Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 23, 1954, Page 13, Image 13

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    Tuesday, February 23, 1954
Bearcats leave (For Whitmd'n, College of Idaho
Perfect Duquesne, Kentucky
Seasons Near; Indiana Falls
Hnn,,PS. in v 7 ,Rele"tless :
Duquesne and Kentucky rirnv.
within sighting distance today of
their mutual goal of a perfect sea
son, but Indiana's hope of putting
a quick finish to the Big Ten title
race was dashed by a surprise
, defeat. ,
Duquesne and . Kentucky, the
only major unbeaten teams 'in the I
nation, each racked up its 22nd
victory of the season last night in
handy style, the Dukes crushing
Bowling Green, 79 to 52, and the
Wildcats thrashing Vanderbilt, 100
to 64.
The win moves Duquesne within
four games of a perfect season,
their remaining rivals being Cin
cinnati this Friday, Dayton on Sat
urday, St. Bonaventure next Mon
day, and ViJJanova March 6. Ken
tucky has only two games left,
both on the road, against Auburn
Saturday and Alabama Monday.
Tied in Knots
Bowing Green went into last
night's fray with an 82 points per
game scoring average, but Duq
uesne, with the best defensive av
erage in the nation, tied the Fal
cons' attack in knots.
Kentucky made its farewell
home game of the season a corker
as senior stars Cliff Hasan. Ijiii
Tsioropoulous, and Frank Ramsey
said goodbye with 22, 20,
points respectively.
and 19
But Indiana saw its hopes of
clinching at least a tie for the Big
Ten title blasted as underdog Iowa
University Alleys
U-Bowl Ladles Minor League
Johnson's (1) Dot Ling 357, John
son 308. Nicholls 3B3. Lame :i:i4,
Krebs (3) Krebs 351, Moen 387,
Blind 384, Higshl 332.
Pay Less Drugs (1) D. Valdei
S45. Hills 315, N. Valdez S90. W.
Valdet 393. Western Paper (3) Klrby
358, Hall 374, CogsweU 338, Pearson
Moore Business Forms (1) M. MuL
cahy 348, D. Slrader 368. D. Handle
332. P. Case 306. Meadows Rest. (3)
R. Eckstrom 313. E. Furrer 349,
L. Arnold 358. S. Arthur 354.
Salem Builders (11 Curtis 410,
Keene 300. Coon 443. Fredrick 385.
Nehi (31 V. Gannon 411. J. Gannon
30.1. J. Fallen 334. C. Hildreth 467.
High series. Salem Builders, 15:tB;
hiRh game. Nehi. 574; high serit-s,
Hildreth 467; high game, Coon 162.
Barbl Rporllnr Goods Valdes 578;
Farley .64; Vejlupel: 467; Rosa 473; Hart
well 960. Valley Oil Co. Gersbach
5.13: Jack. DeBow 543: Jim DeBow 477;
Wllsalla 550; Comstock 58s.
Cupboard Cafe 2 Brausbt 517:
White 506; Bunnell 683; Henderson 666;
Glodt 663. Salem Maehtnerr Ca.
(5 Bone 537; Price 634: Obermaa (04;
MaeFarlene 566; Straw 644.
Frank's Prodvae fl) Thompson 4a:
Hausen Hi; Junta 433: Wattlar ;
Jackso-i 637. Salem Hardware l)
Thede 663; Curtis 637; Morris (48; Fan
140: West 601.
Smaller oil Co. (1) Valaon 610;
Rillerlch 466; LeTourntaux 607; Tount
534; Prudent. 656. Trsllwass Cafe (J)
Opston 460; Kltsmlller 565; McNiU 616:
Rirhes 637: Luts 673.
Hlth team tame. Cupboard Cafe, 1000:
hlsh team series, Salrm Hardware, 3756;
hish Ind. aeries, Harry Oberman (West
Balrm Machinery Co.) 601; hlsh Ind.
game, John Olodt (Cupboard Cafe) 346.
