Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 23, 1954, Page 16, Image 16

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    Page 16
Mabel Jenkins
Passes Here
Mrs. Mabel M. Jenkins, late
resident of 336S View avenue,
lifetime resident of Oregon, died
Monday at i local hospital.
Bom at Shaw, Ore., on Jan
uary 12, 1902, she moved to Sa
lem 18 years ago after living in
various parts of the state.
She wts a member of the Che
mckcta Toastmistrcss Club and
an employee of the State Indus
trial Accident Commission for
the past 10 years.
Surviving her arc her husband,
H. II. Jenkins; a daughter, Mrs.
Yvonne Taylor, Salem; sisters,
Mrs. Emma Brown, Salem, Ella
Reynolds, San Francisco, and Ida
Williams, Newport; and a broth
er, Norris Frank, Stamford,
Funeral services will be held
at the Howell-Edwards Chapel.
The time has not yet been set.
Dave Austin Junior
Red Cross President
Cave Austin has been elected
president of the Leslie Junior
High Jjjnior Red Cross. Donna
tnsiey was eieciea vice presioeni.
Merry Lee Smith, treasurer and
Sally Riewald, secretary.
The Junior Red Cross represen
tatives at Leslie for this semester
are Kristy Miller, Judy Erickson
Myrna Halvorson, Linda Ritchie,
Donna Ensley, Jeancttc Harrison
Eileen Shcppard, Carol Eppcrly,
Sharon Cushing, Merry Lee Smith,
Bobby Hartman, Carrie Gibson,
Ecv Fulton, Dave Austin, Lucille
Brewer, Anne McDonald, Geneva
Nordyke, Nancy Ferguson, Bill
Richler, Sally Riewald, Karen
Ringnalda, William Rector, Bill
Bartlett, Barbara Dunn and Andre
III A. 1 J ... m
-m ITU- m - -n 1
When You need
m mwn
A 'I
Vi. jwr r
ptnliil ,m
Stop Struggling with Old.
Fashioned PUtei! Enjoy
Modern scientifically - fiHed
Dentures, acclaimed by to
many plate wearers for
Comfort and Vigorous
Healthful Chewing Power.
Alt Your Dentist about the
Now Transparent Palate
Dentures ... or see the
samples at Dr. Semler's Of
fices. Remember, these fine
plates are EASY to buy at
Dr. Semler's, where you
male Your Own Reasonable
TtM closest to Natural TeotH ra Site. Skopo and Shade,
BIOfORM Tool are stronger thou ordinary artificial teeth . . ,
their vnuiuoDy liot weiaht rnoblrt you to wof yoar plates mora
comfortably. ASK YOUR DENTIST.
In onytimt t yur convenience for E torn (nation or
ultofton. Scrvic it hrayl prompt at Dr. ScmUr'i.
wmm anotss tea. II
statu COMirataAL
IbUi, Ost
Recreation Program to
Be Discussed at Meeting
A recreation and physical ed
ucation program in which the
City of Salem, the Salem school
board, and the City Parks Advis
ory commission arc all interested
will come up for joint discussion
at a meeting in city hall Tuesday
A resolution before the city
council Monday night, sponsored
by the park commission, calling
for a definite agreement for joint
operation and establishment of
the office of director of recrea
tion and physical education, was
referred to the city manager and
the budget committee. Another
resolution .sponsored by the
school board, and providing for a
coordinating committee was re
ferred to the city manager. Both
will be discussed at the afternoon
Among routine business the
council Monday night tabled an
application from the Tidewater
Associated Oil company for an
additional service driveway at a
service station located at the
southeast corner of High and
Chemekcta streets.
By approval of petitions the
council put on the street im
provement program Hoyt street
from Ford to 23rd, and Rural
avenue from 23rd to 24th, both
without sidewalks.
Because of confusion over two
petitions the council tabled for
two weeks the matter of improv
ing Larson avenue from Silvcrton
Road to the city limits to the
south. One petition, asking that
sidewalks be built, was signed by
70.06 per cent of the assessable
property owners, and another,
with, no sidewalks, by 42.33 per
cent. The petitions first came in
last August 18 and were tabled,
and were tabled again February 8.
