Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 24, 1954, Page 14, Image 14

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    ikvaukie's Strong ; First Half Spills
Salem, Orejion, Wednesday,
Roosevelt First to Gain
State Prep Tourney Spot
Roosevelt of Portland Tuesday
night became the first team to win
a berth in the state high school
basketball tournament. .
Roosevelt, No. 4 in the Associat
ed Press prep poll, won the Port
land League championship by de
feating Lincoln. GO-53. The title au
tomatically qualified Roosevelt for
the state playoffs to be held March
16-20 at Eugene.
Also Tuesday night, the double
elimination playoff for the district
9 berth opened. Beaverton upset
favored llillsboro 45-29; Tigard
easily beat Banks 61-34, and Forest
Grove fought to a 46-40 win over
Sherwood. The second round will
be played Friday night.
Two pairs in the poll's top ten
clashed Tuesday night and the re
sults were about as expected. Mil
waukie, ranked No. 1 and beaten
only once this season, downed Sa
lem, No. 9, 65-49. Corvallis, ranked
second, defeated Albany, No. 6,
67-47in a district 7 contest. Dave
Kameroff Tosses Ref
Out, Lindsey Gets Nod
Ivan Kameroff found the anti
dole for his own bear hug wres
tling hold last night at the Salem
Armory getting himself disquali
tied for throwing the referee out
ot the ring.
Without the passive assistance
of the irate official, Harry Elliot
of Portland, Luther Lindsey would
have been sorely pressed to whip
the bruising bone buster, for in
the third and deciding fall Lind
sey was knocked or tossed through
the ropes four times, .followed by
the referee, who had been berat
ing Kameroff lor his foul tactics.
Within three minutes after the
fall started, Lindsey's good left
arm was raised high in victory
hit right arm was injured in i
tumble from the ring.
The first fall went to the Negro
frappler in 20 grueling minutes
Basketball Scores
Milwaukie U5, Salem 49
Salem JV 80, Milwaukie JVl 17
Mnlalla 17, Dnllai 3
Kstnr-adu 86, Silverton 46
Wooriburn 54, Cnnbv 44
Sandy SB, Mt. Angel 44
North Marlon 50. Daylnn 49
Galea 62, Sublimity 52
Mill Clly 14, Detroit S9
Jeffertun S3, Chemawa 4R
Gervala 6.1, Deaf St-honl 42
St. Paul 65, Silo 45
Corvallis M. Albany 47
Tmaid 61, Bank! 34
Cast-ado LorkH 61, Mnsler 49
Beaverton 45, llillsboro 29
St. Helena 75, Warrenton 43
Varnonla 72, Seaside 65
Wy-East 72. The Dallea 62
Columbia Prep 47. Hood Hlver 40
I-ebnnon 62, Newport ,16
.Sweet Home 4(1, Toledo 38
Clatskanie 60. Seappooae 65
F.imene Hti, Slrlm:f leld 70
.Slllftlaw 54, Waldport 25 '
Knappa 65, Jewell 35
Lake Oswego 56. Patkroae 48
Monroe 51. Philomath 45
Oakrlclae 68, St. Fi anils l Eugene)
Willamette (Eugene) 71, Pleasant
Hill SH
Jimi-tlon Clly 60, K.lmlra 47
HoKue Hiver 64. Jacksonville 33
Itetmlston 67, Pendleton 57
Maimin 50. St. Marya (The Dalles)
4R (overtime!
