Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 22, 1954, Page 8, Image 6

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    Pace 8
Monday. February 22. 1954
I Capital Women
A surprise parly was (jiven Sat
urday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. McManus honoring
ineir son, Udell J. McManus, and
his bride, the former Marcia Cox.
About 25 attended ihe Saturday
Mr. McManus and Miss Cox,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Cox of Eugene, were married
January 22, the service being in
the offices of Judge Val D. Sloper
who officiated. Attending the
couple were Mr. and Mrs. Al
Laue and Mrs. McManus.
The couple are al home at 475
North Capitol, Salem.
Initiation for
Theta Rho Group
Of Duo
Announcement i.: being made
oi inc marriagi of Miss Margaret
Alice Smith, younger daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. (i. Herbert
Smith, Salem, to Joseph Mcflain
Ilardman, son of Mr. and Mrs.
It. R. Ilardman of Portland.
The wedding was an event of
January 2 at Vancouver, Wash.
Both youiig -coplc are attend
ing school. The bride is a senior
at University of Oregon school
of nursing in Portland. She at
tended DePauw university and
Willamette university preceding
her work at the school of nurs
ing. Mr. Ilardman is a senior at
Willamette university college of
law. He was graduated from
Itecd college and attended Colum
bia university c illege of law be-
Some Notations
Theta Beta Iota, Theta Rho, met
at the IOOF temple last week toi fore coming to Willamette.
initiate eight new members.
New members include the Miss
es Nancy demons, Joan Newell,
Sally Billings, Siggie Converse,
Carol Gricdcr, Deannc Norton,
Audrey Norton and Julianne Cline.
Mrs. Ellen Edmundson, chair
man of the board of control, was a
special guest. A program was pre
sented by the Misses Carol Mef
ford, Shirley Taber, Diane De
pendehner and Jean Roth, accom
panied by Miss Judy Seely.
Refreshments were served after
the meeting with the birthday
theme being used in honor of the
group t 4th birthday.
ft C jT
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Pythian Meeting
Silverton Event
SILVERTON A number of
guests were honored at the recent
meeting of Home temple No. 21,
rymian sisters.
Escorted and introduced war
Mrs. Carrie Broxson of Milton
Freewater, grand chief of Ore-
Also escorted were Mrs. Albert
(.rinde, Silverton, past grand
chief; Mrs. Ann Brown, Dallas,
grand manager; Miss Betty Jean
Bergncr, Salem, grand guard;
Mrs. Emma Snyder, Aurora, past
grand chief; Mrs. Helen M.
Wrightman, Silverton, past grand
chief and past supreme repre
sentative. Each honored guest
was presented a corsage by Mrs.
Dclbert lverson of Home temple.
On Monday, March 1, all offi
cers and members of the degree
staff, are to meet at the hall, at
2 p.m., lor rehearsal for the
March 4 evening meeting when
new members are to be initiated.
The refreshment committee for
the March 4 meeting includes
Mrs. Ida toolcy, Mrs. Lizzie
Looley, Mrs. J. took and Mrs. J.
D. Drake.
Members of Home temple arc
to host a card party at the K.P.
hall, Saturday evening, March 0,
the public asked to attend. Ca
nasta, SOO, and hridgo will be
played. Mrs. Delbcrl lverson,
ways and means committee
chairman, is directing plans.
By M. L. F
Several Salem women have
been invited to take part in the
18th birthday celebration and
membership tea of Portland unit
of the Republican Women's Fed
eration of Oregon on Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Robert K. Dant, Portland . . .
Hours are between 2 and 5 o'
clock. Mrs. Paul I,. Patterson, wife of
Oregon's governor, has been in
vited to stand in line with offi
cials of the unit. Mrs. Roy T.
Bishop, state federation presi
dent; Mrs. L. E. Reeves, presi
dent of the Portland unit, Mrs.
John Ilate, Mrs. Dan and Mrs.
IJeanor M. Fcldman . . .
Invited to pour are Mrs. Earl
T. Ncwbry, wife of the secretary
of state; Mrs. Sigfrid IS. Unandcr,
wife of the stale treasurer; Mrs.
James W. Mott of Salem, vice
chairman of the republican state
central committee; Mrs. Mar
shall Cornell, Klamath Kails, re
publican national cominitteewom-
an from Oregon; Mrs. Fred I,.