Desire of the Willamette Valley
Transfer company to build a
warehouse in the district brought
In a petition with 63 signatures
for a change of zone from C-2
to C-3 for the area immediately
south of Highway avenue, be
tween Highway 89E and Silvcr
. CAssf J ' ' 'K. W 9 1
r-tltg I I
. , . Hera's wfcy you'll
prefer my Liberal Credit
Plan. You can have your
Dental Work completed
Immediately and arrange
to pay later in Small
Weekly or Monthly
Amounts you can easily
afford. No delays or red
tape ... no bank or
finance company to deal
with. YOU DEOTDE how
small your credit pay
ments should be and I'll
accept any reasonable
terms you suggest.
Take 15 months or longer
to pay.
Com in befor 10 . m. (
ctpt Soturdoy) and your New
Plattt will b rody by 5:30
THE SAME DAY. This wrvict
vailtjbl in costi that do not
rcquir vtrecttofl.
ICE For Broken doles at Dr.
Sefnlcr't. Misting Tteth quicklf
Replaced , . . Loose Plates
Promptly Reset tor Better fit
ond Easier Chewing.
ton Road. It was referred to the
Planning and Zoning commission
for review.
Referred to City Manager J. L.
Franzcn for report was a letter
from Bryan Goodenough, repre
senting Blue Lake Packers, re
questing that some arrangement
be made to permit the company
to use a 10-foot strip of ground
near its westside property. The
company owns property east of
Patterson street and north of Bas-
sit street and the property is en-
cioseo Dy a cyclone lence. The
strip is between the curb and
the fence.
City Manager Franzcn and Fire
Chief E. L, Smith were authoriz
ed to sell several pieces of ob
solete fire equipment and use the
proceeds lor the purchase of a
pumper unit for the West Salem
fire station.
A resolution was adopted pro
hibiting parking at all times on
the cast side of 15th street be
tween B street and D street. An
other resolution called for a stop
sign on the north side of Leslie
street immediately cast of High.
the fcalcm Downtown Merch
ants association was given per
mission, on a trial basis, to have
holes made in the sidewalks in
front of places of business for
display of flags on patriotic holi
days. Dick Schlup, president of
the association, told the council
that the sockets already exist in
front of most places of business.
Among ordinances enacted
Authorizing the issuance and
sale of improvement bonds in the
amount of $101,413.73. To pro
vide closer supervision of moving
of buildings within or into re
stricted residential districts.
Changing the sidewalk line to
permit curb sidewalks on both
sides of Blilcr avenue from
Broadway to Maple.
Invalid Sees
Son Die in Fire
id father watched helplessly
I from a wheel chair while his son,
1 4, burned to death in a garage
i fire.
! Firemen said the boy, Mark
! Clark, apparently hid in a car
! in the garage while playing with
neighborhood children yesterday.
His brothers. David, 12, and Ed
ward ,15, tried to reach him but
were driven back by the lames.
Overcome by grief, the father.
Archie Clark, was taken to a
Salem Men Attend
Mt. Angel Meeting '
MT. ANGEL Special sjuests of
the Mt. Angel Business Men club
at their luncheon meetinc Mon.
day noon, Feb. 22, held at the Mt.
Angel Hotel, were Hugh Luby,
general manager of the Salem
Senators Baseball club, and Bill
Beard of Howard Wichland
Sporting Goods store, Salem.
George westerman of the Great
er Corvallis Industrial Exposition
was present and explained the
forthcoming exposition which will
be held in Corvallis, March 24 to
27th inclusive. Mr. Westerman in
vited the Mt. Angel business men
to attend and participate in the
Committee chairmen reporting
included the report from Ann
Orange, campaign chairman of the
March of Dimes, who stated that
the local drive netted S48631.
Some donations were sent direct
to Salem, which should bring the
total amount to over $500.
Communications from Sen. Guy
Cordon and extracts concerning
the Bricker amendment were read
by J. T. Bauman, legislative
chairman. It was recommended
that support be given the Bricker
J. M. Wagner, city councilman,
reminded the property owners
that this is the time to plant their
curb trees, and he asked the co
operation hi all in hacking Ihe
city tree planting program.
Canada's House Ups
PM's Pay $10,000
OTTAWA MiCanada's House
of Commons yesterday approved
salary boosts of $10,000 a year
for each of the 21 other Cabinet
ministers. Prime Minister St.
