Page 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Tuesday, February 23, 1934 In The Edited by Monmouth MONMOUTH The Junior VVomans club Tuesday evening yoicn to serve as sponsors 01 me 1954 Red Cross or ve to oncn in March. JWs. Carncs Schuler- mich was named chairman and Mrs. Elwood Fitzgerald as co - chairman. The mcctin; was neia in con - junction with the annual card party at Lie home of Mrs. Gor. don Barzec. Mrs. Ray Rauch won high p.irc for pinochle and Mrs. Harry Kcitcr hhh for canasta, Rcfrc-hmcT.s were served to 22 women r;z-z''.. A cj'.t c'-.y for the women of the i : r- y d t le Ep'.'Mpal church will be held at the Good Sam.-'itun church in Corvallis Tuesday, Feb. ?3 beginning at 10 a.m. with Holy Communion and meditation before lunch. Persons attending will take a box lunch and coffee will be furnisiied by the Corvallis worn- en. Several women of St. Hilda's plcn to attend. Mrs. Chrcnce H. Gruntl, presi dent of district No. 2, American Legion Auxiliary, attended the Marion county council and as sembly nf the Auxiliary and Le gion held at Mill City Friday. A "March of Dimes" benefit card party will he sponsored by the Monmouth Grange on Sat urday, Feb. 27. The Grange will visit Buell Grange on Tuesday, March 9. The Monmouth Grange will be host to another Grange at their regular meeting March 13. A travelog of a recent trip to Death Valley by Howard Mor ga was the program at the Tues day meeting of the luncheon ciub at the Monmouth Hotel dining room. He described Scotty's cas tle where he spent a night. The hobby show sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary will be held Friday, February 26 from 2 to 9 p.m. at the city hall club rooms. Mrs. Clares Powell is in charge assisted by Mrs. Roger Thompson and Mrs. Edwin Jensen. The committee is asking anyone having a hobby or antiques to display them. Dr. G. Burton Wood, head of Agricultural Economics, and Dr. Gerald Korzan, associate profes sor of Agricultural Economics, both of OSC, will be speakers at the annual meeting of the Monmouth Cooperative Associa tion Wednesday, Feb. 24 at the 100F hall. The meeting is to start at 10 a.m. and the annual dinner for members and guests will be served at noon by the women of the Rcbekah lodge. Students of the senior class of Central high school will be hon ored at the Monday, Feb. 22 PTA meeting. This will be the first graduating class to have com pleted all of its work at Central high school. A movie "Our Amer ican Heritage" will be shown. Eugene V. Clark is now at home on Gun Club road recover ing from injuries received when his car overturned at Orr's cor ner recently. He suffered a brok en back and is in a cast but can he about some with aid of crutch es. Elaine Rowe, a freshman at Central high school, has had I poem she composed accepted for publication in the Annual An thology of High School Poetry in Los Angeles. Miss Rowe is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rowe, who moved onto the former David Hiddell farm north of town recently. The Andy Smith family, who had oc cupied this farm the past year, moved to near Kings Valley to the farm vacated by the Howes. Clarence C. Curry, manager nf the Monmouth Cooperative Warehouse Association returned home Wednesday from i busi ness trip to Spokane. Burning grease In the stove oven was the cause nf the fire department being called to the Pnstl home nn N. Sacre St. Mon- dav evenini with no riamaee re- I ported. Two sons of Mr. anil Mrs. Ivan Blankenliaker. 