Forest Grovt 46, Sherwood 40
(Portland League)
Rnoievi It 60. Lincoln 53
KiMM.n 63. r'raiiklln 64
JeKeiMtn 64, Clevi land 60
Grant VII, Washington 63
(01 l.EC.B
Wash. State 56, Idalio 44
S(X'E 7.1, EOCE 61
Whllwoith 62. East. Wash. 51
T);ivton 67, Toledo 63
Okla. Cltv 56. okla. Baptist 43
SMU 90. Tevas 6:1
naylor 76, Hue 73 (overtime)
Kio Grande 121. Ashland 61
George Washington 70. Maryland 57
Duke B!. South Carolina 55
Washington tSt. Louis) 65, Drake
Furman 117, Woftorrt 73
Arlrona 76, ll.irdln Simmons 72
Idaho State 74. Horky Mountain 53
Santa Clara, 69. Coll. P.ii-Kii- 54
Wolves' Leaders r
Tic are
v3J"e ylV' j
L . m. -....-JA." " -ski Lis
College Woken ulin Hill he playing their final homr game to
night at Monmouth again! Portland Slatr. Kranti Is tram
captain and Irading aeorrr and McKrntic is a inphomnr
sharpshooter. t
February 24, 1954 Page 14
Gambce rolled in 30 points for the
winners a district scoring record
for the season.
Eugene, 'No. J, eliminated
Springfield from the district fl race
with an 88-70 victory. In other dis
trict t action, Oakridgc beat St.
Francis of Eugene 68-48; Willam
ette of Eugene downed Pleasant
Hill 71-58; and Junction City de
feated Elmira 60-47.
In other district 7 games, New
port lost to Lebanon 62-38, Sweet
Home beat Toledo 40-38 and Sius-
law whipped Waldport 54-24.
Elsewhere in the Portland
league, Benson increased its
chances for a tournament berth by
defeating Franklin 63-54. It was
Jefferson over Cleveland 64-60 and
Grant over Washington 76-65.
Other scores: Tigard 61, Banks
34; North Marion 50, Dayton 45;
St. Helens 75, Warrenton 45; Ver-
nonia 72, Seaside 65; Wy-East 72,
The Dalles 62; Estacada 56, Silver
ton 46; Lake Oswego 56, Parkrose
48; Sandy 48, Mt. Angel 44; Mol
alla 57, Dallas 39.
with a full nelson. It came after
Kameroff kicked, slammed and
slugged Lindsey and rammed him
repeatedly off the ropes with his
shoulder. Lindsey retaliated with
some slugging which floored the
heavy Kameroff.
Nlcollni Injured
The second fall found Ivan
wearing Lindsey I down, finally
taking him with a hangman hold
following a bear hug in eight min
utes, Lindsey wasn't the only casual
ty. Gino Nicolini, rapidly acquir
ing popularity, injured his neck
in losing to Eric "The Magnifi
cent" Pederson. Pedcrson put a
full nelson on Nicolini and bounc
ed the back of Nicolini's head off
the ring ropes and Gino couldn't
return for the third fall.
Nicolini used his abdominal
stretch for the first fall and Eric
won the second.
Pepper Gomel put on quite a
show in disposing of George
Drake in one fall, using a drop
kick and body press.
Chester Wallick beat Jack Rush
in the opener.
Huskies Finish
Season Beating
Dayton, 50 to 45
iPlnal Standings)
K L Pet VT 1,
N Mrlon 11 3 .157 Yamhill 7 1
Wlllaimia i .64 Usylon 6 I
Shrrwoou 6 6 .511 Amity 6 I
Banks 7 1 .500 Sherltln 1 11
Keulls Tuesday:
Dayton 45 (makeup
Marion victory over Dayton here
last night, 50-45, officially closed
the Yawama league season with
the Huskies taking the title. It
was s makeup game, the only
one scheduled.
Larry Cole hit 20 points for
North Marion, which led 189, 32-
20 and '.WM at the rest stops.
North Marion also won the junior
varsity prelim, 3834, to open the
night which was dedicated to
launching a drive to finance lights
fur the football field. Bonds
worth $1000 were sold at half
time. llavlon (43)
(30) North Marlon
Ftimei-um (14) . '
(41 Mcl.arien
(131 Driver
Tompkins (Ml F
Williams 1 1(1)
Hell (9
Walter (21 .
C ...... (8) Calloway
O (201 Cole
C. 14) Ensign
Heserves seorln
g: Dayton Kills
(II. North Marlon Herkev tl). Offi
cials: DlLorelto and Over.
