Tuesday, February 23, 1954 Faife 13 THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon DENNIS THE MENACE Id 1 Li3 Looks vkb new, Annual Union Meeting Held MT. ANGEL Considerable in crease of volume in marketing, due to tin. new facilities at Hop mere, Oregon, which include a 60,000 capacity grain elevator built last spring, and an increase of 123 in membership to bring the total to 1453 members, was reported In the members of the Mount Angel Farmers Union Warehouse at the annual all-day meeting held Saturday, February 20, in the au 'itorium of St. Mary's school. A financial report made by Harvey A. Michaelis, certified public accountant of Salem, and the report submitted by Bernard Kirsch, manager, staled that a good year was experienced by the .organization. The net operating margin of the year amounted to $34,878.05. Total volume of busi ness for the warehouse in 1953 Woodburn WCTU Holds Meeting WOODBUHN The regular meeting of the Wondburn unit of the Women's Christian Temper ance Union was held F-iday after noon at the home of the presi dent, Mrs. A. D. Sprouse. Special guests were the county president, Mrs. Barkus who gave a talk during the program hour, Mrs. Martin of Salem who accompa nied Mrs. Barkus to Woodburn and Mrs. Clifford Applegate. Mrs. Kdna Collins was welcomed as a new member. A program was given honoring Frances Willard and Lillie Stev ens, founders of the organization and included the talk by Mrs. Barkus, vocal solos and readings by Mrs. Sprouse, a reading by Mrs. John Carson, a piano duet by Misses Ruth Marie Applegate and Barbara Mouser and a vocal solo by Miss Mouser accompanied by Miss Applegate. Tentative plans were made to hold a county convention in Woodburn on the next meeting date, March 19. Mrs. Dorothy Smith of Oervais assisted Mrs. Sprouse in serving refreshments. Four Corners FOUH ('(Ji'NKKS Now ri-si-uVnts in V ur Corners arc Mr. and Mrs. Myron Nicholson and family who moved from Knlem to 3774 East State St. Mr. and Mrs. Paryl Connelly, Diane, Allen, Kenny, i.nd Vickie are located in the Messmar cott.iRe at 4l(i() Macleay ltd. They moved out from Salem Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Olson are in the Handel cottage at 3400 Kast Slate St. They moved here from l'leasant Hill. Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Srlilirker rc visitinK with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cus Slicker on Itmite 5. 'Jhey are from New Orleans. I.a. The children are M.irilou, Susan, iShori and David The Junior Cirls Sund.iv school class of the Baptist htir'rh held a party Saturday atternoon in the fireplace room ot the church. I'resent vere Shirley Stanbauuh, Diane Mayden, Aitha Forest, Anita Chartier, Diane Cnrhett, Carol Ho idnrk, Joyce Kiluorc, Sharon Horest, ami the teacher, Mrs. Vernon Forest. Anita Coop was the hniioreo Saturday afternoon, the oci i'.ion hoins hrr 121 h birthday anni versary, (inesls were her class mates .leanie Shuck, I.nna IVcn, Edith Knottier Joyre Sealey, Janet linger, Sherrill While, Marsha Lee, Barbara and .Initirs 'nop. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Fio-tcr were hosts to the Kray Kard Kill!). Pinochle was in plav and the Rii'sls were .Mr. and Mrs. Hay Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. ltoss Chrisman, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mclllnay, Mr. and Mrs. Ce cil Walker, Mr. and Mrs. 1. II. White, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dales, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Remington, Henry Boden. Misses Jeanic Chrisman and Linda Hem ingtnn. House Rtiosts in the Andrew Messman home for the week end were Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Cech and Dunne of Beaverton. Mrs. Loroy Mooers underwent forgery Feb. 1!) at the Salem Memorial hospital. By Ketcham van n;M0M? Warehouse at Mt. Angel was $1,515,27:1.61, and salaries and wages amounted to $79,- 880.35. The association voted to amend the by-la s to provide for a bor rowing limit of the association at $25,000 instead of the $10,000 pro vided earlier. George Vachtcr and Ronald Stevens, both of Rt. 2, Silvcrton, were chosen to suc ceed themselves as directors. At the board of directors meet ing which was he'd immediately after the all-day membership meeting, Otto J. bchlottman, til 1, Mt, Angel, was re-elected presi. dent, and Albert Boehsler, Rt. 1, Ml. Angel, was re-elected vice- president. Fred iii-linski, Rt. 1, Brooks, is the huidover board member. On the agenda of the board meeting was the motion to retain Bernard Kirsch as secre tary-manager of the