Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 23, 1954, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page 8
p'aaaaiffifflm; omasum yt -
Edited by MARIAN
Told at
Mr. and Mrs. Rmwc- Er?ree-n
Stewart of Portland announce th
engagement of their daujiter.
Miss MaryJane Eluabt! Stewart,
to Michael S. Tavenner. soo o(
Mr. and Mrs. Raiph TaveEiff of
Both are graduating seniors at
Willamette university, where the
engagement was announced Mon
day evening, February 22. at the
Alpha Chi Omega sorority house.
There are no definite wedding
plans, as Mr. Tavenner will serve
In the United States Air Force
following graduation, and Miss
Stewart plans to continue gradu
ate study in the field of astrono
my. Singers Go to
Event in Portland
The Willamette Singers under
the direction o( Professor Donald
Glcckler presented concerts at
Jelferson and Washington high
echnols in Portland this afternoon
snd appeared on radio station
On Wednesday, the Singers will
travel to Corhctt high school and
present a concert at Grant high
Miss Tricia Gordon is the
group's accompanist and the pro
gram is divided into four parts,
Brahms, madrigals, light opera
and spirituals.
Guild Event
Memhors of the Vivian Pomcroy
guild will journey to Corvallis
Sunday afternoon to attend the
annual Weslcyan Service guild
district conference. The confer
ence is to be at the Corvallis Me
thodist church.
The dinner will be a planned
no-host one. Members are asked
to take their own tabic aervice.
Transportation will leave from the
First Methodist church at 2:30
The next regular meeting of the
Vivian Pomcroy guild will be
March 15.
Staff Meets
MT. ANGEL Climaxing an eve
ning program for Abiqua staff
members of Ml. Angel Women's
college and Ml. Angel academy
last week was a talk on journalism
Riven by John Medcalf, English
and journalism instructor at Sil
verton high school.
In addressing the staff, who
met in the college Jounge, Air.
Medcalf elaborated on various
techniques used in the production
nf a school paper. A social hour
followed, and refreshments were
Abiqua staff members were hon
ored with a luncheon served in
the college art room preceding
the evening program. Each place
letting was marked with a tiny
blue lighted candle in a matching
holder, and the bluo color theme
was used in the table decorations.
MT. ANGKL The Meissner
elan gathered at the Memorial
hall recently for a no-host supper
to honor Mrs. Sophia Meissner
of the occasion of her With
birthday anniversary. Sharing
honors with Mrs. Meissner were
her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Luke Schmidt, who
were observing their 7th wed
ding anniversary, and Harold
Kottrc, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Kotlre, and a grandson of Mrs.
Meissner, who left the following
Wednesday to enter the Army.
WOOD1H KN Members of the
Woodburn Woman's club nre asked
to meet at the library Wednesday
nltcrnoon at 1:30 o'clock to sew
for the coming bazaar. Mrs. 0.
K. Randall is general chairman
nnd the bazaar is planned for the
latter part of March.
Today's Menu-
Preface SI rove Tuesday pan
Cakes will) this new and different
oup combination.
Onion Vegetable Soup'
Parmesan Cheese Toast
Pancakes Maple Syrup
Onion Vegetable Soup
Ingredients: One lo-Vouncc can
Condensed onion soup, one II
ounce can condensed vegetable
Soup, water, sour cream uf avail
able.) Method; Empty onion and vege
able soups into saucepan: using
a soup can as measure, add 2
cans M water. Heat, stirring occa
sionally. II sour cream is avail
able, add n spoonful to each bowl
th ihtrteit rtwt
to oil the EAST
620 N. High St. - Ph. S-3RI5
j Miss Stewart in
College Play Cast
j Portland i Special) Miss Bonnie
I Belle Stewart. Salem, has won a
1 to!e in Moss Hart and George S.
! Kaufman's "The Man Who Came
to Oinner" which will hp piven
- at L C for three consecutive per-
tornunces begmniny March 4.
A graduate nf Snlpm hii'h
, school. Miss Stewart is the
daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. J. Ivan
Stewart, 883 X. Cottage. In high
; school she was active in the Pep
club, choir and Xational Honor
AAUW Event
On Saturday
A varied program featured the
meeting of Salem branch, Ameri
can Association of University
Women, Saturday, the group meet
ing for luncheon.
