulrrel Cage iGingcr Rogers Sgt.Preslon Sgt.Preston Sky King Sky King Showtime Showtime Second Look SongtoRcmembr Disk & Necdle'Disk & NeedlelDisk it NcedlelDlsk & Needle Murrow INews I World Today IGoss, News snorts nallv News Jess Mason IPeterson Dick Powell 1 1V88.V Lee IChet Huntley IB. Garred V. Pinkley iNews Sam Haves 88 Keys Gab. Heater Eddie Fisher W.-c tRior. Off . I Comedy Iheaterl Comedy thcalerlTlme for Love ITlme for Leva Relax Music IRclax Music IF.ddlc Cantor Eddie Cantor Home Edition (Bill Stern ISports coition inappy lime Detective Rosary On Stage Fibber McGee Income Tax IDetective l.siars Sing I On Stage I Alex Dreicr IMusic IMy L'l Margie My L'l Margie IMusic ISports Report I ' Chorallers Choraliers Ralph Edwards IRalph Edwards I IGath'ring Storml Headline Ed. Cisco Kid ICiscoKId :Iarmonalres I wnis. nines Track 14(10 ITraek 14110 ITrack 1490 -Track 1490 Meet Millie IMeet Millie ILowell Thomas II am. Skeleton 1 Man's Family (World News IRoy Rogers IRoy Rogers Good ListenlnglGood Listenlngl J. Vandercook Favorite Music iNewsreel ISweet, Swing IHarry Wismer ITraek 1490 ITrack 1490 INightNews IBallnce. Show IThis 1 Believe IDanccOrch. I Dad Knows I Bandwagon Bandwagon IP. Wliiteman IP. Whiteman P-Whitcman "TPlatter Parade IN.W. News Platter Parade I Nocturne I Nocturne Nocturne ICooke'sGestbk Nafl Guard IDcscrt Inn Orch. ISports Final ILast Man Out ILast Man Out ID-ice Time 'Dance Time Dance Time .?len Hardy Track 1490 Beulah Dad Knows P. Whiteman Fulton Lewis Campus Chat Five Str. Final "eoorter Final Edition Ct. Monte Cl'ls.lCt. Monte Cris. Melodies IMclodics Nocturne INoclurne INocturne INoctuine Record Show Record Show Record Show iRecordShow News I Jess Mason Icily Council ICity Council Dance Tim 'Dance Time , I Dance Time ID-i.reTlme 12:00 to 1:00 A.M. High Mass; 1:00 to 6:00 A.M. Muslo KOAC 550 kc. 10:00 News it Weather. 10:15 Especially for Women: 11:00 Oregon School of the Air Stories ot the Oregon Trail; 11:15 Concert Hall; 12:00 News and Weather- 12.15 Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowboy; 1 :15 Oregon School of the Air Let's Sing America: 1:45 Radio Bookshelf: 2:00 Especially tor Women Rhodod endrons In the Landscape; 2:30 Mem ory tiooK or Music: z:4 uregon School of the Air Expanding Scien tific Frontiers; 3:00 Oregon Reporter; 3:15 Music of the Masters; 4:00 Uni versity Hour; 5:00 Children's The ater; 5:30 They Fought Alone; 6:00 The News and the Weather; 8:15 OSC Department of Music: 6:30 Headlines In Chemistry: 6:45 Russian Area Studies- 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: 8:90 BBC Theater The Wom en on the Beach; 9:00 Music That Endures: 9:45 Evening Meditations Westminster House; 10:00 Sign Off. FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 HhLl News U.W.l Vsrlu Witrn, KGAB Brk. Nook K01.' R. F.D.Oregon KGW Yawniversily KEX Ore Farm Hr. flunekeeper lEarly Worm Hrk, Nook IKOIN Klock lYawniverslly lore Farm Hr. iNews I Early Worm IBrk. Nook IKUIN Klock I Yawniversily lore Farm Hr. KSI.M Hemingway KOCO News KGAB News : Nook KOIN KOIN Kloek KGW Johnnv Wills KEX First Edition Break. Gang l break Gang lEarly Worm lEarly Worm Hrk. Nook IBrk. Nook 1 Macleod. Newt. Goss News lYawnlversity News Mus. Clock I Mus. Clock THE PERSON! WHO REALLV KNOWS IS BOUGHT MY OTHER PAINTING AND MOST LIKELY WILL BE EAGERTO BUY THIS ONE March Time IKarly Worm IBrk. Nook iKuIN Klock I Yawnivcrsity I Ore Farm Hr. (News & Wthr. (Early Worm IBrk. Nook Babbitt .Show Knox Manning I Bob 8KS1.M Cecil Bruwn Famllv Altar t-tioie Inst. iHlble Inst KOCO Early Worm (Early Worm Early Worm I World N'cwf KGAB NtwSftNook IBrk. Nook (Brk.Nook Irk. Nook KOIM Com. Newa IValle Newt Morning Varle.' Hosemary KGW Moon Mulllna Moon Mullina (Moon Mulling IMoon Mnllins KEX Break. CiuD iBrtak. Club (Break. Club iBreak, Club 9KRI.M Dr. Sword iCap. Comment. (Pastors call t Barsain Counter KOCO Hayn' Records iRayV Records Ir.ivk Records lFi;.v's Records KGAB OrenonTrnll (Spider (Rncho Grande .Rancho Grande KOIN Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Gal Sunday KGW Moon Mulllna (Moon Mullins Mnon Mullin.t Morm Mullins KEX 9 a.m. KdlUon Slara of Today IM rn KomancrsiLum A- Abner 1 KSI.M Glen Hardy itel'lo Test