Monday, February 22, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon 'Page 9 t x -nUr ... Wed 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Churchill, above, observed their golden wedding anniversary on February 17, The couple were married in Portland 50 years ago and lived on the east coast for many years before returning to Oregon to live in Salem in 1930. A few friends were invited in for the anniversary observance. Installation Event A number of guests attended the meeting and installation ceremo nies last week when the Young Matrons club installed Mrs. Jean Monsanto as president. Guests included the Mesdames R. W. Chetwood, Willis Hults, Rob ert Clark, Harold Hatzenbahler, Paul Brandon, James Kurd, Al Harford. Dessert following the meeting was served by Mrs. James Lies, Mrs. John Meier and Mrs. Thomas Meier. After oil is pressed from co pra, the dried meat of coconuts, the residue is valuable as stock feed and fertilizer. STCP fS S0PT6p-"' A touNO or soar RAF Receives Atom Bombs LONDON W Atom bombs are now being delivered to Britain's rapidly expanding Royal Air Force, Prime Minister Churchill's government announced Monday. An Air Ministry budget memo randum also disclosed that British jet fighters are being equipped with guided rockets to strengthen defenses against enemy atom bombers. It said recent successful rocket tests in the Australian desert "foreshadow the most important developments in air defense since the invention of radar." The memorandum, prepared for Parliament by Air Minister Lord De L'Isle and Dudley, said Brit ain's air budget for 1954-55 calls for increased spending on aircraft and armament. It includes large deliveries of swift and hunter jet fighters, the first deliveries of top secret swept-wing valiant medium jet bombers and allows for the first time for some atomic bombs. GRANDMA WINS ATOM ORPHANS t VHHaW ' v. fits: 1 4fW-.SJ Call Bricker Bill Every mile you walk in them . . . you love them even more. For these shoes caress your foot with the gentlest fit . . . cushion it with soft, soft insole. And their trim tailoring suits your wardrobe wonderfully. Try them on . . . you'll want U wear them right ont of the store. RED CROSS SHOES WASHINGTON W-Sen. Wiley (R-Wis) today denounced as a "hodge-podge" whitehouse ap proved changes the Senate has voted in a proposed constitution al amendment by Sen. Bricker (R., Ohio) to curb treaty powers. Wiley, who heads the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said in an interview be believes one change to require all past and future treaties to te made in "pur suance" of the Constitution "would raise cain in the courts." This proposal, adopted by a 44-43 vote of the Senate last week, would make all past and future treaties subject to court review on their constitutionality. It was combind with proposals to require Senate roll-call votes on treaties and a requirement that treaties and other intrnational agrements conform to the Consti tution to make Op what now is known as the administration's bill. Robert, 6, at left, and Michael Rosenberg, II, sons of executed atom spies Julius and Ethel' Rosenberg, hug their grandma, Mrs. Sophie Rosenberg, after a New York court placed them in her custody Feb. 20. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children had charged that the children, who had been living with a New York couple, were "exploited for fund raising propositions." The state supreme court placed the chil dren in their grandmother's care pending further children's court litigation. (AP Wircphoto) Silverton Man Starts New Business After Retirement Theater Held up For $2200 Loot LOS ANGELES (P) Movie patrons watched a comedy at a theater while two bandits put on their own melodrama in the man ager's office and left with $2200. David Draper, assistant man ager, told police he was approach ed by a gunman yesterday and forced to open the safe. The gun man took $1500 and then demand ed the receipts from the box of ! f ice. Lacking the keys, Draper was forced to call the manager. : Meanwhile, Draper was tied up ! and two movie patrons who want ed to lodge a complaint with the manager, plus a curious newsboy, were herded into the manager's office. SILVERTON An Interest ing story concerning a well known Silverton man, comes in the Thursday, February 4, edi tion of the Bluffton News of Bluffton, Ohio, due to the alert, more-than-70-years-old gentle man making a first visit 'in some thing like 30 years to his home town in the mid-western state. The description