Dean Mark Hatfield of Willam
ette university gave a short talk
to explain the Crusade lor Free
dom, and asked for the support
of those present, both through sign
ing a scroll endorsing the cam
paign, and through financial con
tributions. Fellowship was the main item
of the meeting. Two separate
meanings of the word were stress
ed. Miss Marjoric Chester, the
fellowship chairman, gave a re
port on AAUW fellowship awards
and other financial grants for the
year l!).)3-54. Then she introduced
Miss Abby Adams, language teach
er from the Eugene high school,
who had made a trip to Europe
with the aid of a fund for the
advancement of education estab
lished by the Ford Foundation.
Miss Adams stated that she felt
fellowship, in the sense of finan
cial aid for scholars was import
ant, but that she wanted to stress
the concept of friendliness and
mutual interests, especially when
relationship with other countries is
involved. Most of her speech dealt
with the people with whom she
came in contact during her stay
in Spain, France and Italy.
Mrs. John II. Hann, who presid
ed at the meeting, introduced Mrs.
Robert Y. Thornton, state AAUW
president and a member of the
Salem branch. Miss June Philpott
read proposed changes in the by
laws. Mrs. Frank Dawson announced
the next meeting is to be a recital
by Stanley Butler, music professor
at Willamette university college
of music, on the evening of
Thursday, March 18.
Announcement was made that
Miss Elsie Maxwell and Mrs. Paul
Davis arc new members of the
local branch.
Party Date Changed
SILVERTON Members of the
Pythian Sisters, Home temple
No. 21, arc making a change in
the lime for the first in a series
of card parlies.
Because of school affairs, the
party will be Saturday, March
13, instead of on the previous
Saturday evening. The party will
be at the Knights of Pythias hall.
The public is invited to at
tend. All popular games will
be played including "500," Canas-!
ta and Bridge.
llAYKSVll.l.K Mrs. L. Keen
ey was honored with a shower at
the home of Mrs. J. Briggs. As-;
sisting the hostess was Mrs. P. j
Zielinski. Games were played and
refreshments served to Mesdames
O. Noren, E. Brown, B. Iteimann,
R. Van Orsdol, M. Anson. It. Zim
merman, W. Ray. II. Chrislenson.
E. W. Frey, L. Hereford, C. Gale
and K. Watson.
as you serve soup. Makes 4 to 0
if I Get So Lonely
Four Knight
if Cross Over the Bridge
I'atll Pae
if I Know on Old Lady
Phil Harris
if Somebody Bod Stole
do Wedding Bell
I arllu Kitt
if Jones Boy
.Mills llrnlhrr
ir Till We Two Arc One
(rnrgla Shaw
FEB. 27, 1954
Oprn I riilay Night "til 9
Downstairs, Orrtnn Rldf.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Rciniger
of Portland are announcing the
engagement of (heir daughter,
Miss Donna Marie Reiniger to
Harold Monrad Hanson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Monrad B. Hanson
of Portland. Both Miss Rciniger
and Mr. Hanson are now living
in salem.
Miss Reiniger attended Immac
ulate academy, Mt. Angel Wom
en's college, and Oregon College
of Education, Monmouth. Her so
rority is Pi Sigma Phi. She is on
the staff of the Aumsville elemen
tary school.
Mr. Hanson is a graduate of
Jefferson high school and Oregon
State college. His fraternity is Phi
Kappa Sigma. He is employed by
the state department as an audi
tor in the income tax division.
The wedding, to be in Portland,
will be an event of August 27.
Visitors Attend
Rebekah Meeting
Eight visitors were present at
the meeting of Salem Rebekah
lodge on Monday night at which
time the group voted to serve din
ner to the Marion county con
vention on March 20. The group:
will also sponsor a friendship
night on March 22. !
Proceeds from the pie auction i
and white elephant sale on Satur
day night netted the ways and
means committee $40.50.
Ladies auxiliary, Patriarchs
Militant, will meet on Thursday.
Three Links club plans to meet
at noon for a birthday no-host
luncheon on Thursday.
The Past Noble Grands club
presented the entertainment Mon
day evening. Mrs. Lora Groves,
past noble grand president, pre
sented the lodge with regalia
from the club.
Meet Monday
Miss Mollv Tulis. Vallev Gitv.