Capitol Alleys
Capitol Alleys Commercial No. 1
.layson's Clothing Store 1.1) H.
Hansen 484, R. Sommers 513, J. Le
bold 45a, C. Boyce 48. B. Ryan 604.
Woodry Furniture (1 H. Olingrr
825. V. Perry 454, D. Woodry 494, C.
Foreman 50fi. J. Rayhurn 541.
Lana Avenue Service (3) Y. Bar
ber 532, K. Nelson S9S, J. Doerfler
918. R. Gunn 561. K. Haves 611.
Nicholson's Insurance (1) B. Eber
snle 485, F. Bolton 515, E. Clark 639,
M. Cadv 502, W. Gardner 531.
Wicklimds Sporting Goods 131 L.
Harra 517, G. Surrntt 426, D. Hendrie
459. B. Lawless 503. B. Hayne 594.
Rawlinsons Laundry II) D. Ring
land 552, W. Spriggs 495, W. F.nglish
559, H. Gustafson 480, R. Mcffert
Nicks Inn (31 O. Mull 520, B. Wll
berg 559. L. Dierks 509. R. Shelton
' 4R9. W. Miller 472. Knights of Colum
bus (D L. Koutney 437, T. Blesler
417. Blind 432, C. Prance 442, B.
Biegler 528.
Orvals Used Cars (4) S. Kitcben
841. M. McClarv 5.17. D. Poulin 582.
H. Wilkerson 503. W. Cline Jr. 570.
Starr Foods (0) J. Sheldon 525. H.
Nicholls 431. L. Lance 464. B. Duffus
476. B. Langhoff 556.
Goldles of Silverton f3 G. llerr
SOI. F. Frank 521. C. Houell 464. J.
Herr 521, G. Bentson 621. Marlon
Creamery (11 M. Allen 546. M. Pek
ar 499, L. Davenport 494, B. King
496. F. Kenyon 478.
High leant game. Nicholsons Insur
ance. 1076: high team series. Lana
Avenue Service, 3051; high individ
ual game and scries, K, Clark. 279
and Ki9; other six hundreds, Goldie
Bentson of Goldies. 621: Keith Hayes
of Lana Avenue, 611; Bob Ryan of
Taysons, 604.
Goodies Market 43 Reeves 536: Btelt.
Irr 533: Ooodlr 403: Rlnsland 513:
Phlppa 513. Terminal Ire Ml Mrllnay
449: Sours 469; Straw 454: Boyce 489:
Ounn 513.
Jonta and Faar (II Gardner 614:
Willet 437: Kyle 402; Doerflrr 587; Bren
nan 466. Al Laue'a Refrlseratlon (3)
R. Luke 408: D. Luke 417: J. Luke 486:
B. Lukr 504: V. Luke 467.
The Jewel Bos (.1) Cowan 49.1: Hop.
fneer 503: NeKon 521: Loean 525:
Haves 570 Capital nrea Co. Ml Mlk
kft'M 467: Barse 435: Rorhm 379:
Larmer Transler
i a t m
And Storage
889 N. Liberty Ph. 3-3131
2 to 64. at Bloomington. Ind. Now
ih u..; ?u. i
iiwaicia icdu uic league uy
only one game over Iowa, each
having two games left.
Kansas on Top
A pair of free throws by Jimmy
Wright with three seconds remain
ing gave Illinois its victory over
Wisconsip a'. Champaign, 111
In other imDortant leaeue ac
tion last night, Kansas took sole
possession of first place in the
Big Seven, Wichita kept its flick
ering Missouri Valley hopes
alive, and Texas Tech clinched
at least a tie for the Border Con
ference championship.
In other leading games last
night: Louisiana State trounced
Alabama, 79 to 61, Furman's
Frank Selvy, the national scor
ing leader, made 41 points in an
85 to 76 win over Richmond and
Dick Rosenthal scored 11 points
to set a new Jv'otre Dame school
career record of 1,075 as the Irish
beat Pennsylvania, 62 to 47.
