Monday, February 22. 1954 RECEIVES PRIZE OF $100 Tremors Rock Wilkes-Barre FLYING CARS ARRIVE I United States arrived here Mon NEW DKLHI, India The I day after a transatlantic crossing first two of 26 C119 Flying Boxcar and a trip through Europe and the transports purchased lrom the Middle East. WANTED WILKES-Barrc, pa. m An earthquake-like series of tremors rocked an eight-block residential area Sunday causing extensive damage and disrupting gas and i MANAGER-OWNER Profitable Permanent Business Reliable man or woman to take full responsibility operating local territory for highly profitable Popperette Vendor (that pops fresh popcorn before your eyes). Our experienced field men establish all accounts, install equipment and train you in the operation. Initial program nets about S500.00 per month, based on experience in other territories, with opportunities to increase. Must be capable manager S1485.00 Investment in equipment required. Only qualified applicants considered. We invite your strictest investigation and we reserve the same privilege. For complete interview .write giving phone number, age and address to Box 237, co Statesman Journal. j I water supplies to some 1,600 per- The brief series of earth move-: mcnts left streets ripped up and partly covered with water from broken mains. Fumes from cracked gas lines resulted in an : all night vigil by police and fire- i men. 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon mi Mrs. Ward Rucck, 895 South Elina Avenue, was presented a check for $100 for her winning entry in the Mystery Treas ure Chest contest which White Satin Sugar sponsors over Radio KSLM. From left, Roy Southern, representing White Satin, who made the presentation; Mrs, Rucck, holding check; and Truman Blankenship, manager of Ericksnn's Four Cor ners Market, who received $25 as manager of the store where Mrs. Rueck bought sugar for the winning entry. Manion Lays Firing to Labor in Bricker Bill part of the commission. He re fused to amplify. He said it had all been decided. He never said 1 was fired because of the Bricker amendment" Republican Gov. Dan Thornton of Colorado, a commission mem ber who said alter a talk with Adams last week he didn't think the Bricker amendment conlro-i versy had anything to do with dismissal, sluck to that WASHINGTON W - Dr. Clar ence E. Manion says his dismis sal as chairman of a presidential commission stems from his views on slates rights and was "trig gercd" by his support of the Bricker amendment to limit treaty powers. Manion, former law school dean at Notre Dame, announced last Wednesday that he had been aSKca Dy me wnuc muse iu rv-iMnmm i sign as cnairman oi j-resiucm. r.i- VjCW senhower s Commission on inter governmental Relations. He said the request was made by Sherman Adams, chief presidential assist ant lorvicwers on an NBC television program Sunday, was that: "Adams told me I was very busy and he thought I should re sign. That's precisely what he said. I asked for some further explanation. He said there had been some dissatisfaction on the. "Although I have the highest re gard for Dr. Manion," he said in Denver after the TV show, "he was too busy going around the country making speeches instead , I Check Presented to Mrs. Ward Rueck A check for $100 was present ed to Mrs. Ward Rueck, 895 South Elma Avenue, at Erick- son's Four Corners market Fri day afternoon by Roy Southern, representing White Satin sugar. l no eneck was for Mrs. Rucck s winning entry in the Mvsterv Treasure Chest contest which White Satin sponsors over radio KSLM week-day mornings. i r u m a n lilankcnship was awarded a check for $25 for be ing manager of the store where Mrs. Rucck purchased the sugar to enter the contest. When asked how she would spend the money. Mrs. Rucck said she had "a hundred places io spend it." Her husband has been unemployed since last fall. Mrs. Rucck is the second win ner in the contest with Mrs. Rus sell Tripp, Albany, winning the first jackpot. i Thimayya Opposes Repatriation Plan Road Block Saves Draft Evaders WASHINGTON (Pi The jus tice department said Monday the i government has reached a legal roadblock which has halted pros ecution of six men as draft evad ers. It also said the numhor is likely to grow to 16 and perhaps higher. The hub of the problem is the government's unwillingness to "" J" """" triumphed on the men hecausc it savs the ..,', , files might disclose confidential