North Dakota, was a enest af tho
Monday night meeting of the
women s uatnoiic order of Fores
ters. Miss Pearl Bairey was the
hostess. A ruinmac'e sale on
April 6 was planned with profits
going to the Mt. Angel sem
inary. Mrs. Mav Bach and Mrs
Eunice Smith served the re
freshments following the meet
ing. SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Hall have made plane
reservations for Thursday, April
1, for a trip, south.
The Halls plan to go direct
from Silverton to Norfolk, Va.,
where they are to be house
guests of their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Hall.
I ' II Jill Tmm -i n-W Cl JM I 17 i 1 I IN
K J kJ n I 1 It. W . i" m 1 nil I M I t
0 m)
t - .
v -
Tells Troth Miss Betty Wea-.
ver, above, has announced her
engagement to Charles Rector.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carninc of
Hickman, Calif, have announced
the engagement of their daughter,
Miss Betty Weaver, to Charles
Rector, son of Mrs. Janie Rector
of Salem.
Miss Weaver, a graduate of
Hughson high school in California,
is now employed at the state house
here. Mr. Rector recently was dis
charged from the U. S. navy.
No date is set for the wedding
SALEM Camellia and Rhodo
dendron society is to meet Thurs
day at 8 p.m. in the YMCA.
Miss Edith Schryver and Miss
Elizabeth Lord will be guest speak
ers and will show pictures taken
on their trip cast last summer.
All interested are invited to at
tend the Tnursday meeting.
Hostess to Club
man entcrtancd the Hayesville
Woman's club at a dessert last
week at her home on Blossom
drive. Co-hostesses were Mrs.
C. Garrison and Mrs. A. Wulf
mcyer. Marvin Black from Keizer
spoke to the group on landscap
ing and how to plan flower ar
rangements for the yard.
Mrs. H. Nation, president, ap
pointed the following n the
nominating committee: Mrs. C.
Olson, Mrs. C. McCallister and
Mrs. Wayne Powers. Attending
the meeting were Mesdames C.
Murphy, II. Nation, W. Ray, E.
Zahara, C, McCallister, C. Olson,
A. Wulfcmycr, W. Breitzkc, C.
Garrison, E. R. Bradwell, H.
Christofferson, E. dcBoer, G. Far
mer, A. F. Harvey, W. Powers and
the hostess Mrs. B. Reimann.
Guests were Mrs. C. Zeller and
Mrs. B. Boylan.
that helps
Get xmauuHc Langendorf
On Monday
Highlight of the Monday night
Salem Junior Woman's club
meeting was a white elephant
sale followed by a hat auction.
The meeting was at the home of
Mrs. Norman Young, with Mrs.
Richard B. Jenning as program
Mrs. Cliff Bowder presented a
skit before the sale. Members of
the cast included Mrs. Mel Pil
ette, Mrs. Ted Jenny, Mrs. Wal
lace R. Cowen, Mrs. Fred
Joenke, Mts. Keith Bateman
and Mrs. Maurice Walker.
Plans were discussed for the
group's style show on March 20.
Refreshments were served
later in the evening with the
Washington' birthday theme be
ing used. Mrs. Mel Pillette was
refreshment chairman and was
assisted bv Mrs. Clarke Brown,
Mrs. Francis Wasser, Mrs. Rollin
Page, Mrs. Maurice Conn, and
Mrs. Douglas Hay. Mrs .Sam C.
Campbell and Mrs. William Pahl
assisted Mrs. Jenning with the
VISITOR here over the week-end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude
H. Murphy was their daughter.
Mrs. Lucile M. Brunskill of Port
land. Mrs. Brunskill returned re
cently from three weeks in the
mid-west on a recruiting assign
ment lor the Portland school sys
tem. She is the principal of the
Atkinson school.
Junior Women at
Silverton Active
SILVERTON Announcements
of activities from the Junior
Woman's club include a total of
11,921 stamps and three albums
collected in the project of
"Stamps for Veterans."
Mrs. Milt Baum is a represen
tative to assist the Jayccc-Ettc
project of the Silverton Centen
nial Acquacadc. Some 80 young
women swimmers from Silverton
arc being taken to the Salem
,"Y" for screening and tryouts.
Training is to begin in the near
future to perfect the Water Pro
gram for the week of August 4-8,
Model rehearsal with Mrs. Jim
Ekman as backstage manager,
is announced for Tuesday, Feb
ruary 23, 7:30 p.m. at Palace
Theater, the second rehearsal for
the style show.