Davton 20 30 43
North Marion . . . 18 32 36 30
, '-is.
l'y. f
I'rantt (left) anil Don Mc Ken-
two forward, tor the (treiion
15 ' R
Shaky Start
Costs Last
Hoop Game
Top ranked Milwaukie led
from almost the very start to
down the Salem high Vikings 65
49 at Miiwaukie last night and
give the Mustangs their 20th win
against one loss. The height of
the Mustangs gave them the con
trol of the backboards and the
Center Red Blocdel sparked
the winning Mustangs as he
scored 21 points and had almost
complete eontrol of rebounds.
Bloedcl scored 14 points in the
first half to lead the Milwaukie
team far out in front. Larry
Larsen had lV.points for the Mus
tangs. Larsen's free throw gave the
home team an early 1-0 lead but
Bob Wulf put the Vikings in the
lead with a field goal Larsen'j
free shots gave the Mustangs the
lead but Jim Knapp's free throw
tied the score ft 3-3.
2211 in First Period
Bill Fredericks put the winners
out in front for good with a field
goal with slightly more than two
minutes gone and they led the
rest of the way. Shortly after the
Vikings got within one point only
to have the ililwaukie five break
out into a 2? 11 first quarter lead.
Larse:. led the Mustangs in the
initial quaeter with ten points
while Blocdel had six. Milwaukie
had the edge in the second quar
ter as they hit for 20 points to
15 for the visitors. Jim Knapp's
seven point- kept Salem from
falling completely out. Bloedel
had eight as the halftime icore
favored Milwaukie 42-26.
The Mustangs slowed up in the
final two quarters but the Vi
kings could do - more than play
on even termj with them. .Each
team made three field goals and
five free shots for 11 points as
Milwaukie held a 53-37 third
quarter lead over Harold Hauk's
The last period was also played
on even terms as each team tal
lied 12 points; Once again Bloc
del was the leader in the Mil
waukie attack with six points.
Knapp Scores 17
Knapp was high point man for
the Salem squad with seven field
goals and three free throws for
17 points. Bob Wulf, junior cen
ter, was next with nine. Salem
made 15 field goals for a .231
average. The winners made 18
free shots but had 29 free throws
to 19 for the Vikings.
It waa the ninth lost against
13 wins for the Vikings and th
second time this year they have
lost the Milwaukie. The Mustangs
are ranked first in the state and
are expected to be the state tour
nament favorites.
Salem Jayvees Romp
Lee Gustafson's Salem high
junior varsity scored an easy 86
57 win over the Milwaukie JV's
in the preliminary. Salem hit at
a .444 clip i nd at one time in the
late part of the third quarter
had a .750 second half shooting
Bob Foreman led the winners
with 20 points. Bob Tom was
next with 14 while Don Zeh and
Dale Jones each had 13 points.
Salem held an 18-12 first quar
ter lead and was ahead 41-27 at
halftime. They led 67-40 with one
quarter left in the game.
This was the final game for
Salem's JV's as they end the sea
son with 16 wins and three losses.
The Salem varsity now enters
the district meet at Salem which
starts Friday.
(!) Milwaukie
fg fl pf tp
SUirgls.f 2 0 2 4
Frdrks.I 3 2 18
Hlodel.c 111 4 21 4 9 2 17
Miller.g 12 14
Shlmer.f 0 3 13
Cornlls.t 10 0 2
Barr.f 0 111
fg ft pf tp
Burkld.f 1
WuK.c 4
Knapp. g 7
Dmgla.g 1
Paulus.l 0
Friksn.f 0
Whllnc.c 0
Triplet, g 1
I'awly.g 0
Sprlngr.f O
3 5
4 9
2 17
4 1
0 2
0 0
5 0
4 4
0 0
1 3
M. Dnd.c 0 0 0 0
Davis.g 0 0 0 0
H.vers.c 2 115
Totals 15 19 21 49
Salem 11
Milwaukie .... 22
Totals IS 29 17115
IS 11 12 49
2(1 11 12 M
Vrr throws missed: &alrmPlckrni
3, Wulf I, Whitmlre 1, Knapp 3. rimo
slla 1 and Sprliisfr 3: Milwaukie
murals 3. Hhlmer 1. Fredericks 3. Barr
1, niorilil 3. Byara 3 and Mlllrr 1.