organization. Three hundred members at tended the ell-day meeting. Lunch was served at noon in the din ing room of St. Mary's school. President Otto J. Schlottman pre sided at the meeting. Speakers during the morning session in cluded Hollis Ottoway, Marion County Agricultural Extension Agent, who spoke on "Agricul- Uure in Marion County." "Willam ette Production Credit Associa tion" was the subject of Phil M Brandt, Jr., secretary-treasurer of WPCA; and Karl Bauer, Dircc. tor of Research, Chemicals Divi sion, Pacific Supply Cooperative, spoke on "Fertilizer Usage on Cereal Grains". A feature of the afternoon pro gram was the awarding of ten $5.00 warehouse merchandise cer tificates. Receiving the certificate awards were C. E. Klein, Silver ton lit. I: Robert E. Hartzell, Monitor; Mrs. Anna Walker, Mt. Angel; Otto Bittler, Gervais; Dew ey S. Miller, Canby; Mrs. Mary Chapman, Monitor; If. J. Alrick, Silverton Rt. 1; E. J. Anderson, Rt. 2, Wnodhurn; Pat Manning, Salem, and George Durant, Mo lalla. LEGALS u.u.l. Milt 111 I H County ol Marlon, Stale nf Oregon, is asking for scalcU bids (or grading and evavc-lloig accoidnig to lilt- plans an itspccllli-allons Mipplu-d by ttie Connly Engineer .and the pt-litiim H-ciucMing improvement of ('ANI)l.K WOOD D1UVE In Mai ion County, Or egon. Plans and spccllicatlims may be obtained at the otlu-e uf the County Knginecr. Courthouse. Salem. llids will be opened by the Coun ty Court in the Court Court Cham bers at the temporary Courthouse, 4110 North High. Salem, Oregon, at the hour nf 10:30 am., Monday, March Bth. 1954. 1 The County reserves the right to lei-rpt anv or n-iect all bids in the best tnterr-t of Marion Countv. II V nlttlKH (IE THE MARION COUNTY COURT. F 23.25 ADS IN THIS COLUMN RF.CFIVF.D . . . Too Late To Classify. WANTED TO KENT 2 bedroom home with gai,ii;e anil lireplace. IVt-ler house witli heal register In every room. Piione 3-H!l!lH. 2 Oil 3 lull m,.I, r,,,.. wilt, I slmaje l'h. 2-I.V.; I.IRLS- Av,i ;r 'i H him.i'hJv rrttwiiKsinn. N't'.il. v.nelr. ini'li t nht- tn l.;.vr l.n.t, t-nim-fh ilrlt "liavl rs, anl tis 'in.r-sMm All upph cant.. u ill ,-f it-irt v tvfni SfVcMfMi n.-vlr. Srr Mr. Will hnn at itr ,lVlv i,.hlfs Mtnr fouit v.(, in.i pn, ;.fl,io p m. THICK WUNf, upright iM.ino. F.xcrl IimiI rumiMton, i .;o.in Cl.r.AN. Iutm, 4 r-nt.' ,V hatlTali im fw hcf.Hf. i: .i m. ,.r aftrr 7 pm 1 :-:ui M.ioif Avr .(-; en. l.ATK M.nid nul.uir (Move fur i "n "! ti .nlc fur tM'dl OlHll : rl ("ill .M.-nir.mil'i :'LMP. ! I1 ; YH. pc! 111 (Jen, mii Mirp.iiri., I m'm .luliliiit, Hr.tMtt..hi ! KXl'. Humi d louplr. :i m rhtMrrn tftui.n i.Htn inttncili.it-!-. Hu M;;. (.uind K-Mitlc. Oirvon. Cl'VIOM tr.irtci woik. Plowing (lls.lliR. E,ir.1rn Untk. .I-Wfi.t KKHTII U'KH J.t 'srn.ill n.-ulrr iomU .'. iWn.-hu.nxi Dr. 2 rXl ni.KNl " f.nn.lvn.W!i$285 t.tt. - I- r-, -,.,r, (.IV1,. . To Place Ad Call 2-2441 Lodge Holds Anniversary WOODBURN The 54th annual homecoming of Woodburn Lodge No. 106 A.F. L A. M. was held Saturday night, Feb. 20, at the Masonic Temple with 115 mem bers of the lodge and visiting members in attendance. Dinner was served at 7 p.m. by Past Ma trons club of Evergreen chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. Following the dinner the mem bers and guests returned to the lodge room and a memorial serv ice was held for members who have died since the last homecom ing, Elaine McCord, Louis Kocnig, Howard Hayre and Victor W. Pe terson, with Charles B. Cornwell. worshipful master, in charge of the service. Following the service Cornwell called upon Past Master Harold M. Austin to act as master of cere monies and short talks were giv en by out of town members. The remainder of the evening was spent in visiting and renewing friendships. Out of town members present were Marvin D. Mattson of Astor ia; Chauncey H. Yoder, Neal But terfield. Dr. Thomas Sims, Harley C. Hughes. Lanar Vorestone, Dr. Victor L. Rocho, Virgil H. Haller, James G. Cole, Charles Boyle, all of Portland; W. II. Baillie, L. R. Tweedic, Roy E. Betkmith, Rex W. Benlley, all of Salem; E. A. Proctor, Beaverton; Elburn T. Sims, Eugene, M. D. Woollcy, Al bany, P. J. Brachmann and Hugh W. Boyle of Canby. Visiting members and the loca tion of the home lodges were Emil Born, Davenport, Iowa; Fred E, Fralick, Seattle, Wash.; Sidney E. Harris and Charles Harber, Des Moines, Iowa; Willard H. Atwood, Chicago. 