Pasre 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Tuesday, February 23, 1954 mi cm WEDNESDAY ri ON FEBRUARY 24 r $ .Q PUKOASES! A 1) fl Tr" A fl InPflfl 'if fn) f) f? ki r m this is NATIONAL HEART WEEK Madura! acnc h made (real tirade tn the itudy and irejlmeni of heart conditions Now. with early and proper treatment. person with heart trouble can Mill live i lonf and active life If you hate any symptoms nf a heart rendition, aee your doctor early are aim note And when he prescribe, remember that Our Pharmacia i thoroughly trained. fully eiperienced, and honor-bound to fill our prescript torn ttacily at your doctor ordered tttpendobh hntrtptm Unkt rot OVIK SO VMM 2.50 Colonial Dames All Purpose ' Cream 50c OLEUM PERC0JV10RPH Concentrated Vitamin "A"& "D" 2.98 St. Regis Thin Model POCKET WATCH NON-TARNISHABLE NON BREAKABLE CRYSTAL 1.98 5 SPECIAL. SALE Tussy Cleansing Creams and Lotions FOR DRY SKIN I FOR NORMAL SKIN Emulsified Cleansing Cream III rich emollients lielp lo clranso and soften jour npm. pltxion! Reg, $2.00 site now 4.25 (3.50 size now i2.23 Dry Skin Freshener Fn.uV (rrjh-up that'a 'iiirriar lor yon: Reg. $1.7j me now 1. PS Pink Cleansing Cream Fluffy iiulrl cream for thop ouph, rlrrp ilnwn clransinp; of normal or oily ftin! Krg.f:.0()M7.rnnwH.25 SXjO ,ize now'SiJ J?. Skin Lotion To hratc ami male ynnt 4 complexion plon! ' Reg. $1.7S fire now 1. I All prieei plut tax ICONOMY SHE 63 il on bruifilna daitrov most 4mov and odor-cowing boctarlol Large sin 47t Mdlwn tut 27 Cosmetics-leather Goods Jewelry Plus Tax Stamps Not Given pn Tax he secret's out! AX Factor's Color-fast lipstick . is the only non-smear type lipstick with on lustre" f'stay-: t f f m Lilt i ? r J I IF 1, hid & 1 At last ... a non-smear tj-pe lipstick with ' "stay-on lustre" that won't blot away, won't fade away, won't wear away. ; Creamy, non-drying, lanolin-rich ... its ; satiny "stay-on lustre" lasts for hours. . .:: Lome in for Max Factor's Color- -4 i rv fast I'Pstick today. In 9 glowing 1 lv fashion shades .. . ... I JLmM yOU can't blot awav the hiztro LISTERINE Large 14-oz. Size 79 New Seaforth's Spiced SHAVE LOTION $100 SPECIAL 2 11.00 Spiced Light Spiced Right Ml. TYSON Br.nJ Fountain Syringe I I All one piece 1 49 I 2-qt. capacity ... I 11 1 . I BLUETTES W.t.rtil. Knit-Lined Gloves Bondtd DuPont Ntoprtnt . . . 112 Lanoior Cream Syringe Attachments 98c Ear Syringe, io 39c Ice Bag, ich 98e NIGHT CREAM POWDER BASE HAND CREAM Superior, nongreosy, medical)' pur. Con-, toini Squibb purified lonolinlor skin dryness Reg. 49c RUBBING ALCOHOL 70 Absolute Alcohol 1 6 oz. Bottle 29 GILLETTE BLUE BLADES 20 in Dispenser ALKA SELTZER TABLETS Bottle of 25 49c Walgren's ASPIRIN TABLETS 2a for 50 REMEMBER . . . Double W Green Stamps On All Cash Purchases 30 MHUTE HOME HAIR DRYER with (xcluilv hood and thermostat T, &Slfpi Portable i? . .hockproel w comrorraDia I ' rii- .i'i sin -jn W COMHITI SHAMPOO ANYTIME, GO ANYWHERE IN AN HOUR GUARANTEED the most efficient hair dryer. ' Convenient drying encourages fre quent shampooing the only way to always have soft lustrous hair. Dries polish, lingerie, shoes, gloves, u 1. Afriovto Bristling with Extras The New SQUIBB "1600" ANGLE TOOTHBRUSH Extr penetration, extr flexible, extra gentle because of 1600 Super-fine Super-flexible nylon bristles Soj'tfln 75c Anacin Tablets of leading tjijine permarieritsv 90c Doans .Dills 63c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 59c Pepsodent TOOTH With the New Flavor! BRUSH BOTH FOR 63c 16-oz. Size 0RLIS ANTISEPTIC An Ideal Preparation for the Hygenic Care of Mouth and Throat 73 WMm ' : . new TONI TRIO 3 permancnts one's a natural for you. $150 I tax Toni Refills 1 miSWWWWWMmWWUWfai SELF NEUTRALIZING PROM The iprincj of the curl prove it's a Prom. 150 plu tax USE NEW WHITE RAIN LOTION SHAMPOO TONIGHT tomorrow your hair will be sun shine bright SI also 30 and 60c sires TAME CREME RINSE Use after shampooing to make your hair satin-sojt. 1 also 30c and 60c sizes All pi vi tax TONETTE New Permanent for Children 2 to 12 $150 pltu tax SILVER CURL New Home Permanent Custom-Made for Gray Hair. $50 plus tax BOBBI pin-curl permanent Easy as making pin-curls. . A II. II iiTo" mil plua tax LlrJgJ PINCiiMerK i BY TONI mTrTfflTlrft I Twine as rjS,(i OiiitrWlMij I fu'icc n.t out. fief's I Complete set jfgg I DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS ON ALL CASH PURCHASES! -9 405 STATE ST. - CORNER OF LIBERTY