, Pare II . . 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL', Salem, Oregon D..11. Ii" - T r I . II I STEVE ROPER . " Tuesday, February 23, 1954 RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM 1390, KOCO 1490. KGAB 14J0, KOIN 170. KGW S20, KEX tlM KM: Mrcacyclcs KOIN 101.1; KEX 2.1 BUTTE Mnn JtK A. Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers and the United Steelworkers of America (CI0J are contesting for affiliation of the workers, who bolted mine-mill last Decern- tion to decide union affiliation of more than 7,000 miners and smcltermen at Butte and Anacon da, Mont., has been set for March 22 by the National Labor Rela tions Board. The International Union of WEDNESDAY P. M Der. The Anaconda Mining Co. and mine-mill officials agreed to the election Saturday HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 KS1.M 'l op Tndts . N W Utwi Ki w, Sicsu Melodies Nw . Mid-DiyMutlc Mid-DiyMmlo Riichlt KOAE Oiegon Trail I Spider Spider Spider J'i'.'i' !atle';? .vewiiCum Oel It iHouse Pirty House Party Noon Newt Hold of LUe ll'epper Vounf iHappineu KEX P. Harvev 'Noon Edition Sam Hivn ITh. Tortri. CAROL CURTIS ....A r. T w , T " , """in imusic Moom juusicitoom Aluslc Room 1.3 i, Dime mners i oh err union Mmmm f . i -nr, - " - ' w w w w I K! l fli .-vrvu VQBk.' f - . - - II y ducmi we IpJ l.rTTv DC TUCCB I I I Ml TAKP VnB ! ... . u HELP.' . Ngg vou8 LITTLE LUNGS i ' Tjl V- ' LiNHEAUTHy fctwr 55 WE'LL 60 BACK TO THE HOTEL TO JT k HELPvL-:",, ,"77 fV' V V V. "" I A"-. - 1 PACK OUR P055ES3ON3..THEN VVE H. V5n HE1-P.' CJ; IP -V -Ss ' nr- TSADE THIS PUDDLE'JUMP'MG CAS FOC T I itVPTt'v7r I ri, ) T ' 7 AN OCEAN-wlUMPiNG PLANE i-iVl I in a Brrw hatti B v .1,,.,. ( liS? t JATIr- HI ths fi?acas.no doubt. I kkjnd o.ieenen YiWAvAiz-Au ?&k .Md ill IWCV .1 MTm rn 4 5 SSIMJIMQS, tJ OKPHAN AN NIK 1 Prrsri-'''' rJ-,' I - 'ffKjl (J - I IN j I I U A MILLION? OH, HE'S WFUl"V f nJT!- ( s 'MAQINE) ( WOWfTHIS V OH. EDWWD? I " II IN TEN DWS? W !0?SuR6E- P TTVS? TS?6 I SURE BEATS STILL CAN HARDLY skrS Sf1 wralfe i 7 I I II in l I u I I will, 'jppji'iu'nn iv a mm i ri ' i w I i ii it m win Mm m m i m m mi th i v i -vi; i LIL ABNt'R Ullr!VS I iHWEETBT I ALLTH.-MOM REASON AH GOTTAW.4 aV AWt- HOPAIjONG cassidy -" i-' arifr.o r-rrry 5s &t PO 1 CCT 'BA wcit -ca. .,T, ouwra. y V.rj with w A- iv IN I k '"l nC N - ( AC Vvsa tO- BII'TT & JEFF k.W-ti 1 tJJiloK Ktx TfA lU.', I H I ufmmim Wr, ill 3 rrrr?. irtiC? V V C&- -t? evenly Jr 1 KKri7 ' pt KEX MOItr.AN. M.D. ,"-'r - 1 iitj;" :,it, iiiiif ivrc u er m w r letters n-rr-n llAI.D DtirK ' . m ' . .. - .