NEW YORK (UP)-Josy Barth
el of Luxembourg will be unable
to compete in the IC4-A track and
field championships Saturday be
cause of his heavy program of
studies at Harvard University
Meet officials had hoped to match,
Hartncl against Olympic champion
Mai Whitfield in a special l .non
yard race at Madison Square Gar
den. the ALLEYS
Bsrse 348: Bryant 448.
Martin Broa. Neon Siena (4) Dyer
503: Lawless 515; V. Hausen 513; H.
Hausen 526: Ryan 552. The Ronde 10)
Pepp.e 477: McGee 366; Ashwrll 429;
Hersstrom 433: Knox 452.
Brooks Firemen clti) Evans 464;
Simmons 361: Nolan 404 : 3shlda 411;
Osleabr 482. Woodborn Mis) Wadi
worth 506; Deasen 470; Austin 417;
Ramp 551: Ricks 417.
Man's Tavern (S) Lont 404: Ramp
430; Wymore 474; Mlllelta 376; Hoi
com 497. Hollywood Finance M) Kay
493: Harra 456: Prkar 402: Hayne 483.
High team came and series, Martin
Bros. Neon Sums, 924 and 2609: high
Ind. same and srrles. John Dorrfler of
Jones and Fats, 217 and 587.
Duck Pins
Willamette Valley Rank 14) Barnelt
355; Bev Hushes 343: Hernlce Huahra
340; Bye 98: Bye 309: Haaae 273. Randle
Oil (01 Handle 369: Beusll 256; Short
392: Wood 379; Oauthler (Byrl 345.
Maater Bread (I ) Hansen 337; Prasler
293; Youni 367; Thellade 332: Masulre
420. Woodroffe's San Shop S) Waxner
538; Richardson 309: Archer 366; KJen
ski 306; Rcltser 343.
Hlsh Ind. xame and series, Jean ifa
culre, 160 and 420; blih team aaoia and
aeries, Willamette Talley Bank, 3 and
T55 No. Liberty
-mm m
Extra heavy fibers locquered to resist scuffing,
soil, fading. Wipes clean easily with just a
damp cloth. New haimonizing plaid patterns
look more costly than Words low sale price.
Vinyl-plastic leather trim, tailored to fit
wrinkle-free. Now, lower priced for this
speciol sole.
WSC to Host
Idaho Tonight
PULLMAN, Wash. I - Wash
ington State will be host to the
Idaho Valdans Tuesday night for
a game that could eliminate one
of the "its" in the scrambled
Northern Division Pacific Coast
Conference basketball race.
If the Cougars win, Idaho's last
mathematical chance of sharing
the championship would be gone
and Oregon and Oregon State
would battle for the title next
Idaho fans are looking for a vic
tory here, however, and wins
over .Washington at Moscow Fri
day and Saturday to keep them in
the race. That would put the Van
dals in a three-way tie for the
pennant IF Oregon can take two
from Oregon State.
Idaho, with a 7-6 record in the
conference, is heavily favored
over the Cougars who have won
only 3 of 13 league starts tnts
Idaho's hopes for a win here
were strengthened Monday by
word that Bob Garrison and Bob
Falasli have recovered from se
vere colds that sent them to the
infirmary over the weekend and
will be available for duty against
the Cougars.
OCC Disallows
OCE'S Protest
Oregon Collegiate Conference has
disallowed a protest made by Ore
gon College of Education over a
54-52 basketball victory scored by
Portland Slate in a game at Port
land Feb. 6.
W. D. Purvine of Oregon Tech,
vice president of the OCC, said
the protest was 'mutually" dis
allowed by himself and Dr. Frank
Bennett, president of Eastern
Oregon College of Education.
Portland State and OCE elem
inated themselves from ruling on
the protest since they were in
volved. Dr. Bob Livingston, OCE coach,
had protested on grounds the
winning basket was scored after
the game had ended.