Offn-i.ils: Hal per and Tain.
(37) Mllwmiklr
. P , (? llalliT
F (Mt Po)
. C (Ill Stmr
. O .... (lfi Warilien
O ( 12 (Irtisftibi'hr
rail t a ft
Rhine (41 . -T.ockfTituir
seorln : Salpm V.rh
Jones Tom 14, Liibv
Mthviiukif -Whlti
1. Krhneilile 2, Kv-
srr 4. Nrlsnn I.
ami tMcfr.
Ofllt'llils: Hudolph
District 6 Mat
iTourney to Be
Here Thursday
i District 6 wrestling tournament
jwill get underway at Salem high
! school gymnasium at 3 45 p.m.
i Thursday with at least three
teams participating.
Vernon llilmore, tournament
director, said that Salem, Dallas
mid Corvallis arc sure entries
and perhaps Jefferson and Cas
cade will enter some. Two win
ners from each division will be
eligible for the state at Oregon
State college.
First round matches will follow
the weigh-ins, which take place
from noon to 1 p.m. Finals will
be run olf starting at 7:30.
Salem, etiached by Hank Jur.m
and Al Gray, is defending cham
pion. Last week the Vikings were
runnerup in the Big Six tourney
to Albany.
mmmmmm iiikuinnin .na. y.n fltiii,aiusssvi).siii n n i mni in autnwajg8s'M'
Scramble Tangle
style action with Salem last night at Milwaukie. Phil Burkland
of Salem is in the middle and at right is Bloedel of Milwaukie.
2 Changes in
Standings; to
Two changes in standings were
recorded in the Marion County
B league last night as two of the
10- teams closed their regular
St Paul gained exclusive fourth
over Scio, while Gates moved
from seventh to sixth over
Chemawa. Mill City and Chemawa
finished their season with the
Timberwolves beating Detroit,
74-59. Mill City was declared
champion last week.
Final games Friday will find
Gervais at Sublimity, Jefferson
at Detroit, Scio at Oregon Deaf
School and St. Paul at Gates.
Romey Hits 40
As Gates Wins
Romey night as the talented
Gates center got hut for 40
points in beating Sublimity, 62-
52, in a Marion County B league
game here last night It moved
Gates into sixth place.
Romey scored 17 field goals in
about 21 attempts and hit six of
six free throws for his total. In
the third quarter he notched 18 of
Gates' 20 points, the period in
which the victors compiled their
winning margin, 20-5,
Ron Bcntz also had a good
night for Sublimity, netting 25
points, of which 10 were in the
fourth quarter.
Gate 2) (52) SubUmltT
Haun (11) T (25) lientz
Eveni (2) F (3) Sullivan
Romey (40) C (5) Parrlsh
Devlne (01 G (21 Bell
D. Vale (0) G (5) Welter
Reserves scoring: Gates A Vale 8,
Heron 1; Sublimity Doerfler 2. Lewis
klnt7. 1. Officials: Bates and
Gates 9 26 48 62
Sublimity 7 22 27
Gervais Drubs
OSD by 83-42
GERVAIS The Cougars of Ger
vais earned a tie for second place
in the Marion County B league
here Tuesday night by beating the
Oregon School for the Deaf, 83-42.
The first three quarters were
big ones for Gfirvais, which scor
ed 23. 23 and 26, led mainly by
Gib Thompson's 28 points. Dave
Maynard hit 18 for OSD.
The jayvee game went to Ger
vais, 57-42.
Ileaf School (42) (31) Gervais
McCann (71 r 1121 N Krimmc-r
Thompson (31 F (13) ReilinK
Maynard (191 C :9 Schlecter
la-win (10) :...G (23) Thompson
Heath 12) G (i Kspe
Reserves scoring: ODS Whittle 2;
Cervals Uacey 2. Williams 3. R. Kep
plnner 7, Officials: Beard and Kelly.