ITrcsurVchct INewiT " KOCO Ravs' Records R,ivs' Records iRavs" Records 'Rnv's Records KGAB News & Spider ILiberaee Spicier ISpider OKOIN RoadofLlfe (MaPerkins jDr. Malone iGuidinc Light KGVT Moon Mulllns Moon Mulllna f.itrikc It Rich (Strike It Rich KEX Chet Huntley iTony Martin (True Storv 'True Storv KSI.M Wonderful CttyiWonderful CityiQueen for Day IQueen for Day KOCO Rays' Records tRavs" Records IRavs' Record IHav's Records KGAB Dinner Winner ISpider (Spider Spider KOIN 2nd Mrs.BurtonlPerry Mason INorah Drake iHrichter Dav KGW Bob Hope iSeennd Chance iPhrasc Pays !Mull. & Shel'y KKX Whispering Sts. (Girl Marries 'Grand Central I Grand Central KOAC 550 ke Pacific Standard Time. iq:ih) a.m. The News and Weather: iu:i5 specially lor Women. 11 :00 Orcnon School of the Air MaRale Mtilltns; 1 1 : 1 JS Concert Hall: 12 M Tlie News and Weather; 12:15 p.m. Noon Farm Hour; 1 :00 Ride 'Em Cowboy: 1:15 Oregon School of the Air Down by the Pond Amphib ians: 1:30 London Forumf; 2:00 Espe cially for Women Planninc for a Home of Your Own; 2:30 Memory Bonk of MuSic: 2:45 Oregon School of the Air Adventures in Research: 3:00 Oregon Reporter: 3:15 Music f the Masters: 4:00 Sports Forecast j 4:15 On the Upbeat: 4:43 News Com mentary: 5:00 Children's Theater: 5:30 Asia Reports; 6:00 The News and Weather: 6:15 New Encland Renais sance; 6 45 Federal Civil Defeiur; Alfred Hermach, Zitherist: 715 Evening Farm Hour: 7:5") Basketball V. Ore. vs. Ore. State: 0:45 Evening Meditations Westminster House: 10 00 Sign Off. Hubbard DOWN 1. Hy 2. Top aviator 3. nress trimming 4. Disfigure, mrnt 5. Foreign 6. Memorial 7. First woman Solution of Yttterday'a Puula 8. Anarchist 9. Vent in earth's crust 10. Exist 11. By birth 16. Part of a coat 50. Correlative of cither 21. Kind of nut 22. Wonraway 24. Strife 25. Scotch poet 27. Insertion 'M. Headpiece 32. Animafi mother 35. Form of Camblind 36. Obstruct 37. Musical direction for silence 43. Thus 45. Grown Rirli 47,F.ntrancc 49. Planet 51. Desire 12. Chance 53. Lubricate 55. Pinch 56. Exclama tion 57. Cluslrrof ( wool flbert HUBBARD Organization of Cub Scouting here is well un derway fallowing a meeting of interested parents with Malcolm Nichols, district Scout executive from S.ilcm. The Hubbard Parent-Teachers Association will sponsor the Cubs and Boyd Brown is the representative from that group. The pack committee is made up of Russell Rollofson, chairman, Don Goetz, Art Zchner, James Lamb and Elwood Jacobs. A cubmastcr is to be selected. Den Mothers include Mrs. Boyd Brown assisted by Mrs. Lester Pulley; Mrs. Rollofson assisted by Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. Marvin Bar rett assisted by Mrs. Zchner. Thirty-two bovs have shown in terest in the work. The Knife and Fork 4-II club entertained the eighth grade class members at a Valentine parly Tuesday evening, February 16 at the school. Muriel Brown and Jean Jack son were in charqc of games, Martha W'addingtnn and Norlenc Schmidt were in charge of re freshmenls and the Valentine box was handled by Darlenc Fobert, Lois Pepper and Roberta Downs. Mrs. James Lamb, ad visor for the group and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Byers, patron and patroness were present. S'Sgt. Clifford Driver of the U. S. Airforce. is now stationed in French Morroco, 90 miles inland from Casa Blanca. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Driver of Hubbard and will be stationed there a year. n:(li Salem Heights TA1X ABOUT DIGESTION! a u ' 75 feel happy af er meals Ct,twW"', Spearmint Cum. Pleasant chtwing aids digestion. SAI.KM HEIGHTS The Blue and Gold banquet of the Cub Scout pack 19 is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 26. at 6:30 at the Solom Heights Community hall. The ilcn mothers will have charge of the various tables, and .liter Hie dinner will be the pres entation of awards and the. Seoul birthday cake. II will celebrate the 44th birthday of Ihc Scouts. Three candles will he lit, one for Cub Scouts, one for Boy Scouts, and one for the Explorer troop. In the Middle Ages, many peo ple believed that all birds mated on Feb. 14. enJou the MtWlNG GUM y S9QQ3SES39sk Freshens mouth - w ttm breath. Fntiw il anvtirfitt nyrhert. .....Utrial ..AaO