Knight Memorial 39; Free Methodist
38, Nazaieue 46; Grace Lutheran 38.
Stayton Baptist 54.
Evangelistic Temple 25, St. Paul
Episcopal 58; Calvary Baptist 37, 1st
Christian 31; 1st Baptist 43, 1st Meth
odist 34.
JUNIOR "A" LEAGUE'. Nazarene
33, Calvary Baptist 15: Knight Me
morial 27, Kngiewood EUB 80.
1st Chela Han 24, 1st Praatoyfcrtan
Z-M.mmn' "''
6 VV
Needs. All ,
Three Wins
W L Pet. W L Pet.
LCIark a S .615 Whman .500
Pacific S 6 .571 Liniield 5 7 .417
Wlllame. 6 5 .545 C of Ida 4 .333
Monday night games: Lewis and
Clark 102,. Whitman 78; Pacific 90.
College of Idaho 71.
The Willamette Bearcats had
plenty on their minds this morn
ing when they left for a three
game road trip which will decide
how high they will finish in the
Northwest conference.
Wednesday night Coach John
Lewis' lads will play at Whitman
in Walla Walla, Whitman being
in fourth place just behind Wil
lamette. Friday and Saturday nights
they will take on College of Idaho
IK. C. Owens) at Caldwell, where
visitors are given the rush by
Coach Sam Yokes' quintet who
had 100 points scored on them by
Willamette earlier.
Since Willamette had five de
feats, the same number as Lewis
and Clark, one loss on the trip
could relegate the Bearcats to sec
ond or lower. After these three
road games, Willamette will play
Lewis and Clark here March 5.
Lewis and Clark, now in the
lead with an 8-5 record, will play
at Pacific Thursday and finish
against, Willamette. Thus, if Wil
lamette could get hot on the jour
ney it could decide the final
champion March S.
Sublimity Hawks
Win Two Games
SUBLIMITY The high flying
Sublimity Hawks, paced by Ripp,
Grosjacques and Carey with 14,
11 and 10 points, defeated the
Woodburn all-stars, 53-40, in the
first game of a doubleheader
here last night.
In the nightcap. Sublimity
won from the Dallas Townies,
53-48, in an overtime. Christen
son and Hcuberger scored 10
apiece for the Hawks, while Pe
ters had 17 for Dallas. Zauner
made 17 for Woodburn in the
Diercks, 25-year-old outfielder,
told Portland Beaver general
manager Bill Garbarino today he
has completed his tour of duty
with the army and would report
I to th PCL 4ub'i spring training
' r'
Wards economically priced Saron plastic cover
now priced even lower for this sole. Comes in
a beautiful tortan plaid that'll blend well with
any car interior. Trimmed with smooth plastic
leatherette for odded beouty. Tailored with
elastic inserts to give tight fit.
i ' -
V it
1 .v,.. m-k
Xnrinf Off Two freshman speedsters who will i
JpelllllVrlJ in tne ,prjnls are Judson Jones
sprints are
(left) and Windy Sequeira from Honolulu. Both were half
backs in football. Jones also is a quarter miler and Sequeira
broad jumper.
V r V-, , - ITl
Schulze, sen
ior high jumper from Salem,
limbers up in the warm sun
yesterday with a "liver squee
zer" exercise to stretch the leg
Jack McAuliffe held the light
weight title from 1886 until his
retirement in 1896. Ha was un
defeated throughout his boxing
earner which started In 1884.
Phone 3-3191
9 P.M.
I use their talents
Judson Jones from' Portland
Lebanon Grader
Fractures Arm
LEBANON First serious bas
ketball injury here this season was
a double compound fracture of the
right arm for Eugene Shurts, 13,
center on the Crowfoot grade
school team. Tho injury occurred
during a game with Scio in the
Crowfoot gymnasium.
Ambulance brought the injured
boy to Lebanon, they took him on
to Portland for treatment by spe
cialists. An eighth grade student,
the lad is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Shurts.