111.: Wm. J. Mishler, Eu gene; Wm. W. Watkins, Taft, Ore gon; Clyde A. Phillips, Allen Dean and J. S. Harper, Gervais: Rev. D. Lcsler Fields, Shedd: Samuel S. Isa, riatlsburg, Mo.; A. E. Loe, San Pedro, California: Harvey De Groff, Verndale. Minn.; O. D. Shepherd, Longview. Wash.; J. C. Morrison, Flasher, N. D.; Charles C. Campbell, Cascade, Idaho; Frank P. Doerfler, American Falls, Idaho; Borden F. Beck, Redmond. Oregon: Walter Mus grave. Salem: Keith Tweedie, Sa lem; Waller K. Taylor, Corvallis; Layman Baird, St. Thomas, N. D.; Enos W. Moreland, Detroit, Mich.; Waiter C. Kirschman, Jr., Meri den. Conn.: George A. Rogers, Glenwood, Iowa; Fred Rogers, Lo gan, Iowa; J. Gates, Portland. THREE INJURED IN GUN FIGHT BUENOS AIRES, Argentina W Warring factions of the nationalist alliance for liberation jlagcd a gunfight in their party headquar ters Monday night and three per sons, one a woman, were wound ed. The alliance is a brown-shirtcd ultra-nationalist group which sup ports President Juan Peron, but strongly opposes some of his close st advisers. 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notice SALEM LODGE No. 4, A.F. & A.M. Wed. Feb. 24, M. M. decree, 7:30 P. M. 312 Lost and Found LOST: a blue parakeet. He talk. He Is banded. 4-1630. 1.TI1 Court St. 316 Personal Palmstry Readings Advlt-e on love, marriage, business. 'I ins ail and $1 for $5 reading. Nexllii North Salem Drive-In. Play Popular Piano Call Salem Music Co , 2-8708, orSarcheUs In Albany, 352. ALCOHOLICS Anonvmnus group No. 1. 2U8 N. Com'l. 3-4537, 4-3344. SAFE, permanent removal of tin- sightly facial hairs. Erich of N Y. 100 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sale GENTLE family cow, $100. Rt. , Box 561. Ph. 3-1420. LOCKEIt llEKF Y-nTlcrn oTegonT"1! or whole, T.e, tront . Quarter 20c. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salrm Meat Co., 13,'S S. 23th. Phone 403 Llvesloclt Wanted UVF-STOfK buvrr I buy cattlp, liorsc1;. hops, f-lufp. gualt. Imars, vp.i1 Kmrry Aider man. I'lione 2- iBti! or 2-iXXi(i. CATTLE'iUIYF.RS. K I. and H. Sne then. 4297 Stair. 2-:U5 of -4:180. CATTI.K, horsi's. at your farm. E. C. Mi'Ci n d 1 1 s h 1127 S. 2 3th. Ph. 3-8147. LIVESTOCK buyrr, A F. Komrncr, 12til liarmony Dr. I'h. 4-2fil7. 404 Poultry and Rabbits CHICKS for l:ivrr. l.cKlmrn Autrn W'hitt ftr Nrw Hnmp.'nrr. ratmrr' Ht i. nro.v ph. 2-fi:m HAHV CHICKS Oirlrr nnw forrhmrp of hrrrds. Nil pultt!; ISr. p.ir rfd rnnstfrx, 5r, Vrillry Farm Storf. 40S PtR FRFF 1 nia. part rorker pupplrs. .1-PP03. IIAllY I'arakrrii I" .W. 4510 ciaxlrr RI. l'h. 2-J.';'4. 2 KKMAI.F IVklllrf pups. 4 k nin uW. Ph. ,l-;l.i" T(Y Pi U-rru-r. m.ilr. 10 num. 21. lh. HrKish-ied. $75. Vt-vv fMi-ptlon. nl liuv.J'li. 2-1218. f'CH'KKH. Golilrn ml. A. K. I". 1 stiul. I'hotir 2-12IH. KKCISTKItF.D mule boxer at stud. Call 4.SMS. PAHAKKKTS, Cases, supplies. Bird Paradise. .Uffo LivinRston 2-1M2. TiiHXvw"6ob AQUAHtUM. 195JR Me Cov. I block e.it of N v'npltol, 1', block norih nf M-.dfnn Ph PAKAkKrTrS-P.-ibic r.urd in out home. $1 ?0. nil rolois. M's. Pow er. 7. IS Prllevur. Pn. 4-1.!l7. BOXKH female Mooie tronicul fisf equipment. Pirakets, nets. Mae lr.iv Pd. 4-.1773. Clmed Wed. CAVARIS, clvire oi'inse and pn rot strain. 1340 ChrmeKetA. To PlaceAd Call2-2441 400 Agriculture 410 Seeds and Plants ROTTED manure by yard or lack. Ph. 3-5072. LGK. CURRANT bushes, trade (or shrubs. Ph. 3-4098. 4-5.80. EASTERN Oregon Sheep Manure by sack Jjr yard. Ph. 4-3505. EVERGREENS. TREES, roses. We de sign and plant at no extra cost. Middle Grove Nursery, 41120 Silver Ion Kd. Ph. 4-4632. TUBEROUS begonia bulbs. 12 50 doz. Ic tio. Gloxinia bulbs. 35c each. Buy direct from grower. We were 1st prize winners at 11153 blate Kair. Claggett's reenhouses. A1. a mi. N. of Salem on Wallace Rd. fSalem Daylon Hy.J, Rt. 1, Box 403. Ph. 2-3502. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce FERTILIZER Rotted manure, weed free. 2-0774 425 Auction Sales Furniture Auction Wed., Feb. 24th at 7 p.m. COMPLETE 5 ROOMS OP FURNI TURK TO BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDEn. NO RESERVE. OWNER LEAVING TOWN. 1053 Gibson Elec. Range (like new): 9 ft. Gibson Refrigerator (with freezer chest) 6 pc. light Mr. and Mrs. Bedroom Set (like new) Daveno & Chair (like new) 0x12 Wool Rug. 2t-in Hallicrafter TV set (mahog any console) Upright Piano. Easy Washer. 1 Set Bunk Beds, complete. 2 wal. Bp d room Sets. Walnut Vanity Sc Bed. 5-pc. Dinette Set. Jenny Lind Maple Bed. Box Springs and Mattresses. Lamp & Coffee Tables, occ. ehiiirs. Rockers. 8-ft. Frigidaire Refrig. Chest-o-Drawers A: many other ar ticles of furniture by sain date. LA'NE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YD. Silvcrton TV. Phone 3-filWB AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONITE, 4840 CENTER S., SALEM 4J0 Merchandise 4S1 Machinery and Tools 12 IN. Craftsman band saw. Like new, very seasonable. Ph. 3-4049. 