Tuesday, February 23, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Page S Centennial Work Started SILVERTON Among the various groups of town assigned duties lor supervision oi activi ties that require time-element consideration, aside from the Jay-Ccttes and their "splash" be ginnings for the aquacade, arc the Lions club and the Lions auxiliary for the August 4-8, Silverton Centennial. The men are to organize sev eral phases of beginnings, com pletions, types of whiskers, etc. Surity of a good Job is evidenced by the personnel of the whisker committee, with Frank M. Pow ell as chairman, assisted by Bruce Billings and Harley De Peel. Although the committee has let May 1, as the designated date for all whisker growers to begin the race, pre-beginners are hear tily welcomed 4s in the case of J. D. Drake, local historian and photographer, who just isn't shaving any portion of his face nd has a goodly beginning now. The committee feels tempted to give a prize for the name of Drake's growth of the iron-grey ihade. A man with a "tailored" growth is Kellner a former shoe doctor, has a distinguished white upper chin goatee and trimmed mustaches. Many others, special ly, the younger men, have dark growths, more to the pioneer taste. A little lady in a wheel chair liberty street court treet I LOT MY ex 10 Free Green Stamps Given Wed. at Redemption Desk, 3rd Fir., Court St. Store, Bring Bks. en 01 ner iormer pruiession as a seamstress, Mrs. Lela Shepherd, who sent to the state library for Ityle books of various years from pioneering, on. She is swamped with calicos and silks and in matching each completed cos tume with a bonnet, either dress, or work. Mrs. Norman Nyhus, Lions auxiliary chairman, and her com mittee, Mrs. Ernest R. Ekman and Mrs. William Bolch, are wel coming Mrs. Shepherd, herself married to a descentant of a first family of pioneer days. She will goon be able to leave her wheel chair if her enthusiasm has any thing to do with her Interest Indian Who Claimed To Be 115 Years Dies KOMATKE, Ariz. OP) Alex Tashquinth, Pina Indian who claimed to be 115 years old, died yesterday in his one-room adobe home near here. He was the lat of Arizona's Long Hairs." He had kept his hair long In traditional Indian defiance of the whites, and even refused to have a doctor otreat a fractured leg which he Buffered three weeks ago when be fell out of bed. East Salem EAST SALEM Hoover School Cub Scouts held their annual Blue and Gold dinner in the multi-purpose room of the school Friday evening. All Cub Scouts and their families had been in vited. Cnilmvinff the dinner, all of the Cubs sang under the direction of j H. Nelson. The awards were then made as follows: Wolf badges to John Wolf, Gary Shields, Dick Martin, Jim Martin, Mike Culp, Dcloss Shurtlaff. Bill Martin, Carl Jon asson and Jimmy May: Wolf gold arrows were given to Richard Randcll, Jay Haskell, Jon Wolf, r:arv Shields and Dwicht Ferris, with Wolf silver arrows to Jay I Haskell, with Billy Coche!l re- i coiving two and Gary hnieins two. Bear awards were given to Donnic Stanton and Denniss Lofthein and a gold bear arrow also to Dcnnie Lofthein. Lion tirrHc U'nrp nrpsentcd to JamCS Wilson, Paul Van Houten, and Lofthein, and Lion gold arrows to Paul Van Houten, Jon Lnft t,Ain with silver arrows to Jon Lofthein and Larry Haskell. Pen r .trine went to John Hollo, Billy Ritchie, David May, Dennis Lofthcim and Gary hnolgrove, nrl accictant Honncr strines to Richard Sebum, Mark Holtc, Jon Lofthcim and Jimm l.ipson. one Mar nins were awarded to Mark Holtc, Dwicht Ferris. Billy Co- chell and Dennis Lonnc.m. iwo .