Wednesday, February 24. 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Page 13 Tele -Views a Radio-Television On Television KPTV (27) UHF KOIN-TV (65 VHF WEDNESDAY ON KPTV: Welcome Traveler!, 4 Tommy Bartlett introduces sojourners in Chicago. - Name's the Same,6 Robert Q Lewis, emcee. Marvin Miller, Storyteller, 6:30 Miller holds his viewers by sheer yarn-spinning skill. First telecast. -Life Is Worth Living, 7 Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, discoursing on education and educators. Coke Time, 7:30 Sandy Stewart, 16, making second appearance with Eddie Fisher. Her song: "You Made Me Love You." His: "A Smile Will Go a Long, Long Way. Setting: College Library. I Married Joan, 8 "Aniversary Memo" abbreviated by husband Brad to "Ann" snarls the Stevens menage in the usual delightful manor. . , My Little Margie, 8:30 "Margie Babysits" and introduces the game of cops and robbers with the customer's 12-ycar-old. Not so good . . . Kraft Theater, 9 "The Barn," story of a man expecting tran quillity of life, to find tragedy instead; and, by loss of faith to cause more tragedy. Stars Fclica Montealegre, Edward Binns. This Is Your Life Ralph Edwards officiating at dramatizing of someone's life. Death Valley Days, 10:30 "Little Washington," starring Sally Mansfield, Jim Davis, in tale of socialite transplanted to rough Nevada in 1878. Nile Owl Theater, 11:01 "Angel With a Trumpet," starring Ei leen Hurley. . . WEDNESDAY ON KOIN-TV: 3:30 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Madonna of the Desert," starring Donald Barry and Lynne Roberts. 5:30 p.m.. Kit Carson Kit Carson is summoned to track down a gang of bandits whose payroll robberies are threatening to bankrupt California's infant industries. Bill Williams is starred as Carson and Don Diamond as his pal, El Toro, in the half-hour Western thriller titled "Renegade Wires." 6:45 p.m., This Is Your Music The McNeil Choir visits "This Is Your Music" and sings the spirituals of America: "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen," "Joshua Fits the Battle of Jericho," "Deep River." Helen Parristi, Dick Stewart and John Laing welcome Al McNeil and his choir to the program on behalf of the rest of the east of "This Is Your Music." 7 p.m., Blue Ribbon Bout The most important welterweight match since Kid Gavilan announced his middleweight title ambitions will be telecast to a soast-to-coast audience from the Philadelphia Arena. Two of the leading contenders for welterweight honors, Johnny Bratton of Chicago, and Johnny Saxton of New York, meet in this ten-round bout. 10 o.m.. Wrestling from Hollywood Dave Levin tangles with Ted Christy in the Preliminary Event of "Wrestling from Holly wood, me special tvent leaiures musciemen adc x.onKin aim Dennis Clary. In the Main Event, a colorful match is brought to avid fans when the Great Bolo and Lord Carlton match mighty muscle. 11 p.m., Showtime on Six "Treasure of Monte Cristo" starring Adele Jergcns, Glen Longon, and Steve Brodie. THURSDAY ON KPTV: Friend of the Family. 