456 Wanted, Hsehold Goods Used Furniture Valley Furniture Co. 2-7472 WE PAY top cash price tor good used furniture, appliances, etc. -Immediate service. Used Merchandise Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. -4-6371. CASH TODAY Good used furniture or will sell on consignment. Ph. 3-6098 Sud t ell's Auction. 458 Building Materials ALL NEW lumber, ship lap, $30.00 per M and up, 2x4 and larger $23 00 per M and up. Some lumber SI 5.00 per M delivered. Phone 2-2042. PLUMBING Toilets $24.50 Shower Cabinets $:i!t.5) Wash Basins . .$15 00 4-in. cast iron soil pipe, per ft. 69c Water heaters, bath tubs, fittinRs fle colorrd nets at tremendous savings. CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE 145 CENTER SALEM Pine, Pine, Pine! (RUNNING OUT OUR EARS!) New Loud 1x12 shelvinR, varietv of p:inellriK. same low price. Knotty Pine ptwood (that's nirlit M . have some in stock. Stks 39 ,"i0. KD toof .sheathing or boxinft 50. Lotsa doors, rigs., paints, wallboards, and via. tiles. 48 hardboaul 1.73 sheet. Some odd sizes in plywood need an olfi-r! Ext. or Int. 4B or cut. Free flitting saves you money. Easy llild Patterns from larRe fur niture to baby 1 tovs. You'll be pleaded .at rase, doinn tt "your self." Your rcmodrlimt prrtblcm, our pra--urel Nothing down, 26 nms. to p.-iv. OI'KN ALL PAY SAT. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD .. SMi Pnrllanrt (Id. Ph. New fir door jambs . $2 SO (.ik flooring low inur New bath tubs complete $5!if0 tNed bain tubs eompU-te . JJ.VOU Pscd e.i.'.t uaslilnMiis tl.M Hdwd. plwd., ideal for paneling or cabmets ..Cheap Loose tnMilation per bag fl.ot) FiberRtass roll blanket insul. ...Cheap 14-2 elec. wiring .......,-;i' jc 12-2 elec. wiling ,v Naih m JH73 & $8.95 keg Asbestos siding per sq. $?. in) Painted 5hakrs with tinders $lii 30 New doors, all sues $3 30 trd window 3ti" x 4.1" $ J 30 loo used doors with frames New toilets with se.its .. fM SO Double kitcht ri sinks, complete tt so 4J C ll elec iVH'rr hr.iters ... $ H .'i0 iJiindrv 'r.iys. ru-f. Kimiu ...P..n c i n 300 kI sterl srplir tanks . "io " c.it Iron oi I pipe 4" Mthd oranceburg pipe - Rt Roll roofing, larcf supply 43 1 tab comp. rnoftng .. $7.35 C'edr shingle. 4 grades Cheap New G.-ilv iron Toof Chr.ip Plywood, new eat load ...-Bargains New picture windows fl 00 New weather Unnncd windows $14 20 Cedar fence post Che m New plarter Kurd 4R . .. $1 40 Steel g.ttflge door, complete f 44 00 (Iver-tead rarai; harciw are $13 H3 Kitchen, bath mt. enamelfd checked wall cover UV sq. ft. C. G. LONG & SONS Pn. 4.3031 I ml N of Kri.'rr All new Grade 'A"' Uest Qvinlitv 4" Cast Soil Pine. PSA . .73' ft. 14-2 Loomex Wire Pull roll .n;t ft. 12-2 loomex Wire Kull roll .03 ft. Wall wclamp Switili or Outlet Ivorv ...... ;m Ceiling K..iii-t Fan " 11 us 2 Comip. Sink comp w ring 4.1 Steel B.1P1 Tub comp. . fit I3 10 r. 43 k iI w tr he, iter ..... 7 .so Rrv Trap Toilet ' A" 2!)S 0lv Pine 1: ft K Oalv Ci utter .. H ft nOLLlNC.KH S. 341 N. Com 1. j 430 Merchandise 458 Building Materials Garage On your lot to your specifications. 3$ mo. to pay. Free estimates. Bork- man Lbr. and Hdw. Co. Ph. 3-3701, 2460 State. 460 Musical Instruments CHICKERING 5'i ft. Grand piano. Excellent playing! cond. See at 625 W. Browning Ave. Ph. 3-B564. Bicf6av.ngs on nearly new Spinet pianos. Priced from $475. Excellent selections. Save up to $163 on floor samples on famous top quality in strument. Used Upright Pianos from $(15 from fine selection. Al ways your top values at Stone Piano Co. Ph. 2-5821 462 Sports Equipment 1 PAIR SKIS, poles, new pair ni hoots; 12 gauge Remington douhle barrel shotgun, perfect in.; .22 pis tol on .41 frame Colt; .32 auto. Mausor, new. For appointment, call 3-4605 between 7 & 8 p.m. 464 Bicycles WORLD SCHWINN biryele. English style, 25. Ph. 3-9885. 466 Trade, Miscellaneous SWAP You lay my roof paper, I'll hang your wall paper or paint. Ph. 2-1070. 468 For Rent. Miscellaneous DUCK LAKE for rent; ml. So.. 4 mi. West of Monmouth. Ph. 6552 Munmouth. Fred Aver. Rt. 1, Box 2.12. U-FIX-IT-GARAGE Repair you own car. Phone 4-5261. tmta ... i-uin i. McCULLOCli chain saws and post hole augers by day. Towne Equip ment Co. Ph. 4-1541. r'OR RENT or lease, Ige. warehouse space, cement floors, brick bldg. down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur.i. 3-9185. 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous CEMETERY markers from $33.50 up. Lettered and set complete at the grave. L. L. Jones & Son, 7330 S.W. Macadam Ave.. Portland 1. Oregon. CHESTS.O-DRAWERS$9 up. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. ummer. GOOD 1RONRITE ironer, 155. Ph. 4-2526. TWIN BOX SPRINGS 7.50. Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. Glen RESTAURANT RCE, S. Bend with 36" griddle. 10-stool L. counter. 4-2485. GOOD TRAILER $25. G. Woodry. 7-PC. WALNUT dining suite, $69. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 S. Commercial. SQ. MAYTAG washer $25. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. DAVENO-hlde-a-bed, screen door, 291. small inside door, frame. 3- BESTBARGAIN.S at Glen Woodry'a. BEAUTY EQUIP. Reasonable offer accepted. Ph. 540 Monmouth. SALE ON good elec. ranges and reefers. Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. COLEMAN oil heater, 2 oil drumsi pipe included. Ph. 4-5495. 3 GOOD PIANOS, $75. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. SEWINGMACHINET BUYERS The Singer Sewing Center will double the book price on trade In value on your old sewing machine regardless of cond. this week only. Singer Sewing Center, 130 N. Com'l. LAWNMOWKRS, buy now. 5. Clenn Woodry. llitia NSummer. USED FUHNITUREFOH LESS Valley Furn. Co., 219 N. Com'l. PAINT. $2.29 gal. Glen Woodry. BATTERIES C 9S. Ex. group 1 12-mn. guarantee. i.yue s lire, Z3u5 N. Com'l. DRESSER, 58 to 12.50. Clcn Woodry, Inyo . summer. SEWING machine clearance sale. Portable from $49.50, Treadle from $950. Comb, electric from $29.50. All machines in A-l cond. A: guar anteed. Singer Sewing Center, 130 N. Com'l. GOTTA MAKE ROOM M Davcnos 7 50. Chili chairs $. Clcn Woodry, ll!05 N. Summer. COTTON KELT mattress. $9.30. Hogg llros.Uscd Slore, 137 S. Com'l. x HAINT.$2.2gal. (flcnWoodry. EXCELLENT II A II N v.d fcrlilizeT Phone 4-3907 or 4-2170. 3 PC. MODERN bedroom set. 39 50. Woodry, let5 N. Summer. A DOING "m ACII I N ES . CASH-Bf GISTERS. $25 fit up. Clarv Multi plier Corp. 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-5375. $2l 511 RUYS FJectrnlux Woodry, 11105 N. Summer, at Glen CHAR1S fr.jnd.itlon girdles, bra Ph 3-5918or .1-5072 MaryE. Bales. PAINT. J2.2!f pul. Glen" Woodry: . linsiUTAL RED 'f.ir" sale or "rcntTir I. Stiff Furn. Co. Ph 3-91R5 NEW DAVENO si-lssVo9. Glen Wood ry. 1605N. Summer. Organic Fertilizer Suck or bulk Ocloi less Otdus delivered I'mine .'I IU27 I0.IWK1 NEW ANDi'.SF.D(uTiil"tu7c! Gicn Woodry's, H;u.i N. Summer. INNEHSPHING maltresr$ll .75. llngg Hros. I'sid Store. 137 S. Com'l. 9x12 LINO. RCGS $5 95. Glen Wood ry. IliO.'i N. Summer. KERfll.lZEH-nilled dTw m.imire, compost, rolled mulch, chicken manure for lawn dressing. Bv sack or cu. t. Phillip. Puis . Rl. 5. Hon 493 4-30K1, 2 mi. E. 4-Corners. on Slate. OLlTptCTfliKS. ".MV7o-;'srtlie'i Woodry. llill.i N. Summer. I'SKD Rrfrircr.ilms. !!U3, ?9 95 and up. Al I. site-. 23..0 Slilr. I'll. 3-511.1. Rnl'NrifMK-!!!'.!! "t,ihlf-$in! WoAdn-. Pi05 Summer. eoovlfi RECAP or Gi p. I hatterv" $195 ev. Ili;7y IVsn's. S. 12th. riANO $.15 Gleil Woodry. SPECIAL SALE CIninir out siork on ornamental i .Ton'S, inrludmc lava Ar flastonr. RaMtc cniar fennnt. reMar posts, poles. Supplv Invited. PluHm Hro.. 1 Rt, 5, Box 4W. 4-.;ini. 2 mi. E 4-Cor-j ners on State SI. i FAixfTyalV"1-' ' KOTO tiller, complete with attach ment 3. H-vvlwe. trailer with tarp., ; rihkI condition. (NHi Ole M . Wood i bunt. SKCTIONAU WooOry. bookcase X) 50. Glen ITRIOMT Kartand pluno, N. 201)1 St. $175. 1760 ; HEAVTIECL auto, washer ?U0. IVn I dix 50. Glen Wood r v s. 1W. N. Summer. ! 3-PC. WALNUT dinmc u:te"T j Mi-stt Bros. t'ed Store, 1.1" S. ' Commerrtal. f.Ml DOWN del t vert cnniple'e fur nlnhlnc. Olfn Worviry'!.. IMS N. Snivmer. j SKIS A complete outfit. Half price. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous CLAWEOOT piano stool $6.50. Wood ry, 1605 N. Summer. 18 CU. FT. Upright Freezers only $.195.00. Limited supply. NICO SALES COMPANY, 1550 Fair ground Rd. WESTINGHOUSE radio-phono, con sole $59.50. Woodry, 1005 N. Sum mer. COMPLETE bakery equip. 4 X pool table. 2-hole ice cream cabinet; large roll top desk. Call eve. 4-1538. PAINT $2.29 GAL., Glen Woodry. Recaps GOtMS, $195. Lytle's Tire, 2305 N. Com'l. NEW WOOL RUG 8x12, $77.50. Wood ry, 1605 N. Summer. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous STUD LOGS Wanted 8' Stud Logs or Multiples of 6', Plus Trim. Dia. 6" tn lfi", BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Ph. Turner 1125 Eves. 2503 Turner or 2-7826 Salem 474 Miscellaneous FOR SALE, small tract of 2nd growth timber. Near road. Walt. Brisbin, Gates. OrcgonJ DENTAL PLATE REPAIR J-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASF.S DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolnh Bldg., State & Com'l. Sta. SALEM PH. 3-3311 476 Fuel ANDERSON'S green slab, X cd. $14. Ph. 2-7751 or 4-4253. CAPITAL FUEL Pickup Your Presto-logs Briquets and wood at 198 8. Coml St Phone 3-7721. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood, green or dry, stove-uiesei oils. pn. a-uw. OREGON FUEL CO. -Slab, pawrtust, oak S&H GREEN STAMPS Ph. .1-553.1 .1087 Broadway West Salem Fuel Co. Tube or Push Out Sawdust Ash, Maple and Oak Wood Green, drv slab. Planer Ends 1525 Edgewatcr Phone 2-4031 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money 1o Loan WHEN YOU NEED MONEY See U, All types of personal loans. Terms to suit. No investigation charges. All dealings Strictly Confidential Home Owned, Home Operated Hollywood Finance Co. 19R0 Fairgrounds Road I Next Door lo Bankl Free Parking Lot. Call 2-7031 M 369 S291 SHOPPING FOR A LOAN? Tersonal Personal Offers These Benefits: "Yes" promptly to employed peo ple married, sinjflel Nationwide credit. Single visit loan phone first. Select best payment date! LOANS UP TO $1,500 On Auto, Furniture or Salary Personal FINANCE COMPANY Phone 2-2464 105 S. High St.. Salem State License S-122. M-165 Loans over S;tO0 made by Personal Finance Co. of Marion County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oregon. P til VATE monev lo loan." Ph 2-0794! REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. Roamr w. gormsen. p 687 Court .' 4-2283 BJ AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. . 182 South Church Parking a-I'lentv Ph. 2-2157 Lie. ITo. M-50. S-154 S12 Loans Wanted WANT $8.000 00 at 6T- to be paid at the rate of $400.00 plus interest semi-annually. Very good security and best of credit. Box 238, Statesman-Journal. ()()( Kniployiiiriit 602 Help Wanted MIDDLE-AGED couple to care for rooming house in exchange for well furn.. 4 rm. apt. No depen dents. References, Box 241, Stales-man-Joutnal. 604 Help Wanted, Male HAVK YOU evi-r thought of Retting m K"U paying )oli in Aust i alia, Africa. Soutn America, Canada, Kuiitp. Aih, Alaska or anv othrr fmc-iKn air.i? im) to SLHMX. monthly. If intcrt'slrtl write for fads ol'su Ivitcly no obligation. Wiite to Tur ner Korrun Bureau Co., Sec. l-.iHKA, 24ti Sth Ave., New Yoik 1, N Y SWAP You lav inv roof paper, I'll hunt vour wallnaper or paint. lh. 2-luVo. I JOURNEYMAN machinist. welder t'omhin.-itioiis Apulv F.ranv Ma. chine Fuel A- Trucking. Vh. 1-2J4I Leh.innn. 606 Help Wcintoc., Female WANTED. .1 'fimfti ' Our eniplov v-rpt office will he nprp Twe. and Wrd . p. in. o .m You ae paid an hourly wace and the 3 rhorn will fait tmmediatrlv. Anplv MS Hood St . Rm. DEPFNDAHI.F.. pood naturrd wop. en to take over our housework and e.ire of children. Sun. and mol erninn off. Ilov 24. co States in.in.Ji'urnal. (live ape, experience and wanes expected llorsr.WOUK and rlH.deariRefeN ences rfquned. rli. PRACTICAL nurse, 3-11 nhitt. Ph, WANTED: Millinery S.tlrs Lady. State ttgr. t-pentiue. Hex 218, v,o Stat sman-Journ.il. ; 610 Sales Persons Wanted WANTF.D Inriujtrioiin man with car to supply RawleiBh Products to 1500 families near where I am sell Inr Giwl opportunity. If you like outide woi k unrt vour own profit ahle busincw w:ite or re H. An derson. i:5 F.li" St , Wet Salem, or write Rawlnuh's Dept. 132, Oak land 2iCl.f. OPENING for Real F.tatr Salesman in well established office. See Joe L, Bourne, Realtor. 1110 X. Capitol. 600 Employment 610 Sales Persons Wanted DISTRICT MANAGER The man we want it resident oj the Salem Area. He Is a pro ducer and capable ol training others. He Is honest, ol food character and ambitious. He is as young as he feels and old, enoush to Instill conlidence in others. He need not have experience In our business of top Health. Acci dent and Life Insurance, but he must be able to devote his entire time and attention to our busi ness, which is well established in this area. This Is a real opportunity for a top flight man lo increase his earnings well over $10,000 per year. We will give every assist ance necessary to set him on the path of real production. Telephone or write for personal Interview. M. C. Fields, 422 Pit tock Block. Portland 5, Oregon. BRoadway 3493. THE LIFE INSURANCE BUSI NESS IS ALWAYS GOOD FOR GOOD MEN. WE HAVE OVER COME THE ONE DIFFICUL TY. THAT OF GETTING MEN STARTED IN THE BUSINESS. THIS IS SOMETHING BRAND NEW. (WE ARE A MULTI BILLION CORPORATAION.) P. 0. BOX 1645, SALEM. 