Tuesday, February 23, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon LATHER FAVORS EARLY CONSTRUCTION 3" M , ' j i . V 1 ft V ' T l-j : w;?- .ZL w " f - Chemawa Sets 74fh Birthday CHEMAWA Chemawa Indian school will observe its 74th anni versary with a pagearlt, "Canoe Prophesies," to be given in the school gymnasium at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 26. Miss Alberta Challis, girls' ad 1 3L. The pageant was written by viser. E. B. Hudson is general chairman and will act as master ol ceremonies. Paul W. Bram let, superintendent o the school, will give the welcome address. Queen of the pageant will be Patsy Ochiho, of Klamath Falls, a full-blooded Paiutc Indian from California and a member of the senior class at Chemawa. Her escort will be George Urn tuch, a junior, from Warm Springs, Ore. Princesses will be Marilyn Luke, Lavinia Johnson, Dolores. Bennett, Geraldine Hamlin, Mary Ella Teller, and Louise C. Benally. Because of limited space, ad mission will be by ticket only this year. No tickets will be sold at the door. Tickets may be ob tained at Mootry's Pharmacy, 1999 N. Capitol St.,; Wicklund Sporting Goods store, 372 State St.; Stevens and Sons, Jewelers, 390 State St.; and the Kcizer Pharmacy, 4940 N. River Rd. Pag 9 RARE COSTUMES FOR PAGEANT i . ...-9 - 1. ..V, . Wmmm 1 If II S, I I 1 1 W i ' '! U - .1 1; 1 " - xjr- iSSh - Sweet Home Rated Class 7 on Fire List SWEET HOME - Sweet Home city manager pro tern, Roy Eames received notice from the Oregon Insurance Rating Bureau that Sweet Home has again been grad ed "Class 7." ' Top: Only rubble remains of a two-story brick building on 12th street recently wrecked 10 make a site for Oregon's new Service building that will house the purchasing department. This one story structure, 140 by 158 feet with a basement and wing, will cost approximately $425,000. Center Construction has started on a two-story patient's cottage at Fairvicw. This new structure costing about $200,000 will house 100 patients. Low er: Pringle creek undercrossing spanning the East Salem by pass route to be opened this fall, is now practically complete except for stripping forms. Baltic Creek undercrossing to the southward, now under construction is the last structure of its kind required on the bypass route. Charges Hurled When Meter Men Get Together There were charges, counter charges and personalities when member sof the City Counctl and representatives of Unimatic and Park-O-Metcr car parking meters were together most of Monday afternoon. The occasion for this was a re port that City Manager J. L. Franrer was to make at the Mon day night Council meeting on operation of the 300 or so Uni matics that the city installed last September on a years trial, basis, and which have been the subject of much complaint. j The manager made his report, which had been requested by Alderman David O'Hara, but it was conservative ,and it was de cided to make an actual test by installing both Unimatics and Park O-Mctcrs in some downtown area, both to be in good condi tion at the start, so that at the end of a given time the two types may be checked against each ' each other. Salem has 1500 or more Park-O-Meters, the first having been installed about seven years ago. Franzen reminded the Council that the Park-O-Meters are in the heavily traffic-congested districts and the Unimatics where usage is not heavy, which he didn't think made dollar-for-dollar com parison possible. Mayor A I Loucks agreed with this. Alderman O'Hara finally agreed with it, though he first thought the city manager's report was inadequate, and he said he didn't see why a judgment on op eration of the Unimatics could not be made in six months time. He recalled that the first meters in stalled in Salem, a manual type, had been removed after a few months trial. QUEEN FLIES AFTER CLOUDS LIFT HOBART. Tasmania W) Low gray clouds which halted all plane service at Hobart airport lifted briefly Tuesday, permitting Queen fclizabeth II and the Duke of Edin burgh to take off by plane for this island state s northern coast. KV ft ''.