2RR E. .laikson St. met aboard the amphibious force flagship, USS Mt Mi-Kin-ley recently. Jack V. Hlanken baker, seaman, USN. serves aboard tlni shin and nrniv Pie. Nick niankenhaker is stationer! at I'lis-in and came aboard sh'n vl'cn II do,'' ed at I'nwn. 'Mils was tlii''- first meeting since M.irih 1!I53. Students from Monmouth whose names were on the honor roll at Central hiuh school in clude llrure Flaming. Rnsie Al sip, Mauddene Lofts, Paula Srar Inc, Rav Lewis, Carol Evans and Eileen I. .merman. Rally rrrrmenls for relief In Korea w-e mde al the all INTting Thnrvlnv hv the women of the Women's Scirly nf I Phone 4-6227 Free Delivery Valley MIKK FOU1IKS World Service of the EUB . i Sj?m LrS;hM"'e i nhiilv "r,ft J. uTb""d, j one child's quilts for the relief " " " ""' uul" I ncss meeting ana acvoiions were j i j charg, ,( the president. Mri 1 Claude Boyd. The March 18 1 meeting will be another work ; day and election of officers and - vivuikk vni.i-ii unu mm. Blanche Rusenstock were named as a nominating committee. Mrs. J. H. Howard was honor- ed on her 91st birthday Sunday with a party at the J. W. Owen ! home on E. Main St. with Mrs. I fcugonc Clark, flr.u"hter of Mrs. Owen, assisting. Mrs. Alma Cope- ieuanun w ,u,is those present Lyons LYONS An unusual accident j h.mnnneil in I.vo Thursday i j morning when one of Ercill Wii-1 son's logins: trucks driven by : Bob Welter was making the turn j on the high ay near Thicls gro. , eery store. The. complete load of logs rolled from the truck striking another truck load of logs Just as it was nearing the turn. The truck belonging to Lowell Cree o Mill City, was considerably damaged but neither of the drivers was injured. Lyons Extensioi. unit met at the Rebekah hall Friday for an all-day meeting. Jacquic Smith, Lucille Hubcr, Lcoa Johnson and Alice Huber wore the committee and served a planned luncheon lit noon. Mary Frances Minettc, county extension ag nt from Al bany was present and gave a demonstration on "Sewing of New Fabrics." Mrs. Clay Kirkland of Mehama was in charge of the nursery for the children. Attending the meeting were Virgecn Scott, Eve lyn Julian, Hazel Baldwin, Doro thy Downer, Ruth Edwards, Lu ella Hargin, Bea Hiatt, Lucille Huber, Alice Hubcr, Leoa John son, Elsie Myers, Helen Johnston, Margaret McWhirk, Beth Pri deaux, Evelyn Sexton, Alma Spellmcir, Bculah Fish, Carol Grimes, Jean Durland, Laura Sundquist ami Mary Frances Minette. Mrs. Sam Bridges was hostess for the Wedncsd .. afternoon card club with her party held at the Rebekah hall. A 1:30 dessert luncheon preceded several tables of 500. Carrie Naue held the high score, Ruth Lyons second high and Charolette Thiel low. Present for the afternoon were Leota Worden, Mablc Downing, Charolette Thiel, Dorcen llelemn, Dorothy Helenin, Ida Free, Thcl- ma Nydeggcf, Ruth Lyons, Eu- Jalia Lyons, Inez Ring, Dons Roy, Carrie Naue, Garnett Bassett, Bertha Allen, Alma Olmstcad, and the hostess Berneice Bridges. Mr. and M.-s. Guy Harlle have moved into the house back of the post of ce which was recently vacated by the Frank Spellmcir family. Hartle is the superinten dent at the M and M Woodwork ing plant. Due to other activities the "Cake Walk," a March of Dimes benefit, has been postponed from Monday evening Fel ruary 22 un til Friday evening the 2(ith. Mrs. Oscar Naue was hostess for the Women's Society of Christian Service at her home Tuesday. Mrs. Ethel Huffman, president, pres'ded over the bus iness meeting with Lucille Rog ers as secretary Father and Son banquet Tues day, February 23 in the All Purpose room of the Mari-Linn school house. Committees in charge include: fond, Alire Hu ber, Donna Smith, (iarnett Bas sclt, Margaret McWhirk; tables and dining