Laurcnet's pay will he $37,000
and his ministers' $27,000.
If. 1.1 J ML JL-IJ
If vou are offering llir aenming
pains of ARTHRITIS, rlirums
tim, xinlita or nrurihv on
our il tf oiitrl( to pit a bottle
of ARTHONl I. lahleU today.
AHTHOM I, tablets contain six
medically proen inprcdirnts vi
enlifirallv balanced to pie ou
SM-K, FAST, long-lasting ri-licf.
whr keep on snflering when
AltTHONUI. nsers report such
wonderful relief . , . "life worlh
li ing acain" , . . "relful nights".
Ot ARTIIONTL Inlets today.
You oill le plad ou did . . . )ou,
too, will praise A11THOM1. . . .
non-habit forming . . . SAFE.
Play to Raise
Money for
Lions Projects
Helping furnish glasses for
underprivileged West Salem
children, and the control and
eradication of poison oak in
West Salem residential areas
arc among current activities of
the West Salem Lions Club.
Also being considered is
survey of a proposed swim
ming pool for the children of
that community.
To assist in fund raising for
these and other civic and char
itable activities of the club,
the West Salem Lions are spon
soring the three-act comedy
"Here Comes Charlie." It is
being produced by the Salem
Civic Players at Leslie Junior
High School Friday night of
this week, starting at 8 o'clock.
The Civic Players, active in
comedy play productions in
Salem for 16 years, will present
a cast of 10 persons in the
show, well embellished with a
series of incidents which hap
pen to Charlie, who strangely
enough, turns out to be a girl.
Nazarene Leader
Here Wednesday
Dr. Erwin G. Benson, Kansas
City, Mo., field secretary for the
department of church schools of
the Church of the Nazarene, will
be the principal speaker during
a meeting to be held at the First
Nazarene church, 13th and Center
streets, at 7:30 Wednesday night.
Dr. Benson is editor of the
Church School Builder, a promo
tional magazine devoted to the in
terest of the church schools of
the demonination. He also is nat
ional president of the Christian
Service Training Guild.
The Church of the Nazarene,
with international headquarters
at Kansas City, has over 500,000
pupils enrolled in some 4000
Sunday schools.
0POIT 00t
Niw irsaclwi tf
I SEA5I0! i , If
SAttMa-sVsnvERTOM Jm j '
asuYTotf ff I
"fc EUGENt f
Bullet Ends Life
01 Albany Boy
ALBANY Services for Michael
Dean Neuschwandcr, 4, who died
early Monday from a bullet wound
at the Albany General hospital,
will be held at a time to be an
nounced. The Fortmiler-Frederick-scn
Funeral home is in charge of
The accident occurred at the
home of the boys' mother, Mrs.
Kate Kauffman Ncuschwander,
five mies southeast of Albany,
when the victim's 9-year-old broth
er, Dale Jonathan accidentally
wounded him with a bullet fired
from a rifle. The injured boy was
rushed to the Albany General hos
pital by ambulance, where he died
several hours later. The accident
happened at around 8 o'clock
after the two boys had gona to
their bedroom. It was when they
were upstairs they found the "for
gotten unloaded gun."
The gun, state police officers
said, was an old Winchester pump
rifle, which Mrs. Ncuschwander
did not know was loaded.
Surviving besides the mother
and brother. Dale, arc the father,
Herschel P. Neuschwander, Leb
anon; a sister, Nancy; two other
brothers, David, Albany and Peter
Neuschwander, now serving with
the U.S. Marine Corps; the pa
ternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. H Neuschwander, Albany, and
maternal grandmother, Mrs. Polly
Kauffman, Iliverside, la.
Linn Co. Extension
Units' Fair May 3
LEBANON Annual spring fair
of Linn extension units will be
held in Lebanon, Monday, May 3.
according to plans made by unit
representatives meeting in Albany
with Mary Frances Minnctte, ex
tension agent.
The main sessions will be held
in the Kuhn theater. Luncheon
will be served at the Presbyterian
and Methodist churches. Nursery
service for women with children
will be set up at the Presbyterian
'tkrvirr 1. 154
67 First National office offer vou the convenience and
helpful service of Oregon's First hank. As a First National
customer, vou deal directly with the hranch of your choice,
nd enjoy hank services equal to any in the world.