11:30 Mike Davenport, installed comfort ably in a Meier and Frank corner display window, entertaining Doris and Bob Kyber, director of the Symphonic Choir, now jro- dcingu the opera "Cosi Fan Tutti," before TV cameras, engineers, nrnducers. Matinee Theater, 1 "Spy Patrol," starring John Trent, Marjorie Reynolds. ..Kate Smith Show, 8 The redoubtable Kate, with Ted Collins, guests. Toymaker, 4:30 Local live children's program, imaginative edu- atinnal Hunting and Fishing News, 6:30 Rudy Lackenmeler'i guest dis cussing silent outboard motor. Dinah Shore Show, 7:30 Music by Dinah from Hollywood. You Bet Your Life, 8 Groucho Marx, emcee, with guests. Waterfront, 8:30 Home life and adventures of a tug boat cap tain's family. Dragnet, 9 Starring Jack Webb as Sgt. Friday in dramatization of Los Angeles police cases. Ford Theater, 9:30 "Marriageable Male," starring Ida Lupino, Lack Lcmmon, Philip Terry. Arthur Murray Dance Party, 10:30 Local live parly from KPTV. Nile Owl Theater, 11:01 "An American Empire," starring Rich ard Dix, Preston Foster. THURSDAY ON KOIN-TV 3:15 p.m.. Armchair Theatre "Laughing at Danger" starring Frankie Darro and Mantan Morcland. . 8 p.m., Meet Mr. McNiilley Memories of his gay and carefree youth are revived for Professor McNutlcy on "Meet Mr. McNut lcv", starring Ray Milland. Ray recalls his made days in an Eng lish Austin flying around Cape Cod in pursuit of a glamorous actress, when twenty years later a Broadway star comes to Lynnhaven for a road performance of her latest play. 8:30 p.m.. Four Star Playhouse Frank Lovejoy and Audrey Tot ter appear in "Meet McGraw". Lovejoy is cast as a private detective hired by a gangster's wife, played by Miss Totter, to protect her from her husband. 9:30 p.m.. Big Town Newspaperman Steve Wilson and co-worker Lorelei Kilbournc get an exclusive story for the Illustrated Press when they trace back a $50. bill that has floated out of a board ing house window. 10 p.m., Philip Morris A detective lieutenant .investigating the death of a police captain pursues a circuitous trail of evidence to a startling solution in a "Walk in the Night." . 11 p.m., Showtime on Six "Fugitive Road", starring Eric von Stroheim, Wera Englcs and Leslie Fenton. WEDNESDAY 10:M a.m. KPTV diu Done SckMi 10:90 a.m. KPTV Wnal's CooklniT 10:s a.m. KPTV Whet'e Cooktnir KOIN Bilihur Day 11:00 a.m. KPTV Hawklna Falls KOIN Koln Kitchen 11:11 a.m. KPTV 3 Steps to Heaea KOIN KOIN Kitchen 11:10 a.m. Kl'lV mend 01 drnltr KOIN spotllta Revue H IS a.m. KPTV rrlend ot Family KOIN Editor'! Deal 1J:00 noon KP'l V arlde and Uroom KOIN Bla Payoff, IMS p.m. KPTV TBA KOIN nii Parol! 1J 30 P.m. KP1V-TBA KOIN Bob Crut 1:00 P.m. KPTV Matlnre KOIN Love ol Lite 1:16 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Search Tomorrow 1.30 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Ouldlni LKht 1:45 p.m. KFrv Matlnre KOIN Valiant Lady 1:00 P.m. KPTV Matinee KOTN Double or Mothlnr 3:30 p.m. KPTV On Your Arrount KOIN-Stnre It Rich 3:00 p.m. KPTV Kate Smllh KOIN Onrry Moort 3:30 njn. KPTV Kale Smith KOIN Armcliair Theater 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome rrav.lrr KOIN Armchair Theater 4:30 p.m. KPTV The Toymaker KOIN Mr. Moon 4:40 p.m. KPrV The Toymaker KOIN Cartoon Time 0:00 p.m. KPTV--Howdy Doody . KOIN Saddle Pall :30 p.m. KPTV Bar 37 Corral KOIN Kit- Carson 0:00 p.m. KPTV Namra the film. KOIN Mr. weatherman . 0:15 p.m. KPTV Name the Same KOIN Photo Quia 0:30 p.m. KPTV Piano and Porter KOIN Doug Edwards 0:45 p.m. KPTV World on View KOIN Th la Is Your Musle 1:00 p.m. KPTV Bishop Sheen KOIN Plsht 1:30 p.m. KPTV Coke Time , KOIN FlKtlt 7:40 p.m. KPTV News Caravan KOIN Star Time 0:00 p.m. KPTV 1 Married Joan KOIN Arthur Oodlrry 1:30 p.m. KPTV My Little Martlt KOIN Arthur C-odlrry 1:00 p.m. KPTV Kraft Theater KOIN Slrlke It Rich :30 p.m. KPTV Kralt Theater KOIN I've oot a Secret 10:00 p.m. KPTV This Is Your Ll( KOIN Hollywood wrestuni 10:30 y.m. KPTV Death Valley Days KOIN Wrestling 11:10 p.m. KPTV Nlta Owl Theater THURSDAY 10:00 a.m. KPTV Dim Dong Bell 10:30 a.m. KPTV What's cooklnr 10:45 a.m. KPTV What's Cooking? KOIN Brighter Day 11:00 a.m. KPTV Hawkins Pall KOIN Koln Kitchen 11:15 a.m. KPTV 3 Steps to Heaven KOIN Koln Kitchen 11:10 a.m. KPTV Friend ol Family KOIN spotllta Revue 11:43 a.m. KPTV Friend of Family KOIN Editor's Desk 13:00 noon KPTV Bride and Qroom KOIN Elg Parol! 