ODS 7 13 24 42
Gervala 23 46 72 J
St. Paul Spills
Scio. 65 to 45
ST. PAUL A battle of the
two teams tied for fourth in the
Marion County B Icacue found
St. Paul edging Scio, 65-45, here
Tuesday night.
St. Paul went ahead in the
second quarter to hold a 25-21
half time lead. George Smith
hit 23 and Sam Smith 22 for St.
Paul, while Larry Badger made
14 for Scio. The prelim went to
Scio, 5537.
Srlc. (l,M
U.un 1 10 1
H;idi;iT 1 141 ....
Slew art 1 2) ....
Slnver tSl
fUM SI. Paul
. F . 1W1 i;. Smilh
K . . 22 S Smilh
.0 5i Kirsch ill Mrrlen
G ... 101 R.imbeau
O Heillv ll .
Heserves st-orlna- SiMo J.mi 1.
Wi.-ti.-i-r 1: St. raul-Wol! 3. rnlh s. NtlMin mill Mull
Si-in 12 21 M 4S
St. Paul 12 25 4 63
Jefferson Tops
Chemawa 53-48
I .IKFKKIiSCX The strong fin
; ishing Jefferson Lions holds
half share "f second place today
I in the Marion County. B league
after defeating Chemawa, 53-48,
A Milwaukie player falls on the ball
near the goal line in this football-
Marion B
End Friday
w L Pet. W L Pet,
Mill City 1 2 .11112 Oates 7 10 .412
Oervals 14 4 .7S Chemwa. 1 11 J8
Jefferson 13 4 .765 Sllblmty 4 13 .335
St. Paul 11 S -84VOSD 3 14 .179
Scio 10 7 .588 Detroit 2 15 .135
Results Tuesday: Mill city 74, Detroit
59; Gervais 84. OSD 42: Jefferson 53.
Ohemawa 48: St. Paul 5, Scio 45; Oates
82. Sublimity 52.
last night. Jefferson has won its
last 10 league games, one by
overtime and three others by two
Jeff held quartertime leads of
16-14, 32-51 and 43-32. Chief Lion
scorer vas John Writhe, 12,
while Callineau had 12 for Che
mawa. The prelim was won by
Chemawa, 4948.
Chemawa (48) (33) Jefferson
Umtuch IB) F. (9) Marlatt
Tellter IJ P (8) Hawkins
Callineau (12) C (13) Wright
Morln (8) G (10) Meyers
Swltzer (1) G (5) Cotman
Reserves souring: Chemawa Roan
Horse 4, LaPlante 1, Goidtooth 4,
Paddock 4: Jefferson Neal 4. uaul
ton 6. Officials: Kolb and Hendrie.
Chemawa - 14 21 32 48
Jefferson 16 32 43 53
Mill City Ends
Season on Win
MILL CITY-MiU City finished
its Marion County B league sea
son here Tuesday night, the cham
pions beating Detroit, 74-59. Mill
City now has only one non-league
game with Monroe to play Friday.
Elton Gregory hit It and Jack
Melting 17 for the Timberwolves,
who have a 17-3 record over the
season, losing only to - Stayton,
Jefferson and Gervais. Quarter
lime scores were 20-13, 34-24 and
53-39. For Detroit, Gerald Vick
ers had 15. The prelim went to
Mill City, 67-40.
Detroit (59) (74) Mill Cltv
Lady 4 14 . F (16) Gregory
Hopson (4) r (14) Ward
Rice (5) C (5) Carev
Taylor (131 G (171 Melting
Virkers (15) G 113) Crook
Reserves scoring : Detroit Snyder
Ketchum fi: Mill City Ross 2.
Thomas 7.
Officials: Wickort and
Detroit ....