The Jaycee-Ettes will be assist
ed by the Junior club members
Thursday, 7.30 p.m. to talk over
further acquacade plans. The club
meets regularly on March 2.
HOME from a seven week trip
to southern California and Phoe
nix, Ariz., are Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
The amazing
NEW White Diet Bread
you stay slim .
Fnjoy two slices of this delicious new
White Diet Bread with every meal, and
stay within your calorie limits. Made
without shortening. Only 4H calories per
slue. Enjoy its flavor plain or toasted.
Langcndorf Vita-High Protein White
Diet Special Formula Bread has been
created through the Langendorf fully
stalled research laboratory. Made from
a balanced blend of three vital high
protein flours, non fat milk solids, wheat
germ, calcium phosphate, iron salts,
triple the ascrage vitamin content. Helps
you stay at the peak of vitality while
you diet. Try it today. You'll enjoy it.
Initiation at
Bethel Meeting
Six new members were initiated
into bethel No. 43, Job's Daugh
ters, on Munday night at the
Scottish Rite temple. Plans for a
ski trip on March 6 to Mt. Hood
also were announced.
The new members are the
Misses Sharon Forrest, Susan
Wilson, Carol Gerlinger, Laura
Lee Kendrick, Edith Brown and
Becky Minty.
The bethel is presenting the
talent show on Wednesday night
to Cherry court, Order of the
Amaranth, and on Saturday night
to Salem chapter, Order of East
ern Star. A cake walk also will
be featured Saturday night with
.Miss Louise Laws in charge.
suntiay, February 21, the beth
el assisted at the installation
ceremonies for Chemeketa chap
ter, Order of DeMolay for Boys.
The DeMolays presented the
bethel with a present, and the
bethel presented the DeMolay
with an installation gift.
Birthdays celebrated on Mon
day night included Miss Geri
McAllister, Miss Edith Brown
and Phillip Yoder, associate
Miss Bateson and
Mr. Ufford Are Wed
LEBANON Miss Joyce Ann
Bateson was wed to Lowell Uf
ford on Feb. 12 at" the home of
the bride's mother, Mrs. Lester
Bateson, Lebanon. The bride
groom is the son of Mr.' and Mrs.
Clinton Ufford of Lacomb.
The service was read at 8
p.m. before a fireplace setting
of carnations, tulips and white
tapers. The Rev. Harvey J.
Schmidt officiated, and Mrs.
Richard Bateson, sister-in-law of
the bride, played the nuptial mu
sic. Given in marriage by her
grandfather, T. L. Kay, Miss
Bateson wore a floor length
white satin dress. The veil fell
from a Juliet lace cap and the
bride carried a whita Bible on
which was a white orchid. .
Miss Alice Schmidt was maid
of honor, and the bride's young
sister, Sally Bateson, acted as
junior attendant.
Best man for his brother was
Leslie Ufford.
At the home reception follow
ing the nuptials, Mrs. Roy Wil
ber poured. The cake was cut
by Mrs. Merle Sears, the bride-1
groom's sister. !
Following a coastal honey
moon, the couple returned to
Lebanon and are at home at 290 :
Second street. i
SEVENTEEN members were !
present at the Past Presidents
club, Veterans of Foreign Wars ,
auxiliary, last week at the home
of Mrs. Dave Furlough. Mrs. Sue
Lawrence assisted. The March ;
meeting will be at the home of
Mrs. George Lewis.
. . keep trim
OSC Mothers
Plan Tea
Dated for Thursday, March 25,
is the annual mother and daugh
ter tea sponsored by Salem unit
of Oregon State College Mothers
This year's event will be at the
Ben Vista drive home of Mrs.
Elton Thompson.
Mrs. L. V. Benson and Mrs.
Kenneth Waters are to be co-
chairmen for the tea.
The club met Monday evening
at the homcof Mrs. Richard A.
Meyer and made plans for the
tea. Mrs. James Hardy, Mrs. Ar
thur Woods and Mrs. Kenneth
Waters were co-hostesses for the
(Additional Society
On Page 8)
Rotarian Women
Meet Monday
. For the program at the meet
ing of the Rotarian Women, Mon
day, Max Jaker of Salem high
school gave two humorous read
ings and Mrs. Robert D. Gregg
gave a talk on Vermont tradi
tions. Mrs. If. H. Brooks and Mrs. P.