13:30 p.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Bob Crosby 1:00 p.m. KPTV Mutltiee KOIN Love ul Lite 1:15 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Search Tomorrow 1:30 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN ouldlni Light 1:45 p.m. KPTV Uatlnee KOIN Valiant Lady S:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Oarry Moora 1:15 p.m. KPTV-tHoIlywood Real KOIN Oarry Moora 1:30 p.m. KPTV On Your Account KOIN Strike It Rich 1:00 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Oarry Moora 3:15 p.m. KPTV Kata Smith KOIN Armchair show 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Traveltn K.OIN Armchair anow 4:30 p.m. KPTV Toymaker KOTN Mr. Moon 4:46 p.m. KPTV Toymaker KOIN Cartoon Tlma 1:00 PA. KPTV Howdy Doodr KOIN saddle Pi Is 1:30 p.m. KPTV Bar 37 Corral KOIN Snare Ranger :0O p m. KPTV Talent Patrol KOIN Mr. Weatherman 0:15 p.m. KPTV Talent Patrol KOIN Musical Moments 4:30 p.m. KPTV Huntlne and Flshlni KOIN Doug Edwards Newi 0:45 p.m. KPTV World on View KOIN Snorts Srholar 1:00 p m. KPTV sports Thirty KOIN Curo Kid 1:30 p.m. KPTV Dinah Shcre KOIN Place the Faca 1:45 p.m. KFTV News, Sports KOIN Place tht Para 1:00 p.m. KPTV Groucho Marx KOIN Meet Mr. McNulty 1-30 p.m. KPTV Chevron Theater KOIN Pour Star Flayboust 0:00 p.m. KPTV Dragnet KOIN Video Playhouaa 0:30 p.m. KPTV Ford Theater KOIN Big Town 10:00 p.m. KPTV Martin Kane KOIN The Playhouse 10:30 p.m. KPTV Arthur Murray KOIN Mr. and Mrs. North 11:00 p.m. KPTV Newa. Sporta KOIN Showtime in Six 11:03 p.m. KPTV Nlta Owl Theater ,1 Backstop Bids From 5 Firms The bids of five concerns for the installation of a number of basketball backstops in the new South Salem High School were taken under advisement by the building an dgrounds committee at the conclusion of an abbrev iated meeting of the school board late Tuesday. ' It is expected the contract will be awarded at a special meet ing called for Monday night, March 1. The E. P. Finnegan company of San Francisco submitted a low figure of $10,550 without taking into consideration two alternates of $380 and $210. The latter fig ure is for the installation of two all-glass backstops in the main gymnasium. Frank D. Cohan and associates of Portland agreed to install the equipment for $10,775.45. Other bidders were: Northern School Supply Co. of Portland, $12,285. 42; W. H. Cress company of Port- and, $14,005, and the Bryan w. Burtch company, $15,569. A representative of the rine- ga nconcern said nis company was one of the principal manufac turers and installers of backstop equipment in California, although the Salem job was one of their first large prospective contracts in Oregon. . Cohan pointed out that his company was an Oregon concern. Gill coliseum at Oregon State college, was one of the larger contracts his firm had secured, he added. , Both the Fineqan and Cohan companies agreed to hire local labor in the installation of the equipment, with the exception of a supervisor. Expected bidding in connection with the revamping of the stage at Leslie junior high school did not develop, a delay having been necessitated. the basis of the county-wide poul try meeting planned for March 