Mill City
Dispute Heard
LOS ANGELES Iffl Controver
sy over the welterweight fight be
tween Chuck Davey and Art Ara-
gon ws to get an official airing
Wednesday at a hearing before
members of the State Athletic
Aragon, of Los Angeles, was
awarded a split decision over the
27-year-old ex-Michigan State box
er last Thursday night, and the
announcement touched off an up
roar that has subsided but little
ever since.
one time "wonder pup" of the
major field trial circuit, aging
Warhoop Jake, won a pressure
packed second series Tuesday to
capture his first national bird dog
Special Introductory
i size i Plus Tax size 13 Plus Tax
t Wl Selof 4.$55.00PluiTx Set of 4 . $62.50 Plui Tax fwl
(SjPStat Tire Servke
Salem Vikings; 6
Senators Buy
Salt Lake City
Bee Outfielder
General Manager Hugh Luby
of the Salem Senators today an
nounced purchase of an out
fielder, Chester Ashman, from
Salt Lake City Bees of the Class
C Pioneer league.
Ashman, a 6-1, 200-pound, 24-year-old
lefthanded hitter, is
from Maryland, Wash., and was
bought on the recommendation
of Eddie Leischman, president of
the Bees, Luhy said.
The outfielder played for Kla
math Falls in the Far West
league in 1950, hitting .365 in
102 games, driving in 141 runs
and hitting 27 home runs while
fielding .945.
Ashman served two years, in
the Army, then came out to play
with Salt Lake City and batted
.270, finishing the season strong.
Luby also said that contracts
have been mailed to nine other
Salem Senator players on the
reserve list, also informing them
spring training will open April
1 for pitchers and catchers at I
Waters field in Salem and April
5 for the others.
Contracts went to Pitchers
Larry Borjt, Jim Peterson, Bob
Collins, Jack Hemphjll and Dave
Dahle ;Catcher Bob Nelson, In
fielder Dick Sabatini and Out
fielders Connie Perez and Les
For dinner, TV viewing or entertaining smart
housewives have Heidelberg handyl Beer,
rhe moderate beverage, is always a pleasant
addition to any eccaiion and Heidelberg
if an especially pleasing beer I
New General Dual
MrivU tQAQC I A7ftv1C Hill
710 State St.
Selvy 'Coasts' to Score
58; 5 NCAA Spots Set
NEW YORK VPi Page 24 of
i ! the NCAA Basketball Guide is go
ing to make mighty monotonous
reading next year that fellow
Frank Selvy will have his name
ViAeiHiiKT Auoru rnliimil
' He didn't shoot for the first five
minutes against Wofford Tuesday
night, but still wound up with 58
i points as Furman rolled up a 117
i 73 victory. For a change, he didn't
break somebody else's records in
the process, merely increasing his
own marks for single season and
career field goals, total points and
scoring average.
He also owns the career rec
ord for free throws and needs on
ly six more against Davidson Fri
day night to top the single sea
son free throw record of 332 set
by Seattle's Johnny O'Brien last
year. He converted 16 of 20
against Wofford.
Selvy's protechnics featured a
light night on the college basket
ball front, with -most of the ex
citement coming from the selec
tion of Notre Dame, Santa Clara,
Navy and Fordham for "at large"
berths in tho National Collegiate
Basketball Championships. All four
also were picked for the tourney
last year.
Notre Dame,, ranked sixth in the
country in the latest Associated
Press poll, will play another "at
large" team in a double header
at Fort Wayne, lnd., March 9.
Toledo, Mid America Conference
champion, will meet another "at
large" team in the other game.
Fordham and Navy will play in
a doubleheadcr involving LaSalle,
representing the Middle Atlantic
Conference, and the New England
Conference representative, prob
ably Holy Cross. j
George Washington, No. 8, was
the only top ten team in action
Tuesday night. The Colonials
avenged their only loss in 20
games by beating Maryland 50
57. Duke clinched first place in the
Atlantic Coast Conference by roll
ing over 'South Carolina 89-55.
Federal ,nd State
Income Tax Returns
Leon A. Fiscus
1509 N. 4th Ph. 3-5285
Across From Elks Club
1 sc. i
The Southwest Conference race
continued in a tangle as both lead
ers, Rice and Texas, lost and re
mained tied at 7-3. Rice bowed to
Baylor 76-73 in overtime and Tex
as was overwhelmed by Southern
Methodist 90-63.
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You simply s tht dial tnd yon
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