-l MAM ! ... k. CHEMAWA Queen Patsy Ochio, center, poses in north-. . west Indian costume with her escort, George Umtuch, left, and Princess Delores Bennett in rehearsal for 74th anniversary pageant in Chemawa Indian School gymnasium at 7:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 26. The letter also stated that while much improvement has been made, they have not kept pace with population gains. For in stance in 1939 Sweet Home had a population of approximately 1.500 and is now nearing 4,000 there fore requiring more in the way of more adequate fire protection fa cilities and theb ureau recom mends specific improvements to the city's water nupply, fire de partment, and ordinances. Ancient Rome kept standard weights and measures for the empire in one of its temples. . Nut Marketing Hearing Topic The first section of a two-part hearing on proposed amend ments to the Federal walnut mar keting agreement and order is being held this week in San Francisco. John Trunk, general manager, Northwest Nut Growers, is rep resenting growers from this re gion. The second section of this hearing will be held in Portland at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 2, in the conference room, Ross Building, 209 S.W. Fifth Ave nue. "The two main proposals to come up at these meetings," said Trunk, "are putting of shelled walnuts under the control agree ment and the extension of the Federal statute to cover intra state shipments. "Shelled walnuts never have been under the act up to now," added Trunk. "The growth of the industry and the proportion of the crop sold this way indicates that serious consideration should be given to this extension." The proposal to put all ship ments within the State of Oregon under the control act will affect ORANGE FLAVOR ACCURATE Acorn T.r M FDR CHILDBIM. HOW t niw, ufo mm drop (or cklldrwu Conttliu iMo-iyniphrlM. Ie, lie iui ir, mm aou saort for cmudmui FREE ESTIMATES ON Custom-Made Drapes CAPITAL SIIADE & DRAPERY SHOP 560 S. 21st St. Ph. 4-1856 Oregon growers mainly, accord ing to Manager Trunk. California walnut grower! are already oper ating under a state law which achieves the ume purpose as the Federal statute. Interested walnut orchardists are invited to attend the Port land meeting when it convenes. U LOSE LIVES IN FLOOD SYDNEY, Australia W) -Thou-' sands of people in the rich farm ing districts on the north coast of New South Wales waded through receding floodwaters Tuesday in a grim trek back to their wrecked or badly damaged homes. Known deaths in last weekend's floods the worst in the history of the north coast mounted to 83. - HURRY! 7 A '!:... x t o (faJjteat Of Salem Inc. 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 4-6263 Karachi, capital of Pakistan boosted its population 400 per cent from 300,000 to 1,200,000 in five years, says the National Geographic Society. BBT-BB. Hemorrhoids PUIS" 'Prolapse" V CONVENIENT CREDIT Ne Operation No Hoipitalrsarlon FRII DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLI1 VR. R. REY HOLDS CLINIC NATUROPATH PROCTOLOGIST 1144 C.nttr Strttt Saltm, Oregon :; . l i A -'?,'' t '" ' , Tliov Inko lelophonM to tn. Fishing boats alert canneries when they're bringing in their' catch. Yachtsmen keep in touch with their families and business associates. Ship Telephone Son-ice has meant much to sea-going Westerners in safety, efficiency and pleasure. The six radio-telephone stations we operate along the Coast are an important part of our constant effort to make the telephone grow in low-cost usefulness. Pacific Telephone works to make your telephone a bigger value every day. II mm The Instant You've Been Waiting For! Good News for real coffee drinkers, Folger's drinkers. Now, at last, you can get that famous Folger's flavor in an instant. It's true coffee flavor, the famous mountain grown flavor that's made Folger's the West's favorite coffee for more than 100 years. Gt Jar, today. Taste for yourself. We think you'll agree that mis is the Instant you've been waiting for fine Folger's Coffee, now in an Instant Pttftcnd Bj Hlgtr-tTii Visft N. I Ctgn "-' ' j ) ' f 4 0