room, Jewell Hart nell, June llollingshead. Orpha Hove; program, Alta Podeker, Rcta Cruson, Lucille Roeers; ,i. n(fm.,n ii,i. ! I ., ... . , - i Roy, Alta Hodeker. publicity Virginia Sberitf. Lucille Rogers! Plans were also m ule for the 1 the church Tuesday atlernoon, March HI, with J'U'iniie Sinilh ' Sheriff and Ma'rgarei j Virginia Mi Wbirk llic I'liiiimittt'c in charge June lliillliiishe:iil, Orpha ltnve, Jewell llarlnell were up- ,,', ,., , ,., ,:, i tee lor the new officers At the close of the aflerroon Mrs Naue served , , . .. . . Kiii.iiiiiii-11111 in vaiui Grimes, Ruby Jahnke, llildred Roberts, tlenrgie Oliier, Virginia Sheriff M-irgaret McWhirk Inekie Smilh InerRine Doris .la.kie "' ""ns Roy, Lucille Roger... Alice Mil- tier, Ethel lliiitman. .leell ll.irl-, rtr-ll, Garnett I vcll. JOHN GRAHAM'S PARK MEDICAL PHARMACY 5!)7 S. Winter St. Next to Salem Memorial Hospital Trust the Prescription You can have perfect trust In each prescription we fill for you. It it profetsionilly pre pared end meticulouily meas ured from the freiheit drugs available. Aurora AURORA Organization of a home extension unit for women in the AlacksburgLono Elder dis-1 trict is being planned, with all j women interested invited to meet i at the Lone Elder Community j MeDowall, Clackamas county! home extension agent. Ladies of the Macksburg Luth-1 - eran church arc invited to the i u .., ,.. m un Thuriday allcrn()n, Feb. 25, to I sew for New Guinea. Mrs. Wil- l linm McElroy will supervise the ,. Tho Macksburg sewing group met at the home of Mrs. Rudy Etzel Wednesday. Rev. Arnold led the devotional hour. Present were Mrs. Tina Kraxberger, Mrs. Lee Daniels, Mrs. William Herkamp, Rev. and Mrs. Arnold Wittrock and son, j Hfo Inhn l.'.irb nnrl inn M,o A I. bcrt Ronfeld, Mrs. Fred Heinz, Mrs. C. A. Scribner, Mrs. Julius Ganske, Mrs. John Krummer, Mrs. F. J. Kraxberger and the hostess. Mrs. John Kraus and Mrs. Wil. liam Lowric were hostesses at the Kf hmnrv mpnlini nf lhi Wnmnn's Association of the Aurora Presby- tcrian Church. The brief business meeting was followed bv devo- tions. The yearbooks for 1954 were distributed, which had been prepared mostly by Mrs. Robert Hampel. Sewing on garments for a mission in Arizona was the aft ernoon's diversion. Refreshments followed later. Tuesday afternoon a Valentine j party was held at the Prcsby- terian church for the youth choir. The Rev. Robert C. Hampel, pastor of the Aurora Presbyterian Church and Buttcville Congrega tional churches, who conducted a Spiritual Lilc Mission at Reed ville the past week, announced that a similar mission has been arranged for the Aurora church Feb. 28 and March 2 and 3. The speaker for the Aurora Spiritual Life Mission will be the Rev. Arthur Schwab, pastor of Savage Memorial Presbyterian church of Portland, and chairman of Evangelism of the Oregon Council of Churches. Mrs. Lee Daniels was hostess in her home recently at a birth day luncheon honoring her sister, Mrs. Howard Bottemiller. Guests of Mrs. Daniels included Mrs. John Harms, Mrs. Bnlte miller and children, Mrs. Don Sperb, Mrs. Mel Strean and daughter, Mrs. William Sperb and children, Mrs. W. C. Harms and children. Una Temple No. 26, Pythian Sisters nf Aurora, will sponsor "Luncheon Is Served" during April. Hostesses formulating plans for the affair are Mrs. Harry Sclnillz, Mrs. Fred Geis wein, Mrs. Joe Ezzcll, Mrs. Edwin Miller and Mrs. Les Eppers. Mrs. h. J. Snyder was hostess in iivi in m it- nt. iuc I'l'uiiiriiy , meeting of Una Temple's Past in her home at the February Chiefs club, at a Valentine party. In charge of games was Mrs. Harry Sehullz. Awards