Pagt 12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Wednesday,- Februafy 24. 1954 Bloodbath Confirmed HONG KONG UH - U.S. esti mates that the Chinese Commu nist bloodbath has claimed IS mil lion victims since the Red triumph in 1049 tallies closely with figures gathered here. The IS million estimate was re ported to Congress Tuesday by Asst. Secretary of State Walter Robertson. Observers In this Brit ish coloy at China's doorstep said It was only sliiihtly higher than their own reckonings. Red China's first big slaughter was the "purge o( counter-revolutionaries," starting late in 1950. It bloodied the land (or 18 months. Often up to 1,000 dead in a sin gle day's announced executions, to say nothing of killings not an nounced. In one day in the spring of 1951, 200 were killed In Nan king, 300 in Shanghai and 180 in Hangchow. Nanking had many "200" days,. so did Mvatow, Tientsin and Chungking, but the real mass kill bigs were In the countryside. Missionaries and Chinese refu gees have said as high as three per cent of whole villages died in the slaughter. ENTER TALENT CONTEST 1 It- " ' J The American Heart Associa tion estimates that the United States has about 750,000 deaths annually from heart trouble. East Salem EAST SALEM The 34th birth day of Charles Malison was ob served Saturday night with a no-host dinner for members of his family at the borne of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fromm, on Silver ton Rd. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mattson ,Mr. Margar et Rehfuss, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mattson, Mr. and Mrs. Fete Matt son, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Pet terson, Mr. and Mrs, James C. Mattson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reh- feld, Chen-ill and Judy; Miss Syliva Mattson, Miss Frances Mattson, Mr. and Mrs. Fromm and Gordon Fromm, all of Sa lem; from Monmouth, Mr. and Mrs. Mat C. Mattson and Mr. Melvin Elkins and sons, Jimmie and Calvin; from Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Judson and sons, Lee and Cary, and the Judsons' house guests, Mrs. Earl Waters and Joanne from Myrtle Creek, and the honored guest. Mrs. William Mootry observed the 10th birthday of her daugh ter, Margaret, Saturday with a special party for school friends. Her guests were Linda Hagan, Barbara Carter, Sandra Alt, Mary Lou Surgeon, Marie Scott, Sandra Everhart, Cynthia Kauf man, Richael Thompson and Sharon Miller. . Mrs. Harold Holler was hostess for last weeks meeting of, the Mcrry-Gd-Round club at her Sun ny-view Ave. home. Attending were Mrs. Keith La Due, Mrs. J. P Roblnette, Mrs. Edward Cur tis, Miss Beverly Rankin, Mrs. Melvin La Due, Mrs. Clayton Gihb, Mrs. Paul Barham, a guest Mrs. Wilbur Friesen and son Gregory, and the hostess. A short business meeting was held with a social evening of games follow ing. The prize was given to Mrs. Curtis. Mrs. Keith La Due was co hostess for the refreshments. Member of the Garden Road Neighborhood club were .enter tained with a luncheon and social afternoon Friday in the new home of Mrs. Earl Wood on N. 23th St. Attending were Mrs. A. R. Tartar, Mrs. Ralph Werner, Mrs. Jess Hatch, Mm. A. C. Schaffer, Mrs. Richard T. Wlck lander, Mrs. Harry Jennings. Mrs. Mary Swingle, Mrs. Paul Lynch, Mrs. William Harllry and (he hostess. Mrs. Swingle was given the prize. Mrs. Wlrklanrirr was crvhrwtrss. The May birth day party was planned. i Joan Wickstrom, Salem (left) and Mary Jane Wait, Rick reail, two of the young people entered in the Talent Contest being sponsored here by the Marine Corps League the night of March 3. Miss Wickstrom, a soprano, has been studying voice for about five years. Miss Wait, now 15 years of age, has been twirling a baton since eight years of age and studied twirling in Long Beach, Calif., under Ted Otis. To date the League has accepted about 12 young people for entry in the contest after first auditioning them. Applications to enter the contest may be made through March 1. . Freak Weather In Europe LONDON W Europe's freak ish winter brought new extremes Wednesday. While England basked in sunshine, a blizzard hit Turkey and great ice floes clogged north ern European harbors. Temperatures in southern Eng land rose to the mid-50s. Compact ice masses Isolated Oslo, Norway's busiest harbor, The ice layer in the Oslo fjord was almost seven feet thick. About 20 ships lay icebound ' between Oslo and Faerder lighthouse in the mouth of the fjord. From Istanbul, Turkey, came re ports of the heaviest snowstorms of the winter. All incoming and outgoing planes were grounded. Is this polio's last year? Will this ttll) be tlit lot year you hie to urry abuul lite terrible threat of polm? Pulio fichters believe it will be if the public tuopcrales. 