Peterson, wife of Portland's may
or; Mrs. Kutlie Wilhclm, Jr., Port
land, wife of the speaker of the
house; Mrs. Jess J. Card, Mrs.
Eugene Marsh of McMinnvillc.
wife of the senate president; Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Ralph II,
Cake, Mrs. Frederic W. Young,
Airs, Louise Humphrey.
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Miss Gammon, Mr. Purdy
Wed Here Saturday Night
Wed Saturday evening at a serv.I bridesmaids. All were attired In
ice in the First Baptist church j American Beauty shaded faille
taffeta and their nosegays also
were of the pink carnations with
the tufts of nylon. All four attend
ants wore headpieces of leaves
matching their frocks.
The bride's mother wore a gray
blue dress with pink accessories
and corsage of camellias with
seed pearls. The bridegroom's
molher wore navy blue lace with
pink accessories and corsage of
pink carnations.
James Purdy of Seattle was best
were Miss Lavurne Gammon and
Robert E. Purdy. The bride is the
daughter of Mrs. Carl Gammon
and Mr. Purdy is the son of Mrs.
J. Edgar Purdy.
Rose and white stock in baskets
with bows of deeper rose, and
and lighted candles decorated the
church for the service. Dr. Lloyd
T. Anderson, pastor of the church,
read the vows at 8 o'clock. For the
music, Cecelia Freeby sang, Ger
ard C. Brown, brother-in-law of
the bride, played the violin and man for his brother. Pete Reding,
Lois Plummcr Schmidt played Wayne Rawlins and John Perkins
Wed Feb. 13 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sandberg (Annette Ripp),
above, were married February 13 at St. Boniface church, Sub
limity. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ripp
of Sublimity and Mr. Sandberg is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
V. Sandberg of Stayton. (McEwan studio picture)
Martha Washington
Tea at Woodburn
WOODBURN Despite the stor
my weather approximately 125
guests attended the 46th annual
Martha Washington tea, sponsor
ed by Woodburn Woman's club
at the library Friday afternoon. A
goodly sum was realized to buy
tertained at her home last week
at an informal buffet dinner for
her son, Richard Zcller, who is
band instructor at George Fox
college in Newbcrg. Members of
the band were present at the affair.
Garden Club
the organ.
Carl Kliever, brother-in-law,
gave the bride in marriage. She
wore a beautiful dress of imported
French lace over white faille, the
lace scalloped to border the sun
burst pleating that extended down
the front of the skirt. The bodice
was designed with a slight stand
up collar and long sleeves. The
lingertip veil was caught with
orange blossoms to a half crown
of tulle, lace edged. For her flow
ers the bride carried a nosegay
type of bouquet of stephanotis
and an orchid.
In Pink Shades
The attendants were in rose
pink and American Beauty frocks.
Mrs. Evelyn Barllctt was matron
of honor, her dress of the rose
pink faille taffeta. Her bouquet
was a nosegay of pink carnations
with tufts of matching nylon.
Misses Darlcne Engdahl, Phyl
lis Ahalt and Alary Polales were
were groomsmen, Robert Messing
ana nay Davis the ushers.
Al Reception
The reception was in the Fire
place room of the church. Cutting
the cake was Mrs. George A.
Purdy of Portland, aunt of the
bridegroom, and Mrs. Lester Knips
of . Lakeside, aunt of the bride.
Pouring were Mrs. Gerard C.
Brown and Mrs. Carl Kliever,
Mcdford, sisters of the bride.
Others assisting were Mrs. Ellis
Sanders, Miss Sophia Polales, Miss
Carolyn Mishler. Miss Christine
Harada, Miss Joan Smith, Miss
Marcia Smith, Miss Florabelle
Gordon. The bride's table was set
with a pink cloth and flowers were
rose pink and white slock
For going away the bride wore
a navy blue and white knit suit
with navy accessories, pink coat
and white orchid corsage.
The couple will be at home at
2142 North Commercial.
BSG Events
Of Spring
Are Listed
It is to be a busy spring for Beta
Sigma Phi chapters in Salem. The
citv council, made up of represen
tatives of all four local chapters,
met Saturday evening, Mrs. Ellis
White being hostess to the group
at the home of her mother, .Mrs.
G. A. Ostrin.
The four chapters are to meet
for a joint program on Marcn i in j
the Credit Bureau offices, Mrs. i
James H. Turnbull, county educa-,
lion director for the American
Cancer society, to show a film.