Hemp and Royal Bay Gem top a
list of 23 horses nominated for the
$50,000 New Orleans Handicap at
the Fair Grounds, March 6, it was,
announced today. Indian Hemp is
one of the favorites for Saturday's
Santa Anita Handicap, and will
be flown to New Orleans if he
turns in a good effort in the Cal
ifornia race.
Look Good
The current run- of sunshine
brought cheer to Willamette uni
versity trackmen who have been
working out to try to make it four
Northwest conference champion
ships in as many years.
Coach Ted Ogdahl, in summar
izing his 1954 prospects, said that
some of them have been working
out as much as a month but the
bulk of them for about two weeks.
As Strung as 1953
If there is any weakness on this
squad, it is in -the distances, he
observed, where deplth is lacking.
Whitman usually dominates those
events. But the Bearcats seem to
be as strong, if nut stronger, than
juai yvar in must ueuai uur ma iur
uiere Hre live returning wno noiu
school records.
Returning are Don Empcy, sen
ior miler and two-miler from
Springfield: Dick Artz, ax-Sacred
Heart runner, and Ray Owens,
Boise soph, will assist.
The sprints seem to be In good
shape with lcttermen Bill Van
Horn (10-flati and Bohby Zoelch
back and freshman Windy Se
queira. Judsnn .Ior"S and Bill Witherup
arn two Frosii upon whom Coach
Ogdahl is resting his hopes in the
440. Jones especially Is known to
be a top quarter miler.
The 880 seems to be one of the
more potent events. Mike Hovis,
who won the Conference two
years ego and was second last
year, leads the runners. Freshman
Don Miller, who last year was
second in the state, is a top con
tender as is Bill Brandt, frosh
from Roseburg.
In the field events, the Bear
cats are strong. Student Body
President and Conference record
holder, Jim Hitchman leads the
shot-putters, followed by Layton
Gilson, conference record holder
in the discus; Freshman Gary
sends its
Many generations of Miluauhre
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Miller High Life is traditionally
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Paw 13
Schmalle and Junior Bob Alfred.
Besides Gilson in the discus,
Schmalle may also do some throw
ing here. . '
Depth In Hurdles '
The hurdles appear to be the
strongest of the field events with
soph-star Dean Benson and let
terman Larry Standifer leading
the pack. Witherup and another
frosh. Paul Shaeffer add the
needed depth.
Merlin Schulze and Bill Col
vard are the top prospects in tlu
high jump, with Standifer, Hitch
man and Freshman Larry Thomr '
son also slated to do some jump
ing. Colvard and Scquiera seem to
be the lop contenders in the broad
Wes Malcolm, a lctterman, leads
the aspirants in the pole vault.
Thompson, Volney Sigmund and
Bob Swift also go around 11 feet 6.
Two hold-overs from last year'l
relay team, Hitchman and Hovil
will be the nucleus of the relay
ers, with Miller, Jones and With
erup the main contenders for th
other two spots:
Leslie Faculty
Wins Benefit
Harry Mohr's 40-foot field goal
with ten seconds left gave the
Leslie faculty a 31-30 win over
the Leslie Golds in a March of
Dimes benefit basketball game
at Leslie Monday afternoon.
Mnhr, coach of the Blues, gave
the faculty a clean sweep of the
benefit games as they beat the
Blues in the first game.
The Golds held a 65- first quar
ter lead but fell behind 13-11 at
halftime. They jumped out in
front 23-18 with one quarter left
only to see the fantastic field
field goal give the teachers the
win. Lou DcLoretto was high for
the winners with 19.
SPOKANE Wl - Lightweights
Mario Trigo of Mexico and Bobby
Woods of Spokane , tangle her
Tuesday night in the 10-round
main event of a boxing card. Trigo
boasts wins over Art Aragon and
Bernard Docusen. Woods is a
Spokane favorite.
1 -stir- wmsSS