'I'd find out hat you un do to lulp end the poho i and how meJ itil rejeariliers ire planninn to in I lie hullle, reJ "No more polio iflcr '54!-" in Mirth Hrtter Hornet ft Gardens. On your newsstand. Get opy to day. 2M pjijie " help you bet ter your way of living. Helps You Overcome FALSE TEETH Loostness and Worry No Trnffr b nno (! rtr fl tllt . h.n'i' of Iimvi. wnhhl Mm W'h I' Impmnvi nlkit linr Mmn- lUt pnwtlrr, ftpnnkiftt on ffiir piMt hoir! thm firmer o t hr rfi rtrnr romlorTiihif . A told r mbr Pwmn rmuM hjr Ioom plutf.v ftt 7 ASTKETH lotUy fct nj drug tounUr. Poling Seeks Job as Linn Commissioner ALBANY Harold Poling, for mer Albany cily engineer, an nounced Monday that he would file on Tuesday his candidacy for nomination to the office of Linn county commissioner, thus assuring that that office will be contested in the general elec tion. Poling thus becomes the first Linn county Democrat to an nounce publicly his aspiration to a county oltlce. ' " Wayne Downing. Lebanon. In cumbent commissioner, had pre viously inert nis candidacy in the May primary for commission er. Poling is an Albanv native. a veteran of World War I and was graduated from Oregon State college In the school of engineering. Pope Has Fairly Restful Night VATICAN CITY m Pope Pius XII spent "a fairly restful night," Vatican sources said Wednesday. Rounding out a month of illness, he remained under con stant care. The 77-year-old spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic church has been confined to his Vatican apart ment since Jan. 25, when he was stricken by severe gastritis that steadily weakened him. A round-the-clock watch established when he fell ill has never been lifted. Britain Buys 32,000 Cases Red Salmon SEATTLF. un Th nrlti.Vi ernment is buvtntr mmn .19 nnn mm of Alaska red salmon from six I'aeilic Northwest canneries. A Seattle broker's firm, report ing the DtirrhflBP TllAGrinu eait the Ministry of Foods will pay $800,000 for the top grade salmon. The purchases were made by Sir Andrew Jones of lh minict earlier bought more than five mil lion dollars worth of British Co lumbia salmon at Vancouver, Mau rice Rattray of the broker' firm said. SHERIDAN DIMES $9" 6 SHERIDAN The Sheridan March of Dimes campaign has reached a total of $976.29. THI NEW CONTROLLED HEAT ' Alternate FRYPAN 1 and othtf rtilol ftoidft. CHIN INI SriMUl IILMINIS A J IBM tIM (Hill)) Uur ri'l.N lf tlHlri MM Pl'll OtWlfiM THE DEAN CLINIC Om 10 vnlll I Mt4V Ikrtvih rVile,, Uofll I p.m. Mn, WJMtdv m4 t-wr. CMtM"fii( rhviuai . . . m .r 4i4 .mi, 10 NOt THI U IANDT lOIMIVAftft Yl(h lK 311 Portland H, Or. NO CUKSW0RK NO WATER-SEALED element for easy woihlng. Eaiy-lo-S FRY-GUIDE and HEAT CONTROL DIAL right In the handle. No Cooking Failures because you get the CORRECT HEAT automatically. You simply set the dial and you get CONTROLLED HEAT for perfect cooking anil frying result, without guesswork or constant watching. The shortening is always at jutt the right ten perature, resulting in less grease absorption into the foods. Your favorite dishes are more delicious because their natural, flavorful juices are scaled in. New square shape makes the Sunbeam ideal for everything from bacon to one dish mcalj and hashed brown potatoes. Plug into any outlet. Use any place you wish. Has bakelite legs. 355 CENTER ST. PHONE 3-3139 Man Held for Slaying Woman ROSKBURG, Ore. Un - Rose burg police Wednesday were hold- ing Artell Farley, 25. charged with the slaying in Tacoma Sunday of Flora K. McFarland. Her nude body, which had been run over several times by a car, was found in a lonely gravel pit near tacoma Monaay. Farley waa arrested by city po lice here Tuesday night after the dead woman's car was sighted pameu in iront of a bowling alley. Police found Farley inside watch ing a bowling match. He readily admitted his Identity. Police Chief Stan Olson nairl Far. ley told kirn this story: He had driven the 30-year-old woman to the gravel pit where he became angry with her and struck her. After that his mind went blank until he arrived