- ; 11 n . ! II I I ' 1 I 1 ." -y.ll ll II.. 1 I -- 1 1 , 1 . Cl Jl :p M MAKV Willi I II ' i,f A LKUAaYREUAI.LM:0. C0E5GCT IW, ASP I LL iVCODl'CE vouTO ThL 7 r ..Handsome Gift Apron. A cob bler apron in a pastel cotton is trimmed with the accompanying lily-of-the-vallcy transfer in color o all you need do is iron the lily SDraVS Onto the nnrlrntc hnfnrA pockets are sewn up. Sprays are in pale green-blue for the flowers With riennor urppn fni- loaun. .nil stems. Pattern comes in three sizes small, meduim and large. Please state size needed. Send 30c for the LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY COBBLER APRON (Pattern No. 110) tissue pattern, transfer pattern, all instructions, YOUR NAMK, ADDRESS, PAT TERN NUMBER to CAH0L CUH TIS. Canital Journal. .W Miii..n street, San Francisco 5, Calif. Ready now! The brand new, exciting 36-page CAROL CUR TIS NEEDLEWORK GUIDE, in color, containing over 150 de signs for knitting, crocheting, embroidery, hairpin lace, four "How to Do It" designs, summer fashions; something for every age, every climate. In addition there are TWO FREE patterns for flattering spring and sum mer glamour! The NEEDLE WORK GUIDE cos .s only 25c. Order it as you do your needle work patterns! 2446 SIZES i: - 44 Spring Encore! Diagonal detail uncs mucn in minimi7n hD f . ure! This dress, with He h,,n. swerved in nni irl .Aitl.1 hi iinisneo as a short sleeved shan tung, or cotlon; as a thrce quar- um sieeven .ipnng print! No. 2448 is cut in sizes J2, 14, io, lo, zu, 3B, 38, 40, 44, 46. Size 18: Short sleeves. '. vH i in or 3Vt yds. 39 in. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number auv. rtuuress PAITEKN BU- JiKbAU, The Capital Journal 052 Mission St., San Francisco 5 Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders Immediately. For special hand ling of order via first class mail im nine an extra 5c per pattern. Just off Hie press! The brand new 1!)54 SPRING - SUMMER rASHiun book is agog from cover to cover with evriiim, now. seasun styles and ideas for easy sewing anu smart going Irom breakfast until bedtime! to-thclast-minute fashion fore Casts for ei'Prv UUt nvnrv siia every occasion! Yours for only mi auuiuunai zoc. ROOM BOARD ccinpi: rue cxatad tuic wa; a i AMOrAPr-. iwn p BtRT WISELY SUGGESTED IU bhl IHhiMM tntCT AC. FAi I IM; Dl ACTCP CV (BEING ATOP A LADDER AND UKUmNbHbCtbOI-BHICK IU SLIUfc THRU THE PAINT Huw do you uKt jy .1 Em IT LACKS THAT ZIP THE FALLING PLASTER. GAVE YOUR FRUli PAINTING.', By Abers THI? rtMF K V F0RCED.'-THE yniie FIRST PAINTING WAS Bl-CA sP IT WAS PI IPFl V . ACCIDENTAL' v ' ACC DENTAL' J VH0W 00 vou LIKE n? J S, s I V 35 Period of EilHAlMTHMLWy time nrAiSHRiLMAHca 38. Tableland tS.ElLt;0laUjrA 38. does in AHuiAjCKHlJEiA'S:r:is 40. Musical ISMJDlRjPlDnG'O.N'E: show CBB&ifflAdEB 41 Indian , A.P,E Wa.O U L. AT E'S mu bCTf 0.MJ JJTljD E B'ATt EiR S 45. Recover It iE!E!S U Ff $ BAiSt mr inMne 49. Bundle of cotton 51. Kept back 5:i. Pn ss 54 ll.nl 55. Man's 56 Hiieba!l team 57. Angrv 5a Part of the Oli Testameni 5i. Droops ACROSS 1. Millinery 8. Posse.isrst Cry of crow 12. Leave out 13. Feminine name 14 Anslo Saxon monry I. . (iazo II. Clothing 18. Persian fairv IS. Rely 20. Compara. live eruling 21. Kivrrin Italy 23. (Inrny 2i. Ruts 3U. Wild plum 31.C;uido's second note 33. Revoke a legacy Solution of Yitrdy,i Punn DOWN 1. Kanioin Anii'i ican l.iih.iut plivi r 2. I':u kih title 3. 