of the first visit back to Ohio, and the sur prise of his family and friends there is under a heading read ing: "Amos Amstutz, Retired, to Enter Business at 65." The editor's introduction reads: 'If you've been wondering how you're going to pass the time after you reach retirement, or how you re going to make a social security check stretch from one month to another, take a tip from Amos Aumstutz." According to Mr. Aumstutz, concerning the social security stretch, when he finds the in come from his sales are more than he is permitted under the Social Security rules, he sends the amount back to the government. The Bluffton writer uses the word "entreprcneuer" in respect to this matter of entering busi ness at 65. In dictionary Eng. lish, this means: "An employer in his character of one who as sumes the risk and management of business," and Mr. Amstutz docs just that. Five years ago he closed his Silverton machine shop business. He did his own designing of all shop machinery, works from the basement of his home, and the small shop in the rear of the family residence. As a member of a home craft merchandising set up, he places his manufactured wooden house hold gadgets none costing over $1.25 in craft shops in Chicago, Denver, Salt Lake City an other large cities, all of which he contacted en route home from his Ohio visit, during the past week. Police Guard Waifs For Sen. McCarthy PHILADELPHIA (UP)-A heavy police guard was prepared for Ihe arrival here today of Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, after a "crackpot" threat was received against the Wisconsin Republican's life. A round- the- clock plainclothes detail was assigned to accompany the Senator upon his arrival to accept a good citizenship award from the Sons of the American Revolution this afternoon. Police said the threatening let ter, with a Philadelphia postmark, read: "We think McCarthy oueht to be bumped off and this is a good time to do it. Knowland Sees Big Vote ForChief Justice Warren WASHINGTON I - Sen. Know land (R-Calif) predicted Monday that Chief Justice Warren will get an "overwhelming" vote of confidence when his appointment to the Supreme Court comes be fore the Senate. Knowland, the Senate Republi can leader, said in an interview he expects the Senate Judiciary Committee to approve Warern's nomination at a meeting Wednes day. Approval would send the ap pointment to the Senate for action probably Friday. The California senator said he thinks most of his colleagues will agree with him that unevaluated and unsupported charges read in to the record of a Judiciary sub committee last week over the pro tests of some members are "not worth any serious consideration." These included unsworn accusa tions that as governor of Califor nia Warren had been under the influence of "a notorious liquor lobbyist," had appointed dishonest judges and had followed the Marx ist line. The subcommittee approved Warren's nomination Saturday by what some members said was a unanimous vote. But Chairman Langer (R-ND) and Sen. East land (D-Miss) said they had voted only to check the matter to the full committee, of which Langer is chairman. The subcommittee acted after hearing testimony by deputy Atty. Gen. William P. Rogers and War ren Olney, assistant attorney gen eral in charge of the Justice De partment's Criminal Division. A committee transcript later showed Rogers testified that a series of charges had been made by Roderick J. Wilson, described by Rogers as "a fugitive from justice." Rogers said It was re grettable that "the chief justice can be maligned by a man who it a fugitive from justice for per jury." , STASSEN PROMISES HELP MANILA tin Harold Stessen, director of the U.S. Foreign Opera tions Administration, Monday promised the Philippines Ameri can help In meeting its economic problems and in fighting communism. Till HIM asEF"! TRUSTED FOR CHItDBJIJJ ASPIRIN FOR CHILDREN . ftllLLER'S SALEM, ORE. COMPARE WITH ANYWHERE An earthquake imperial gallon is a pint more than the Ameri can gallon. Los Angeles Editor GOP Publicity Director America's undiallenited shoe value. Slvlcs from J5 J293 Tau product Ui no conntcMn KhaKi The Antrim National Red Cnm By D. HAROLD OLIVER J WASHINGTON W James Bas sett, 41-year-old political editor of the Los Anceles Mirror, today was named director of public rela tions for the Republican National Committee. Bassctt, who was Vice President Nixon's publicity director in the 1952 campaign, succeeds Robert fumphreys. who was promoted to campaign director, a new job. The shifts were interpreted by ;arty spokesmen as an effort to step up the 19154 congressional elc tion campaign by relieving Hum phreys of what was termed Flirtatious White Accents on your young navy SAILOR The saucy "little hat" that lights up your eyes! Sewn braid with snowy white belting! 