2 at 8 p.m in the Rickreall Grange hall. Dr. J. E. Parker, head of the poultry department at Oregon State college, will be present to discuss poultry problems. Dr. E. M. Dickinson, poultry veterinarian, will also be pres ent to discuss disease problems. ' A group of local poultrymen has been requested by the coun ty poultry planning committee to act as a question and answer panel. They are Del Miller, R. Marquardt, Virgil M. ers and Jo nis Grabcr, all of Independence: Ed Cooper, Rickreall, and Earl Nickles, Salem. Mf. AngelCard Pqrfy To Aid Heart Fund MT. ANGEL To raise funds for the Oregon Heart Fund, a benefit card party will be given Friday evening, Feb. 26, in the auditorium of SL Mary's school, beginning at 8 o'clock. Bridge, "500", pinochle and canasta will be in play, and refreshments will be served in the school din ing hall. Prizes for cards and the lunch is being donated by friends in the community. The general public is invited. Thomas Bockelman, general chairman, is being assisted by Mrs. Thomas Bockelman, Mrs. Philip Pienett, Mrs. Mathilda Si mon, Mrs. J. J. Penner, Mrs. Al Lulay, Mrs. Joseph Wagner, Mrs. Edward Hoffer, Mrs. William J, Kloft, and Mrs. Leonard Fisher. Awards Given Young Scouts Numerous awards, including one of the Eagle variety, were distributed during a Boy Scout Court of Honor Monday night by Troop 6 and Pack 8 of St. Jos ephs Catholic Church. The pro gram, which was concluded with a no-host dinner, attracted ap proximately 20 Opersons, Dr. D. L. Callicrate was master of ceremonies, with the Eagle award going to James V. Hoff man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orris Hoffman, 530 East Ewald ave nue. Presentation was made by W. W. McKinney, president of Cascade area council. -Second class awards were pre sented by Committeeman Frank Hamilton to Michael Gallagher, James Mason. Michael Lowry, Victor LaRochc and - Kenneth Rupp. Committeeman Douglas Thomp son distributed merit badges to Kenneth McFarland, John Ham- street and Gerald Pavelek. ?" Chambers of Commerce Interna. Tenderfoot awards went to i tional Wednesday. John Poujade, James Mason, Joel and John Woods, Michael Fritz, Kenneth Rupp, John Schmitz, Jack Fox, Billy Burrcll, Andrew , Link, James Morris and Kenneth i Neuberger. i Frank Pavelek is scoutmaster of Troop 6, with Raymond Lowry j and John E. Woods as assistants. Pete Schlotthauer is cubmaster for Pack 6. ' 300 AT JR. CHAMBER HONG KONG lr More than 300 delegates from 14 Asian coun tries opened the fourth Asian re gional conference of the Junior ' CAR & TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 OIL FIRE UNDER CONTROL DAMASCUS, Syria Wl Fire raging 18 hours and destroying $175,000 worth of crude oil at Da nias, Syrian terminal of the pipe line from the Iraqi fields, was brought under control early Wednesday. Poultry Meeting at Rickreall, March 2 What should Polk county poul try operators plan for 1954 with present indications that too many ehicktns will be raised, will be Better See I Radio tt Television I tk MITCHELL'S 1 I 1M0 SUte St. I M Ph. S-7577 I - W Facts on high school drinking "Boy, H. found iotoxicittd." "School girl dies in drunken driving spree." For the complete story behind grim headlines like these, read ' First report on hiph school drinking," in the Marih issue of Belter Homes A." Gar dens. This authentic research re port digs ioto the problem of high school drinking and comes tap with facts both shocking and ciKowagiog. It's in March Better cardetM. uo four m. Got ft sdrl O O O O O n