went to Mrs. William Weltstcin, Mrs. Amy Hurst, Mrs. Willis Yodcr and Mrs. Harriet Ehlen. I Sheridan SHERIDAN The Study club! met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Otto llcider Sr., with Mrs. Clifford Coon nod Mrs. Palmer Hyrkit as- listing. Yamhill County Federa !,u ' , T l, K , uu n.,,C, . Mrs. Andy 1 augen vice president ; uuu inn. jiuuy miliums atriii- tary. Members of the Fendall Home Extension unit were guests. A no host luncheon was held be fore (he meeting. Mrs. Willam Chandlce of Hillsboro showed a KpHl'VIll illll nffinr Cllnkf nml Mrs. Ar.dy Ilaiigcn. Yamhill' coun- y cuairman ni inc r.asicr ncai program, talked about Easter i Seals and the work the money , dors which is used to purchase ; them. Mrs. Leona McAllister. Lodge , Mother nf the Loyal Mothers club ; of the Sheridan Eagles lodge, is ; ?"VnS 8 01 " 'c;ir u'rm now. lunula iiiuv imt vc been an Eagle i I"' fL",'?! ,n t . ! ? M "1,r '"r l)ay to be clllble lo m"M' " ... ... . i.m-.i uie him . """'IT I (Mlf;i' Jll,ll"'r- ;''' Mrs- i.i,i i,i.ini ,.- 1 1 ii tHii--i .,11,111,-1. The group organized in June of; l.''2. other members of the club ; lire Mrs. Rose llhiiichartl, Mrs. ' ' "m Lulu Dili'.'ess. Mrs. Nea! I Thomson and Mis. Hob Ritncr. , Several Sheridan youths were in- tornf Ida! l, n.ilr ulti,i llin -, Inulr j.ii.u in.-, nun hii i ,.ij lull. , i . .... Uhi,., i .i,. ..... , riding ruptured and caught fire following a collision, reducing the ''ar '" " ,",a' '"ss- l"'m'l A. Zuni- " " a' "i l' i vrr of thr-c nr. and passenger, were Lloyd Hamilton, Ken Rei-.'er. Fred and James I ramner t ramner sulfered a fractured Jaw and was taken lo a McMinnville hospital for treat-. nient. ' The accident occurred on high- way 9tiV north of McMinnville. Richard O. Doran of Grand Ronde , was the driver of the car which struck the rear of the Zumwalt : Now Feature At 1:30.4:10 6:45 9:30 u. 1 ' HCMNicotoe TESTIFIES 1'' - V' On s i i-elix A. insierm; n, now a draftsman living in Cambridge, N.Y., testifies before Sen. Jo seph McCarthy (R., .Wis.) in Albany, N.Y., (Feb. 20). The 44 year old Moscow trained American photographer said he had filmed the famed "pumpkin papare" that led to the perjury conviction of Alger Hiss. He testified that he had photographed State Department documents for the Whittaker Chambers spy ring in 1937-38 although not a card-carrying Red. (AP Wircphoto) car. The Sheridan Chapter No. 89, OES held their first initiation of the year, with Adolph and Doris Sundrud of Willamina as the can didates. Carlotta Wiseman of Grants Pass, Grand Conductress of the Grand Chapter of Oregon will con duct the annual school of instruc tion the evening of Feb. 23, follow ing a no host dinner in her honor. Northwest- Telephone company subscribers in Sheridan, Willa mina and Grand Ronde received new telephone books last week. Mrs. Winer Melonuk of Sheridan was honored with a baby shower given by Mrs. George Woodard and Mrs. John Pitardi at the Woodard home in McMinnville. Mrs. Me lonuk received many nice gifts, and a series of games were played during the evening. Attending the shower were Mrs. Blair Moss, Mrs. George Belton. Mrs. Kenneth Silton, Mrs. Fred Sitlon, Mrs. Tilman Crook. Mrs. Ron Kborall, Mrs. Eldore Balsch, Mrs. Charles Henry, Mrs. Ralph Farnham, Mrs. L. A. Happel, Mrs. Ken Myers, Mrs. Duane Faul, Mrs. Gordon Asbury, Mrs. 1. Bernard, Mrs. Harold Lindeen, Mrs. Addie Cooper, Mrs. Bertha Dillon and Mrs. Dean llcrron. Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Crowe i-. - 1,11 vr" ' ,'"c(dalc's sister, Mrs. Rubv Brooks graduation " u' u,l,r " m' "".' 