10.95 up "double duties" in recent months. Also, the appointment of Bassctt by Chairman Leonard W. Hall was looked on as reflecting, in some measure at least, the rising pres tige in the party of Nixon. Both Nixon and Bassctt are Californians. In announcing the two appoint ments. Hall said: "In line with our policy of leav ing nothing undone to assure Pres ident Eisenhower of increased Rep ublican majorities in both the Sen ate and the House next year, I am making these additional moves to intensify our 1954 effort." Hall said the party organization will gear itself to telL the "com plete, factual story" ot the admin istration's "many accomplish ments" to the country between now and election day Nov. 2. Bassctt was born in Glendalc, Calif., Oct. 18, 1912. He graduated from Bnwdoin College. Maine, and joined the Los Angeles Times in 1934. transferring to the Mirror as political editor in 1948. He was given a leave of absence to assist in the Nixon campaign in 1952. Your Doctor Knows. that the name "St. Joseph" as sures "aspirin at its best" you can't buy better at any price to relieve pain of headache, colds, muscle aches. 100 tablet bot tlo 49c; 33 tablets only 25c. tff-BUY 200 TAPLfT BOTTIE 0W.YT9 Give Your Dry Skin A Magic-Like Drink from the Real Fountain of youth ii DEBBY ind Wahabir- -Mnn Nylnn--vnfll am) LITTLE FRENCH SHOP II: IIK.I Nylon THE PEERLESS BAKERY Rakers for her Majesty the Housewife Green Stamps 170 N. Commercial f vur tin ffrl t all dry if tint linr arituml y"r ,vr raucl jy ilrv nis arr hrpinninp In morry vnu, it i lrrau-r ymr!-kin i. lliirhlin? for morfi rlinlr-lrrnl anil r-l('M llinn it ran mAc Killiin it-rll. I.annlin I'lin l.Htmrt if. tlirrrf'trr, llif "Knlin lain of Smith" l"r yimr skin, Inr ll prnctralinp arhnn enr ynir -km a nrw and rii'h mpply "I rhnlr-Hrrula anil rM'T-. Your -kill l-rroinr soflrr anil moollnT a- jo-l a lr M!" I'V, anil Iho-r lint, ilrt-km lm" l.i'l KiMill an- nn !-! Ili in a-loni-liiiis:! Kirn thr lirst ninrnnu' alu r your lir-l ni::lillv u-r of Lanolin I'lnn l.iip'i't. you'll fni a ililliTrnn-. ,H your. In. . 'rr it a a ii .r it in llrwf of a nirlil en-am u-c it a a pnwilrr Iut. Ht k,',oim lln- ialrnlivl, unclralin! form nl l.ili'ilin in mil itant ront.irt ilh your -kin 2 I bourn a riav, vnu'll qimkly liTonii- a nun h luppirr oniaii. Unohn I'lut liquid in but II pin las. Liquid Ni l-am lin I In, M I .n.J... H.,. II ljii..lm Pt.M 1 " Fl, I i.i.1,.1 M.k. l II on I'lu. M,.mi. II II i II"" , II'"" 1 1 .r'.n 1 1 .on- lnnhn I1H I ' tl- II"1 wl,B I'll," M'-lt IsilHrtl II no" 1 1. .VI" PRICES GOOD THRU WEDNESDAY Now fie Kiddies Can Relax When they watch their favorite TV programs Beautifully Designed Duran Covered Kiddies1 TV Hassock Regular $3.95 Has tough, rugged covering -g "kav of washable plastic. In smart fij DD decorator colors, imprinted I I w w with popular nursery rhymes ' Jj or Western scenes. Prices Good While Quantities Last 15c Soft Weve Toilet Tissue flc Roll " Toiletry 10c Bunched Safety Pins Assorted 18 to a Sizes Bunch 5' L Variety $3.59 Certified if!M rir viiamm a 50,000 Units girl 99 100 Capsules LI Essential for Clear, Healthy Skin ' Toiletry 49c Genuine Leather Key Case Holds 5 keys, compact, not bulky. Long wearing genuine leather ease. Toiletry 89c Certified Vitamin B1 10 Milligram 100 Tablets 59 High Potencies Help Relieve That Tired, Irritable Feeling Toiletry $1.49 Certified VITAMIN B COMPLEX High Potency OOl 100 Capsules Gives Your Nerves a Chance Toiletry A Vitamin Your Child Can Chew! Certitied Junior Vitamins Reg. S3.99 $99 Plcosont, cherry flavored if chewed. Made espec ially for growing boys and girls. Toiletry 17c Cream Style MY-TE-FINE CORN Mb. tins O lnr VI Toiletry Valuable in Treatment of Colds! $1.09 Certified Vitamin C 10 JKl 100 tabid, Speeds healing of wounds and mending of bones. Also valuable in treat ment of common colds. Toilrtry $7.95 Certified Viminol Bottle $97 100 Health for the whole family. Contains 27 vita mins and minerals in one capsule, with Vitamin B 12 and folic acid now added. , TOILETRY ri7titd I .VIMINOL f . W CMUIII fj Vil,mj, and Mint" gf in ont tnpiuf Fred M ever Drugs h4 tMrrrr writs M tm 148 NORTH LIBERTY We Reserve the Right to Mmlt Quantities