Preceding the program there will j
be a business session at 7:30 p.m. j
The style show of the chapters!
will be April 2 at the Marion ho-j
tel. the fashions to be shown by j
Lipman and Wolfe company. Atj
the Saturday meeting, Mrs. Tom i
Deal announced an orchestra had i
been signed to play for the show 1
and said tickets for the event are
now on sale with all the Beta
Sigma Phi members.
On April 30 will be the ritual of,
jewels banquet for all four chap,
ters at the Marion hotel. Members
of Beta Sigma Phi chapters from
Corvallis, Albany and Lebanon
are invited to attend.
Next meeting for the council is
to be March 17 at the home of
Mrs. Roy Holbrook.
Lodge Event
Willamette encampment and la
dies encampment auxilitry met
for a no-host dinner Fridav night
at the IOOF Temple. Regular
lodge meeting followed.-
A highlight of the past month
was the presentation of a past
chief matriarch's jewel to Mrs.
Clarence Townsend by Miss Wilda
The refreshment committee .
named for March 5 includes Mrs.
William Gardner, Mrs. Ray Webb,
and Mrs. Lora Grones.
The encampment presented a
short program after the meeting.
Pledges at
WU Listed
WOODBURN The members of
the Women's Catholic Order of
Foresters of St. Luke's church will
meet Tuesday, Feb. 23. at the
home of Mrs. Clarence Hagcnauer
iir;i. i . . , , 1 oi W. Wl. illO. UCILK iVltUS Will
W inter term rushing ended on ! assistPMrs. Hagcnauer as hostess.
cat i7M invimiTc Ti...
new books for the library. Many j , ' Neighbors Carden dub met
were present from out of town in
eluding guests from Portland, Eu
gene, Oregon City, Salem and
A welcome to Ihe guests was
given by the president, Mrs. James
Lamb, followed by allegiance to
the flag, the invocation by Mrs.
Fred Rogers, and group singing,
with Mrs. Don Miller at the piano.
Several piano solos wero played
by Mrs. Miller, and a summary
of the library for the past year
was given by the librarian. Mrs.
Eslella Kerns.
Mrs. A. F. deLcspinasse gave j
last week at the home of Mrs. My
ron Butler.
The members answered roll
call by telling the name of the
town and state where they were
born and the different ones they
nave lived in since. Mrs. R. H
Parks told of a trip to Lebanon
when a group from the club sur
prised a former member, Mrs
Glen hie. On the trip were Mrs
Invitations are out from Miss
Echo Ycaler and Mrs. John M.
Williamson for a tea next Sun
day, February 28. at the home
of Miss Yealer, the affair to be
an "aloha" to Mrs. Mary Thorn-
. ,Z . ,, ,, m an impromptu talk. Mrs. Helen Crabenhorst. and the
.. ... j...n..M . . . iiiMiin .hi; linns Smith nf thp Pnrllnnrt snPAlcpr U'ns Mr. Anrnh Vohillr
Civic theater was the special guest i who talked on trees.
William Hall. Mrs. Carl Guslafson
Mrs. Darlene Coon and Mrs. A. A.
Larsen. Mrs. Darlcne Coon re
ported on the Salem Garden coun
cil meeting.
In charge of Ihe program was
Pythian Program
Sixty members and friends of
Central lodge No. 18, Knights of
Pythias, and Ccntralia temple No.
11, Pythian Sisters celebrated the
90th anniversary of the founding
of their order. A fl:30 no-host
dinner was at the Beaver hall on
Highlight of the evening was a
one-half hour radio program. The
program originated from Washing,
ton, I). C. Actor Itavmond Mas
sey gave the history of the Knights
oi rythias.
between 4 and o'clock. .Mrs.
Thomas and daughter. Susan.
have been in the Islands the past
three weeks.
Miss Louise Owens, who is at
tending Mills college for her
freshman year, has a lead part
in (he spring term play to be
given at the college. The play is
"Sir Fopling Flutter," a comedy
. . . Miss Owens expects to come
home for the college spring vaca
tion to visit her parents, the El
mer Worths . . .
Mrs. Wallace Hug was In Port
land for a few days the past
week as guest of Mrs. Frank
Owens, formerly of Salem . . .
Mrs. Owens invited Mrs. Hug and
other friends to he her guests at
the luncheon and stvle show
Sen. Robert C. llcndrickson nf ''" the Portland Yacht club.