D. Eaker were guests. Mrs. Ches
ter Pickens and Mrs. Arnold
Davis won the special prizes.
Betrothal Told
LEBANON Mr. and Mrs
Ben C. Bishop are announcing
ine engagement of their daugh
ter, Miss Louise Bishop, to Rich
ard Campbell, son of Mrs. Alvena
Campbell and Dan Campbell. No
date has been set for the wed
ding. MEETING Thursday is the Y
Teen Mothers club at the YWCA,
dessert to be served at 12:30
Miss June Emerson, dean of
girls at Salem high school, is
to be guest speaker. ,
Close-outs: Dcnnelic cleansers.
Tr Hand and arm creams.
Jacqueline Cochran, Dermetics.
if Reg. $2.75!
f- A famous name quality
TT Stock up now and save! Tlus tax
A" Lengths for blouses, jackets
V- Lengths for skirts . . . childs wear.
Buy now and make your own.
Regular SI .39
Seconds of Pequot.
Size 4x:ifi standard.
Regular 50c.
-v- 12x18 inch. Decor shades.
. Attractive designs
Single and double sizes.
-:- Slightly soiled from handling.
-' Foam ruhher. Downstairs.
-!- Full bed size, washable.
i- Smart patterns, color schemes.
i' A famous brand quality. Downstairs.
-: Rfgular to $3.95 yd.
Chintz, failles, cretonnes, pebble etc.
Florals, plaids, moderns etc. Downstairs.
;' Book, arts and craft, ties.
Laundry bats. Rucksacks, aprons.
" Mittens, robes, pajamas, scarfs sweaters.
Regular $3.50.
' Sizes 1. 3. 5. years.
White only. Downstairs bahv dept.
'- Hard soles, white.
' Sizes 1 tn fl.
- - Famous brand. Downstairs.
Regular $.1.15. plus tax.
Assorlrd styles. Colors.
-.- Leather and straw. Downstairs.
i- Values to S4.D8.
- Orocn. red. blue, vellow.
- Sizes 8 to 14.
v Also women's sires 12 to 20.
Tuesday, February 23, 1954
Winter Formal
Due on Friday
MT. ANGEL "Gaite Pari
sienne" has been selected by the
students of Mt. Angel Women's
college as the theme for its win
ter formal dance, slated for Fri
day evening, February 26, in the
Academy auditorium. .
Dancing will be from 9 to 12
o'clock to the music of George
Tyler's band of Portland.
Miss Ruth Schmerber, Gervais,
general chairman, has announced
that the decorating committee
plans to transform the auditor
ium into a replica of Paris, com
plete with a sidewalk cafe. An
Arc de Triomphe will form an
entrance way to the ballroom
where the walls will show out
door scenes of Paris and a sil
houette of the Eiffel tower.
The entrance decorating will
be in charge of Miss Mary Ed
gcll, assisted by the Misses San
dra Bounds, Dona Knauf and
Rosemary Vilsmeycr. Miss Flora
Fennimore, chairman, assisted by
the Misses Kath. Brandt, Mary
Jane Mclntee, Patricia Anderson
and Barbara Hug, will take care
of the stage decorating, and the
ceiling decorations will be in
charge of Miss Donna Wolfard,
chairman, and the Misses Shirley
Taggcrt, Marilyn Bistline and
Mary Callaghan.
Committees assisting with the
affair include the Misses Frances
Dieker, Donna Wolfard and
Jeanne Lusk, poster display;
Misses Marilyn Bistline and
Carol Wachter, programs; Misses
Donna Wolfard, Shirley Taggert,
and Dorothy Huber, refresh
ments; and Misses Carol Wach
ter, Rosemary Vilsmeycr, Elaine
Wilson and Sandra Bounds, ta
bles. FEBRUARY meeting of the Oak
Grove Gardeners was last week at
the community hall. Twenty mem
bers were present. Walter Barkus
of Salem, breeder and grower of
hellebores, was the speaker, and
exhibited blooms of his own propa
gation and those of the more fam
iliar Christmas rose.
The March meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. Ora Lantz.
Plus tax.
P'- $1.00
y- $1.00
S3. 00