home in her car. He discovered he had blood on his clothing. He said he became frightened, hid the clothing and men lied south. Police said they found a number of blood stains in the car and a knife was found on the outside of the car, jabbed in an opening be tween the trunk and rear bumper. The knife also was stained with blood, Olson said. Tacoma authorities were to ar rive here Wednesday to return Farley to Tacoma. nists included "seems likely" in Indochina and would "result in Communist domination" within two years. The Republican floor leader said the coalition government "which in my judgment seems likely" will also result "in the opening of all souuieast Asia to Communist in filtration. Knowland told the annual din ner of the Pennsylvania Manu facturers Assn. Tuesday night "We had better make sure that none of our supplies come under the control of a coalition Viet Nam government Including Ho Chin Minn." Coalition With Reds In Indochina Feared PHILADELPHIA W '-' Sen. Knowland (R-Calif) says a coali tion government with Commu- Man Killed at Queen's Arrival MELBOURNE. Australia W - A man was crushed to death when 10,000 excited Australians bust through a barrier of police and troops to see Queen Elizabeth II arrive in Melbourne Wednesday. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh had lust passed the spot when the crowd surged forward. Otherwise the Melbourne crowd gave the Queen an orderly but tumultuous reception on her arrival from Tasmania. As she drove through the city streets a shower of confetti. streamers, and torn-up newspapers Pincer Attack on Red-Led Huks MANILA W Philippines sol diers Wednesday slowly closed pincers attack around an estimated 650 Communist-led Huk outlaws northeast of Mt. Banahaw in an all-out offensive to wipe out the rebel bands. It was still a question whether the military would be able to keep the rebels inside the ring. The government drive in this sector is aimed at the Huk force under Castro Aleiandrino, which is entrenched in rugged mils along the Laguna-Quezon provincial boundary. The Huks failed to meet a Mon day deadline set by President Ra mon Magsaysay for acceptance of government surrender terms. Helps feal And Clear hchy Skin Rash! Zemo, a doctor's antiseptic, cromntly relieves itching, stops scratching and so helps heal and clear surface rashes. Boy Extra and telephone directories fell like rotatnenwior evpf-flfl snow from office windows, I BlUDDOrn ew 1 4VV4UV &ni Francisco FOR ONCf From Salem IN A IISIIVED SEAT ON THE STREAMUNEO It. fwUmi 7M A.HW Af. $ Froatttit 11:30 P.M. ConWStae m4 O Can tt.JMOMW . I , C. A. Urson, Agent Phone 3-9244 7 terraces and how to build them You can extcod your living sptce ud make your home rnori tttrictive it the Jme time with a distinctire terrace. And now's the time lo start building it, for plenty of pleasant outdoor lirjng this sprinR and aummcr. In the March issue of Better Homes & Gardens there's an article that shows you how to build 7 different terraces. One that iuM suits you and your family. Get March Better Hornet At Gardens on your newsstand today. ITT41iSSJWHFFT finds jfood jbr thought I'AI TIRED OF EATING CURDS AND WHEY THE 5PIDEKJO0' WONT BUY IT THE yELLOW PAGES USTAPIACE TO FIND A CHANGE IN DltT 23S 7 IT PAYS TO LOOK IN THE "CLASSIFIED" PART OF YOUR TELEPHONE BOOK YOU'LL FIND IT FAST IN THE YELLOW PAGES Used by 9 out of 10 people as a guide to those who sell or serve (i) Pacific Telephone. w . for my automobile dollar!" ' solid value Brother, now you're talking Plymouth's language! We'd like to show you the biggest package of value-per-dollar ever offered in the low-price field the new '54 Plymouth I And wo'd like to prove that value to you, item by item. Thoro's tho smoothness of tho famous Balanced Ride, plus safety and comfort features no other low-price car can match. Thoro's tho enduranco and economy that make Plymouth famous two big reasons why there aro morn Plymouths used as taxicahs than all other makes combined! Thero are many other value features we want you to see so, we invite you to como in, compare, and drivs tho now Plymouth, soon I Like to drive without shifting? Plymouth's Hy-Drlv is the newest, smoothest no-shift drive in the low-price field. And be sure to try Plymouth's new, full-time power steerlng-it gives you effort-free steering, finger-tip parking! Both at low extra cost Plymouth headquarters for value roo