New Jersey spoke on juvenile de.Vn? r ,h Rllcs,s bpi"K Jat
linquency. Speaking from I'orl-1 Bakrr of Seattle, friend of Mrs.
land were Art cteaum nml Wiiin "ll . . Cmdr. and Mrs. Hue
Gleason, grand secretary of the P""1 son !,rf nlrP '"r " lime aftr
Knights of Pythias. They intro- ,wo ''ar' in New York City,
cluced the little league baseball
team In Oregon.
Cmdr. Hug awaiting his assign
ment next month . . .
WOOIUU itN-Mrs. T. M. Bax
ter will lie hostess to members of
Supreme chancellor Sheldon Ho-
per of North Carolina introduced
the highway courtesv camnaien
ana announced Hie speech contest; 1,1 'ar s r.piscopal guild for Ihe
for high school students on "Motor 1 1:3 p.m. luncheon Tuesday at the
Manners and How to Promote 1 Kpiscopal parish hall.
Them.' Other speakers were Dale
Slump of Columbus, Ohio. II. H.
Shaw from Alberta, Canada, and
Governor Alan Shivers ol Texas.
Music during the program was
providrd by Freddy Martin and
his orchestra from Las Vegas,
Honored guests at the local
meeting were George lloll, past
grand chancellor from Vancouver.
Wash., and Don R. Judson, grand
chancellor of Oregon.
Insurance Group
Insurance Women's association
met last week at the Marion ho
tel Gold room, Valentines decorat
ing the dinner tables.
Dr. Reginald Parker of Willam
ette university law school was
speaker to discuss "Recent De
velopments In Negligence Law."
During the business session,
Mrs. , Sid Rising, program chair,
man. pamed a committee for the
March meeting which is to he a
carnival event. Mrs. G. B. Gadc
holt reported on the plans made
for the bosses breakfast In April.
MEETING this evening (Mon
day) is Salem unit of Oregon
State College Mothers club at the
home of Mrs. Richard A. Meyer,
944 Belmont, at 8 o'clock. Mrs.
James Hardy, Mrs. Arthur Woods
and Mrs. Kenneth Waters arc the
committee for the meeting. Mem
bers are asked to take articles for
Ihe country store sale. Mothers
of all OSC students and alumni
art invited to attend. i
and gave a dramatic reading
"Life With Mother" by Krausc
Tea was served in the library.
The lea table was covered with
a candy stripe cloth, centered
with violets and red candles in
Westmoreland milk glass holders
which were loaned to the club by
the May Furniture cbmpany. Pre
siding at the urns were Mrs. A.
K. Austin. Mrs. E. J. Allen. Mrs.
J. Melvin fiingo and Mrs. Alvah
G. Cowan. Colonial costumes worn
by many of the members added a
colorful touch to an interesting and
successful event. Decorations on
Ihe Colonial theme were arranged
about the club rooms and the li
brary. Post Meets
Mrs. Wilbur Wichman, Mrs.
Florence Cameron and Mrs.
Genevieve Bohse were appointed
on the nominating committee at
the Friday night meeting of Pio
neer Post No. 149, all woman
post. American Legion.
The 9th birthday of the post
was planned for March. A din
ner will be a feature event. April
10 was the tentative date set for
I the memorial tree planting proj
At Star Event
A Washington's day program
was presented at the meeting of
Trinity chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, Friday night at the West
Salem city building.
Special guests included Mrs.
Alice Learner and Clifford Jones,
worthy matron and patron of Na
omi chapter, Dallas; Miss Helen
Hughes, worthy matron. Adah
chapter. Independence.
Refreshments were served hv
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forster. Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred Wilson and Mr.
and Mrs. Merl Phillips.
Shower Given
Mrs. James A. Nickel was honor
guest for a shower and party giv
en Friday at the home of Mrs.
Gaylord F. Howard.
Feting Mrs. Nickel were Mrs.
Melvin Gilson, Mrs. Keilh Moses,
Mrs. Robert Purbrick, Mrs. Al
berto Sanchez, Mrs. Richard
the Willamette university campus
on Saturday night and 18 were
pledged to the four sororities.