4 l! ,r 5 K.o.Uf 6 W 7. Slide I' J V I I' I" I' I I ' I I Ti 7j ;:. rf "5 '. Tt -T . s -;p jT 'JT 7j VTii it" jTT" J5 jjr K6' fl ej" J3" " . ti : 8. Donie.sti. i ales f. Con, (oris ! Skill 11 l.N.l.d 1' l.latl.l o of A.l.m. "-. Kiiiole tube: Pointed lull Aiii; nu;i e ,,t,. Ao. mlom d -:- met!..in h.imoi it lit. '.'esue: ''tig I'l. Put 31. !!,.ve -Latin RiSord cle'l, 34 I'-Tifronti-d 37. F;v.n-e W S-nguig hint. 41- T PP ni;to one ,idc 43 On 44. Smooth consonant 46. To in inner point 47. Cln.e 4.H. K.'nu,-,;nr name 50. '.',a' s,,-d 51. River emhannif nt 52. 1'nrlrTom'i friend S!l.J , f.w u H. HendenvomR. Rendezvous R. Jiendezvoue iii".Ll?..HoK.'i ,IA"h ' Goafrty Arth'r Godfrey ArthT Godfrey JEX hay West ikv West IKay West IKay Welt HSLM News fStarTlme INewi Ranris tnR,mbr Koro Magic Melody Marlc Melody 'Sia,! Melody Mas le M?lody ' KGAK New hpiUer Eafetv Fln.t ISafetv First KOIN Arth'r Godfrey (Art Godfrey (Art God freV Curt Maiser KUW Jun Plain Bin I'rt. Pg. rirrU lLorn7 VcZV. mI. KEX Crockci-.BIock Martin BloclMariinB)c,rit IMirtin Block kill U Uiiahsi nnl Til r T. -r-.i. . ' 1 'Jua Piano Patterns Navy Show KO AS News Spider Spider- Spider KOIN Wizard Odd! Make Up MlndlRobt. Q. Lewli ITunef'llv vour. KGW -Iravelera Trvelera Dr. Pail I.tfe Beautl'u? EX FortheOirl. FortUcGlrU For the Glrli Iror thVoirii KSLM Fullon Lewli Hemingway ICurt MtseT :.rr ' Koco Music U Waul Music U Want ftluslo U WAnt Muale u Want KGAE News Spider Spider I Snider KOIN Klrkham NewsSparkl. Music Klrkham Kirih.m KGW Clirlstophera iMuslcBox IMuslc Box IMusIo Box KEX Aflmn. Edition ISaulrrel Cage ISqulrrelCaic;inar "ri KSLM B-Bar-B SongslB-Bar-B SongslBill Hlckok BilTHIekok " KOCO Show Time Show Time Second Look N storv KGAE Newi & Needle Disk ti Needle Disk r NeedlelDisk At Needle KOIN Ed H. Murrow INewsHour (World Today bosaNewa KGW Sports Editor iNews Hour lJess Mason Petlrion KEX UnrleBob I Uncle Bob . ChctHuntlev I Boh fj. IV. Pinkley Mews Sam Hayes 188 Keys KSLM Gab. Ileatter . IPerryCemo KOCO Candlelight Candleliaht Vf.AV KoiL-a tCiun nil KOIN Crime Photog. Crime Pliotog. lYouth Spoilt. I youth Spotlllht KGW Relax. Music iRelax. Music I College Quiz -CoUege Quia ...... iw. .v... upuna ixjiuun inappy lime KSLM Squad Room I Squad Room IDr. Klldar KOIN 21st Precinct Blst Precinct KGW Fibber McGee tAlexDreler KEX laine Ranger iLone Ranger KSLM Show Tunes IShow Tunes I Harmonalres Whistlln