4 Bctra-nutritious grows - mm Fu I-O-Pgd Chick Starter 1 your baby chicks n D i n r rijjiir II II II Ji-. J I i ... fn n hi! ri-hirP h H Extra -food values build sound sturdy bodies Start with good chicks . . . and grow 'em fit and frisky on Ful-O-Pep! For vitamin-rich Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter gives your chicks the extra food values they need to grow sound bodies, strong bones and fine feathers without putting on excess fat. Look at all the plus nutritional values in each thimbleful of this wonderful feed: Growth Vitamin B . . . Antibiotics . . . Riboflavin . . . Concentrated Spring Range, a special "green grass" vitamin boost . . . plus many other vital ingredients your baby chicks need to grow big and healthy. . Nutritious oatmeal adds extra grouth power Your baby chicks like youngsters get more energy, more growth power, from body-building oatmeal than from any other cereal grain! That's why Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter is built around oatmeal to help you grow, bigger, sounder chicks with strong, flat bones . . . not porous, round Iwnes like corn-based feeds usually grow. So be ahead! Get extra-nutritious Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter from your local Ful-O-Pep Dealer. Only two pounds per chick is needed to grow 'em sound and sturdy . . . yes, to grow your chicks fit . . . not fat! . U.S. Pal. OH. For the past M years in the National Egg Laying Tests-open to all poultry men -52.299 birds started on Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter and grown on Ful-O-Pep Growing Mash averaged laying the equivalent of 1") more 2-oz. eggs each than the average of 126,763 birds grown on other feeds . . . official proof Ful-O-Pep grows America's Best Pullets! Figure out how much 15 extra eggs per hen could boost your egg profits next year. You'll see it really pays to grow your baby chicks on Ful-O-Pep! THE QUAKER OATS COMPANY Portland, Oregon T