The pledges are as follows:
Alpha Chi Omega, Misses Patri
cia Hosteller, Canhy; Lorraine
Kaija, Chehalis, Wash.; Carol
Kaufman, Salem; Catherine
Schwcrin, Portland; Jean Snow,
Milton-Frecwater; Eleanor Tay
lor, Sacramento, Calif.; and Mar
jorie Wilson, Hcbo;
Chi Omega, Misses Donna Mae
Sederstrom, Coos Bay; Shirley
Ulinder, Potlach. Idaho: and
Winifred Waltz, Forest Grove;
Delta Gamma, Misses Dollie
Cummings, Woodburn: Joanne
Jene, Donna Leonard, Milwaukic;
Arda Lien and Laurel Herr, Sa
lem; Pi Beta Phi, Misses Karen Jen
sen, Tillamook Penny Lilies,
Portland: and Gwcn Standi
fer, Bend.
WRC Meeting
Mrs. G. W. Walker was instal
led as treasurer of Sedgwick
group, Woman's Relief Corps.
No. 1, on Friday afternoon at a
business session.
The arrangements for the dis
trict No. 3 convention on March
19 were discussed. District No.
is composed of McMinnvillc.
Tillamook, Newbcrg.
Marion auxiliary, Veterans of
Foreign Wars, will serve the
convention luncheon.
Y-Teen Group
the Leslie Junior high ninth
grade, Y-Trcn group elected of
ficers this past week. Miss Ann
F'inley was elected president.
Other officers elected were
Miss Barbara Kuper, vice presi
dent Miss Marilyn Zellcr, secre
tary; Miss Nancy Ferguson, treas
urer: Miss Julie Robertson, ser-
geant-at-arms; Miss Jane Stien,
worship chairman.
The group gave a party on Sat
urday night at Lausanne hall on
the Willamette campus.
DAR Chapter at
Woodburn Meets
WOODBURN The regular meet
ing of Belle Passi chapter, Daugh
ters of the American Revolution,
started with a dessert at 1:30 p.m.
at the home of Mrs. H. F. Butter
field, Thursday.
Reports were given during the
meeting in preparation for the
conference to be at Salem, March
14. Mrs. Lester Keller, regent,
was called to Los Angeles Friday
on account of the illness of her
daughter and Mrs. Ray Baker,
vice president, will represent
Mrs. Keller at the conference.
Others who will attend are Mrs.
Tom DeArmond and Mrs. Drexel
All reports of committees were
made ready for the conference.
Material was furnished by Belle
Passi chapter for a report on the
Barlow trail expedition, received
from Ben Tull of Aurora, which
was broadcast from Corvallis re
It was voted to supply a DAR
marker for the grave of Mrs. G.
G. White. 1
It was also voted to send the
clothing recently contributed forj
a rummage sale to Ihe Celilo In-'
dians. The sale was cancelled.
During the program hour slides
were shown of the Washington, 1
D.C. continental buildings.
On account of the conference
the next meeting has been post-!
poncd from the regular date to!
March 2.i and will be at the home
of Mrs. Ray Baker when Mrs. i?a-!
kcr will give her report on the
Amaranth Event I
Four couples were guests for
the dancing and cards at the so
cial meeting of Hanna Rosa court, ;
Order of the Amaranth, on Satur-i
day night. j
Guests included Mr. and Mrs.
Irving Zcller. Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mc
Ray. Refreshments were served hv
Mr. and Mrs. I.ylc Saerc, chair-
MK Save Willi A 28
mW ANewBookon "3sm
zig zag slwing
RSJp1 Just Off the Press yj T" ?j
iffjr Only 1 00 While They Last t
ffife" We Also Have' a Better Thread for
Sit iff Zig Zag Sewing SijSj
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Gatke. Mrs. Jack High, Mrs. I.yle
Suitler. Mrs. Lewis Applington.
Mrs. Henry Otto. Mrs. Scott Fos- j men; Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Faught,
icr, ..irs. noy j.ocncnour. .Mrs. sir. and Mrs. Eugene Sheldon.
Phillip Schramm, Mrs. Jack Lee, Mrs. William Bradley and Mrs.
and the hostess. i Myrtle Walker.
& Exchange
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'v T 1 ;
Er $14450
Thonc for a free home demonstration or mi your
Listed hi joir trhi'hopc book otity under SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO.
Custom made Draperies
Miller's Furniture
fffl t
Make your home sing with the
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eries. let us sew and save for
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You choose the fab
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VVe guarantee expert
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Just Say "Charge lt"-Convenient Terms
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