TuneT" KOCO' Track 1490 Track 14S0 Track 14M ITrack 1490 T P,X. - ., ? B L . ILowel Thomas Family Skelton KGW 1 Man's Family News of World iGUdersteeve K:ilderleeve KEX Gd. Listening-1 Gd. Listening I Vandercook Fivn-ii. M.i. IMusic ISporta Report Symphonelte Symphonette Walk a Mile IWalkaMlle IGather Storm Headline Ed KSLM Glen Hardy (Mutual Nwswk ISweet It Swing Harrv Wlsner KOCO Trark H0 ITrack H90 Track 1490 INIsh'tNewe KOIN Bculah Julius La RosalThis I Believe Dance Orch. KGW GrouehoMar-c ICrouchoMarx IBandwagon nandwaeon KEX Mystery Thtr. IIMvstcry Thtr. llObsesslon lObsession 0KSLM Fulton Lewis IPIatter Parade INews Platter Parade Nocume INricturne Nooturne Wocturne ' ' I . - t 1HT ftliHl I r. II -t hnnir U. R.nn. I....I. o. KGW Rchf 'Id Ren'rt'r c-norts Final (Rnrirv Fnrtna nni.u r....i t'lu.-il Krilttnn iTYan.a Tlm 1 n.n. H-l I - n., 1 - - - u.iu., i 1 II 1. , iiinr, inn. 1KSI.M Deadline IDendllne I Melodies Ht! i?octuPt,. 'Nocturne Nocturne f?!? P"ord Show I Record Show Record Show 15iv U'w Jes Mason ICity Council kex Dance Tune I Dance Time I Dance Time I Melodies iNocturne iReeord Show ICity Council I Dance Time KOACIO.OO a.m. The News and Weather: 10:15 Fj-neelallv fni UMman- School of Home Economics Staff: 11:00 Oretrnn 'si'hn-tl nf lh. Air. n.i- Concert Hall: 12.00 News' and Weather: 12:15 Noon Farm Hour; J?:00 UN Stnrv: 1-1. rrnllu ur. Hail; 1:43 Bob Roberts Sines: 2i00 Especially for Women Services of Modern Dentistry; 2:30 Memory Book of Music: 2:45 Oreenn Knh'nr.1 n. the Air The Skyline Widens: .1:00 Orecon Repurter; 3:15 Music of Mas ters; 4:00 The American Language; 4:15 On the Upbeat; 4:45 News Com mentary; 5:00 Children's Theater: 5.30 Chicago Roundtable; 6:00 News and Weather; 6:15 Here's to Vet erans: 6:30 Current Event Conver- .,vs, i .ww i-iuni ruruana aiaie; 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: 8:00 Radio maim t,wuiii o .ou irairioscripi; 8:45 The News & Weather: 9:00 Mu- That rnnnr... O-JS lh..,.. k Itations . Westminster House; 10:00 aign uir. THURSDAY 6 A. M. TO 1 1:45 A. M. 00:00 00:15 00:30" 00:45 Morn. News 'Timekeeper Early Worm lEarly Worm News & Nnnlr IRrlr Mnnw R F.D. Oregon KOIN Klock Vawnlversily I Yawnlversilv Hr. lore. Farm Ur. News I Early Worm IBrk. Nook IKOIN Klock IVawnlverstty Kite. Farm Hr. March Time lEarly Worm IBrk. Nook KOIN moe. I Yawniversily lore. Farm Hr. Ore. Farm 1 Hemingway iBreak Cang Break. Gang INews v''W" , x, , K''l'ly.W',rm IKarly Worm lEarly Worm News i NooklBrk. Nook (Brk.Nook Brk. Nook '?IN -S-'iT i""-1'0-- Nw .IGoss News Babbitt Show i, Yawniversily News IKnox Manning lrst Edition iMusical Clock Lviuslral Clock iBoh Haien Vj,rt.' ,-?,rown iFamlly Altar IHaven of Rest IHaven of Rett Early Worm lEarly Worm lEarly Worm IWor'dNew. News & Nook Brk. Nook Brk. Nook Nook A: Newi ConsumrNew. Valle Newe IMorn Varieties Rosemary Biean. Club Bleak Club iBre-nt. Club Break rlnh IBargn. Counter iRay's Records I Spider IC.il Sunday Moon Mullins ILum & Abucr News ICommentary INews Ray's Records IRay's Records IRay i Records Oregon Trail Spider I Spider Wendy Warren -lAunt Jenny IHclen Trent Moon Mullins IMoon Mullins IMoon Mullins News Stars of Tonae imi News ,T..l!rt T.,r Pay's Records Hav's Records News Ar Splder Spider Road of Life IMa Perkins Moon Mullin IMoon Mullin diet Huntley ITnnv Martin IStand'rd School Stand'rd School IRay's Records IRay's Records Ihnider I.Splder Dr. Malone IGulding Light IStnkeHlch IStrike Rich 'True Story 'Trn-, st. Wonder. City IWonder. Cilv Queen for Dav lOueen fr n. Ray's Records Rav's Record, I Has" RecordV . Ra y. Records 7 Dinner Winner Putder ISpidcr ISnider ?rdhVi'5-Bur'0n',L-crrv .,as 1?",rah D"k iBr ghler Day Ron Hope ISecond Chance'Phrase Pay. IMull A: Shelley Whirpenn Sts. 'Girl Marries Gr. Cen. .sta. IGr "cen st, T tlfic Frontiers: 3:00 Oregon Renorter; 3:1a Music of the Masters: 4:00 Uni verslty Hour: 5:00 Children's The ater; 5:30 They Fought Alone: 6:00 The News and the Weather; 6 15 OSC Department of Milsir: 6 30 Headlines in Chemistry: 6:45 Russian Area Studies: 7:15 Evening Far.n Hour: B 00 BHC Thcater-The Worn en on the Beach; 9:00 Music That Endures; 0:45 Evening Medltalinns Westminster llnusr; 10:00. Sign Olf. KOAC 550 kc. 10 00 News St Weather 10.15 Especially for Women. 1100 Oregon Sehoul of the Air Stories of the Oregon Trail; 1115 Concert Hall 12:00 News and Weather- 1 2 -1 . Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Hide 'Em Cowboy 1:15 Oregon School of the Air Let s Sing America: 1:45 R-idio Bookshelf 2:00 Especially for Women Rhodod endrons In ttie Landscape: 2:30 Mem ory Rook of Music; 2:l.i Orecon School of the Air Expanding Si ien- 'Plan March Opening For Dallas Theater DAM.4LT-'.rli. Jr. IT.,,,.!. ther pemilting. is the time 'tenia- HvelV nl.innoH for lltn nnnninn nr Ine D;illas Molor-Vu theater, Don Wernli. manager, announces. Ten l.ltive bnnkines h.-iee hen-m mn.u for the first weekend in the month. Improvements ar6 being made on the grounds which include the addition of more lights at the en trance and more fencing. The theater is located on South Fir Villa road off the Dallas-Salem highway. 92-Year Old Pioneer Woman Passes NEVADA CITY. Calif, ifi Funeral services were set here for Tuesday fbr Mrs. Olive Ann KeaL H2. who aided the pioneering of Northern California and Oregon Born at Yrcka. Calif., Mrs. Koal married Tom A. Bagley in 1879 and moved to Oregon. Afler Bagley's death in 1902. his widow became postmistress at Tnkilma, .Josephine County, Ore , serving for eight years. Survivors include a daughter, four sons and 1.1 grandchildren. By Corl Andersen