informants or investigating tech niques. The cases involve conscientious objectors who have refused to be was brought into being hy Con gress and was given a March deadline to cv. -:plish s i pose. They have done some work i PANMl'N.JOM, Korea Hip) LI. but only what shouM have been ' Gen. K. S. Thimayya disclosed to accomphshod in two or three! day that he opposes the principle months." I of voluntary repatriation for pris- Manion said that when he was'onrrs f war. selected for the commission post.i "As a soldier, I'm dead against I tile White House knew he had ai1'- Thimayya. whose Neutral Na l,o.,., 1-...I f liMC ll.,r,,in.t , . ; . iii-uvj iciii'llilftl ill irilMH; Cn- n numn .ui 1 11 1 1 inniiin na gagements and "I was ass red dissolved last night, said, it would take only two or tiH'cc "tlncc we accept that an Army days a month." He said he had can Eo across and desert its conn plenty of time to devote to the lr'. becomes a frightful piece commission and worked (or it part ' dent." oi every day. Phone 3-9191 for free HOME TRIAL Sears, Roebuck and Co, 550 N. Capitol Salem, Oregon Gentlemen: Please send me further information describing Kenmore Sew ing Machines. or mail this coupon for free literature NAME STREET CITY . THONE .. STATE So attractive you'll be proud to have them in your living room! U 1 J2J Perfect height for sewing. Walnut, mahogany or limed oak finish. Roomy storage compartment under seat. Save 60.00 Regular 114.95 Kenmore and 13.95 Sewing Chair Both for 90 and your old machine ' Smooth running full size sewing head in a handsome walnut finished hardwood cabinet. Makes a heautiful occasional table when not in use. 20 years guarantee. There's a Kenmore To Suit Your Budget - 59.95 to 239.95 i yowl notccy &zai' 3 L nil J SPECIAL SAVE 4.00 10 Days Only We will clean, oil and adjust your entire sewing machine for Only 3.95 Regular 7.95 Free pick-up and delivery Call Sewing Machine Dept. Mon. & Fri. 9:0 fl:00 Other Days 9:30 5:30 550 N. Capitol-3-9191 Royal Pair Send For Two Children LONIlON (IP) Mother love today over official protocol. Huckinqham Palace an nounced the two children of Queen Kliraheth II and the Duke of Kdinhurgh would join the royal couple in North Alrica to complete the round-the-world drafted because of their religious : Commonwealth tour with them. Virginia. Connecticut and Nobra, ! X; "3. ,.,flhi lri,nn..i ,n l..i ,t. r,...l Jii ,i ii.iimin ji'iii nil: turi'il and puke in Tohruk, the palace announced. The royal couple now is in Tasmania. New South Wales Hit Hard by Storm SYDNEY. Australia - The worst storm and floods in Now South Wales' history ended Mon day, leaving some .l.non square miles of the state's northern coast a devastated shambles. Eighteen persons, and possibly 22, were dead, thousands were homeless and the damage was reckoned in the millions of pounds. Flea species often correspond In the animals on which they prey and hat fleas are blind. Simulated Engraved BUSINESS CARDS $5 per 1,000 WALIY'S PRINT SHOP Masonic llldg. Dial 3 8853 Save WITH FARMERS INSURANCE Auto-Truck-Fire (ieorge OSKO INSURANCE AGENCY I46S N. Ccrpitoi St. Phone 3-5661 Between Hood and Shipping Sts. on lliway lioing North 0 1 gftD COOKING'":! 0 IfilOS SCHOOL flTI Sponsored eS&il By Salem Blsfl Stores 'cdElI 0 1:30 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, Sth AT THE ELSINORE THEATRE .. . plftk- PRESENTING MARIE GIFFORD, iLJkZJ Armour and Company's Home Economisl in I -ft "Thrifiy Ways with Meals" 1 j Ft3 Iq) ft? FP Door Prizes Z2 Zl Recipes Doors Open I Ml I I u I I A. I-0DP.M. U U 11 un Lb Menus SCH00 LG.A b STORES PRESENT THE NARIE GIFFORD COOKING SCHOOL Miss Marie Gilford, horns economist or the Armour Company. Nationally famous author ity on cooking of meats, proper selection of meats and serving. NISS GIFFORD CHOOSES: General Electric Miss (iifford has chosen General Electric appliances lOfTii for her show. The revolutionary revolving-shelf refrigerator . . . The G. E. Liberator, all calroid equiprd 2-oven range. She knows the consistent quality and denendability of General Electric appliances will prove the wiseness of her choice. See and Hear Miss Gilford. See The Same Famous General Electric Appliancs Ai Your 340 Court Street Store We Give and Redeem S&H Green Stamps donf miss it! Tuesday, Feb. 23 1:30 P. M. Elsinore Theatre Free Door Prizes don'l miss it . . . ii's interesting -. . . educational . . . informative!