CENTER and LIBERTY Phone 2-2491 Be the FIRST to GIVE the NEW sensational CONTROLLED HEAT Seles t Service TV TROUBLES? Technlciani on Duty Till 9:30 p.m. Daily TELEVISION SERVICE 1410 S. 12th Ph. 45512 WANTED MANAGER-OWNER Profitable Parmanent lusinesi Reliable man or woman to take full responsibility operating local territory for highly profitable Popperelte Vendor (that pops fresh popcorn before your eyes). Our experienced field men establish all accounts, install equipment and train you in the operation. Initial program nets about $500.00 per month, based on experience in other territories, with opportunities to increase. Must be capable manager $1485.00 investment in equipment required. Only qualified applicants considered. We invite your strictest investigation and we reserve the same privilege. For complete interview .write giving phone number, age and address to Box 237, co Statesman Journal. Everything You Cook Will be More Delicious because "niTK. You Get the SV (Lj I j CORRECT 'fffiy A every time y V? JW-GUIDe'iiU Sfr HUTCONTROIDIM. WATIR-MAltD Ument fr y wajsVirng. Simply set the dial and you get CONTROLLED HEAT for eooking aod frying your favorite foods without guesswork. Shortening it always at )uc the. right temperarare, molting in Use grease absorption. Bacon, eggrpancalces, etc, are more (Wticiona because their natural, flavorful juices are aeaJed in. New (enure ahapa. Plug iaro any outlet use any place you wish. Ha baJccliee legs. - DOWNSTAIRS - .When an earthquake hit San Ffancisco in 1906, nearby land slipped sideways 21 feet. HARR RADIO And TELEVISION 2140 S. Commercial Open Evenings Til 9 RCA Victor TELEVISION Sales -Senice Installation RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES Open Friday Night Til 9 J5S Center Ph. 3-3139 r 4 mm YOUR O TELEVISION Co ah 'number below tor prompt, tcenomicot serwead HONl 3 919'.. The ADVENTURES OP KIT CARSON Tonight 5:30 P.M. KOIN-TV Channel 6 & Co. Sears Roebuck y4sry liml it limi for Cert-Cola, but v ew. 4 It's Do TV Prices Have You Worried? Trader Louie will solve your problem with ease so that you can own a beau tiful new . . Raytheon Practically Anything Taken in Trade TRADER LOUIE 18:0 Lana Ave. Phone J o55 CokeTinie STARRING Eddie Fisher ...'f; -11 5, - J ! i -I nil a---ejBnBw: 1 i Price the Car that Sets the Pace x Luxury at Low Cost f and his SPECIAL GUESTS 7:30 p.m. KPTV Ch. 27 "Cok." b e fls"oe1 treea-aaerk Yovr pride of ownership frU a big lift wficn you buy a Star Chief Pntiliar. Yon eommand a ear with tbe performance, aixr anrl luxury of the fineat. F.vmi more (wtiafyinfj-yoii enjoy ;rni. rne fine-car nwnoranip at a trrmotiflona saving. unmirpnaitrd repnlation for rear-in, rear-out rleprnrlnbility anrl economy awiircs thotiaanrls upon thousands of the. moat pleasant, rare-free miles von've ever known. No other eor with the Slur Chiefs 2U-iiwri aver-all lenath is priced so low. No ear has BOIJ.AR MR ja i Come In soon-look at it-drivn it-relax in it and prim it for Miiqiioationabln proof that dollar for dollar von can't beat a Pontiac. pownac PACK TNI WHIT CaM in optional equip, ment. loo, with Air Conditioning (aboveV, Klee tric U indow Lift Power Brakes, Power Steering, Dual-Range Hydra-Malic Drive and the Comfort Control N-at-al low additional rout more, distinguished interiors. none is more beautiful readily rreogni7.rd. And Vr f.i.VT BKA1 A Bjt there's more than beewty, )unry and nine to ihr. Star ChiW. Pontiae' nor more wm saw Pontiac KELLY OWENS PONTIAC CO. rwaH!.1 Solcm, Oregon 660 North Liberty