7 from the Engineers Officers Candi date school, U. S. Army, at Ft. Bclvoir, Va., on Jan. 26, and the marriage of the following day to Miss Elsie Jcnne, formerly of Mc Minnville. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jenne of McMinn ville and graduated in 1952 from the McMinnville hich school. She I was a beautician in McMinnville . , ! . ', ' , ".J ! .,'.,.; ".,'," ,' " ,";,, I te army in November, 1932. U. and Mrs. Crowe are at home Acx;imlria, ya a(1(,r a ,,on(,y , jn N(,w YorkVity. Butteville Thursday Mrs. Karl Englcmun : was hosless for a demonstration i CVinnl rlili rnr,iim,l were given to the kitchen of the si nnoi. Miss Anna Becrman is ill at her home and was under the doctor's care Thursday. The regular meeting n( the i Butteville Women's Fellowship ! was held at the home of Mrs. I Fred Dentel. At the business meet- ing. Mrs. Karl hntleman and Mrs. Glenn A. Yergen were named for nimillr for 14. The R'oup is also sponsoring a "Lunch- ,ri", ' a' " sth"" : At. I,e ciiiM- oi inc ousiiiess inceiing, airs. ll' rl llalP''' ' surprised with a in in mime. The next milling will be March1 12 at the home of Mrs. Phil llath- ! aw.iv. ' Mr. and Mrs. Phil ll.ithr.wav and their daughter. Bonnie, in com- i p.iny with Mrs. .1. W. McC'lure at- ,1.. .I.ll. f Ti.. 1,. i l lllllu ie HIIIINg Ul .11 IJl I d- i,.;,.;, u',,.!!,.,.. ; i:.,i, i, ...i Miss Weathers is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Weathers and a niece of Mrs llathawav. At llir n-- 'l in uhi. h followr-ii the ing M,ss Hathaway cut the rake and had charge of the guesl hunk. New officers installed in the Iliilteville Congregational church! Sunday were. Mrs. Karl Engle- i man, trustee; Mrs. Lon Stewart' S u n d a y school superintendent; : Mrs. J. L. Williams, deaconess; ; Karl Fugleman joined the church i Sundav. : PHONl ) IOtO You see it without glasses! Pricei: Adulti 51 .23 Children 50e Woodburn WOODBURN Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hagg left Sunday by train for a short vacation in Cali fornia i Mrs. Lester E. Keller left Fri - , day by plane for Los Angeles : I wnere sne was canca ny me sen lous illness of her daughter. ! Dr. Gerald B. Smith of Wood I burn received a notice in the "Weekly Philatelic" stamp collec tor's magazine recently on his visit to the Philatelic Research sncicty meeting at Berkeley, California. He spoke on the first day covers of 1954, of which he I has seven of 30 known to exist. Pr, Smith is a director of A.P.S. 3c 5-57 unit. Recent guests at the Rome of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Allen were Mr. and Mrs. John Allen and two children of Wichita, Kansas, temporarily located at Seattle. Mr. Allen is a nephew of the Os car Aliens. Guests for two weeks at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Quigley were Mr. Quigley's moth er, Mrs. Anna Quigley of Cleve land, Ohio, and his aunt, Mrs. Fred Tahler of Rrlc, Penn. They returned home by way of San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gamroth, Margaret and Michael left Tues day by car for a two week's va cation trip to California and other states. They will return about March 2. Norman C. Hodson returned last week from a visit with his mother in Vancouver, B.C. He made the trip by car. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Wolley, for merly of Woodburn and Bend, arc now located in Albany where they are engaged in business as the Willamette Land Co. Jefferson JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs. Harley Libby were attending a meeting of the Oregon Technical Institute in Klamath Falls last week. They also were at Bend returning to Medford where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Les lie Libby and family. Mr. Libby is in charge of the refrigeration in the hospital at Camp White. Mrs. Dale Wattcnbarger under went surgery in an Albany hos pital Wednesday. Others ill are Mrs. Hart Barnes having flu of the muscles and Mrs. Leonard Marcum recovering from an ill ness. The Jefferson fire department were called out Wednesday night to the home of the Eggleston family to put out a fire near the flue caused from an overheated stovepipe. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller left Friday morning for San Francisco, Calif., where they will attend the wedding of their son Stanley Miller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hinsdale , hri ,ni, nunc, 1 II .... had as their guest Mrs. Ilins- f North Bend. On Sunday they motored to Portland and attend ed the wedding of their nephew i-naries morns. J'":.?' "u5hes ,s an Albany hospital recovering xWLftayer and all th 7ce S 'Z1. I assisheSs "serving E Mr. and Mrs. Royal DcVanev arc the parents of a daughter, hnm at thn 1 nti.nnn hn.n;tnl i-v, i-C .... . "1 h, :,,h, ' i. been named Colleen Marie. This , ls ,nclr tlrst chlld- j . Mr- ?nu fllrs- Jonn Henderson where they will visit their son. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Henderson. Jefferson lodge. AF and AM, met Saturday night for regular meeting when Charles Borst, worshipful master, was present ed the saw filers traveling gavel made of Orceon Mvrtlcuood. The hcl!;crs' b' ,tr?'!e: The gavel is kept in a box of myrtlewood when not in use and while being used by Charles L.mdon of Eel River Lodge, No. 147, Scotia. Calif. During 1953 .L"n,""n I'Y"10"0" a peppcrwnoa ,al. f,,r ,hc. box' . miii-i iiidMi-is usinu me Kavci while in office arc Matt Smith, in 1948, and Percv Malcolm in 1950. Both were piasters of Cot tage Grove lodge No. 51. The Valentine theme was car ried out at the Three Links club card party Saturday night. Mrs. Don Porter and Mrs, Hazel Hins dale had high score in pinochle, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Page In "500" Low scores were made by Don Purler and Mrs. Ruby Brooks in pinochle ami Mrs. Ne va Kester and Paul Smith in "5(H)." Mrs. Paul Smith received the door prize. -' I nwnil ini I NOW PLAYINGI I . . Th . M . . ll-'"Oy re in The Movies! ...and in COLOR! LUCILLE BALL DESIVM la H-G-M'J hlluloul eomiir, ' HIE LONG, LONG TRAILER" au iv coFr.rots coion A I . -SO Short Subject "ITRILS OK THE VORr ST" News Color Cartoon ! -G0.".T Y i r.f ; r jiicxanucr uOko.iiuiOV, cup drawer Soviet diplomat, took over Feb. 20 as Russia's new ambassador to Italy. He ar rived in Rome as Italian Com munists sparked a series of strikes aimed at Premier Mario Scelba's pro-western govern ment. (AP Wirephoto) Dayton DAYTON The members of the WTCU held the annual Frances E. Willard Tea, at the home of Mrs. Mariam Krake recently with 42 present. The guests included people from Dayton, McMinnville, and LaFayctte, also the four local pastors, Robert H. Mulkey, Chris tian Church: Rev. James Soden, Baptist Church; Rev. H. C. Ryan, Pioneer Church, and Rev. E. G. Slape, Assembly of God. Mrs. Guy Remme presided over the meeting and presented the pastors each with a small standard bearing the three flags, Christian, National, and Temperance. Mrs. J. If. Pollard, Yamhill County WTCU president was one of the speakers of the day. Also Sheriff "Bill" Jones, gave a his tory of crime in Yamhill County and told of the need of a new jail in the county. He also compared Yamhill County crime with that of other places. Mrs. Ralph Timm had the De votions. The tea table was decorated with a spring arrangement and candles, Mrs. L. Phelps assisted at the cof fee urn and Mrs. Edward Schroe- der served Tea. The Dayton Garden Club met Willi Mrs. Manam Krake with 25 members and one guest, Mrs. Ona Churchman of Newberg, present. Mrs. Steve Taylor presided over I the business meeting. iA!SSCd ,a 'T the close of her lesson she intro duced her grandchildren, Karen, Kathy and Gregory Krake, as her ber on the flute; Kathy recited frcshmcnls. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Vedah Willard and the group ! ' ! wi" p"'y a Plant exchange. Mr. and Mrs. r.ilmmt,- receiving congratulations on the j birth of a son Thursday, Feb. 19. at an Albany hospital. He weiah. ed seven pounds, five ounces and has been named Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gilmour of Jef ferson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fery of Stayton are the grand parents. ENDS TODAY Open 6:45 2 Top Hits on 'One Program "LITTLE HOY LOST" "5000 FINGERS OF DR. T." STARTS TOMORROW Technicolor Co-Hit "CITY OF BAD MEN" Jennie Crain, Dale Robertson Rollicking 3-Act Comedy Friday Feb. 26, 8 P.M. LESLIE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 8 P.M. THE WEST SALEM LIONS CU B MEMBERS ARE SPONSORING this choice family entertainment. By the SALEM CIVIC I means of raising funds to assist the club with its many projects of civic and rharitable nature, (ilasses for needy children, eradication of poison oak in West Salem, study fore proposed swimming pool for West Salem children are among its projects. We are asking the support of all Lions Club members of Salem particularly, and of the Salem public generally, lo buy tickets and to attend this low-cost but HIGH QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT for all of the family. STEVEN'S K SON'S. Jewerels are cooperating by making tickets available at their fine store, and they may he purchased from any member of the We. Salem Lions Cluh. (let tickets today! We need your support! Thanks. WEST SALEM LIONS CLUB m jlil. Adults ! Sweet Home SWEET HOME Eighteen per sons charged with violating vari ous traffic, passenger vehicle and log truck regulations paid fines to taling $100.50 in Sweet Home jus tice court last week. Justice F. A. Cornell also levied thre overload fines which totaled $116. Final rites were held here Sat urday for a Sweet Home native, Wayne L. (Brownie) Moss. He died in Sisters last Tuesday. Members of the family included his widow, Vernonai and three sons, William, Richard and Rodney: four broth ers, Lyle of Sweet Home, Lee of Lebanon, Wally of Klamath Falls SSl TOwTSSH!: and Uo sisters, Gladys Hamilton of Warrcnton and Juanita Gundersen of Lebanon. Two new firemen have been added to the volunteer fire de partment recently. They arc Frank Kikcl, as special policeman in charge of directing traffic, and Ralph Ogle. The fire department was pre sented with a radio-phonograph console last week by Dick Mey ers. A large number of records also were donated for the, use of the firemen by the owner of the Red Head Cafe and by Don Con ner. ' An open house and a panel dis- cussion of student discipline was a feature of the high school PTA this week. Serving as moderator on the panel was Fred Chambers and comments were made by three adults, Gene Wekheiser. teacher, and Ken Groves and Mrs. John Galcy, parents. Others serving on the panel were Jerry Rogers, Janet Wood, Charles Gilchrist, Phil Sturholm and Aria Roberts. Among the local students who attended the Fern Hoppers day on the campus of the Oregon State college on Feb. 20 was Raymond Care, son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Care. Raymond is ' majoring in forestry engineering. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Schmidt of Glendale, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt of Lincoln, Neb., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reed and also of Mr. and Mrs. John Stein. Mrs. Stein is the sister of Mrs. Schmidt. The Mel Schmidt's are former residents of Sweet Home. J. Schmidt is a retired fire chief of Lincoln, Neb., and greatly enjoy ed the tour of the local fire de partment j 7f i, t, j Mr. and Mrs. Walt Howe and family were Sunday visitors in Le- ! banon at the home of Mr. Howe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Howe. Richard Meacham is home on i i,a tho vu nnH i visit. I . ,u ,. , u ... i Mrs." GordonUScnion on'per Wiley Creek road. Pfc. Bill Davidson returned to his Fort Bliss, Texas base after spending a 10 day leave with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dav idson. He rode home with Ray Downing of Lebanon who, after his leave home, was to report to Fort Meade, Md. ! EE STARTS TOMORROW! 2nd BIG HIT Barton Maclane Virginia Grey "CAPTAIN SCARFACE" on id kharlic 60c, Children 30c, (Tax Intl.) Great success was reported from the smorgasbord which was held in the newly completed high school cafeteria recently. The meal was sponsored by the Junior class of the school and food was pre pared by mo'hcrs of the students. Profits of the affair arc slated for the Junior-Senior banquet and prom which will be held in May. The annual meeting of the Linn county Fire Patrol association will be held here Wednesday, Feb. 24. according to District War den Ray Trenholm. The all day meeting will be held at the fire patrol headquarters and will in clude a general business scssioa and directors' meeting. H. D. Patton. 1953 vice president ! - association, will preside. Women's College Presents Play MT. ANGEL - "Rebecca's Tri umph", a three-act play by Georgo M. Baker, was presented by stu dents of Mount Angel Women's col lege, twice Sunday, February 21, in the college auditorium. The play was directed by Sis ter M. Loraine, O.S.B., college dramatic coach. Settings and per iod costumes were of the turn of the century. Members of the cast included j Carol Wachtcr as Mrs. Rokcman, a wealthy lady: Patricia Ander son as Mrs. Delaine, a widow; Dona Wolfard as Rebecca, a foundling; Shirley Taggart as Clarissa Codman, a spinster; Mary Callaghan, as Kalie Conner, an Irish girl: Anna Mae Loftis, as Gyp. a colored girl: and Rose Mary Villsmeyer, as Meg, a vag rant. "Our Club Girls" were Elaine Wilson as Dora Gaines, Dona Knauf as Nellie Dunbar, Jean Lusk as Emma Stevens, Mary Ed gell as Maria Gray and Marilyn Bistline as Gussie Green. Orchestral numbers "Themes from Piano Concerto No. 2. by S. Roehmaninoff, and "Entrance of the Sardar "by Ippolitw-Iwanow, by the all-girl school orchestra provided entertainment bctwen acts. Ushers in the afternoon were Marlcne Diehl, Ruth Ann Dicker, Arlene Fesslr,, Lcola Gamble, Marie Piatz and Louann Schaech cr. In the evening Margie Annen, Kathy Brandt, Flora Fcnr.imore, Barbara Hug, Mary Jane Mcln tee and Ruth Schmcrber. Ancient Sparta discouraged business transactions by issuing l heavy, c umsy, iron coins. V Jl . Wednesday Lunch At North's In The Capitol Shopping Center Virginia Baked Ham Dinner Sandwich Whipped Potatoes and Cream Gravy Cranberry Sauce 650 Fast Service , Delicious Food Trv Salem's Best Place To Eat! ENDS TONITE Jane Powell Gordon MacRae "THREESAIlORS AND A GIRL" also Robt. Cummings "MARRY ME AGAIN" ) II