-, nine went in .Ton Loftheim and. three year pin sto Richard eh,, unH .lames Wilson. The pack charter was presented to Mrs Mabel Sumptcr, the school principal. Two films were shown bv Junior Ecklcy. ' East Salem Kindergarten and Kuraerv on Park Ave. will start the spring semester, March 2 u'iih new nrocram. Limited transportation is provided for the a.ra between swcgie sennm ami the Four Corners. The past week one of the members, dick mac hrn u'ac honored with a birth' Hav nartv with games and special refreshments. His guests were chtrrnl Henderson. Billv Davis, vihnrine 7ielinski. David Trice. Douglas Donaldson, Wanda Hoff man Hondas Enfield. Maureen Ciber Kaihv Ton Tandv. GreS Dnmla'lson. Paul Stark, Vickie and Barry Mathews. Merrv MiniMcrS clllh mCCtS Thursday of this week in the hnme nf Mrs Krnest BUlier .n Silverton Rd. at 1 p.m. icwe URtvV DIVORCE ALBANY Joseph A. Elliott has filed a suit in circuit court here acL-inc a ilivoree from Rco R. r.l liott, whom he married at Vancou- vr With Mav 8. 1931. He ex presses willingness that custody of Iwo children be awarded to the de fendant and offers MO a month for FRIEZE w&A IpV COVERS- ( mJm Reg. 149.95, 5-PC. DINING SET . . . CHOICE BLOND OR DARK MAHOGANY 119 95 HOUSEWARES-COURT STREET Dinnerware Set Special Elec. Deodorizer complete ith u re,in...l. 69 DM... rlvU nl ROLLING PIN COVER SET. Reg. 1.50 CQi. rnSiry UOTII ,vor better pie crusts and pastries ' " liriW LADIES CALIFORNIA Lt'M'H KIT QC NC" Vinyl covered in asst. rnlnrs with thermos X.7J SPECIAL, Alarm Clock JJ.K'Ih 3.98 Piggy Cutting Board R(X i. 95. 15x8 Hardwood .. 69c Wall Type Can Opener sSVeed me , 2.49 Garlic Press rou',hediumimim 49c Elec. Pop Up Toaster All Chrome, Guaranteed 14.88 SPECIAL" Coffee Mugs KUffi 49c Bath Tub Mat KtfpL UM 8he . 89c SPECIAL Coco Door Mat 20x12 Good Grade ... 79c SPECIAL Household Brooms 4 lie straw type .. 99c Clothes Dryer Rack KiLg wood t,Pe 1.49 26 gal Garbage Can Kink $4.88 Traditional Duncan Phyfe extension table , . . closed measures 26x40"; open is 54x40"; and with the extra leaves extends to a big 68x40". Four matching chairs are upholstered in attractive coverings. Beautiful maho gany veneers are rubbed to a wondrous lustre. Furniture, Second Floor Reg. 149.50, "Foam-King" MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING Mattress is thick 4'4-inches of pure, buoyant latex foam. Dustless: non-allergic. Box spring to match. Striped ticking. Reg. 59.50 ea., "Slumber-Queen" MATTRESS AND Roberts' famous mattress that has outsold all others: 2o2 Nachman sateen ticking. Full, twins! Reg. S139, 837-Coil MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING Twin size sets only! Famous make. Each coil! fitted in its own muslin pocket. 10-yr. guarantee. Reg. 9.95, Hollywood METAL BED FRAMES Adjustable for twin of full size. Complete with brackets and casters for easy moving. Reg. 59.95. Beautiful LANE CEDAR CHESTS .special selection! Mostly assorted finishes. Guaranteed to give full garment protection. Values to $20 Axminstcrs! Willons! SAMPLE THROW RUGS Big selection nf patterns, colors! 27x54". Sorry, no deliveries. Limit 2 to customer. DRAPERIES-COURT STREET New legendary Prints lurl Arriunfl N(,w Assortment JUST MrrlVeu Fabrics suitable Quilted Plastic 3ZX d. 98c Quilted Chinti Bedspreads pW'L 19.98 Cotton Boucle Cafe Curtains BPn"re.ricoTnr, ....Pr$4.25 Rayon Panels TAr'ttT. .$1.98 Window Shades &W?S&n: . 79c Plastic Yardage T!" 49, n$1.19 Rayon Casement Cloth d,ot,rn,n"..,d1.79 Floral Pattern Drapes ffiNI:D: Anli"at. Pr$5.95 ,,.'. Braiitirul Fastel Colored Nvlon I'riscilla $0 QC UrTnlnS rrl London Unifies, 50x84 pr. 0.7J Cafe Curtains 3o-T& "cr fiVrtRh 0N 2.89&3.19pr. Maui Aee tinted Bark Cloth, Pchhlitrx, Brocades, sail- $1 Aft new M55T. doth, Antique Satins in plain colors. 48" wide yd. .WW Everlon Knitted Panels hrinkinK, no ironing f. 1.39 $85 BOX SPRING 10.75 Postured coils; 8-ot woven 69 5 49 .95 onc-nf-a kind chests in 2" nWk?T9. 1.29 of 48" printed Drapery $ no for slincovers.draneries.vd. I.'O ROBERTS TWICE YEARLY SALEI REVELATION NYLONS 87 3 pr. for pr. 2.50 Reg. 98c pr. Thousands of Robert'! customers know and have worn these won derful Nylons for yeara . , . and for women who aren't familiar with Revelations, here's a chance to get acquaint, ed with their sleek-lit, long wear at special savings! Choose gla on erously sheer 60 gauge, IS deniers for dress-up; SI gauge, 30 deniers for everyday wear. Bright spring shades: "Misty," a taupe tone; "Rose Haze," a true beige; "Corsage," light beige. Sizes 8 '4 to 11 Hosiery, Main Floor Special Purchase! 