612 Work Wanted, Male HOME Building and Remodeling. Ph. 4-3126. DO ANYTHING, anytime, any place, 2 men. Try us. Ph. 2-9100. INCOME Tax blanks prepared rea- sonably. Ph. 3-6641. TWO discouraged young men will do anything from testing electric chairs to lowering coffee prices. Box 2.16. Statesman-Journal. PART TIME bookkeeping service. In come tax. journal-ledger, posting, and payroll. For appointment, days or evenings call 2-52HH. ROAD GRADINO L. W. Hancock. Eves. Ph. 2-0010. FEDERAL & State tax returns pre. pared. Pick-up service. Reasonable. Ph. 4-5008 after 1 p.m. TAX RETURNS prepared In your home at reasonable rates. Phone 4-2033. HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard cleaned up and trash haulbil. 2-7464, CEMENT work, all kinds. Ernest Drake. Phone 4-5129. 1165 S. 14th. TAX FORM completed. State. Fed eral. Prompt accurate service Ph. 3-6957. WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing, etc. R V. Stoops. Ph. 2-3326. 614 Work Wanted, Female BABY SITTING with nursing exp. Ph. 4-4321 or 2-6838. LADY cook & bartender. Relief work only. Call 4-5382. WASHING and Ironing done In my home. Ph. 3-3095. MIMEOGRAPHING, tvping. reason able. Mrs. Poe. 665 N. 16th. 3-3643. HOUSEWORK or cooking company meals. Phone 3-5ar0. 615 Situations Wanted IRONING 50c an hour. Bring hang ers. 1011 2nd St. West Salem. TREE work. Topping - trimming-removing. Insured John Payne. Ph. 2-0385. HOUSE plans drawn. Customized and accurate work. Ph.2-8642. LEARN dressmaking at your conven ience In my home. 2-1960. PAINTING. Papcrhanging. Free es timates. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5522. COMPETANT child care lnCllrlstian home, 1135 Spruce. Ph. 3-0719 SEWING Sc typing or anTthing sim ilar done In ny home. Ph. 2-6278. YOUR clothes washed, dried, expert ly Ironed, my home. 4-6323. PAINTING. PAPERHANG1NG. Con tract, small Jobs welcome. Phone 2-7692. GENERAL cleaning by the hour. Ph. 2-8259. CUSTOM plowing and discing. Fer guson tractor. 2 bottom plow. Ph. 2-6120 or 2-4785. WIEMAL'S Day Nurserv. licensed and state Inspected. 2-3015. CEMENT work, all kinds. Feldschau iSnn. 2-86211. 4-3329 alt. 5 p.m. TAX liKTUHNSrepaTcd.'ph74-622i'. Call day or eve. CARPENTER New, remodel or re pair. time or contract. Ph. 2-5025. MICK EN H All S DAY NURSERY Stall licensed .and Inspected. Ph. 2-7896. PAINTING. Will cladly estimate any size job Ph. 2-1307. 3-3243. NSCAPING. com. lawn. Garden 'service. Service Center. 4-357:1. TREES topped, trimmed and remov ed. Fruit tree pruned and ch.incd. Frccj-stimatcs. Ph. 2-74M, 4-.1RII7. PAPER liANniXGiTPaintingrjerry Johnson. Phone 2-0791 RELIABLE baby sitter. Will no davi or nights. Phone 2-fW4. LIGHT crawler dozer, dtrt leveling, grading. Phone 3-7042. CARPENTER WORK. Any kind. Rea sonable. 4210 Macteay Rd. Phone 4Kil 616 Employment Agencies GOOD JOBS S.-e u for quality jobs. Benefit bv our knowledce of employers and by our experience in the conimunitv. Rccistcr ind.iv. COMMF.RCiAI. Pi.ACF.MK.NT Ar;rY. 4H4 Slate (Ore. Illrls I rii. 4-.TI.M 620 Doy end Conlract Land Cloarinjr n vrc. Fp fall for ei-tMtistp nn hur I firit or bv contract fnr the en-n-pl'-f job. L, C. Mitchell. Phon? 3..V1.17. 700 Urntals LARGE warehouse sp.ce for rent or Icise Cement .loors. brick biuld Int:. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stitf Eurniture Co Phone 3-9185. - ; 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board PLEASANT ROOM wit!i bath. Close in. Gentlemen. rn, J-47HL WARM, light, hovieki'eping loom. Lady. 6B5 N. Church. COMFORTABLE room downtown. Hotpl.ite.472 N. Liberty 457HO. SLEEPING ROOM, Mtciien faclMbf. For 1 or 2 7.H Feirv St. LARGE beautiful furn. rm. Also bachelor apt. 5.ift N. Winter. 70S Apartments For Rent 2 ROOM FrnN. ant,, bath, refng.. Utilities Adult" 570 Vntn FOR RENT, one bed:om furnT"du I plex. t0. Ph. 4-1761. ARtnt. 700 Rentals 70S Apartments For Rent NICELY urn. 1 bdnn., hdwd. firs., many closets, quiet, clean, double link, celling fan. le. laundry, ga rage. W.jSalem. 3-8347. iVKOOM furn. apt. Neat & clean. Lo cated 1140 N5th. Call 2-4816. 2RM. furn. Ground fir. Utility porch, Elec. ranee, refiig., private en trance and shower. Garage. After 3, 4-H577. 1775 N. Front. 3" FURN, rooms A- bath. Utilities paid except gas. TV antenna avail able. $37.50. 1207 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-t254. 3 & 2 RMS. lurn. apts. $35 & $23. Ground fir. Close in- CLEAN 2-room, furnished, basement apt. private hath, utilities fur nished. $35. 1115 N. lflth. Ph. 3-7641. LEE APTS. Salem's Most Distinguished Address. For people who desire better living in Salem, it's The Lee. One-bed- room units J.orn $82.00 and up; Bachelor units as low as $50.50. Inspection invited. 585 N. Winter St. CLOSE, clean, furn. 1-room duplex. Kitchenette. $30. 