So... hank First National ...use the handy, efficient
facilities of the great hank of the Northwest I
m i
Silvertori Toastmasters j
Will Meet on Thursday
S1LVERTON Olan Paulson Jr..
will be toastmastcr at the Thur
sday, February 25, breakfast at 7
a.m. at Toncys for the Silverton
Toastmasters' Club No. 708.
Attorney Quintin Estell will be
T.T.; Harry Carson, G.E.; Rholin
Cooley, t.k.
Speakers are to be Hartley. An
derson, Overlund, Hanson and
ovaluators, Schmidt, Blaufus, Ar
rington and Wentworth.
Two Killed by
Train at Barlow
ern Pacific freight train smashed
into an automobile at Barlow south
of here Monday night killing two
Ingar Bion Johnson, 62, of Bar
low was killed outright. Charles
Jess Chick, 13, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Garland R. Chick of Barrow, died
a few hours later at an Oregon
City hospital.
Johnson was driver of the car.
For Relief of Itch
Druggists' Prescription
When your skin is irritated
with pimples, red blotches and
other skin blemishes from exter
nal causes, you're crazy with itch
ing torture, try Sanitone Oint
ment. Itching stops promptly.
Smarting disappears immediately.
Sanitone Ointment is also won
derful for itching feet, cracks be
tween toes and Ahtlete's foot.
For Sale
State at Liberty Phone 3-3118
Tp JrHrl Men report tkatmfi'pM
percent OJ tuny cunr vts.n..
ri . . , that cigarette Ur can ttJirt can
er crowing . . . that lunu cancer cwe
hava inrrewied MOO times in the past 25
yr$ keeping op with the Increase in
cigar-rite ronmmption. If YOU want to
STOP SMOKING try Medically Formu
lated, convenient, aayto-uie BACOTOu
loitncea . . . diiiolve in mouth when de
air for tobarco occur. Hanish the to
bacco habit foraver as thou an da hava
done ... feel better, look better. Get
SAFE, non-habit forminr BACOTOL
loxeoset today . , . eotU lea than the
verK amoker apenda for cigtrettea in
two week.
Court & High Sis. Ph. 3-8792
17-Months Old
Dies in Fire
JOHN DAY Wl A 17-month-old
boy died Monday evening in a fire
which swept through a two-story
frame house here. His was Ore
gon's second infant fire death of
the day.
The victim here was Eddie Dean
Masonheimer, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Masonheimer. The boy's 12-year-old
brother, Oris, suffered
burns on his hands and face in an
unsuccessful attempt to rescue the
The baby was alone in the house
when the fire broke out. Oris and
two other brothers were playing
outside at the time. The parents
were away, firemen reported.
Early Monday, Steaveen Clifford
Gaines, 20 months, died in a cabin
fire 70 miles east of Roseburg. The
father, John C. Gaines, rescued
Jiffy Oyster Dishes
if 'ISfL: I
Taste just right with
Canned Oysters
Enjoy delicious ovster dishes every month of the year. Blue
Plate Canned Oysters are alwavs in season. Fat and fine
with that fresh sea tang you'll love. Packed in season when
oysters are at their best.
Enjoy them often in soupi, tw, pot piei and patties.
Serve them fried golden brown and good-tatting.
Add them to scrambled eggs for a quick supper treat.
Look for Blue Plate for cultivated cove oysters with the delicate
sea-fresh flavor.
M CT'C Dlllin nBrMI trrTuri
Main prcrtAi etosii rxsutjutct eoitotATiON
Tuesday, February 23, 1954
the victim's twin. Scott, but could
not reach through the flames for
the second child.
Pope's Condition
Renews Anxiety
Pius was reported Tuesday ex
periencing renewed difficulty in
taking food and anxiety increased
over his health.
Vatican sources said that the
77-vear-old head of the Roman
Catholic Church has had more dif
ficulty during the past two or three
days in taking food.
The Pontiff has been suffering
for more than a month from a
gastric ailment whose nature has
never been definitely disclosed, if
it is definitely known.
In the past eight years, the
United States has gained more
than 20 million in population.
OPEN 10 to 5
.Court & High Ms. rh. 3-8192