100 Dtnltr Crepe Print Fabric Her. 1.69 Id. 88C yd. Beautifully atylad Surah print In - illy atylad Surra iprinc vatterntl eittng apring patterntl Good color sewcuon! electti Fabric Menanlne Ladies Sportswear Values to 8.95. Skirts, blouses, sweat ers, weskits broken $0 QO sizes, discontinued numbers. O. 7 Sportswear Second Floor Men's Sport Sox Special Purchase! First quality. Values to 7oc pr. multicolor patterns in fine cotton $ All Sizes . - nr. Mens Main Floor Men's Whipcord Pants Regular 2.98 ea durable cotton and rayon whipcord green or n pr. $c grey Sizes 30 to 42 lor Mens Main floor Men's Sport Shirts Values to 5.B5 discontinued numbers Broken sizes novelty $o Oft stylings and solid color LLl Mens Main Moor Foundation Garments One group of famous name cirdlcs, and brassicrs! dissconlinued l numbers-broken sizes-save! '2 price Foundations Serond Floor Ladies' Coats One group, 100 wool. Values to 19.99 35.00. Just 10 garments. Shop earlyl .. rasnions .icconn rioor SPECIAL Contour ELECTRIC BLANKET LarRe double size, single control! Reg. 29.95 famous name! 2 year guarantee! colors fitted. Knmcstir Downstairs Large Size Silk Squares A beautiful selection of multicolor prints and silk Values to 2.50 Special purchase! Areessories Main Floor 88c Clearance! Jewelry One crnun of larrinBs U hrarelels discontinued numbers one ol a kind Itecular $1 00 Quick clearance! Accessories Main Floor 25c Ladies' Nylon Slips 100 Nvlon tricot with nylon lace trim regular 5.95 value $0 QC beautifully tailored U.7J Lingerie Main Floor Children's T-Shirts Sizes 1 to 6 regular $1 value asst. colors and patterns well tail ored fine quality cotton Children's Downstairs 69c Womens-Childrens Shoes Values to 8.95 broken sizes disron tinned numbers trcmcn- k Qft dnus savincs for the familv . H.77 Shoes Downstairs tffl LADIES DRESSES L 2 Price On group of ladies better dresses regular priced from 10.95 to 24.95 now reduced to. half price broken sizei good stylings shop earlyl Fashions Second Floor Satin Bound White Blarvke Famous fleldcrest aualltvl fi.fiS. if tier. led! uuree 7zxuu sue avi id. weight All white beautt- QQ (ul sarin binding O.T7 Domestics Dowoataira Fine Pillow Coses Perfect quality white muslin fine type ISO Spring Mill Slumber t. Maid eelloDhane oackaeed ea. w t Domestics Downstairs Percale Sheets Fine type 180 sheets Silky smooth lercalo twin Dca size yzxiub douDie ed size, $2.29 81x108 $2.49 Domestics Downstairs Regular 14.95 MEN'S QUILTED JACKETS $499 tremendous value! Sizes 38 to 46 nylon and rayon, water repellent Asst. colors! lightweight warmth! Mens Main Floor Boys Sport &ox Firsi quality Values to 49c sizes to 10'a multicolor cotton 00. patterns special purchase pr. linvs aiain floor Boys Cotton Briefs Cellophane packaged fine combed cotton rcenforced crotch Sizes S-M-L Compare 69c quality 3 for $1 .ea. Bnvs Main Floor White Flour Sacks Large size, opened style. Highly ab sorbent. Regular zc ea. r Bleached snowy white. for Domestics Downstairs White Terry Cloth 3B inches wide Reg. 1.1B quaiuy. thickly tufted, highly absorbent ift. for towels or sport clothes yd. ' Fabrics Mezzanine White Outing Flannel Soft widt Snowy white flannel 36-inch width heavy weight, absorbent, tKf Specia al Sale purchase! yd. ratines Mezzanine Embossed Cottons Reg. 98c yd ! Lovely selection of colors and pallrrns! Crisp and permanent finish that won't AO wah nut vd. ' Fabrics Mezzanine Regular 2.95 JUMBO GARMENT BAGS $49 Quilled plastic fronl full length zip per culled top! Holds 18 garments Assorted colors! A Red Letter Value! Notions Mezzanine Silk and Rayon Organdy Reg 1.29 value! Small check patterns 3(i inch width 5 asst. colors LQm Invelv Kiirintf fnhrie vd. 07t Fabrics Mezzanine' Trav-L-Pac Bag Regular 2.98 plastic apparel carrier carry all for suits or dresses, hangs anywhere i) MQ Perfect for travel . ri7 Notions Mezzanine support of each.