7R.'. Marion. 3-RM. FURN. apt. Entire second floor. Corner house, 18th and Che meketa. One person. $30; two, $35. Apply next house. 280 N. 18th. 3-ROOM furn. apt. Newly decorated, 1 blk. to bus line, $35. 960 N. 19th. ' 2-1070. 2- RM. APT. Everything furn. except elec. Hot and cold water. $15 mo. Ph. 2-6827. 3- RM. furn., pvt. bath, walking dis tance. 450 S. Capitol. 3-5359. 2-ROOM furn., heated apt. for lady. 7U4 n. uoitage. UNFURN. duplex. Fireplace, stova and rcfrig. Call 3-705B eve., Sat., Sun. ATTRACTIVE 2-rm. apt., unfurn. ex cept range and refrig. Haseldorf Apt. MODERN 3-rm. furn. apt., close In. 549 N. Cottage St. FURNISHED 3 rooms. $30. Private bath 1f)fi8 North Com'l. PRIVATE 3 room couri tpts. Clean, furn., $45. Adults. 3560 Portland Rd. 3 RMS. furn. Utilities paid. Women preferred. 1553 State. FURNISHED apartments. Close-in. Ph. 2-8740. 325 S. Winter. Ambassador Furn ! shed apts. 550 N. Summer FURN1 SHED modern 2 room a p t . Within 5 blocks of down town. $65 per month. Ph. 2-1887. 444 N. Cot tage. 3-ROOM furn. apt. utilities paid. Rca sonable.Ph. 4-6551. VERY NICE 1-bdrm.. furn. and un- furn. Inquire 1656 S. 13th St. 3-ROOM furnished apt., full bath, heat and water furn. $35. Phone 2-8568. NICELY FURN. 3-room apt. 549 N. Cot ta go. FURN. apts. North Salem Motel, 2673 Portlan d Rd. Ph. 2-6tiB8. CAPITOL Apartments, 348 N. 12th St. 1 rm. light housekeeping apt. Furn. with priv. bath. Reasonable rates. Near Capitol group and shopping center. Ph. 4-2687. IF YOU'RE looking for a nice 3 rm. apt., private bath, rent reasonable, call 4-3643 or 2-1710. 3-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with garage, $55. Close in on No. Com'l. Ph. 2-8648 or 3-6644. BDRM. apt. Completely furn, close in. 444 N. Cottage. ATTRACTIVE unfurn. 4-rm. apt. with range& rcfrig .1140 S. 13th. 1 BEDROOM apt. Stove, refrigerator, water, automatic steam heat, in cluded. Modern. $50 per month. May be seen at 2153 S. Commer cial or Ph. 4-1452 after 4 p.m. CAPITOL PLAZA 1-bdrm.. furn., unfurn. 1165 Che meketa. 3-8630. NICEfcOZY. furn. 2 rms. for work ing women. $35. 841 N. Liberty Ph. 2-5446 or 3-3000. FOUR-room furn. apt. $35. 1445 Ferry St. 707 Houses For Rent 4 BEDROOM house. In West Salem. $70:Ph. 4-2443. NEW UNFURNrone bedroom duplex! South, elec. heat, attached garage. $ti0.2-550!t or 2-847! CLEAN V ROOM. bath. furn. or un fiirn. Reasonable. 3845 Portland Rd. LOVELY NEW 1 bdrmThouse,ga lagf. East sub., unfurn., $45. Ph. 2- 01)10. CLEAN, modern, oln-e in, 2-bdrni. house and Karagc. Ph.3.it 4 13. IN KE1.ER, nice clean apt., garage and yard. Ph. -4-3005 or2-1252. COZY 1 ItURM. furn. house with garace, elec. fireplace heat, show er and Bendix washer. You will like it. Ideal for 2. Rent $45. Call 3- 6708. FU R NT1 I; DH M . house. Ph. 3-6735. MODERN 3 bdrm. house, near State bldfis. and shopping center. 3-4307. EXTRA nice fin n. duplex. Huge bv. rm. Creik. close in. ear port. $75. 310 S. Winter. Ph3-512S eve. DUPLEX7 4" bright, clean" rooms, ol heat. Garage. Adults. $55. Ph. 3-36U4. FURNISHED, clean snVirhouseT$35 2 -55 1 . UNFURN., ground floor, duplex. Ga- r;it;c. f.."i(l Ferry. I'h. 33437. 1 RKDUM. partly furn. Bus across street, 1 block grade school, 4 blocks Parrish lliph. 6 blocks Shop ping Center & State bldgs. Ph. 2-8118. 1 F5DKM. house Aututnatic brat. Water and gib.ige paid. Clean. $37. 4ffD Shinpmg. COUNTRY home, redecorated, mod ern, 2 bdrm , basement, unfurn 5j. Ph.2-20.11. 1 BDRM. in court, stove, p-frig. furn. Inquireorner Lee and Mission. 1-RDRM. bouse, unfurn. except re fnc. A- stove. 2145 Market. Ph. 2-l!M. 1-HF.DRM. house, unfurn. evcept re frtg. A: stove. 2 It.'. Market, ph. 2-Ta. CLEAN, InvHy l.tedroom houe furn Phnnn 3-711? LOVELY 1-bdrm. caraee. No chil dren nr ri"cs. E,npeu'ond district. !nq 1?W N. Hth. Ph. 3-3000. t PEDRM. duplex u7fhsiore room. No children. Nnrth Dist. 145 per month. Ph. 4-17R1. t RM. UNFURN. coTtage. Elec. heat! lrc r-Tigg- 'l.1- Capitol. 2-WP2. CLEAN, furnuhed 1 -bedroom "bouse, g.irai:e 55H. 413amtland Rd. CLEAN UNFURN. I MrmTTourT Adults, no pts. Ph. 4 Sfi'tj. 1-lir.DRM. li4 mile South of Pritigle S, h)ol.$;to.piivS-81ti5. NICE, small 2-bdnn. house. All elec tuc. 1?05 Rfv.il St. 1-BDRM. unfurn. house, att. garage, elec. heat, t ml. Eat 4-Corners, $.)5. no pets. ph. 3-5U52, Caretaker 457jS!ate. NEW. MODe1Tn1 bedroom court. Stove and refnj furn. $50. Call 1 ROOM furnished cabin. Gentle- man. p.ne 3-70IR. M.MOST new 2-hedrm hnue7rler". rar.Er. auto. eat. hardwood floorn, insulated. 2234 Mip'e Ave 5 RM home. fir. furnace, sarace $30 N. 17th. 4-6398 eve, wkends.